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1.01 1.02 1.03 1.04


Scope includes; clearing, excavations, backfilling and grading. All footings shall rest on natural ground. Provide protection and drainage to excavated areas; install sheathing and bracing as necessary for the safety of the workmen. Stockpile excavated materials for use in backfilling. Materials for fill in excess of that produced by excavation shall be sand or earth free of decayed vegetation, rubbish or debris. Backfill and fill materials shall be compacted in 300mm. layer and tamped thoroughly. Spread excess excavated materials on the immediate premises as required for good drainage. If required safe bearing power were not obtained at excavation at the drawings, the excavation shall be continued until such bearing power is obtained. Lengthen piers and walls according and the footings enlarge to suit new conditions. Gravel under concrete slab shall be river run gravel or crushed rock with maximum size of 50mm a minimum size of 6mm gravel shall be thoroughly tamped before concrete is placed.



2.01 2.02

Scope includes all concrete works for building. Cement shall be any standard commercial Portland in 40 kg/bag such as Filipinas island , Republic or other locally available equivalent. Fine aggregates shall be clean, hard, coarse river sand or crushed sand free from injurious amount of clay loam and vegetative matter. Coarse aggregate shall be river run gravel or broken stones, the maximum size shall be 1/5 of the nearest dimension between sides of forms of the concrete of of the minimum clear spacing between reinforcing bars or between rebar whichever is smaller. Water shall be clean and potable. Reinforce bars shall be standard commercial deformed steel bars such as Eligan steel, Marcelo steel, PBM or any other locally available equivalent, and must conform to ASTM A-615. Tie wires shall be locally standard commercial G.I wires, gauge 16. Concrete form shall be 25mm thick or 6mm thick ordinary plywood. Form shall be coated with oil of the approved make. Storage of materials. Store cements on platform on ground; protected stored against the elements. Handle and store fine aggregates separately in foreign matter. Protect all reinforcing bars form the elements until used.



2.05 2.06

2.07 2.08



Construction of forms. Construct forms sufficiently tight to prevent leaking; securely braced and shore to prevent displacement and to safely support construction leads. Formworks shall be after fixing be cleaned out and coated with oil prior to pouring. Avoid spilling of oil on reinforcement or previously concrete surface. Forms shall not be removed until concrete has set. Placing metal reinforcement. Place reinforcement securely fastened and supported to prevent displacement before or during placing of concrete. Bars shall be best cold. Bars shall be avoided us much as possible and shall be staggered in any structural member. In no case shall spliced be made at critical form points of maximum stresses, unless approved by City Engineers Office structural Engineer. Proportioning of concrete shall be by volume, for concrete beams, walls, columns, suspended slab and footings, use proportion of Class A . The maximum water per bag shall be 24.6 liters. Mixing concrete. Materials shall be measured, batch and mixed in batch or by hand in watertight wood at the jobsite. Concrete must be mixed for a time sufficient to insure to the uniform distribution of particles and paste trough out the mass, the elimination of dead spots and the coating of sand particles with paste. Scotting miscellaneous materials. Insert sleeves, anchors, bolts and all other materials in connection with concrete construction shall placed and secured in position before concrete is placed. Placing concrete. Concrete shall be rapidly handled from the mixed site to forms and deposited as early as possible in the final position without aggregation or aggregates or loss of ingredients. Concrete shall be spaded or work by hand to assured close contact with the surface of forms and reinforcement. Concrete that are partially hardened shall not be used in the work. Re-tamped concrete shall not be used. Concrete shall not be drop freely more than 1.52 meter. for columns, walls and beams and not more than 1 m in footings and slabs. concrete slabs rest on ground shall have construction joint every 1 meter longitudinally and construction joint every 1 meter traverse. Preparation for placing concrete. Before placing concrete, remove all saw-dash chips and other construction debris from places to be occupied by the concrete. Reinforcement shall be secured in position and inspected. Finished concrete slabs shall have pain (1) centimeter cement mortar steel trowel finish, applied immediately after the concrete has been placed and before it has set mortar shall be mixed by volumetric proportion in a water tight mortar box. Mixture of the mortar shall be one part Portland cement and part sand. Curing shall be started as soon as free water has disappeared from the surface of the concrete. The entire surface of the concrete shall be coved with a canvas, sand, straw, jute sack or other satisfactory material and kept moist by flashing or sprinkling water. Curing must be continue for a period must be 7 days after placing concrete. Rubbed finish. Immediately after the removal of the forms, all holes, voids and other defects shall repaired with mortar of the same grade as that of the











adjoining surface. Unless otherwise specified, a rubbed finished shall be applied to all exposed concrete surfaces. Concrete surfaces shall be wetted and then rubbed even ad smooth with carborandum stone or other abrasive to a uniform appearance before the surface has hardened. 2.21 Slump test. Slump test shall be provided in accordance with ASTM C-143. Slumps shall be not more than 75mm for vibrated concrete and 100mm for nonvibrated. Removal of forms after pouring concrete: Columns and walls Beams side Beams bottom 2days 3 days 12 days


3.01 3.02

CONCRETE HOLLOW BLOCK For walls and partition show in the drawing required concrete hollow blocks, use jackbilt or permanent or approved locally made equivalent. Concrete hollow blocks shall have a minimum compressive strength of 49/kg/c. Visual inspection. All units shall be sound and free of from cracks or other defects that interfere with the proper placing of the unit or impair the strength or the sufficiency or rough surface to afford good bond. Marketing. All units shall bear a distinctive mark of the manufacturer or shall be otherwise readily identified as to origin. Sampling and number of specimen. Specimen shall be representative of the whole lot units from which they are selected. If test specimen is selected at the site of the work, units for the moisture content shall be taken within after 48 after delivery Wet the blocks thoroughly before using. The first row of blocks must be thoroughly anchored to the concrete walls, columns or slabs. Course shall be laid straight and inform with regular running bond and with vertical faces truly vertical and set true to the line. All horizontal and vertical reinforcing bars shall be anchored 24dia into the concrete walls, or columns or slabs. Dowel bars properly spaced are placed into the walls, columns or slabs during the bending and hooked to the vertical bars, leaving another 24dia exposed to the splices with the reinforcing bars of the hollow block wall during the construction. All units shall be laid with a mortar composed one part Portland cement three parts of sands, unless otherwise specified or detailed on the plan; horizontal and vertical joints shall be 10mm thick. Joints shall be solidly filled from the face of the blocks to the depth of the face pointing where necessary to completely and compactly fill the joints. Reinforcing will consist of 10mm at .60 vertical bars (or at every block) and 10mm horizontal bars at every third course for both 100mm. All exposed surface of concrete hollow blocks unless otherwise specified in the drawing shall be finished with the cement plaster with thickness of 12mm in two








application. Scratch coat of ten mm. and finish coat of 3mm thick consisting of one bag 40kg of Portland cement and .053 cu m of clean river sand properly screened and thoroughly screened and thoroughly mix. Before application of cement mortar finish, the surfaces shall be wetted for at least two (2) hours 3.10 Cement mortar shall be mixed only in such quantities as are required for immediate use and any mixture that has developed initial set shall not be use. Mixing shall be continued until a homogenous mixture of the required mixing of the cement mortar that has partially hardened shall not be allowed. All hollow blocks shall completely filled with the above mention cement mortar or red gravel complete. At the door and window opening, unless otherwise shown in the details the jamb blocks over opening and below the windows sills shall be reinforced as follows: Jamb blocks for 100 mm and 150 mm use 12 bars. Beam blocks over opening for 100 mm and walls use (1) 12 mm dia. Bar up to 1.2 m wide. Unless otherwise indicated on the plan, all C.H.B shall be off the non-lead bearing type. 3.13 Use 100mm thick hollow blocks for interior and exterior walls.



4.01 4.02 4.03


Scope includes miscellaneous metal work necessary to complete the project. Steel bars shall be local standard commercial steel of sizes indicated. Workmanship Metal; surfaces shall be clean and free from rust and well formed and finished to shaped and size with sharp line and angles and smooth surfaces. Finished work shall be free from defects, warps and buckles.

5.01 5.02

SCOPE. Include all rough and finished carpentry and joinery complete. Grading and mixing of lumber shall be in accordance with accepted commercial practices and shall be approved quality of each respective kind is well seasoned and thoroughly dry, free from loose of unsound knots, shades, pitch makers or other imperfections affecting its strength, durability or appearance. Lumber required to be dressed two or four sides, shall be work on the planning smoothes, level and through line. Maximum reduction for dressed dimensions of width and depth greater than 165 mm for non kiln-dried lumber use reduction only 6 mm for all sizes.


NOTE: All lumber in direct contact with concrete shall be coated with hot asphalt.


Aluminum door materials, extruded aluminum sections shall conform to the specification requirement of ASTM B-211, vinyl weather strips shall be first class

quality flexible vinyl forming an effective seal and without adverse deformation when installed, pile weather strip shall be silicon treated and free from residual wetting agents and made of soft fine hair as on wool. 6.02 Construction requirement. For all assembly and fabrication works, the cut ends shall be true to line and accurately jointed, free from burrs and rough edge. Door panels should be shall be accurately joined at corners assembled and fixed rigidly to ensure weather tightness Sliding doors shall be equipped with concealed roller overhead tracks with bottom guides 6.03 Sliding door shall be provided with sliding door lock, vertical dead bolt made of hardened steel, and door handle, 100 mm long, heavy duty type, surfacescrewed-mounted as approved. Installation, flush, panel and sliding doors shall be leveled, hung plumbed and fitted accurately allowing 2mm clearance at the jamb and heads. Lock stiles of doors 45mm thick or thicker, shall be beveled 3mm in 50mm. Knobs locks and latches shall be installed 1 m form the finished floors to the center knobs. Apply hardware with fastening of the size, quality and finish o provide workable door system




Aluminum window materials, extruded aluminum sections shall conform to the specification requirement of ASTM B-211, vinyl weather strips shall be first class quality flexible vinyl forming an effective seal and without adverse deformation when installed, pile weather strip shall be silicon treated and free from residual wetting agents and made of soft fine hair as on wool. Sliding window shall be provided with sliding window lock and window handle, 100 mm long, heavy duty type, surface-screwed-mounted as approved.




Each glass shall have the manufacturers label showing the type, thickness and quality of glass. Labels shall not be removed until the glazing work has been approved. Provide type required for the applicable setting method specified in the FGMA glazing sealing systems manual unless specified otherwise herein, do not use metal sash putty, non-skinning compounds, non-resilient preformed sealer, or impregnated preformed gaskets. Materials exposed to view and unpainted shall be gray or neutral colors. Glazing sealant shall be single or two component silicon rubbers or two component polysulfide types.





All roughing-in shall be cast iron soil pipe or PVC and should have a minimum slope of 1 per foot length.

9.02 9.03

All water line shall be of all local G.I. pipes or PVC Philippines standards or saniwares water closets and lavatories shall be provided for toilet rooms. Non-reinforced storm drainage pipe (concrete) with the minimum of 1%




10.01 The latest edition of the National Electric Code of the Philippines shall be applied. 10.02 Installation of conduit shall be done in rigid conduit or PIPES embedded in concrete walls, no open wiring shall be used. 10.03 Conduit boxes shall get flush with the surface of the walls. All fixtures shall be of approved quality and properly installed. Conduit, junction, pull boxes shall be fitted with proper box covers. 10.04 No conductor shall be less than no. AWG for lighting circuit run, no. 12 for wall outlet circuit run.



11.01 Paris Green solution. Apply one (1) coat solution of .113 kg by parts green powder mixed with 4.54 liters diesel, oil wood members with minor banakal. 11.02 Spar varnish. All exposed surface of doors, windows and exterior roof face boards be painted with base coat or linseed oil. After the base coat of linseed oil on wood surface mentioned above has thoroughly oil on wood surface mentioned above has thoroughly dried, paint one coat of exterior grade varnish (equal to Sherwin William Co. Hixpar no. A67V240).



12.01 Concrete neutralizer shall be applied on all concrete surfaces before applying paint. 12.02 Paint shall be boysen or its equivalent



14.01 Thoroughly drench and saturate every lineal meter excavation for footings and other foundation work with soil poison working solution (F-3, or F-5 by MAPECON or approved equivalent) before pouring of concrete. Soil poison shall not be applied when soil is excessively wet. 14.02 After grading and leveling of soil in the ground and layers of gravel lay preparatory to the pouring of concrete, flood or soak every square floor area with soil poison working solution. 14.03 Prior to landscape of the lawn, saturate every lineal meter perimeter of the building about three (3) meter wide with soil poison working solution.



15.01 Surface preparation. The substrate must be fully cured, structurally stable and level, smooth, clean and free from dirt, dust, loose materials, oils, chemicals and other contaminants. 15.02 Mixing. Into the plastic pail containing clean tap water, pour a sufficient quantity of ABC TILE ADHESIVE that maybe used within the pot of 3-4 hours. A 25 kilo bag of ABC TILE ADHESIVE needs approximately 8 liters of water. CAUTION: use only plastic or galvanized iron sheet as mixing base. Stir with devise by hand. Wait 15min, then mixed again briefly. The Tile adhesive is now ready to use. 15.03 APPLICATION -Wet the substrate lightly before applying the tile adhesive especially during hot or windy conditions. -Spread the adhesive mortar over one (1) square area at a time and comb with special notched trowel, fix the tiles immediately within the adhesive open time of 15 min. -Adjust align accordingly. Carry out random checks every 5 square meters to determine whether the backs of tiles are fully covered with adhesive. Also check if the adhesive mortar still adheres to your fingers. If not removed the adhesive layer and throw away. Do not mix with newly prepared batch of tile adhesive mortar.



16.01 Scope includes ceramic tiles 16.02 General. The work shall not be started until the rough-in for plumbing and electrical works had been completed and tested. The work of all other trades in the area were tile work is to be done shall be protected from the damage in a skillfully manner as directed. NOTE: In case of conflict between this digest specification and the working drawings, the rule of Engineers/Architects shall govern all further revisions on this specification and the working drawing shall first approved by the Engineers/Architects.





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