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Okay. I have a poem prose... I will try to sing it and send it to you both, but or...

perhaps even put it to the medley i sort of hear when i read it... butter, sill embrace the digital reader! but don't wait for that... that might never happen, what is more important to me, is not who sings it, who can sing it or make it sing the sweetest most suitable to its expression of transformation in time... or beetle juice, Happy Halloween (soon!)... Here is the "song" in the meantime... perhaps you could improve it, that is if you are interested... if you are not, or have too much to do (cause i would like to do this rather quickly by Xmas)... anyway, make this email big so you can see the formatting properly (as intended my thee author, you author, you author, me author, we authored that text (its not 1,2,3... its 1, 1, 1)... anyway, my one needs work if you are game to play words with me...) Here is the lyrics, you will see why I am asking you ;) Michake, i think you too will know why is sent you this particular peice that sprang from my head to the screen... unplanned, just started writing and this is what came out, a few adjustments now when writing to you both. So, anyway... Jason, Mickale, I would be honored if we could perhaps make time to do this, but if its not to be, you know me... lol... i'm not a poet silly rabbit, tricks are GMO and so am I... weird world... the techique called the baterial phage can be used on both the genetically modification of food, plants, and animals, as well as Human beings, in medicine such as regrowing bones, vital important for mobility and survival. (maybe that should be in the song too?)
Idiot lire, sacrifice fire Special Camps Special Camps Got you're boots, Get you're pants Special Camps Special Camps Got your boots, Got your pants

(original first line: "Get your boots, Get you're pants") (original first line: "Get your boots, Get you're pants")

Running Away is not Escape In the hills, you just avoid with days Forest hide away, they'll be around (like this stanza, sort of don't like it, but i like the first line, and the thought) What is coming your way has not face, but carries a cane

(the first line was: "Has no face, but carries a sound")

death in breath brings (first line was: "Breath in death and begin") The escalations Our worlds go under Its a ground ball From within grows a humming station 23 37 32, Why do you feel thee vibrations (first line was: "Yeah feel that vibration") 23 37 yeah yeah, and that's our station

and That's our station, that's our station, that's our station, our rotations "that's our station, our rotations} Moving around around") Yeah, yeah, yeah yeah, spread your wings (and fly?) Go underground, Ready to spring, ready to sting La Dee Dee Da La Deet Dit De, and fly--i-----Undo your self become yours lies I am beautiful; your are beautiful That part that is not dead Moves the rest of your head Living machine, growth upon minerals Makes the legs get into go Make the arms ready to love Makes the brain a wonder drug that Wonder drug, wonder drug, wonder drug

{add during email: (first line was: "Move

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