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theSun | TUESDAY JANUARY 6 2009 7

news without borders

headquarters, the army said yesterday.
Soldiers were fanning out from posi-
tions in the north of the island and heading
India hands evidence on
towards remaining rebel pockets after

Humanitarian aid allowed

seizing the Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam
(LTTE) capital of Kilinochchi on Friday, the
army said.
Mumbai attacks to Pakistan
into affected areas On Sunday, troops also captured the NEW DELHI: India yesterday handed to the results with us so as to bring the perpe-
JERUSALEM: Israel allowed a convoy of town of Oddusuddan, just south-west of Pakistan what it said was evidence linking trators to justice,” Mukherjee said.
humanitarian aid to enter the Gaza Strip Mullaittivu, the last remaining town in the the country to the Islamic militants who New Delhi has also shared the evidence
yesterday, the army said. hands of the LTTE. attacked Mumbai in November, India’s with foreign ministers around the world,
“A convoy of 80 trucks transporting hu- For their part, the pro-rebel Tamilnet foreign minister said. will brief foreign ambassadors in New Delhi
manitarian aid has started to pass through website said Tigers were putting up stiff The government also said it was launch- and Indian ambassadors in other countries
the Kerem Shalom crossing” in the south, resistance to the military advance and ing a major diplomatic offensive to maintain will do the same, the minister said.
a military spokesman said. said they killed 53 soldiers and wounded international pressure on Islamabad, which The Nov 26 to 29 assault on India’s fi-
The aid included medicine and food another 80. The claims could not be inde- has so far rejected New Delhi’s demands to nancial capital left 172 dead, including nine
which was sent from Egypt, Jordan, Greece pendently verified. – AFP hand over a list of terror suspects. attackers.
and UN aid agencies, he said. “We have today handed over to Paki- Indian officials say the banned Pakistan-
The Nahal Oz terminal in the north China targets big stan evidence of the links with elements based militant group Lashkar-e-Taiba
was also opened yesterday to allow the in Pakistan of the terrorists who attacked trained and equipped the 10 militants who
transfer of 200,000 litres of fuel for Gaza’s websites in internet raid Mumbai on Nov 26,” Pranab Mukherjee stormed Mumbai.
electricity station as well as 120 tonnes of BEIJING: China has launched a crack- told reporters. Pakistan’s government has so far said
cooking gas, he said. – AFP down against major websites that of- France “What happened in Mumbai was an un- that New Delhi has provided no proof of a
ficials accused of threatening morals by foils two pardonable crime. As far as the government Pakistani link to the strikes.
Thais protest outside spreading pornography and vulgarity,
of Pakistan is concerned, we ask only that it But Indian Home Minister Palaniappan
including the dominant search engines implement the bilateral commitments that Chidambaram said over the weekend that
Israeli embassy Google and Baidu. pirate it has made at the highest levels to India, the proof against Pakistan was “overwhelm-
BANGKOK: About 200 demonstrators China’s Ministry of Public Security and practises her international obligations. ing” and “unanswerable” and indicated that
burnt an Israeli flag and staged a rally and six other government agencies an-
attacks These are clear,” he added. the attackers were backed by the Pakistani
outside Israel’s embassy in Bangkok nounced the campaign at a meeting yes- pg 11 India’s foreign secretary, Shivshankar authorities.
yesterday to protest the military of- terday, state television reported, show- Menon, handed over the evidence to Paki- Pakistani President Asif Ali Zardari,
fensive in Gaza, witnesses said. ing officials hauling digital equipment stan’s high commissioner in New Delhi. however, has described the attackers as
The demonstrators, most of them away from one unidentified office. Islamabad confirmed that it had re- “stateless” actors.
Thai Muslims dressed in black, held The meeting “decided to launch ceived the dossier and was reviewing its In Islamabad, a foreign ministry spokes-
posters denouncing the incursion. a nationwide campaign to clean up contents. man said Pakistan’s High Commissioner to
“In the name of Thais who love a vulgar current on the Internet and The material includes details of inter- India received the file yesterday and had
justice and peace, we would like to named and exposed a large number of rogation of Mohammed Ajmal Amir Iman sent it to authorities back home.
denounce the massacre, which has violating public morality and harming – also known as Mohammed Ajmal Kasab “The material has been received in
severely destroyed the dignity of hu- the physical and mental health of youth – who was the lone surviving gunman and Pakistan now and is being examined by
man beings,” the protesters said in a and young people,” the report said. who India says is a Pakistani national. concerned authorities,” the spokesman
statement. – AFP The 19 Internet operators and web- It also details the militants’ communica- added.
sites named had failed to swiftly cut tions with “elements” in Pakistan during Chidambaram is expected to travel to
S. Lanka troops keep up “vulgar” content and had not heeded the attack, recovered weapons and other Washington this week to present the evi-
warnings from censors, it said. equipment and data retrieved from recov- dence to the United States.
assault on Tamil Tigers Baidu dominates the Chinese web ered global positioning system data and As tensions simmer between the nuclear-
COLOMBO: Sri Lankan troops backed search and advertising market with an satellite phones. armed South Asian rivals, Richard Boucher,
by tanks and helicopter gunships moved estimated two-thirds of the audience. “It is our expectation that the govern- the top US diplomat for South Asia, arrived
against the remaining Tamil Tiger jungle Google Inc, the global market leader, is ment of Pakistan will promptly undertake in Pakistan for talks on ties between the two
strongholds after taking their political a number two in China. – Reuters further investigations in Pakistan and share countries. – AFP

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