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TURN $50,000.00

Within the

Next Thirty Days,

And to neitnmpiith thi* h e h u made SUCH SWEEPING REDUCTIONS in prices toat it will surprise everybody, as they a-e BEI.OW ANYTHING which has been or will be made. His stock is too large to quote prices, and the Quantity, Styles nnd (jualityof his goods must b e seen to Judge correctly. So do not fail to call immediately and examine for yourselves. Our store is large enough to occommodate 2,00() persons at oncethree floors and a basement.

The following ofllcers of Schiller .iniii'^ Martin. Lodge I. O. O. F.. for the ensuing year, Mr. James Martin, who departed this were elected last evening: John F . Antle, e Tuesday night at 10:43, was born N. O.: E. Ebner, P. G.; John Meyer, Treasurer; M, L. Green, Secretary; rep- August Otb, 1S03, at Frederick, Maryresentative to the Grand Lodge, A. G. land. His parents dying when he KM in his fifth year, be was taken by au uncle Poehler; alternate, H. W. Barkow. to Ohio, from whence he removed, in his Beautiful residence property at auc 20th year, to Brownsville, Pa., where h e tion. Geo. J. Martin has two lots and a resided until early in the spring of 1837, house containie sit rooms on the north when he came to Atchison. side of Atchison street, third house east He was married in 1S3G to Jliis Jane of Fourth avenue, which he will sell at Montgomery Crawford, grand 1 daughter public auction to-morrow afternoon at 2 of Thomas Brown, founder of the town clock, at the corner of Commercial and of Brownsville, who survives hiin. H e Fifth streets. leaves to mourn his loss, not only an The public schools will close on Fri- aged widow, but three sons and two day. Literary and rhetorical exercises daughtersJohn A. Martin, the propriwill be held in the afternoon. Patronsof etor and editor of T H E CHAMPION, Win, the public tchools and others interested C. Martin, who resides in Idaho, Alf. 11. are invited to be present. The exercises Martin, the business manager of TriE of the eighth grade will be held in the CHAMPION; Mrs. Henry T . Smith, and High School room. Ali parents are es-Mrs. F . D. Mills. One son, James H. pecially invited. Martin, who was Sergeant of Co. C, Eighth Unity Camp, of the Modern \Vood- Kansas, died at Stevenson, Alabama, in of America, held their second annu- the fall of 1803.

T i n : ' I I M I l l . l , MEETIXGK. T w o l-raml Service*! Yrftterdny. Notwithstanding the fact that the big tent is not absolutely water-proof, which evidenced by the rain which leaked and soaked through in many places on Tuesday, wetting the seats and making the ground in many places wet and soft, the committee in charge as soon as it cleared off yesterday raised the sides of the great canvass and let the wind sweep through, so that by three o'clock, the seats were dry and the ground in fair condition. A large and intensely interested audience gathered for the service of song and the Bible reading at the appointed time.


100 dozen Men's Lawn Ties will be given away Saturday.

al anniversary at their hall in the Nesch building last evening. There was a large audience present to enjoy the elaborate literary and musical proWe are able to do what we say, for we o vn our store, pay no rent, buy for cash. gramme, and the dance at its close. I t was a grand occasion all round. If we can't stand it, who can? Remember the place; that beautiful double front with tall tower just below Seventh street Nothing In the city like iL There are at present in this State ighty-nve camps of Modern Woodmen of America, with a membership of about 2,700. This epeaks well for t h e Sunflower State, as the organization is practically only two years old in Kansas. Independence Camp, at Independence, Kansas, has the largest membership, 10G, n this State.


At the meeting in the Byram yesterTIH OFNUIAL IAHER OV THJ CUT. day the Board of Trustees of Midland < Kntered u second^lMB matter at the Post- College elected the faculty for the ensuing year as follows: Preside!, J. A. Clutz; chair of English Language, Literature and BTUKKT C.OKXI l\ History, Prof. W. H. Wynn; Greek and Latin, Prof. Stough; Mathematics and Natural Science, Prof. D. Flesher, of Seaton's foundry is rushed with busi- Troy, Pa.; German and French, Prof. Lemma. Beaton's foundry made another heavy The recent decision of the Western shipment of Santa Fe castings yesterday. Union that it will not furnish Boards of Owing to the absence of the Mayor Trade of the country the market reports there was no Council meeting last even- from Chicago, because of a recent decision of the Supreme Court of Illinois St. Joseph Reds vs. Atchison to-day affecting such reports, will not affect the at Prospect Park at 4 p. m. Ladies ad- Atchison board, it being a member of the mitted free. Chicago board and entitled to the reThe driving rain of Tuesday did not ports. The small bucket shops will be impure the crops throughout this section the principal sufferers from this. of the State. If it ia fair to-day there will be a big <mwd in the city to participate in the Memorial exercises. The rain of Tuesday and yesterday morning was general throughout t h e Central Branch country. George Storch has been elected trustee of the Midland College Board, in place of C. Weber, resigned. Several large fishing parlies from this city will go to the lakes to-day, likewise several picnic parties. The commencement exercises of the Atchison High School occur at the opera house on Friday evening, May 31. T h e class consists of six young ladies, four white and two colored. Young's full orchestra will furnish the music for the occasion. Rev. W. F. Rentz, will deliver the graduating address. The exercises promise to be very interesting. Tickets and reserved seat chart at Norton's jewelry store,

At the meeting of the Midland College Board of Trustees at the Byram last Uhrich 4 Neal were t h e successful ght, Mrs. Ida Noyes Beaver was unanibidders on $27,000 worth of work at F o r t mously elected matron and preceptress, Riley, Kansas, on Monday last the position, however, was declined be It cleared off yesterday forenoon and cause of the salary named. Mrs. Beaver, during the afternoon the sun shone although a comparatively young lady, is bugbtly although the air was a trifle cool yet an old and experienced teacher, havThe Mayor and Council and city, ing taught for ten years successfully in officers will meet at the Council Cham- Detroit, Mich. 8he ia a lady of culture ber to-day at 1 p. m., to take part in the and refinement, thoroughly equipped for parade. educational work of the higher grades. The name of Capt Boyd of the 10th The Guaranty Investment Company Kansas, has been omitted from the pub-, yeiterday, in reply to a cablegram from lished list of deceased soldiers whose London, forwarded $25,000 worth of their graves will be decorated to-day. very desirable farm mortgages. These The dress worn by the young lady who securities negotiated, by the Guaranty represented Seip & Horton at the recent Investment Company, are among the very Merchant's Carnival on exhibition in their best that may be had. They are in every store makes a very showy advertisement. respect first class, chiefly for the reason, To-day being the 14th anniversary of that the Guaranty is one of the most conthe Ascension of Our Lord, and a holy servative, careful and reliable investment day, there wdl be divine services In both companies in the W e s t I t s mortgages only placed upon good farms, at of the Catholic churches of this city. All members of Atchison Lodge, No. about one-third of what they could be or under the hammer, and are prac4, A. O. U. W , are requested to assemble at their hall, at 1 p. m. Thursday, May tically exempt, on account of t h e pru30, to take part in Memorial Day cere- dent management of this corporation, from all commercial and moral hazards, monies. The farm mortgages of this company are All comrades of Atchison Legion No. as good for investors as government 18, S. K. of A., will assemble at our ball bonds, and in some respects far more t o d a y (Thursday) at 1 p . m., sharp, in desirable at the present rate of interest full uniform. By order of H. M. Ernst, allowed by the government. commandant B. P . Waggener, who recently visited H e w Tork city for the first time, remwked yesterday that be would rather live in Atchison. Mr. Waggener is a man of splendid taste.

Kansas City W. C. McPike was erday. Hon. John Kromer, of Omaha, spent Base ball at Prospect Park to-day yesterday in the city Gen. W. W. G'uthrie left last evening S t Joseph vs. Atchison. Game called at 4 p. m. Ladies admitted free to t h e for Strong City, Kansas. grounds and grand stand. Street cars Miss Gussie Thomas, of Wyandotte, every ten minutes to the gate. is in the city for a few days.

After the preliminary exercises of prayer and song, Dr. Muohall proceeded in his inimitable ways to read passages of scripture from the Gospel of S t Johm dwelling particularly upon those texts which teach the fact of the witness of the Holy Spirit, making running comments "Squire" Martin, as he was familiarly on them designed to show the office of known, having filled the office of Justice the Spirit in attesting the fact of converof the Peace in the State of Pennsylva- sion. nia before his removal to Kansas, was a TheB? Bible readings are a special feaman of more than average Intelligence, ture of the meetings, in that they are of splendid sense, of good education, and original, fresh and remarkably instrucof a pure and upright life. He was a tive, Dr. Munhall being gifted with a man of positive convictions, of remarkfaculty for exposition to a wonderful deable strength of character, of kind and gree. tender heart. His clean cut sense of The audience at the evening meeting and justice dominated his entire life, and won for him the respect and ad- numbered fully 2,500 persons. After the miration of all who knew him personally. song service, led as usual by Prof. Lowe, He was a Christian gentleman whose and a charming duet by the Professor piety was of an eminently wholesome and Mrs. Lowe, Dr. Munhall preached a and practical type, as his brother laymen grand sermon, prefacing his remarks by of the Presbyterian church, of which for complimenting the uewspapers of Atchinearly forty years he was an honored and son upon their enterprise; their disposition to furnish all the current news, useful member, can testify. giving to each class of readers what they In public as in private life he was dis- are most interested in. He said, "The tinguished by fidelity to every trust and Atchison newspaper managers know a good thing when they see it. These steadfast devotion to every duty. From 1861 until 1873 he was postmas- meetings are good and the papers are ter of Atchison, and that he discharged doing all in their power to help them by the duties of that responsible position publishing full accounts of them.'.' H e with credit to himself and to the ac- then urged everybody to subscribe for ceptance of the public, is a matter of the city papers as a recompense for what tbey are doing towards assisting in record. this work. For nearly eighty six years this good, true man moved in an out among his The text of the sermon was James kindred, his neighbors and business assofirst chapter, 22 verse: "Be ye doers of ciates in a way that merited their sincerest the Word," e t c , and was a very clear and affection, won their regard and inspired practical talk to church members, detheir confidence. signed to inspire them to work, to do, as He lived a long and useful life and well as to hear and talk the Word. The passed away at last like a shock of corn doctor, in his apt and direct way, divided ripe and ready for the garner. his sermon into questions and answers, For over a year nast he suffered indes- which were each in their p'oper order cribable pain, but Bore his suffering with very tersely stated, illustrated and enbecoming fortitude and christian resigna- forced. The topic being salvation by tion, and when the end came he quietly faith and works conjoined. breathed his life away and entered into It was a logical and impressive sermon eternal rest. from beginning to close. The closing i His name will be revered by a large part of it moved the great audience to circle of friends and acquaintances, and tears, leaving it in a very solemn and rebis memory will be cherished as among flective mood. the precious things of this world. The interest in the meetings is evidentThe funeral will take place at 10 a. m., ly increasing and the tide rising. T h e to-day, from the family residence on Kan services to-day will be held as usual at 3 eas Avenue. and 8 p. in. If it should rain the services The pall bearers are: D. C. Newcomb, will be held in the Kansas Avenue 51. E. O. A. Lee, David Auld, A. B. McQueen, church. J. T. Coplan and W. H. Crookham. T h e services will be conducted by Rev. Mr, Howie of the Presbyterian church. most easily token, and the most effective remedy known to Cleanse the System, Local Netleee. when Bilions or Costive; to dispel HeadSee O. Pullen for gravel roofing. aches. Colds and Fevers; to Cure HabitA clean bath is a luxury. F . W uvl Constipation, Indigestion, Piles, e t c Keoster'a barber shop ia splendidly Manufactured only by the California Fig equipped. Syrup comgany. For sale in 50 eta. and Don't fail to try Matt Noll's splen $1.00 bottles by J. W. Allen & Co did Blood Orange Soda. It's simply delicious. Notice. 8 . A. H. Centennial cooking crocks, genuine Headquarters of Atchison post No. 93, fire clay, the most successful ever introdepartment of Kansas O. A. It., May 29, duced, for sale by Chas. F . Kaffer. 1888: All members of this post will meet C. F. Kaffer displays the finest assort- promptly at post hall for the purpose of ment of groceries and queensware ever participating in the memorial ceremonies. seen in Atchison. Sojourning comrades cordially invited to Matt Noll's celebrated Blood Orange participate. Soda is the most delicious drink of the By order of J . L. EOOLESTON, P. C. season. Atteat: A. C. TBIBDIOOD, A d i t The feed of all feeds for your stock A . O . U. W . is the corn and oat chop made by WoodMembers of Mulford lodge No. 137, A. land Roller Feed Mills. Ask your dealer O. iS. W., will assemble at the hall 1 hursfor it. day, May 30, to participate in the memThe best place to get Leavenworth orial exercises. F . A. OLDEN, M. W. coal, Exchange National coal, Mesdota GEO. A. KELLOOO, Recorder. coal and stove wood is at H. M. Glancy's, 215 South Fourth street Special Order. All members of Haselitt Camp, Sons of Be sure to-day, after viewing t h e Decoration procession, to go and look in Veterans, will report to the first sergeant on Kaffer & Benning's splendid Block of at their hall, 710 Commercial street, at 1 o'clock sharp, to-day, May 30,for the pur fresh drugs, toilet and fancy articles, of observing Memorial Day. All cigars, patent medicines, and have your prescriptions p u t up by that prince of sons of veterans not belonging to the order are cordially invited to participate. pharmacists, Geo. Benning.

Men's Imported French Balbriggan Underwear

Isfine,soft and seamless. They are just the thing for summer. The quality and make has never been rivalled, although many imitations are on the market. Most every one has bought goods they thought equal to the

Imported French Balbriggan

But they never the wear. They don't compare in quality, and are s poorlyfinished,though they look well till they go through the wash tub' Js ow then for another war.


Gets in its work

On Men's Genuine Imported French Balbriggan Underwear. The goods sell in town to-day at $1.25 each. The Red Mark price Saturday is

40c. BACH,
Regular sizes and extra sizes included. Sizes in shirts34, 36, 38,40,42, 44, 46, 48.. Sizes in drawers-28, 30 32, 34, 36, 38, 40, 42, 44, 46. 1,000 dozen lawn ties will be given away Saturday to purchasers of our French Balbriggan Underwear.

Donald Bros.

l / e make known the quality, Q b o w the Latest Styles, A nd sizes that will fit.

Plain Facts for Buyers.

f u r n i s h i n g goods. p i n e s t and best quality.

I atest Styles and Novelties.

/"Nur Boys' and Children's Clothing

| s superior to all.


o are especially careful that seams .ind buttons are well sewed.

ining, whether silk or not, is^strong and durable.

e handle the t safe to buy from us.

629 Commercial Street.
OHI.AIKI.1IA. T h e P r o m i s e d Land. "On to Oklahoma!" is now the watchword of the thousands of homeseekers who have anxiously awaited the President's proclamation openingthis vast and rich country to public settlement Colonies are being formed in every State and Territory in the Union. The millions of acres may not furnish a homestead for all who come, but there will be thousands ready to relinquish their claims at a nominal figure. The intending settler should look the country over. Go via the Great Rock Island Route, popularly known as the "People's Favorite" wherever it runs. Kingfisher, the United States Land Office for Oklahoma, is the coming metropolis of the Indian Terri tory, and is located on the Rock Island Route. A fast line of stages has been put on to Fort Reno, to counect with the trains of the Rock Island Territorial extension. This is the cheapest and best route and direct to the place you want to go. Through Solid vestibule trains from Chicago via Kansas City and St. Joseph, also from Denver, Colorado Springs and Pueblo to the Territory, through the cities of.Topeka, Hutchinson, Wichita, Wellington and Caldwell. It will be to your advantage to locate on the People's Favorite railway. Look at the map. The Rock Island has excellent connections from all portions of the Union. For full information concerning Oklahoma, the land laws, and the best way to get into the country, address

Miss Ethel Wells, of Leavenworth, is The Retail Merchants Association of AtnhUon will rais* money enough for an visiting h e r sister in the city Tom Beattle left yesterday for Potexcursion train from Oreenleaf to this "lily, for the accommodation of those who tawotomie county, where h e will assist desire to attend the Hunhall meeting the in inttltutlflfran Odd Fellows lodge. latter part of next week. - S . H . ^ T l a r k , of the Missouri Pacific To-dayMay 80being a legal holi- was in the city yesterday on his way to day, the postofflce will be closed between Leavenworth. B. P. Waggener accomthe hours of 11:80 a. m.and 1230 p. n f o | ( I ( J l e * m j The carrier force will make the early morning delivery. The banks w: b e closed to day, and places of business generally. S t M k h e l d e r a Meellna O m c E OP THE GUARANTY INVESTMENT Co., ATCUISON, KB., May 20, 1880.Pursuant to article one of the by-laws the A serious freight, wreck occurred annual meeting of stockholders ot the yeiterday rooming at the Third itreet Guaranty Investment company of Atchicrosaing in this city. A heavy train from son, Ks., will be held at the office of the the lower yards, pushed by the yard en company, in the city of Atchison, at 4 dine, was jammed Into an indiscriminate o'clock p . m., Saturday, June 20,1889. heap by the head car jumping the track. ALBERT H. HORTON, President. Two of the care were totally demolished, W. W. HRTBKRINOTON, Assist. Sec'y. t h e third car being crowded on top of 5 30-6-2-0-10-23. t h e second car. Two men named Wilson and Nolan were on the train at the time If yoifknow a good thing when you and would have been crushed had they see it you will find such an article in the not jumped the moment the front car feed made by Woodland Roller Feed l e ' t the track. Mill*.

By order of B. A. Coop, Capt. "In the spring a young man's fancy," F . A. LOWK, First Sergt eaysTennyson, "lightly turns to thoughts of love," likewise to thoughts of good Xotlce to Deg Owner*. I will duplicate any cheap price breadmade of Blair i A u l d ' s celebrated Notice is hereby given to all owners of advertised for Saturday. I am not asking Alpha flour. Likewise the thoughts of as high for groceries as is advertised in dogs that all unlicensed dogs will be old men and women and young women the evening papers. I buy in quantities turn to t h e same interesting subject, for cash and can sell cheaper than retail City Marshal. Alpha flour, the best flour in the market stores. Andrew McKeever, wholesale Other cities besides Atchison have and retail grocer, 509 Commercial street Fine lee. gas companies, of course, but there is no Chas. Pullen is now prepared to supply city in Kansas whose Gas Company, in Chas. F . Kaffer has a very full line of all those who desire it with a line quality point of equipment and facilities for fur- queensware, silverware, glassware, stone- of iceDeer creek ice, at reasonable nishing an extra quality of lightat greatly ware, flower pots, hanging baskets, lamps, prices. See him about it at once. reduced rates, is to be compared with the etc., and you can buy a set of dishes, or Atchison Gas Company. Gas of a supe. anything else in his line at bed rock B e d s e e d B a t e s to K c m i B e t n r n . rior quality is furnished by this company prices all the year round. Call in and E. C. Post will hereafter sell regular almost as cheap as you can buy oil. Fully examine his stock, whether you need ound trip tickes to Kansas City and re as cheap if the cost of lamps, the break- anything or n o t turn for f 2.25, good for three days on age of chimneys, the trouble and inconany"regular train. venlenge of keeping lamps clean is countDr. Harding has removed her office to Kotlee of A p p o i n t m e n t ed. Indeed, gas is now furnished bythis 121 Seventh street between Commercial In the Probate Coon. Atchison counti, Kansas. company at rates which puts it within street and Kansas Avenue. Telephone In the matter ot the estate ot Clara Belle Sneet, the reach of persons of quite limited Notice Is hereby gin No. 480. means. of the eta ! Court orAtcblson c L e a v e n w o r t h ComL. JOHN 8EBABTIAN, For B e a t . John Pierson, agent for the LeavepG. T. & P. A. Chicago, Kansas & NeJ. C. MEACIUM. Apollo Hall for rent. For terms apply worth Riverside Coal Co., 823 Main braska Ry., Rock Island Route, Topeka, Administrator ot the estate ol Clara Belle Sweet to J . P . Brown. street, between Third and Fourth. MAV 35,1*9. MMM

I l e C a e k l l l - . P r l e e Laundry. Frank Price having associated himself with Charles McCaskill in the conduct of the laundry business, begs to assure the public that both he and his partner will do their utmost to serve the public faithfully and well. All kinds of laundry work will be done by this firm, in the best style, in the quickest time and at the cheapest current rates. Don't fail to patronize the McCaskill-Price laundry, 403 Commercial street All orders will be attended to promptly.

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