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Course Code Course Title Credit Hours Prerequisites by Course(s) and topics Assessment Instruments with Weights (Home

work, quizzes, mid term, final, programming assignment, lab work etc) Course Coordinator URL (If any) Current Catalog Description Text Book (or Laboratory Manual for laboratory Courses) Reference Material Course Goals Topic Covered in the Course, with Number of Lectures On each Topic (Assume 15- week instruction and one hour lectures)

CS 705 Object Oriented Paradigm 4 (3-1) Programming Fundamentals in C++ - C++ Programming Basics, Loops & Decisions, Structures, Functions Theory: 60-marks 25% Sessional Work (Quizzes, Programming Assignments, Semester Project, lab work) 25% Mid Exam 50% Final Exam Practical Exam: 20-marks

Mr. M. Irfan Khan

Object Oriented Programming in C++ by Robert Lafore How to program C++, Dietel & Dietel Object Oriented Programming using C++, IT Series To give an in-depth understanding of OOP in C++ Enhance Programming Expertise of students Week 1 Overview of programming fundamentals Functions, Structures, Arrays Week 2 Structures & Classes, Objects & Class C++ objects as Data Types Week 3 Constructors, Objects as Function Arguments, Overloaded Constructors, Copy Constructor Week 4 Operator Overloading Unary Operators, Binary Operators Week 5 Multiple overloading, Data Conversion Week 6 Inheritance Derived & Base Class, Overriding member functions Week 7 Class Hierarchies Public & Private Inheritance, Levels of Inheritance Week 8 Pointers Address & Pointers, Pointers & Arrays, Pointers & Functions Mid Exam Week 9 Virtual Functions, Friend Functions, Static Functions, this pointer Week 10 Streams & Files, Stream Classes, Stream Errors, Disk File I/O with Streams Week 11 Error Handling in File I/O, File I/O with Member Functions, Overloading Extraction & Insertion Operator, Memory as a Stream Object, Command line Arguments Week 12 Templates Function & Class Templates Week 13 Exceptions Syntax, Exception Handler Week 14 Introduction to Design Patterns Week 15 Class Project Viva

Week 16

Course Revision Final Exam

Laboratory Project/ Experiments Done in the course

Lab 1: Structures & Classes

Lab 2: Classes, Constructors, Default Constructors Lab 3: Operators Unary Operators & Binary Operators Lab 4: Multiple Overloading & Data Conversion Lab 5: Inheritance, Derived & Base Class Lab 6: Inheritance Levels of Inheritance Lab 7: Inheritance Levels of Inheritance Lab 8: Pointers Address & Pointers Lab 9: : Pointers Pointers & Arrays, Pointers & Functions Lab 10: Virtual Functions, Friend Functions, Static Functions, this pointer Lab 11: Streams & Files, Stream Classes, Stream Errors Lab 12: Disk File I/O with Streams Lab 13: Templates Function & Class Templates Lab 14: Exceptions Lab 15, 16: Semester Project
Case Studies Assignments Theory and problem statements as programming

Programming Assignments Done in the course Class Time spent on (in credit hour)

Oral and written Communication

Social and Ethical Issues Learn to work in a team. Group discussion and problem solution Practical projects demonstration. Quiz and assignments. Handouts, Problem solving tactics, Provide problem solution with discussion session, Organize Web development events

Problem Analysis

Solution Design

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