Asking and Giving Directions

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Dialogue One: Asking and Giving Direction (By Subway) A: Excuse me. Can I trouble you for a moment?

B: Sure. Whats wrong? A: Im lost. Do you know how to get to the stadium? B: The easiest way to get there is probably by subway. Just take the Central Line to Broadway Station. Tranfer to the Green Line and get off at Harbour Station. If you go out exit number four, it should be right in front of you.
Dialogue 1: Who are A and B? What is wrong with A? Where does A go? What is the easiest way to get to the stadium? What must A do to get to the stadium?

Dialogue Two: Asking and Giving Direction (By Car) A: How do you get to your house in Lehi? B: Take I-15 south about 20 miles. After you cross the mountain, watch for the signs to Lehi. Take the first Lehi exit. When you get off the freeway, make a right turn at the stop sign. Follow the road (15th East) for five blocks. Make a left turn on Royal Drive. Continue on Royal Drive until you see the big oak tree. My house is on the left hand side. It's a two-story, red brick house with a large front yard. You can't miss it!
Dialogue 2: Where is he going? Why do you think he is going there? In which direction is he going to travel? Is his friends house near? How is he going there? What must he watch for? What is a freeway? How does the house look like? Does the house have one floor? What does the house have? On what side of the person will the house be? What must he look for on Royal Drive? What does drive mean in this dialogue? What does miss mean?

Dialogue Three: Asking and Giving Direction (On foot) - I A: Excuse me. Can you tell me the way to the church? B: No, Im sorry. I dont know. Im from out of town. A: (A minute later) Excuse me. Do you know where the church is? C: Sure. Its not far from here Walk straight ahead until you get to Main Street. Then A: Sorry to interrupt. How many blocks is that? C: Its about two or three blocks. Its the first traffic light you come to. When you get to Main Street, turn right and walk one block to Broadway. Then turn left and go half a block. A: Which side of the street is it on? C: Coming from this direction, it will be on your right side. Its in the middle of the block, next to Sweets Ice Cream Shop. You cant miss it. Do you want me to repeat any of that? A: No, thats okay. Ive got it. Thanks a lot. C: Youre welcome.
Dialogue 3: What is the man looking for? What does from out of town mean? Did the first pedestrian know where the church was? Who knew where the church was? What does interrupt mean? How many blocks is that? Which side of the street is it on coming from their direction? Is it at the end of block? What kind of shop is it next to? Did the pedestrian repeat the directions?

Dialogue Four: Asking and Giving Direction (On foot) - II A: (On the street corner) Excuse me, can you help me? I'm lost! B: Certainly, where would you like to go? A: I'd like to go to the museum, but I can't find it. Is it far? B: No, not really. It's about a 5 minute walk. A: Maybe I should call a taxi ... B: No, no. It's very easy. Really. (pointing) I can give you directions. A: Thank you. That's very kind of you. B: Not at all. ... Now, go along this street to the traffic lights. Do you see them? A: Yes, I can see them. B: Right, at the traffic lights, turn left into Queen Mary Avenue. A: Queen Mary Avenue. B: Right. Go straight on. Take the second left and enter Museum Drive. A: OK. Queen Mary Avenue, straight on and then the third left, Museum Drive. B: No, it's the SECOND left. A: Ah, right. The second street on my left. B: Right. Just follow Museum Drive and the museum is at the end of the road. A: Great. Thanks again for your help. B: Not at all.
Dialogue 4: What happened to the traveler? Where would the traveler like to go? Who did he ask for directions? Is the museum near? How far is the museum? What does the travel think he should do instead? What does the pedestrian recommend the traveler to do? On what road is the traveler located?

Dialogue Five: Asking and Giving Direction (On the phone) A: Hello Sae Mi! Its me Thomas. Sorry to bother you but where in Seoul can I get clothes at affordable prices? Im at Express Bus Terminal Station right now. B: WellI personally like going to Itaewon. I find the biggest variety there. From Express Bus Terminal Station go northbound on line three. Go up six stops and get off at Yaksu station. Transfer to line six and go westbound until you reach Itaewon Station.
Dialogue 5: Who is Saemi talking to? What city is Saemi in? What does bother mean? What does affordable mean? What does Saemi want to buy? Where is Saemi at the moment? Are A and B next to each other? Where does Thomas like to go personally? Why does he like to go to Itaewon? What does variety mean? On what line is Itaewon Station? Is there a direct train going to Itaewon Express Bus Terminal Station? Is Itaewon Sation northbound? How many stops is it from Express Bus Terminal Station to Yaksu station? Why must Saemi get off at Yaksu Station?

Dialogue Six: Hitch Hiking A: (Holding a Chicago sign) Are you going to Chicago? B: We're not going to Chicago, but we can take you to Indiana, down '69. A: Are you going through Kalamazoo? B: No sorry, not going through Kalamazoo. Elaine, give him 20

bucks. A: Oh, I couldn't take that. B: Time's are hard everywhere and we're not doing to well ourselves. You look like you could use it. A: You are gracious people, but I have enough to get where I'm going.
Dialogue 6: What do you call a person who tries to flag down a car to get a free ride? Who are A and B? Who do you think is Elaine? Where is this hitch hiker heading for? Where can the couple take the hitch hiker? Is the couple going through Kalamazoo? What does the driver want to give the hitch hiker? Why did the driver want to give the hitch hiker 20 bucks? What does times are hard mean? What kind of people is the couple? Did the hitch hiker take the money? Why not?

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