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International LightWorkerS

Highest Divine Sacred Locations

LightWorker™ Series

Channelling & Manual by

Rev. Dr. Mariah ”Windsong” Napieralski
Layout by Rev. Dr. Jens Søeborg
Highest Divine Sacred Locations Attunement
Rev. Dr. Marian “Windsong” Napieralski are making some attunements and shaktis which are very
different from thwe other thing we have here in the LightWorker™ Series. This is yet another
exciting system from Mariah “Windsong”, which we have placed in her own series …
LightWorker™ Mariah Windsong Systems (all from Rev. Dr. Mariah Napieralski)
Calla Lily Flower Attunement (Mariah ”Windsong” Napieralski) (LightWorker™ Series)
Circuitry Resonance Activation (Mariah ”Windsong” Napieralski) (LightWorker™ Series)
Highest Divine Sacred Locations Attunement (Mariah ”Windsong” Napieralski) (LW™ Series)
Keys of Enoch Activation Series (Mariah ”Windsong” Napieralski) (LightWorker™ Series)
Kundalini Omega Minus Function Activations (Mariah ”Windsong” Napieralski) (LW™ Series)
Lavender Plant Shakti System 1-3 (Mariah ”Windsong” Napieralski) (LightWorker™ Series)
Strength Movers of the Light (Mariah ”Windsong” Napieralski) (LightWorker™ Series)
This attunement is an interesting addition to the different series of Power Places already existing in
the system.

Highest Divine Sacred Locations Attunement


This attunement gives you protection from the impact of trauma that occurred
in Sacred locations.

Many places that you might not

even think of as Sacred were, to
some people, at some time. When a
location is Sacred, it has an extra
charge to the area. Sacred areas
have also been the places where a
lot of conflict has happened because
of the way people respond to places
that are quite special. Others
either want the places, or want to
keep people from going there.

When you travel, or when you walk on a sacred area, whether you are
consciously feeling the location’s history or not, this attunement will cause the
impact of the imprint of past conflict and what people felt in that place to be
less. It will filter for you, so that you do not necessarily have to feel all that
they felt.

It will allow the positive power and mystical, religious or spiritual significance
of the location to come through to you, so you may partake of the positive
concentration of the energies of the location.

This attunement does run autonomously, which means that there is no need to
actively run these energies. Sacred Locations attunement is also effective for
while you are journeying or doing astral travel to a location.
One attunement passes the energies of Highest Divine Sacred Locations Attune-
ment to you and gives you the ability to pass them along to others, by the
attunement method of your choice, if you are a Reiki or Seichim Master

While this protection is quite comprehensive for empathic individuals and

individuals who receive images and emotions when they touch an item, realize
that your higher self can over-ride the action of this attunement.

If there is a reason that your conscious self is not aware of, why it is beneficial
to your soul’s purpose for you to feel through and through, what happened
previously in a place, you will still feel the imprint.

This attunement is intended for the emotional imprint of events which

occurred at the location in the past and ones occurring simultaneously in
parallel realities to the one you are currently conscious within. It is also
intended for events which occurred in a past timeline in parallel realities.

It is not intended for events happening in the future in this reality or parallel
realities. Neither does it protect a person during their night-time sleep
spiritual travel sojourns from being affected by the emotional imprint of what
occurred in times past at the places you may visit during spiritual night work
or travel, unless you do these activities consciously.

Consult your Guardians in the Light and councils, requesting that such support
be given to you in the manner proper for your night-time activities if you feel
this kind of protection is needed.

Temple on Malta – maybe older than the pyramids – photo Jens

’Information Only’ function
Highest Divine Sacred Locations Attunement
has one activateable function, the ‘Infor-
mation Only’ function. Simply intend to run
the ‘Information Only’ function if your
guidance indicates that it is important for you
to know what happened at a place or is
happening in another reality in this place
right now but you don’t want or need to feel
the emotional impact of these events.

The Information Only function will not give

you information about a location if you are
not already at a level in your intuitive
awareness to consciously receive such infor-

This function simply allows the information part of the intuition to arrive,
while filtering out the emotional feeling part of the energy signature.

Many of you do feel called to assist with healing for ones involved with such
events at sacred locations, or for nature spirits and the spirits of indigenous
plants, trees, or stones there.

The information only function will allow you to do your spiritual work for the
location and its inhabitants without being in the middle of the previous trauma
and the emotions associated with it.

For those who do not consciously feel emotions associated with a location, this
attunement can assist you also, because your energy field may have been
absorbing such emotions, treating them as currently real even if you are
consciously unaware.

This attunement is not designed to increase a person’s sensitivity to the

spiritual significance or positive energies of a Sacred Location. Choose another
spiritual practice or simply use your own intent to amplify your awareness to
the sacred energies of various locations on our beautiful planet Earth.

Disclaimer: Sacred Locations Attunement is for enrichment purposes only and

does not diagnose nor claim to cure any disease or illness.

~Founded by Mariah Napieralski, October, 2008

all rights reserved

Photo on this page by Charmaine – Abu Simbel – Egyptian temple built by Ramesses II

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