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National Aeronautics and

Space Administration

Glenn Research Center

2004 Implementation Plan
Center Director’s Message
The NASA Strategic Plan lays out our vision and strategies for forging
our future and supporting America by infusing new technology
and techniques that will improve the quality of life on Earth. As we
move to implement these strategies we unite our voices and efforts
in support of these endeavors as one team, One NASA.

In support of the NASA mission the Glenn Research Center joins

the rest of the NASA team in aligning our objectives and resources
in support of the implementation of the Agency strategies. This
Center Implementation Plan summarizes the current and potential
capabilities and activities at the Glenn Research Center, its key
processes, and actions the Center will take to support NASA
objectives. It provides an overall view of how the Center contributes
to achieving the Agency mission and the capabilities we bring to
support the team with expertise in areas uniquely suited to
developing the next generation of technologies that will enable
and facilitate future Agency endeavors.

Great challenges face NASA. Glenn, too, faces many challenges

but we are committed to continuous improvement and learning, to
managing our resources efficiently and effectively, and we are
committed to making cultural changes to ensure we can fulfill our
mission. We will pursue avenues to further strengthen our human
resources technical competencies and expand collaborations to
Julian M. Earls, Director
leverage capabilities across the Agency, industry, and academia.
We will also be actively looking for those areas where we are best
suited, by our expertise, to make the greatest impact and to construct
a framework for Glenn’s active contribution to our goals and

To successfully accomplish all these things, we at Glenn must not

only commit ourselves to implementing this plan, but also to
upholding NASA’s key values relating to safety, people, excellence,
and integrity. We also must commit ourselves to innovation and
continuous improvement so that we will always be an effective
and efficient provider of research, products, and services to NASA,
our Nation, and the world.
Table of Contents
Center Director’s Message 1

1 Introduction 7
1.1 Glenn Research Center in NASA’s Vision and Mission 8
1.2 Glenn Business Management System 8
1.3 Glenn Milestones and Metrics 8

2 Glenn Mission Areas Supporting NASA Themes 11

2.1 Aeropropulsion 14
2.1.1 Ultra-Efficient Engine Technology 14
2.1.2 Low Emissions Alternative Power 14
2.1.3 Quiet Aircraft Technology 15
2.1.4 Aviation Safety and Security Technology 15
2.1.5 Weather Safety Technology 16
2.1.6 Propulsion Research and Technology 16
2.1.7 Turbine-Based Combined-Cycle Revolutionary Turbine Accelerator 16
2.1.8 Rocket-Based Combined-Cycle Tests 17
2.1.9 Engineering for Complex Systems 17
2.1.10 Computing, Networking, and Information Systems 18

2.2 Aerospace Power 18

2.2.1 Energetics 18
2.2.2 Project Prometheus 18
2.2.3 International Space Station 19
2.2.4 Space Transportation 19
2.2.5 Low Emissions Alternative Power 19

2.3 Microgravity 19
2.3.1 Fluids and Combustion Facility 20

2.4 Space Propulsion 20

2.4.1 In-Space Propulsion 20
2.4.2 Energetics 21
2.4.3 Project Prometheus 21

2.5 Aerospace Communications 21

2.5.1 Space Communications 22
2.5.2 Spectrum Management 22
2.5.3 Digital Airspace Infrastructure Technologies and Architecture 22

3 Glenn Core Competencies 25

3.1 Technology Competencies 26
3.2 Science Competencies 26
3.3 Education Competencies 27
3.4 Glenn Core Facilities 27

4 Glenn Strategic Capabilities and Plans for the Future 31

4.1 Glenn Support of the Aerospace Technology Enterprise 31
4.2 Glenn Support of Other NASA Enterprises 32
4.3 Glenn Support of NASA’s Human Capital Strategies 33
4.4 Glenn Support of NASA’s Real Property Strategies 34

5 Glenn Key Process Alignment to NASA Implementing Strategies 39

1 Introduction
The Government Performance and Results Act
(GPRA) of 1993 requires agencies to conduct
long-term strategic planning, measure program
outcomes, and be accountable for achieving
program results. Accordingly, NASA has
developed a Strategic Plan that articulates its
activities, goals, customers, and methods for
successfully accomplishing its mission.

The diagram below shows that the elements

of the NASA Strategic Plan and Annual
Performance Plan cascade to this NASA Glenn
Center Implementation Plan and subsequently
to program plans and individual employee
performance plans.

Linkage to Strategic Management Process

Glenn Research Center

2004 Implementation Plan 7
1.1 Glenn Research Center in NASA’s Vision Stakeholders
and Mission Primary Inputs and Outputs
The NASA Vision and Mission communicate
Strategic Enabling
simply, but powerfully, our mandate in the Management Services
21st century:
Program/Project Management
NASA Vision

To improve life here, Science, Research,
and Technology
To extend life to there,
To find life beyond. Knowledge and
Technology Transfer

NASA Mission
To understand and protect our
home planet
To explore the Universe and search for
To inspire the next generation of 1.3 Glenn Milestones and Metrics
explorers Glenn uses both milestones and metrics to
assess and document the effectiveness and
. . . as only NASA can efficiency of its processes.

Glenn Mission Milestones

As a diverse team working in partnership with Milestones are discrete events relating to the
government, industry, and academia to accomplishment of a Glenn mission, program,
increase national wealth, safety, and security, project, or process—such as delivery of a
protect the environment, and explore the product, provision of a service, or development
universe, we develop and transfer critical of a technology. Because milestones occur only
technologies that address national priorities once, they cannot be trended except in an
through research, technology development, aggregate sense.
and systems development for safe and reliable
aeronautics, aerospace, and space applications. All Glenn Level 1 and most Level 2 Program
milestones are set forth in the Milestones and
Metrics insert to this Plan. Other significant
1.2 Glenn Business Management System nonprogram milestones are also set forth in
All work at Glenn is managed, implemented, that insert.
and evaluated in accordance with
documented procedures in its Business Metrics
Management System (BMS). Glenn’s BMS is Metrics are measures or indicators of
certified to the ISO 9001:2000 international performance that are quantifiable, have specific
quality management system standard. The goals or targets (ideally with “goodness” readily
BMS is organized around Glenn’s five key apparent), and can be trended. Metrics may
processes: Strategic Management; Enabling measure or indicate effectiveness (such as
Services; Program and Project Management; customer satisfaction) or efficiency (such as
Science, Research, and Technology; and how economically an activity was performed).
Knowledge and Technology Transfer. The Both effectiveness and efficiency metrics are
effectiveness and efficiency of these five key important to understanding and improving the
processes are regularly assessed to ensure health of an organization. Glenn’s key metrics
Glenn is continually improving and are set forth in the Milestones and Metrics insert
innovating so that it will have quality to this plan.
products, excellent services, and satisfied

Glenn Research Center

8 2004 Implementation Plan
Glenn Mission

2 Areas Supporting
NASA Themes
Glenn Mission Areas
2 Supporting NASA
Under the One NASA philosophy, NASA
centers work together as a team for common
goals. NASA has developed a single set of
objectives supporting Agency goals and core
missions. This approach better integrates all
Agency Enterprises into a single vision.

Each of NASA’s six Enterprises is associated

with one or more Themes:

Space Science
Solar System Exploration
Mars Exploration
Astronomical Search for Origins
Structure and Evolution of the Universe
Sun-Earth Connection

Earth Science
Earth System Science
Earth Science Applications

Biological and Physical Research

Biological Sciences Research
Physical Sciences Research
Research Partnerships and Flight Support

Aerospace Technology
Aeronautics Technology
Space Launch Initiative
Mission and Science Measurement Technology
Innovative Technology Transfer Partnerships

Education Programs

Space Flight
International Space Station
Space Shuttle Program
Space and Flight Support

Glenn’s role within this Agency organization

is illustrated in the two charts on pages 12
and 13: Glenn Alignment with the NASA
Strategic Plan, and NASA Goal and Glenn
Fiscal Year 2004 Project and Mission Area

Glenn Research Center

2004 Implementation Plan 11
Glenn Alignment Space Earth Biological and Aero- Edu- Space Aerospace
With the NASA Strategic Plan Science Science Physical Research space cation Flight Technology


Glenn Research Center

12 2004 Implementation Plan

Solar System Exploration

Mars Exploration Program
Astronomical Search for Origins
Structure and Evolution of the
Sun-Earth Connection
Earth System Science
Earth Science Applications
Biological Sciences Research
Physical Sciences Research
Research Partnerships and
Flight Support
Aeronautics Technology
Education Programs
International Space Station
Space Shuttle Program
Space and Flight Support
Space Launch Initiative
Mission and Science
Measurement Technology
Innovative Technology Transfer

Understand Earth's system and apply Earth system

1 science to improve the prediction of climate, weather,
Understand and natural hazards.
Enable a safer, more secure, efficient, and
protect our 2 environmentally friendly air transportation system.
home Create a more secure world and improve the quality
planet 3 of life by investing in technologies and collaborating
with other agencies, industry, and academia.
Explore the fundamental principles of physics,
Explore 4 chemistry, and biology through research in the
the universe unique natural laboratory of space.
and search Explore the solar system and the universe beyond,
5 understand the origin and evolution of life, and
for life search for evidence of life elsewhere.
Inspire Inspire and motivate students to pursue careers in
6 science, technology, engineering, and mathematics.
the next
generation of Engage the public in shaping and sharing the
explorers 7 experience of exploration and discovery.

Ensure the provision of space access, and improve

8 it by increasing safety, reliability, and affordability.
Extend the duration and boundaries of human space
9 flight to create new opportunities for exploration
and discovery.
Enable revolutionary capabilities through new
10 technology.

NASA primary NASA supporting Glenn primary Glenn supporting

Gray goal shades relate to the Glenn Mission Areas and Projects on the following chart.
contribution contribution contribution contribution
NASA Goal and Glenn Fiscal Year 2004 Project and Mission Area Alignment
Goal NASA NASA Theme Objective NASA Glenn Projects Glenn
Number Goal Enterprise Number Objective and Tasks Mission Area
Decrease the fatal accident rate, reduce
the vulnerability of the air transportation • Aviation safety and security
2.1 system to hostile threats, and mitigate the technology
Enable a safer, more secure, consequences of accidents and hostile • Weather safety technology
efficient, and environmentally Aerospace acts.
2 AT Aeropropulsion
friendly air transportation Technology Protect local and global environmental • Low Emissions Alternative Power
system. 2.2 quality by reducing aircraft noise and • Ultra-Efficient Engine Technology
emissions. • Quiet Aircraft Technology
Enable more people and goods to travel • Digital airspace infrastructure Aerospace
faster and farther, with fewer delays. technologies and architecture Communications
Resolve scientific issues in the low-gravity
Create a more secure world and
Biological environment of space that enrich life on
improve the quality of life by (Fundamental microgravity research)
3 and Physical PSR 3.3 Earth by leading to better design tools in Microgravity
investing in technologies and
Research energy, materials, medical, and
collaborating with other agencies.
communication technologies.
Explore the fundamental principles Expand understanding of fundamental
of physics, chemistry, and biology physical processes and insight into the • Fluids and Combustion Facility
4 and Physical PSR 4.2 Microgravity
through research in the unique laws of nature through space-based • ISS research projects
natural laboratory of space. investigation.
Explore the solar system and the
universe beyond, understand the • Project Prometheus Aerospace Power
Space Learn how the solar system originated
5 origin and evolution of life, and SSE 5.1
Science and evolved to its current diverse state.
search for evidence of life • In-Space Propulsion Space Propulsion
• Propulsion Research and
Ensure the provision of space • Turbine-based combined-cycle
Improve the safety, affordability, and propulsion Revolutionary Turbine
access and improve it by Aerospace
8 SLI 8.2 reliability of future space transportation Accelerator Aeropropulsion
increasing safety, reliability, and Technology
systems. • Rocket-based combined-cycle
Integrated System Test

Glenn Research Center

• Space transportation

2004 Implementation Plan 13

Space Flight ISS • International Space Station Aerospace Power
• Energetics Aerospace Power
• Engineering for Complex Systems
Create system concepts and demonstrate • Computing, networking, and Aeropropulsion
Enable revolutionary capabilities Aerospace
10 MSM 10.2 technologies that will enable new science information systems
through new technology. Technology
measurements and scientific missions.
• Space communications Aerospace
• Spectrum Management Communications
2.1 Aeropropulsion materials, structures, internal fluid mechanics,
NASA Themes and Goals: Aeronautics instrumentation, controls, and systems.
Technology, Goal 2; Space Launch Initiative, Aeropropulsion encompasses turbine engines,
Goal 8; and Mission and Science Measurement all varieties of intermittent combustion engines,
Technology, Goal 10 electric engines, hybrid engines, and all other
types of engines applicable to future
Aeropropulsion Vision generations of air and space vehicle systems.
Glenn continues to be the world leader in
aeropropulsion research and technology. This
leadership will foster a series of technological 2.1.1 Ultra-Efficient Engine Technology
revolutions early in the 21st century to produce Aeronautics Technology, Goal 2
propulsion systems that are intelligent, whisper
quiet, clean and lean with near-zero emissions, Glenn has responsibility for the Ultra-Efficient
and structurally integral to the vehicle. These Engine Technology (UEET) Project, which is
revolutionary propulsion systems will be based a key project within the Vehicle Systems
upon innovative cycle concepts and Program. UEET will develop, validate, and
breakthroughs in new technologies such as transfer revolutionary propulsion technologies
high-temperature nanomaterials, nanodevices, that will enable future generations of aerospace
and computational intelligence. They will vehicles. These technologies will be applicable
enable 21st-century vehicle systems to blend across the speed range from subsonic to
into the environment, inspiring new pioneers hypersonic, with the emphasis on turbine-
for air and air-to-space travel. based systems.

Aeropropulsion Mission The UEET Project will address local air quality
Develop, verify, and transfer air-breathing concerns, long-term aviation growth, and
propulsion technology for subsonic, aviation’s impact on world climate by providing
supersonic, hypersonic, general aviation, and technology to dramatically increase fuel
high-performance aircraft and rotorcraft. efficiency while reducing CO 2 and NOx
Relative to this mission, Glenn conducts emissions. UEET will also develop technology
fundamental research in propulsion-related to avoid impacting the ozone layer during
aircraft cruise operations. This research will
lead to future projects, including engine system
test demonstrators accomplished in partnership
with other Government agencies and industry.
Technologies developed by the UEET Project
will likely be transferred to other programs
and projects, such as Advanced Space
Transportation and Quiet Aircraft Technology.

2.1.2 Low Emissions Alternative Power

Aeronautics Technology, Goal 2

Low Emissions Alternative Power (LEAP) is a

new advanced technology project under the
Vehicle Systems Program of the Aeronautics
Technology Theme. It is the cornerstone effort
in the aeronautics business line of New Aircraft
Energy Sources and Management. This project
is founded on solid high-potential technology
efforts explored in the Propulsion and Power
(P&P) Program. It focuses on (1) discovering
Low Emissions Alternative Power new energy sources and developing

Glenn Research Center

14 2004 Implementation Plan
unconventional engines and power systems reduction, Glenn will per form rig
that are directed towards greatly reduced demonstration of trailing-edge ejection from
emissions, and (2) enabling new vehicle the fan blade to eliminate rotor wakes and
concepts for public mobility, new science reduce fan noise. Glenn is also performing
missions, and national security. The LEAP rig testing of advanced active control concepts
Project produces demonstrations, through for fan noise reduction.
integrated ground tests, of a constant-volume
combustor in an engine system and an
uninhabited aerial vehicle (UAV) and small
transport aircraft all-electric power system.
LEAP consists of technology development and
demonstration efforts that mature technology
through a Technology Readiness Level of 6
(TRL 6) corresponding to “system/subsystem
model or prototype demonstrated/validated in
a relevant environment.” Beyond the LEAP
Project, the long-term vision for project
planning includes a follow-on LEAP Flight
Systems Demonstration Project and a follow- Quiet Aircraft Technology
on advanced technology development project
(Alternative Energy Systems), both of which
are anticipated to start in fiscal year 2009
2.1.4 Aviation Safety and Security Technology
Aeronautics Technology, Goal 2
2.1.3 Quiet Aircraft Technology
Aeronautics Technology, Goal 2 The objective of Glenn activities in Aviation
Safety and Security is to develop and advance
The Quiet Aircraft Technology (QAT) Program technologies that will reduce the aircraft fatal
will develop technology to directly improve accident rate, mitigate the impact of accidents,
the quality of life for U.S. citizens by reducing and mitigate consequences to the aircraft from
the public’s exposure to aircraft noise. Glenn an intentional attack. NASA is researching
is responsible for the QAT Engine System technologies with a long-term development
Noise Reduction Project, which will provide horizon to address all aspects of the aviation
the analytical tools to predict engine noise and industry, including commercial, business, and
the technologies to reduce it. general aviation. These products are intended
for the next-generation system; however,
The goals of the Engine System Noise issues such as retrofitting, certification, system
Reduction Project are based on NASA’s implementation, and cost benefits will be
Aerospace Technology Enterprise goals. This considered during the technology
would require reductions of 4 dB in engine development process. Glenn research includes
fan and jet noise relative to current state-of- hardened and security-enhanced aircraft
the-art engine noise reduction technologies. networks and data links; remote monitoring
The primary goal of the Engine System Noise of the aircraft environment and systems;
Reduction Project is therefore to develop the propulsion safety research, including
technologies to reduce both fan and jet noise propulsion systems health management,
by 4 dB, and to demonstrate these adaptive propulsion control systems, and
technologies through engine tests (TRL 6) by ultrasafe engine technologies that will enable
2007. us to predict, detect, prevent, and compensate
for significant propulsion malfunctions or
For jet noise reduction, Glenn is investigating damage; and fire prevention, including fuels
technologies such as chevrons in nozzles and and sensor research and commercial aircraft
pulsed injection concepts. For fan noise fuel tank inerting.

Glenn Research Center

2004 Implementation Plan 15
2.1.5 Weather Safety Technology and scramjets. The project also performs basic
Aeronautics Technology, Goal 2 academic research on the problems of air-
breathing hypersonic propulsion for access to
The Weather Safety Technology Project is space. The project is implemented with
under the Aviation Safety and Security participation from industry, academia, the
Program. The overall project objective is to Department of Defense (DOD), and several
improve safety operations and reduce the NASA centers. The academic research is
incidence of aircraft accidents relating to icing, implemented through two Hypersonics
turbulence, and other adverse weather-related University Research and Engineering
conditions. These adverse conditions can be Technology Institutes (URETIs), for which
mitigated by the availability of timely, intuitive PR&T is the host project. These URETIs cover
weather information in the cockpit, mitigation topics from propulsion, design, and airframe
technologies and analysis tools, and innovative structure and materials to aerosciences and
education and training aids. The technologies education. An interagency agreement provides
arising from this project will reduce the role for DOD collaboration within the URETIs.
of atmospheric conditions in aviation fatal Component technologies addressed by PR&T
accidents, incidents, and injuries. This project include seals, instrumentation, high-
will develop aviation weather information and temperature bearings, inlets, cooled structural
digital communications systems; turbulence panels, rotating structures such as high-
detection systems; tools for design, temperature compressor disks, and large static
certification, and qualification of aircraft structures such as propulsion flow path panels.
systems; icing detection and protection Engineering capabilities development includes
systems; icing educational and training aids; ram combustion physics, integrated thermal
and atmospheric hazard avoidance and balance, materials capabilities in ceramics and
mitigation methods. metallics, and environments prediction. The
key challenges include the extreme
environments generated by hypersonic flight,
the wide operating ranges needed in
components, access-to-space component
performance and life requirements (greater
than 100 missions, which is unprecedented for
access-to-space propulsion), and orders-of-
magnitude improvements in reliability and
safety. PR&T will use many methods of
technology maturation, including developing
test articles to be integrated in the ground-
based propulsion test beds (for example, the
Icing research turbine-based combined-cycle Revolutionary
Turbine Accelerator, and the rocket-based
combined-cycle Integrated System Test of an
Air-Breathing Rocket) and test flights.
2.1.6 Propulsion Research and Technology
Space Launch Initiative, Goals 3 and 8
2.1.7 Turbine-Based Combined-Cycle
Propulsion Research and Technology (PR&T) Revolutionary Turbine Accelerator
develops rotating components and seals, flow Space Launch Initiative, Goals 3 and 8
path components, and engineering capabilities
to enable the operational characteristics The turbine-based combined-cycle
required for future space launch propulsion Revolutionary Turbine Accelerator (TBCC RTA)
systems that utilize air breathing for part of project will develop and demonstrate the
their mission duty cycle. The propulsion necessary technologies for a turbine-based
systems using these technologies include propulsion system for access to space. It is
turbine-based systems, rocket-based systems, being implemented with participation from

Glenn Research Center

16 2004 Implementation Plan
industry, academia, DOD, and several NASA Hypersonics Test Facility (HTF) at Glenn’s
centers. The TBCC RTA project consists of Plum Brook Station in Sandusky. This testing
three major elements: development and testing will provide development and
of a ground-based turbine accelerator characterization of the combustor for the
demonstrator engine; concept definition of a ground testbed RBCC flow path. The second
subscale TBCC propulsion system (turbine activity is to test a scale-model heat-sink flow
accelerator with dual-mode scramjet for a path in free-jet mode at the HTF. This testing
reusable, combined-cycle flight demonstrator will verify and validate the RBCC
(RCCFD) flight test); and concept definition performance. The third activity is to test a
and analysis of visionary turbine-based scale-model partially actively cooled engine
propulsion systems. at the HTF. This test will validate critical
characteristics for flightlike components. The
The midscale (approximate diameter of 100 three sets of test activities will be conducted
cm) effort will be aimed at identifying and at multiple operating points representing the
mitigating the issues surrounding development range of conditions over which the ISTAR is
of a large turbine accelerator and will designed to operate (subsonic to mach 7).
incorporate advanced technologies as they
mature. The subscale effort will be primarily
aimed at addressing issues with integrating 2.1.9 Engineering for Complex Systems
RTA propulsion systems into high-mach flight Mission and Science Measurement, Goal 10
vehicles. The concept studies are aimed at
identifying the performance specifications for The Engineering for Complex Systems (ECS)
both demonstrator and visionary vehicles and vision is to achieve ultrahigh levels of safety
investments in enabling technologies specific and mission success by fundamentally
to RTA and TBCC propulsion systems. The advancing NASA’s system life cycle approach
Next Generation Launch Technology (NGLT) through the infusion of advanced
Program is pursuing candidate vehicle and technologies. Within the resilient systems
propulsion systems in support of NASA’s and operations (RSO) area, Glenn’s work
endeavor to reduce the cost and improve the will develop and mature integrated engine
safety of space flight, and incorporate airline- systems for performance optimization
like operations. The combined-cycle throughout the engine’s life. Specifically, this
propulsion system allows for the maximum work includes adaptive propulsion control
propulsive efficiency over a wide mach algorithms, diagnostics, and prognostics
operating range. The RTA takes advantage of technologies that will enable autonomous
the high propulsive efficiency of a turbine operation of the propulsion systems based
propulsion system at lower mach numbers, o n c o m m a n d s g e n e r a t e d f ro m a n
combining it with the higher efficiency of a autonomous flight control or vehicle
dual-mode scramjet (DMSJ) at mach 4 and

2.1.8 Rocket-Based Combined-Cycle Tests

Space Launch Initiative, Goals 3 and 8

Glenn Research Center supports the rocket-

based combined-cycle (RBCC) Integrated
System Test of an Air-breathing Rocket
(ISTAR) project by conducting most of the
major testing within the project. Glenn
performs three key testing activities. The first
involves the Direct Connect Combustion Rig
(DCCR). Glenn will design and build the
DCCR test article and conduct testing at the Revolutionary Turbine Accelerator

Glenn Research Center

2004 Implementation Plan 17
management system. Glenn’s support of the instrumentation technologies that are critical
system reasoning for risk management to enhancing the safety, reliability, and
(SRRM) area builds on established Glenn operability of aircraft propulsion systems.
probabilistic physics-based risk tools (PRTs)
developed for structural analysis. These tools
will be extended to systems engineering 2.2 Aerospace Power
analyses that are required from the earliest NASA Themes and Goals: Solar System
conceptual design stages through the Exploration, Goal 5; Aeronautics Technology,
operational decisionmaking phases of Goals 2 and 10; International Space Station,
projects. The application of PRTs enables Goal 8; Space and Flight Support, Goal 8; and
higher performance conceptual designs with Space Launch Initiative, Goal 8
lower cost, and more informed operational
decisions. Aerospace Power Vision
NASA Glenn develops power system
technology breakthroughs that expand NASA’s
horizon of discovery and revolutionize the
aerospace industry.

Aerospace Power Mission

Develop aerospace power technologies that
enable future NASA missions and transfer these
technologies to industry. This mission is
accomplished by a well-balanced combination
of in-house research, design, testing, and
evaluation, as well as through key partnerships
Piloted evaluation station used to evaluate turbofan and cooperation with other NASA centers,
engine control and diagnostics algorithms other Government agencies, universities, and
industry. In addition, Glenn provides expert
technologist expertise to NASA activities in
2.1.10 Computing, Networking, and Information aerospace power.
Mission and Science Measurement, Goal 10
2.2.1 Energetics
Within the Computing, Information, and Solar System Exploration, Goal 5
Communication Technologies Program, the
Computing, Networking, and Information Glenn’s Energetics Project develops advanced
S y s t e m s ( C N I S ) P ro j e c t p i o n e e r s t h e power and propulsion technologies to enable
development and integrated access of lower cost missions with increased capabilities
computing platforms and information and extend mission reach beyond current
systems. Supporting this goal, the objective horizons. Under the Advanced Energy Systems
of Glenn CNIS work is to build a plug-n- portion of the project, technology
play infrastructure that provides Grand developments include solar power generation,
Challenge applications with a suite of tools energy storage and conversion, and power
for coupling codes together, numerical management and distribution. In addition,
zooming between fidelity of codes, and under the Advanced Propulsion portion of the
deployment of these simulations onto Energetics Project, Glenn is developing
heterogeneous computing resources advanced electrical and chemical spacecraft
available within the information power grid. propulsion technologies.
Within the Information Technology Strategic
Research (ITSR) Project of CICT, Glenn
focuses on integrated controls and 2.2.2 Project Prometheus (formerly the Nuclear
diagnostics to develop and validate advanced Systems Initiative)
control systems, health monitoring, and Solar System Exploration, Goal 5

Glenn Research Center

18 2004 Implementation Plan
Glenn supports Project Prometheus’ three
primary elements (radioisotope power systems
development, nuclear propulsion research,
and the Jupiter Icy Moon Orbiter (JIMO)
mission). Under the Space Propulsion mission
area, Glenn provides technical support for
overall project management, systems, and
mission analysis to guide technology and
research investments, and leading-edge
research in electric propulsion technologies
to enable the utilization of nuclear power for
expanded and comprehensive scientific
exploration of the solar system.

2.2.3 International Space Station

International Space Station, Goal 8

The Glenn International Space Station (ISS)

program area comprises tasks performed in Prometheus spacecraft concept
support of station design, construction, and
operation. The ISS program area utilizes Glenn
core skills and competencies in power, Orbital Space Plane
propulsion, and related technologies. The Glenn provides technical expertise supporting
Glenn ISS tasks range from hardware and the spacecraft element of the Agency’s Orbital
software development and on-call support of Space Plane (OSP) Program. This includes
assembly missions to critical analysis (before expertise in thermal protection, seals,
and after space shuttle-ISS assembly flights) propulsion, communication, tracking,
of the ISS electrical power system. mechanisms; electrical power systems, and
integrated health management. Glenn also
supports the OSP Program Office through the
2.2.4 Space Transportation acquisition process, evaluating proposals in
Space Launch Initiative, Goals 3 and 8 our areas of expertise and providing insight
to the Program Integration Office. The overall
Vehicle Subsystems goal of the Glenn effort is to provide support
Glenn manages the Vehicle Subsystems Project and expertise to ensure a successful OSP.
for the Agency’s Next Generation Launch
Technology (NGLT) Program. The project
includes technology development of advanced 2.2.5 Low Emissions Alternative Power
power systems, electric actuators, health Aeronautics Technology, Goal 2
management technology, and avionics. The
power element addresses a variety of See the Aeropropulsion mission area for
components, including the Glenn-led proton information on power systems development
exchange membrane (PEM) fuel cells for in support of the Low Emission Alternative
launch vehicle application and contracted Power Project.
activities for advanced batteries,
ultracapacitors, and turbine power units. The
overall project goal is to enable highly safe 2.3 Microgravity
and reliable, lower cost, operationally NASA Themes and Goals: Physical Sciences
responsive launch vehicles through technology Research, Goals 3, 4, and 9
such as “all-electric” actuation, eliminating the
cost, maintenance, and tendency to failure of Microgravity Vision
hydraulic actuation systems. Glenn microgravity research is recognized

Glenn Research Center

2004 Implementation Plan 19
worldwide for inspiring and enabling a quality and quantity of research capabilities
growing array of high-value scientific and in combustion science, fluid physics, and other
technological advancements through Glenn’s disciplines. The FCF is a system of on-orbit
unique capabilities in reduced-gravity and and ground hardware and software, including
interdisciplinary research. Glenn microgravity- two powered racks for combustion and fluid
enabled research will be critical to the physics research. It will provide advanced
achievements of a broad-based spectrum of telescience capabilities to allow researchers to
international scientists, technologists, and operate their experiments interactively, as
educators from academia, industry, and though working in their own laboratory. Each
government; Glenn-supported microgravity investigation can be customized with a small
research will be pivotal to the development amount of equipment that can be easily
of advanced technology to enable future space installed by the ISS crew. The FCF is adaptable
missions; and research supported or conducted and modular so that it can be upgraded as
by Glenn will be sought by industry to provide needed. The facility will accommodate 10 to
new products and services that benefit the 30 combustion and fluid physics experiments
American public and others worldwide. each year of its 10-year lifetime.

Microgravity Mission
Promote and enable the use of the microgravity 2.4 Space Propulsion
environment for the advancement of scientific NASA Themes and Goals: Solar System
and technological knowledge, and expand the Exploration, Goal 5; Aeronautics Technology,
application of that knowledge to the widest Goal 10
possible benefits, both in future space missions
and increased national wealth, health, safety, Space Propulsion Vision
and security. Engage the national research NASA Glenn develops space propulsion system
community by fostering synergistic and creative technology breakthroughs that expand NASA’s
microgravity research proposals by academic, horizon of discovery and revolutionize the
governmental, and industrial researchers and aerospace industry.
technologists. Develop ground-based and flight
facilities and diagnostic capabilities to support Space Propulsion Mission
peer-reviewed and selected investigations. Develop propulsion technologies to enable
future NASA missions and transfer these
technologies to industry. The mission is
accomplished by a well-balanced combination
of in-house research, design, testing, and
evaluation, as well as through key partnerships.
In addition, Glenn provides expert technologist
Image of ethylene flames burning in 1 atm pressure expertise to NASA to complete activities in
in microgravity subject to different dc voltages space propulsion.
between the two electrodes (voltage of the outer
electrode with respect to the inner electrode).
2.4.1 In-Space Propulsion
Solar System Exploration, Goal 5

2.3.1 Fluids and Combustion Facility The In-Space Propulsion Program researches
Physical Sciences Research, Goal 4 and develops transportation technologies for
orbital transfer missions and solar system
The Fluids and Combustion Facility (FCF) is a exploration. It is managed by the Office of
key project enabling NASA’s Biological and Space Science and implemented by the
Physical Research Enterprise to conduct Marshall Space Flight Center. Glenn performs
scientific investigations on the International research on technology to improve travel in
Space Station (ISS). It will be deployed on the and beyond low Earth orbit, including electric
ISS in 2005 and will mark a new era in the propulsion systems, cryogenic fluid

Glenn Research Center

20 2004 Implementation Plan
management systems, lightweight compo-
nents, and system and mission analysis.
Technologies being developed by Glenn will
enable future NASA missions, decrease trip
times, and reduce the weight of the propulsion
systems required for travel throughout our
solar system. The NASA Evolutionary Xenon
Thruster (NEXT) being developed at Glenn is
a major component of the Space Propulsion
mission area support to the In-Space
Propulsion Program. This new electric thruster
will significantly improve on the state-of-the-
art ion thruster previously flown on the Deep
Space 1 mission.

2.4.2 Energetics
Aeronautics Technology, Goal 10

See the Aerospace Power mission area for

information on advanced propulsion
technology development in support of the
Energetics Project.

2.4.3 Project Prometheus (formerly the Nuclear

Systems Initiative
Solar System Exploration, Goal 5

See the Aerospace Power mission area for

information on the advanced propulsion
technology developments in support of the
Project Prometheus Program. NEXT project 40-cm ion thruster

communications, navigation, and surveillance

2.5 Aerospace Communications systems to provide a revolutionary ground-
NASA Themes and Goals: Mission and Science air-space network for full interconnectivity
Measurement, Goal 10; and Aeronautics between all users.
Technology, Goal 2
Aerospace Communications Mission
Aerospace Communications Vision Develop, verify, and transfer systems and
Glenn’s vision for aerospace communications technologies to transform the National
in the 21st century is to enable the Airspace System and enable future space
interconnection of aircraft and spacecraft with visions. Glenn provides communication and
the seamless ease that is observed today on network architectures, systems modeling, and
the terrestrial Internet. This vision will enable enabling technologies for global
NASA mission managers and researchers to communications network connectivity, and
interact with multiple spacecraft to collect integrated communications, navigation,
knowledge on complex physical phenomena surveillance, and weather information. Glenn
that affect our planet. It will transform the develops and infuses technologies for the next
Nation’s current 1960’s voice-dominated, generation of NASA space missions to enable
legacy-based air transportation system into a broad, continuous presence and coverage
21st-century global system that will integrate through increased data capability and

Glenn Research Center

2004 Implementation Plan 21
enhanced connectivity between ground, air, authority to operate pertinent
and space-based assets. telecommunications systems and spectrum-
dependent devices associated with
programmatic activities.
2.5.1 Space Communications
Mission and Science Measurement, Goal 10 NASA’s spectrum management mandate lies
in two complementary arenas to ensure the
Glenn manages the Level 2 Space continued availability of sufficient spectrum
Communications Project in the Computer and orbital resources to facilitate Agency flight
Information Communication Technology and administrative programs. The two arenas
(CICT) Program for the Aerospace are involvement in International
Te c h n o l o g y E n t e r p r i s e . T h e S p a c e Telecommunications Union treaty-based
Communications Project meets the CICT and activities such as the World Radio Conferences,
Mission Science and Measurement Theme which deal with spectrum allocations, radio
objectives by providing new communication regulations, and technical operating standards;
and information technology breakthroughs and the official proceedings of the
that will enable broad coverage, increased Interdepartmental Radio Advisory Committee,
presence, and high-rate data delivery, which is charged with setting National Federal
thereby establishing a virtual presence Spectrum Policy.
throughout the solar system.

The goals of Glenn space communications 2.5.3 Digital Airspace Infrastructure Technologies
research are to develop innovative and Architecture
technology products for space data delivery Aeronautics Technology, Goal 2
that enable high data rates and broad
coverage; Internet-like data access that will Under the Airspace Systems Program within
vastly expand the reach of Earth and space the Office of Aerospace Technology, Glenn
science in observable phenomena, physical manages the Digital Airspace Infrastructure
space and time, and information richness; Technologies and Architecture (DAITA) Project.
and distributed communication architectures, The goal of the DAITA Project is to initiate the
networks, and communications technologies transition of today’s communications,
to provide broad coverage and intelligent- navigation, and surveillance (CNS) systems into
based real-time data delivery from air, Earth, a high-performance network-enabled digital
and space, to obtain and distribute infrastructure to support the transformation of
information directly to the user. the National Airspace System.

The DAITA Project objectives are to create a

2.5.2 Spectrum Management blueprint for a high-performance integrated
Mission and Science Measurement, Goal 10 CNS system; define the global network
architecture for the digital airspace; develop
Glenn oversees NASA’s Spectrum Management an approach for aviation spectrum utilization
Program. The primary role of the program, in and global support spectrum allocations;
addition to supporting housekeeping enable efficient oceanic and remote operations
functions, is to secure the radiofrequency and through improved communications and
orbital resources that are required for execution surveillance capability; increase air-ground data
of all flight missions. NASA’s Office of Space link performance and capacity for terminal and
Flight, through its agent, the Glenn Research en route operations; and improve airport
Center, is responsible for coordinating Agency surface operations via an integrated wireless
spectrum requirements and maintaining an CNS network. The project tasks include
interference-free operating environment definition of requirements, candidate
through official dealings with other Federal architectures assessment, system and
agencies, industry, and regulatory bodies subsystem technology development and
(domestic and foreign), obtaining all requisite evaluation, and high-fidelity CNS evaluation.

Glenn Research Center

22 2004 Implementation Plan
3 Glenn Core
3 Glenn Core
The Glenn Research Center implements
Agency goals and strategies by building and
maintaining critical skills, capabilities, and
business functions to support technology
development, resulting in four technology core
competencies. Glenn also builds and maintains
critical skills, capabilities, and business
functions to support scientific research,
resulting in three science core competencies.
Finally, the Center’s continuing significant role
in improving scientific and mathematical
education in our Nation draws upon an
ancillary competency in education. Glenn
supports the ongoing development of NASA’s
Competency Management System (CMS). The
Center has mapped its workforce to the
competency groupings in the CMS at the
organizational level as well as the workforce
level. This information serves as a tool for
workforce planning and development. The
chart below shows the percentages of Glenn
employees working in each competency.

Administration, management,
and education
Education 1%
Science and research

Systems engineering, safety,


testing, and quality

tio 15%



hn %
ec 2 9

Busi o n t em s

ness i t
man uls ys

8% gement op d s
P r an
Program and project management 1%
Safety and quality engineering 1%
Systems engineering 2% g
d rin Ae
Mission planning and execution 1%
e s t an gi nee ro
T en tec spac
i on

hn e p
Fluid technologies 7%

rat 9%

o o

e g 12 logie wer

% s
A e r c a tio n s
m un
c ie

al s

ace 6%
s ic

Biotechnology 1%

Glenn Research Center

2004 Implementation Plan 25
Listed below are the Center’s core • Advance communications, navigation, and
competencies and their corresponding strategic surveillance (CNS); aviation security
thrusts: technologies; and sensors, local area
networks (LAN), wide-area networks (WAN),
3.1 Technology Competencies and data distribution
• Advance communication device and
Aeropropulsion Systems component specialties, including high-power
Applied research to electronic and monolithic microwave
• Improve turbomachinery components integrated circuit (MMIC) devices, phased-
and propulsion systems array antennas, and processing electronics
• Develop improved aero-thermo-structural
and mission analysis modeling and Fluids and Combustion
simulation tools Basic and applied research to
• Develop improved materials and structural • Understand and improve combustion
concepts processes
• Reduce propulsion system noise and • Improve fire safety and fire prevention,
emissions detection, and suppression
• Increase propulsion system efficiency • Develop computational fluid dynamics tools
• Advance harsh environment instrumentation for turbulent reacting flows
and sensors • Determine fluid and thermal physics of ice
• Develop propulsion control and health growth processes
management system • Determine effects of ice accretion on vehicle
• Apply high-temperature materials expertise performance
to airframe applications • Develop icing tolerant designs and ice
avoidance systems
Aerospace Power and Electric Propulsion • Develop fluid management and cryogenic
Applied research to fluids technologies
• Enhance ability to propel spacecraft on
science and exploration missions
• Provide transit and surface power to NASA 3.2 Science Competencies
• Create technology in power and electric Fluid Physics
propulsion to enhance and enable NASA Basic and applied research to
missions • Enhance basic understanding of fluid phase
• Provide system analysis, modeling and processes, from molecular to large-scale
simulation, and mission analysis to guide phenomena with emphasis on gravitational
technology in end-to-end power and electric effects on these processes
propulsion developments • Improve control and utilization of fluids in
space-based systems (e.g., propellant
Aerospace Communications management, life support, and thermal
Applied research to control systems)
• Provide end-to-end system analyses, • Exploit the knowledge-transfer potential for
modeling, simulation, and demonstrations Earth-based environmental and industrial
• Advance frequency spectrum utilization and processes
signal propagation analyses
• Promote multigigabit processing communi- Combustion Science
cation payloads, Internet protocols, (IP)- Basic and applied research to
compliant aircraft and spacecraft, data • Enhance basic understanding of combustion
distribution networks, and satellite and other chemically reacting processes
constellation networks involving a wide combination of fuel,
• Promote space Internet protocols and oxidizer, and ignition conditions with
technologies for space-terrestrial inter- emphasis on gravitational effects on these
operability processes

Glenn Research Center

26 2004 Implementation Plan
• Improve fire safety practices and • Engine Components Research Laboratory
technologies for space-based systems (e.g., • 8- by 6-Foot Supersonic Wind Tunnel
spacecraft fire safety flammability standards, • Engine Research Building
detection systems, and suppression systems) • 9- by 15-Foot Low-Speed Wind Tunnel
• Exploit the knowledge-transfer potential for • Electric Propulsion Laboratory
Earth-based processes to improve fuel • Icing Research Tunnel
efficiency, reduce pollution, and control fires • Electric Propulsion Research Building
and explosions • Aeroacoustic Propulsion Laboratory
• Space Power Facility (Plum Brook)
Bioscience and Engineering • Propulsion Systems Laboratory
Basic and applied research to • Spacecraft Propulsion Research Facility
• Stimulate increased productive, cross- (Plum Brook)
disciplinary, collaborative research involving • Research Combustion Laboratory
the physical science, engineering, and • Hypersonic Tunnel Facility (Plum Brook)
biological science communities • Cryogenic Propellant Tank Facility (Plum
• Adapt and apply research, knowledge, and Brook)
technology of fluids, sensors, instru-
mentation, and imaging to provide Real property at the Glenn Research Center is
improvements in biotechnology and grouped into the following classifications:
biomedical research Institutional Mechanical; Institutional Electrical;
Institutional Civil/Structural; and Central
Process Systems (CPS).
3.3 Education Competencies
Glenn educational programs will utilize NASA’s From 1997 to 2001, both institutional and CPS
unique mission, resources, and people to condition assessments were performed on 128
inspire and motivate students to pursue careers Glenn buildings and structures and over 2000
in science, technology, engineering, and CPS equipment items. These assessments have
mathematics (STEM) in the following manner: been used to establish the Glenn Maintenance
and Construction of Facilities (CoF) Program.
• Increase the number of elementary and
secondary students and teachers who are Glenn’s Institutional Mechanical and Electrical
involved in NASA-related education systems, which include domestic water; steam
opportunities and natural gas distribution; storm and sanitary
• Support higher education research sewer systems; heating, ventilating, and air-
capabilities and opportunities that attract and conditioning systems; and low- (<600 volts)
prepare increasing numbers of students and and high-voltage power distribution, are in
faculty for NASA-related careers “good” to “very good” condition. Many of
• Increase the number and diversity of these systems have been recently upgraded
students, teachers, faculty, and researchers by discrete and phased minor CoF projects.
from underrepresented and underserved Ongoing CoF projects and small component
communities in NASA-related STEM fields replacement projects under the Maintenance
• Increase student, teacher, and public access Program are planned in an attempt to attain a
to NASA education resources through the “very good” condition rating for these
establishment of e-Education as a principal Institutional systems.
learning support system
• Improve public understanding and Glenn’s Institutional Civil/Structural systems,
appreciation of science and technology, which include buildings, pavements, culverts,
including NASA aerospace technology, and bridges, are in “good” condition, with the
research, and exploration missions exception of roofing systems and pavements,
which range from “poor” to “fair.” Several CoF
projects are planned through FY07 to upgrade
3.4 Glenn Core Facilities these systems to “good” or “very good”
• 10- by 10-Foot Supersonic Wind Tunnel condition.

Glenn Research Center

2004 Implementation Plan 27
Glenn CPS such as combustion air, altitude
exhaust, and variable frequency systems, are
in “good” condition. Several CoF projects in
the 1990s addressed major repairs to the large
rotating equipment, electric motor rewinds,
replacement of interstage coolers, and
miscellaneous valve and piping replacement.
In addition, Glenn plans future CoF and
maintenance projects to continue CPS

Glenn current real property plans include

continuing the reliability-centered maintenance
philosophy with priority on mission-critical and
mission-support facilities and systems. This
includes continued use and expansion of the
computerized maintenance management
system, predictive testing and inspection
processes, and time-based maintenance
processes. Real property management is further
supported through the use of an integrated
facility planning team process. This process
involves primary stakeholders in the
identification of annual recurring needs, small
and short-term project needs, and long-term
capital project needs in a matrix with
appropriate funding mechanisms.

Long-term real property management will be

addressed in a Center Master Plan (CMP).
Glenn’s last CMP was generated in 1986, and
there are current efforts to develop a new plan
in the next few years. The CMP will address
facility and land use in accordance with
projected trends towards lower civil service
personnel levels, lower maintenance budgets,
anticipated future research growth areas, and
increased security requirements. The CMP will
include plans for the demolition of under-
utilized facilities, the construction of new,
lower maintenance program-critical facilities,
and potential government and private
enhanced-use leasing opportunities.

Glenn Research Center

28 2004 Implementation Plan
Glenn Strategic
Capabilities and

4 Plans for the

Glenn Strategic
4 Capabilities and
Plans for the Future
4.1 Glenn Support of the Aerospace
Technology Enterprise

Aeronautics Technology Theme

Glenn will continue to transfer high-risk
research and technology to industry-
compatible propulsion configurations.
Revolutionary propulsion ideas and
technology research at the Center will support
a long-term vision with the national research
community. In 10 years, NASA Glenn will

• Continue to infuse advanced technology

into gas turbine engines. Technology will
include pulsed-detonation engines,
alternative fuels, quiet tiltrotor aircraft
• Develop ultraquiet, zero-emission,
intelligent propulsion systems
• Support an engine architecture revolution
through distributed and vectored turbine-
based propulsion concepts
• Develop intelligent component-level and
system-level technologies for supersonic
propulsion systems
• Research and develop technologies for an
all-electric primary and secondary
propulsion system (Technologies will
include solid oxide fuel cells.)
• Support transformation from component-
level to system-level safety improvements

Space Launch Initiative Theme

Glenn will continue to conduct research in
vehicle systems and propulsion technology
applications for access to space. The
portfolio of activities will include both high-
visibility efforts such as testbeds and broad
fundamental technology development.
Glenn will

• Develop and test a ground-based turbine

accelerator demonstrator engine
• Define the concept for a subscale turbine-
based combined-cycle propulsion system
flight test engine (turbine accelerator with

Glenn Research Center

2004 Implementation Plan 31
dual-mode scramjet for a reusable, 4.2 Glenn Support of Other NASA
combined-cycle flight demonstrator Enterprises
(RCCFD) flight test In support of the Space Science, Space Flight,
• Continue concept definition and analysis Biological and Physical Research, Space
of visionary turbine-based propulsion Science, and Earth Science Enterprises, Glenn
systems will continue the development of
• Provide cross-cutting vehicle subsystems transformational technologies. These include
and airframe technology products, breakthroughs in space propulsion techniques
including actuators, PEM fuel cells, that will enable spacecraft to travel faster and
batteries, health management sensors, and farther, carry larger scientific payloads, and
airframe high-temperature structures and make new types of measurements. New power
materials systems will transform the way we conduct
• Conduct research on cryofluid research in space, and revolutionary
management to enable nontoxic auxiliary communications technologies will dramatically
propulsion increase our ability to transmit information
• Continue characterizing rocket propel- across the solar system. Glenn will help to
lant 1 (RP–1) fuel properties and enable the use of the microgravity environment
performing heated tube tests on relevant to advance scientific and technological
materials using RP fuel knowledge, and expand the application of that
• Develop machining and coating techniques knowledge to the widest possible benefits,
for new materials (GRCop-84) to fully both in future space missions and increased
utilize the benefits of the material in full- national wealth, health, safety, and security.
scale engine components
• Develop rotating components and seals for Aerospace Power Mission Area
future space launch propulsion systems Glenn shall develop advanced power and
• Develop flow path components for future onboard propulsion technology to enable
space launch propulsion systems future space exploration initiatives. Glenn will
• Continue supporting academic research for
propulsion technology through University • Develop power system technologies to
Research and Engineering Technology support the use of a radioisotope power
Institutes (URETIs) system on the Mars Lander mission
• Provide technical expertise supporting the • Develop advanced electric propulsion and
spacecraft element of the Orbital Space power conversion systems in support of
Plane (OSP) Program the Jupiter Icy Moons Orbiter (JIMO)
Mission and Science Measurement Theme • Continue to support the launch and
Glenn will be responsible for the operations of the power system for the
development of computational systems, and International Space Station
intelligent control and sensor technologies • Continue to develop advanced propulsion
applicable to advanced propulsion systems. technologies for the exploration of the
Future technological areas will include solar system

• Self-healing, self-diagnostic, full-fidelity Space Shuttle Program

simulation of propulsion systems Glenn has been involved in space shuttle
• Miniaturization of infrastructure for the Return to Flight activities, which includes
simulation of propulsion systems on the support of the Columbia Accident Investigation
chip level Board and the NASA Accident Investigation
• Low-cost, reduced-footprint 64-bit personal Team. These activities have addressed wing
computer cluster computing leading edge (WLE) aging effects testing, WLE
• Intelligent data coupling and zooming reinforced carbon-carbon panel slag deposit
techniques that include cognizance of chemical analysis, thermal protection system
related data, information, location, and (TPS) impact testing, Protuberance air-loads
knowledge of how to generate information (PAL) ramp wind tunnel tests, TPS verification

Glenn Research Center

32 2004 Implementation Plan
analysis, and testing data review. Glenn will Center has developed a workforce consisting
continue to provide technical expertise to the of a diverse mix of permanent and
Space Flight Enterprise as the Agency nonpermanent civil servants, including
completes Return to Flight activities and temporary and term-appointment employees.
implements service life extension activities. Glenn will continue to place special emphasis
on cooperative education and intern programs
Microgravity Research Mission Area and structure its recruitment efforts to fill at
Glenn shall provide high-value scientific and least 30 percent of its full-time permanent
technological advancements through use of positions with fresh-outs. The Inter-
reduced gravity capabilities and governmental Personnel Act (IPA) will be used
interdisciplinary research to advance to meet critical short-term needs. Glenn will
knowledge for the benefit of future space also use other alternatives, such as contractors,
missions and the lives of people here on Earth. grantees, onsite employees of other agencies,
detailees from other Federal agencies, shared
• Glenn will be operating the Combustion services, and partnerships. This will ensure
Integrated Rack (CIR) and the Fluids that the appropriate workforce mix will be
Integrated Rack (FIR) onboard the available when needed to make optimum use
International Space Station as a science of Center resources and eliminate duplication
platform for basic and applied fluid of effort.
physics, combustion science, and other
research that enables NASA’s Biological Human resources tools such as the
and Physical Research Enterprise. Competency Management System will be used
to establish baseline staffing requirements,
Aerospace Communications Mission Area both in terms of numbers and skills. These
Glenn shall develop seamless aerospace requirements will drive workforce transition
communications to revolutionize the National plans, identify immediate core competency
Aerospace System (NAS) and enable future requirements and skills imbalances, and allow
space vision. Glenn will flexibility in acquiring competencies needed
for future project success. Glenn will make
• Provide integrated CNS architectures and decisions and take actions consistent with
technologies to revolutionize NAS procedures outlined in the Agency Policy for
capabilities to meet the demands of all Program/Project Workforce Transition when
users in the year 2020 addressing full-time equivalents (FTEs)
• Use world leadership role in these areas affected by termination, rescoping, and
to expand human knowledge, support descoping of programs and projects. Glenn
education and the development of the next will also follow processes outlined in the
generation of scientists, and foster Agency Strategic Workforce Management
technology infusion for commercial Policy. This includes targeted buyouts, early
applications retirement, hiring restrictions, retraining, career
• Provide for a steady stream of unique transition assistance, contracts structured with
research returns from the International incentives to hire civil servants, and, as a last
Space Station and realize the successful resort, reduction in force.
application of those research results
through enabling new spacecraft The Center will build needed leadership
technologies and systems, and capabilities consistent with the new Senior
improvements in terrestrial products and Executive Service (SES) evaluation factors,
processes which focus performance and personnel
decisions on issues that are central to ensuring
a healthy and effective organization.
4.3 Glenn Support of NASA’s Human Capital Specifically, Glenn will use the Senior Executive
Strategies Service Career Development Program (SESCDP)
To align Glenn’s Human Capital with its to include developmental opportunities based
organizational objectives, Glenn Research on themes of the seven factors.

Glenn Research Center

2004 Implementation Plan 33
Developmental work assignments and focused events and the for mation of
training will focus on the ability to create a networks in areas of project management,
more efficient organization and use of human focused change efforts, leadership, and at-
c a p i t a l a n d i m p ro v e d f i n a n c i a l d a t a risk competencies. A formal mentoring
collection and reporting in support of the program will also be piloted and
President’s Management Agenda. Assign- implemented for Glenn employees, with a
ments will also include the importance of focus on all new hires. Organizational
mission and workforce safety as it relates to learning will be supported through facilitated
improvements in management systems and retreats, meetings, and other organizational
procedures. development interventions.

Meeting NASA diversity objectives will be

emphasized. Candidates will be strongly 4.4 Glenn Support of NASA’s Real Property
encouraged to support staff development Strategies
and the implementation of a fair and Glenn is committed to support NASA
equitable performance-based evaluation Headquarter’s real property initiatives as
system. The One-NASA perspective will also described in the Agency Facilities
be integrated into development assignments Engineering Division Functional Leadership
emphasizing the importance of enabling Plan. By developing an effective Center
other NASA organizations to achieve their Master Plan (CMP) with a 20-year vision,
mission and goals. In addition, the Glenn will strategically plan and manage our
importance of meeting budget and schedule real property to meet the Goals/Objectives
requirements as related to specific program portion of this plan. The CMP will address
objectives to meet or advance the objectives infrastructure reduction, alignment of
of the NASA Strategic Plan and the facilities with programmatic needs, pursuit
Government Performance and Results Act of creative government and private leasing
(GPRA) Performance Plan will be included options, and maintenance and upkeep of
in the program. remaining real property.

Glenn has a strong commitment to a culture The Glenn Master Planning process will
of learning, training, and development engage key stakeholders of all Enterprise
programs that contribute to the performance programs at the Center in a dialogue to
and effectiveness of its workforce. It will identify current and future needs. In addition,
continue to ensure that training plans, the CMP will incorporate Graphic
priorities, and decisions are aligned to meet Information System (GIS) technology to
both the immediate mission needs of the manage facility data including current
workforce and the strategic competency building floor plan information, building
needs of the Center. Plans and programs will occupancy information, service pool data,
be based on organizational, individual, and real property information, and environ-
occupational requirements assessed through mental, safety, and security data. Using this
information from the competency technology, Glenn property utilization will
management system, management officials, be continually assessed and decisions will
technical experts, and other sources. be made regarding the need for
rehabilitation, demolition, or enhanced-use
To further its commitment to learning, Glenn leasing opportunities.
will invest in tools and opportunities to foster
a climate of learning and improvement. Glenn’s near-term plan is to utilize the
Glenn will renew policies and improve Headquarters demolition program from FY04
practices related to the use of Individual to FY07 to reduce existing underutilized
Development Plans for all employees, and infrastructure. The current plan involves the
particularly managers and supervisors. demolition of three structures in FY04 ($2.1
Knowledge sharing and knowledge transfer million demolition cost), four structures in
will be facilitated through the conduct of FY05 ($2.75 million demolition cost), and

Glenn Research Center

34 2004 Implementation Plan
two structures in FY06 ($5 million demolition
cost). It is anticipated that as the CMP
process matures, additional underutilized or
outdated structures will be demolished to
reduce Center maintenance costs.

Glenn also intends to use the Staubach

report as a tool to aid in the development
of the CMP. Of particular interest are
suggested opportunities for leasing Glenn
buildings 500 and 501 and the shared use
of building 14. In addition, revenue-
generating opportunities such as the
government and private sector shared use
of the Plum Brook Rye Beach Pumping
Station need to be factored into the Center’s
long-range plans.

Glenn Research Center

2004 Implementation Plan 35
Glenn Key Process
Alignment to NASA

5 Implementing
Glenn Key Process
Alignment to NASA
5 Implementing
Several factors determine what NASA does,
for whom, and why. The National Aeronautics
and Space Act of 1958 and its Amendments
define the Agency’s charter and mission. To
accomplish this mission, the Administration
and Congress provide specific guidance
through statutes, policies, and directives. NASA
establishes goals, objectives, and imple-
menting strategies to accommodate these
policies and directives and meet the needs of
external customers.

Goals, Objectives, and Implementing Strategies

need not be in a quantitative or measurable
form, but they must be expressed in a manner
that allows an assessment of whether they are
being achieved.

NASA Implementing Strategies and Objectives

IS–1: Achieve management and institutional excellence

comparable to NASA’s technical excellence
IS–2: Demonstrate NASA leadership in the use of
information technologies
IS–3: Enhance NASA’s core engineering, management, and
scientific capabilities and processes to ensure safety and
mission success, increase performance, and reduce cost
IS–4: Ensure that all NASA work environments, on Earth
and in space, are safe, healthy, and environmentally sound
and secure
IS–5: Manage risk and cost to ensure success and provide
the greatest value for the American public

The alignment of NASA Implementing

Strategies and Objectives and Glenn’s Key
Processes is shown on the chart on page 40.
Glenn milestones supporting NASA
Implementing Strategies and Objectives can
be found in the Metrics and Milestones insert
in this plan.

Glenn Research Center

2004 Implementation Plan 39
NASA Implementing Strategies and Objectives Glenn Key Processes
Implementing Strategy 1 (IS–1): Achieve management and institutional excellence comparable to NASA’s technical excellence Strategic Management
1.1 Attract and maintain a workforce that is representative of the Nation’s diversity and includes the competencies that NASA needs to Enabling Services (Equal Employment Opportunity)
deliver the sustained levels of high performance that the Agency’s challenging Mission requires
1.2 Define and adopt procedures to improve the competitive acquisition of programs, services, and assets to benefit the NASA Mission and Enabling Services (Acquisition)
the American taxpayer
1.3 Improve and streamline the NASA financial management system to enhance accuracy, timeliness, and accountability Enabling Services (Financial Management)
1.4 Unify the processes for strategic and budget planning, budget reporting, and performance planning and reporting Strategic Management (Resource Analysis and Management)
1.5 Provide an integrated and user-friendly NASA-wide Internet portal that will provide improved public access to NASA Mission results and Enabling Services (Information Technology)
other products, improved visibility into NASA plans and programs, and enhanced communication among NASA employees and contractors

Glenn Research Center

1.6 Improve the institutional management of capital assets to ensure that NASA’s real property, personal property, processes, and systems Enabling Services (Logistics and Technical Information)

40 2004 Implementation Plan

are sustained and optimized to support NASA’s missions and the capabilities required for today and tomorrow.
IS–2: Demonstrate NASA leadership in the use of information technologies Enabling Services
2.1 Provide all NASA operations with secure, highly reliable, interoperable information systems Enabling Services (Information Technology)
2.2 Enable NASA people to communicate across an integrated, low-cost information technology infrastructure Enabling Services (Information Technology)
2.3 Design and operate a One NASA network to improve organizational interactions and foster improved collaboration and sharing of Enabling Services (Information Technology)
accumulated NASA knowledge assets
2.4 Establish systems to deliver superior information services to consumers, educators, students, researchers, and the general public, as Science, Research, and Technology
well as to Government agencies, NASA contractors and suppliers, and other businesses Knowledge and Technology Transfer
IS–3: Enhance NASA’s core engineering, management, and scientific capabilities and processes to ensure safety and mission success, Science, Research and Technology
increase performance, and reduce cost
3.1 Implement collaborative engineering capabilities and integrated design solutions to reduce the life-cycle cost and technical, cost, and Science, Research, and Technology
schedule risk of major programs Program and Project Management
3.2 Apply methods and technologies to ensure that designs are safe and have a high likelihood for success Science, Research, and Technology
3.3 Improve our systems engineering capability and ensure that all NASA programs follow systems engineering best practices throughout Program and Project Management
their life cycles Science, Research, and Technology
3.4 Establish a process management approach that can be tailored to the needs of all projects and programs based on safety, scope, Program and Project Management
complexity, cost, and acceptable risk
3.5 Use peer review to ensure that NASA’s scientific research is of the highest quality Science, Research, and Technology
IS–4: Ensure that all NASA work environments, on Earth and in space, are safe, healthy, and environmentally sound and secure Enabling Services
4.1 Prevent injuries from occurring during the course of NASA activities on NASA facilities or in the use of NASA equipment Enabling Services (Safety)
4.2 Work closely with other Government agencies and local authorities to identify and try to remove all security threats to NASA people, Enabling Services (Security)
facilities, and information
4.3 Protect NASA’s physical assets from damage or theft Enabling Services (Security)
4.4 Eliminate the incidence of occupational health problems for the NASA workforce Enabling Services (Safety)
4.5 Eliminate environmental incidents, toxic chemical use, hazardous waste, and environmental liability at all NASA sites Enabling Services (Environmental Management)
IS–5: Manage risk and cost to ensure success and provide the greatest value for the American public Enabling Services
5.1 Provide tools, techniques, and expertise that will enable all elements of the Agency to make well-informed decisions on matters of Enabling Services (Safety and Assurance Directorate)
critical Mission importance
5.2 Improve processes for cost estimation and the management of major NASA projects and programs Program and Project Management

Oct 03
National Aeronautics and
Space Administration
Glenn Research Center
Cleveland, Ohio 44135–3191

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