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RCB-s.23 PACKING MATERIAL Purchaser shallspecify packing material whichis compatible with the shellsideprocess conditions. RC8.5.24FLOATING TUBESHEET SKIRT Thefloating.tubesheet normally skirt shallenend outward.Whenthe skirtmustextend inward, suitable a methodshallbe usedto prevent stagnant areasbetuyeen sheliside the nozzle and the tubesheet. RCB-5.25 PASSPARTITION PI-ATES The nominal thickness floating of headpasspartitions shallbe identical thoseshownin to Paragraph RCB-9.13 channels tjonndts. for and RCB-5.3 EXTERNALLY SEALEDFLOAT|NG TUBESHEET(Typew) RB-5.31I.ANTERN RING Theexternally sealed floating tubesheet usingsquare braidedpackingmaterials shallbe used onlyfor water,steam, lubricating or si-mitdr air, oil, seruices. Dirsign t6mperature shallnot " F (191" C) . Design exceed 375 pressure shallbe limited according TableRB-5.31 to .


FLOATING TUBESHEETS Nominal ShellInside Diameter (mm) Inches (1s2-610) 6-24 2 5 - 4 2 (63s-1067) 4 3 - 6 0 (1092-1524\ 6 1 - 1 0 0 (1549-2540) Maximum DesignPressure PSI (kPa) 300 150 75 50 (2068) (1034) (517) (345)

C-5.31LANTERN RING The externally floating sealed tubesheet shallbe usedonlyfor water,steam, lubricating air, oil, or similar services.Design temperature, pressure shelldiameter and shallbe limitedby th-e joint configuration, packingmaterial numberof packingrings, a maximum service, to and . designpressure 600 psi (4137 of kPa). RCB-5.32LEAKAGEPRECAUT]ONS provisions the lantern Thedesignshallincorporate pastthe in ringso that any leakage packing leakto atmosphere. will packing-rings uded,one ringof packing Whenendless are packingmaterials shallbe usedon eachsideof the lantern ring. For braided with a seam.a minimumof two ringsof packing ring,withthe shallbe usedon eachsideof the lantern seamsstaggered duringassembly. RCB-s.33PACKINGMATERIAL packingmaterialwhich compatible Purchaser shallspecify is with the process conditions. RCB-5.34 SPECIAL DESIGNS Special in designsincorporating othersealing may be usedfor the applications devices for Paragraph RB-s.31 C-5.31 otherspecial Provisions leak and or requirements. service detection shallbe considered.


StandardsOf The Tubular ExchangerManufacturers Association




RCB-6.1 TYPEOF GASKETS Gaskets shallbe selected whichhavea continuous periphery leakpaths.Thisshallnot with no radial gaskets exclude madecontinuous welding othermethAds by a or which produce homogeneous bond. R-6.2GASKET MATERIALS Metaljacketedor solidmetalgasketsshallbe usedfor internal floatingheadjoints,all jointsfor pressures -3Q0 (2068kPa)and over,andfor all jointsin contactwith hyilrocarbons. psi of Other gasketmaterials maybe specified agreement purchaserand manufacturer meet by to behireen specialserviceconditions and flangedesign. Whentwo gisketed jointsare compressed the by samebolting,provisions shallbe madeso that both gask-ets gasketis crushedat the seal,6ut neither requiredbolt load. CB-6.2GASKET MATERIALS For designpressures 300 psi (2068kPa)and lower,compositiongasketsmay be usedfor external of jo_ints, unlesstemperature corrosivenatureof contained or otherwise.Metaljacketed, fluid indicates filledor solid metalgaskets greater shallbe usedfor all jointsfor designpressures than 30Opsi(2068 kPa)and for internalffoating headjoints. Othergasketmateri-als'may splcified by agreemeni be betweenpurchaser and manufact[rer meetspecialserviceconditionsahd flangeiJes-ign. to When two gasketed by shallbe madeso that both iointsare compressed the samebolting,provisions gasketsseal,but neither gasketis crushedat the required bolt load. RC8-6.3PERIPHERAL GASKETS RC-6.31 joints shallbe 3/8" (9.5mm)for The minimumwidth of peripheral ringgaskets external for shellsizesthrough inches(58amm)nominal 23 and 1/2" (12.7mm)for all larger diameter shellsizes. 8-6.31 The minimumwidth of peripheral ring gaskets externaljoints shallbe 3/8" (9.5mm) for for shellsizesthrough23 inches(584mm) nominaldiameterand 1/2" (12.7mm) for all larger shellsizes. Fullface gasketsshallbe usedfor all cast iron flanges. RCB-6.32 joints shallbe 1/4" (6.4mm) for all The minimumwidth of peripheral ring gaskets internal for shellsizes. R-6.33 gasketcontactsurfaces Peripheral toleranceot* 1/32" (0.8mm) shallhavea flatness plane. This maximumdeviation shallnot occur in less maximumdeviation from any reference than a 20 " (0.3Rad)arc. cB-6.33 gasketcontactsurfaces of to Flatness peripheral of shallbe sufficient meetthe requirements Paragraph RCB-1.3. RCB-6.4PASS PARTITION GASKETS The width of gasketweb for pass partitions channels, of bonnets,and floatingheadsshallbe not less and not lessthan diameter than 1/4" (6.+-mm) shellsizesihrough23 inches(58amm) nominal for 3/8" (9.5mm) for all largershellsizes. R-6.5GASKETJOINT DETAILS joints shallbe of a confinedtype. Gasketed

Association Manufacturers Of Standards TheTubularExchanger


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