Thesun 2009-01-06 Page13 Anxious Over Price Rises

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theSun | TUESDAY JANUARY 6 2009 13

speak up!


role of IRD
Anxious over price rises
HELLO readers. A gotiations between the placed by a more politically mature
Happy New Year to all. Selangor and federal attitude in highlighting issues and
I REFER to “Allow access to Industrial Court” (Dec 30) A three-week sabbati- governments as well solving problems.
and “Ensure justice for dismissed workmen” (Jan 2). cal can wreak havoc on as the profit-seeking They must take a leaf from Ba-
I share both writers concerns that the minister has one’s creative juices. concessionaires. Ulti- risan Nasional and settle problems
decided that referrals to the Industrial Court would be But skimming through mately, one is hopeful quietly. Pakatan Rakyat must be
based on percentages and not on merit. On Oct 6 last year, the papers of the past that the people’s welfare careful not to squander this golden
it was reported that the Human Resources Minister had couple of weeks can and lowering the cost of opportunity given to them by the
informed Malaysia Nanban that the arbitration system truly aid an uninspired doing business will be electorate or risk being shown the
adopted by the Industrial Relations Department early last scribe like me. the decider – but then door in three years.
year had succeeded in solving most cases. This statement It seems like 2009 again since when was Race relations should continue
seems to disregard the fact that the Industrial Court is has to take on a lot of Down2Earth the well-being of the being a touchy topic, what with
the final stage in the dispute settlement machinery pro- baggage from its pred- man in the street been 2008 ending with the government
vided by the Industrial Relations Act. The department ecessor – which tells by Terence Fernandez paramount? telling the Catholic community that
only conducts conciliation and it has been a recognised us like the years may Plans to privatise the it cannot use the national language
feature that conciliation has always settled the majority come and go, but we more or less National Heart Centre underscore in its publication, the Herald. And
of disputes. It’s only disputes that have not been settled have to deal with the same issues. where regular Joe sits in the peck- the use of the Arabic term for God
by conciliation and that have merits which are referred Firstly, thanks to the renewed ing order. will be deliberated by the court.
to the Industrial Court, which is an arbitration tribunal. It turmoil in the Middle East, we A worsening economy would But we are also optimistic that
would be interesting to know how these cases were settled may start paying more at the pump also mean a less than impressive 2009 will bring good tidings – for
because it is clear that many cases have been pending at again – and this may mean paying crime index, which keeps deterio- one we anticipate the dawn of an
the department for several years. a lot more for essentials. My fear is rating every year. The incidents of effective Anti-Corruption Agency
In this connection, I would also like to refer to a state- that although the price of fuel has violent crimes are so common that with the Malaysian Anti-Corruption
ment made by the minister in another newspaper on Aug come down to RM1.80 a litre, the we have seemed to become numb Commission. With the restructured
3, where he stated that cases involving foreign workers cost of many goods and services has to it. Instead of marshalling its agency there is now little excuse for
would be disposed more speedily. The minister seems to remained at the same levels when forces to political rallies and NGO our graft fighters from going all the
be under the impression that Malaysian employees need fuel was RM2.70 a litre. Would a demonstrations, the rakyat would way to combat corruption.
not be given priority. He has actually given effect to this hike in fuel by say, 10 prefer the enforcement agencies, With toll concessions being
statement by referring dismissal cases involving foreigners Can we start with sen to RM1.90 mean whose salaries are paid by the made public for the first time, 2009
to the Industrial Court within six to eight months, whereas lower interest rates we pay a corresponding people, would use their time and will tell the people if their billions
cases involving Malaysian workers are languishing in the and a mechanism rate of RM2.80 for some resources more prudently on crime of ringgit were used prudently or
ministry for more than three years. necessities? In spite of all prevention. went into the pockets of the fa-
On June 4, there was another statement by the minister to ensure that more that is going on, bread Hogging the headlines in the voured few. One is gearing up for a
warning employers not to abuse voluntary separation money in the pocket and butter issues will last weeks of 2008 were very public full onslaught of the people’s wrath
schemes (VSS). The minister quoted Section 63 of the like the reduced continue to be the peo- disputes by Pakatan Rakyat repre- as we anticipate that there will be
Employment Act under which he said “Action could be EPF contributions ple’s main concern and sentatives over the relocation of a many questionable segments of the
taken.” I wonder whether the minister has read the sec- the government must bus terminal and the lot of Indians concession agreement leading to
tion. In the context of dismissals, be it retrenchment, VSS
scheme does not pull out all the stops to in Selangor. While these open quar- demands for heads to roll.
or any other form of termination of employment, it is only mean having to pay address these fears. rels provide a lot of ammunition to Well, it seems like the incoming
the Industrial Court which can question the employers’ more in taxes? Can we start with political opponents, it also gives the prime minister will have a lot on his
actions. Neither the Labour Department nor the ministry lower interest rates people who voted them in second hands. We wait with bated breath to
has any rights in this area as long as the workers are paid and a mechanism to ensure that thoughts on whether they made the see how he will lead us through the
minimum termination benefits. The minister does not more money in the pocket like the right choice in electing immature old and new challenges, and brave
seem to realise that the amendments to the Industrial reduced EPF contributions scheme individuals who prefer to air dirty other obstacles that will be surely
Relations Act effected last Feb 28 have clipped the wings does not mean having to pay more linen in public instead of sorting put in his path.
of the Industrial Court which has always been known to in taxes? them out behind closed doors. Here’s keeping our fingers
act with equity, in good conscience and on the substan- A lot of water has gone under Pakatan Rakyat must learn that crossed!
tial facts of the case without regard to technicalities and the bridge in the management of it is now governing five states. Its
legal form. The amendments have limited the powers concessions over this precious members can no longer behave like
of the Industrial Court in awarding compensation based utility. Whether those in the Klang placard-carrying, slogan chanting Terence is deputy editor special
on equity and good conscience. The court is now bound Valley end up paying more for street protesters. The “NGO” and reports & investigations. Feedback:
by limitations imposed under the 2nd Schedule of the water depends on the on-going ne- “opposition” mentality must be re-
Industrial Relations Act.
On May 1, the minister told trade unions to be more
relevant. His statement reflects ignorance of industrial re-
lations. He fails to understand why unions only represent
a small percentage of employees. In the same statement,
he promised that “any amendment made (to labour laws)
Why the double standards?
will not be unfair to workers”. I would suggest that he
read the amendments to the Industrial Relations Act Dear IGP no one, including its outspoken onstration was allowed to proceed
which not only provide unfair provisions against workers On Sunday, Dec 28, some 1,500 organiser, was detained. without any incident.
and employers, but which have altered the position of the people, including 400 children and We are reminded of the peaceful If you, Sir, can allow more such
Industrial Relations Department from being a peacemaker teenagers, came out to defend Malay Ride for Change. The police rounded demonstrations to be organised by
to an enforcement agency. rights and the use of ISA in Penang. up the young cyclists in Rawang, ar- political bullies in the name of de-
There are various other instances which would be too A similar gathering had apparently rested a Member of Parliament and fending their own race, this country
lengthy to include in this letter reflecting instances where taken place in the federal capital a charged the organisers. will continue to see greater racial po-
the Human Resources Ministry seems to have forgotten few weeks ago, but was never re- Why is there a double standard in larisation. And, in your own words,
its role. One can only hope that the minister would take ported in the media. the way the police handle two differ- the crime rate has increased because
the trouble to review the roles of these departments and The demonstration was being ob- ent situations? of such political rallies as witnessed
restore them to their original ethos. served by 50 policemen in uniform In one instance accusing the on Sunday.
and plainclothes. It is interesting organisers of using children and in
David Kanagaraj that, despite the tone of the protest, this incident in Penang, involving Political Observer
Klang no arrest was made, and certainly 400 children and teenagers, the dem- Via email

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