6-20-12 Open Letter To Republicans in Congess

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Roy G. Callahan, USN, Ret.

1529 NW 143rd Street Gainesville, Florida 32606 Tel: (352) 332-9144 Fax: (352) 332-9144 Call6603@Bellsouth.net

Open letter to Republicans in Congress

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

I am a retired veteran and oath keeper sick of the debasement and dismemberment of American society perpetrated by feckless, immoral, unethical, and corrupt politicians who take the constitutional oath but assiduously work to turn this country into something the Constitution never envisioned or allows. The advance of the administrative state envisioned by President Wilson and furthered by FDR has turned industrious and freedom loving Americans into a nation of dependent parasites.1 Todays economy and the misery experienced by millions of Americans is the result.2 Watching the news media and politicians3 fawn over current and former veterans who served this past Memorial Day was a stark reminder of how far this country has strayed from its roots. This countrys first openly communist/socialist presidents welcome home speech to Vietnam veterans in front of the Vietnam Memorial sullied the sacrifice of 51,195 Vietnam veterans and 54,246 Korean War Veterans who perished fighting communism. The political establishment and the publics tolerance of his speech showed how public ignorance of American values and world history has dulled their pride and senses thus calling into question the welcome home accolades accorded to their current Afghani and Iraqi brothers and sisters in arms returning home. I was stunned and ashamed that Senator McCain, a former Vietnam POW, other members of congress, and Senator Rubio whose parents fled Communist Cuba, stood silent. This act showed how morally bankrupt and corrupt the political establishment has become. The ongoing constitutional crisis fomented by the administration provides Congress an opportunity to redeem itself by upholding the oath each member takes. "I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same." This is the oath you swore to uphold when you became a member of Congress. Please note the word domestic is underlined Similarly, each president, including President Obama takes the following oath: "I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will faithfully execute the Office of President of the United States, and will to the best of my ability, preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States." He has purposely ignored that oath. As an oath keeper and retired veteran, I demand you uphold your oath of office and begin impeachment proceedings. Commissar Obummer refuses to enforce laws passed by Congress. He authors and authorizes unconstitutional executive orders refusing to enforce our immigration laws thus granting amnesty to a million or more illegals. His use of executive privilege to cover-up malfeasance in the executive branch is his latest effort to obstruct the oversight

This began in 1913 with passage of the 16th and 17th Amendment and Federal Reserve. Forty nine percent of Americans receiving taxpayer largess proves this point. 2 Public education does not teach or emphasize American history before 1913 thus keeping future generations ignorant of what made this country great thus taking away their ability to make valid comparisons. 3 Hitlers and Stalins propaganda machines did the same thing. Goebbels and Stalin would be proud

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authority granted to Congress by the Constitution that is investigating the death of Border Patrol Agent Brian Terry and others. It is his latest effort to obstruct the will of the people, usurp Congress power and establish a dictatorship to further his and the democrat goal of integrating Americans into the socialist/communist/new world order he supports that international elites desire. Congress passes laws the executive branch swears an oath to uphold. Congress silence has aided and abetted Commissar Obummers push to destroy this country, its Constitution and transform this country into a socialist utopia. Your inaction, political correctness, and feckless stance on the issues facing this republic have allowed him to make you look irrelevant. It has also allowed the constitutional crisis Obummer has worked so hard to create. You constantly bombard constituents with emails and talking points. Television sound bites tell Americans Obummer has no authority to bypass Congress. You have an opportunity to prove your words are more than rhetoric, the Constitution is relevant, and live up to the oath you swore to. The domestic enemy" referred to in the Constitution today is President Barack Hussein Obama. The ongoing constitutional crisis is his and your making. It is time for you to stand up to tyranny, restore the Constitution, and the rule of law. You can restore the Constitutions relevancy if you disestablish and reform the administrative departments Congress creates that are not subject to congressional authority. You can also insure the administrative state created by Congress that the executive branch, under other presidents since FDR including Obummer, is rendered impotent and unable to ignore the will of the people by usurping congressional authority Florida Governor Scott is exercising his Constitutional authority to clean up voter rolls thus insuring fair and legal elections4. His refusal to bow to the Department of Justice (DOJ) nullifies the Obama administrations voter corruption agenda has my support. The 2012 elections are a referendum on this countrys future. This election is about more than the economy. My support will go to the candidate I believe will uphold his constitutional oath and responsibilities. Yours in the Bill of Rights, Roy G. Callahan Copy to Florida Legislature; Governor Scott, et al.

The NVRA is an illegal law enacted by Congress. Article 1, Section 2, Clause 1, of the U.S. Constitution says prescribing qualifications and registration of voters is a preexisting power expressly reserved to the states.

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