2.11 Prayer Service For The World Environment Day 2012

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PRAYER SERVICE for U.N.World ENVIRONMENT DAY 2012. Quote: The poetry of the earth is never dead.

John Keats Theme: Nature is not a place to visit. It is home. Gary Snyder Logo: Green Economy: Does it include you? Event: U.N. WORLD ENVIRONMENT DAY: 05 June or 20 -22 June 2012 Ritual : Green Leaf- Photosynthesis Scripture: The Earth is the Lords & everything in it; the world & all who live in it Ps 24/1 Prayer Songs: 1. All things bright and beautiful - http://youtu.be/0H0ayuugMYk 2.The photosynthesis song : Preparation: Preferably hold the prayer service in the open surrounded by nature; sky, trees, birds, warmth of the sun, gentleness of the breeze and the feel of distinct space - unique GPS. Introduction: {At the start of the prayer service: A candle is lit while all stand in silence} Leader: Scripture Reading: Book of Psalms No. 24 Verse 1 In the book of psalms the psalmist exalts the Creator for the creation of the universe and our earth. Ps. 24 verse 1 reads - The Earth is the Lords & everything in it; the world & all who live in it. (Pause) We respond to the psalm in singing with the choir All things bright and beautiful Choir: Prayer Song 1: All things bright and beautiful Leader: World Environment Day (WED), observed each year on 5 June, is a prime tool through which United Nations (U.N.) stimulates worldwide consciousness of the environment. WED was established by the U.N. General Assembly in 1972 to mark the Stockholm Conference on the Human Environment and is run by UNEP (United Nations Environment Programme) since 1973. WED is similar to Earth Day (22 April). WED highlights global environmental concerns and promote low carbon economies and life-styles lending a human face to environmental issues. It empowers people to be dynamic agents of sustainable development to ensure globally a safer future. In the 40 years (1972 - 2012) WED took up different themes. To cite a few: Only One Future for Our Children Development without Destruction (1979); When People Put the Environment First, Development Will Last (1988); Global Warming - Global Warning(1989); Only One Earth - Care and Share (1992); One Earth One Family (1994); Our Earth, Our Habitat, Our Home (1996); For Life on Earth - Save Our Seas (1998); Our Earth - Our Future - Just Save It! (1999); Connect with the World Wide Web of Life (2001); Give Earth a Chance (2002); Green Cities Plan for the Planet! (2005); CO2, Kick The Habit - Towards A Low Carbon Economy (2008); Your Planet Needs You - UNite to Combat Climate Change (2009); Many Species. One Planet One Future (2010); Forests - Nature at your Service (2011) India hosted WED at New Delhi.

Reader 1: (Earth is precious yet fragile) Earth is the only planet unique in our solar system and probably in the entire universe on which life does exist. Earth is covered with green vegetation, enormous oceans with over a million islands, huge land masses called continents, mountains, ice caps, streams, rivers, and deserts that produce a magnificent tapestry of color and texture. From the peak of the atmosphere to the depth of oceans, from the icy polar caps to the blazing equatorial regions life thrives. The poetry of the earth is never dead. The Earth is a home for all and the created world is sacred revelation of Gods power. The Earth is alive with a unique community of life. Humanity is part of a vast evolving universe. The well-being of humanity depend upon preserving a healthy biosphere with all its eco systems, rich variety of flora and fauna, fertile soils, pure waters and clean air. The protection of Earth's vitality, diversity and beauty is a sacred trust. We delight in the magnificence and mystery of myriad species and their interdependence in the ecological systems. We are overcome with awe as members of Gods bountiful/ beautiful creation. Nature is not a place to visit. It is home.(Gary.S) Reader 2: (Earth in trouble) People, Nature and the Earth form a deftly balanced system. Globally the prevailing patterns of production and consumption are causing environmental destruction, exhaustion of resources and massive extinction of species. Communities are being destabilized as the benefits of development are not shared equitably and the gap between rich and poor widens (Earth Charter Preamble). The earth is at peril in our hands - confronted with biocide (the killing of the life systems of the earth), and geocide (the devastation of the earth itself). (Thomas Berry, 1996) Our earth speaks to us & we must listen if we want to survive Today the great gift of Gods Creation is exposed to serious dangers and lifestyles which can degrade it. Environmental pollution is making particularly unsustainable the lives of the poor of the worldwe must pledge ourselves to take care of creation and to share its resources in solidarity.(Benedict XVI). We are a precious part of Earths web of life and have a duty to uphold the brilliance and balance of creation for those who come after us. To commit a crime against the natural world is a sin. Let us repent (pause...) Reader 3: (Earth needs Care) Prayer of Repentance: Creator God, we ask forgiveness for our greed and lavish life style in ransacking our biological capital which sustain us, not recognizing that the planet earth is finite in space, capacity and natural resources critical to survival. We pray for all living beings who inhabit the earth that their diversity and beauty be preserved. Grant us wisdom and courage to protect, preserve and respect creation so that none may suffer from lack of resources & generations to come may praise your goodness. Reader 4: This year 2012, we celebrate the UN International Year of Sustainable Energy for All. One in every five people on our planet has no access to electricity. In Sub-Saharan Africa two thirds of the population has no electricity and they rely on kerosene lanterns and candles for light. According to American Solar Energy Society the amount of sunlight that falls on the Earths surface in one minute is sufficient to meet the world energy needs for one year. Sustainable Development is broad idea of social and economic progress in meeting our needs with a guarantee that we leave a healthy and viable planet for future generations. (92 Earth summit).

Sustainable Development entails that those who are more affluent adopt lifestyles that are within the planets ecological means. The U.N. has specified in the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) that "current unsustainable patterns of production and consumption must be changed". Theme of WED 2012 is Green Economy: Does it include you? UNEP has defined Green Economy as one that improves human wellbeing & social equity, while significantly reducing environmental risks and ecological scarcities. Green Economy touches every aspect of our lives and concerns our development as water / land / waste / transport management, renewable energy sources, etc. Efficient public transport can lessen traffic jams, reduce use of fossil fuels and pollution. Green building technology absorbs less heat, consumes less energy and water etc. Green Economy will equitably improve living standards without eroding environmental assets. Ritual: Large Green Leaf - Photosynthesis (displayed). Reader 5: The GREEN LEAF captures energy of the sunlight in the miracle of photosynthesis. The vital green chlorophyll that transforms the suns rays into usable chemical energy is the cornerstone of all life on earth. Photosynthesis represents the earths creative response to the suns constant offer of life sustaining energy. Dark leafy greens are a rich source of vitamin C, K, E, B, as well as iron, calcium, and roughage vital for good health. Leaves (foliage) on a tree create shade that cools, provide food for all organisms and keep wind from drying out the forest ecosystem; while fallen leaves decay, enrich and moisturize the soil. Colour GREEN occupies more space in the visible spectrum and in nature, blending harmony and balance; Green symbolizes safety, hope and ecology. The hallowed ground of our earthly household is green which roots all elements of life. Leader: Reflective Pause: (Give sufficient pauses ) Do we habitually observe the leaf details we chance upon as to its size/shape/ shade/ pattern to identify the tree and name it as mango leaf, neem leaf..? The tree is known by its leaf signature... Let us take time to observe trees/bark/leaves and enjoy the beauty and bounty of our world The theme "Greening the Economy -- Does it include You?" invites us to evaluate our effort in greening activities in reducing emissions and saving energy. Let us follow Green Living Tips: Plant a tree as it is good for the air, can keep you cool and can increase the property value Change to Fluorescent Bulbs and Switch off electrical appliances when not using them Reduce Reuse, Recycle bags, paper, glass, containers. Avoid plastics & use both sides of paper Let us take a stand together to ensure a cleaner, greener & brighter future for ourselves and progeny.
{Rio + 20 (20 years from 92 earth summit) Earth Summit by U.N. (on June 20-22), is aimed at setting of sustainable development goals worldwide to safeguard food security, water and energy. Green Economy is for frugal living and reverence for nature as we owe our debt to the future to bequeath a healthier and cleaner world to posterity.}

Prayer: Principal / Teacher Praise to thee O Lord, for our Mother the Earth who sustains and nourishes us. May we respect the earth and care for the community of life in all its diversity. Give us wisdom and courage to protect and restore the integrity of earth's ecological systems and the natural processes that sustain life. Grant us compassion and love to prevent ecological harm, protect the rights of people and to promote the common good of all. May all generations enjoy earth's bounty and beauty. Amen.

Let us join the choir in praising God for the wonder of photosynthesis. Choir: Prayer Song 2: The photosynthesis song : Prayer Song 1: 1. All things bright and beautiful - http://youtu.be/0H0ayuugMYk Refrain: All things bright and beautiful, all creatures great and small, all things wise and wonderful: the Lord God made them all. 1.Each little flower that opens, each little bird that sings, God made their glowing colors, and made their tiny wings. (Refrain) 2.God gave us eyes to see them, and lips that we might tell how great is God Almighty, who has made all things well. (Refrain) Prayer Song 2: The photosynthesis song : If you want to know / How a plant grows / It takes water, air, and sunlight / And makes cellulose Every plant can do this / Fundamental process / And we can call this / Photosynthesis Unlike me and you / Plants need CO2 / And they make oxygen / That stops us turning blue Every plant can do this / Fundamental process / And we can call this / Photosynthesis Its a miracle / How all the chlorophyll / Captures sunlight in the leaves / Of the plants and the trees A plant of any size / Can do it if it tries / But were not green, so we cant / photosynthesize Every plant can do this / Fundamental process / And we can call this / Photosynthesis Its a miracle / How all the chlorophyll / Captures sunlight in the leaves / Of the plants and the trees Every plant can do this / Fundamental process / And we can call this / Photosynthesis Every plant can do this / Fundamental process / And we can call this / Pho-to-syn-the-sis (2) ..
Requirements: A Teacher and 2/3 student leaders will take full responsibility for prior preparation: 1. Arrange and organize the prayer service, with prior preparation for the requirements. 2. Prepare the Ritual for display - Large Green Leaf for display 3. The choir to practice earlier the given songs and lead the assembly to sing. 4. Assign 5 readers to responsibly render their role; practice earlier to set prayerful tone of devotion with reflective pauses to let the prayer service flow without flaw. 5. Display prominently The Theme, Quote and the Logo. NOTE: {AVEC Prayer Services are comprehensive to conduct once a month during the school assembly or class assembly. Pupil participation in preparation of Rituals, Poster, Singing, and Reading will enhance the effect. In case of time constraint, you are encouraged to condense and have it rather than miss its dynamism. Kindly spread the prayer for the benefit of others.} .

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