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1 Exercise 4 ionisation energies

1. Why does the first ionisation energy of atoms generally increase across a period?
2. Why is the first ionisation energy of boron less than that of beryllium?
3. Why is the first ionisation energy of oxygen less than that of nitrogen?
4. Why do first ionisation energies decrease down a group?
5. Why does helium have the highest first ionisation energy of all the elements?
6. Why is the second ionisation energy of an atom always greater than the first?
7. Why is the second ionisation energy of sodium much greater than the first?
8. Why does atomic size decrease across a period?
9. Why does atomic size increase down a group?
10. Why are cations always smaller than the corresponding atoms?
11. Why are anions always larger than the corresponding atoms?
1.1 Exercise 4

Number of protons increases, shielding stays the same, so attraction of outer electrons to nucleus


Outermost electron in B is 2p, outermost electron in Be is 2s, 2p electron in B better shielded than 2s
electron in Be, so it is less attracted to nucleus


2p electron is paired in O but unpaired in N, so in O there is more repulsion in the orbital which
makes the electron easier to remove


More shells, so more shielding, so attraction of outer electrons to the nucleus decreases


No shielding in 1st period so electrons closely held than in other periods, and more protons than
hydrogen so greater attraction to nucleus


Less electrons, so less electron repulsion


1st electron removed from 3s, second electron removed from 2p so much less shielding


Number of protons increases, shielding stays the same, so attraction of outer electrons to nucleus
increases and they move closer


More shells, so more shielding, so attraction of outer electrons to the nucleus decreases and they are
pushed further away


Less electrons, so less repulsion, so electrons can get closer to the nucleus


More electrons, so more repulsion, so electrons are pushed further away

Mill Hill High School


The values of the first ionisation energies of neon, sodium and magnesium are 2080,
494 and 736 kJ mol1, respectively.

Explain the meaning of the term first ionisation of an atom.



Write an equation to illustrate the process occurring when the second ionisation
energy of magnesium is measured.


Explain why the value of the first ionisation energy of magnesium is higher than
that of sodium.


Explain why the value of the first ionisation energy of neon is higher than that of
(Total 8 marks)




Enthalpy change/required when an electron is removed/knocked

out/displaced (Ignore minimum energy)

From a gaseous atom

(could get this mark from equation)

Mg+(g) Mg2+(g) + e


Or Mg (g) + e Mg (g) + 2e State symbols (Tied to M1)


Increased/stronger nuclear charge or more protons

Smaller atom or electrons enter the same shell or same/similar shielding 1
Electron removed from a shell of lower energy or smaller atom or e nearer
nucleus or e removed from 2p rather than from 3s
Less shielding

(Do not accept e from inner shell)


Mill Hill High School



Write equations to show the chemical processes which occur when the first and the second
ionisation energies of lithium are measured.
First ionisation energy equation .........................................................................
Second ionisation energy equation .....................................................................



Explain why helium has a much higher first ionisation energy than lithium.


Explain why beryllium has a higher first ionisation energy than boron.


Explain why the first ionisation energy of krypton is greater than the first ionisation
energy of bromine.


Explain why the second ionisation energy of beryllium is greater than the first
ionisation energy.
(Total 11 marks)




First ionisation energy equation

Li(g) Li+(g) + e (1)

Second ionisation energy equation

Li+(g) Li2+(g) e (1)

tate symbols (1)


Hes electron in 1s (1)

closer to nucleus (or no shielding) (1)
(or converse argument for Li)


Bes outer electron in 2s (1)

lower in energy than 2p (1)


more protons (1)

or increased nuclear charge

attracting electrons in the same {shell/orbital/subshell/energy level (1)
or similar shielding

Electron removed from positive ion (1)

which attracts the electron more (1)
(allow for 2nd electron nearer to the nucleus)


Mill Hill High School

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