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Accident One

Name Of accident? September 11th 2001 attacks.

When did the accident occur?

September 11th 2001

What happened?

Two planes flew into the world trade centre, destroying both towers under control from the terrorist organisation Al-Qaeda. Two planes crashed into the world trade centre.

What were the causes of the accident? How many casualties were there?

At least 2,985 people died in the September 11, 2001, attacks, including: 19 terrorists 2,966 victims The fire service mobilized straight away because this was a major incident.

How long did it take for the fire service to mobilize? How many firemen were required at the scene? What equipment did the fire service use at the scene? What did the fire service actually do?

343 NYFD fire-fighters and paramedics.

Oxygen tanks and masks to breathe when tackling heavy smoke, fire extinguisher to tackle fires inside the building. Went inside the two buildings and rescued the people on the lower levels of the buildings, moved civilians from the scene because of the debris falling from the buildings and heavy smoke which could cause long term illnesses such as lung cancer.

What preventative measures did the fire service have prepared for such a situation?

I dont think the fire service had anything ready for this situation because I dont think anyone could have imagined this to ever happen.

Accident Two
Name Of accident? 7 July 2005 London bombings

When did the accident occur?

7 July 2005

What happened?

What were the causes of the accident? How many casualties were there? How long did it take for the fire service to mobilize? How many firemen were required at the scene? What equipment did the fire service use at the scene?

On the morning of Thursday, 7 July 2005, four Islamist home-grown terrorists detonated four bombs, three in quick succession aboard London Underground trains across the city and, later, a fourth on a double-decker bus in Tavistock Square. Al-Qaeda, bombs.

Fifty-two people, as well as the four bombers, were killed in the attacks, and over 700 more were injured. The first crew reached King's Cross station at 0913 but did not go to the scene until a second crew arrived at 0942. That was because their communication protocols demanded having backup teams available. The London fire brigade.

He said: "At that stage all we carried on our fire engine was a very basic first aid kit, a number of bandages, elastic tape.

What did the fire service actually do? What preventative measures did the fire service have prepared for such a situation?

They carried and escorted the walking wounded to a safe place where they could receive medical attention from the paramedics. Cutting equipment for trapped people underground, medical equipment. Difficult to say because I dont think anyone seen this happening.

Accident Three
Name Of accident? Boscastle Flood 2004

When did the accident occur?

Monday, 16 August 2004

What happened?

The villages suffered extensive damage after flash floods caused by an exceptional amount of rain that fell over eight hours that afternoon. Over 60 mm of rainfall (typically a month's rainfall) fell in two hours. The ground was already saturated due to the previous two weeks of above average rainfall. The drainage basin has many steep slopes, and has areas of impermeable slate causing rapid surface run-off. Boscastle is at the confluence (where tributaries meet) of three rivers - Valency, Jordan, and Paradise. A large quantity of water all arrived within a short space of time causing the rivers to overflow. The flooding coincided with a high tide, making the impact worse. 0 deaths.

What were the causes of the accident?

How many casualties were there? How long did it take for the fire service to mobilize?

15.35 Call to Cornwall County Fire Brigade, reports of people trapped by flood water in the Valency Valley, Boscastle. Launceston Stations Firefighters are mobilised.

How many firemen were required at the scene? What equipment did the fire service use at the scene? What did the fire service actually do? What preventative measures did the fire service have prepared for such a situation?

8 different fire brigades attended the scene.

Water pump to pump out the flood water.

Rescued people who were trapped in their cars and homes, radioed back to the other services what the situation was. They didnt really have much to go with on this incident because it was a flash flood and shocked everyone. But they did have a water pump to get rid of some of the water.

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