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With the Name of Allah CS 605

Summary: Reference: Consider the case study given in Assignment no. 1 In this module we will develop schedule of our project. You will be performing the following three (3) tasks in this module. 1) Compartmentalizing the project. 2) Assigning the tasks to team members. 3) In the sideline you will also calculate the risk exposure of one of the risks.

The project has to develop a mobile application for helping the people to get the information about available hospitals, clinics or emergency centers in their cities. The mobile users will be able and will query the required information through it. The mobile application will help patients finding initial information about their disease including audio lectures and live chat with experts. Application will enable the patients getting the full details of available treatment facilities in the city along with the details of available physicians, their daily schedule, available treatments and campus addresses. Application will also help people in finding the emergency centers and blood banks (with the latest status of facilities available) in case of any emergency. In long-ago large numbers of people lack the initial information about their diseases and face the problem of finding the best hospital for their medical treatment, as people normally dont know about the available treatment centers, along with treatment facilities provided in these hospitals. Things get worst in case of emergency when the blood banks need to be contacted for a particular blood group.

1) Compartmentalizing the project.

Compartmentalization is dividing into sections or categories. It is the act of distributing things into classes or categories of the same type.

Compartmentalize the project in different tasks. Remember that compartmentalization consists of decomposing the project in different number of small manageable activities. Compartmentalization is when you separate different ideas, tasks and perspectives so you can focus on each one individually

Team number Activity A:

System designer Sub activity A 1: Acceptance testing Sub activity A 2: Design architecture Sub activity A 3: System testing

Team number Activity B:

System developer Sub activity B 1: Integration testing. Sub activity B 2: Code generation,

Team number Activity C:

Testing. Sub activity C 1: Unit testing. Sub activity C 2: Black box testing Sub activity C 3: White box testing.

Team number Activity D:


2) Assigning the tasks to team members.

Prepare the schedule and assign the resources and share the complete schedule with the stake holders. Team members will be aware of their sequences of tasks and their timelines which will be tracked on timely basis. A user may be assigned to a task as an individual or as part of a larger group. For example, all team members or the user's entire department may be assigned to a task as a unit. There are two ways to assign team members to tasks: Modify assignments for a specific task/project Modify an individual team member's assignments

Activities TN Activity A:

Groups System design

Task assign Asim

and Raza Sub activity A1 Sub activity A2 Sub activity A3 Acceptance testing System testing Design architecture Zulfiqar Zulfiqar Asim and Raza TN Activity B: System developer Ibrahim and Waqas Sub activity B1 Sub activity B2 Integration testing. Code generation. Zulfiqar Ibrahim and Waqas TN Activity C: Sub activity C1 Sub activity C2 Sub activity C3 TN Activity D: plementation Testing. Unit testing. Black box testing White box testing. Im Zulfiqar Zulfiqar Zulfiqar Zulfiqar Waqas and Raza

Group of people which update the information on the mobile site about the diseases and to help the people to get information about the diseases they are suffering and their curing by giving the lectures. Project A1: Contains those members who give direct information about the diseases. Project A2: Group of 3 or 4 people who give lectures about the disease and the cause of the disease and give first aid information. Group should be able to provide the details of the available hospitals, clinics, blood banks and emergency centers for the treatment of diseases along with facilities available in these hospitals and their campus addresses.

Provide the details of the doctors and physicians in those facilities along with their daily schedule, experience and skills so that patients could select the one of their own choice. Helping people in case of emergency so that people could get immediate information on time. Give the information about the daily schedule of each doctor and physician. Information about available blood banks along with the available blood status and emergency centers in the city.

3) Risk Exposure calculation:

A problem when you have a number of possible risks is that it can be difficult to decide which risks are worth putting effort into addressing. Risk Exposure is a simple calculation that gives a numeric value to a risk, enabling different risks to be compared. Risk Exposure = Probability of risk occurring x Cost A limitation of this calculation is that it will give the same scores to high-probability/low loss risks and low-probability/high loss risks. If you are concerned with these differences, a Risk Matrix may be a better way of evaluating risks. The available developers may not be sufficient to develop the application in time and there are 65% chances of hiring some external developer for 2 weeks (14 days). Calculate the Risk Exposure (RE) if the cost of the externally hired developer is $100/ per day. Cost of the externally hired developer = $ 100 per day Total days = 14 Total cost of hire developers = 100 * 14 = 1400 Risk Exposure = Probability of risk occurring * Total loss if risk occurs RE = 1400 * 0.65 RE = 910

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