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New CSU Chancellor

1. How important do you think it is for the next CSU Chancellor to have the following background and experience requirements?
Extremely Important Earned doctorate or terminal degree in an academic field of study taught at the California State University Academic credentials for a tenured, full professor Excellence in teaching, research, and creative activity Proven record of public higher education leadership Professional experience as a CEO, or similar, in the private sector Demonstrated success in fundraising 55.5% (789) 25.3% (360) 10.5% (149) 8.7% (124) 3.28 1,422 Somewhat Important Not Important Rating Average Response Count


67.0% (956)

22.1% (315)

7.9% (113)

3.0% (43)



66.2% (939)

25.3% (359)

6.6% (94)

1.9% (27)



73.1% (1,041)

20.6% (294)

4.4% (62)

1.9% (27)



7.0% (98)

13.8% (194)

24.8% (350)

54.4% (767)



35.3% (499)

41.0% (580)

17.8% (251)

5.9% (83)



Commitment to shared governance

87.5% (1,242) 85.9% (1,222)

10.3% (146)

1.5% (22)

0.7% (10)



Commitment to the collective bargaining process Success in advocacy to legislators and other elected leaders on behalf of public higher education Success in fostering universitycorporate partnerships Success in building universitycommunity partnerships

10.6% (151)

2.6% (37)

0.9% (13)



84.2% (1,197)

13.9% (198)

1.4% (20)

0.5% (7)



24.2% (342)

36.3% (514)

24.9% (352)

14.6% (207)



55.5% (789)

34.7% (493)

8.3% (118)

1.5% (21)



What OTHER background and experience requirements should the next CSU Chancellor have?


answered question


1 of 76

skipped question

2. What are the values or traits we should look for in our next Chancellor?
Extremely Important 85.8% (1,190) 61.6% (848) 94.4% (1,306) Somewhat Important Not Important Rating Average Response Count


Commitment to academic freedom

12.7% (176)

1.1% (15)

0.4% (6)



Commitment to public service Belief in the importance of quality public higher education Commitment to the mission of the California State University, as laid out in the states Master Plan for Higher Education Commitment to maintaining and improving the quality of education at the CSU. Commitment to keeping education affordable at the CSU. Commitment to continuing the direction of the previous chancellor. Ability to build community support for public higher education Dedication to diversity

30.7% (423)

6.6% (91)

1.1% (15)



5.2% (72)

0.2% (3)

0.2% (3)



74.7% (1,029)

17.7% (244)

5.3% (73)

2.3% (32)



93.5% (1,296)

6.1% (85)

0.1% (2)

0.2% (3)



76.3% (1,057)

17.7% (245)

4.5% (62)

1.6% (22)



2.9% (40)

2.3% (32)

10.0% (138)

84.8% (1,169)



76.2% (1,055) 58.2% (804) 82.3% (1,134) 14.2% (195)

20.8% (288)

2.2% (30)

0.8% (11)



27.4% (378)

10.1% (139)

4.4% (61)



Dedication to transparency

15.2% (209)

1.7% (24)

0.8% (11)



Strong political connections Strong local and/or statewide community connections Desire to expand the use of technology for instruction

42.9% (588)

30.2% (414)

12.7% (174)



30.5% (422)

44.3% (613)

20.1% (278)

5.1% (71)



15.6% (215)

32.3% (445)

31.7% (437)

20.4% (282)



What OTHER values or traits should the next CSU Chancellor have?


2 of 76

answered question skipped question

1,390 41

3. Which CSU Campus are you affiliated with?

Response Percent Bakersfield Channel Islands Chico Dominguez East Bay Fresno Fullerton Humboldt Los Angeles Long Beach Maritime Monterey Northridge Pomona Sacramento San Bernardino San Diego San Francisco San Jose San Marcos 2.3% 2.0% 3.5% 1.8% 3.6% 4.6% 7.3% 3.6% 3.6% 10.2% 0.2% 6.2% 4.9% 4.6% 5.0% 3.6% 5.9% 6.0% 9.6% 2.8% Response Count 32 28 48 25 49 63 101 50 50 141 3 86 67 63 69 49 81 83 133 38

3 of 76

San Luis Obispo Sonoma Stanislaus N/A

3.6% 2.3% 2.3% 0.5% answered question skipped question

50 32 32 7 1,380 51

4. What best describes your primary relationship with the CSU:

Response Percent Faculty Staff Student Parent Alumni 88.4% 1.7% 8.4% 0.1% 1.5% Other (please specify) Response Count 1,214 23 115 1 21


answered question skipped question

1,374 57

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Page 2, Q1. How important do you think it is for the next CSU Chancellor to have the following background and experience requirements?

1 2 3 4 5

A vision of what a public university should be. Commitment to maintaining student access and the public mission of the CSU. Experience with Politics and Higher Education Understand the CSU's role in California which is very different from other state universities. Experience working with ASI programs and students. I feel that nonviolent communication technique is essential as well as a high degree of cooperation in brining in local business to supply quality and nourishing food for us to eat. It is ridiculous that we have to drive off campus to any type of healthy nutrition. If the Chancellor doesn't eat in the food halls then they shouldn't be allowed to govern the university system like a corporation. I'm frustrated and angered to see that the university system is being run by a corporation rather than a truly free educational system. make university tuition cheapper Background in public education and he/she should not be a wealthy CEO. They should show some experience in working with higher education and maybe a little of government work. I would also like it if governor Jerry Brown appointed him/her. The CSU Chancellor should be able to demonstrate a well understanding of the needs from students at each school campus. Commitment to higher education and effective negotiation to lowering student fees, providing sufficient class sizes, and overall commitment to the quality education of students. NOT running the CSU system like a business. Commitment to the CSU system and students through work and partnerships with California Universities. Specifically, s/he needs to embody the characteristics of respect for ALL stakeholders: students, faculty, staff and community, as well as provide excellence in communication and its hallmark: listening. To me, from work on two committees between my campus and the Sonoma State campus, I have found that the former Provost at Sonoma State incorporates these qualities -name is Eduardo M. Ochoa. Dr. Ochoa possesses vital qualities for effective leadership; he is alert to leading with intelligence, collectivity and genuine interest in all aspects of the "system" and its people. I would like a Chancellor who will hear and understand the students issues if there are any. Someone who is going to be involved with the students they are governing Diversity Component, Multicultural Competency, Well-rounded experience or understanding of various key roles on CSU campuses (career and college counselors, janitorial, front desk assistants, Hall Directors, etc) Be able to present a positive supportive face representing the faculty, staff and

Jun 18, 2012 10:09 AM Jun 16, 2012 4:20 PM Jun 16, 2012 2:00 PM Jun 16, 2012 12:47 PM Jun 15, 2012 10:15 PM

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Page 2, Q1. How important do you think it is for the next CSU Chancellor to have the following background and experience requirements?

students in the CSU. 15 I would go beyond a commitment to shared governance to say "a reputation for transparency and accountability culminating into a collaborative approach to problem-solving." A background in standing up for schools should be considered a high priority. commitment to diversity and to supporting low income, local students in the mission areas of the universities; prioritizes teaching excellence The next CSU chancellor should have a proven reputation of being selfless. They should be concerned with the needs of the university and the betterment of the students opportunities. They should be less concerned of how the University will provide for them. Humility. Simple and down to earth. Not greedy. ETHICS! Children in the CSU system would give the chancellor an important perspective that would make sure they advocate for students. COMMUNICATION SKILLS (conflict resolution skills/experience would be a plus). A person who understands the budget crisis and wants to find ways to help low income individuals,such as myself, become successful students and have career goals. He or she should be able to demonstrate that he/she is fully committed to students, and not just the money. Chancellor Reed ignores the needs of his student population, making silly excuses about the budget cuts. I would like more open communication between the community and the administration. New Leader - - must be committed to downsize all "cabinet" positions at Chancellors office AND at every CSU administrative unit. We do not need to be copy cats to the structure of the United States of America. In this economic time- there should be NO administrative staff building unless the position relates to directly to students, instructional technology and/or fundraising. Need to be much more aligned with the thinking and action of Silicon Valley and the movers and shakers of LA. All that was evident and hidden in the previous administration should not be sought after, allowed, or hidden again in the new administration. The CSU currently has a reputation of being too big and poorly managed. What happened to California being a leader in education? Commitment to CSU values regarding discrimination Preference will always be given to a candidate who has not only attended university, but been a faculty member (within the CSU system a bonus). Other qualities include advocacy for student's rights and the historical aims, intentions and purpose of higher education - to pass on knowledge to the new generation, rather than foster partnerships with corporate organizations. It is far more inspiring to us as a generation and fruitful for the society to promote a culture of learning and make an investment in the students rather than corporations that Jun 14, 2012 12:07 PM

16 17 18

Jun 14, 2012 11:13 AM Jun 14, 2012 9:36 AM Jun 14, 2012 1:37 AM

19 20

Jun 13, 2012 11:41 PM Jun 13, 2012 10:08 PM


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24 25

Jun 13, 2012 5:17 PM Jun 13, 2012 5:13 PM

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Page 2, Q1. How important do you think it is for the next CSU Chancellor to have the following background and experience requirements?

can sustain themselves without the additional income flow coming from education. 26 27 28 Someone who is genuine and in it for the good of all and not for profit or greed. Working directly with STUDENTS affected by the potential decisions he/she may be making. Successful and proven Businesses mind that can portray what we desire higher education to be. This would allow for people to be better trained for the _real_ career world. I would LOVE to see a CSU Chancellor who is "enjoying" their job, rather than someone who is just doing a job. Someone with a heart who loves education, people, and can move this CSU forward in the right direction. Is their such a person available for this job? Knowing college students need tuition go down, the higher it goes up the more students drop out Someone that actually cares about supporting the students, faculty, and staff instead of only him/herself and those individuals in the higher administrative positions! Former CSU campus president The ability to recall what it is like to be a student facing increased tuition, fees and related expenses and not be a greedy bastard who gives themselves raises while everyone else pays the price for it. Understanding Mission Statment at CSUMB A chancellor that cares about affordability. Someone that cares about creating responsible, caring and educated leaders in our community. University-corporate relations kept at a minimal, with a strong focus on university-community relations. A proven commitment to publicly funded, accessible, high quality public education for all who want it. New CSU Chancellor should have experienced the negative consequences of budget cuts first-hand to assure they realize the negative impact on students. A coherent vision of the future for the CSU which preserves the best of its history and mission yet allows for growth and development according to CA needs and interests (not limited to economic, but which includes needs and interests pertaining to an educated populace, good citizens, and ethical participants in an increasingly challenging social, political, ecological, and economic environment). A serious international background. Having lived and worked abroad will make him/her more fit to govern our institution with an open minded and eclectic attitudes. Jun 13, 2012 4:14 PM Jun 13, 2012 3:31 PM Jun 13, 2012 3:25 PM


Jun 13, 2012 2:52 PM

30 31

Jun 13, 2012 2:17 PM Jun 13, 2012 2:05 PM

32 33

Jun 13, 2012 1:43 PM Jun 13, 2012 1:19 PM

34 35 36 37 38 39

Jun 13, 2012 1:18 PM Jun 13, 2012 1:07 PM Jun 13, 2012 12:43 PM Jun 13, 2012 12:28 PM Jun 13, 2012 12:15 PM Jun 13, 2012 9:49 AM


Jun 13, 2012 1:33 AM

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Page 2, Q1. How important do you think it is for the next CSU Chancellor to have the following background and experience requirements?


Fiscal responsibility. A pair of balls. Willing to accept half of what chancellors have made recently at similar schools. Open access to visits. Someone who has never made more than 50K for any given year in their life. actually be for the students and not just say it, take a pay cut and cut all the president's salaries and use that money for classes. They need to have experience in operating both during boom times and recessions. The economy can fluctuate over the course of time and the state of it effects the environment of the university in terms of funding, etc. I think. The CSU Chancellor should absolutely come from within the CSU system. Demonstrated record of being transparent with the faculty and other constituents regarding how decisions are made with regard to budget cuts across the board which will affect everyone, though necessarily at the same level of intensity and severity. Very knowledgeable and proactive in the financial issues that CSU students face during their CSU experience. academic credentials in administration of higher education! Fair and ethical practices. SelfLESS acts of salary raises versus tuition hikes. Advocate for more financial aid and less over spending just to raise tuition costs. Advocate more cost saving measures other than raising tuition as well as cutting teachers salaries since it it the top administration that makes the most money She or he should always put students first, even if that means taking a significantly smaller paycheck. She or he should help the universities raise money to LOWER TUITION and provide instructors with enough money to buy supplies, including chalk (there is a drastic and embarrassing shortage). She or he should care about the students and watch over them almost like a parent. She or he should cut out unnecessary expenditures so that students can afford to go to school. WE ARE THE FUTURE AND WE NEED FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE. Also, the next Chancellor should nurture alliances with nearby businesses so that students will have a better chance of getting local jobs. Deep and thorough understanding of public higher education, its history and role in the United States. Experience with community- and coalition-building. Ability to make decisions and build consensus, but not necessarily make decisions solely by consensus. Ability to envision the future of California's higher education system as part of the future of California. Ability to communicate well and govern with transparency. A person who is an ally of faculty, not an adversary. Ability to admit mistakes and learn from mistakes. Good sense of humor. Fixed service period (like only 5 year term, no repeat - if water stays, it decays). Common sense. Ethical person (e.g., No dollar used for personal matters, No self-raise his/her salary while faculties are frozen, no-raise at all for all adminstrator such as chancellor, president, dean, etc. - serve it by fame, not by

Jun 12, 2012 9:36 PM

42 43

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44 45

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46 47 48 49

Jun 12, 2012 2:17 PM Jun 12, 2012 1:50 PM Jun 12, 2012 1:28 PM Jun 12, 2012 12:45 PM


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Page 2, Q1. How important do you think it is for the next CSU Chancellor to have the following background and experience requirements?

money, serve it for the country, not for his/her fame only, and so on.). Yearly regular discussions with young and experienced faculties in various campuses. Democratic (If many say no, it is not reasonable). Fire any dean or president who are legally sued or several times (like maximum allowance 10 times in his period) - if too many, he/she is problematic in leadership. Some deans are spending their lives for fighting with faculties for the entire period - no gain for the university, faculties and students except such a dean. No more than 5 year-term for a dean, president, and chancellor - change frequently. 53 54 55 56 57 A strong commitment to providing an affordable, quality education to lower- and middle-income California students, and a strong commitment to CSU's mission. The chancellor should not be hired as a "good old boy/girl" or as part of a reward for support for legislators etc. Ex chancellor Reed is going back to Florida!!! A commitment to restore the Master Plan, updating it of course for the 21st century. Firsthand experience dealing with marginalized communities. The next Chancellor should demonstrate an interdisciplinary knowledge of the importance of university education; the Chancellor should have an understanding for the complexity of the relationships between students, faculty and staff, and the greater culture in which we function. The Chancellor must see him/herself as a tireless advocate for our universities, our faculty/staff, and our students. The next Chancellor must demonstrate and champion the core values and beliefs that once made the CSU the most respected of all university systems. The Chancellor should expect to return us to that status. Committed to STUDENTS! PhD in an academic field and not an EdD dagree. Commitment to transparency. Aversion to double-dealing, such as keeping decisions documents in draft form and using them as the basis for action to avoid open records requirements regarding sharing information. Unhappily, our next chancellor will be selected by the Board of Trustees where dominance by far right wing ideologues will insure that we get a neo-con twit who will mindlessly push the privatizing of public education wherein the only focus of CSU will be generating profit for the trans-national corporate interests that have purchased our state and national legislatures with "campaign" contributions, i.e., legalized bribes. The next Chancellor should be home grown so they understand the budget crisis and local populations needs and demands. By bringing an outsider in, we will be at a disadvantage because they will not be as familiar with the education climate in CA. commitment to diversity and to equal access to higher education Success in fostering and commitment to advancing diversity in the CSU system Jun 11, 2012 7:08 PM Jun 11, 2012 5:16 PM Jun 11, 2012 4:49 PM Jun 11, 2012 2:35 PM Jun 11, 2012 2:35 PM

58 59 60

Jun 11, 2012 12:40 PM Jun 11, 2012 12:26 PM Jun 11, 2012 10:33 AM


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Jun 11, 2012 9:28 AM

63 64

Jun 11, 2012 8:26 AM Jun 10, 2012 5:22 PM

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Page 2, Q1. How important do you think it is for the next CSU Chancellor to have the following background and experience requirements?

65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72

A soul would be nice Being a listener And a communicator who values the faculty voice. Classroom teaching and administrative---university president or provost. Strong political savvy Someone who does not see faculty as the enemy. The candidate should have experiences (as a student or a faculty member) in a non-PhD granting public university. not be a dick Integrity. A clear sense that public education is a public good, not a private good, and not a money-making scheme. A belief that education is a privilege, rather than an entitlement, and must be earned by students' efforts. Not everyone deserves to enter or stay in college. Everyone deserves a chance to meet the entrance/matriculation criteria, but there must be standards. Students are not dollar signs and should not be retained if they are failing to meet standards. We seem to have lost sense of this in some misguided attempt at equality. Quality of scholarship has become diluted as professors are pressured to inflate grades in the name of retention (which is tied to the monetization of the system). Also, we need to keep sight of the need for a balance between STEM and Liberal Arts subjects. Also a new Chancellor should be highly aware of shifting demographic and industry trends, particularly in terms of technology, globalization, gamification of learning, online learning becoming a killer app that divests the university system of its value, etc. I would rather see a savvy futurist who has strong integrity even with relatively little higher education experience in the role than another traditionally-minded, politician type who plans to play union games and keep pouring new wine in old bottles. The world is changing fast and the public universities are going to be obsolete very soon if they don't get ahead of the wave. We can't afford an old-school thinker at the helm. He or she should have demonstrated his/her understanding of and respect for cultural diversity as well as for the diversity to be found among the campus cultures in the CSU system. One size does not fit all. The new chancellor should also have clearly demonstrated his/her commitment to the stated mission of the CSU, putting that before any personal agenda for the system. The next CSU Chancellor must be a visionary with strong creative skills,and should take on the mission that higher education is a top priority. He/she must also acknowledge that a college/university education should be affordable for all,and not only for those who are wealthy and can afford the ever-increasing costs for tuition. Strong interest in advocating for the faculty. Strong interest in graduate education and research. Latino/a candidate would best fit the demographics of our state..

Jun 10, 2012 1:45 PM Jun 10, 2012 1:23 PM Jun 10, 2012 10:21 AM Jun 10, 2012 10:00 AM Jun 10, 2012 5:41 AM Jun 10, 2012 5:08 AM Jun 9, 2012 8:33 PM Jun 9, 2012 2:58 PM


Jun 9, 2012 12:14 PM


Jun 9, 2012 11:48 AM

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Page 2, Q1. How important do you think it is for the next CSU Chancellor to have the following background and experience requirements?

77 78 79

Loyalty to the faculty for whom the chancellor serves. Communication, budget By far the single most important requirement is that the chancellor has been a tenured faculty member at a TEACHING-ORIENTED college, preferably the CSU. This will ensure familiarity as well as alignment with the primary mission of the CSU, which is educating students. It will also ensure understanding of what it means to be a tenured/tenure-track faculty member, in order to avoid unreasonable requests (such as teaching just one more class section for free). Not an old crank Open mind and desire to learn from other institutions worldwide. We need a CSU that is less focused only on the same old ways of doing things. We need a leader who will find things the faculty, staff and administrators can work together on, not someone who seeks to divide. There a plenty of tough problems for us to roll our sleeves up to solve. Enough fighting each other. Ability to delegate. Be a leader not a micro-manager. Former faculty member. Experience communicating with public & the media. Understand the socio-economic stance on each campus in relations to the state and federal climate. Be in touch with 21st Century teaching and learning pedagogy. Have an understanding of what students today need in order to be competitive for graduate schools or the job market. Understand that faculty, like any other employee, need to be respected and compensated appropriately for the work they do. The leader of a public university's main concern should be for the welfare of the students, faculty, and staff. We do not want, nor should our university suffer, another leader more concerned for the interests of the top administrators, already over paid and at best a peripheral part of a university, than for the universities core components, its students and faculty. Another incompetent, greedy leader like Charles Reed will only exacerbate the discontent that faculty and students feel toward our administration. Commitment to the primacy of strongly supporting tenured and ongoing successful hiring of tenure track faculty as a necessary part of student success. As to the CEO or proven education leadership questions -- NEITHER is an indicator of how competent someone will be, so it comes down to the individual. Look for drive and a driving ambition to be the chancellor that got the CSU back on track providing a quality teaching education at tuition rates as they were about in the year 2000. The Chancellor must be a "bridge builder." Without giving up his authority and decision making responsibility he must be able to constructively dialogue with the many stakeholders in higher education. The issues are so complex it will

Jun 9, 2012 8:42 AM Jun 9, 2012 6:14 AM Jun 8, 2012 11:45 PM

80 81

Jun 8, 2012 8:55 PM Jun 8, 2012 8:31 PM

82 83 84 85

Jun 8, 2012 5:49 PM Jun 8, 2012 4:58 PM Jun 8, 2012 4:58 PM Jun 8, 2012 3:20 PM


Jun 8, 2012 1:07 PM

87 88

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Jun 8, 2012 12:07 PM

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Page 2, Q1. How important do you think it is for the next CSU Chancellor to have the following background and experience requirements?

take someone who is able to accomplish this. Because of the complexity, it will take all stakeholders to engage in a conversation that will lead to a sustainable solution. All the the parties are alienated from each other in the current discussion. Effective and meaningful dialogue takes time, trust, and patience. Without this kind of process a "stalemate' or a chain reaction of unintended consequences will begin. A "stalemate" in the discussion, or one party exerting its will over the other parties wil only introduce more acrimony into the conversation. Soon the "free and powerful will of the economy" will make the choices for us if we do not make them ourselves. 90 While I don't believe it's necessary for the new chancellor to possess all of the hands-on experience in this list, I think whoever is chosen should have familiarity with it, ideally working knowledge of it, and commitment to it. someone who is committed to being a leader and sees themself as part of a community NOT simply a CEO Respects faculty. Has a teaching history. Must be committed to California's higher education!!!! Please... no privatizers, corporatists, or shills for deliverology. good sense of humor, willing to meet with students, parents, any teacher from K-12, to communtiy colleges. CSU Chancellor's first and most important priority must be the education of California's citizens and future work force. at least some interest in campus sustainability initiatives. Someone who is willing to create student scholarships with half of her salary to demonstrate the depth of her commitment to student success. skills in transparency and open communication based on Ghandian principals, committment to the educational mission statement of California, experience in working with working class and low income communities and individuals and abilities to empathisize with diverse life experiences. I want an earned doctorate in a serious academic discipline, that is, not education or whatever Reed had. Strong community service understanding. We need a chancellor that is interested in education instead of making money for himself and his "friends." These are challenging times for education. The chancellor needs to understand that when faculty are given support for their research, the educational experience is enriched and the institution maintains touch with current methods, scientific findings, and the academic literature. Our faculty has been abused and exhausted with nonproductive demands of administrative people who are incompetent and need to justify their existence by making faculty do meaningless tasks. Proven commitment to making higher education accessible to as many students Jun 8, 2012 11:22 AM

91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98

Jun 8, 2012 11:20 AM Jun 8, 2012 10:00 AM Jun 8, 2012 9:47 AM Jun 8, 2012 9:36 AM Jun 8, 2012 8:55 AM Jun 8, 2012 8:53 AM Jun 8, 2012 7:35 AM Jun 8, 2012 7:06 AM

99 100 101

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Jun 7, 2012 11:33 PM

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Page 2, Q1. How important do you think it is for the next CSU Chancellor to have the following background and experience requirements?

in the state as possible. Experience of 5 or more years working full time as a university lecturer. (Ok, less realistic, but very important.) 103 104 Collaborative Leadership Style We need a chancellor who is willing to advocate for the students and represent the students as it should be, and now it must be. It is extremely important that our new chancellor listens to the demands of the students and tries to abide as close as possible to those demands. Realistically, some demands might not be met, but for those that can it imperative that the new chancellor works along students to find a resolution. Also, please find a chancellor that will minimize tuition rise or a least halt it. The corporate model where the CEO barks orders down the hierarchy is not a viable model for CSU, and its Chancellor must realize that. The Chancellor should respect the autonomy of faculty, and their need for support (vs. authority). -Personable and assertive advocate for the csu system -proven track record of building a significant endowment The next chancellor needs to know how to raise money for a system that is growing less and less reliant on state funding- a trend that will continue for the forseeable future A clear record of satisfied employees. ideally, they would be the first in their family to have gone to college Proof of respect for and/or support of collective bargaining entities. The CSU Chancellor need to have experience in OUR community in California. He needs to understand that Californians care about the well-being of all the members of our communities, not about CEO's, businesses and big fat bonuses. Be an advocated for democratic university system; experience in activism for education An academic background, not a "professional studies" (education, PE, business, etc) background. Somwone who truly understands what we have to do as educators. The CSU Chancellor should share and value the ideals of public higher education vs. the ideals of business. The CSU should not be thought of as a big business. A good record regarding supporting Faculty Research and Creative activities, understanding and commitment to higher education as an essential component of a developed nation. Fostering education that encourages personal growth and global citizens rather than "customers". Understanding that a University has a completely different mission than a Corporation -which is driven primarily by profit. Commitment to demand more support for Public Education and a strong advocacy of Education as a key element to a better and more equitable future for California. The Chancellor should have at least 20 years full-time teaching experience at a Jun 7, 2012 11:11 PM Jun 7, 2012 10:53 PM


Jun 7, 2012 10:52 PM


Jun 7, 2012 8:56 PM

107 108 109 110

Jun 7, 2012 8:37 PM Jun 7, 2012 6:46 PM Jun 7, 2012 6:16 PM Jun 7, 2012 5:54 PM

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Jun 7, 2012 4:22 PM


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Jun 7, 2012 3:39 PM

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Page 2, Q1. How important do you think it is for the next CSU Chancellor to have the following background and experience requirements?

CSU school or equivalent institution. That is the absolute most important quality. 116 Experience teaching in higher education setting, preferably as a lecturer/contingent faculty and having attempted to support a family while doing so. integrity Our next Chancellor, first of all, should be someone who will treat the CSU faculty and staff with respect and not with reflexive contempt. We urgently need a Chancellor who regards CSU faculty and staff not as the enemy or as antagonists but as full partners in the effort to serve our students throughout the system. The next Chancellor should also do everything possible to fundamentally re-order the CSU system's priorities, so that the emphasis will no longer be on lavish executive compensation, say, or on further enlarging an already-bloated administrative aristocracy throughout the system. Instead, the next Chancellor should emphasize the crucial importance of providing faculty with the resources we need to continue doing our jobs. The next Chancellor should immediately announce that his/her chief concern will be with the quality of instruction throughout the system, not with the managerial mantras of "efficiency" or "convenience." Thus, the next Chancellor should not be an MBA kind of "CEO" of the CSU system but someone with a rich background and experience in the trenches as an educator--someone who recognizes that "higher learning" does not mean "higher (job) training." The next Chancellor should immediately suspend the current Cal State On-Line initiative and start over, this time ensuring that there is full and adequate faculty involvement in the process. Moreover, we need to be confident that the next Chancellor will allocate resources and monies judiciously and not wastefully. Finally, we need a Chancellor absolutely committed to the values of transparency and openness in the way in which the CSU conducts its affairs. He should have some overseas experience so that he can appreciate the competition our students in California are facing in the global and national job market and based on that help academia reach the goals needed to implement change. I believe that our next Chancellor should be extremely supportive of PUBLIC higher education, student learning (real student learning, not just empty words), has a strong history of working well with faculty and is supportive of faculty, and someone who really cares about access to public higher education and opportunities for students. I understand that a Chancellor may have to engage in some fund-raising, as they all likely do, so some knowledge of that would be good. But honestly, I want someone who does not have the background of Charles Reed. He was clearly focused on executives and management only it seemed. I mean, that is what his actions demonstrated. We need someone in there who is committed to the mission of the CSU and really understands and values the governance process as well as transparency and accountability. We do NOT need a CEO-type who only has a corporate background and is only interested in providing funding based on graduation rates or who wants to put much of the CSU teaching online so they can get the most bang for their buck (classes stuffed with students and reduced pay for faculty, and I would add reduced status for faculty in the sense that they'd be reduced to mere facilitators Jun 7, 2012 3:38 PM

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Jun 7, 2012 2:52 PM

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teaching canned online courses). Lastly, while I do think it is somewhat important that the person come out of the CSU system, I DO feel that the person should have worked in a public higher ed system similar to ours. I strongly feel that the CSU system itself has many qualified, talented folks who are committed to student success and learning, access to affordable education, who are supportive of transparent processes, and support and work with faculty to enact reasonable contracts. We need someone who will work with everyone to make the CSU the strong system it once was and can be. Someone who is in this for only him or herself or only a select few on the top pay scales will only spell disaster for our system. Thank you for reading. 121 122 123 Success in dealing with the needs of diverse populations. The next CSU Chancellor should have a distinguished record of collaboration with and support for faculty. A commitment to diversity. Experience as a leader who knows how to, and is committed to building effective teams and communities. Someone who can cut out the huge bureaucratic mess that is strangling the morale, productivity, and effectiveness of the CSU. Honesty and a willingness to be transparent. A busy background as opposed to education. We need someone who understands how to run a big business and not politician. An understanding of how important the faculty membership in terns if delivering a product (students) who are equipped with the tools to be successfull in the real world. Experience in academic administration with a transparent record of a collaborative rather than adversarial relationship with faculty and staff; demonstrated record of placing quality education of students first; demonstrated qualities such as ability to compromise and common sense, both of which are going to be even more important at present. Please, someone who has dedicated their life to quality education rather than to the corporate mentality of money being an end in itself. As above, should have the skills, training and background to have earned a full professorship in her or his field, and excelled as a faculty/researcher. The LAST thing we need is a corporate CEO type, bizzness model chancellor. We do not want a chancellor or a president of another university or a college. proven record of working with diversity and within multiethnic institutions Demonstrated success in capturing extramural research funding. A demonstrated commitment to public higher education. A proven commitment and leadership in advocating for public higher education, rather than private higher education. A cautious, and studied approach to incorporating technology into higher education. I would like to see the Chancellor teach at least one course each semester so Jun 7, 2012 2:41 PM Jun 7, 2012 2:15 PM Jun 7, 2012 2:07 PM


Jun 7, 2012 1:35 PM


Jun 7, 2012 1:31 PM


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he/ she would be qualified to make appropriate decisions regarding faculty. 133 It is important that the next CSU Chancellor has had extensive experience as an over worked and underpaid tenured professor in a state system that supports underprivileged students. Should have a teaching background, even if years ago. Demonstrated commitment to diversity. Ability to articulate CSU needs/goals/programs to multiple audiences. Willingness to let faculty guide curricular decisions. No more "Early Start" shit shoved down our throats. Should be a strong advocate for students, teachers and staff. One caveat about being a CEO in the private sector; I think it is very important that he NOT be from the private sector or have demonstrated a private sector/corporate mindset. The problem with Higher Ed., in my opinion, is the same thing that is wrong with Healthcare; the obsession over thinking of it as a money making enterprise, such that the people are forgotten in lieu of the money to be made at the student's expense. In addition to having the *credentials* to qualify as a faculty member, I strongly believe the Chancellor should have extensive experience *in the classroom*. Between them, Chancellors Reed and Munitz appear to have had less teaching experience -- none of which is recent -- than most very junior tenure-line faculty, and far less than most lecturers. Consequently, neither of them is aware of many fundamental issues and problems with which students and faculty must contend. Openness, commitment to democratic process, student-centered. I would rather see someone be promoted who is already in the system, someone whose presence displays not just knowledge of the system but also commitment to it. I would like to see someone who is willing to commit to a modest compensation package with raises tied to faculty and staff raises. If we don't get a raise, neither do they. Ever. A person with a constructive vision for the future. Desiring to work with the faculty in setting realistic and acheivable goals. A person willing to visit the schools for the purpose of interacting with the faculty and receiving their feesback and their questions. We all need to be committed to the sams goals and to work together. An engaging style that communicates true concern for the faculty, students, and the mission of the CSU system. Shows respect for faculty. A fundamental belief and strong commitment to the ideals and importance of higher education. A fundamental belief that higher education should be available for ALL individuals, including low income and those from diverse ethnic and Jun 7, 2012 11:29 AM

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cultural backgrounds. A fundamental belief that the university curriculum offerings must be comprised of diverse content and subject areas, including social sciences as well as business, economics, technology, etc. A fundamental belief in and ability to foster collaborative relationships with ALL segments of the community. A fundamental belief that university leadership is in PARTNERSHIP WITH faculty and all employees at all levels of the institution. A fundamental belief in maintaining OPEN COMMUNICATION at all times, and action to prove it. A commitment,dedication and skill to heal all devisiveness and distrust between the leadership and all others. Lastly, a fundamental belief in promoting and sustaining the principles of democracy, NOT capitolism!!!!! 146 147 Most important--commitment to student learning I would support a chancellor that had good financial skills - understood budgets well and was prudent with funds. Commitment to shared governance, experience as an excellent faculty member, and proven excellence in advocacy are my highest priorities for a chancellor. It would be good if there's a record of dealing fairly and honorably with people, and a record of keeping commitments. A humanistic approach to Administration. We need a conscious human being! Multicultural competence with multilingual skills highly desireable. Member of a faculty union and a faculty member at one time. Demonstrated commitment to diversifying faculty, staff, administrators in the university system with national, domestic minorities including Latinos, African Americans and Asians, and women and LGBT. Diversity should be reflect state and local communities meaning that white women should not be the only ones to be used to fill "minority" slots. Demonstrated knowledge and commitment to fully integrating diversity issues into curriculum, student services, recruitment and retention of faculty/staff, and university-community partnerships. This is essential for leadership of the CSU system, given its diverse population of students, staff, and faculty. 1) Preference for being a former member (or leader) of a labor union. 2) Strong track record for working to increase diversity within and across domains. 3) Proven track record of positive diverse faculty and student recommendations that speak to a committment to quality higher education, to students with a deep understanding of their plights/struggles, to transparency/accountability, to shared governance, and to a deep belief in the California Master Plan. Diversity awareness, interest in supportin both tenured and non tenured . Awareness of needs of students and families. Passion and vision about the role of higher education in global society. Someone who presents a balance between business and corporate needs in higher ed and the aesthetic value or learning deeply for personal growth. Less self-interest; more accessibility and willingness to work cooperatively to resolve issues. Jun 7, 2012 9:58 AM Jun 7, 2012 9:50 AM

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Jun 7, 2012 9:49 AM Jun 7, 2012 9:47 AM Jun 7, 2012 9:41 AM


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Extensive familiarity with California legislative procedures and politics. I would put advocacy on behalf of the system at the top of the list. All of these qualities are very important. The ability to fund raise is more important in the current fiscal climate now than in past years. It would help if the chancellor could leap tall buildings in a single bound. Selflessness. Missionary zeal. Willingness to sign on for lower than expected pay in order to demonstrate shared sacrifice in difficult times. Charisma. Have integrity, grit, a sense of fairness, a shared vision for the future of the CSU someone from CALIFORNIA who understands the context (demographics, legislation, funding, etc) I think the key thing is to get someone who does not want to push a corporate model onto the university system. Universities are NOT corporations, and they cannot be run in the same way. We need someone who recognizes that education is not something that can be improved by increasing "efficiency" (as defined by the corporate world by serving the most customers with the least resources). The most effective teaching methods are not efficient, in the strictly business sense of the word, because they involve meaningful human relationships. The new Chancellor needs to understand that. Not have the 1% mentality. Live in the real world with lower salaries like the rest of us. More commitment to diversity in chancellor office hires and univ admin is very white, very male at the to of the csu...just saying ... at least several years experience in the classroom The new chancellor should understand the value of the university and its importance and should be capable of sharing that understanding with the legislature and wider community. How about not hiring anyone and save money ? Make the Presidents have one of them do it for free Perhaps having been a part-time lecturer at some point to understand the frustrations we have regarding range elevation. Demonstrated fiscal responsibility, maintaining a budget, and personal integrity and respect for the faculty and students. A high level administrative position in higher education (e.g., university president, provost). Experience at more than one institution of higher education. Positions at more than one university in the past so has multiple perspectives. Needs to understand academic environments. A PhD, and a record of scholarly activity, including significant time in the classroom as an actual faculty member. A public record that matches the above mentioned criteria, a willingness to meet with faculty and public during the

Jun 7, 2012 8:39 AM Jun 7, 2012 8:28 AM Jun 7, 2012 8:10 AM

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interview process, and to have his/her resume widely circulated when applying. * note. The Board of Trustees must meet with faculty to co-author a job announcement and develop a list of criteria for evaluation of applicants. The entire selection process must be open to faculty and the public. 172 It is most important to me that the new Chancellor not see the faculty, including myself, as "the problem". I work way too hard and for far too many hours (including hundreds and hundreds of "free hours") to be the problem. Common sense, goodwill, human respect, kindness...and a decent sense of humor wouldn't hurt. Honesty and strait foreword person. experience with diverse ethnic groups and communities of color Ability to lead by example. If he asks us to take pay cut, he cuts his pay first. The Chancellor should be willing to adjust his or her salary to meet the needs and budget the State can afford. He or she should put the education of our students first and salaries and benefits for the faculty and staff before his or her own. The next CSU Chancellor should have demonstrated meaningful support for all students including low income and meaningful respect for faculty workloads and status. In addition, she/he should not attempt to emulate the corporate/CEO model. Education is not a business. He needs to have a good understanding and exposure to human resources/human development. The most important attribute for such an executive should be his sensitivity human concern and behavior. Any healthy environment requires three paramters: concern for students, faculty and relationship with industry. The inter-coordination of these three what makes a University/Institution. In short, institutional development is the key factor which should be the dominant factor for any Chancellor. Should have achieved tenure but does not have to be full professor. Some one who recognizes the status-quo AND what needs to be changed in the status quo. Commitment to academic excellence AND access. Finance at an institutional level; that is, balancing a budget and accountability to a committee or group. I would like to see someone who instead of bartering the CSU faculty alliances, uses the strength of faculty as a bargaining chip in the political arena. Someone who reads the politics of the state and can capitalize on the CSU strengths for a stronger CA. I heard that other states are recruiting CSU students and we are losing some 30% of our eligible students to out of state colleges. understand the diversity of the CSU an emphasis or a tangible understanding of minority and ethnic struggles is vitally important for the new Chancellor to posses. Also, an abiding Jun 7, 2012 12:35 AM

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understanding of what it means to be a low income individual who comes from a low income household and is seeking a college degree. An understanding and empathy for these things is of paramount importance. 184 185 Leaner and more effective management. Keep faculty's interests in mind. A record of scholarship and value of scholarship is extremely important. It is impossible to get tenure without scholarship and therefore the course load should be reduced and institutional support should increase for creative works. A forward looking chancellor is critical in this regard. It can be argued that the CA master plan has in part outlived its usefulness. Some CSU campuses should be allowed, encouraged, and given full support to excel in their areas of excellence. Why beat someone down because they are succeeding just because it isn't deemed 'fair'? Has this person ever had a "real job" ??? Have they actually been employed by other than a govermental agency? He needs to accept a salary equal to or lower than his very long-standing predecessor but certainly not higher Prior experience with the CSU. Someone with a real vision and who has a clear appreciation for what the CSU contributes to the California economy. King Alexander would be great. Proficiency in at least two languages they have actively taught in the classroom full time within the last 5 years Should be pro-faculty. Needs to be open to dialogue with CFA, and should be approachable and accountable. More transparent in decision making and also participate regularly in open forums for faculty and students. Noted LACK of confrontation with faculty groups and LACK of antipathy to collective bargaining. The new CSU Chancellor should be someone who will put resources in the hands of faculty and students instead of administrators. There are far too many administrators and too few teachers. I would like him/her to be foremost an academic NOT a CEO. They should be committed to the mission of the university system - to providing affordable education for the people of California. They should be willing to accept a reasonable salary and be more interested in serving the CSU than being served by the CSU. Commitment to multicultural proficiency and cultural responsiveness. Strong social justice orientation and demonstrated activities. The ability to communicate and relate to people outside her immediate experience and community. We need the EXACT OPPOSITE of a Charlie Reed. One more like that and we Jun 6, 2012 8:59 PM Jun 6, 2012 8:52 PM

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Jun 6, 2012 8:45 PM Jun 6, 2012 8:40 PM Jun 6, 2012 8:37 PM

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are finished! 198 199 The new Chancellor should have at least 8 to 10 years of experience IN THE CLASSROOM. Respect for faculty; Advocate for students; Refusal to accept budget cuts on the premise of no tax increases. Services require funding and taxes need to adjust to meet needs, Prop 13 or not!! When will we ever get a true advocate for Public Education??? Running a large university campus at the level of a president or provost. honest, have integrity, support the instructional program and faculty, forward thinking It would be good if the next chancellor had knowledge and understanding of the history of California Higher Education. track record of working well with rank and file institutional members Political! The Chancellor must be able to work with politicians in Sacto to get funding, and s/he must understand and honor California laws such as the Brown Act and open meeting regulations. This is probably more important than anything else. A track record of excellent communication skills and advocacy for public higher education. Track record of supporting faculty and containing growth of administrative costs. Ideally, someone who will commit to reducing the administration at the CSU and university levels by 30-40%. Also, a leader willing to flush out the system, and put in renewed management whose goal is to support the faculty, not go to war with it. Background and Experience with the dynamics and culture of CALIFORNIA Students and our community needs. Background and Experience in PUBLIC Relations & Collaboration with the community and not just a heavy emphasis on Corporations. International Educational Work! Understanding and working with the NSF, state department of finance, both party caucuses in Sacramento and preferably a California person who knows the state and not someone from Florida!!! commitment to the ideals of higher education for our citizens, and the courage to live up to those Planning for the fiscal future of the university. Vision for the future of the CSU. The trend of diminishing funding from the state is a problem, but not an excuse for the current state of the CSU. The university leadership needs to make plans for the future of the university in light of this trend... certainly advocacy to legislators is important, but also having a vision of the the future of the university if paramount AND A PLAN to realize that vision even if the state continues to underfund. Jun 6, 2012 7:43 PM Jun 6, 2012 7:29 PM

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The chancellor should have a record of respect for collective bargaining and civic engagement. The chancellor should also be committed to freezing administrative salaries as long as faculty salaries are frozen. He or she should have a plan for cutting the budget in areas other than instruction. The chancellor should also have a vision for where higher education is going over the next 10 years. Someone who has been in the classroom during the past ten years for at least a year or two. We are at the point where administrators have no idea what actually goes on in classes. He/She must not have a business back ground. I would prefer a person with a hard science degree, preferably chemistry, engineering or physics. A willingness to work with faculty, listen to faculty, and consider the needs of faculty. Chancellor Reed took care of his top administrators at the expense of faculty which shows that he lost sight of the University's mission -- education. Ability and motivation to reduce administrative bloat so the recovered costs can be repurposed toward faculty and reductions in tutition. CSU Chancellor needs to be committed to the simple model of the university as faculty and students with staff to support that relationship and primary function. Administration needs to be paired back in the budget streamlining that needs to occur now on the campuses and faculty salaries and excellence need to be the sole priorities moving forward to rebuild and strengthen the CSU. I want continuing teaching experience. We should not hire someone who stopped teaching to become an administrator. Must be willing to curtail the exective class that is expanding at the top of the CSU system and funnel savings to the classroom and faculty. Most University presidents forget why we exist in the first place! Should be a decent human being and not a hierarchical skunk. Recognition that faculty are the backbone of any university and recognition that teaching students is the most important job of any university Support for increased diversity, including more women in traditionally underrepresented fields. Support for professional development of full-time, tenure-track faculty. Less focus on access, more on excellence. Interest in revising California Master Plan to allow CSU to have independent PhD programs. Why do we need a Chancellor at all? Eliminate the Golden Shore campus, and let campus administrations make agreements who shall represent all (or some) campuses where such representation would be useful, such as lobbying and negotiating with suppliers and providers. If we must have a Chancellor, he or she should have extensive experience in the classroom, as well as the laboratory, library, or whatever. A Chancellor can't lead an institution she or he doesn't understand.

Jun 6, 2012 5:43 PM


Jun 6, 2012 5:36 PM

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Some indication that the next CSU Chancellor values student learning and an environment for teaching by faculty that promotes education within the CSU system. She should be respectful of faculty, students, and parents, and be a good enough human being to once and for all knock off the union-busting and bilking the public of their hard-earned dollars. He/she should absolutely honor and respect the public good that is public education and STOP padding and bloating up the ranks of managers and wannabe CEOs, and instead put energy and money into creating a stable, innovative, diverse faculty committed to the public good---not to just their own individual interests and research or status. The CSU Chancellor should be an academic, a teacher and a scholar, and NOT a corporate CEO; he or she should be comfortable with the CSU mission, and recognize its distinctiveness; he or she should be able to recognize that the heart of the system is faculty's relationships to students. Other than that, I have to say I don't even think, at bottom, we need a Chancellor. Receptive and willingness to accept and implement ideas suggested by Faculty. Top level administrators need to understand that student and faculty issues are very important. We don't need another Chancellor that runs the business machine (even if they run it well) at the expense of faculty and students. Should have extensive experience working with minority-serving institutions of higher education. The new Chancellor should have lived in California or attended University when California was in its Higher Education zenith. The rational is this, if you don't know how good California Universities were, you will not understand how far they have fallen and how much work and persuading needs to be done to get them back. proven commitment to social issues A nonadversarial attitude toward the union. Have an open door policy and a proven success of working with University faculty and students. Commitment to academics over athletics; commitment to liberal arts education rather than professional degrees, certificate programs and vocational training; demonstrated commitment to students and faculty before corporate relationships; commitment to race, class and gender equality; demonstrated commitment to faculty governance principles. I hope the next chancellor will be committed to rebuilding the CSU's reputation as an affordable and excellent liberal arts university. I also think it is extremely important that this person understand that a university is NOT a corporation and that the corporate model should not be imposed on the CSU system or on individual campuses. Any candidate who talks about the business model as a good thing should not be considered.

Jun 6, 2012 4:53 PM


Jun 6, 2012 4:46 PM


Jun 6, 2012 4:39 PM

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A commitment to faculty and staff as well as students. I understand that students are the main concern in the CSU (as they should be), but I'm tired of being treated as though we're not contributing to that student success. The same goes for our union, by the way. A primary committment to the CSU system, not a primary allegiance to pleasing the legislature or the governor. An understanding that the faculty are competent, hardworking experts in their fields. A commitment to the teaching mission of the University would be nice for a change. Personable, media trained, effective communication skills Someone who believes that CSU does not have to just take what the state gives. He should follow the philosophy of the West Valley District Chancellor in Northern California (sadly retiring) and have a "can do" attitude. Proven record of partnerships with faculty and the legislators. Definitely comes from the faculty. Record of working with unions and good faith bargaining. A proven record of 1) improving the quality of education (accreditation, US News and Report Ranking), 2) creative educational strategies to improve graduation and post bachelor professional/career opportunities (flexibility to adopt and change curriculum), and 3) commitment to work with faculty and students directly (work & visit with faculty and students on each campus not just the board of trustee and CFA) Excellent reviews of leadership from previous positions. Ability to inspire staff and faculty at CSU with f=clear vision of the future of CSU Committed to support for the diversity efforts demonstrated within the CSU and interest to strengthen it in the CSU by outreach programs to communities and groups. S/he should be someone who has actual classroom teaching experience. must NOT be ABUSIVE or have an ABUSIVE expletive-ridden management style, MUST not hire friends and friends of friends, salary should be a low base with bonus every year based on performance in attracting system wide funding and based on a percentage of private funding that the 23 Presidents have attracted to the campus and the system. AND the candidate cannot come from the system as a former PRESIDENT!!!! Compassionate, humanistic outlook toward students, faculty and staff. The capacity for empathy. CLASSROOM EXPERIENCE We need somebody who puts the students in our system above all.. A person whose focus is in the best interests of students, faculty and staff -- the "boots-on-the-ground" folks. Chancellor Reed's emphasis and focus on

Jun 6, 2012 3:59 PM


Jun 6, 2012 3:58 PM

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administration has been a disaster for the CSU system. We also need a Chancellor who is committed to finding secure funding. This idea of doing more with less, has got to stop. If we can't do more with more, then we simply need to do less with less, and we need a Chancellor who understands all the ramifications if a continually declining budget in terms of the effect it has on students and faculty e.g., a realistic understanding of how less funding influences the quality of instruction as well as faculty research, service, professional development. 249 250 A commitment to transparency in decision-making Ability to go before the state legislators and make an appeal for the need for sustainable public college education. Can develop ways to privatize the system if the legislative body and voters dictate. One who respects teaching as a professional career and values the skills required to steadily improve as a professional educator in the academic environment. Who understands relationships between performance of faculty members and accountability to all the stakeholders (students, industry and taxpayers) and is willing to develop a compensation model that provides incentives for outstanding performance and pay-cuts or termination for underperformance. Commitment to diversity in hiring and enrollement. A person who supports FACULTY!!!!!! Period. Our working conditions are terrible and getting worse. Our pay is insulting. We have basically no say in what goes on but have been dictated to by those with huge salaries 'working' for their own enrichment and promotion. Sees faculty as key to education and has a recorded effort in advancing issues of diversity and education for poor students and students of color. The ability to assess the need for management personnel to support the instructional operation. Having one management person for every full time faculty member is a very inefficient use of the funds that we have primarily for instruction. Has the person ever completed a serious assessment of management activity that actually led to improvements in the efficiency of the operation? Recognition that the two Cal Polys are different than the other campuses and their funding should reflect the additional expense associated with state of the art labs re our "hands on experience" reputation that has benefitted our graduates and the state. Willingness to honor contracts. High level of integrity. Commitment to transparency I believe she should have a proven record on her commitment to issues of diversity and social justice. The earned doctorate should specifically be a Ph.D., not a professional doctorate (e.g., JD, MD, Ed.D., D.Sci., or similar) and not a non-doctoral terminal degree Jun 6, 2012 3:23 PM Jun 6, 2012 3:23 PM

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(with the possible exception of the M.F.A.). The most important attribute of a chancellor leading a system of higher education is being an active intellectual who understands, values, and encourages intellectualism at all levels of the system. That said, a great deal of the position entails other skills, and these, too, are important, most critically being able to work with the Legislature and nearly as critically bridging the university and various stakeholder groups and fundraising (given that we are no longer a "State-supported" institution but a State-subsidized one). While CEOs may have some of these skills, the mindset that comes with corporate leadership is nearly always incompatible with the nature of a higher education system and may interfere with effective functioning in the CSU. 260 261 He shouldn't be a bean counter who treats the university as a business. Understanding of and commitment to PUBLIC higher education. Needs to be able to lobby as a strong advocate for continued PUBLIC financial support of the CSU, as well as looking for new sources of revenue through public/private partnerships, etc. The Chancellor has to put the students first, which means providing them with the best possible faculty and the best possible learning conditions. I visited a small university where the administration realized they need to offer more for the students, so they took 8 administrative staff positions and turned them into 4 faculty positions. The core of a university is the faculty-student relationships, and as the budget crisis demands the lowering of expenses, the elements around that core need to be removed first. Great learning can happen with a master and a student, but nothing happens with substandard teaching. First and foremost, the chancellor should have the mind and heart of a professor, not an administrator. His/Her main orientation must be toward the academic life as lived by a person whose life and love have been teaching and research and service to the university and the community. He/she should come to the system with a proven track record of advancement and success with working relationships in working for the benefit of students, with staff and faculty. Someone who is respectful of working, teaching, researching, writing professors. this is a "gimme" - the corporate model of higher education is a disaster for public higher education institutions. I would see experience as a corporate CEO as a liability. Ideally, leadership experience in a multi-campus university system. Succes working with diverse constituents and ethnicities -- rural/urban, low income to middle income, first generation college students, Latino population, African American population, students who have to work to attend college. commitment to TRANSPARENCY Commitment to instruction and reduction of administrative focus. Jun 6, 2012 2:52 PM Jun 6, 2012 2:47 PM


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Demonstrated familiarity with and success in the job of university faculty. Chancellor should ADVOCATE for students, not just raise fees when the budget gets cut. Awareness of diversity - race, class, gender, sexual orientation Demonstrated support for university faculty To not be a corporate jackass tool like our last Chancellor. The Chancellor needs to be from a "traditional" academic background outside the state of California. We need leadership that can navigate budget cuts (as has been done at universities most everywhere else) while strengthening the appreciation of faculty (as has been done at universities most everywhere else) and fostering independence of governance at each CSU (as has been done at university systems most everywhere else). He or she should have enough economic knowledge to understand the absolute necessity that California have and an academically trained work force and the every dollar spent on students pays back tremendous dividends in future tax revenue. I would like to see him or her committed to cutting bureaucracy and increasing tenured/tenure track faculty. In the words of Federico da Montefeltro, the Duke of Urbino. "Deve essere umano." Respect faculty and the need for raises and normal class sizes for all fields. Reward all faculty. Drop any thoughts of merit pay. The really important necessary condition is an attitude that the faculty are partners in the educational process, not advocates. I come from a very conservative, pro-management background, but believe that you can only fix broken systems if management and labor work together. I worked for General Motors for 15 years before coming to academia. They went from the largest, most profitable company in the world to near bankruptcy because their leadership did not understand how to tap into the workforce and work together to stay competitive. During the same period, Toyota (for example), was cultivating the partnership with the workers to achieve world class success. Read the book, "Good to Great"....we need a Level 5 leader....perhaps one of the existing campus presidents could fulfill that role. A good listener and a commitment to EDUCATION and not growing the corporation, or returning profits outside of the academic circle. Experience as full-time professor The chancellor needs to be someone who is not in the backpockets of special interests and who is committed to ACADEMIC success - not the prowess of sports over education.

Jun 6, 2012 2:33 PM Jun 6, 2012 2:33 PM Jun 6, 2012 2:32 PM Jun 6, 2012 2:29 PM Jun 6, 2012 2:24 PM Jun 6, 2012 2:24 PM


Jun 6, 2012 2:22 PM

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A dedication to the diverse student population of California---a record of success in working with and for diverse ethnic, racial, linguistice, gendered, and dis/abled groups. A background in critical multicultural community work. The leadership of both the CSU and UC systems were far too slow in recognizing and responding to the threat of state disinvestment. It took them far too long to even really begin advocating for higher education. Their delay no doubt helped feed the myth that higher education is overfunded, and can be streamlined through "efficiencies". We need someone with more political savvy and prescience. a commitment to the students, faculty and staff of the CSU - and an understanding of the importance of the CSU to the communities and families A person with a strong positive vision for the CSU system. Respect for faculty Extraordinary work experience outside of education and government. Our next chancellor should have experience with the public university system in California, not a state like Florida, which has a completely different perspective on and funding process for higher education. I strongly hope this candidate will be someone from within the CSU, who understands its challenges and is committed to providing the best public education for California students. A commitment to "internationalizing" the CSU beyond getting our students opportunities to have international experiences is not needed --meaning, we don't need more international students to pay our bills. Let's get someone with tenacity and forward-thinking who has a vision of an educational institution, not a business. No business models, just thinking about making our educational system "modern" and based on principles of best scholarship and learning. Another type of experience: How about someone with experience downsizing administrative bloat? How about someone who doesn't need a car or housing allowance? Most important to me is that he or she truly believe that the university's job is to develop educated people able to function well in the job market AND as citizens in a democracy--not simply to churn out degrees according to some model of "deliverology." The university should be more than a trade school. Also, the new chancellor should feel that he/she is "one of us"--ie, the faculty and the students--and therefore be willing to work with us toward common goals, not dedicated to whipping us into shape and dragging us down. Commitment to diversity, representative of California population Demonstrated ability to find creative solutions to old problems, knowledge and experience of managing a budget, and get things done Experience working with diverse groups - both ethnic and social The Chancellor should someone who has experience in university teaching and who has a clear record of scholarly activity. The Chancellor should be an

Jun 6, 2012 2:06 PM


Jun 6, 2012 2:02 PM

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Page 2, Q1. How important do you think it is for the next CSU Chancellor to have the following background and experience requirements?

advocate for traditional university education: that is, they should be committed to the idea of the university rather than to a vision of an online "normal" or vocational university. The chancellor needs to be an intellectual and an activist for higher education, someone who understand why a university matters to the world and who should be able to convey that to donors. The CSU provides an opportunity to create economically productive and informed, educated citizens; the Chancellor needs to stand behind that vision. 297 Must be an advocate of CSU faculty and not an adversary. Must be honest and open with policy decisions. Need to keep the number of administrations in check. Faculty salaries and administrator salaries need to be the same. He or she should not have a degree in education. Commitment to CHANGE/proven background in CHANGE, esp in unprecedented times, for large complex univ systems such as ours. Ex: Regionalization of Majors and programs! Pragmatic economic approach embracing the free market and competitive reality of today's world. Faculty union membership. Actual experience teaching in a CSU or demographically similar institution (i.e. not just the "credentials" to be able to, but actual work as a teacher). the ability to communicate clearly with faculty and the desire to make the CSU system one of the best public university system in the country. S/he should RESPECT faculty. Reed did not. A track record of even-handedness between administrators, staff, and faculty when dealing with budget cuts. A willingness to hire fewer administrators and more professors. George Diehr is the perfect choice He/she needs to be someone who can reach out in a diverse community. Maybe even be Latina/o, African-American, with experience in education and the private sector. I think such a person would connect with target audiences who would employ our graduates. A record of compassionate service; a favorable record on relations with faculty and staff and labor unions that truly includes them in a meaningful way and does not distance them from the governing process; background experience as a community organizer who has a real sense of the average student who will be attending the CSU's; a record that indicates someone who really cares about the kind of education professors can offer and cares what kind of education CSU students actually receive....In essence, someone who can provide relevance to the actual benefits of a college education (beyond businesses' version and the "get a job" mentality). Should have a distinguished record as a classroom teacher in addition to Jun 6, 2012 1:43 PM

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scholarly productivity and administrative experience. Experience in faculty governance (for example as an Academic Senator) would be desirable. Definitely do NOT want someone from the private sector. 310 Would like to see something other than a white male if the appropriate candidate appears. I don't believe that there is a single "best" candidate so there should be room to break some barriers here. A commitment to diversity and equity in higher education. A philosophy about all of us being connected; about how the action of one can have on another. He should be willing to meet with student organizations, as well as staff and faculty groups. Must have a proved track record of respectful and productive relationships with faculty. Must have a proven record of consulting with a wide range of faculty when developing university policy. Must run meetings openly with transparency. Candidate Chancellor must receive 65% approval vote of the faculty A commitment to NOT build the university on the backs of Lecturers. Student centered ethos We need a chancellor who values faculty and sees us as more than hired hands. Most organizations say that their people are their most valuable asset. I would like the next chancellor to feel that way about the CSU faculty. A record of being open to change and compromise. Must be able to understand, listen, and respond to the needs of faculty and students. Must understand that being chancellor is not a way of carpet bagging state funds for one's financial gain or the gain of administrators Willingness to stand up to the unions. Fair and transparent. Accessible. They should respect and value faculty, not hate them like Reed. A great listener. Have students as her/his central focus someone who values excellent faculty compensation as the foundation of an excellent education. A clear commitment to faculty work conditions and student learning. Successful budgeting experience on a similar scale of the size of heading up the CSU system. Humanitarian, someone who is a people person. Someone with experience running a very large diverse, urban state university. Jun 6, 2012 1:26 PM

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We need someone who respects faculty!! h/she needs to be an understanding leader who is able to see the big picture, understand how the CSU infrastructure works, and stop any unreasonable/nonsense/unnecessary type of spending among administrators, the presidents, AVPs, Provosts, and any one else who already has a huge salary over 6 digitsit's inconceivable that staff/faculty don't obtain any raises or hardly any stipends of any kind while high executives in the system have surmounts of $$ to pay for expensive dinners, events, and what not. This new Chancellor has to be able to say NO to those folks who just want to eat their cake and eat it too. Those are my thoughts. Work on diverse environment and Work with minorities, and underrepresented Open to having ideas and feedback from the university community at large. Respect for faculty and the work that they do. Willingness to strongly defend higher education within the legislative process. Willingness to listen to ALL elements of the university system, including students, faculty, and staff. It is vital that the new CSU chancellor be committed to social justice and the equality conferred by education and transparency in governance. We do not need another emperor, whose goal is to single out a few good men (and it has largely been that) for specialized treatment that separates them from the great unwashed. He should care about the students and faculty and not just come for the money. He should agree to a lower pay, just as faculty who have *not* received a pay raise since 2008. He should be the opposite of our so much hated Chancellor Reed. Must respect faculty and care about students. Must have a real Ph.D. Should not make administrators' salaries his or her top priority. Should not be interested in hiring high-priced cronies as consultants. In other words, everything that Reed isn't! Strong commitment to the Arts A demonstrated understanding of the California higher education system and the role of the California State University in that system. The ability to build consensus even among opposing positions. Should not be a football player--must have solid academic background! Someone the faculty/staff/students feel is on our side. Someone who has press conferences and talks about his/her commitment to the CSU system. Reminds the public about the CA commitment to public higher education and is willing to risk public and legislative criticism on behalf of advocating for the CSU. Familiarity with and sensitivity to the extreme financial burden placed on CSU faculty due to budget cuts, many of whom have had no salary increases for the last 5 years to reflect inflation or performance. This situation has become

Jun 6, 2012 12:51 PM Jun 6, 2012 12:48 PM

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untenable. 342 343 Commitment to student access to publicly funded education. A clear vision of how to steer higher ed away from the corporate model. Commitment to affordable higher education. Commitment to quality in higher education (no diploma mills!) Someboy who is really interested in educating the young people of California to be prepared for the global economy. Somebody who knows the problems and possibilities of this great state. He should not be attached to GOP ideation of public institutions being run like corporations. we need someone who get the acive learning and engaged process that is shaping todays students. The role of technology tools, pedagogy and change. Someone who can figure out ways to inspire senior faculty to reduce the use of old outdated curricula with an improved conceptual understanding on todays workforce and life issues. A record of openly advocating affordable, funded, public education To bring back sports in the California State University system where in the past about 90% of the participants in Athletics representative American in the Olympic Games with success. Success in sports not only will bring economic impact to the universities but is also the morale of the student population. A modest, not overinflated, ego. Probably not something one can phrase "legally" for a job description, but certainly something one can look for in demeanor, how others speak/write of her/him. a demonstrated dedication to the public sector and public higher ed in particular. Experience with the process of co-determination in the bargaining process. Demonstrated commitment to the central mission of the CSU (teaching) and fulltime faculty positions. Demonstrated commitment to and evidence of working successfully with faculty members at an institution. Demonstrated commitment to workplace democracy and collaborative problem solving skills. I think we need a team player who recognizes the importance of faculty and staff and can commit to stopping the administrative bloat we see on our campus. We have 11 administrators overseeing 200 staff? This makes no sense. While it is on the survey, I would like to underscore the importance of someone who has actually been in a classroom similar to those we teach in at the CSU, who has done research and gone through the RTP process, and preferably who has been a chair in a department (not necessarily a dean) and has a demonstrated ability to address conflict in a team-building and collaborative way NOT a heavy handed, top-down sort of way Jun 6, 2012 12:31 PM Jun 6, 2012 12:31 PM


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Union friendly. It would be extremely helpful if the selected Chancellor understood and respected what full time faculty members in the humanities, social sciences and other sciences must do in order to achieve and sustain their expertise. Our work is not limited to the hours that we are in the classroom. A history of advocacy for his faculty. Understanding and appreciation of the diverse peoples of California Broad spectrum of academic interests. Commitment to students and student diversity beyond window dressings Have served as a faculty member for at least ten years. Commitment to higher education. Demonstrated commitment to: 1) accessible public education, 2) the DREAM act, 3) faculty development. S/he should not be a clone of Reed and s/he should absolutely not be a neoliberal ideologue and see privatization and the corporatization of the CSU as the answer. S/he would do best if s/he wanted to cultivate and foster a collaborative arrangement with faculty and saw being university professorship as an honorable, service profession at the heart of the CSU's mission. I would also like to see this new chancellor (one can dream!) cut administrative bloat. A record of friendly relations with unions. Open, honest and straightforward. Should have substantial CLASSROOM experience. Should NOT be someone who spent very little time in the classroom before moving into administration. Should have a commitment to educating and lobbying the public as well as the legislature on the value of education and should NOT be wiling to view education through the narrow, restrictive lense of operating the university on a business model. In addition to having substantial classroom experience, should also have a substantial number of peer-reviewed publications to top-flight journals in his or her field. Should demonstrate an appreciation of and commitment to ALL fields (sciences, arts, humanities, etc.). I believe the person should not be an administrator. I have not seen a real academic chancellor since Glenn Dumke. The professoriate needs a Chancellor who appreciates and who is sensitive to the needs of our students and of the faculty. I have been a Statewide Academic Senator so I have seen the Chancellor up close. Ability to listen and consider divergent ideas. Think of the students and the faculty who serve them FIRST! teaching experience in public higher education

Jun 6, 2012 12:16 PM Jun 6, 2012 12:16 PM

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Should be examined to make sure he/she has a heart and is fairminded. I would like to see an individual that has at least 15 plus years of teaching experience in the CSU system. Someone that does not have the background knowledge, as an instructor, will not know what it is really like on the other side of the track. Their history of "student feedback" as an instructor should also be taken into account. Students generally will reveal the effectiveness of their teaching skills really are. The "student feedback" also will show what areas they need to improve on and what area they are generally weak in. The candidate should have a proven record of activity showing that they support the student and the faculty in their best interest. There should not be any conflict of interest to the CSU system in their background. So, their involvement with "organizations" or any "outside interests" should be fully investigated to make sure that they will not acquire any financial gain in the position. A "live scan" background check should be done on all applicants. A survey, like this one, should be sent to all CSU employees, staff and faculty for each applicant individually. You may receive information, in a box like this one, about the individual that only those that have worked with the individual will have. The individual should not have a "slash and burn" attitude but an attitude that promotes working with what we already have. The faculty, staff, departments and courses that we already possess and offer have survived the last few difficult years due to the economy and need to be kept to maintain a strong core base. Yes, we may all be in a sinking boat but we still have the boat and the few survivors. Our new captain needs to keep and maintain, at an even keel, all of those that are on board. Do not throw anyone overboard because we can accept cutting back on rations and luxury accommodations until we all reach land. The "treasure" is already on the boat, so our leader needs to make sure it does not sink with it. I also think the individual should be asked to take a "multiple intelligence test" to see where their interests and values really are. It can be very revealing. I hope this helps. Thank you so much for sending the survey. So that we can have a say in the process. :) How about we get someone with a heart? I am tired of heartless corporate types. I want someone who actually wants the CSU system to serve it students, not just its administrators. I want someone dedicated to excellence in teaching and so values faculty, especially lecturers who have less security than tenured faculty. I want someone who will actually approve of a raise for faculty and who will stop raising administrators' salaries on the backs of students, who continue to pay more in tuition, and faculty, who are actually now working for less since our class sizes have increased, the cost of living has increased, but our salaries have not. And I want someone who protects faculties benefits. Does such a person exist? Unfortunately, I doubt this is the type of person we will get. Instead we will get another corporate mouth piece. Fairness to faculty, accountability for money spent (should not be to improve president or administrator houses), and not continue to hire individuals with fancy titles with large salaries that do nothing! The new Chancellor should possess a Ph.D. (or D.Sc) rather than an Ed.D. as the latter credential has little credibility among academic specialists, is more administrative, and is less intensive and rigorous because it is often completed in under 3 years (even for part-time candidates!).

Jun 6, 2012 11:59 AM Jun 6, 2012 11:59 AM


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Faculty and Union friendly. Ultimately, an understanding that the current California State University is not the California State Colleges of the original Master Plan. The present system at most CSU campuses under which 12/15 of the tenure-line instructional Faculty workload is direct instruction, but the Retention, Promotion, and Tenure (RPT) criteria in fact evaluate 2/3 of the tenure-line instructional Faculty workload on the 3/15 that is not direct instruction (research, student advisement, service) cannot be allowed to continue. As overwhelmingly most CSU RPT evaluators are requiring research deliverables from tenure-line Faculty, there must be support for this de facto required activity. Commitment to public higher education Success in fostering K-16 partnerships I believe the Chancellor should be dedicated to higher education and have significant background to articulate specific needs for students, faculty, administrators and education to legislators, the community, national organizations and the education community of California. Experience in collective bargaining process, and demonstrated willingness to negotiate and make deals, rather than simply dig in. demonstrated commitment to social justice. demonstrated success in conflict resolution within an organization. demonstrate innovation and program development. I would like to see the next CSU Chancellor have more experience in academia and education advocacy than experience in business. In my opinion, the CSU's have been treated too much like a business during Reed's tenure, and its time to move in a different direction. I think that a chancellor should be successful in creating positive partnerships with corporations and the community, especially when it comes to creating greener and more environmentally conscious and dynamic campuses, but the main focus should be university advocacy and making university affordable and fair, while maintaining rigorous academic standards. I would also like to see a chancellor who obviously understands the temperament among the majority of us within the CSU system, including students, when it comes to salaries and benefits for administrators versus faculty and staff. Reed was entirely out of touch when it came to this issue, and the next chancellor needs to be far more in-tune with the desires of the majority of the CSU system. Going forward, with the prospect of even less financial government support, we need a chancellor who will advocate fairness, and won't just look to make up the difference on the backs of teachers and students. They have to be willing to spread the pain, and that has to include administrators. Taught as a professor at a public university. To have evidence of commitment to support of students and faculty over things like administration or athletics. creative thinking and problem solving are more important than "credentials" Any experience which shows commitment to the Mission of Quality Public

Jun 6, 2012 11:54 AM Jun 6, 2012 11:54 AM

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Education 387 The next chancellor should recognize that faculty and administration MUST work together to give students the best possible service. Shared-governance is of utmost importance and curriculum is a faculty prerogative. The new chancellor must have a background in EDUCATION field: knowledgeable of what "HIGHER" education is about in the 21st century. Not another governor appointee, result of a political favor and an ignorant layman, thus he(she) has no idea how to run HIGHER education, having no idea what HIGHER education is about. Better yet, the whole Regent System as it stands now reeks! Members should be elected by those whom they govern (a DEMOCRATIC PROCESS). Now the current REGENTS were appointed by the governor for lengthy years, NOT ACCOUNTABLE to anyone but to themselves (an aristocracy!) They should be IMPEACHABLE by the UC/CSU constituents for malfeasance or negligence! During the current budget crisis, what have you done to help higher education? Totally ineffective!!! Basically, s/he needs to be a human being, which itself would be a major step forward from the past 12 years! Demonstrated record of supporting faculty-led initiatives and innovations in teaching and learning. Ongoing experience in an actual classroom. A willingness to sacrifice for the good of California's students. An ability to convince all administrators below him that they need to sacrifice, too. An ability to stand up to ridiculous legislative demands for curricular micromanagement. A profound belief that a college education is not just about "workforce development." A willingness to sell the University to the public as being more about "workforce development." The person should understand the purpose and value of the CSU system. It should be someone who has some tie to the public education system such as a degree from a public university, has worked at a public university or has children at a public university. No Chancellor and disband the Cal State system. It didn't (and doesn't) work. Must have a collaborative approach to shared governance. Be willing to cut his own pay in bad times before raising tuition. Should come from a middle-class background. Must understand the ways in which public education is different than private education. Should approach the job as an advocate, not an adversary. Have experience in not-for-profit management. Someone who sees the students and the faculty as central to the success of the university. This person should NOT be hired to "burst" the union. Need to be open to views other than his/her own. Must be of the highest integrity. Jun 6, 2012 11:47 AM


Jun 6, 2012 11:47 AM

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398 399

Would be nice if the new chancellor actually liked Faculty and students s/he should be someone who can tolerate all of the ridiculous things the union does, without being forced to resorting to waging war against us at the expense of students. I would like to see a Hispanic name this time not be a bully!!! Previous system or campus president Doesn't hate students, faculty, and staff. Some significant part of the next Chancellor's background should be in or part of a public university. Integrity and visionary A clear understanding concerning the importance of an excellent education for the majority of California citizens who can not afford the ivory tower expensive Universities! We need a Chancellor who really believes that we should and must educate the majority of the people of our state in order to sustain our future. They also must understand that the teachers we need to educate our students are key to insuring that educational goal, and as such should be compensated fairly which in my opinion has been a travesty. We have had a series of Chancellors who were weak, very weak in public relations. Munitz made a fool of himself and as he refuses to retire, continues to embarrass the University. Reed has not been skillful with major news media. We need a respected LEADER. There are lots of leaders in the CSU. To say only outside people are the best leaders is ridiculous on the part of the Trustees and Reed. Governor Brown is right about this. Someone who realizes the centrality of importance of faculty, who respects our faculty and the critical importance/role of teaching at the university. Also someone who will be open to shrinking the ranks of administrators at our campus, which have increased astronomically in recent years. experience both inside and outside the CSU. She needs to be student and faculty centered. She needs to value people over corporate greed. She needs to have a 50 year vision for CSU not a year to year. Should have a good understanding of how faculty work and what faculty needs are. Should also understand and respect the role of the faculty union. Should also have a commitment to not raising costs for students to attend the CSU. A CSU Leader needs a good understanding of what the community and California needs in REALITY, not the current confused view of the academic BS and bureaucratic manipulations we are living. Proven real-life professional experience and less commitment to fat-cat bureaucrat maffias currently in charge of the CSU system would be helpful.

Jun 6, 2012 11:42 AM Jun 6, 2012 11:42 AM

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413 414

A advocate that truly believes that higher education is important to the future of California and its economy. She/he should see the value of faculty research, in terms of both attracting extramural funding and as a necessary component of providing undergraduate and graduate students with a complete and varied educational experience. The new CSU Chancellor must be supportive of faculty, students and public education! The new Chancellor must understand the cost of living index in California versus other parts of the country. No more football coaches or coaches period, to be selected as a CSU, Chancellor! Must have a pleasant personality and know how to deal with the education community as well as the people of California. A range of leadership positions in higher education that include department, school, and college settings that includes public universities. Not simply a "commitment" to shared governance, but a demonstrated record of shared governance in a public university. A record of research and scholarly publications that includes analyses and investigations into the social, economic, and political influences on institutional and organizational policy development in higher education. A record of employment stability (versus numerous short term career "hops"). Not be Mo Quomi Female and ethnic minority, Californian for most of life, history of struggle to get an education. Someone who will be a real advocate for public higher education in CA. A strong and independent voice; not someone who just accepts the views/policies of the governor, legislature or trustees. A commitment to shared governance and a deep understanding of the complexity of the State of California's socio-political fiber. Proven record of high esteem among students. A commitment to moral and ethical practices as the leader of such a large public sector system. The new chancellor must be a strong advocate for students and have a commitment to diversity. I would only emphasize how CRITICAL it is that the next chancellor have a DEMONSTRATED HISTORY OF SUPPORT FOR STUDENTS, COOPERATION WITH FACULTY, AND ADVOCACY FOR HIGHER EDUCATION AMONG LEGISLATORS. A PROVEN RECORD IS ABSOLUTELY CRUCIAL! Commitment to education for all Californians as a strategy for social uplift, ongoing economic prosperity for everyone (not just the elite), and preparing young people to face unprecedented economic and environmental challenges we are all facing. It is essential for California, and indeed the world, that current and future generations of young people have affordable education opportunities

Jun 6, 2012 11:31 AM Jun 6, 2012 11:31 AM


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that lead them to become informed, capacitated, and confident citizens in a vibrant and thriving democracy. Affordable education is the foundation. 425 426 fairness Respect of subordinates. Values a variety of perspectives and not just 'yes' wo/men. Values fiscal and decision-making transparency. So, in a nutshell, the more diametrically opposite Reed the better! Someone who will stand up for the life of the mind and the intellectual life. Attained tenure and full professorship at a TEACHING university, not an R1. ETHICAL behavior--strong track record of developing trust and positive working relationships. Consider privatizing the University. Be less dependent on California state Funding. Political skills in arm-twisting legislators to support higher education and raising taxes if needed Experience teaching/a first-hand understanding of the day-to-day realities of our teaching mission. someone committed to democratic decision making and democratic education Why would anyone not believe the above list is extremely important? Not only should they have the qualifications to be a professor they should have BEEN one for at least two years. They need to understand the system from the inside and understand that without professors the system cannot function. I would in fact prefer if they had no corporate ties at all, I don't want someone treating education like business, I want someone who treats it like social work. A proven record of higher education leadership, not in the public sector would also be fine. Someone who accepts the situation we have in the CSU, that is, we are unionized, a tenure system and a history of shared governance. Someone who is willing to work with us to help make the CSUs strong and healthy -both financially and educationally. Community activism. A sense of moral responsibility to the public that goes beyond her/his ambition. Ability to give of herself and knowledge of what that means for faculty and students in higher education. And, what the lack of morality has done to this country (corruption, etc.) Student orientation. Commitment to educational mission of university system. Commitment to faculty control of curriculum, including curriculum in on-line university that CSU is developing. Commitment to quality of education, not just pushing students through the system. Jun 6, 2012 11:26 AM Jun 6, 2012 11:26 AM

427 428 429 430 431 432 433 434 435

Jun 6, 2012 11:25 AM Jun 6, 2012 11:25 AM Jun 6, 2012 11:25 AM Jun 6, 2012 11:25 AM Jun 6, 2012 11:25 AM Jun 6, 2012 11:25 AM Jun 6, 2012 11:24 AM Jun 6, 2012 11:24 AM Jun 6, 2012 11:24 AM

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Page 2, Q1. How important do you think it is for the next CSU Chancellor to have the following background and experience requirements?


The Chancellor should be a very strong, committed advocate for public education, students, staff, and faculty. In addition, the Chancellor should have at least a couple of years of teaching experience administering a university or college level course to students at a Cal State University campus. The new Chancellor needs to have experienced firsthand a CSU classroom environment AS A TEACHER. Experience as a CEO or in the private sector is absolutely NOT necessary as business management is completely different compared to teaching students in a public education system. Support for Faculty, especially research/scholarship/creative activity Supportive of research endeavors of faculty, recognized leader in professional organizations in his/her field, needs to elevate the image of the CSU nation-wide. exeprience as a university faculty member. I don't want a chancellor who has never been a faculty member and has no idea of the work or responsibilities involved. Tactful attitude, non-confrontational but assertive, advocate of education at all levels, excellent public speaking abilities, SUPPORTER OF THE ARTS, leads by example not doctrine. Proven, documented commitment to diversifying the workforce on all levels, with particular emphasis on those units where people of color and/or women are underrepresented. She should be smart and decent. It might be tough to find this candidate. She should be responsive to reasons and should follow reason wherever it takes her. She should be a robust defender of the value of a university education (as opposed to vocational training). She should talk to many people from all parts of the system (faculty, staff, students at all campuses). She should prioritize all spending on the principle of improving the classroom experience for all involved. Actual education should be considered more important than all other possible services provides to/by the university community. Innovative ideas, not just recycling old ones. Commitment to diversity, funding of our first generation students, understands our California Master Plan for Higher Education and how the CSU fits into the Master Plan, mission, goals, vision. leadership skills including communication, professionalism and advocacy. Dedication to students, staff and faculty of the CSU system, understanding of or the ability to understand and assist in resources to support the mission and issues eroding the mission of the CSU system. A strong backbone and a soft ego! The new Chancellor should be a leader in fighting for publicly funded higher education on a national stage with other Chancellors and college/university presidents. The person should not be so willing to replace public funding with private funding as a means for funding the CSU, it simply leads to a self-fulfilling prophecy of defunding the CSU. The new Chancellor should fight the corporate university model that has already had detrimental effects on academic freedom, student fees, curriculum, and the mission of the public university.

Jun 6, 2012 11:23 AM

441 442 443

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He or she should know the liabilities inherent in worshiping a market model. God help us if we get someone with a spreadsheet mentality out to 'optimize efficiency through personnel flexibility.' Chancelor needs to be able to make the case for the value of the university to the community - and HOLD the LINE on tuition increases! Excellent labor relations, social justice advocacy, commitment to quality public education, an understanding of the relationship between educational equity and the prison industrial complex, support for low income and students of color. A strong record of earned support and respect from faculty, staff, and community Ablity to balance wages of faculty with staff. Ability to reduce staff/admin costs and focus on education, not administration. Ablity to have chancellors not be "fooled" with raising presidents' fees for attraction. If that's the only way to attract CSU staff, there things are really bad. (well they are). Experiences in Arts and ability to utilize those partnerships for better community advancement and inclusion Needs to understand the CSU system and willing to work with the faculty not someone who wants to change everything to meet their ego. Record of successful advocacy for quality of education Commitment to the quality of faculty I would just like to see someone who actually LIKES faculty and students, and who thinks of the good of the students, faculty and staff before that of administrators and corporate concerns. The students and the people who serve them directly ARE the university. Education is our purpose, not politics and making a profit. It would be nice to have someone with the wisdom to recognize that in the top position in the CSU system. (Admittedly, I'm an idealist, and for that reason, plan to retire soon.) Someone willing to "work with" the CFA and not "against". Meaning, they are willing to compromise. Commitment to work on a comprehensive examination and refocuing on the California Master Plan for Higher Education. Commitment to diversity of students, faculty, and staff humility, lack of arrogance Fine, unfiltered communication skills; the ability to tell bad news directly without sugarcoating it; the imagination to work with legislators and the governor to ensure stable and substantial funding in order to keep the state's long-term prospects afloat by educating the next generation of key workers. Respect for the varied responsibilities of faculty and staff at the Cal State campuses including their close ties to important constituent groups such as nearby California Indian tribes. He should have a love for the academic enterprise and for its students as well as

Jun 6, 2012 11:20 AM

451 452

Jun 6, 2012 11:20 AM Jun 6, 2012 11:20 AM

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Page 2, Q1. How important do you think it is for the next CSU Chancellor to have the following background and experience requirements?

a TRUE appreciation of the faculty and their role at the center of the University. 464 465 The first question doesn't make sense. The CSU doesn't have many PhD programs, so how can this be important? It would be nice to consider someone who has successfully take some business or education institution from the depths of failure to the path of success in a reasonable amount of time, and while surrounded by seemingly insurmountable circumstances. Evidence to demonstrate that the needs of students and educators are priority and that fiscal resources are used to benefit the many instead of the few. How about a background that includes both practical experience and training in leading large, diverse organizations in difficult times? I would like to see someone who is really adept at the work of leading groups, discerning consensus where possible and leading even if it isn't. Academicians often lack that kind of respectful administrative skill.... Someone who does NOT have a narcissistic need to expand his/her own fiefdom (administratively). An individual who has a vision and true desire to improve access to education for the community and an understanding that this occurs through shared governance. A person committed to a higher standard of education to support a civilized society. The bottom-line cannot be just about business and marketing. A university is not primarily a capitalistic endeavor. 1. Successful experience in supporting diverse student achievement 2. Successful experience in granting diverse faculty tenure 3. Successful experience in developing K-12 relationships This person shouldn't be a stupid fuckhead like the last one! Someone who is not just interested in endorsing the pockets of administrators, but help students and pay faculty what they deserve. At the end of the day, they are the ones teaching our students, not the administrators! I want him/her to be a TEACHER. I want a person who will work for and with teachers. I want a person who understands that unless there are teachers, there is no university. I want a person who understands that it is the job of a university to educate students; that private sector greatness -- even athletic greatness -- is not as important as teaching. I want someone who understands that research adds to the prestige of a university and helps it attract funds, but is NOT the main purpose or job of tenured faculty. I want someone who does not regard "lecturers" as "hired help" "flunkies" "losers" or "slaves." Seriously. Excellent negotiation skills Experience that values student retention and completion of degrees (undergraduate and graduate) Goals to standardize and improve the quality of educational programs for undergraduate and graduate programs across the CSU campuses It will be ideal if the candidate has his/her own steak in the CSU system (except for the job per se). For instance, the candidate has children/grand children Jun 6, 2012 11:16 AM Jun 6, 2012 11:16 AM

466 467

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Page 2, Q1. How important do you think it is for the next CSU Chancellor to have the following background and experience requirements?

attending the CSU. We need to have someone who REALLY CARES about the CSU!! 475 476 477 478 479 480 481 Commitment to transparency and shared decision-making. A PhD and NOT an EdD. No more K-12 fads misapplied to higher ed. Experience working in a large University system with a diverse group of individuals. A philosophy in bottom up leadership as opposed to top down hierarchy. Someone who understands that education is not best run using a business model. Demonstrated commitment to the idea, and the ideal, of public higher education. This time, perhaps for the first time, it's really important that the incoming CSU Chancellor must actually be truly committed to our mission of educating QUALIFIED California state residents who have finished high school, community college, and possibly already have bachelor degrees. In all of my years as a CSU professor I cannot say that we have had a chancellor who actually understands what we are trying to do in the CSU system, i.e. EDUCATE. terminal degree should be from an accredited institution. they should be skeptical of hiring outside firms to do work of/examine work of CSU that could be done from within. not be afraid of or antagonistic towards faculty and/or staff. A proven record of being a reasonable and capable person with the ability to lead as well as manage the organization. Someone who is able to make clear and convincing arguments and who has the ability to listen to stakeholders within and outside the organization. It would be great if the next Chancellor were a first generation college graduate someone who truly understands the hardships that many California families face in trying to get their children through college. Preferably the Chancellor would not come from an overly privileged background that might prevent the Chancellor from truly understanding the needs of the our students and their families. respect faculty Significant teaching experience. Understand the unique mission of an institution of hired learning and recognition that it is not a business with customers but has other outcomes--including fostering a democratic citizenry and cultivating critical thinking skills. A proven track record of valuing all disciplines in the univeristy--including the humanities-is also paramount. The CSU Chancellor should have the requisite social skills and courtesy to provide explanations and answers regarding policy decisions that may have adverse effects upon students and faculty (i.e. fee hikes and furloughs). This would be an appropriate grace in contrast to the "shut up and follow orders!" Jun 6, 2012 11:14 AM Jun 6, 2012 11:14 AM Jun 6, 2012 11:14 AM Jun 6, 2012 11:14 AM Jun 6, 2012 11:14 AM Jun 6, 2012 11:13 AM Jun 6, 2012 11:13 AM


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Page 2, Q1. How important do you think it is for the next CSU Chancellor to have the following background and experience requirements?

approach pervasive amongst our previous administrators. 489 The next CSU chancellor should have experience with successful mediation or conflict resolution--as the consensus builder or mediator; a chancellor who was a first generation university student him/herself would also have greater empathy with and understanding of our populace. n/a Recent classroom teaching experience Commitment to humanities, liberal arts, and college as preparation for life as opposed to narrow vocational education NOT be a Corporitist. Respect for humanities I'd like to see some sort of volunteer activity, whether it be religious, social, athletic -- anything that demonstrates a commitment to making things better for others Someone who treats the CSU like an institution of teaching and learning, not a business, and someone who treats all members of the CSU community as stakeholders, not as workers and customers. Commitment to correcting inverted faculty salaries immediately and compensation problems generally. Commitment to quality education, not using cheap, ineffective web-based course as a quick fix to cut costs. Streamline administration. Commitment to having top 25% of admin sharing the economic burden instead of funneling resources to them. Commitment to not always hire in-jhouse like with the current "president shuffle" between Fullerton and Dominguez Hills and the embarassing and shameless expenses incurred by that swap. How about someone that will put an end to the number of administrators we keep adding...... It is vital that the next CSU Chancellor have prior experience working with a large and diverse public education system. I would love to see our next CSU Chancellor be an individual with a track record of collaboration with faculty and students to meet mutual goals, rather than someone who presupposes antagonism of interests. Abel to understand and appreciate the experiences of thef the diverse student population served by the CSU. Understand the need to increase the number of diverse (people of color and women) faculty and high level administrators across all 23 campuses of the CSU. His or her personal salary should not be a priority. Extensive experience in a CSU classroom, and at the department level, o that he/she knows what faculty actually do. Support for tenure and state funded higher education Jun 6, 2012 11:12 AM

490 491 492 493 494

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503 504 505 506 507 508 509 510 511 512

They should know what it is like to live on sixty thousand dollars a year or less. They should come from within the CSU system, *but* they should not be a career administrator. They should have a clue about teaching and research. Other necessary experience: *real* experience teaching and researching at a high level. someone who cares about the education of a society without specific focus on "job-training" as a goal for universities Honesty & Integrity Someone who BELIEVES in the promise of public education, and puts priority on constituencies in the following order: students, faculty, staff, administrators. Experience with new technologies. An understanding of the position in the context of public service. Commitment to publicly-funded higher-education MUST be a long-time California resident. No more outsiders trying to impose their home state's system on us, then taking our tax dollars and retiring outside of CA. What a disgusting slap in the face. The CSU has been raped enough. Since the CSU is a service "industry", leaders should be "people managers" first. When the personnel who do the teaching are appropriately "managed", that effective personnel handling is passed down to the way the students are treated as well. Creative thinking on the part of faculty should be fostered, not restrained. It is through the interaction of faculty and students that the CSU delivers it's "product", not by a general motors, production line, profit motive approach. The people management approach needed is well captured in the book Multipliers, by Wiseman and McKeown (2010) someone who understands that budget cuts come with personal responsibility and is willing to shoulder cuts to her/his own compensation without sacrificing advocacy for all CSU staff, faculty and most importantly students Ethical behavior Record for innovative projects; vision for future growth in academia Extensive (and recent, if possible) classroom-teaching experience at teaching universities, not just R1's. RECOGNITION THAT PUBLIC EDUCATION IS A PUBLIC SERVICE, NOT A PROFITMAKING INDUSTRY, AND THAT CORPORATE MODELS ARE COMPLETELY INAPPROPRIATE FOR RUNNING A UNIVERSITY. Demonstrated success in working with state government and/or regents/trustees on funding and other higher-ed issues. Documented history of supporting students, faculty, and staff OVER administration. Total commitment to transparency. Commitment to the job, not the salary. Primary goal: creating rich educational opportunities for students, and a supportive and welcoming work environment for faculty and staff. Proactive

Jun 6, 2012 11:08 AM Jun 6, 2012 11:08 AM Jun 6, 2012 11:07 AM Jun 6, 2012 11:06 AM Jun 6, 2012 11:06 AM Jun 6, 2012 11:06 AM Jun 6, 2012 11:05 AM Jun 6, 2012 11:05 AM Jun 6, 2012 10:40 AM Jun 6, 2012 10:33 AM


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Page 2, Q1. How important do you think it is for the next CSU Chancellor to have the following background and experience requirements?

promotion of diversity in all sectors. 518 excellent skills at building trusted relationships; excellent skills in working with his/her leadership staffs (i.e., not a micromanager); demonstrated excellence in working with underrepresented minority groups and/or leadership; demonstrated excellence in working with K-12 Public Education leadership. President (Chancellor) of a university. Leadership experience in a *large* public university system. Cares more about public education than their own salary Liberal Arts Major preferred. I am tired of rich white elitist men ruling our campus. A proven interest in access and equity. Solid examples of fairness and concern for those outside the 1%. History of positive labor relations. Involvement and service to charities. Demonstrated concern for those who are poor. Pledge and accountability to those beneath him in the organization. Demonstrated history of eliminating management financial waste. Our next chancellor should be a leader who really listens to the facuty and staff who actually make it possible for students to graduate. The next chancellor must inspire, defend, and support the faculty and staff so they can be successful with students. Be supportive of the CSU (students, faculty and staff). Not spend money ($8 million) on outside lawyers. Understanding the role and be advocate for student life and cultural centers on campus. Be an advocate for the students in general. S/he should have experience as a tenure-line faculty member and an academic. S/he should be committed to fostering the success of diverse people in terms of race, gender, sexual orientation, social class origin, national origin, disability, etc. commitment to hire and retain top faculty commitment to public universities Need a leader who is committed to the education of culturally and linguistically diverse students in a diverse state. This is critical in criteria for a new Chancellor. We need someone who is collaborative and will work with faculty and not continually against them. Especially in these challenging times, the new Chancellor must be an advocate for faculty, staff, and students. An open door policy to ideas from all concerned. Less "good ole boy's network" I understand politics plays an important role, but I'd like to see a chancellor who will advocate quality education and follow through with his commitments to students and faculty. He/she would not be there without them. If a Chancellor is offered a huge salary, I would like to see her/him give that money back to the students. Faculty make much less and are not provided with cars, homes, etc. Working your way up to a position of Chancellor is a great goal, but I want to see a person who believes in the job, not just the benefit and retirement that may Jun 6, 2012 1:49 AM

519 520 521 522 523

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528 529

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also be part of it. 531 532 Open to meeting regularly with any and all students, not just ASI/CSSA. Commitment to open meetings and transparent management. Proven record should be of higher education leadership, not necessarily public. Predominant experience as a private-sector CEO should disqualify candidate. I would like to see a candidate who attended a state university like the CSU-either as an undergraduate or a graduate student, and who has served in a leadership capacity at a public university, preferably with a multicultural and diverse student body. An ability to see what financial strengths the faculty live with, and to insist on personal salary somewhat in line with the rest of us. Ability to remember what it is like to be a teacher, not just a member of the 0.1%. A very strong commitment to the educational process, the ability to implement new ideas for the benefit of everyone involved, be willing to listen to valid complaints and work together to resolve them. Unfailing, sustained INTEGRITY Demonstrated sustained respect for students, staff and faculty 1. One who listens to faculty and staff concerns. 2. One who consult all his constituencies. 3. One who treats all his/her employee in a courteous way. 4. One who does not bully. Let's hire someone who has excellent social skills as well as intellectual strengths. I don't mean someone who smoozes, but someone who cares about people and can make that felt. A commitment to working with faculty. The ability to speak directly to the media. Respect for faculty and the heavy workload they carry (working during the summer with no pay). High level of communication skills and management style that first listens and consults and then acts in the best interests of the students and the CSU. respect for faculty; an awareness that teaching, learning, and scholarship are the heart of the University and should receive the lion's share of the CSU budget; commitment to quality higher education for working-class students. An intellectual and community activist. Great listening skills. The MOST important requirement to me is the commitment to shared governance and active SUPPORT of unionization Jun 5, 2012 8:15 PM Jun 5, 2012 7:53 PM


Jun 5, 2012 6:43 PM


Jun 5, 2012 6:41 PM


Jun 5, 2012 6:30 PM

536 537

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Jun 5, 2012 6:00 PM

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Jun 5, 2012 5:29 PM Jun 5, 2012 5:25 PM Jun 5, 2012 5:19 PM Jun 5, 2012 5:15 PM Jun 5, 2012 5:11 PM

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Page 2, Q1. How important do you think it is for the next CSU Chancellor to have the following background and experience requirements?


The Chancellor should have spent a significant part of his/her career on the teaching faculty in the arts, humanities, sciences, behavioral sciences, or social sciences. A Chancellor can only be effective if s/he has LIVED the life of a faculty member, and thus understands the relationship between faculty research, instruction, and service in the CSU; only then can s/he provide leadership, establish credibility, and unite the faculty behind him or her. Managerial history that resulted in satisfied employees. Actually caring about the school system. Former faculty member under CBA, proven success in working in CBA environments. He/she must have held no previous positions in the CSU administration. No more Reed cronies! Be honest and ethical including not giving no-bid contracts to friends... Be social and interested in others and able to control anger... Be committed to faculty and their primary job in the system, that is, teaching... Our new Chancellor should have a commitment to educational justice--the mission of the CSU to educate all qualified students as a top priority Working with racially & culturally diverse student populations and diverse communities how about not being a total asshole. A commitment to transparency in administration. A proven track record of standing up to privatization. Someone who is openly against the privatization of public education. The chancellor must work with and get along with faculty and staff. A person who will remove the online university and reduce online courses. Experience dealing amicably with labor unions and faculty Senates She/he must believe in transparency and be open minded. She/he must also be a supporter of students. She/he should be of color or a woman. A thoughtful communicator who is inclusive. honesty...faculty oriented administration Commitment to maintaining equitable access to all California residents who qualify. Proven outreach and advocacy with minority groups The chancellor should be democratically elected rather than appointed. The chancellor should be committed to keeping the CSU a public university

Jun 5, 2012 4:38 PM

548 549 550 551 552

Jun 5, 2012 4:32 PM Jun 5, 2012 4:30 PM Jun 5, 2012 4:25 PM Jun 5, 2012 4:15 PM Jun 5, 2012 4:11 PM

553 554 555 556 557 558

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affordable for students and a viable career for future faculty. The chancellor should be committed to democratic principles and not corporate interests. The chancellor should be concerned with the students, faculty and staff that make up the university not administrators. The chancellor should act as a public servant and not a CEO. 566 The Chancellor needs to be a collaborator. He/she needs to empower those around him/her to achieve their personal potential, and allow the 23 campuses to determine how best to govern their campuses and innovate (rather than dictate to campuses and rule by fear). The next Chancellor needs to understand the job as an act of public service not a path to personal enrichment or personal promotion. The next Chancellor needs to be an advocate for the CSU, holding state government's feet to the fire. progressive management philosophy. Must be a resident of California. transparency. Jun 5, 2012 2:46 PM

567 568 569

Jun 5, 2012 2:44 PM Jun 5, 2012 2:43 PM Jun 5, 2012 2:33 PM

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Page 3, Q2. What are the values or traits we should look for in our next Chancellor?

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Good people skills. Listens to the students opinions. Reduce your own salary to support the teachers who should be getting a better salary. High moral standards, no "scandals". This person will be representing the CSU system and "government" employees to the public, and should carry themselves with the highest moral standards on and off the job. Value what it takes to earn a degree and the commitment and sacrifices that are involved in earning a degree. Be approachable, genuinely interested in faculty governance Honesty Respect for students voice and opinion This state wastes more money on education than anywhere I've ever been. It's a veil, and therein lacks a truly forward thinking and intrinsically motivated individual to recreate the learning environment which was available to the baby boomer generation. The Chancellor must value the Humanities and view the college experience as more than just job training. Technology has its place, certainly, but not to the detriment or abolition of face-to-face learning that occurs in the traditional classroom. The ideal would be advocating hybrid education in most, though not all, courses. Focus should be on teaching critical thinking and social values in addition to subject matter. Able to understand the struggles that students currently face in higher education. Able to reduce the fees for all college students and increase opportunities for success. Able to to listen to student ideas and really consider them. Understanding how much it costs for students to go to college and have a desire to keep costs low enough so that students can achieve a higher education and not be turned away. Please note previous remarks. honest! Ideally would be willing to make the case that the CSU system needs more money to do the job it is supposed to do. Educated. Humble. Stop the merry go round of switching IT when the new guy or gal is hired. New hire should not mean - major upheaval with faculty, staff and students. The new chancellor should have the interests of individuals within the CSU system (it's faculty, staff and students) above those of privatized interests. This is a non-profit institution; to run it as if it were a business is not only hypocritical, but being concerned with the maximization of profit is only detrimental to everyone in the long-run. Reiterating one trait listed above: keeping education affordable. This should be the #1 priority with the CSU and UC systems.

Jun 17, 2012 7:08 PM Jun 17, 2012 11:10 AM

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Jun 13, 2012 3:34 PM

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I would like to choose a CSU Chancellor rich in his/her religious background. For the technology question - if this means the push to put more classes online, I disagree. Someone who supports and understand that not ALL classes can be transformed to an online class, especially for students at Humboldt State University who (most students) do NOT like online courses and went to HSU for the small class sizes and enjoy getting to know their professors and classmates. Affordability to attend the CSU is IMPERATIVE. What is the point of higher education if students are hindered by financial burden? see my previous comment. Why not see faculty as partners and assets rather than as enemies? Reed seemed to attack from Day 1. But most tenured faculty I know are committed to the success of the CSU, their campuses, students, and disciplines. He should be a compassionate and humble human being. He SHOULD NOT BE GREEDY!!! DRIVEN BY THEDESIRE OF MAKING MONEY FOR HIMSELF. Stop bullshit spending. Let the students vote for what needs to be spent. For any campus. a demonstrated record of commitment to public service (as opposed to a commitment to enriching himself). How about having a black woman as chancellor? Shirley Ann Jackson from RPI has raised hundreds of millions there. Let's see if she is interested in the job. honesty, fairness, using his $ for students If they have some strategy for increasing the budget instead of decreasing it and doing so without raising tuition much higher, that would be a plus. An understanding that online education, while valuable in some fields and in some specific circumstances, does not replace classroom education Someone who can analyze data and listen to both staff and students. Be able and willing to take advice from others even it it is not in the best of interest of his/her position and administrative team. How can one assure diversity of views and access to higher education to traditionally underrepresented groups when the cost of a CSU education is so forbidding? Without a highly educated, skilled, and critical thinking workforce, who will be able to assume highly-skilled positions in the future (likely not to exist today)? Who will be paying toward others' retirement and pension plans if we do not adequately prepare students for a better tomorrow? Demonstrated understanding that EDUCATION is the mission of the CSU. A commitment to putting students first and politics last The Chancellor should look at ratings on and take them seriously. If a professor is terrible, they should be fired. She or he must be humble and must not be greedy, i.e. should be willing to take a lowered

Jun 13, 2012 2:55 PM Jun 13, 2012 2:07 PM

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Page 3, Q2. What are the values or traits we should look for in our next Chancellor?

paycheck, along with her or his cronies. 33 34 The chancellor will need to have special skills in dealing with the Board of Trustees and to the hostel anti-education sentiment of the RED counties. See previous answer. If the new Chancellor does not have current political connections, the Chancellor should have the grace and ability to establish connections on behalf of the CSU. Conscience. Fairness. Dedication. A strong aversion toward the for-profit model for higher education, and a strong aversion toward the corporate model of higher education. be a good listener care about the faculty, students Education should not be free, but affordable. Dedication to diversity does not mean giving education away to anyone of color, because they are of color. Use of technology does not mean all on-line courses. Students need to know how to get along in a face to face environment. Too many lack social skills and the ability to work as a team member. Value or understand faculty workload, e.g. havng a 12 unit workload does NOT mean we only work 12 hours a week!!! Respect for all views, and wisdom to discern which are important. Technology in education is largely a "dumbing down" of education. The computer applications are deficient, difficult to use and a poor substitute for faceto-face instruction. The fact that our classes are now so large that hand grading student work is an overwhelming burden is NOT a reason to automate instruction through a computer monitor with ten-zero computer scoring (no partial credit). Stanford, Harvard, Princeton, Yale, Claremont and Cal Tech will not be using the on-line instruction offered to CSU students. The Chancellor should be a steward of the university who listens to teachers and students. The previous chancellor did a horrible job at making sure our voices were heard and at times he completely disregarded the will of the campus community. honesty, integrity Vision for innovative teaching and the recognition that a 12-unit teaching load is incompatible with such a vision. Vision: where is the future of public higher education going? Let's create the change, not react to it. Metacognitive prescience would also be nice. Proven record of supporting ethnic/socioeconomic diversity in prior jobs/positions Reversal of the trends established by the outgoing chancellor. Realize that faculty are partners and NOT cogs in the machine! Jun 12, 2012 10:01 AM Jun 12, 2012 12:25 AM

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Consensus-builder and problem solver who will build pride and support among different constituencies in the state. Willing to share in the sacrifices (eg, cheap travel, no catered meals, cost cutting) Integrity. Hard-working. Ability to collaborate, communicate, work well with others, let others lead. Be progressive and bold about changing for the good. Ability to interact with individual faculty directly - not just through CFA or Administrators Honesty! More concern for quality education than for having the highest paid admistrators California taxpayers will allow. By the way, can someone show me the study that determined that greedy persons are more compentent administrators than persons who have a concern for those affected by their decisions. Commitment to the essential social/political importance of the role of the CSU in the state's Master Plan for Higher education. Again, just because someone is connected doesn't mean that person can persuade his or her connections to fund the CSU. Connections are good, but Reed has tons of connections and look at the sorry result. You're on the wrong track if you think this can all be sorted out by filling in bubbles, although it's nice that you all thought of it. Commitment to communication from top rung to bottom; dedication to innovation in solving funding problems; interest in hearing the concerns of students and faculty, and in involving them in moving the CSU forward affordability unforunately is no longer in the hands of the chancellor. dealing with it politically is the most important issue. The new Chancellor must have respect for faculty and value their contributions. I would like to see a Chancellor who is motivated about working with faculty rather than having an adversarial relationship. I would like the new Chancellor to care deeply about maintaining the academic excellence of the CSU. Remain true to educational, faculty developed assessment. Develop a realistic strategy for the CSU. interest in promoting sustainability at CSU campuses Accessibility to faculty and students in regular forum/discussions wisdom, humility and strong sense of social justice We need someone who can make sure public education in California is funded, however and where ever those funds come from. The chancellor should be an educator and honest. We need to get r;id of psuedo managers who are incompetent.

Jun 8, 2012 8:33 PM

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Ability to listen to others even if it may challenge her/his own view. A dedication to reducing the costs of over-inflated administrative teams. (Considering reducing new administrative hires until faculty hires are more able to meet the needs of the Universities and putting a cap on upper administrative salaries.) It is essential to have political ties, since it is through lobbying and successful movements that further impel our politicians in office to change and reform anything that is impeding the success of students. However, political ties should not be used to form negotiations and alliances with corporations. This is a public school that is run by students and not Jack-in-the-Box or Walmart. CHANGE the direction from the previous administration to a profit-driven model. CSU doesn't create profit, it creates less tangible value in its students. Commitment to fair and equitable treatment of CSU employees. Workload is currently breaking the backs of the CSU faculty; this should be remedied. A belief in General Education, that the university is not a trade/vocational school but a place where strong democratic citizens are cultivated. Although the use in technology has its benefits in education, the next CSU Chancellor needs to be committed to support and value the irreplaceable resource found in all faculty (part-time and full-time), staff and students. The next CSU Chancellor should have higher education funding as a priority in order to make it affordable, again, for our students. And, instead of seeing faculty and staff as an "expense" to be reduced, the next CSU Chancellor needs to consider reducing the number of CSU administrator positions. WE have less students and less faculty; why do we need more administrators? A good listener (not just hear-er). Willingness to listen and negotiate. NOT a believer in top-down corporate management. Realization that we're all in this TOGETHER. (But given the incredibly low quality of most of the CSU trustees, it's hard to believe they will pay any attention.) Demonstrated commitment to equity and diversity, value and support CSULB as Hispanic Serving Institution compassion empathy tenacity The desire to expand on the use of technology should not come at the price of increasing tuition, and should not over-ride the sensible need for small classroom groups to facilitate learning. Just a few comments... I do think the person should have a progressive vision and be supportive of and willing to use technology in education. It has its benefits--as a support system to help faculty and others, not as THE sole tool to do the teaching which is where I think our previous chancellor was heading. Lastly, political connections are not all bad. These connections can be useful if they are made with the highest and best intentions for the system and its students and employees.

Jun 7, 2012 11:38 PM


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Honesty and integrity in dealing with student, staff, and faculty needs. A commitment to the continued evolution of a variety of instructional techniques that have demonstrated effective outcomes. Example: on-line education can be effective, experiential learning IS effective. The CSU needs an overhaul, too much money is wasted on political agendas and petty power struggles. We need a Chancellor who wil completely overhaul the system. One who is willing to be in a respectful discussion about revamping job security. The CSU is financially burdened by employment rules that keep unproductive people in high paying jobs, rather than a performance based model that requires regular professional growth and a high quality contribution. Example: the tenure system wastes hundreds of hours per employee per review cycle, and is based largely on fluff and politics. Once some people get it they become inert, or worse they torment others. Similarly the probation system guarantees work after only 6 months, despite poor performance. The CSU should continue to lead the world by developing a performance based employment retention system. Demonstrated commitment to live instruction and learning in a live classroom setting. Should not engage in agenda driven divisive tactics that undermine institutions and moral. Hire an individual with less concern for glib promotion and corporate model and more support for teaching and students. Hire an individual who would be willing to support the following: A pay cut for presidents and chancellors to approximately half of current levels. Reduce numbers of vice presidents who seem to serve very little purpose and need to make work to justify their positions. Equalize any remaining vice presidents salaries equal to that of deans. Brains, heart, and integrity. It would be a plus if the next chancellor had come up through CSU or a similar system elsewhere (rather than a privileged and/or Ivy League background). keep students the focus Evidence of integrity and no wrong doing. This is particularly important when it comes to faculty. The previous Chancellor had a chest full of evidence of his adversarial role with faculty in Florida. We need someone who builds a strong team, not an instigator who is here to divide and conquer. Also, no evidence of having racial, ethnic or anti-LGBT bias. An individual who is open to different peoples, lifestyles and has a strong vision of supporting the common good. Strong record of experience with university governance from the perspective of a faculty member. Strong commitment to the collective bargaining process and record of working collaboratively with public sector labor unions. That the "proven record" specifically mean success in defending and promoting public education - and access there to and teachers thereof. 1) Deep understanding and appreciation of our wholesome diversity at the CSU at all levels. 2) Further, a deeper belief that the true strength of our faculty is found in the diversity within and between all of us, whether we are instructional

Jun 7, 2012 2:42 PM Jun 7, 2012 2:15 PM

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faculty, lecturers, coaches, librarians, or counselors, we are united in our strength to serve our students. Our strength is our unity. 3) A deep appreciation, desire, and willingness to work together with our CFA and our students to make the most happen for our mission. A leader who can say... "I will bleed with my troops..." and adjust salaries of top MPPs (including her/himself and other CSU presidents) to reflect what has not been given to faculty and what has been placed on the backs (and pocketbooks) of our students. [I know this is wishful thinking... but you gotta dream...] 89 90 Note that the attributes marked at a level less than extremely important can be learned over time. A global outlook. Commitment to sustainability in energy consumption, creating models throughout our campuses. Aesthetic awareness and passion for the arts: "The function of the Business Executive is to maintain aesthetic order." Bernard Baruch. And also: Most of the successful people I've known are the ones who do more listening than talking. Take the obvious, add a cupful of brains, a generous pinch of imagination, a bucketful of courage and daring, stir well and bring to a boil. good ethical values. Social justice values Above all, the Chancellor should value best practices in teaching that benefit students. The primary job of the CSU is to instruct students, so that's what the Chancellor should be most invested in. Care about students open mindedness in evaluating all levels of instuctors Values education and respects faculty. value the faculty and hold their work in high esteem. Tell administrators that they are there to support their campus faculty. Strong belief that quality higher education, especially arts and sciences are at the heart of the university and necessary for a functioning democracy Be a good listener Someone who will get the Cal. State System to a higher level of competitiveness and Education. Technology is a tool and should not drive education. Do not know much about the state's Master Plan for Higher Education. But that should not become a restrictive condition that binds the new chancellor to the status quo. Commitment to listen to senior staff This survey seems a little rediculous. Of course, you would want all these things. commitment to access for local students Jun 7, 2012 8:54 AM Jun 7, 2012 8:24 AM

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Should advocate to protect the financial, philosophical and educational mission of the California University system. Should fight Washington for more federal funding and to lobby local and state politicians to raise taxes for higher education. Should fight to keep interest low on student loans and to prevent further raising of tuition for all of our students. The next CSU Chancellor should be someone completely opposite of Charles Reed. The new Chancellor should stop enriching administrators and start redirecting resources to those actually involved in teaching. At least 50% of all academic administrators should be fired and the money redirected to faculty and students. Intelligent, open minded, collaborative, awareness of decision-fatigue and when/how to make informed decisions. The desire to reevaluate what has come before, including wrong headed ideas like Early Start. Strong connections are only valuable if the new Chancellor uses them to promote a vision of a quality, affordable education with equitable workloads for faculty and staff. The ability of recognizing that the CSU system should not be turned into another University of Phoenix. Advancement in technology is a must, but not at the expense of our students contact with instructors and other students. Public Educatiuon is not Education on the Dole or only for those who work full time at the same time. CA is a cesspool educationally K-12 and the stink is beginning to drown out higher ed too. Honesty and integrity. We cannot have a chancellor who belittles students and faculty--the two key ingredients of the CSU. Again, I want someone who will be supportive of the faculty and not have as a first priority increasing administrator salaries. Charlie Reed used to give these enormous catch-up raises to the administrators, then put the screws to the faculty over bargaining. Ideally, you want a chancellor to commit to administrator salary growth that does not exceed that of the faculty. This is supposed to be public service, not public enrichment. Promote and communicate the value of CSU faculty research and service activities to the State, local communities and to our students. CSU should not become a glorified community college. Create fairer balance in funding among the CSU campuses so that faculty research can be supported at ALL campuses not just some. Intellectually fulfilled faculty make the best instructors intellectually stifled faculty are a waste of the investment we all made, including taxpayers, to train us at the PhD level in our respective disciplines if all we are asked to do is teach all the time. Commitment to addressing cultural Diversity needs of Faculty, staff and students. Dedication and "Actually implementing Diversity Cultural Plans" is two different issues. Sacramento is one of the most diverse City in the Let's REFLECT that Richness in TRADITION and Culture!

Jun 6, 2012 8:24 PM


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Holding on future student fee increases. Recognizing importance of student faculty ratios. We need a strong leader, someone who set the course for the system and will act as an advocate for the CSU. A leader who is creative, innovative, capable of assessing and addressing challenges, such as the challenges we currently face. The chancellor ought to be a forward thinker, someone who acts in a positive manner to serve the CSU. The chancellor needs to work WITH the faculty and staff of the CSU - not perceive the faculty and/or staff as an enemy. The chancellor should demonstrate through his/her decisions that s/he supports the students and mission of the CSU to educate Californians. Honesty. Someone who will tell the truth. Stop laughing. At least as much respect for faculty as for administrative personnel. Not favoring administrators at the expense of faculty as is currently the case. He should care about and promote as a *first* priority *academic* values -despite lip-service, this is something sorely lacking across the board in the CSU to its detriment. The Chancellor should understand the research is vital for teaching and vice versa- they are not separate things. Should be able to see beyond the fad of the moment and focus on quality rather than trendiness in education. Should be dedicated to educating students for independent thought and democracy, and not merely training them for jobs. see previous page Chancellor needs to be open minded...think of expanding CSU reach beyond the confines of California to the rest of the world as we are in a competitive environment globally. dedication to the advancement of lower and middle class youth Be friendly, outgoing and a good leader. In terms of the use of technology, the next chancellor needs to allow the faculty to lead. Respect for the Faculty and Staff, instead of greed at the top level. A commitment to the educational mission of the CSU would be nice for a change Committment to working with professors who have advanced degrees. No more faculty members with only a bachelor's degree. advocate transparency in governance demonstrate respect for faculty Must NOT be a despots. Committed to devolution of governance to local campuses. Highly skilled at negotiating budget allocations with Sacramento. Highly skilled and savvy in public relations and fund raising. On other words a superbly accomplished pimp for a good cause. An intellectual scholar with

Jun 6, 2012 6:05 PM Jun 6, 2012 5:43 PM

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gravitas would help. 132 133 134 135 A commitment to fostering and rewarding quality classroom teaching equal to his/her commitment to research. Commitment to the humanities in higher education. Visibility on campuses. 1. S/he should not spend any more money on him/herself than the faculty receive for travel and professional development. 2. The person should not be interested in outward signs of success, such as a completely redecorated office. 3.The new Chancellor should refuse any percent alary increase to administrators beyond percentage increase given to faculty at the university campuses. The Master Plan is increasingly out of touch with the reality of the three higher education systems. One of Chancellor Reed's positive achievements was the inroads he made in the doctoral monopoly of the UC. There are other aspects of his reign that require a break in trajectory. First, there's a pall of corruption. For example, the way the CMS call for bids was set up ensured only two companies in the world could submit a bid, PeopleSoft and Oracle, the former of which had personal ties with certain Trustees, saddling us with an insanely expensive DBMS that has taken years to become modestly useful. Another example is the increasing use of headhunters to build pools for everyone from presidents to deans, at $75,000 to $90,000 a pop, which has generally brought us a kind of recruitment groupie who parachutes in, doesn't understand the terrain, and makes random changes simply to stir things up for additional lines on their c.v.s for their next job hunt. The Stanislaus campus has a clown for president, who has gone through four provosts, four deans of Business, four deans/interim deans for Social Sciences, three deans of another college, all triggering these headhunters' fees -- why wouldn't Reed can the president, who seems more the source of problems for that campus than any of these revolving administrators? I sometimes wonder if there's a cozy and inappropriate tie with the executive recruitment firms. Related to this is salary inflation among the CSU presidents (so we can recruit the "gems" in the headhunter pool). Second, the rush to technology-mediated degrees is faddish and generally ill-designed. That's a problem in the CSU, executive decisions about a technology the executive knows little about, creating hugely time-consuming problems of adaptation on the part of faculty and staff, most of whom are far more technologically literate than the decision-maker. I don't oppose online degrees, but I do expect them to be demonstrably identical in quality to face-to-face programs and targeted at specific audiences the MWF/TTh regular school schedule doesn't serve (older working adults who know how to budget their time -- my experience is that young people are not self-disciplined enough to get as much out of an online class as a regular class). Third, somewhat related to the second, Chancellor Reed has created a culture of the university-as-factory, basically transplanting managerialist models from private companies to a public organization that has few parallels allowing meaningful pursuit of such a model. So, basically, I'm looking for someone with traits that don't lead to these three troublesome avenues of corruption, misapplication of technology, and managerialism, but someone who can build on a few of Reed's positive initiatives (adjustment of the Master Plan and what I think is a genuine concern for student access to higher education). Jun 6, 2012 3:30 PM Jun 6, 2012 3:29 PM Jun 6, 2012 3:27 PM Jun 6, 2012 3:24 PM


Jun 6, 2012 3:23 PM

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The chancellor should be willing to meet directly with faculty and studnets on a regular basis. A willingness to work in Sacramento to get adequate resources for the CSU and being willing to inform Californians of the contributions of all CSU graduates, not just a few who have celebrity status. Californians need to understand the return the state recieves for the investment in education. Recognition that we already have too many admiinistrators. Youth and orientation towards the long term. The generation that is currently in power is NOT the generation that will inherit the current system. We need a leader who understands that the CSU needs to be sustainable for future generations of students and employees. Transparency is vital. Faculty are dedicated to the success of the CSU and accepting of shared sacrifice during tough times. However, faculty must be convinced that the sacrifice is indeed shared. Otherwise, it merely erodes our competitiveness in attracting qualified faculty. The deans on our campus share spreadsheets of the college budgets every year. If the chancellor would share similar information, it would go a long way in building confidence among faculty members that funds are well-spent and we are all working together, not against one another. Please, no more applications of a "business model" to the public university. There is a difference between a leader in academic universities and a leader in corporate situations. It would be wonderful to have an intelligent, articulate, sophisticated, creative and visionary leader. It would be inspiring, and maybe start a trend of hiring those kind of people for the university presidents, who would then hire better vice-presidents, deans and department chairs. Understanding that faculty are the CSU's greatest resource. Respect for faculty work and commitment to supporting that work with reasonable salaries, including cost-of-living raises! Respectful of working, teaching, researching, writing professors All administrators should teach at least one typical class a year. Support for faculty To not be a corporate jackass tool like the last Chancellor. Appreciation for research. Commitment to hiring and retaining high quality faculty by incentivising performance with salary increases. In other words, bringing merit pay into the mix rather preventing any raises until there's enough money in the pot for everyone to get an equal raise regardless of achievement. I think she or he should be open to reconsidering the "master-plan" and changing it if need be. I don't believe all our campuses can offer everything, and I think that specialization among campuses may be a smart direction...not just

Jun 6, 2012 3:19 PM Jun 6, 2012 3:19 PM

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access. 151 152 honesty The chancellor needs to understand that an FTE driven system is following a "prescription for mediocrity". Higher FTE sometimes generated by lowering standards for new students who are not prepared or by forcing students to repeat classes instead of fostering student success. The chancellor needs to understand that the solutions to problems is in finding and addressing root cause problems, not treating symptoms. FTE is a terrible measure of anything. The 6 year and 3 year graduation rates are poor measures also. Outcomes assessment DONE RIGHT is a better way to produce what we are looking for and control costs. Technology cannot, will not and does not replace face to face instruction He or she should want to expand technology and instruction but NOT in the direction of solely online learning. Not converting the CSU to an online degree granting university. Hire for what the person knows not who they know. Too many non-qualified people are hired or promoted to make us look "diverse," because they are someone's friend, or will not ask difficult questions. Hire someone who has had to work hard and make sacrifices to get where they are today. Ideally someone who thinks for themselves yet encourages collaboration. Respect for faculty The new chancellor should be smarter, more clever, more creative and more supportive than the previous one - which shouldn't be difficult since the past chancellor was none of those. Someone who would put the welfare of the CSU community above politics would be ideal technology for instruction is not necessarily a bad thing -- it just needs to be completed in a way that is best for students and faculty -- with our input. There is a new generation of faculty who see technology as a means to supplement good, traditional face-to-face instruction while not replacing it. These categories certainly seem a bit slanted.... Collaborative, Follow the CBA and give us our raises Must be able to keep education in the classroom and not convert the system to an on-line university. Must honor collective bargaining agreement. No more technology!!!!!!!! actual EXPERIENCE in TEACHING and LEADING in Distributed, especially online, education An appreciation for the benefits of a liberal arts education, including tangible (ex. economic) and less tangible (ex. students with broader perspectives) benefits. A Jun 6, 2012 2:20 PM Jun 6, 2012 2:19 PM

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commitment to diversity at the discipline level, i.e. maintenance of programs such as music, art, languages, etc. 166 He or she should do more than give lip service to their shared sense of compassion for and understanding of the important role that professors continue to play as mentors in non-traditional students' lives. If class, as some would have us believe, should not be emphasized in our culture, then a renewed focus should be placed on that professor/student experience as a way to help students transcend class barriers and become more productive and well-educated participants in American democracy and citizenship. The CSU is a relatively diverse institution but that diversity is threatened when the cost of education keeps going up. Few things are more important to the State of California than inexpensive public higher education. Understanding and support for teaching that involves direct, in person contact with students rather than relying on electronic and digital technologies. (i.e. NO emphasis in distance learning.) A recognition that Professors are more important than Administrators. George Diehr recognises this. A commitment to providing high quality Liberal Arts education. A goal of fostering student life long learning. Focus SHOULD NOT be on CSU Online but on updating technology for use in classrooms. It should also be providing faculty development in the area of technology use in the classroom for improved instruction. Commitment to social justice and community service for all CSU graduates The ability to listen to views outside her or his level of comfort. The ability to discern the difference in solid pedagogy and imagined pedagogy. The ability to maintain the excellence of the CSU without watering down the value of a campus based degree. Values lectures and works to improving their pay and working conditions. Respect for faculty and students (unlike Chancellor R) The chancellor MUST be a good politician with strong political connections, that's part of the job, but they don't have to have those connections coming in, the successful candidate can establish those connections once they're on the job. The same goes for state-wide connections. Willingness to cut the politically correct fluffy stuff. Commitment to making it easier for transfer students. student centered. Achievement oriented. Commitment to accountabiilty. Not tolerate poor staff. excellent grades from employees Jun 6, 2012 1:37 PM


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Integrity and sincerity Support of human rights and commitment to energy conservation in building and plant operations management. Be a person who values everyone for who they are, for what they do, and not based on their title position where they work. I felt that there is often a lot of favoritism and not equality amongst co-workers in the CSU system. Also, this new Chancellor has to come in terms of being approachable and not be hiding or trying to evade people. Honesty. A bottom up rather than top down governance style. Absolutely *no* online teaching for important classes, no saving on education. He should ask all his presidents to give up some salary as an example of caring for students. Absolutely no more fee hikes for our students. The wisdom and courage to trim the staff at the Chancellor's office and to push for cuts in the administrative staffs at all 23 campuses. Should be a builder of coalitions not one to destroy connections! Although the tuition hikes have been debilitating for students, the faculty have been exploited financially and will soon be headed for greener pastures. There must be a better way. Adding to the work load through increased online offerings and class sizes is not the answer (spoken by someone who has taught extensively online, both hybrid courses and fully online distance courses). "Commitment to maintaining and improving the quality of education at the CSU" includes fair compensation. Commitment to technology AS WELL AS values to the close personal connection that happens in a classroom. The importance of this connection in the professionalization process. A true understanding and agenda that sees recruitment and attention of LGBT faculty as a viable part of diversity - and not buried within diversity jargon that is often buried to the louder voice of woman and race/ethnicity dialogs. Be able to understand without staff and students his position will not be necessary ~ the importance of fairness to ALL not just the board members he/she works with. I see in the idea of "expand[ing] the use of technology for instruction" a concealed sentiment against reducing class size or keeping class size manageable. I think that class size and the reduction of it to where it was even in 2006 as a top priority, and technology is being used as a meager substitute for manageable class size. The CSU Teaching University concept (as laid out in the 1960 Master Plan) is now obsolete and should be abolished. All universities should be R1 Research Universities. Science & Technology (STEM) evolves rapidly in the 21st century, every ten years or so the old STEM becomes obsolete. How can you have faculty do teaching only, and little research or no research at all at CSU. Have

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you visited with science and engineering faculty lately at any CSU? Examine if they are teaching the technology of 30 years ago?!!! A faculty not doing research is not keeping up with advances in STEM. This is an unfortunate fact of life. (Look at the computer chips industry: how fast does it evolve and become obsolete? or the automotive industry--smart self-parking cars, electric cars, etc. Or the alternative energy fields--solar power, wind energy, biofuels...). No research means no development of these cutting-edge advances! Graduates of CSU will not have the preparation to do any of these! The Master Plan is totally flawed by 2012 standard--that it forbids CSU to grant PhD degrees! The first thing is to "upgrade" the 23 CSU campuses to full R1 universities, allowing the granting of PhD degrees in science, engineering, and mathematics! If not all of them, upgrade some of the CSUs. (Why waste time and money to build a brandnew UC campus--e.g. Merced, while you already have infrastructures at some of these CSU campuses? Just upgrade and be sensible! It is way cheaper than expanding UC!) So the young and new faculty at CSU can compete for national funding, and alleviate partly the damages done by budget cuts. (Without PhD students, no one with a full 36-hour teaching load has time to do research.) Reduce the mandatory teaching loads at CSU, so the professor can have release time to carry out new technological researches. This can be done as a merit system: those who bring in funding are allowed to be released to do research with reduced teaching, Remember: the mission of HIGHER education is not only the "transmission of knowledge", but also the "CREATION of knowledge"-- so new knowledge can be transmitted further forward. This is called "progress". Are we in the 21st century or not at the juncture of fierce international competition? 194 195 196 The Chancellor must be willing to fight for affordable, accessible QUALITY higher public education in the state of California Honesty, integrity, compassion. Want a chancellor who can build strong ties to community and legislators, even if not in background already. Master Plan is gone - we need a creative thinker who can lead us to think about the CSU in a more productive way than to just say the state has abandoned the Master Plan. We need someone who values the faculty and students and who is committed to working in partnership with us on ALL issues. He/she needs to value our input rather than dismissing it. Commitment to and respect for the plight of Lecturers, who teach a lot of classes and serve a lot of students, which is the mission of this institution, but get paid very low wages, compared to T/TT faculty. Raising the salaries of the best lecturers with the highest evaluations. Commitment to providing a much better contract for Lecturers in terms of job security, so we wont feel that at any time well lose our jobs. Many of us have health problems as a result of the stress that this persistent insecurity produces. Union friendliness He or she should not be a jerk. Strong commitment that for profit education isn't in the panacea Gov. Brown is Jun 6, 2012 12:20 PM Jun 6, 2012 12:20 PM Jun 6, 2012 12:20 PM


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Page 3, Q2. What are the values or traits we should look for in our next Chancellor?

painting 202 203 204 A dedication to the humanities not just tech. Willingness to talk to diverse constituents. Student friendly. The next CSU Chancellor really ought to have at least some respect for CSU faculty. When Charley Reed was new, he told a community organization that CSU faculty were lazy, in that "they came in at 10 and left at 3." Aside from it being absurdly false, at least for anyone in my department, what a thing to say to a community group, when no statement of any kind was called for! I am also unimpressed with Charley Reed's academic background: we should get someone with a Ph.D. in a real field. rather than expand technology, it would be better stated to utilize technology appropriately, based on the best evidence in supporting instruction. Greater interest in serving the university system, its faculty and staff and students, than in promising cuts. Willingness to lead by example. (For example, if cuts need to be made, start at the top.) This is a difficult and demanding job. The person should provide direct the presidents so that they have more autonomy to the local campus and are free to make decisions since they work directly with the faculty through the academic senates. Like faculty and students. For the last question "...use of technology...", it depends on how the technology is being used. If technology is used to enhance instruction (e.g., computer labs, software, smart rooms, and so on) then this is very important. If the technology is used to reduce cost/improve profits then this is a problem for both faculty rights and instructional quality. See my last comment. Be an effective, charismatic, and relentless spokesperson for the value of higher education, particularly the CSU. Executive compensation should be among the lowest of priorities of a new Chancellor. Ability to listen to and work with faculty, students and staff Someone committed to providing affordable education to all California students and an abiity to rally support for such. A big picture person who can see the trees. Someone who believes and behaves in equity and equality. Being "politically correct" may make it easier to smooze with politicians, but if the new Chancellor is not committed to the correct ideals, what good is it? MORALITY AND HONESTY 100% Absence of conflict of interest with corporate or political interests. Record of Jun 6, 2012 12:13 PM Jun 6, 2012 12:13 PM Jun 6, 2012 12:13 PM

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Page 3, Q2. What are the values or traits we should look for in our next Chancellor?

strong faculty support in previous academic positions -- people were not happy to have him or her leave. 218 219 Technology to be use DURING instruction, not IN PLACE OF instruction. A management style that is NOT corporate. An understanding that a University is not a Business, that students are not products, and that faculty and staff are not drones. I covered most of these in the comments to the last section, sorry. Do not hire a Chancellor. This person needs to breal with the CSU organizational culture of disdain toward the faculty. see above comment about dealing with the union. Again, great respect for the role of teaching at the University. Someone who has a very different vision than what Chancellor Reed had. Someone willing to personally sacrifice themself for the greater good of the CSU system. The CSU needs a very different type of leader than what Chancellor Reed was. And again, someone willing to shrink the administrative bloat that has occurred relentlessly over the years. Get: Robert L. Caret is the president of the University of Massachusetts. He was elected to serve as 26th president of the UMass system on January 13, 2011. He was great at SJSU! Strong support of undergraduate research. Technology for technologies sake is not the answer. Expanding the use of technology for instruction so that we can eliminate instructors??? No WAY! We need a "people" person. Again, less commitment to the current layer of incompetent fat that is overwhelming the state education systems. Someone who is articulate. This person should not come across in the media as a "good old boy" and backroom poker player. We don't want a Chancellor who is going to flood the CSU with on-line teaching! Common sense! Knowing that the Democratic Party of California abandoned the Master Plan for Higher Education forty years ago. Honesty. A firm commitment to the mission of the CSU. The ability to ADMIT that they are capable of making mistakes but are open to CORRECTING THEM. Imagination. Creativity. Eloquence. Jun 6, 2012 11:49 AM Jun 6, 2012 11:48 AM

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I'm a strong tech advocate, but NOT without academic oversight, high level of engagement, and other principles of a quality, personal education. Commitment to quality of education, student and faculty success are the most important issues. equity is more important than "quality" see FINLAND No one being interviewed, if they have any sense at all, will not consider all the above important. The question is how do you determine if they actually value these things? FIRST and FOREMOST, the Chancellor MUST BE AN EDUCATOR! S/he must have a vision. I'm tired of chancellors (and campus presidents) who, in this budget climate, just say, "prepare for another 25% cut..." I'd rather have someone who listens to all sides and then takes leadership to say, "this is what we have to do to maintain the quality of education while keeping things affordable..." Even if I disagree with the conclusion, at least there's a vision and something to work towards. The value to get instruction back in the classroom and more full time professors. As an adjunct I cannot possible give the students the time they deserve, as I'm not paid for that time and need to make a living. Pony up for more full time faculty rather than piece meal the work to countless adjuncts with no job security only to save monies to spend on president's salaries. Get someone committed to helping higher education as if his or her son or daughter were planning on becoming an assistant professor. People can come to the CSU system from another part of the country, and not have strong local and/or statewide community connections. What the next Chancellor must have is the skill to develop those connections. Needs to be creative in funding higher education. The current funding system does not work! Must not be an asshole like the last one! Vision for the role of technology in instruction not desire to expand technology for technologies sake. We need a chancellor to make a commitment to: 1. Stop the tuition increases and make education accessible to our entire state population 2. Prioritize academic affairs as the main use of the budget 3. Fund programs to support 1st generation college students 4. Create a positive relationship with unions 5. Decrease the administration costs 6. Provide technology support for hybrid classes, not just online instruction. An understanding that it is the education of our students that is the highest priority and that academic freedom cannot be compromised. Decrease the size and pay structure of administrators. Fair mindedness and not hostility towards unions. Not seeing the full

Jun 6, 2012 11:27 AM Jun 6, 2012 11:26 AM Jun 6, 2012 11:25 AM Jun 6, 2012 11:25 AM

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Page 3, Q2. What are the values or traits we should look for in our next Chancellor?

corporatization of the university system as inevitable. 251 252 253 254 255 256 257 258 They should be more interested in promoting quality of education, which is by no means avoiding the classroom and teaching from home. Outcomes based personal decision making A sense of humor and empathy. Ability to lead in a direction different from the current one. Someone who understands the importance of faculty. S/he should be at least as smart as the median faculty member Faculty focused instead of always taking a combative approach. Honesty As someone who has taught computer science for four decades, I am less concerned with the expansion of the use of technology for instruction than I am concerned with continuing to teach students that they need to STUDY and LEARN and not just use technology to give the appearance of learning. Same is true for teaching. Our job is to teach our students to THINK, not to use technology as a crutch to make it possible to succeed without learning. A commitment to do what is best for the students - they are our customers. A commitment to honesty and openness! Be willing to invest in the human beings who teach our students and a sincere commitment to quality higher education. Understanding the importance of more than vocational training in a University system. The chancellor should use every occasion to educate the public and government officials that CSU's mission is for the public welfare; it is NOT a profit making enterprise. The chancellor needs to demonstrate an unequivocal commitment to the public good, which is not the same thing as being committed to the bottom line of a financial spreadsheet. a life-long learner, curious about the world and a believer in the positive economic and social power of an educated populace. A personal appreciation for the primary and essential role of the faculty in this enterprise. But expanding technology means expanding it APPROPRIATELY. NOT the way it is being done now as a cost-cutting measure or as a way of eliminating diversity. be a mensch n/a Jun 6, 2012 11:17 AM Jun 6, 2012 11:17 AM Jun 6, 2012 11:17 AM Jun 6, 2012 11:16 AM Jun 6, 2012 11:15 AM Jun 6, 2012 11:15 AM Jun 6, 2012 11:15 AM Jun 6, 2012 11:15 AM

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An understanding of the limits of technology and the need for face-to-face faculty/student classroom time. Specifically s/he should have a commitment to REVERSING COURSE FROM the direction of the previous chancellor. Great communicator Commitment to international education and to incorporating a global perspective in public higher education. Demonstrated value of civil discourse an understanding that while technology is very important it is not not should it ever be a substitute for critical thinking and skills that are learned by direct learning ethical behavior A NON-adversarial view of relations between administration and other stakeholders. Demonstrates understanding and belief in the value the CSU plays in producing the workforce that enables California's economic engine to prowess and future prosperity. Commitment to following and further developing best educational practices. Experience as a leader dealing with bad budget times. Academic curiosity. If by 'technology' you mean 'online education' then I strongly disagree Recognizing the value of faculty and staff. The wisdom to let the faculty teach without his interference. Ability to listen. Respect for faculty and our interests. Respect for students and their needs. Have an intellectual vision for the CSU rather than simply seek to cut costs by taking away employee rights. The Chancellor must believe in social justice and providing students with equal educational opportunities. FAculty also should be supported in their research of diversity issues. Research should be supported with assigned time. The new Chancellor should believe in the teacher/scholar model. An understanding of how different the student body is at each CSU. An understanding of what education is like in the classroom today. An appreciation for the sciences, arts, business, etc. Be fair to all students in their interest of study and adopt a progressive approach to all of the new areas of study along with traditional. Change with the times. A commitment to fostering a climate of achievement and innovation, especially in

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research, which needs a greater emphasis at CSU. 288 289 290 291 292 293 294 Honesty. 1. Expanding technology but not at the expense of faculty and staff 2. Someone who treats his/her employees as if they were trustees! He reads widely and can demonstrate the ability to synthesize the information he encounters. How about a sense of humor??? How can i say this politely -- not to be an asshole. A demonstrated interest and concern for the humanities. empathy Someone who can roll back administrators' salaries and decrease their proportion in relation to the number of faculty. Someone who can model having every administrator teach two courses per year. Commitment to help students succeed. Integrity The next Chancellor should be an excellent listener who is willing to negotiate with the faculty without disregarding their concerns. S/he must VALUE faculty. Chancellor Reed's antipathy for faculty was evident. A Chancellor should see it as his/her job to be a strong advocate for faculty, because only then can s/he be a strong advocate for students. Commitment to pedagogy-based decision making. Willingness to listen, respect for faculty and students, broad vision for the future of a strong public higher education He/she must not have a net wealth of greater than $350,000 how about not being a total asshole The chancellor must be morally respectable, not with reference to religion but rather through being above reproach as a humble public servant. As mentioned previously, i would like a chancellor who has no desire to expand online education. In fact, i want a chancellor who will allow more classes to be offered while reducing the amount of online courses. N/A The quality of connections and technology is as important as the quantity. CLASSROOM EXPERIENCE IN PUBLIC SCHOOLS!!! Commitment to the mission of the California State University, as laid out in the Jun 5, 2012 7:54 PM Jun 5, 2012 6:07 PM Jun 5, 2012 6:03 PM Jun 5, 2012 5:50 PM Jun 5, 2012 5:21 PM Jun 5, 2012 5:17 PM Jun 5, 2012 5:09 PM

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states Master Plan for Higher Education - I would give this the highest priority 309 willingness to establish a more equal ratio between faculty and administration salaries Jun 5, 2012 2:35 PM

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myself and boyfriend Student Employee graduate Huge critic and a enemy. Alumni with a very weak degree due to weak teachers and lack of modern supplies/tools/knowledge. Full time Lecturer visiting professor Part time Lecturer Prospective Student adjunct staff and lecturer Emeritus prof And a parent of a student at Bakersfield and alumni. Alumni and Faculty CFA field rep alumni and chair of a department Emeritus lecturer Lecturer Former MPP Alumni and parent (part-time) alum and parent, too Part Time Faculty as well I am FERPing but teaching both semesters.

Jun 14, 2012 1:36 PM Jun 13, 2012 5:18 PM Jun 13, 2012 3:29 PM Jun 12, 2012 9:39 PM Jun 11, 2012 6:38 PM Jun 10, 2012 4:32 PM Jun 8, 2012 1:05 PM Jun 7, 2012 5:15 PM Jun 7, 2012 11:18 AM Jun 7, 2012 9:46 AM Jun 7, 2012 1:00 AM Jun 7, 2012 12:47 AM Jun 6, 2012 10:49 PM Jun 6, 2012 9:46 PM Jun 6, 2012 9:13 PM Jun 6, 2012 6:11 PM Jun 6, 2012 5:24 PM Jun 6, 2012 4:48 PM Jun 6, 2012 4:30 PM Jun 6, 2012 3:39 PM Jun 6, 2012 3:33 PM Jun 6, 2012 2:38 PM Jun 6, 2012 2:34 PM Jun 6, 2012 1:10 PM Jun 6, 2012 12:52 PM Jun 6, 2012 12:13 PM

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and parent of two CSU students lecturer Alumni Program Director Chico, Faculty Adjunct Recent faculty alumni (class of 1998) and faculty member (2000-present) And, I am an Alum at the BA level and at the <A level. Lecturer Adjunct Faculty Staff, student, alumni part-time (very) also student Director in administration community Also a parent of 2 students and Alumni Emeritus Faculty Am also an alum and a parent also alum with BS and MS Incoming Student UAW 4123 officer

Jun 6, 2012 12:01 PM Jun 6, 2012 12:00 PM Jun 6, 2012 11:38 AM Jun 6, 2012 11:32 AM Jun 6, 2012 11:23 AM Jun 6, 2012 11:18 AM Jun 6, 2012 11:18 AM Jun 6, 2012 11:14 AM Jun 6, 2012 11:13 AM Jun 6, 2012 11:08 AM Jun 6, 2012 11:05 AM Jun 6, 2012 10:16 AM Jun 6, 2012 9:46 AM Jun 6, 2012 9:35 AM Jun 6, 2012 1:58 AM Jun 5, 2012 11:27 PM Jun 5, 2012 9:39 PM Jun 5, 2012 9:27 PM Jun 5, 2012 6:44 PM Jun 5, 2012 4:57 PM Jun 5, 2012 4:36 PM Jun 5, 2012 3:52 PM Jun 5, 2012 3:48 PM

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