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6 œ theSun | TUESDAY JANUARY 6 2009

news without borders


UN seeks
A Jordanian
protester flashes
a victory sign as
others shout anti-
Israeli slogans during
a demonstration
against the Israeli

speedy end
offensive in Gaza in
Amman on Sunday.

to Gaza
WASHINGTON: UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-
moon said on Sunday he had recalled his special South Korean demonstrators hold up
Mideast peace envoy to New York for briefings placards during a rally outside Israel’s
and convened a meeting of senior advisers on the embassy in Seoul yesterday.
Gaza crisis.
In a statement from his press office, Ban also
said he believed the UN Security Council had “a
central role to play in bringing a speedy end to the Quartet wants
conflict,” and that he planned further talks with
Council members and Arab leaders to try to end
the fighting. “to observe an immediate ceasefire.” Libya and other Arab states oppose the US
He also said he was concerned about the
humanitarian situation in Gaza and had asked
But diplomats said the United States
refused to back the Libyan-drafted text and
view, leaving the 15-nation Security Council
deadlocked on the Gaza crisis.
Israeli authorities to open three border crossings killed the initiative, since council statements Israel launched the ground offensive in
to allow in grain, power plant fuel and other es- must be passed the Gaza Strip on » From Front Page
sential supplies. unanimously. Later Saturday, sending
Israel’s advances into Gaza have carved
Ban said he wants the special envoy, Robert the United States tanks and infantry
the 40km-long coastal territory, home to
Serry, to “brief me in New York on the situation refused to back a into battle with Ha-
1.5 million people, into two zones and
on the ground as well as diplomatic efforts un- watered-down call mas fighters, who forces have surrounded its largest urban
derway.” for a truce, the dip- have defied eight area, Gaza City
The secretary-general’s comments follow the lomats said. days of deadly air Bombs on Monday hit a hospital
failure on Saturday of an effort by Libya to ask the The United strikes with salvos morgue where a family were mourning a
UN Security Council at an emergency meeting to States insists that of rocket fire into paramedic killed in an airstrike on Sunday.
call for an immediate ceasefire in Gaza after Israel any statement or Israeli towns. Three people were killed and 17 wounded,
launched a ground invasion. resolution say the Israel insists its medical workers said.
The United States refused to back the motion Palestinian militant Gaza action aims to Czech Foreign Minister Karel Schwarzen-
during the four-hour meeting, diplomats said on group Hamas is a halt Hamas rocket berg, heading an EU peace mission, could
Saturday. terrorist organisa- attacks. The strip is offer her little comfort. “We do not have a
“I regret that the Security Council has not been tion that seized home to 1.5 million specific plan for a ceasefire because the
able to reach a consensus, including during its power in Gaza from Palestinians. ceasefire as such much be concluded by
emergency session held yesterday evening, in order the legitimate Pales- The offensive the involved parties,” he said in Jerusalem.
to bring about an end to the violence,” Ban said. tinian Authority. has killed at least “We can help to it, we can mediate, we
“I will be working actively with members of US envoy Alejan- 500 Palestinians, can assist a solution but it’s not up to us to
the Council and other key players, in particular dro Wolff said on including a growing propose the conditions.”
Arab leaders who I am seeing tomorrow at United Saturday there was number of civilians, Former British prime minister Tony Blair,
Nations Headquarters, to facilitate the emergence no point in issuing according to Gaza envoy for a major powers group called the
of a consensus.” statements that Hamas, which unilaterally medical officials. Four Israelis have been Quartet, said a ceasefire was a priority.
Libya, the only Arab member of the council, declared an end to a six-month old ceasefire killed since Dec 27 by rockets that continue “We are doing everything we possibly
had circulated a draft statement urging all parties last month, would ignore. to pound southern Israel. – Reuters can to bring about an end to a situation of
immense suffering and deprivation,” he
said after meeting Palestinian President
Mahmoud Abbas in the West Bank.
Thousands flood refugee Backed by 150 tanks and helicopter gunships, thousands of Israeli troops The Quartet wanted an immediate
ceasefire respected by all sides and to
– including the Golani and Givati brigades, paratroopers and Sayeret
camps after quakes Matkal special forces – have surrounded Gaza’s largest city in a move
get humanitarian aid flowing into Gaza,
Blair said.
designed to cut off Hamas reinforcements from the south Sarkozy said he “condemned this of-
MANOKWARI: Thousands of and private buildings were
residents flooded makeshift damaged in the quake, as well Naval blockade Tens of thousands of reservists fensive” for distancing chances for peace
refugee camps in Indonesia’s as seven bridges, two of which SYRIA extended to 37km and hundreds of tanks massed and making it harder to get aid to Palestin-
West Papua province yesterday collapsed, he said. 50km along border ready to escalate ians in Gaza. He met Egyptian President
after two powerful earthquakes Four central government MED Hosni Mubarak and will head for meetings
30 miles ITERR ground operations
A NEAN in Israel and the Palestinian territories.
flattened buildings and killed at ministers arrived by plane SEA
least one person. bringing 1.5 billion rupiah The United States, Israel’s closest ally,
Gaza 220 rockets fired into has looked all but sidelined by the pending
Residents camped out in (RM490,000) in aid and to sur- Strip
West Israel in past week transfer of its presidency. The Bush ad-
yards and streets outside their vey the damage, officials said.
homes and there were 14,000 Two tonnes of medicine Bank ministration has supported Israel, saying
refugees across the province, was also flown in by the health Gaza City: Surrounded Hamas must halt rocket fire at Israel for a
many of whom had fled to ministry to Manokwari’s air- by Israeli infantry truce to take shape.
Erez As part of any halt to the fighting, which
higher ground, officials said. port.
Jerusalem Tanks advance has led to protests across the world, Israel
“For the time being there In Manokwari, many resi-
to surround is seeking international help to bolster
are 14,000 refugees,” governor dents were camping outside ISRAEL Nahal Oz
Khan Yunis security along Gaza’s border with Egypt
Abraham Atururi said, adding their homes but thousands
to prevent Hamas from rebuilding tunnels
that 17 camps had been set up from low-lying areas refused to
GAZA Karni and rearming.
for the displaced in the provin- leave camps on higher ground EGYPT
STRIP Palestinian Foreign Minister Tzipi Livni rebuffed Eu-
cial capital Manokwari. out of fear of a tsunami. ropean proposals for international observ-
As aid started to arrive, hun- “I’m half-dead in my tent.
ers in the Gaza Strip after any ceasefire,
dreds of aftershocks continued I want to go home but I’m At least 500
Kissufim dead, 2,400 pushing instead for teams that will help
to rattle the coastal city which scared of a tsunami,” said search out and seal off tunnels that could
was hit by the 7.6 and 7.5 mag- fisherman’s wife Mapahai, 35, Rafah wounded
Khan Yunis allow Hamas to rearm.
nitude quakes early Sunday, who fled with her husband and crossing
Hamas called off a six-month truce
cutting power and prompting a six children. Sufa Israeli casualties: last month and stepped up attacks on
brief tsunami warning. “Two of my children are ISRAEL Four civilians, southern Israel, citing Israeli raids and a
Atururi said a 10-year-old girl sick, I’m also sick. We haven’t two soldiers killed, blockade of the enclave that Israel oc-
was killed and 40 people were received any medicine yet.” 8km 32 wounded cupied until 2005.
injured in the earthquakes, Indonesia’s Meteorology and Aircraft bomb 5 mil Hamas: Reported Global oil prices, meanwhile, jumped to
which rekindled bitter memo- Geophysics Agency said Papua tunnels used to smuggle to have around 15,000 a three-week high yesterday after an Iranian
ries of similar deadly quakes had been hit by 842 aftershocks weapons from Egypt trained men under arms military commander called for an oil boycott
that hit the town in 2002. over a period of 29 hours after over the Israeli offensive. – Reuters
Sources: Wire agencies, United Nations © GRAPHIC NEWS
Hundreds of government the first quake. – AFP

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