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CoastNet regeneration activity in New body proposed

to lobby the EC on
Devonport, Plymouth takes another
coastal policy and
step forward funding
turned to secure the future of the
Devonport Guildhall and the At the Encora project steering
OddFellows Hall. group meeting in Copenhagen in
February, EUCC proposed the
All three buildings formed the original formation of a new body to
civic core of Devonport when it coordinate the activities of coastal
became a town in its own right in management networks across
1824 on the back of its dockyard and Europe. Since then CoastNet have
naval base. The varying fortunes of the moderated a debate among Encora
naval base over the years has had a partners and reached agreement
Children at Mount Wise Primary School,
Devonport, clamour for attention. huge impact on the community. on an initial proposal. It is planned
CoastNet priorities are to engage the now to circulate this widely among
Devonport is a deprived area in community in the civic future of other networks in Europe, prior to
Plymouth, Devon which is the Devonport, by understanding its past the launch of the new body at the
subject of a 10 year Neighbourhood and developing a new sense of place. Littoral conference in Venice in
Renewal programme. CoastNet have November.
been working there for the past year
to support the work of the Devonport CoastNet sees the primary role of
Regeneration Community the body as a means to lobby the
Partnership and others. Successes so European Commission and
far include securing an in principle Parliament regarding coastal policy
award from Big Lottery Community and funding, so as to create a
Assets programme to refurbish better environment for the
Devonport Guildhall as a community activities of networks and coastal
arts and education centre, which will Civic buildings seek a new role professionals across Europe.
open in 2010. Attention has now in Devonport

Delegates at Coastal Access conference recognise

urgent need for integrated resource management
The recent CoastNet Coastal Access rural communities and economies
conference, delivered in partnership • the imperative to understand the
with Durham Heritage Coast needs of the individual user,
Partnership considered coastal access which range from group activities
in the wider context of access to coastal to enjoyment of solitude.
resources, and the consequent need
for an integrated and holistic The day following the conference saw
management approach to coastal areas. participants experience the issues at
The characteristics of rural economies first hand with a trip to the Durham
were also considered, as the context for heritage coast (pictured). The physical
considering the potential benefits of improvements to the coast achieved
coastal access. Three broad conclusions through the ‘Turning the tide’ project,
came out of the event: which saw the removal of millions of
• the need for integrated resource tonnes of coal waste from the cliffs
management and beaches, had a lasting impact on
• the need to capture benefits for all present.

4 The edge Summer 2008

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All Party Parliamentary Group Word up
considers Marine Bill
June 2008
On 4th June the APPG Coastal and boundaries between devolved
Marine met to consider the issue of administrations, and Mary Lewis of “Every second week when
integration within the draft Marine Bill. Countryside Council for Wales warned we get the high tides, there's
Four speakers gave their views and a of the potential for policy vacuums always reports of erosion. To
general debate followed, chaired by when different administrations plan for the day when you
Norman Lamb MP. Rhoda Ballinger, of developed policies at a different pace. no longer have a country is
Cardiff University, called for a ‘zip’ to indeed painful but I think we
mesh marine and terrestrial policy, Finally, CoastNet raised a question have to do that.”
and ‘Velcro’ to provide a close and regarding the unclear relationship
secure fit where plans overlap. between terrestrial and marine Grim prediction of President
planning in the proposed Bill, and the Anote Tong of the South Pacific
Jim Claydon, of Terence O’Rourke need to understand how the systems nation of Kiribati, in his appeal
Associates and RTPI, proposed a UK would work together before the Bill can on World Environment Day for
level Intergovernmental Committee to be considered for fitness of purpose. countries to provide a home for
ensure consistency in policy and its his people in the event of global
application between the devolved The meeting closed with agreement to warming rendering his island
administrations. Rhona Fairgrieve of submit a report of the meeting as uninhabitable.
the Scottish Coastal Forum drew evidence to the Joint Scrutiny
attention to the artificiality of offshore Committee for the draft Marine Bill.

News in brief
● Wildlife Foundation say hake could worry over record high petrol prices,
Fisheries and seafood disappear from Argentina’s seas according to news agency, Planet Ark.
● Report says supermarkets failing to Fundación Vida Silvestre, Argentina’s
adopt sustainable seafood buying Wildlife Foundation has called for an According to a Reuters/Zogby poll,
practices in US urgent government plan to save the about 60 per cent of Americans support
According to a new report by common hake, Argentina’s largest fish government moves to encourage more
Greenpeace (Carting away the oceans: export, according to ipsnews. An oil drilling and refinery construction as a
how grocery stores are emptying the immediate reduction in capture rates way to combat soaring energy prices.
seas) US grocery stores are failing to as well as more equitably distributed However, the same number also claim
develop sustainable purchasing fishing quotas and stricter monitoring to be in favour of conservation.
strategies with all 20 of the country’s top are needed say the group. Environmental groups have long
supermarket chains continuing to sell opposed expanded offshore oil drilling,
fish from the Red List. The report Energy raising concerns about the dangers to
graded supermarket chains on seafood fragile ecosystems as well potential for
● Britain misses renewable energy oilspills that could mar the US coastline.
procurement policies, labelling and
transparency and support for
sustainability initiatives.
A parliamentary report published in Flooding
June outlined how Britain is set to
miss its own renewable energy ● New guidance for local councils for
● Bluefin tuna fishing ban in the local planning influence on flooding
targets and fail to meet European
Mediterranean The UK government has published new
Union requirements unless it steps up
The European Commission has banned guidance aimed at ensuring local
action substantially. Currently less
Mediterranean and Eastern Atlantic councils maximise planning rules to
than five per cent of British electricity
fishers from trawling for bluefin tuna, a better manage flood risks in their area.
comes from renewables.
species overfished for years. EU The guide calls on planners to identify
Fisheries Commissioner Joe Borg inadequate drainage and surface run-off
● End the offshore oil drill ban
rejected calls by some of the countries to or sewer problems and avoid risk by
says Bush
suspend the ban, citing numerous prioritising non-flood areas for
President Bush has urged Congress to
“failures of implementation and control” development.
end a ban on offshore oil drilling,
that made it impossible for national tuna
seeking to address rising consumer
catches to be accurately monitored.

The edge Summer 2008 5

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