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2003- 2012 Wayeb Asociacin Europea de Mayistas (Association Europenne de Mayaistes)

Profile of Daniel Medvedov

Who is Who?
Maya Research in Europe Maya Research in Overseas http://www.wayeb.eu/research/whoiswho_ profile.php?id=101

Vienna Madrid


Medvedov, Daniel
University ProfessorInternational Educator

Academic Degree(s):
Ph.D. in Phylosophy, M.A. in Cinematic Arts, Specialist in Theology

Academic Affiliation:
Director of The Center of Maya Studies of Arts & Minds Academy, Coconut Grove, Miami Member of The Institute of Maya Studies, Museum of Science, Miami, Florida Maya Lore Discussion Group - Moderator Books & Books, Aragon St., Coral Gables, Miami, Florida

3095 Oak Avenue33133, Miami, FloridaUSA



http://librodenotas,com/polimecanicaeducativa/ http://www.danielmedvedov.at/DanielMedvedov/

Area of Interest:
Maya Glyphs,Maya Gestures,Maya Literature, Popol Vuh, Chilam Balam de Chumayel,Semiotics,Mythology, Symbology, Philosophy of Culture

Current Project:
Desciphering Maya Writing Maya Hand Cultural Anthropology Research Proposal: Kalevala and Popol Vuh-A Parallel Reading The relevance and connections of the research to a wider academic context I propose a research related to the text and universal meaning of Kalevala and Popol Vuh:Kalevala is a Thesaurus of Wisdom, not only for Finland, but for the entire cultural world. The same statement is valid for The Popol Vuh. It is relevant that nobody knows what is The Sampo. The SAMPO is a Code: The exceptional quality of the structure found on the basis of the Kalevala text is mostly ignored by writers and users. The Code is like a wheel, a Structural Mill which moves all words in the web of the text, as being genes, sentences of deep meaning. In a wider academic context, the Code enhance linguistic research, binary analogies for codifying sentences and

phrases, medical data and genetic correlations, and ethical assets valuable in our present society. The aims and methods of research I consider the Kalevala text as a living organic structure, with its laws, processes of meaning and mythical reactions with semiotic values.The aims and methods of research are the following: 1. Indexicalization and digitalizing of the text of Kalevala, as it was done with the text of The Popol Vuh of the Mayas, at The Newberry Library, in Boston 2. Construction of a corpus of gestures, images, expressions, colors, animals, flowers, trees, star and constellations and other topics to be found and localized quickly in the fifty chapters 3. Enhance the mnemonic values of the poetical structure of the text, repeated thousand and thousand of verses 4. Application of the code of language and its components, called odons, to the text of Kalevala 5. A parallel reading of Kalevala with The Epic of Gilgamesh, Odyssey, Popol Vuh, Journey to the West (Hsy Yu Chi) of Wu Chen En, a Chinese Scholar of the XVI century, and 6. An Ethical Corpus present within the Kalevala

text, according to the similarities found in The Fragments of Heraclitus 7. A multifarious agenda of Vainamoinen and Ilmarinen, composed in the view of a Polymechanical and Mythical Hero 8. Current educational trends for our modern world found in Kalevala The current state and schedule of the applicants research The current state of my research looks like the museum- house of Akselli Gallen Kallela: no furniture and no object is yet disposed in the Studio, but the principal beam and all the internal and external structure are already done. I have done quite a half of the work, including the structure of the Sampo Code and mostly all the indexical lists of topics.

Schedule: I need some three years to complete the final work. First Year: Digitalization of the text of Kalevala Second Year: Indexicalization of Kalevala Third Year: An ethical approach and contemporary

educational assets

Cooperation partners, including the most significant national and international contacts, especially interdisciplinary cooperation My principal and most significant contact and partner in this research is His Excellency Mr. Pauli Makela, present Ambassador of Finland in Rome, with whom I was working for many years. His help is invaluable.The other partner is Mr. William Scott Wilson, personal friend and colleague, a famous translator from Japanese culture, particularly involved in Kalevala Studies, and a recipient of The International Prize of The Ministry of External Relations of Japan, author of many books about japanese folklore and who is reminding my name in some of his books. As a director of The Center of Maya Studies of Arts & Minds Academy, in Miami, I would remain in contact with The Arts & Minds Center and with The Institute of Maya Studies from Miami, due to the tight relationship between the text of Kalevala and the text of the Popol Vuh. Another significant participant in this cooperation, mostly related to medical matters, would be Dr. Justin Newman, Director of Research of Banyan Institute ,

in Miami, Florida, with whom I was working as an advisor for the last two years. Work abroad during the funding period, if anyI would prefer to remain in Finland, for all this period of three years,some travels to Karelia A detailed publishing schedule for research results, especially of publications aimed at an international audience. My idea is to open a site in the WWW, where to publish, monthly, the due topics of the proposed research, in order to have an international audience and academic feedback. Besides this, every year, The Center of Maya Studies, together with Almateria Foundation of Venezuela, to which a Kalevala Center of Studies belongs since 1988, would publish a book of some hundred pages about the most significant issues of the research done in that year. Publishing schedule for research results, detailed (36 months): First year:This first year would be a time for making the tables and lists of Kalevala 1. The Universal Code of Language and Kalevala: ZOEMA, a finish Genome 2. Structure, Memory and Poiesis in Kalevala: MNEMONICS

3. Mythical Images in Kalevala and their modern meaning: MYTHOPOIESIS 4. Trees in Kalevala: DENDROLOGY 5. Flowers in Kalevala: ANTHOLOGY 6. Objects, tools SKEUMORPHOSIS 7. Stars and COSMOPOIESIS and weapons in in Kalevala: Kalevala:


8. Animals in Kalevala: ZOOGNOSIS 9. The personal names and their meaning in Kalevala: ONOMATOLOGY 10. The Mythical Time and Space in Kalevala: TOPOLOGY 11. The religious images in Kalevala: THEOLOGY 12. The Voyage to the Underworld in Kalevala: A Psychological NEKIYA Second year:The second year is a time for parallel reading and comparative assets 1. Popol Vuh and Kalevala: A parallel reading 2. Gilgamesh and Vainamoinen: Two Mythical Cultural Characters

3. Journey to the West and Kalevala: Wonders and Magic 4. Odysseus and Vainamoinen: Return to the Origins 5. A functional table of the Universal Code of Languages: DEKASYNOPTIKON 6. All the double syllables of the Kalevala text: MNEMOTECNICS 7. Kalevala: A Theater of Memory 8. How to Sing a Song: The Runnoia 9. Shamanism and the Journey of the Soul in Kalevala 10. Romantic Images of Kalevala: Lovers, friends and Brotherhood 11. A brief account of similarities between Kalevala and Don Quixote 12. Divina Commedia of Dante Alighieri Kalevala: Secret and Mystery Third year: The third year would be a time for operative applications of the Sampo Code 1. The sixty-four odons of the universal code of


language 2. Translation in Spanish and the codifying of the text of Kalevala 3. Graphical memory of the syntaxis of Kalevala: A graphic chip 4. Binary codification of Kalevala 5. A digital figure of the text of Kalevala in Finish and English 6. Operational structure of the Sampo Code 7. The Sampo and the Kantele: Two Mythical Items 8. Medical knowledge in Kalevala: AUTOIATRIA 9. Family Life and Ethics in Kalevala 10. Children Education in Kalevala 11. The Warriors Way: Strategy and Tactics in military matters 12. Ontical Logic and Ontology in Kalevala


Issues concerning research ethics, if relevant I believe that ethics are the most significant and relevant issues of this proposal. In order to make it clear and operative, all the ethical topics present in the Kalevala text would be shown in a present educational light, for the aim of new generation, as it is enhanced in the last words of Vainamoinen. Synopsis I propose Sampo Code as a research related to the text of Kalevala:The first aim is to demonstrate its value as a universal corpus of knowledge.The second is to make a corpus with all the images, elements and figures, signs, symbols, myths and names useful as a tool for later research. The third is to show the deep ethical and educational resources of the actions, adventures and stories found in the text of Kalevala, in order to apply it in our present society. The fourth is to construct a body of knowledge of Kalevala with the aim of The Universal Code of Language.Despite of the fact that many authors invoke the presence and the apparent knowledge of the code among linguists, none have presented its structure, as, in fact, did occur with the genetic code, which was clearly described by the scientists who presented it some 40 years ago.

The General Code of Language is the first of many intangibles in the field of language research, and we must insist on the fact that no one has yet to present the structure of the code and there is no published material related to its points, or elements. The sixty-four zoematic operators, or double logomatic operators, called odons, are very similar to some of the double particles or syllables used in the text of Kalevala, as a mnemonic resource. The sixty-four odons, even if are arranged in a circular shape, might be represented as follows:AA BB GG DD LL MM II HHAB BA GB DG LD ML IM HIAG BG GA DB LG MD IL HMAD BD GD DA LB MG ID HLAL BL GL DL LA MB IG HDAM BM GM DM LM MA IB HGAI BI GI DI LI MI IA HBAH BH GH DH LH MH IH HA


The binary correspondence of the zoematic odons is strictly operative in a possible codification of a text: AA- 111111 BB- 110110 GG- 100100 DD- 001001LL101101 MM- 000000 II- 010010 HH- 011011AB111110 BA- 110111 GB- 100110 DG- 001100LD101001 ML- 000101 IM- 010000 HI- 011010AG111100 BG- 110100 GA- 100111 DB- 001110LG101100 MD- 000001 IL- 010101 HM- 011000AD111001 BD- 110001 GD- 100001 DA- 001111LB101110 MG- 000100 ID- 010001 HL- 011101AL111101 BL- 001101 GL- 100101 DL- 001101LA101111 MB- 000110 IG- 010100 HD- 011001AM111000 BM- 110000 GM- 100000 DM- 001000LM101000 MA- 000111 IB- 010110 HG- 011100AI111010 BI- 110010 GI- 100010 DI- 001010LI- 101010 MI- 000010 IA- 010111 HB- 011110AH-111011 BH110011 GH- 100011 DH- 001011LH- 101011 MH000011 IH- 010011 HA- 011111 What is the use of all these tables? The meaning of the tables involves the fact that a text could be codified in a binary shape, beyond the ASCEE code, in which every letter has a binary value. The digital result is much simpler, and the amount of the used memory is practically the half.


Having Kalevala codified in the Universal Code of Language implies and generates a beginning of a new field of research: Codifying classical texts of universal literature. Given that the code of language has applications in medicine as well as in biomedical engineering, and therefore in all language sciences, its social value goes beyond the limits of linguistics. The applications of the code appear as possible mostly in computer science and medicine. Technology is now going through a short period of stagnation, precisely because of this unknown code of language. It is a passive moment of wait, though, this wait, which neutralizes any advance, is due to the absence of analogies between human language and that of the machine. There are a reduced number of elements common to all tongues. These basic elements of language combine to form modules that, in turn, produce the formula of the code. This system controls the rhythm, separation and expressive form of any spoken languageIn addition to an algorhytmic or combinatory aspect, the code also reflects a biochemical one. This project is an operative proposition of the use of the General Code of Language with the Kalevala text, which represents, in our view, an important technical discovery.


From this general body of facts, the research will define and demonstrate that the unitive or common traits of all tongues are scarcely eight.The Sampo Code

DANIEL MEDVEDOV - List of publications *ZoognosisThe Secret Meaning of Animals in Mythology (250 pgs)National Academy of History Caracas, 1993 *General Code of Language- A Scientific Discovery for the XXI Century (140 pgs)Catholic University Andres Bello Caracas, 1987 *Unified Theory of Language (125 pgs)Fourth Research Meeting, CENTRAL UNIVERSITY OF VENEZUELA- Caracas, 1984 *ARQUETIPOLOGY The Universal PrinciplesAlmateria Foundation Caracas, 2005 *New aspects of Maya - Hieroglyphic Writing (100 pgs)International Congress of Americanists, Tulane University - New Orleans, 1991


Publications that were intended for a general audience Some twenty publications might be found at http://librodenotas.com/polimecanicaeducativa/Libro de Notas (WWW) Diary of the Best Contents in Spanish of The WWW / POLIMECANICA EDUCATIVA, 2003-2007 (Monthly Column) The Abominable Man of Theories (50 pgs)Center for Studies of Symbology - Caracas, 1980 Navigation Treatise for Medieval Children (200 pgs) Center for Studies of Symbology - Caracas, 1981 A Guide to Discover False Masters (80 pgs) Universal History of Wisdom, Gaisma Editors -Caracas, 1987I Ching (70 pgs) A Country of Holes-A new translationCenter for Studies of Symbology - Caracas, 1981 Academic publications Maya Anatomy (60 pgs)International Congress of AmericanistsBritish Columbia University - Vancouver, 1979 Maya Digital Hand-Seals (100 pgs)International Congress of Americanists - University of Manchester Manchester, 1980


Symbology - A Science of Languages (120 pgs) National Universities Research Meeting - Caracas, 1986 Chilam Balam of Chumayel (150 pgs)A Maya Book of Wisdom - A new translationCENTRAL UNIVERSITY OF VENEZUELA - Caracas, 1980 Popol Vuh (200 pgs)The Maya-Quiche Book of ExistenceA new translation, CENTRAL UNIVERSITY OF VENEZUELA - Caracas, 1985 Song of Songs (100 pgs) A new translationInterAmerican Center for Cultural Relations, Embassy of Spain - Caracas, 1987 Apocalipsis (100 pgs) A new translationInter-American Center for Cultural Relations, Embassy of Spain Caracas, 1988 Kalevala (200 pgs) A Thesaurus of WisdomEmbassy of Finland - Caracas, 1990 Ten Lectures on Ten Sacred Books - Original Texts, (150 pgs)International Center for Cultural Relations, ICIS - Caracas, 1994 Introduction to the Aesthetics of Signs (200 pgs) National Pedagogic Experimental University LIBERTADOR - UPELGraduate Studies Department Caracas, 1994


POLYGLOSSIS (100 pgs) An Introduction to the Study of Natural LanguagesCatholic University Andres Bello Caracas, 1995 Don Quixote in China and Japan (100 pgs) International Center for Cultural Relations ICIS, Caracas, 1995 Introduction to Semiotics (100 pgs)Catholic University Andres Bello - Caracas, 1995 Bionics of the Workplace (100 pgs) The Art, the Technique and the Science of BalancePDVSA Venezuelan Petroleum Company Caracas, 1994 *Daniel Medvedov. ONTICA. Una nueva Ciencia para el Siglo XXI. UN MODELO TEORICO PARA UNA EDUCACION INTEGRAL. MANUAL DE LOGICA. y. ANALISIS ESTRATEGICO ...librodenotas.com/file_download/2 Revista potica Almacn: Daniel Medvedov Archives *Archivo de Daniel Medvedov Portada [01.08.03] Internet antes de Cristo [01.07.03] Aceituna, una [01.06.03] Botnica paralela ... www.librodenotas.com/almacen/Archivos/cat_daniel_ medvedov.html - 2kDa Internacional de la Salud


DANIEL MEDVEDOV. Miembro de la Alliance Medicale Internacionale, Paris Consejero de Honor del Instituto de Medicina China de Taipei, China ... www.mipunto.com/temas/01/salud1.htmlApril @ Books & Books*Maya Lore Discussion Group - Daniel Medvedov, Ph.D. a Zen Master and specialist in Maya Studies and Literature, moderates, 7:30pm. Thursday, July 20, Gables ... www.inkbytedesign.com/books/july_news06_print.htm l *Lymphocyte AntigensMedvedov, Daniel. 1982 Anatoma maya: El lenguaje simblico de la mano [abstract]. Abstracts of Papers, 44th International Congress of Americanists, p. ... www.neara.org/Guthrie/lymphocyteantigens03.htm Aprender a EmprenderFile Format: PDF/Adobe Acrobat - View as HTML *Medvedov, Daniel, Los 23 Principios Universales. inscritos en los 23 Cromosomas. www.tamaulipas.gob.mx/gobierno/secretarias/sedeem /empleo/productividad/libro.pdf *The Box Cabinet of Almateria Symbology of 100 Games (100 pgs) The Fantastic Doctor M.A New Perspective of Education Foundation, Center for Studies of - Caracas, 1995

2003- 2012 Wayeb Asociacin Europea de Mayistas (Association Europenne de Mayaistes)


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