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teachtheland,and theywereall amazed. _ 3 22 And Jesus " said. You men ofllom e, Iamtheresurreetioo d many andthelite Theyt.hataredeadshalllive,an thatshalllrve
will never die."

mom i___ PROP:-n"-;&#39;1&#39;~&# Tue __.____,_ Am , . _ at_ _ -I. _ , 4.-:1, ,,_; _ __ ____,_HOLY . S 1; 1 V . .4 7 21.Athousand saw eewalkonthewavmandaaw setn 1 1J.. I peoplethr
-elk E-u

Ion ""1-Ie Hts Jesus,throurfeet man " dd 6 ao;sent son, in nowspeaks h you the. 824 but I-le to human eshpe
to save wo . an


&#39; odslkllahapoke yonrfathe unto By mouth gods detmg of and


these I lifted from watery the grave saved servants of and


to lightandeverlasting life.

hands, feet, my sidewhichcarnalmm havepierced. my 27. Claudas Juliet,whom havesavedfrom death,are my and I ambassadors to Rome. . Breathandthe resurrection the dead." of
29. And that was all He mid, but Rome and all of Italy heard.
, .-

eaevery of them, darkness from of one from and graves carnal thmgs oi love from_ dead; the hehold_my .26. I am the man:&#39;iest raised

&#39; hters 25. "So Jesus &#39; the sons W111 lift and dang y of thelluman1:141.


28. And willpoint way teach Gospd theHoly they the and the of

the resurrection their brotherNazarite; of they knewthat he had

irom the dead.

30. Thepriests Heliopolis in theirtemple to celebrate oi were met

-f -_

which. 32.ho &#39; ever that had beenreserved him whoy _,, man honor had stood. for rst This was an
would demonstrate the resurrection of the dead.

31 The Nazarite appeared stood and upona sacred pedeaalno


and said: Allhaili"The great of the bells temple and the rang all
temPle was ablaze with hght.
35. In of esh
the Sun.

33. WhenJesus stood upon sacred the pedestal masters the stood -

&#39;-" ersoithisTen:pleo__ 34. And jesussaid. All honorto the mast

&#39; of man there is the essenceoi the resurrection the
Hr 92

dead. Thisessence qnickened theHoly Breath, raise aubby will the stance theBody higher of to tone. -&#39;
above, which human eyes cannotbehold. body must disintegrate,an


36. And make it like the substance the bodies the planes of of

cannot quickened the Holy Breath be by untilthe xedis solved; 15

37. Therea holyministry death.Theessencethebody is in of

38. Andthen upon these pliant substances breathes, as e Allah gust breathed thechaos thedeep upon of when worlds the uiere formed.
When will of man and will oi Allah are one, the resurrection: a fact. is



_&#39; H
"~..&#39;-&#39; &#39; -&#39;1_ ..

to form divine. &#39;

39. And springs from life forth dath; carnal ischanged 1 the iorm 92

40. Thewillof manmakes possible action theHoly Breath. the of 41. In thiswe have chemistry mortal the of life, the miniltry of

death, mystery dei clife. the of

.$"the And you, my brothers,knoweawell the toeslhadtomeet deiiie thisdone will; was by when t full 43.
men;my death upon cross. the "-

42 My form whollyto human was given rth tasks

will tune to were done.


_ _

you know about victories Gethsemane; my in mytrials theoourta in of

E :TI- Til I


. " H @-Q

FROM"ms HOLY PROP}-IE&#39;[_ seq j

16. Andinthermlmofsoulsunmaniiesethelnrdwmtuld

18. He broke chain captive the of souls, led the captives and to
andin Thewas oi all times dimes met, and He

. Heopeneduptheprisondootsandlettheprisonerfree.

the light.
19. times. 20.


asseniblies stoodforth and toldtheltoryofl-iislieoneI.rth,endoi He

his death

_in gush esh of &#39; of and w-in< Hisdisciples, to provethe possltnhues man. with we
&#39; 22. Togwethemthe keyof iii e, oideathandoftherenu-reetioo _
oi the dead.

sea dothe to And of haspt&#39;I.1I;ru_-_ himself .

in sacri ce for mm.

oi eeomiog-age.

&#39; 23 Inomtnezla thentasterssatand talked about the revelations

rfeetion ho! breath open thewayof manto pe and up

th 24 Whenshe, the Holy Brea , shall ll the earth andsir with

and endless hie.

tnc Iouowmg

sh soldiers and approached tomb;but on the Jew": &#39;* * watched no oneelse * &#39; "htthe scene-waset .a&#39;oge< .. mg
"AdonMashieh Cumi,"whichmeant: Lord Jesus arise.
Ihldl 26. At midnight everyjewzsh soldxer heard votee a Ind:

y2S. garden The ofSaloamsilentthe was on

Sabbath clay. The

12. ,.

!" _Q


c0min_g take body their away . upto the of Lord

25. Thesoiciiers eie were
thentheybeard words the again.
no man.

27. Andtheysupposed thefriends jesus again of were l.lert,_were_ swords ansheathed draw-&#39;::, and zed n

I" 3

29. It seemed though voice everywhere, yetthey as the was and law

" >1

30. The soldiers blanched fear,andstillto eemeant with death for cowardice, sotheystood watched. and and __; &#39; ~

light; distant a thunder seemedherald a coming to forth storm. ,&#39; 32. Andthentheearthbegautoqualteandintheraysoilightthey
saw formdescend heaven. a from Theysaid: Behold. ange! an comes 33. Andthen they heard again: Aden Cami. _
I stone <1 then toreit am.shreds; tookthemighty he he

&#39;Again, this before sun 31. all was the arose, heavens with the blazed


And then the white-robedform trumped on the Roman seal.

in his hand as

&#39; the side. t t1,11oughitvs&#39;efelpehblefro:rlthebrook,andcasttt o -

the Andthen eof up His burialgown, beadbends comingdagrighteousness oithe folded I" 36. His and
His coverings hid them aside. and all
37. He arose, and for a moment stood beside white-robed the form.
WI! &#39;

H&#39; 35. AndJesus openedls ejesandsaid:"A1lhaI1therisingnm;

_ "


t 92 1

m=s=&#39;nZme.;; stood tlaestmnger an

fhange-from toimmortal and then it " 1: mortal onn.

39 They sawtl-Qbodyof the Nazarene transmute. They saw"it_ .. .$

3.3 wmjtgr fell thechgtiund in Tb; soldiers go and their hid faces __
dssapptm-ed. __ vhere; yet, from every- - ~

L 40._ soldierssvoice eve:-yw heard from

&#39;"7&#39;Zi_.. earth, willtomen." -_ =71&#39;;e;ee, good peace on


-. 3 1_ to -

EL |ll_|&#39;n _ li"- ll

- a.16.

. _FR9&#39;ijHE 31<Y,PPH? 4

royalhost, andsaid: 17. Behold, am not mythmadeof the eeting I winds,for I ml eshand bone andbrawn, I cancross borderland will." but the at
i id:

Then earoseandpressedtbehandofeverymanmdoithe
Then Ieaus

18. Andtheytalked together a long, there long time


$051351 of the oftruth,resurrection cat omnipotence man.power the of



I go my way, but you shallgo to all the worldand team the

20. "He whobelieves gospel the sonof manshallneverthe this of


ea ."

the dead shall live again."

of life werespoken Orissa, in and all India bur d .

ThenJesus disappeared He hadsown seed. words the The , but

Kasper the Magian and masters, were rst to greetthe child of who promise theshepherd&#39;s in home Bethlehem, withthe priests in were 23. AndJesus came satwiththem; crown lightwascm and a of
His head. -

&#39; 22. The Magian priests were in the silence of Persepolis,and

Royal Council theSilent of Brotherhood is here;let usgivepraise.

24. And when the silenceendedKasper said: A master from the


Whatmessage frormthe Royal Council youbring? do . ,2 26. Andjeans: said My brothers theSilent of Brotherhood, peace
on earth, good will to men. &#39;

25. And all the priests and masters stoodand said: All hail!

7 -7. p

from the dad;

The roblem the has solved; son man of age been the cl has
has shot-.&#39;:1 that human es. can

esh divine.

changed speed light with of from human esh.And I amthe so message

that bri to you. I &#39; theimage Allah. of
shall be." .

28. Before the eyes of men

this eshinwhichleom ; M

.11..hetransformed .

29.alga I come, rst allthe tohe you the of race transrnuted to &#39; * &#39;~. _ e . 30 Whathave all will and I am, men I done,men do; what all l?
31. ButJesus no more. In oneshort said breath toldthestory He
33. And thenwe sawthis martwhohasjust demonstrated us unto &#39;

of His mission time to sons men,and ill He c risa;:peara&#39;l. of ~

32. The Magisaid: "Some timeagowe readthis ful lled, upon dialplate heaven. the of &#39;

now - J

A - 3*

-*. V

tl : powerman raise tamalesh blood esh Allah, of to frond and to of 1a babe

-<,;% r

34. Andaftermany years e H


in Bethlehem.

came and sat with us in these some


35 He toldthe storyof His human of trials,soretern - _ life, _ - 3 &#39; i ! tion,bu eting woes. and __ _ _ Z .i &#39; thorny of life t:illHeha.srisenanr1_ we 36. Hfpressed il-orig y the d I overthrown strongest the foesof Allah an inan. andHe is nowjhe racewhoseeshhasbeen transmitted mto , only master of the human
esh divine.


37. He is the Godlike Him, a

today, everyone earthshalloverbut of


comeand be

1 . -sq



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32 THE

77" &#39;

i v iN&#39;:: . I-NSTRU.&#39;TIONS
H iT 77 &#39; if T77 i 77 7_7 j if

. 7 -

&#39; &#39;

Europe and Africa in theload Egypt, and of made Hinuelf L-no-ms tulle

events after had risen from dead, approved lo H: the He back[dig

Then event:occurred before H: sou


thirty year:of age,and the .

tl e;org&#39; whichinyour event: are years on abuts! the eighteen

john taught sage. by the
And after

&#39;heJohn of use the_Baptist.

1 hewastaken he was bapfze d,

The meaning Baptism of and howto baptize himself.

_ _ "

into Africa, the land of Egypt, and thereremained inthe Egyptian

schools eighteen years.

attheageof twelveyears

And therehe learned dutyas Fore-runner Jesus. _ his of



AND wsnmxas


YOUNG mas:

ncss, and not harlot thee excessher let the ieppt to in delights.
blindnessits of 4. The

1 Beware, young l men, beware of all

the allurements wantonof

2. The

madness of desire shall defeat itsown pursuits; from the

rage, thoushalt rushupon destruction.

3. Thereforegive notthy heart to up h_e_r sweet enticements, neither suffer thysoul tobe enslaved by her enchanting delusions._, ~

ure, shall bedried and every quickly up, spring of shall jpy be exhausted.
5. In the primeof thy life old age shall overtake thee; sun the
days. _ _ _ .

foundation oihealth which must supply st:-mm pleasthe of

6 But when virtue modesty and enlighten her charms, the lustre oi e beantiful woman is brighter than stars heaven thein uence the of sod
of her power it is in vain to resist. 7. The whitenessher bosom of transeendeth more delicious than a garden of roses. the lily; her smile is
i ".

shall decline the morning of in thy

and truth

8. The
9. The

dwell in

innocence oi eyesis Iikethat of a turtle; simplicity her

her heart.

kisses ofher mouth are sweeter than honey;the perfumes

breathe from her lips. .

of Arabia

10 Shut not thyto bosom the tenderness ;"the of love purity of_its ame shall ennoble thy heart, and soiten itto receive -e 5.-.5:-1... 1.... m


&#39; ~...-.--"&#39;-&#39;




gnd lefthe preceptstruth sink of deep in heart; shall elnmu thy so the
o y . _ li&#39;_.J tits, r emhleth,its swexteessbloom shell ret.-.2:-. when its I . &#39; ,

, ,l.-H-1,? fair daughter the instructions ear, oi love, to of prudence

th mind odd lustreto the elegance oi iorm; and thy beauty. thy
&#39; _ _,, . . .-92; ., --__ " ~"&#39;

with cd-I v-


F a




~ .. =:

&#39; "


. _ _. ->"-.- _ . . . R, ~

an. ...-..

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. I a


&#39; s FROM Hot! PRQiT if THE __



. ah ; earthemeaning theirlooks, hearwith caution I seducing of their words guard B11 heart nor listento their soft persuasions thv 3 Remember thou art made mans reasonablecompanion, not the

the eyes of men gaze on

outh in thy 2. In the springof thy y_ ,_ the morning of _ days. when _ _ thee with

del1 ht. andnature vyhaspereth in thine. g

slaveof his P3SSlOI1, endof thy beingIS not merelyto gratify his the loose desire, to assist H1 toilsof hfe, to but him the soothe his heart with thy tenderness recompense e-are and his with soft endearments
4 Who ts she that wmneth the heart of man, that subdueth him to love and reigneth in ins breast>
5 Lo louder she walketh II1 maiden sweetness, with tnnooenee tn

her mind &#39; and modesty her cheek _ Her hand sec k on employmerit, her foot dehghteth not - gad.&#39; th in 6 e ding abroad 7 She l8 clothed with neatness she ts fed with temperance humil

u - meekness as acrown ofI . etrdmg her head v it! 1 and are glory I I
8 On
and truth


from her lips Decency tn all her words,in her answersare tmldness 15
u bmtssion and obedience are the lessons of her life, and peace

hertongue dwelleth music, sweetness the of honeyoweth

and happiness are her reward 10 Before her steps walk cth prudence, and virtue attendeth at her right hand 11 Her eye speal-lath softnessand love, but discretion with a sceptre
-&#39;S1&#39;il lI brovi on her lE&#39;

_u J

mb 12 The tongue of the hcentious I5 d1.1 of her virtue iteepeth i ll "l silent

in her presence, the awe

&#39; tongueto tongue; from if

13. When scandal is busy,and the fame of her neighbors I5 ms her lip.

charity and good nature opennot her mouth.

the nger of silence resteth on pecteth no evil of others.

child that should

14. Her breastis the mansionof goodness, therefore she susand

call her mother. . "I

15. Happywerethe man that shouldmakeher his wife; happythe

with judgment. and is obeyed. &#39; 17. She ariseth in the morning, she considers her a airs, and appointcth to every one their proper business.

l6_ Shepresidethin the house, and there is peace;sheeommandeth


gppiigth stud}.-; elegance frugalityis seen her mansion. hg; and with in
he heareth her praise with a secret delight.
Z3. She informeth the minds of her children with wisdom;

18. The care of her family is her whole delight; to that aloneshe

19. The prudenceof her management an hour to her husband, is

Q 5 2-

{ashioneth their manners from ,the examples of her own goodness, 2}. The --cordsof her mouth is the law of their youth; the sttotiw


- wings to their feet. . . _..!a_; a__ __.n&#39;_..1 up 1 Z3. in prO51T!Crttt 2- uut putJCU ..... , Sp: is __.
"iounds of fortune with patience.

22. Shespaketh,andthe servantsy; shepointeth, the thing and -is done;for the law oi loveis in their hearts, her ldndness and addeth
:_. -4. su IUI

of her eye commandeth their obedience.


I 92


Tl er


1:._.-.,-* --II? ,- &#39;. I w Mno!

24. P . /92


The troubles of her husband are alleviated &#39;5 ; .


sweetened her endearments; putteth his ha by he I

receiveth comfort. that call her mother.

25. Happy themanthathasmade hiswife happy child is her ; the

2 92




untothyself wife, and become faithful member society. a a of &#39; But examine 2. with care,and x not suddenly. On thy presmt
choicedepends thy future happiness. &#39; 3. If much of her time is destroyedin dressand adornment if ; sheis enamoured with her own beauty,and delighted with her own praise;

1. Tal-reunto thyself a wife, and obey the ordinance of

Allah; take

if she lauzheth much. and tallreth loud; if her foot ahideth not in her

father&#39;s and her eyes with boldness house, rove on the faces of mm: thoughher beauty were as the sun in the rmament ofheaven, turn thy
I f. I

ion in life. the wife of thy bosom. &#39; - S. O cherishher as a blessingsent to thee from heaven. Let the kindness thy behaviourendearthee to her heart. of that thy servantsmay obey her. --

of manners; accomplished witha form agreeable thy fancy; and mind, to take her home thy house: is worthy be thy friend,thy companto she to

soul to be eusnared the allurements imagination. by of 4. Bet when thou ndest sensibility heart, joined with softness of

facefroinhercharms, thy feetfromherpaths, suffer thy turn and not

jl J ,

6. Sheis themistress thy house; of treathertherefore with respect,


cares.make her also the companion thy pleasures. of

7. Oppose herinclination not without cause; is thepartner thy she of

rigour. . .- "&#39; _ _ 9. Trust thy secretsin her brast; her counsels are sincere,thou shalt not be deceived. _ . 0
i u

8. Reprove faultswith gentleness, not her obedience her exact with

,r .-= _-a liction; lookfromthee pityandlove -_ bosombe hera of shall thy hergrief, alleviate _ -.I or instigate curse be of moreavailthanten the blessuig pain,tothyself; useful a worthless or a an or member her and
~ oonnnnmty. 12. Consider tenderness the of

10. Be faithfulto her bed;for sheis mother thy children. -. of 11. When pain and sickness assault her, let thy tenderness loathed

.her sex,the delicacy her frame; of andbenotsevere herweakness, remember to but thineownimperfections.


._ ct-umrsnxxm &#39; &#39;_&#39; r HOLY INSTRUCTIONS THY CHILDREN FOR .

Coiisider, a parent, importance thou I-1:03hast art is dutythechild thytrtIst&#39; -thou theealsoit dependeth to of of . i the produced,the support. it thy &#39;j&#39;>" k Upon whether
&#39; &#39; maxnns of truth. ,_the

5;- -1. _&#39; Prepare earlywithinstruction, season mind -QT him and his . ~&#39; _ .1-ff-".-&#39;_ _ _


. _


0. I

8 . _ 1

FRMTH?}?9&#39;;" PR.P1 _1ET-. .. _--

andlet noevilhabit gainstrength hisyears. with 5. So shall be nse 1ikesoe<laronthemountains;hisheadshs.llhe

seen above the trees of the forest.

4. Watch the bent of his inclinations, him right in his youth set

6. A wickedsonisareproachtohisfsthenbuthethsttlothright is an honor hisgreyhairs. to . 7. The soilis thineown,let it not wantcultivation; seed the which
thou sowest, that also shalt thou reap.
and he shall not be ashamed.

8. Teachhimobedience, he shallblessthee; and teach

him modesty,

9. Teach him-gratitude, he shallreceive and bene ts; teach him

charity and he shall gain love. ,

benevolence. and his mind shall he exalted.

13. Tmch m

10. Teach him temperance, he shallhavehealth;teachhim and prudence. and fortune shallattendhim. &#39; &#39; ll. Teachhim justice, he shallhe honored theworld;teach and by him sincerity, his ownheartshall not reproach and him. 12. Teachhim diligence, his wealthshallincrease; and teachhim



science. and his life shall he nsefpl; teachhim mum: xxtv E

92 5 &#39; .

_i __

religion, and his death shall he happy.

THE OBEDIENCEOF CHILDRENTOWARDS THEIR FATHER_ .__l-_ ~ 1. Fromthesecrets Allahlet manlearn of wisdom, apply and to himself instruction give. the they &#39; *&#39; &#39; : 5 I
2. Go to the desert. son;observe young my the storkof the wilder-i * ness; him speak thy heart;he beareth his wingshisagedlire; . i let to on he loclgeth in safety,and supplieth with food. him him n -. -,-_&#39;__ _ 4 &#39;

ing to thesun;yea.moredelicious odors dun waitedfrom1 eld 9! 1

Arabian spicesof the westerngales. 7 &#39; 4 mother, for she sustainedthee.

3. Thepiety a.child sweeter theinoensePersia et&#39;of is than of o

_ I 9" :

4. Be grateful thy father, he gave to for theelife entlto thy &#39;"

giveear to his admonition, it proceedeth for from love.


5. Hear words his theof mouth, they spoken for are

d honortherefore his age,and let not his grey hairsbe treated to git-h f
irreverence. . .92,>

6. He hathwatched thy welfare. hathtoiled thy for he for

I1 _:. T

&#39; &#39;

7. Forgetnot thy helpless infancy,the nor forwardness of the of parmts; assist support &#39; &#39; and -_ *=-._ youth, and indulge in rmitres thyaged
them in the decline of life.

thine ownchildren, reverence thy example,hallrepay piggy in of thy

with lial love. _ _

8. So shalltheir hoaryheads downto the gravein peace; go and "

M _


A Hour covnmnr or &#39;r1~1-12 asIATIC NATION


hath thebreast onemother of &#39;

Ye arethechildren onefather, oi provided by hiscare; for and - . given suck. l you *I 7 ii; &#39;


5- ~_". ."
-,_ P

"~;_ ;.1;;i;+; ;:?..~.;.,_.;




J: Z,-_
0 ..

.0---&#39;2 V

&#39; I. 4
on .


as &#39;

rm; orvms
&#39; 7 *

77 V W "


2. Let the bonds of affection, therefore, unite thee with thy brothers, that peaceand happinessmay dwell in thy father : house.3. And when ye separatein the world, remember the relation that bindeth you to love and unity; and prefer not a stranger before thy own

4. If

thy brother
her not.

is in adversity, assist him; if

thy sister is in

5. So shall the fortunes of thy father contribute to the support of his whole race; and his care be continued to you all, in your love to emh

trouble, forsake

He appointed to every one his portion, in what masure seemeth good

unto Himself. . _ 2. Hath He endowed thee with wisdom? Hath He enlightened thy mind with the knowledge of truth? Communicate it to the ignorant, for their instruction; communicate it to the wise, for thine own improvement. 3. True wisdom is less presuming than folly. The wise man doubteth often, and changeth his mind; the fool is obstinate, and doubteth not; he knoweth all things, but his own igmrance. 4. The pride of emptiness is an abomination; and to talk much, is the foolishness of folly; nevertheless, it is the pert of wisdom to hear with patience their impcrtinence, and to pity their absurdity. &#39; 5. Yet be not puffed up in thine own conceit,neither boast superior of understanding; the clearest human knowledge is but blindness and folly. 6. The wise man feeletb his imperfections, and is humbled; he. laboreth in vain for his own approbation but the fool PP1h&#39;in the shadow stream of his own mind, and is pleased with the pebbles which and with the applauseof his brethren delightctb himself. 7. He &#39;|. nT|i aSi: :i.&#39;ri of attainments in things that are of no t n: but wotwhere it is a shame to be ignorant, there he hath no understanding. &#39;

l. The

gifts of

the understanding are the

treasures of Allah; and

he seeth the bottom;he bringeththem up and showeth at them aspearls

8. Even in the path of wisdom, hetoileth after folly; and shame

and disappointment
with honor.

9. But the wise man cultivates mind with knowledge;the imhis

&#39; &#39;

are the reward of

his labor.

provements of arts is his delight, and their utility to the public crowneth

I .1

Nevertheless, the attainmentof virtue he accounteth the isighut as earning; andthe science happiness the study of his life. of is __

_; L -&#39; i CH
ir , , M . a ~ .

Q p-I-E J - ,1- I R
_ ,


_ 1. ~The man whom Allah to hath
&#39;92 __ .1. "1

p h i- nind them aright, . to ern_ploy is peculiarly favored highly distinguisholhg. and

92,--1"in -c I,
-. s _ _,_ ._ 4_.q:__ &#39; ,,_ J4: in . 1, i_

given riches.and blessed with I -

2He has t he not He theare ru ld &#39;lo0keth onthatju tum wealth the wrath ordeth p1$$u1&#39;e rt ereth e proteeteth _ the to goodpoor means do rmoppressmth their heythe wmpemon, to them helenti wed-5 tnto 4Heoutme mqmreth eeeketh osterttanon wants, en t,m ut heh wttheiieotlfigtth reheveth yudg asstst he as end Hetewardeth enm andworks carneth therm Heiorrneth own and ennched ihereltyhe schemes, prornoteth hasrcc ueetul design- arts the everynewbdongmg laboreattah92e vt ts his oieotm emptoyed the e the 15 asiortt le constdets so nothas -noesby ht! r8 netghhorhood oi benevolence hts oideiraudeth he ehdiked the!!! Theandtst e55 mi htsu tn mmdabundanc reBut thatgnndeth teethhumwealth thereiore the to andblam i nche toy woehis face unto,that 0 heapetb roteethwithout a92one the an sweat rum the ear 0 possesston there tb or, drweth and not brow 111$ constdereth the O tearsdnnketh Heonhe{eehng oppressson, Theorphancdtstress oiw-1ththees thewemilkthe asg-net oi rother ham dtsturbeih not Hts heart wealth hardened or Kb aretoears oi,no widow oithe heoontma rrmste pursueth has But t ra oi eurseham rmqutty tn can tmptesston e ctous mi an-nety estres e the and hveth upon ear, areamtttes thehtm e eornpans offor ought tsrmsenes taOhrnmds hts e Whatpoverty vengeanceowfh upon tnupon others 1Let the regotce, the oi tor wtth the 15mantomorvl tshe poorpeace,hath man has eroerde amngs s eomiort oithe htmsdf, thts heart rm an table h15 not




rnany re?-soils

vmh oi the 5O1tC1tihO B5 datnours


uh and Hatterefs devoorers

19 that ts awed_ 1 The eiteihhm breadsotornofe he N5 hrdeThe 9292a&#39;et&#3 hethehisIn-mnou it dnnketh rsi? ts50topt-oC9219 notnot him 9 health119689 t the taste? Yea tctons draught: water andI than nehest Pas hhor t92"e=-rveth
or thepO0T

6 1Hesttteth the nch their enotdamhee*"" tsdo w1thepelm at he train 18 embarraesclpeih Tleharred lden irornoi ,se ~ oi the

ts nor eased


I 1

Hehasrthe oioi hrmtethand eonto thebedts: scqutremmts 92 dowmwtththeend ~rhdesvres sot tmmthty 5t1&#39;a tsoul than aim 111 wealth
tentment ht ts to soeeler

ZL61 thereiote ! not nrggnmg edespondence, nth theoin 92:e92dgnhtg to for nheS province Alli d
,4: A 7 *92_

92 1 t

_ "I.

tan po92ert92 has tothem both


-e .. Q0,




___ _7_~






1,. .

_.l .. I-znI.V ..v_INQTRIT .1 FROM Tl-IF PROPHFT -- H,--------.-...I N &#39;___.-____- -.----_iMASTER AND SERVANT . i

and solicitudes in

1. Repine O not, man,at the stateof; servitude: it mentof Allah,and hathmanyadvantages; removeth it thee
life. &#39;

2. The honor of s

servant is his delity; his highest virtues are

submission and obedience.

3. Be patient,therefore, tinderthe reproofs thy master;and of

when he rehulieth thee. answer not again. The silenceof thy resignation shall not be forgotten. 4. Be studious his interests, diligent in his l lirs, and faithof be ful to the trust which he reposeth thee. in

5. Thy time and thy labor belongunto him. Defraud him not

&#39;pectethhim delity; and reasonable thy commands thou from iii if

expectethready obedience. 7. The spirit of a man is in him: severityand rigour may create fear, bdt can never commandlove. I

thereof, for he payeth thee for them. 6. And thou who are a master,be iust to thy servantif thou ex-

8. Mix kindness with reprool.and reason with authority; shall so

thy admonitions take place in his heart, and his duty shall becomehis

_9. He shall servethee faithfully from the mbtive of gratitlide; he shall obey thee cheerfullyfrom the principleof love; and fail thou not, in return, to give his diligenceand delity their proper reward. &#39;




than the dignity and height of thy station. &#39;

themselves; consider endsand importance their trust, far more the of

&#39; &#39;

1. O thou,the favorite oi_I-ieaven, whom sunof men,thy the 15111315. azrqcd raise sovereign have to to power setasa rulerover and

of majesty investeth temples, sceptre power placed thy thy the of is in

own, but the good of thv kingdom. dominionrest on the heartsof his subjects. of his power.

2. Thou art clothed purple,and seated a throne;the crown in on

o 92 92

hand;but not for thyselfwere these ensigns given;not meantfor thine 0

3. Thegloryof 1 hingisthe welfare hispeople; power of his and

situation; high and he resolveth things, searcheth worthy for business

5. He calleth together wise of hiskingdom; eomulteth the men he
igm with fl-on-inp-i an! I-mm-gel-inus. vyuuuua Ul I-Ixlll _It v-1-v --_|_n--u -caucus-u ii as-.1-ab-i...-4 sl.-... ll. f: . <1 eh- rish;the the

4. Themind a great rinoe exalteth thegrandeur his of is with of

:.C!1it:ll&#39;,0f his - Ou hand. ]. His arehis are and magistrates Wise, just ministers " I1 -1:
gmgga 5

I 4,.

6~_ looketh _i-Ie among people discernment;disc"&#39; his with he &#39;e:&#39;d:h theabilities men, employeth according theirme! of and them to ofiihis hosorn deoeiveth not: him
e sinileth on the arts an

- -_-sci? 1&#39;:Ip|_

~-1.-_-____-1--- -i

their labors. -


.. ,,, _


9. Withthelearned ingenious delgbteth and he himself; kindlcth he in theirbreasts andthe gloryoi hislri...:~.g-loin is e1s._.==1ted by
&#39; &#39; _

10. The spiritof themerchant extendeth oommercehtbe who his skilloi the farmer whoenricheth lands, ingenuity le I1 !-18- -I. his the oi theimprovementsthescholar; these hoooreth his favor, of all he with
or rewsrdeth with his bounty.

rivers convenience, for heforrneth harbors safety, people for his abound
in riches, the strength hiskingdom and of increaseth. &#39; He framethhis statutes 12. with equityand wisdom; subjects his

&#39;He plzmteth colonies,buildeth ll. new he strong ships, openeth he

enjoy fruits their the oi labor security; their in and happiness in orisists

the observance of the law.

13. He foundeth judgments theprinciple mercy; in his on of but thepunishmentoffenders, is strict impartial. of he and 14. His earsare Op tto the complaints his subjects; reof he
straineth hands the of their opp:-essors, he delivereth and them from

encelove;eetion himthe in hisbreast enjoy. and til? uritohimbegetteth all a loveof the consider guardian as of they I6. Theira
tions of

their His people, 1tsynnny. therefore, up to himas . look s

his enemies endangernot the state. wall of brass;the army of
before the wind.

father, withrever-

public; security theirhappinessthe object his care.. the of is oi 17. No murmors against arisein theirhearts; mi.chinahim the 18. His subjects faithful, are and rm in hiscause; stand they in
it tyrant ieth before them,
his defense, as a

as cha

19. Security peace and bless dwelling hispeople; glory the of Ind andstrength encircle throne&#39; his forever.


Fii ivi Ti.-1


nts when thou beholdest thy int

&#39; .&#39;-: h ; . v ___

. u.p_


perfections, acknowledgeO hisgoodness, son humanity, honored of who
l. When thou considerest we thy ,

_ 0 an _ .


. &#39; --Hi."_ 1&#39;4 T ., |. ".-Pi&#39;-U,







individuals,on the safe enjoymentof aIl their possessions. 2. Keep the desiresof thy heart, therefore, within the boundsof moderation;let the hand of justice lad them aright.

JUSTICE 1. The peaceof society dependeth justice;the happiness on of

is his property be sacred from thy touch. 4. Let no temptation allure thee, n-or any provocationexcite=thec to lift I19 thy hand to the hazard of his life. A 5. Defame him not in his character;bear no false witness

3.. Castnotan evil eyeon the goods thy neighbor-E whatever of let

6. _ inju

Corrupt not his servantto cheator forsakehim; and the wife of

tempt not to sin.

his bosom, O

7. It will

themas thouwouldst theyshould untothee. do &#39;

to his life, Wl lJCl1 reparationcan atone. no

bea griefto hisheart, which thoucanst relieve; not an


Inthywith dulings men, impartial and unto be and just; do

.-"W K . Q-V

9. Be faithful to thy trust, and deceivenot the man who rdieth upon thee; be assured, is lessevil in the sight of it Allah to stealthan to betray. l0. Oppress not the poor, and defraud not his hire the laboring
1113.11. &#39;

11. When thousellest gain,hearthe whispering oonsciutoe, for of and be satis ed with moderation; from the ignorance thy buyer nor of
take any advantage.

relieth&#39; honor; towithholdhim due, both upon thine and from &#39; is &#39; mean and unjust.
an;-Au auyul-uuaa| On II:-nu.-u rnharufdnn av I- 924 any eafrn pi n d>|&#39;92u us, I92n92lr-av rungs, .

12. Pay the debts which thou owest; for he who

ve thee credit.

13. Finally,O sonof society. examine heart,call remembrance thy to thy aid; and if in any of these thingsthouhasttransgressed, a make

&#39; &#39;


1. Happyis themanwhohathsown hisbreast seeds benein the of volence: produce the thereofshallbc charityand love. 2. From the fountain his heartshallriseriversof goodness; of and the streams shallover ow, the bene tof mankind.&#39; for - g3. He assisteth poorin their trouble; rejoiceth iurmering the he in;0sperity of all men. .-1 F; e

and malevolence; neitherrepeateth their slanders. he -

&#39; &#39;_4l~-&#39;-i hisneighbor; believeth thetales envy censureth e not he not of &#39;5. I He iorgiveth injuries men, wipeth the of he themfromhisre-

memberance; revenge and malice haveno plme in hi; hum -

but requitcth injusticeaiiithfriendly their a admonition.

6. Forevil returnethevil. hateth even he nothe not his



_ 4

_ -_ o

,_, .- -- I. .7 &#39;_

__ ..> t-.


L .r. . -92 > 4

92 ,"

I ..

s .

**R@u 5E&#39;HQLY~ 5 I use Wotan

labor. -.

dnvoreth to alleviate theweight of their misfortunes,and the pleasure

of success rewardeth his

7. The grief: and anxieties of men excite compassion; aihis he

and animosity.

his neighborhood 9. He promotethin name is repeated with praise and benedietions.


preventeth the mischiefsoi strife

8. He ealmeth the fury, hehealeth the quarrels of angry men, and

peacegood and will,_ and his




1. As the ham-hes a of tree return theirsap to the root, front whence it arose; asriver poureth itsstreams to sea. a the whence the

&#39; supplied;the was_ so some t &#39; bene received.

mg a

heart a of grateful man delighteth in _return

cheeffulness, he looketh 1
esteem. -

2. He

&#39;&#39; &#39; with acknowledgeth his obligation

love and

on his

of his

on; of it in his breast with kindness: he forgetteth itnot all the days
of the ungrateful is like a desert of and which swalloweth &#39;th wt greedr ness the showers that fall. and burieth them in its bosom, and pro-tluoeth .. , 92 nothing. the bene t

3. And if to return it he not in his power, henourisheth the memlife. 4. The .

benefactor with

N th

ha d of the dangerous man like the clouds heaven is of n ll herbage and but the heart ers; ow 9292-hich drops upon e ea rth fruits, , S. Envy not thy benefactor, neither strive to conceal
act of generosity comma

he hath conferred;&#39; ndeth is though to admiration. yet the hurm&#39;ty for oblige than be obliged, better to
though the

toucheth theheart, andis amiable on the sight both of Allah and man.
6. Bot receive not a favor from the hand of the proud; to the

&#39;&#39; vanity of prideshall sel sh and avarieious have no obligation. &#39; the &#39; avarice their* shame, the gr eed&#39;ness of shall never he satis ed. |


; xed
O with




1. &#39; O thou who are enamoured with the beauty of Truth, and hast hold fast thy delity unto thy heart on t he"m plieity of her charms. st
honor. -

her, and

forsake her

not, -the

constancy ofthy virtue shall crown thee

is rooted

ceit have place hiswords. no in

truth, he hath a steady eye
seorneth of hypocrisy hc 5. He

2 The

tongue of th emere st

3. He blusheth atfalsehood, and founded;but in as speaking

to stoop. is consistent with himself

l heart,

&#39; -&#39; l


and dethe

_ _

iii 4. He supporteth, as a man, gm &#39;t his character; to the arts y of

he is ne er

v embarrassed; hath he

courage enough truth- but to lie he is afraid. for


secrets fimirity lie openhetore riim. of

imoii-frag -n01.Y_i>izoifnEr-&#39;__&#39; wuss 11.Inin depth1-is; Herevolvetli of allknowledge; the

12. Thethoughtsthyheart naked Hisview; knorweth of are to he 13. WithrespectHisprescienee isnothing to there contingent; with

thy determination beforethey are made.

respect His providence, to thereis nothing accidental. 14. Wonderful isin all His ways;His oouiiaels inscrutable; He are
the manner of His knowledgetransccndeth conception. thy
discretion. -

bowdown thyself humble submissive in and obedienceHis supreme to

f and and _ l5. Pay thereore to His wisdom, honor veneijation;

16. TneFather g i-aeions is and baie e-lent; He hath ere-t..-d the

17. His creatures His handdeclare goodness, their en- ,_ of His and

world in mercy and love.

joymei-its of His praise; clothed withbeauty, mpspeak He them He

tion to generation.

porteth them withfood, preserveth withplmsure, generaHe them from

if we castthemdownon the earth,it is full of His goodness; hills ~ the

18. If

we lift up oureyes thelmvens, gloryshineth to His forth;

and valleys and the rejoice sing;elds, &#39;and rivers woods resound His


thy stationabove all preatures. -

l9. Butthu, He hamdistinguished pec&#39;.ilia_r estalted with favor; and


he hath ttedtheewith language, iinprove society; exalted to by and

20. He hath endued theewith reason, maintain domiiiion; to thy

thymind the with powers meditation, of tocontemplate and adore His

hathHe united dutyto thynature obediencehisprecepts thy that to is

inimitable pcrfettions. happiness thyself. to -

21. And in the lawsHe hathordained the ruleof life, sokindly as

and acknowledgment, &#39; &#39; y tron, let the actions of th

m W F""H let langiiagfeof praisead WW the thy speak and _ lips

lifeshow love Hislaw. thy

&#39; &#39; &#39; of and 22. O praise goodness songs thanksgiving, meditate His with 1 rs n11 wonders His loie&#39; heartover ow the of let thv #=


&#39; &#39; &#39; and yudge earth eqmtyi, will the with Allah is Justand righteous,
Hath He established His


He not punish transgressors the thereof? &#39;

vrinkethat thy doings.

&#39;la i ii &#39; goodness and ws


25 think bold because O not. men, thy punishment isdelayed, tlqt Q1! the ofAllahweakened; attersellwithhopes |_ ariii is neither thy E
Z5. eyepiereem secrets every the of heart, He rememand

-_ i .

bereth them forever; respecteth thepersons thestations men. He not or of _ 27. Thehighandthelow,therichandthepoor, wise the the and
retribution,according their works. to

ignorant, thesoul shaken the when hath o cuniberous of this shackles

28 Thenshall wicked the tremble beafraid;but and

mortal shall life, equally receive, the from sentence and ofjust everlasting
heart of


therighteous rejoice Hisjudgiiieiits. shall in . wallt_in 29. O {ear Allah, therefore, all the days of th life,and y thepaths which hath He opened before thee. prudence admonish

-"* J? *1



_ . 44 W ipp iTHE


&#39;-t &#39; Q



thee, let temperance restrain, let justicethy guide hand, benevolence warm thy heart.and gratitude Heaveninspire thee to with devotion. shall givethee happiness thy present state, britq thee to in and
mansions ofeternal felicity in the paradise ofAllah. 30. This is the true economyHuman Life. of





I. Weak and ignorantas thouart, O man, humble as-thou oughtest to be, O child of the dust. wouldstthou raise thy thoughtsto in nite
wisdom? Wouldst
ternplate thine frame.

thou see omnipotence displayed before thee? Coureverence. -

Creator with awe, and rejoice before Him with

2. Fearfully and wonderfully art thou made;

praise thereforethy

3. Wherefore of all creatures art thou only erect, but that thou

shouldst behold His works? Wherefore art thou to behold, but that thou mayest admire them? Wherefore to admire thou mayest adore their and thy ,Creator?

4. Wherefore is consciousness reposed on thee alone,and wheuoe

is it derived to thee?

thing informs thy

what is it?

5. It is not in esh to think; it is not in bones to reason. The lion knowcth not that worms shall eat him; the ox perceiveth not that he is fed for slaughter. 6. Something is added to thee, unlike to what thou seest; some-

clay, higher than

all is the objectof thy senses. Behold,

7. The body remainethperfect after it is ed; therefore, it is no part of it; it is immaterial.therefore, itis etemal;it is free to act; there~
fore it is accountable for its actions.

as straight as thine?

the herbage? Or standeththe crocodile erect, although backbone his is


8. Knoweth

the ass the use of food, because his teeth mow down

9. Allah formed thee He as fonned

these; afterthem all wert thou

own breath hecommunicate thee the did to principleknowledge. of 10. Know thyself and prideof the His creation, the lime uniting divinity and matter; behold a part of Allah Himself within thee; remember thine own dignity; nor dare descend toevil or to manness. the neck of the horse with thunder? Even He who ~ _ -ct-uuvrna xxxvn

created; superiority and command were given thee over all. and in his

11. Who planted terror in the tail of the serpent? Who clothed
hath instructed thee

to crush one the under thy feet, and tame other thy purpose, to the to

if -F_

5 ; HOLY

msraucrtons mom




b ain, because therein soul resideth. Is not the masterof thy the
more honorable than its walls?

1. Vaunt not thy body; because

it was rst formed; nor of thy


. _.

0-4 ---e


_ 5innumher eountedwiththem.

"ms mvmz msraucuous

6. Thinknotvn neitherbelievethouwith lmow,thatasthyheart,so_ _ y_sou1is_ 7. Dothnotthesunhardenthechy?

wax? Asitisonesunthitworkethbothev

I ;

B. Asthemoonrestrainethhermmrethou


ealleth forthto show loveliness, application her her and lnointeth with her

9. She immortal; isnncitangeable; alike I11. H is she she is in cratedwiththy esh, formed thybrain. and with

theoilof wisdom.

thee. Sh"

10. Althoughsheshalllive after thee,think not sheits born before

must answer for them. _ 12. Suppose "death not can shieldthee from examim corruption can hide thee from inquiry. He who formed

deliverher to theedeionned vices. Thesemust by

ll. Solstice give to exalted could her thee by not &#39;

lmowgstwhat, henot thee thou not can raise from know

of his master? Flieth not the wounded g-&#39;-&#39;r-t that @635 ontothe her}; him? Yet whenthese theirspiritretumeth dust;thinealone die, to surviveth.

hisvoice tell thee is morning? to it Knoweth thedog footsteps not the

gm Peroeiveth the of 13. not cock the hour midnight? he Exhaleth not

Session they thee? not thesetheir what wouldavail Perish all lihe kinthee, Therefore did I do?"

15. Hadst thou earof thestag, were the or thine asstrong eyes and piercing theeagles; thou as didst equal hound smell, oottld the in or the apel&#39;e51ghistaste, could tortoise feelingto thee n or the her yetyithont 16. Hathanyoneof them gift of speech? my sayunto the Can
1 &#39;

knowingto usethem.

14. Envynotto these theirsense, because quicker thine than own. Learn thattheadvantage notin possessing things, in the lieth good but

ts n

Wtjttottjfts _1tot.Y PROPHET

Is 47

will have it. It is beyond the regi dascover it. Inquiry is her delight.

2:. Her thotion perpetual; her is &#39; restrain she rash; ot to be suppressed. is correct-her, she is It at the for outrageous;
24 Guard her for ts

sands, in sat-ch

of water,

so is the soul


exible than wax, more yielding thanair. ti

&#39; more supp


eak. uncertain souand But . .,

him who wanted discretton. Z6 The end of her search ts truth,

&#39; dOflmldm1n,92&#39;nlOllll!lClOlIIl0 25. Asaswordlnthehan

&#39;betmeans it to

and falhctom.

are res;
_ ofmen

Ho w then

27. General
are ign orant. the sense of

shall she attam unto tt. &#39; no &#39; opinion asptoof

of truth, forthegenenlity
who created

P .ce1>l:iot1 thyself, the knowledge f Him of o_ , wen _ &#39; not worship those owest unto Hun. Are these

thee._ 5 plain before



thy face? And, behold


HOLY INSTRUCTIONS FROM me P1t0i>*1-rt:-:&#39;r

. PINNACLE o1= wtsoom _: u _
to the owl, as the honey the bee,or to as
such is life unto the heart of man.

1. As

the eye themorning to lark, the of the as shade of evening the

the carcass the vulture even to

he that knoweth its


2. Though bright, it dazzleth though not; obscuz-e, it displeaseth not; though sweet, cloyethnot; thoughoorrupt, it forbiddethnot, it yet who is
true value? &#39; &#39; -

3. Learn

to esteem it aught ;then arethou oar the pinnacle as of


4. Think not, with the fool, that nothing is more valuable; nag helieve, with the pretendedthat wise, thou oughtest condemnit. Love to it not for thyself, but for the goodit may be of to others. , back themoment thouhost nowlost it. Employ the suooeeding ones in

5. Gold

cannot buy for thee neither it mines of diamonds purchase


6. Say

not that it were best not to have been


that ithasbecnbesttodieearl

want ofgood is evil; andif thy question be just, lo,

Vfhere been evil, hag! existed?" has the not Good

J . Would the sh swallow the bait if be knew the hook were hidtherein> Would the lion enter the toils it he saw they were prepltetl

it condemmeth thee.

sh with this clay, neither would

<1 .

for him. en


8 merciful 7 So nezther, were the soul to pen Father have created him: know
hence thou wards. 92

shalt lave after-

-an-aunt: j_* 92-..



-v 1*


8. As the bird, enclosed in the cage before not his esh against its sides; so neither labor
state thou art in, but know it is alloted thee, and

9. Though its ways are uneven, yet are tlhey Accommodate thyself to all; and where there is the least ppearanoe of evil, suspect the reatest danger. thou stretch thyself on roses, bewareof the thorns.

I0. When bed straw, thy is thou sleepest security; when in but
ii. A good deathis better than evil life; strive therefore, to iive

asl0ngasthououghtest,notaslongla :|oumnst. Whilethoulifeisto others worth more than thy death, it is th duty to preserve it.

member, with thy days the cares are shortmed. 13. Take from the period of thy life the uselessport of it, and what
remaineth ?

12. Complain not,the fool, oiy shortness with thy of thy time: reg-

I4. Take o the time of thine infancy, thy second infancy of age. thy sleep, thy thoughtless hours, thy days of sickness; an-d,even thy at fulness of years, how few seasonshast thou truly numbered!

15. He who gavethee life as a blessing, shortened it to make it


more so.

16. To what end would longer life have served thee? Wishest thou to have had an opportunity oi more vices? As to the good, will not He who limited thy span, be satis ed with the fruits of it. 17 To what end O Clllltl of sorrow, wouldst thou hve longer To

br the, to to . ea eat,

Too frequent repetition, is it not tiresome? Or is it not super uous? 18. Wotddst thou improve thy wisdom and thy virtue? Alas! hat are thou to know? Or who is it that shall teach thee? Badly thou employest the little thou hast; dare not, therefore, to complain that the
rnnr. :1: ..... n&#39;i92rIr| flips run! 5...... ......e. ........ ... .

see ihe world? All thou this hast often already. done

19. Repine not at thy want of knowledge; it must perish within the grave. Be honest here,thou shalt be wise hermfter. lord ? or to the fawn, "Why are thine eyes to see my offspring ah hundred generationsP" Are these to be compared with thee in the abuse of

20. Say not unto the crow, Vi/hy nurnberest thou seven times thy

21 Are they riotous? Are they cruel? Are they ungrateful? Learn from them, rather, that innocence of manners are the paths .- 4/.of good old age.

_I 22.

Know-est thou employ betterthan these?Then lus of to life


it may

sufhce niee.

enjoy his tyranny but for .a moment, whatwould he not aim at, if he
were immortal. -

23. Man,

who dares enslave the world, when he knows he can

not in want of it, O man, but thou art prodigal; thou threwest it lightly away, as if thou hadst more tlnn enough; and yet thou repinest that it is not gathered again unto thee. Know, that it is not abundant
malceth rich but ,Y- Econom .

24. Enough hath thou of life, but thou regardest it not; thou art

2 25. The wise continueth to live from his rst

period; the fool is

26. Labor
enjoy .

_ W

that hath. wascoming; shallhisghe heart the he As arrow throu takenaway.before the passeth hthe while wart-lg lcnew that it not so "be
What thenis life, thatmanshould desire it? Whit. breathing. 27. that he shoul oovet it . d &#39;
28. if

them He whoneglecteth present the moment, throweth all away

not after riches rst,and think thou wilt aiterwards

knoweth that he hath it.

o s Is it not s scene of delusion, 1 series f misadventures, pursuit nine &#39; "" all sides, -" uu t-ogether? In the hp &#39; it - igggg-n_g|;g, -...g:n.....,,, .- i5 &#39; pain is in its middle; and its end is sorrow.

evil 29 As one wave pusheth and the present swallow up


real evils; our expectations forwardinto impossibilities. look

31 What part of
&#39; life is it that we shouldwish to rematn

the and past. lesser the Our

to evil,in thelife of man;thegreater

terrors are
with us?

Fools, to dread as mortals, and to desire as if immortal!

&#39; rmities. Then we are found in in &#39;

&#39; Is it a gei .

withoutragelieentiousness, ternerity? and Is it Youth?Can be in love we ,

&#39; ed 32. It is said, grey hairs are_ rever , and length of days in honor. Vi 1&#39;1- add reverenceto the "e "an of youth; and nrithont egg &#39; . plants more wrinkles so the soul than on the forehead h .&#39;ot? What justioe is in this, because hatet rt it 33 ls age respected &#39; ure age. whenit is not age that despiseth pleasure, but pleas that despiseth 34. Be virtuouswhile thou are young,so shallthine age honored. be





_ <
El-IE PRf.!Pl{._EZ&#39;l ,.
_ r


mag. 1 Inconstancyis powerful in the heart oi&#39; Intempermoe -rr-_. swayeth ll .whither it will Despair engrosseth rnnch o fit : and Fear ;
&#39; proclaimeth "Behold, sit unrivalled I therein," Vanityis but beyond
them all

life laugh its follies.In thehands theman &#39; vanity, then .1, at of addicted to &#39;
ts but the shadow of it dream.

&#39; &#39; Weep not therefore at the calamities of the human state: rather

is eaten by

4 The man who neglecteth present his concerns, revolve to how he will behave whengreater,feedeth himselfwith wind,whilehis brad
another. " ,

Why should manof wisdom the endanger himself withfools?

3 The hero,the mostrenowned of eha eter,whit is he, butthe bubble of thisweakness. The publicis unstable ungrateful. and

5 Act as becometh in the present thee station, in moreexalted and ones faceshallnot ashamed. thy be -._ 6 What blindeth eye,or whathideththe hart the of e man from like Vanity? Lo, whenthou seest thyseli,thenothersdisnot eover mostplainly. -92 -. me; sois the manwhositteth &#39;mselfhigh,andhathnotinet-it. up so

7. As tulip, isgudy smell, the that withoutconspicuous withom

.w . {I k,-., M


r r I

-"""&#39;II|I-.1.. .-...--

.a- .

iv, -v

__ - _ _ 4;W_ _; 727 O apnea-an-n -I ll _&#39;:_ &#39; _

rnou "ran 1-tour PR0:-its if

instability theexecution; shalt in so thou triumph twogreatfailings over
of th

6. Bewareof irresolution the intmt of thy actions; in beware of


cansuppress tendencies the to these, rmness mind? but oi

iii What reproacheth thanact reason to oontrarietiea? more Win:

3. The inconstant ioeieth that he L ei.h,

why; seeth he he that escapeth from

Be thou incapable change, that whichis tight, and of in

he percei

but he

upon thee. _ ___.___a _ 9. Establish unto thyself principlesof action, and see that thou ever act accordingto them. 10. So shall thy passions have no rule over thee; so shall thy eon-

atancy ctisure theethegood unto thoupossesscth, drivefromthy and

"doormisfortune. Anxiety and disappointmentbe shall


strangersto thy


Suspect evil in anyone not until thouaeest whenthouaeest, it;

enemy.cannot be a friend; for man mend-

forget it not.

12. Who sohath been an 13. How should his

eth not his faults.

actionsbe right, who hath no rule of his life? at ease


Nothingcan be

14. The inconstant hath no peacein his soul; neither can be

_ .

just whichproceedeth from reason. not

whom he concerneth himself with.

His life is unequal;his motivesare irregular; his soulchangeth

with the wmther. _

why? Himself knoweth not wherefrom now hateth. " he 17. Todayhe is the tyrant,tomorrow servant lesshumble; thy is andwhy? He whois arrogant without power, he servile will Where there
is not subjection.

-16.Today loveth tomorrow artdelestod and he thee, thou ifhim;

18. Today he is profuse, tomorrow grudgeth he unto his mouth

. -

that which it should eat. Thus it is with him who knoweth not modera-

19. Whoshall of thecamelionz is black," say "He when, mornmt the after the verdure the grass, of overspreadeth him?
20. Who shall say of the inconstant: He is joyful," when his next

breathshallbe spent sighing? in . Z1, What is the life of such man,but the phantoma dream? a of in the morning risethhaPPY. noonhe is on the rack; this hour he at he is a god, the next below worm;onemoment laugheth, next a he the he weepeth; nowwilleth, an instant willethnot, andin another he in he
he ltnoweth not whether he willeth or not. 7

is"he waxedgreater, become or less;neither hathhe hadcause laughfor

him. &#39;

22. Yet neithereasenor pain have xed themselves him; neither on

ter, or reason hissorrow; for therefore none _them shall of abide


23. Thehappinesstheinconstant a palace onthesuroi is as built faceof the sand; theblowing thewindcarrieth of away found-atio_n; its
its uninterrupted course wl1ose is on arth, whose foot headis above
the clouds? &#39;-

wonder theta that it faiieth? .24. But what exalted form is this, that hithenrard directs its even.

.- 1 If _ j?._. ;.,,, 5 &#39;1

52 THE
25. On 26. Though
ceedeth. &#39;

obstacles--appear inhis way, he deigneth not to look

_ Egg


j4 ..__,

it J

his bro-.-.= sitteth rrtaimty; st@ine-... is in his mrt; and Q .

his heart reigneth tranquility. down uponthem; though heaven

27. The mountains sink

and earthoppose his -passage, he probeneath his tread; the waters of the ncnn

are dried up under the sole of his foot. 28. The tiger throweth herself across his way in vain; the spots of the leopard glow against him unregarded. 29. He marcheth through the embattled legions; with his hands In putteth aside the terrors of death.
1n C"_____ J1. DKUYIHS ____ ____:___a LI- _L___I.I___ L__. -__ HEY IEZIIZSI DIE EBUUIUCIS, Dill If! __L _92_!_ L- -L_l__ HUI IDIC to BI- C

them; the thunder bursteth over his had in

but to show the glories of his countenance.

vain; the lightning serveth

the earth;he seeth happinessoff afar


31. His

name is Resolution! He

temple be &#39;ond the of the pole. limits

before him; his eye discovereth her

cometh from the utmost part of

32. iie walketh up cntereth he runaineth to it, he boldly, and there


33. Establish thy heart. O man, in that which is right; and then know, the greatest of human is to be immutable.

-&#39;5&#39 I



1. Vain and inconstant as thou art, O child of imperfection, how canst thou be weak? Is not inconstancy connectedwith frailty? Can shalt escape

there bevanity withoutin rmity? Avoid the danger the one, of and
the mischiefs of the other. .


2-fh."92l.i=";&#39;f1&#39;7iZs~.& &#39;"" H 3. Art Vi/hen thoufrail? knowest thou is not thy hast also whatmosteven it desires obtained Or what thou wouldst wish. thou soughtest
after, behold,

2. Wherein art thou most weak?In that wherein thou seemest

5. Couldst thou choose thyself, would thyCreator lay for before thee alithat thoucould for, would aslc happiness then remain with thee, or would joy always dwell inthy gates? ~ 6. Aiasi Thy weakness iorbiddeth in rmity it; thy against

st} wearied with the good of this, because thou knowestnot the evil of that whichis not with thee. Know that to be content, isbe happy. to

why appeareth that which is yet to come the sweeter? Because thou

4. Whereforeloseth the pleasure that before is thee its relish? And

it contenteth

thee not.


,delig;tet%n:nusthlbe permanent. thloss -_ -.&#39; ent tis gone, repentmt e ,of it; though, white thou &#39;

it. Variety is to thee inthe place pleasure;but that which permanently of

succeedeth If ~ .;,-,8. "That which

".J I A .,, .-._._ __ &#39; -

pas with despiseth&#39; thee, thou it.

. xu - es

__thou&#39;af.terwards quarrelest preierringit; behold only with thyselt for the 4 c eumstance in which thou arrest not! _ ? ~7
.K t

it, hath no more pleasure tothee; and

&#39;, ;

&#39; 1?I-92.


-i_ w ~ . .."~-

he ff, _

J V&#39;{.-< _._:_ .__..r L1, 1.y

1=Ro&#39;n rt-rt: -7; 7&#39;7&#39; 17:77 &#39;7 -.&#39;_ HOLY . Pnornsfrj . I 7 5: 7 7&#39;7
9. Is there thing which weakness any in thy more,-iii -

nature meant puresweets, sources bitterness us, from our are of to

delightsarise pain, from our ioys, sorrosi. _

in 10. oodthingscensetobegoodinourenjoymentofthem. desitin%things? andthe of What 1: in possessing, them. is the in using

session; thy joy he founded reason, to its endstallsorrow let on and
be a stranger.


Be moderate the enjoyment, it studterniin in ti? in and :

in languishment dejection.The objects and thou urnedst nauseatel int , with satiety; andno soonahastthoupossessedbut thanart =it,
its presence. so shalt thou nd in the end contentso absolute,that it surpasseth tures. tranquility more worth than ecstasy.

12.The of are in sighs, tnerrninahe delights ushered and love by they


13. ]oin esteem thy admiration, to unite-friendship with the love



14. Allah hath giventheeno good,erithout edntixture its of but he hathgiven th ee alsothe means throwing theevil from it. of oil 15. As joy is not without alloy,soneither sorrow its is withoutits portion pleasure. of joy andgrief, though unlike, united. Our own are
choicecan only give them to us entire.

joysaremingled tears. with

115. Melgtncholy often veth delight, theextret ty and of

17. The best thingsin the handsof a fool may be turnedto this

&#39; ,1

Q f , u . -&#39; 92 L

not strenzlh dtherto be good to be evil,entirely. Rejoice nor that thou

&#39; &#39;

uction; and out of the worst, the wise will nd meansof good. _ 18. So blendedis weakness thy nature, man, that thou hast in O

that is within thy reachcontent


canst nofexoelevil, let III and


Seek not after imr

The virtues are allotted to various stations.

possibilities. grievethat thoucanst possess all. nor not them y 20. Wouldstthou at oncehavethe liberalityof the rich, and the cont entment thepoor Shall . of thewife of thy bosom despised be because
she showeth not the virtues oi the widow?

canat oncethy justice destroy him, and thy duty savehis 11e? 22. If thoubehold brother the agonies slowdeifh, is it thy in of not mercyto put a period his life? And it not 11:0deliil in he his to is
murderer? -

21. If thy a e s

f thr ink theethe beforein divisions of country.

.! eminence. asthysoul Act dictates to thee, and end bealways the shall
; ngnt. _ CHAPTER XLIII *A

Z3. Truth but one;thy doubts of thineownraising He who is are . madevirtueswhat theyare, planted thee3 lmowledge their prein of

, l is within anything e r
knowledge? And yet w is

HOLY INSTRUCTIONSFROM &#39;I HE_PiEt fl-FET THE INISUFFICIEINCY KNOWLEDGE ho&#39; attaineth it that OF it? _ -~ / 1. If there anything is lovely, there anything if is desirable, t . , A. s if__tbI&#39;!
eachof man that is worthyof praise, it not is

_ _

;-J_- A_ -ileuin _ ~-

*--f___ *_



1 l

.1, ,. ..

In > 1 , 92 ., &#39;_,..v""F 92 , 4-. _ &#39; &#39; y-_- M

92 u
&#39; -" "

Brpartnumt nflua m; s
0 .__ n , . &#39; .

swam c , .-D"._~,~_>&#39;i&#39; -_~_

#1 &#39;1

"7 w E

s;_-I ;-;- 3 &#39;4-_ _ 0 ,- . a -= :_-Jr;

aigig kc :
pa LI
In- I


Im-vanuflnurlitmdisllsr. Q/t .-~91, POsox4e1&#39; _ U

Pi~.II..QI1Pl.Is, PnSepteinber 12,1931.

M5 /&#39;= ::-.*


A -=.-Q 4:; L E -6&#39;


estigetionf -

&#39; nnoonnnndiVlir E


or lntmll

&#39; SEP15 may cu s-.92 H $214"792? M ! Reference is n!H?ie" telephbnic i.1|,s92:1 ctions Io 13su.;hmanthe Bureau on Septemberll, 1953.for the Philadelphia at 92 from 2.11". _4
De}: s_rtmn *1. oi Fashinjton ,D

B&#39;LlI 65&#39;L1 oi lnvJustice


0? 103716!



. .*.| I J
- 92-. -i. _4F ./""&#39; "1s

iii .. 1
he l

Llscrish Teznple Shrine ofAmerica, and oniiey, ofReading, _ Pm, and

information which has nxeticusly seenfur-nishei by this office Bureau on September llth and 12th 1951, by telephone. to the


to obtain



2-animation known as the


1=~esa<;1enps_i is

*oorish Shrine Tezple of

interviewed, on spretext,
It was ascertained the

s colored


advised that Bey has

house opera
ai the

her boarding house for

kind are held at her residence, and that she knows nothing concerning

berbzr in shop Rending mted

the rails.
the literature

d that he conductsa negro

that meetings no oiany

an organization by the nameoi the lioorish Shrine Templeof AmericaSne advised that Bey spendscr-nsidemble time preparing lite.-stura oi
She could furnish no ....i*"* o1&#39;nction concerning the h..etm~e oi
referred to.

vzrtioussorts for publication, end sendsout numerous letters through

5 .i

Inqniries through various likely sources oi

information in the cities of Philadelphia and Reading, Pa., developed , 1 v. nformstion concerning Be;_ or the organization in quest on-

T of

-Ii ? . -&#39; .~_.. F. ,-92. ..&#39;

B70 and that otherwise

_-c -92

"nothing concerning negro a organization called the Lioorish -Iv; van-l-1 ShrineTemple A 4--1
if such an organization erists it u-inst be clandestine
it. officials at he would he informed concerning The Police and I=ost_Office

organisation in Philadelphia, Pm, advised that he knows

the T mpl ; and negro LuLu a known well reputable _


Bending, 1s., ion concerniing or Bey, ; !PiL=> hadns infcrnet is in their possession the organization with which he affiliated10 7 an 1N.F0Bi!AI!.&#39;i9


__ 92.. ..._-. ..s..".-

-- -

.r 0 f

ls O 92 ,




September 19_$_1., 12,


iacding, {Horned name" Pa. Subject" correct t t his

nd that he is a citizen oi the United States. He stated

Special Age ewed _Be:;, under pretext



ganizedd Yt


Ioorish Science not Shrine! Templeof America was or

from 1913 until
the liocrish that he has been head of Science

Newark,11.1. by r1&#39;6"1TE >&#39;15l&#39;e"Bre Ali; that an

his death in

was head of the American organization

Bey claims

Ten;-le of america since 1929, and that his official title is Suprane Grand Governor; that the organization has "Temples" in seventeen



different cities throughout the United States, including Cleveland, Ohio, liilwaulzee, 17is., Richmond and 1201-folk, Va., Chicago, Ill., and

_ J

Baltimore, I.Id., and that the organization is not represented in the cities of lien York and Philadelphia.

various temples held regular meetings for registration

tion p&#39;u:&#39;pOS6S. However, it is the present policy
. . "&#39;4&#39;#*. 1211*! . nn +1- -"-"&#39; is: . 92"&#39;*~ "" =4-r~":n&#39;r&#39;92r .-m-mcnrl *"" - .L";"""""" +0 ""

According tc-

t icy,priorto 1930 the

and organiza-

since 19250 no meetings have been held and of the organization to hold no meetings
. U and n-n HpA """ -" _ rvn _1lA" "" r92n&#39;r"r92&#39;in. """"" _ _*""J| "" &#39;_ U "V" h-92r1&#39;h1i 192n11 &#39;cI

t . -

b7;_, among the members by word of concerning; it was ma ely instructions orir_f&#39;om-ation the organization are passed mouth. He advised that
as c

would not

of policy


the real


had been discontinued,

for the discontinuance of

such T". 3e ;iZ&#39;1:S. lie stated that at the time the regular organization
meetings were discontinued in 1950 the Lloorish Science Twiple of imerica had 52,000 enrolled members. I-Ie apparently has no record oi these znenbers but assumes that the neribership is at pm:-361115 the
same since no new ncrit-era are being
4 _1-..... .1 _ I.-H-.!&.B1-I. J-110

Science Teziple of America is a part

Bey agengthatLioorish advised the

oi a worl Ii e organization.



However, he would not enlarge upon this statement or furnish further

orwhere international headquarters, might located. if any, be He

advised that concerning the headquarters in oi the American organization the national information ccuniz-ies which the organization amists,


are located in Chicago, Ill.,

at 5603

Indiana Avenue.






According birthright

to Bey, the purpose or the organizaof the lloors, which was taken from and be known as "Moors." or fraternal organiation,

them in




not explain by whom!,and to enable than to

just what type of order the lioorish

again govern their own country of Llorocco, He denied that it is e religious, political
-.1; 1.!. i * --_

Science issupposedkid Temple tobe.

bnt a descendant of the Iloors. Agen

and could not explain further

that isnot nape, he a

1% ;

."*".&#39; LL 1; .; . ,1 ,-_-1 ;3. 921 ;=-

of the appearance characteristics a full blooded and oi negro.

advises that Bey has all


~. Q




&#39; September 12, Q


5, .


&#39; the organization &#39;



Koorish Science

of all

races and Age:

Temple, indicated

a very



Bey, in hi!



the organ zetion

and purposes of the

radical attitude in
. .-


he condemned by inference, at least, all capitalistic Government and seemed to favor e revolution of some type,



1- 4- ; . _

has was out

consisting of four .-;&#39;penr_-ten sheets entitle_ &#39;l&#39;h_ Great Judgnent is on, Who Shall be J-.ble to Stand, The Cause and Cure," which he

furnished Agentqwi anicle


recently prepared for punlication. He advised that this article sent to the Saturday Zvening lost and various newspapers throughthe East. It was definitely rejected by the Saturday Evening Post

and has never publication.

in any of the papa-s to which it

was sent for

Bey exhibitedages. to

the membership iden-

_ x A

&#39; ~r J


.0 I t


"-. Gr, _:. _ ;__






the members of


Tmnle .-


g; .5--4&#39;: 1 *

t&#39;:1e;* initiated. were These

as a descendant of

cards are supposed to identity the

the ijoors and the writing


thereon pays homage

to Allah, Budda, and the other di-vine prophets, refers to Liecoain reversal terms, and contains statement concerning the equality a


they can identify the. e ves with these cards st any hotel or eating place throughout the Tnited Btates, and be assured every courtesy and

ofallraces. Ageztglearned members that that the are assured

with other races. According to Bey, the member-s the organization or

E. _ .-

nl 4 *9"

. &#39;1!~

&#39; &#39;1&#39;2 &#39; iv J ""



equal privileges

fornerljr paid dues of 25 a month. He would not state Imether these dues are still being paid and would not disclose the namesof any of
the other officers or membersof the organization, stating that such inromation was secret. He did advise, however, there are only two

or three members Reading, Pa., including his wife. in


.. .,:

~~~~-* "*"""&#39;*""*~*e* "L .* L]

_-i IjA"

~Q ~

Q :

OI &#39;

Directur: -4-

S6ptBmIbBI_ 12, 1951-

organizetion but repeatedly declared the that present policy of 1: e Te*"""~le refrain from any publicmeetings or is to gatherings oi; 833"- E. -Zin desired and and they seek publicity. no


.11: CHARGE-


-"I-wr P



_ qr ?

V .-

_. 92

; _

Q 5

new &#39;





_;..-J ! I -__ .1:


,_ :&#39; .-.92 f_

Iunm ufJunra ga nu.



Q #4

12.0. 451 Box P80 September 1951 12&#39;, j4

be -J

@> s:rPHi931E&#39;I1.._ i.;"g/

;11J:::r.o:f Investii tion BDED Departmentof Justice

&#39; _..

;.> r&#39;;r-*."-&#39;e;.:-_.-&#39;-2-7:7 H d -s

iesninqton, 11.3.

&#39; " "_"U&#39; M": 9"m

S &#39;

es an ~ its16! I

3|} -93; 1 ; 1 _

Dear more of jokeno tookser Fill __ Sir: R/&>92 was Tith orlessa te= Bey the on-sly, considered andone him 9 further reference and
Lfoorish Science Templeof ,3.-nerica there are attached hereto _ two articles entitled, "The Great Judgement On. Tfho Is

Shall Be . .ble Stand?&#39;_&#39;he Cure." and "The To Cause AndThe

C139-_ II1 .. bi * ...BIl&#39; &#39;" which OL "I were . furnished by Bey to


at the time he wasbeing-interviewedundecr pretext.


. 1.

has theup taken movement given and has i


fl ization the lcnown azzonn Ziegroes The Science as Moorish Temple ofiznerica E2}, regardshis aBrophet amid who hi,-tseli interretation. that t as rm &#39;
o p


It appearsthere that probablyorgan is an

.. ,J



t_$_ _ 4
.{__ -. ;-v -. .. 1. . .3

the further action Inbyabsence Office isbeingof Philadelphia taken irxstructions, the no inthis
Ve*&#39;"yours, truly
P. -:1ea.&#39;.Thitley, acting

Q. If

_ &#


$;eci.&#39;.-11 Agent Charge. in


&#39; Ii &#39 -an 1

a F

. .[....= 1?,

A -o _4 ., _y

i K . 92_ &#39;2&#39;. -a

ii 2;: II-&#39


_ 92
0A 92-; . i &#39;

:&#39; . 92 ~

A .l..J /&#39;

7 l_.ll __:___-e-..- .,..__,_,,.,A.A .,

BK ABLE 1&#39;0 STLID1 &#39;
- .U J 92.=". 4.. . I , v. &#39;1


e _
begin&#39;to tell you
orrr, THE rm

nu:cursemo rm: coat. _ _ &#39; 11245 ,

the cause by saying THE ISSUE

&#39; A.



The children or the Earth want to know, the world has become a miserable Hell
or HIS sun IS max.

what is the trouble _" to them? Iell, 1&#39;11 e-

or ran nmm. Is

Ian is his dwelling

came down and He

or this great Creation is here speaking to the world throughman.


The greet

god Allah,

the father
or Bis

of the Universe,

I the 1&#39;ather&#39;

and, through Ian he speaks today.

children a miserable

at of



tion in all parts or the Earth. After considering all things they were, He chose Forth America to make it His headquarters the lest, -

55? - 3"

How, He round conditions

exchanging one People

here very unsatisfactory;

He found nationa

~e il



Bo, to lift this

cg money, gambling, murdering, exploiting one another, whom he first knew trodden down under foot of all

People up, He had to confuse all

men from thinking in their

i I

selfish are ma, wheels,runwhile has given wheelsthe on1 ey. changing Ian time to think on the or Ilorld what which they to now, He heshould whethershould ordie.___,,. do, he live &#39; ~._ .5, rm. beautiful was world created anot"11 3 , M1=1nhe" --r Qfreefor -11 1Y1=92e- e I man has a 1-15111; take the birthright to of =1
,.__. .

way; so, He through science

or the Earth

and stop

the great

etopped the World from moving on their

my right to exploit another. Woeto the man1.2 to the nation who does it; Woeto the manor nation who loves non &#39;15 V110 ">9 W Ill!
ing instruments whereby it will
earth. Hera think no"! and

5 1

or woman has it in abundance, it shall 13 P !-1F=1Bt k" e who for "1

take_heed to
be no more t1 "b.t~. Illlllli- M !"ll 5
speaks Iho to you is at this time

through nan.

the word?H" ,,__il1 -D-It

. -A

&#39; =<&#39 ..=. __ J -&#39;


. -i word was with God, and the word was God, he is in Billie, ?lf_"1_92l-I- _s !!



In thebeginning theA, P11. was I114



inghas suffered, is suffering theaccountmoney, and on of

the sea, all fear the humanbeing.
destroy the life of anything for money. Honey

the earth full

of deadmen,women, children. "&#39;a_ ;and s_,,,,, _~._

has caused

innoggnt bgggtg the forest, the fOI1I Of C110 , fllh 1*!? of I11 $110
the virtue or the human race to be destroyed; money has caused nations to tall from honesty to a low degree of dishonesty; money has

*_ c

Becausethey know the-&#39;~&#39


i 1 1.. 92: 92-e R -. -!; .51: Lt! In M3-

caused man to slay men, women, and children. The love of money is the main root ot all evil, so pluck up the root, oaet it into the 1:, , tire of Eternity and let our father&#39;s house be a house of praise &#39;

Knowthe truth, a;_1d- truth will make the you free. Richmengive . _ all you have ovez- to the governmentand let it be well with yot,__ .4 for the day o.Hii wrath is come, and who is able to stand the q
wrath or nun. to receive it?
~.&#39; ., "=..- - "

and not a house of merchandise, gambling, murders, and thievee. _. W,

peaoiey the B18 ;i an are things ready,1&#39;e_& 80!. A.

e.. -... .1-. 3..a;.- -zb.v&#39;. u=i an-of thifutvrsi ...b.:A-...,.,
.. .__.

The new p1..b 1. ready to be given. Ibo is rs ! =2 the--is rearbito life a fro! I1151189?!111" 1.
-< &#39;*-- of -a -in .-&#39;- -

I hm "=9


e " Enter into


.&#39; J



,. 1.1z4s.e~e
I, l

rules and regulations, also

to be built. to the honor and glory of the great god Allah inthe lest, the "father or the Universe, the father of love, truth, peace, freedosn, and justice. All things are ready, come to thefeaat. Lose sight.-&#39;

the diagram of the great Temple that ia

on money; lose sight ion politics,

is dead. you see crepe Do not the hanging nations! fa on all Honey
dead. Street .f=llir.g2ihie

the kingdom of joy and life

or hypocrisy, and bid it fuewellgd

and be happy again. Foliiil.

not eee the eut b-2;: of Eell

change? you seethegreatclubhouse -Do not burning down! Do

Do"you not see the crepe hanging on all Federal Banks of K193 great ort&#39;=e@t"

its product. They all are deed. The banks have closed, lost confidence in Wall Street. The Federal exchange in all parts of the world have lost confidence in the old standard of exchange. Is the crepe

room club house with Wall Street the cut box, all states ganglia;on
sufficient to you to tell you of the lost confidence that money is


your love for money die with it.

house, nor court
to life.
there will

dead. Why will ye

die with it? Look live my and brother live; Let -i&#39 5%
When you stop and think widely
will be needed. Ihyt Beoa

nor all these changed profitab jaili, of will over be to something *1


wisely will see you thatwhen is gone wont any money you need court;
nor police, nor sheriffs,


nor fire-ares,
crimes of


Hone or these
be no crime

above things


&#39;1 he&#39;root of all


notions Your

end of rules


indieiduel are

is money. criminal to the nation, is criiai-1

inhabitants of is sufficient the world are Yictill s punishment in the ~~e! i

and regulations
All man. There

nal to to the

its inhabitants. criminal law of


being in darkness they suffer misery of which they know not the cause trying to live up to your forn of sciety a selfish life of men.

what you call


or freedom" for any nan if he could recognise it,

~ &#39;

I50 .I.IYI,&#39; F1&#39;92I. EIl-N -

peace, and justice

your false
1 1 e_p-ee of __


power which is politics

of humanity,
an 1111 ____ y-..

and freedom, and you will

and money farewell

es of in


and let


and cone




back Allah

to the with

11fa ..__-,

and _._,

and plant yourselv here the presence

is with nen

you in

the lest

as he

pmthe East; and, IQQ.&#39; &#39;1 - * ~

You &#39;

on the five your father

will when food; beds sane

11", You all came into this world without money, but the rule of.:.n;: ~ selfishneii of fomer men not you it the door of the -7% and den-ended

So goodbye money, get out of the way of humanity and let

have also in the West all that man can wish for, to all free money is gone. All men, women, and children will eat the sa1ae_.__= will wear the same clothes; will sleep on the aame con.fortah_le_, of ease; will live in good homes; ride in the sane oars; on L trains; in the same great world of creation for all men together.

the poor _;",{_

you pau at the door sun of various amounts according to what the prevent doubt as to whether he or aha would get it.
Devil et the door of your nether ;
e . __ .r---J T 92-


can get.

The money is often


in advance to your birth,

wayat everydoorof this Hell youhavemade the world. of .

and to all men. Honey has kept people
and the chain

womb and from there

Bo, you let


you pay your





45&#39; i Is - 7

on accountof money,this world has become Hell to all na.tiii&#39; a

ninety-nine ofwrery out hyndred have that left theworld deatagzl-9 by .


out _oi&#39;_the_ _It QQF. world,__


out of this world.; loney is the loo1:,_politics is the chain tofre

The lock have. been broken. is no nan to -

&#39;f&#39;2!"&#39;311 .&#39;.-I"3?_*&#39;.E }! -I "L rl.?" &#39;21 l&#39; -52 32.9-&#39; L:. E E I


Qh $33ggeiiiif-s:&#39;1?;,-"e&#39; egg Eiilee. $51.11. ,--etP&#39;.. .-,.{&#39;g!.n!u!9 . -&#39;97? . ?" ?4&#39;t& !".."" 92"&#39; " *.".* * &#39;1 "" e
~ --_ -wt-em _. ,,,_~ p.

_, _.. .._. . U-.1 >..1-_...


_ .p,.k1n3

-_ the eequittal or Iho is H to resist him! him that dble hear In

to the world.
voice. .nt_h;r his
I ,

7 Big

of Isa, judgment, hisconvio in d the sentenceht! of

&#39; tinn

. -92

thst .
_ . .

&#39;H ." Q I-,&#39;_: .:

f-: 1: I

1. Youseegain fr make or Hisj11dS1l1" ;A ii-$%k7 willand time. sndpleas _t 1. time M and hear think t .

b0 ans y 1ngq11igent questions willsored

message. 7

uni _ F f011owin3 .

1".- 5&7*

Your brother in Lows. TRUTH mB&#39; ma

_ . l b&#39;]c/

L 11247
are/ml . ~
&#39; I

,.. -<

-Vfa. :4an -~ #3. .

T5" .4
92 . T1

e_ _


. "-5

.1 _

-0 &#39;

, ::&#39;

.&#39; "5&#39;fu

"&#39;a&#39 -&#39; _.. .1 __ &#39; 1 -,~ &#39; . ; -. &#39; z .


3 s ;r 92~ _ . "

-.". .;>t*?_r&#39;!&#39;, &#39; &#39; ,. -u

.. - .. ,i


~ -

.-"; :- &#39;@"-1-"
&#39; -&#39; "

-&#39; " u ql ,V>&#39;,&#39;. -V_1 vm -_ .E"

i.&#39; - &#39;.- Ai"*


1 V. &#39;

I &#39;

M m- 1.

- ..1__92.-___;,,1.. *1=.-."&#39; -A F-.,i_ _ _ &#39;-&#39;- _&#39;

casurzos um nLL Ir
I, I I I . ..

I __&#39;j_1z4
&#39; .-- .-.__ ..... _... &#39;;

began, a_ time wouid eonie whenit would

line never when was If lit} of nan -at tine " was nan not. as
finite nind
e d . Ihe

1 Z ;4 -- _. .,.&#39;.&#39;- _.

infinite. A11 finite things are subject things will eease to be, because there was

cannot be eircumscribed. Io

wing: m
on earth

.so,cs:-th torhas some or the orestorchange the time tor will the generalofgs;all _ _g&#39;* tin am, that the be

unto change. iii. i&#39;1naww"f &# a time when they not.

-ean comprehend the things

thoughts hllsh

building the

in the

lest as

as it

Temple in
in this

it is

is in

in the East, and

the great

Heaven. The

time has

city oi

the spirit

come to

the Salt. &#39;

is here as

build a


He can and will ii nan heed not to his command at this presemr t_ _

greet creation notbeholding is to this generation for tn His

eiif f th
at his

should consider

Let us rejoice to

have his presence with us. One

world and that is---that

the rather

thing we

generation ind raise Him that o-..=:&#39;i11 :e:":e Hi.-.&#39;.. ;

power. He can give and take, and IILL at His appointed

.-."ET, &#39;

50, He is all

There is no death in Him, He is infinite. Death lies in whit" commend to take with His power those things that are finite.
_ h

Him at

He is loving; He is true; who issues justice to all only Son, now if

up and
I am one oi

Hen is

his instrument,

this time?

you think
try it.

You destroyed

He is peace; He is freedom; He is the one life. &#39;i&#39;ho oiii resist Hii? 110 tin hinder you can do the same to His: the Father or
oi Him within.

through when He will His servant

carry out

His will.

loses, you

killed His

all, rise
~._ - _ ;: .&#39; ,3 1 ._&#39;f _ _ ___924 -wk

the instruments

:2! a "-J.-1 3%.? .,_.._ Pl!" 1. . BE!


ma/H; ALL



&#39; Liv;
=*T" i
e _.



go. I
&#39;. ._


~ e


_ _*_


-_ ~

. _ - -: -I 1. : M, _ _, _;

{Q 2*=""53 .

I- sir; T


v g ,.

i i....._

~ 1

- ~_ _ I I

I 92 v4

- &#39;8


11249 .

UEIITY &#39;
cle sped handle!

LI .?


This isyour Nationality Identification for iloorieh and card the Americans, etc-, honor the Divine Prophets, we ell Jesus, Ijohammed,
Science Temple of Lmerice, Birthrighte 2.11 Lioorieh and for the be upon thatcarry, this you card. I do hereby declare that are you a llosler". under Divine the Iiawzs the Holy of Koran oi Ijecca, Love, Truth
1- eece FreedomJustice. and
"I er. a Citizen of the

Budd.b.e, and Confucius. Kay ble:singe the the of God oi Father our Allah
- &#39;

U. S.


ILELE DI-13. 2... ; . .LI, P3;-HE, 5605 1231511 ;.V E. CEHCAGO, ILL. DOUGLLS5909

X J-

.3-.92 :1: ."

A;I;L -&#39;?T& B gli/id avgpen lou


1r . AUG

4 1954

2"Z&#39;$ J f-LA

1% .


. ,

357 <3


1 &#39;



"~=.u0B.DED mum. E

mum 19:1. 12, L

&#39; a??=


6}SEPI931 15
, _/

Burn la rein-and he:-with tbs oounnlontln

dtroctod byauw !.hnIanonh10LureaaR1chq,.$oeatu1 toth0Pna1dant,n:IsrddcoI 8eptndu&#39;l.0,1931,t0Ib1

ns utzacbd 0 lottur dlnchd to

at t.

Rl -U11!-I. "0 1-Ithll C aninvitntranto Us Instant to attend n

rhh science tunplaor burial, 1: map, I havehad |,

when agpearu nan to

nun &#39;


$1-Q; mum


lhading,Punl;1nl,!.a&#39;, n lqgx 1-ouch; hountho adiruo,

mnbar of latter: ht. rvcaina nag little

rib salmon Ienplo at Laden andothnrinquiry 1: to deals my iniorntim lbatnonnrmanning Selena lupin. IQ : 1..-aw uddall thai ha Irltll


hna dthobo klmufaplodhwlnndhn ilt boaorolquorgnlatian iainhlqunttoqllagtlunioq

7 opoottdly,

begin anon; nopeorgnnlutima hila ol aln in elicited ropliu to the a oat that than am-palatial halland











- 2.9.2!


f l

&#39; Iaehington
September 1931&#39; 10


11,-351A &#39;_


151; :.

,.<,# a -2 ---.-...,. . .3 .1 _ _ "&#39;* _ :. z .6; ..-* _:.:. -&#39; - "39-~?=7 , - -: 1.-.~..._=, .3 ;


I; deer Ir.

Attorney General:
I Ionder if the Department hue my


Q. ; ._=:-;, _-

--, -1&#39; ;_ 92__92 _.. _Aw,-."&#39 " -_&#39; 92.. _ :.1-

&#39; _&#39;_..;.-.

iniorletion regarding orgemieat.1m_ the referred

._ -

to in
, Sincerely youre,


.-.- 1&#39;1i9."


Signed! LLIRHIC!RICH!!! &#39;


pi! ii. &#39

...,.,,_. j
&#39; &#39;1:

1 _,~___;_ ,7 . -.

Secreta:-y to

the President

:-ea . Honorable

.- : ;Ll|-~ -of -.- dz; W ;_ _ _.1...,, ,.._

N -92_*&#39;?
=&#39;@._ .= 5:1-_7"&#39; ., u__.

I Enclosure I I 1!:

h no

I lill D.Iifbhlll gwmq General

co &#39;


&#39; 5

92>92 J

_ _ :.&#39;-


~.:.;._ _-LI- _


$ ,_&#39;_ ZN92 .&#3 _e.&#39;.& ~-

_&#39; -~--L .-


. x W-.-;_V.

~= o
I0 All Of I


.. eSEP151931 w8EPEe:+931Ll
a . v A



---_-euI- ~



_ __ ,, .0

iH A" 2221

W B:


11252 , &#39
;_ <1.-.. ; .* . $- u- _...; 1-,



Rresident Hoover

Dear Sir:

the iloorish Science Temple America of Extends yd! to

uminvitation, on P1&#39;:;"*-&#39; nmuns rwr *2 aczg *4 huh cwme um =. inand u sum

inChicago,atthe 15th T-01 -119 I11.from the Foretere I515 treete. any day
Respectful; your
for Peaee

V": -* 4:
j, i E ;i "&#39; .40 _. ., .. __ .. 1 e" 1&#39;1 " oi! jar

.* 4 .- &#39 ,,,__,;.

&#39; <s1@,1=-<1!-7 RH

--7="92" "

&#39; *&#39 . .x ... :_

__ ;;--..: &#3
air-. *1 A -1 .4. &#39; ___ - _4 L &#39;.--Y-..r-. _.

-Y , @4 * _;_. &#39;5. __92__ . ___. ~w !! " T1 ,-3-A .. *1 *5 5 .:&#39;_ l YT 1:u-- . :5:&#3



ll i Q 0 4&#39;.

ALL ". cam rmronwmou _ -. mm

. 1.. - r, %. ,v *.,__I . .&#39;K -1 &#39;5 -.-.= 1 . . ;_ -" 92 . -I Y K. I ;n

I--921 Q


LU-l&#39;44..-3 4&#39;.;._.i_._;.3 5 L...!

F. :92 I Tr 92-





Q .

Ir. &#39;I ehQ__________ Ir. Ielh ____ ,____

Ir. I. 4 &#39;r-. 11., Hahn-al Bureau of Inuntigatiun

II. Clegg___,__, __ nu. u-u......., I|- Elem... II. GIIIII .. -1|;-g-A VOpeep-&#39; -u --- Lu. In - -1In Iclnti 92 an-. an -r

lnitch Stairs B1-partmrnt nfJultirr

umroux, um I

"55 11&#39; e .".I:. 1".1 .

P71-1 19100 60
Tee: A15 ........._ .._-...... <. 7.





Federal Bureau Investigation of /

IS!-1ingt@, Ce De

hh Qllhe.

I5 -


Pea-e. PI ............

_ _



In &#39;I9292e7............ &#39; I5-II GOf-....- -we ...._-----.. ---Q. 0 -._-1


Reference is
above-entitled letter.

J "

&#39;~ / - ~




DearSir: &#39;


- 71;



madeto the report of Special Agent - ---&#39;

re . n _I




92 1..


I : v .

-, --c
&#39; =1

P.1:.FGIIIOBT -&#39;1&#39; &#39;

Special Lint in Charge -

_-_f _ * _

E" -P. .~

~mns,L-.14 Ico. av.s;1A;


192.&#39;JU&E-D 6 2. _an ILL-! I AlI.|r{FORMATl0H auanunnmsrm YV 3 ccrmman =..1 &#39; KW -KY!" 7" A



2 APR s194o&#39; &#39;


=* &#39;

cc &#39;



J13 &#39;



0 32701 I L

1"ormHo.1 CITY Tm: oancnu-r|:o YORK cause AT HEW

. -.

RY l"&#39;ll-I 39-6]-"756

an .-

I 92 . K n AW 92 -&#39; Pm: 01 " OORMZ CE C

92 .L


hwimcl 3/2:/or 1./e/wiii/{ I

mmzor * hi &#39; W E

q-u|u;-|-Inn! CAB

1 . E

4|"3 J -=.., _ ~.

.,;,_ ;-~ A " *-- K ._ . . _

"E" ~


[ llrokl um:rr

IIATI um: mun


rnuon 0-on

&#39; W

smzvznslvz LCTIVITIE _, _

an-on-I Iv mu: ;~

- M4 Q La.w .- .r Pk 92, . Q. | -J


rm0Ps|s>FFA1&#39;==received Information thibepnms

92_92 .
I.3 92,

Comerce iciele have jo o1i Iie-fore occasions spoken

5e 1"o r thelI;e.rtfoI_d_.,_G9l1n- of the Chapter &#39;
themselves as ..&#39;oors and



members who describe

______ *

92_ - /
A 92 92
ix 92

orga.nization"in the S.claiming U. over 8,000,000 . W

not .iSH i1. Negroes. Series of six:L3JU prepared92,! GF articles 3 ii-egm YWC.l &#39; for a Hartford newspaperthis about Hoorish organization obtained and forwarded to Bureau.

|_ ~ 92

&#39; _. -cl-


:-r- -&#39; wiwe iris 92 W i






E&#39;1 ..ULS f

The information contained in this mltter was obtained from e confidential informant in Ha.rt.1 ord, Conn.

1../&#39; 0

.<.92. <5

giosecover.being name forwardedBureau is tothe under eparate

92- e *35,;1-L J &#39; ->

he believes i
"ins ellenc-.-,

individual known AA as
in thesummer of 1936

,. .,...


1 &#39;
an-n>~7mE no romlen

&#39; _-o@&#39;

mu ,t "

9% 6


"Grand c_ S"1ei . _ ".

VY , tame 41.;-er "0 ,

and estab:ish-xi--];oea.li3&tor In 35 of "The Moorish ea,_Ind"-which organization Science Temp]. of &#39; &#39;

resides in Brooklyn y5
92 .1

K |.

__% _

&#39; 92 "

1 92

We ,0 .11.:-9;f2._&#39;_;-1j.; Chicago, W m. I
H-I-MI" I&#39;"- MI-llll_

., 3


g-owed {curried orig_na1ly by

i -Ki

&#39;1 -.~_&.;

if 5 j i~r+-_==r-;&-1 &#39;_ iii

&#39;0 7

< 92 .

5;, .=;" . s-1.,-I

The informant further advised

to have over8,000,000 members

United States.

the United States." Hs stated further that this organisation claims at the present time throughout the

founded forthe purpose uplifting of

that this

the lot of the poor negro in

organization was believed 5



Q .

p ;_


this matter Iould be of interest

was the fact that on several

Informant the he Ft" that stated reason thought &#39

to the Federal Bureau of Investigation
of the Japanese Chamber

_&#39;2&#39; ? K -&#39;i .?r5&


of Commerce were reported to have spoken at meetings held by the

the JapaneseGovernment might spreading propaganda at these eeetings. be

Informant advised that he has a negro
given him spoke at
receives further

Hartford Chapterwasthere &#39;.. andtherefore,possibility If that, the

&#39; _ _, 92_ informant who attends_ the meetings
what transpired at the

occasions members

_,.-. . , _a.,.__ 6 ...,_ Wf 92_,._".-T -.... .&#39; =. M- 1, - _&#39;1 - V.-e ._ .=.~&#39; 1 .-

&#39; " .1; 1.e_&#39;t_ . &#39;.. _

&#39; _

__ _. ,.;

held and who has Japanese officials

in the event he

information about the Hartford


various meetings. He informed that this organisation has not been very active nsoently and the sumaer of 1939 was the last time that
meetings. He stated that
of " information about the activities

0 &#39;" &#3 V

this organization

he will

immediately notify

the writer.
the writer a photo of the

- &#39;-g .&#39; .., _ =_e_ V -j .....-..&#39; -v &#39;;f *,92,..:92_

Informant furnished

" .t-_~

cover of the "Holy Koran of the Moorish Science Temple of lmerica,l to this the informant furnished the writer rough draft proofs of six short articles he had prepared for possible publication in a Hartford newspaper. Photostatic copies were made of the above aatsrial and
one set
L I 92

and also

photos of

three inside

pages of

this sate

book. In



." ~" -1,;t" &#39; -" &#39;5 . i&#39; T . - &#39; """ .

H ,1. 1-I", =;; ~ &#39;

--.-_ -

set is being originals of

of these

retained in the New fork file on this matter. The the above were returned to the infornsnte g the lies York Dirisiog

photostats are

being forwarded

to the

Bureau and another v

the contrary. copiesthisreport are ho of being forwarded to the

Chicago Division inaamu as the aain headquarters for

on this setter by

Io further investigation will be

__ ~

anless the Bureau directs to l.

conducted i.


he:-1e.;&#39;9&#39;3oF-...Tnn e I. na-st.,-Chieege, Ill. 1 -

is given as "Noble Moorish Science._ Dreweili, founder, ~_ &#39; Taaple of s

this organization J;-. &#39;~=&#39;=
~ = _ .-.. _P &#39; ..."~--.- 7 ___, , .... __ __e_ --. .


-; i.

" ----*

_ .p-f$t;sua_to_r;a,;s?BvraiU ;.-w_i,__ .3;__,j. __ i 01p __ __ __ ;-h_ M, ~_-;~_ W

_ _ _ l-1-a-,_1-,.

Photostats of 4 pages taken Iron the "Holy

Koran of Lb; hoorish science temple of America," articles dealing. with this organisaticn. and six rough draft


6 ~*&#39;
&#39; &#39;r



_ s_

-.-.-.-,~ ,, ,_


Springfield, Illinois
"r|T92..l W!


T1-15-42 _ _



ROBERT vmsnnmou brgni;-? ""

&#39; " %


THISCASEORIGINATEDAT Springfield, 11112101!

on-om" E assoc AT

SYNOPSISnIc&#39;rs= oe On December 24, 1941, State&#39;s Lttorney CORNELL, Hound City,

nan uses 1|-on R2708 ! wusn remoo nsaoe Ec/ ev ! 1 211 2"4 &#39;2 I91 5-41 Illinois, telephonically advisedthe Springfield Field DiviIHGION,e. negro, wasbeing infiltrated at Hound City, Illithat he believed eerie e heetile to the interests

I&#39;ll-I &#39;491@"3095

&#39; -- _~_ ,_3__92

_ ;-F

- >r I


THESJ1&#39;EN_CI!3__TEl{PL uoonlsn amazes or I _


sion that the subject organization, headedby subject HASH-

of this government; * the organiserwas advisingthe negroeethat then the Japstake over this country, those belonging to this organization will not be molested. Investigation
and endeavors to enlist other colored people to join that

II .

disclosed that aabject EASHINGTCN e. l ohacmedsn belief is in

-I 1 I I
- a


faiths Subject denies he madeany statement to the effect that whenthe Japs take over this country, those eho belonged to his organization would not be molested, but sole parties

..I e_J

approached him etete he did e by

Chicago, Illinois, and C. CIJP.T1 BE} appears to he in charge -LAN of sane. Subject IIASHIHCIOH meeting with little IUGCOI-Ie It

quartere of

subjectorge.srIT1on 408 lestChicago is Avenue,

sucheteteu =

The hel_.1i-

1 I

I. I

,5-. ..

lloundCity, Illinois, have advised subject IHSHI should cease deceiving the ignorant colored population or they would consider prosecution for obtaining noney under ihlse pretenses or ooz1_fi=lence gene, and subject stated he Iould not at-

robes, State&#39;s etc. Attorney anderif CORNELL

texpt obtain other to any members for
. ME
OnDecenbe 24, 1941, t r

appearsis making he a living selling m I"/ by new b




Cit gllgnois,telmlhoned Springfield the Field Division end

&#39; at&#39;ei&#39; s

""" " wnnnlm,


advned11.11. &#39;t&#39;het7organisation ,is infiltl-itii ns a negro 1er&#39;e which ." &#39; &#39;7&#39; "an :7&#39; &#39;7: &#39; &#39;7 7 mi&#39; 2 ,9,
fA__, 7 _ fl": m_ L ,,__,_V.

7* AND arrnovzn

7 -3

ronwanuszny &#39;*- &#39; r __ L3 "&#39; A


&#39; *

A w.-ca-+ so &{Z7I 6;



E Hlreau


M __.,__-IQ--92;_.

__ _.._-,_-, ,; 92ia!92 +I> ~----=1-

.5 c

into Hound City, Illinois, which he this government. &#39; believes is hostile to the interests of

. ..5


B !0to be

C. a Temple

there is are told

of Rights at Chicago, Illinois; that in addition to the Temple of Rights, en inner circle; that badges and uniforms are issued and the negroes 1-hat whenthe Japs take over this country, those belonging to this ornot be molested.

Mr.isation, m CURTHAN EEY

the leader is called 4 oi which seems Chicago, Illinois, has what


- .;&#39; -&#39;e-_ .~&#39;-

ganization will

Hr. CORNELL advised that

on this C fde &#39;

he had

one of

their cards

in front

of him

and that the name of HOEL&#39;E,DREII, 930 Hudson Street, Chicago,

Illinois, appeared for -C

immediate investigative attention. Lw


Hr. CORIELL was advised that this

matter would be placed in line



that he

Interview was had *".t&#39;n State&#39;s Attorney WILLIAL CORNELL, who advised was notified of the above matter the day before by llayor JOHII ll. MOORE,
who is Chairman of the onal Defense of Pulaski

County, Illinois,broughton wife, who with him both colored, of Pulaski, Illinois, ined instant organisation at the behest of subject IZLSHINGTON; that are ignorant,they w d wife and brought with!t t thels
the robe, fez, membership card, and badges which subject WASHINGTON supplied had
both stated that they never knew subject ILSHIHGTON prior to
A111-Q L&#39;|.-.--_.-.-- _l-LL iuvauv one uugr .-I.-._ I. Iuul III

Pulaski, Illinois,



them; that

Is H R KB cwsnssaeqe-ad-ls +9292q+ ..-9 9-r?$9.. :&#39;$u UAABU A-sen-sssnn&#39;92&#39;92-as and -anus .4--e-92- A -L-. av-as uvu cu

the time

cameobtained their thatshould cards, and booklets; tha contact badges, join his in they membership organisation; and
pai &#39; d the

required fee the colored

and obtained

one of the robes present war be molested;

and a fess

that he was told by subject IASHIIBTOH that this organisation

betterment of race and that the will not was a war


the white and colored races; that

when the Japs take over this

country that
that subject


who are members of instant organization

INGTON alsotold all the negroes with whom he talked that the terms negro, black men, colored nan, and kindred names were nuns given the colored 1&#39;-ecple by the

1 1 1 J

white man thatthey were negroes Asiatics; slso stated but not but thet
that subject WASHINGTON charged him for each article xrnished and that

to the

present time

he has paid him

$16.90; that


he did

not know that

it was a religious TON made at the

i his robe

after which quite devoted Church, tore who is to the colored Baptist up
-. -1,-_-----t

sect he was joining until a few days ago when subject KASHMhis home that there was no God; that ALLAH was the God,
YLASHINGTOH that would not be a he member my longer.
stated that Agent should interview

5i 3a

and in

ormed subject

State&#39;s attorney COIINELL further

Mayor JOHN N. MOOREof Pulaski,

the robe

Illinois, for

further information,

and in


and other articles ih

over to the Bureau.

his possession

are desired,

he will

be glad to

turn same









- 1;

people claimeth praiseof it--but ndeththe the

sesseth it? 92

2. The statesmanproclaimeththat he hath

3. Evil isnot requisitetomamneithercanvicebeneoessarytobe tolerated; yet how many evils are permitted by the oonnivanee the of laws; how many crimescommittedby the decreeof the oomtill
4. But be wise, CI ruler, and learn, O thou that are to command

the nations! One crime authorizedby theseis worse than the escape of ten from punishment. S. When the peopleare numerous,when thy sonsincreaseabout thy table; sendestthou them not out to slay the innocent,and to fall before the sword of him whom they have not o ended?

6. If he objects thy desiredemanding livu of a thousand of the sayeth thounot: I will haveit. Surelythou forgettest that He who
created thee, created also these; and tlmt their blood is as rich as thine.

7. Sayest thou, that justice cannot be executed without wrong? Surely thine own words condemn thee. 00nfes3&#39;hl5 not thou unto him a criminal? Or art thou guiltless, guilt, art because cannotpunishit? he &#39; ._ 9. When thou commandest the torture him whom isbut suspected to of ill. darestthou to remember, that you mayestrack the innocent?

S. Thou who atterest with ialsehopes criminalthat he may the

as what is, and anguishhath caused innocence accuse to herself.

with his confession? Pain will ll.

12. O

- 10. Is thy purposeansweredby the event? Is thy soul satis ed

enforce him to saywhatis not,as easy

That thou rnayesi kill him withoutcause, not thou dost -worse
&#39; blindness to all truth! 0 insu icience of the wisdom of the

him innocent.

than kill him; that thou mayestprove if he be guilty, thou destroyeth wise! Know, when thv judge shall bid thee accountfor this, thou shalt

wishten thousand guilty to have gonetree, ratherthan one innocent

then to standforth againstthee. _ _ 13. Insu icientas than art to the maintenan&#39;cc of justice,how shalt thou arrive at the knowledgeof truth? How shalt thou ascendto tin footstepof her throne? _ 1&#39; _ 14. As the owl is biindedby the radianceof the sun. so shall the

brightness her counterance oi dazzle theein thy approaches.

15. If thou wouidst mount onto -her tnron" rst bow thyself at e, her footstool; thou wouldstarrive at the knowledge her, rst inform if of thyself of thine own ignorance. 16. More worth is she than pearls,thereforeseekher mrefuily; the emerald and the sapphire,and the ruby are as dirt beneathher feet; thereiore pursueher rnaniully. her, the toil shallbe to thee for pleasure. _

theeintoherport. Butweary ontheway;{or when arrived not art at -.3". 18. Saynotunto thyself: "Behold, breedeth truth hatred. and_I wil ivojdit; dissimuiation friends, raiseth and wiii ioiiow I it. Arenotiii enemies by truth,better made thanthefriends obtained attery? by
92 1

17&#39;. The wayto heris labor;attention thepilotthatmustconduct is

. "_

-. - s. a

&#39;FR<>T>3i==&#39;H<>I~Y2#HE st ._ r
him. he will
o ended

19. Naturally doth man

at it.

not apprehend and if it force itself upon him. he is it:


desirethetruthiyet,whenitisbeioIe l, _
It -

of man barethnot its splendor. &#39; e . 21. Wouldst thou seethine insnf cienoe more plainly?

Z!. Thefaultisnotintruth.fortlntiaamiable;b:rtthewesknal

thy devotions!To what end wasreligioninstituted, to but

Heaven alone art thou to hope for good? &#39; .

thine in rrnities,to remind theeof thy weakness, showtheetilt to


22. Doth it not remindtheethat thou art dust? Dnth it not teil theethat thou art ashes?And behold repentance, it not frailty? is 23. Whenthou givestan oath; whenthou swearest wit not thou deceive; behold spreadeth it shame uponthy iace,anduponthe faceof
him that reoeiveth Learn to be just, and repentance be forgotten; it. may learn to be honest, and oathsare unnecessary. &#39; I will not play the fool by halves." _ 25. He that heareth his own faults with patience,shall reprove_ _

24. The shorter folliesare,the better;saynot therefore thyl fz to

&#39; 92

mother with boldness. . T . 26. He that giveth denial a with reason, suffer repulse shall a with_:&#39;_ moderation. l. &#39; 27. If thou art suspected, answer with freedom W&#39;norn . in0m"""&#39; suspicion right,except guilty? d the &#39;1 -"-&#39;-1.; cations, proud rendered the is moreobstinate entreary; sense&#39; by the of I thineinsu ieience eornmandeth to hear;but to be Just,thou must7 thee hearwithoutthy passions. _ i
28. The tenderoi the heart is turned from his purposeby suppli_ Q .

&#39; cwwrsa xuv

stronv and unshaken. Its- name is Misery.


_ _ 4 -.9 .t_{






1. -Feebleand insu icientas thou art, 0 man, in good ineonstant thou art in plmsure;yet there is a thing in wk as

behold, what ,

thy breast alone. resideth; it without there nothing it. Ant! of
exert it, and thou shall trample them under thy feet._ _ __ 4. Thineentrance into the world, it not shameful? Thy destrucis man hideth his face; but he who killeth a


It is the character thy being,the prerogative thy nature; in of of is its source,but thine own passions? -.-

3. He whogave these, thee reason subdue thee gave also to thenI;.


tion, is it not glorious--Lo! adorn instruments death men the of with

gold and gems, wearthernyabove garments. and their

thousand, honored. is

. i;ustice the glory and the shame are misplaced 7 There is but one way

alter the nature of tnnh; neither can the OPIIIIOII man destroy of

&#39; _l _ _ &#39; di is can-_y 6. Know thou, notwnthstan ng, that in this error. Lustom by whichhe may be destroyed.
y _ {or a man to be produced;there are a


He who begetteth a



__ 92-l_&#39;" -L_ *__

In _ t.



THE mvmamsrnucrtonsl We L, __ We use

_ &#39; "i _

but trinmrhsandempire the rewards murder. are of

8. Thereistiopraiseor honor o who t him g-iveth&#39;beingtoanol!tu&#39;; *

whohathtaken awaythelife oi another, shallnot enjoyhisown. "10. While the savage eurseth birth oi his son, blesseth the and the
deathoi his father, doth he not call himself a monster?
are born unto; add not unto it by thine own pervaseaesl. _

9. {ct hewho manychi1dren,;aIldllt hath&#39;

ll. Thegreatest ahhuman is sorrow; much thisthou oi ills to oi
&#39; "

long with thee.

12. Grief is naturaito thee,andis always aboutthee;pleasure il a stranger, visiteththee times; usewell thy reason, sorrow and by and shallbe castbehind thee;be prudent, the visits joy shallnemain and of

narrow are the pathsthat leadto delight. &#39;

thousand at a time &#39;

13. Everypart oi thy frameis capable sorrow, itew and of but


_ &#39; _ .

14. Pleasures be admittedonly simply.but painsrush in a can


15. Astheblaze straw of fadeth soon it isIcindleso-pasle : as as , away brightnessjoy,and knowest the of thou notewhat becomeii. of &#39;
16. Sorrowis frequent, pleasure rare; pain cometh itself: is of delightmust be purchased; grief is unmixed, joy wantefh its but not
alloy of bitterness. &#39; &#39;

so the ni g nesttouehetn tossuccy Lll-II._ s......,... ll joy us e

17. Asthe smlndest ishiss tit than lightest health " perceived the-&#39;-rrret malady, "&#39;"" -st
18. We are in love with anguish; oiten we y from pleasure;
. 19. Re ectionis the business man; a sense his stateis his of of

whenwe purchase costeth not morethan it is fworth? it, it

that sorrow is aliottedunto .-=2. &#39; "&#39; ~ "&#39; 20 Man foreseeth evil that is to come;he retnembereth when the it

duty; but remernberethboy? not mesjcy, rst who himself Isit in a then,

deeper than the a lictionitself. Think not thy pain,but when is of it uponthee, thou shaltavoidwhatmosthurt thee. and e Z15 He who weepeth beforehe needeth.more weepeth than he
needeth;and why, but that he loveth weeping?
do the bearsoi the beaver tall, till the hound is ready miserytlnntbeeventitaelf.

it is past;he considereth that the thought af iction not of woundeth

. ~ -s 5&#39;

22. The stagweepeth till the spear lifted_agai.nst 90! not is him;
to seinehim: man i j _ 92 _ .

lntidpatc t death by

the apprehension it; and the {ear is greater of



23. Be always prepared givean aeeount to of action; time and beatdeathis that whichis leastpremeditated. ._ 1,,, --, G . &#39; _8 92

-&#39;2 -" - l *i
&#39;92 -. &#39; "3"--"1

. &#39;&#39;1&#39; _- vii; &#39; &#39;_ . -

&#39; - DI _v&#39;IN&#39;E A5 1-as omstnon THE

" 1&#39;1:-Thefalienjonsand ughtensofihe
{tmenea need to team to lo instead of hate,

higher uniting-oafn terms lower tEe

." 2. The key oieivilieation was and is inthehan g .

&#39; ;Meeea, for

inching and insrructmg MoorishA all

, _-

&#39; na ona. - Them Moorish, who were

the ancient Moabitees

fofthe I-Io_ly_City Mecca. of

.1 ._,.-._ i 7, &#39;1. &#39;-&#39;4."4&#39;-I. -ff ,-It-.&#39;_. -.1 -

- ,_

_ _,._

-- . I &#39; &#39; .--4 V

r;nou-rner1o1.vra9"PHer_ __, s7

4. The I-Iindoos of India, the descendants ofthe ancient Canaanitel, I-Iittites _andMoabites from the land of Canaan. &#39;
5. The
1_ -_~ T

.3. The Egyptians whowere theHarnitites, and a of direct demendant of Mizraim, theArabians, the seed Hager, Japanese and oi Chinese.
Asiatic nations and countries in &#39; North, South " and u:mral&#39;"

America; the Moorish Americans and Mexicans North America,Brain zilians, Argeniinians and Chiliam in South Alicia. ~ 6. Colombians, Nicaraguans andthe nativu of San Salvador in
Central America,

protectors of the Islamic Creed of Mecca; beginmngfrom Mohammed the First,the founder the unitingof of Islam, by thecommand of great the
universal God -Allah.

7. The Turks are true the dmeendants of Hagar, who the are chief
. _ -

etc. All

of these are Moslems.

&#39; 73-IE BEGINNING OF C&#39;riRIST&#39;u.92NIT&#39;i .

nations founded the rst Church, which cruci ed jeans of Nazareth for seeking to redeem His Pple from the Roman yoke and law.

L ..The- foundation pf Chistianity began in Rome. The


-.3 1" _..e-__,<, &#39;~:.&#39;.&#39; = I 1 ._._ ."- _E;.q &#39; _

_ J.-. _ 7; me Moabites and the inhabitants ofHis Romeed thepressure pale. skin nationscruci days - according of Africa. in $0 3. Sedcingjoredeem Europe, people those Him from
.. ._ ...Tii~-$7.
.2-*" 4; Europe Then had peacefor a long time until Mohammad the First cameupon thescene and ed the works of }~---- &#39;iul &#39;--"-"&#39; rlaw -r w

2. Jesushimself was thetrue blood theCi liniwl llld of of

-a I. r

-&#39;5. The holy teaching of jesus was

them under from

92 . ,| .,.--. OH--kl

the lamhmay lay down together andneither wqild morni g came. - " &#39; &#39; r -_
the rinei

ruIers_and the rich would

the great pressure oi hands the the of

not oppress the poor. Also

to the common

6. These teachings were not accepted rulefs, by the

&#39;__ Z?

les of the tenth commandment &#39; cc;


, 92 ti e-a

1 A 21


&#39; " .. r_.


"J; y -5
.- .=".

ricl1_- because they loved p

while the poor su er and die.


Through the tenth commandmentrulers the and the


. I!
4 92,_ :1 v -t 1

8. The lambs arethe poor people, the lions are the rulers and rich, and through Love, Truth, Peace,Freedom and justice ail men are one andequal to.seel< their own destiny; andto worshipunder theirown it

1. a A -

vine and g tree. After the principlesp! the "holy and viueclalls t
their forefathers. -_ .I &#39; V -e

but there but one true and divine way? is that peace may he obtained an being taught universally toall nations,in an lands.
-. e ,-- a_ _ i _

9. All nationsthe earth inthese modern are of days seeking page

_ - ;&#39;-___ - &#39;.I
_.-92 A

|. -s these days it through Love, and is Truth, Peace, Freedom .and1:]ustioe &#39;..~"&#39; -&#39; _- I-. .




58 THE


2. 01 man Cush hi! and family were rst the inhabitants of ea. .,"
3. His

word Ethiopia, which meansthe demarcation "line of the

father Ham and his family were aecond. Then came

&#39; &#39;

An-nexem, thetrue rst and divine name oi Airica. Hie di land between the father and the eon. &#39; i *&#39; 4. The dominion of Cush, North-East and South-East Africa and
North-West and South-West was his father : dominion of Africa.

lands joined them. 6. The Moabitea from the land of Moab who received permission

5. Inlateryearsmanyoftheirbrethremiromlkaiaandthelloly.

they were founders are true the and the possessorsthe present of Moroccan Empire. With their Canaanite,and Hittite
7. Their

from the Pharaoahs ofEgypt to settle andinhabit North-WestAfrica;

land of Canaan seekingnew homes e.

Amorite brethren who

f th sojourned rom
South-West Airica,

dominion and inhabitation extended from North-East and

South ahd Central America and also Mexico and. the Atlantis Islands.

" " even across the great Auanns unto

the present &#39; Hor:n.""

of Egyzt, dredged with the o Egypt in thoseancientthe in orderby thegreatsurroundinig Also to trade Pharoah kingdoms. Niger iver was
days for trade, and extends it eastward from River the Nile, westward
across great Atlantic.It wasused fortrade and the transportation. -" 9. Accordingto all true and divine records of human the race there is nonegro. black, colored or race attached thehuman family, to because oi the ancient Cariaanite nation from holy the land ofCanaan. . 10. What your ancientforefathersyou were. are todaywithout
contradiction. . _ "-

Before thegreat mrthquake, which caused greatAtlantic Or.-an. the 8. The River -Nilewas dredged and madeby the ancient Pharoahs

ail the inhabitants of Africa were and areof the h-...--,,_-- race, %ce.&#39;:&#39;.lanu

doubt of

universal Creator Allah Hirneelf.

of America. . &#39;

nature ofhis forefathers; unless his power utendsbeyond the great

_ p .


There no onewho is able tochange man is from the descmchra

12. These holy and divine IIWI are from the Prophet. Noble Drew Ali, the founder of the uniting of the Moorish Science Temple ii, laws Tone are to be siriciiy pruerved by the oi Iii


form under the covenant of Love, Truth, Peace, Freedom and Justice;

the Temples, the Moorish Science of Temple ofAmerica. That they will learnto opentheir meetings guide and them according the printo ciples oiLove, Truth, Peace, Freedom Justice. and , 14. Emmy subordinate Templethe Grand-Major Temple to of is
laws andcust6ms,92in conjunction the lawn oi with

-and 1:

-,*,&#39;};;;is sure_ to mme.;92; , &#39; &#39; &#39; * &#39;

~.-&#39;1 -__ 15. The _ &#39;,.~1 . *&#39; -9

. 1-

d le. the Holy Prophet andthe Gran T emp I, the Prophet, NobleDrew &#39; all Asiatic: ofArne:-iea_to A|wrassentbythegreatGod,AJlah,towam

create their


{rota t_heir&#39;ainful great ways; before &#39; &#39;

time has comewhen every

.. ,

and iv fv1<92=.w&#39;==.=&#39;s y ."92 !

&#39; .. ., _ "1 &#39;+1..

- &#39;*andtree,every tonguelmovm. wme and must confess:_&#39;;;;;.; g


&#39; &#39; mhon must _ worship under its A _ _ Q "&#39;

= ,;i..&#39;.:,.1! ___,_,&#39;4 1" . . - s &#39;n~_f _~-;_V "-v.

&#39; "

~ &#39;

-. a _ _ &#39; - .,I ._,_....-. -_,-&#39; d

&#39; - . &#39;

.&#39;......._ .&#39;-~"&#39;"r"*- &#39;

-e . __

92_ 5 t , a-1 &#39; In _ _ r &#39;



due to the f
forefathers. "

is wh the nati


Asiatic: of

them 1774 and in ta word

America who were of

17. That

of Europeof whomtheyirnew nothing. e

. .. ?e":"

not the principles of their

mother an


pared divinelyin due time by Allah to redeem menfrom

my/a;r*a}aLd themgreat wrath i_.1_anre wam to the of which to .&#39;_ a

.--"-inch was to
warn and stir up the nation and prepare them to receive the di

he mnghtby Jeras.

Allah, toteach the time old religion and everlasting ~the gos
and tree, g and return to their own

his name is Noble Drew Ali: who was prepared and sent to

did tmch and warnthe nationsof the earth to prepare to ing Prophet; who wasto bring the true and divineCreed

prepared by the grmt God-Allah

and his name is "Marcus

of men. That everynation shalland mustworship under their

and he one with their Father

92 1&#39;: I 4 - -. _ 5 . iG&#39;lAP&#39;l"Hl -J .: Lv





OF p

r. :"., . i


1. Thelast Prophetthese diyiil in NobleDrewAli,

E :

2. john the Baptist the was forerunnerjean of

3.o Inthese modern there days mrne ax forerunner,

... .. H E &#39; 4

.;g, -. "

I ._ "2 t_ _., _ _.._~_g&#39; __I_ _ T 1 L__ __* J__ Eacnszm _ 4 7 _ E? i gutig FEE __________:__________________E__p____t______: ___q $>I%_ F_ Q _l Egiggg "I. E _ E53: E! FE . &#39; __ _ ___ tJ_m_q__ nu_ h ______J_____ __g___s_ fa _&#39;_ & . _92_ ___ K , f ___rn___________[_____.______F|.I|L|i_&#39;_92| |__{_. gag? F it ~_ Q .__________._________- __________ _qr%______W_ M _ 8&#39;}: VE I_ 92 6i__ &_ __ .5J rF#39;11 _g Ei&iEEIFTL 2 % k %H V Ij E_:___F ;:I ,_ _A_&#39;_:_ 33;. ___&#39;__ _ J, :2 ___ ___ Tzomx H| 92 ___ F_i ?=&l ____V Egg __ ?_______.__|____&#39;liImg i_.HIm __il _s___:!_F__|___I n__>1_d__L___ ~LF,_l.Hl:II _f"__ _____*______:__U___r 92|_ 92| 92 _____.=_____ _v_______:_______________&#39;___rL___________ g>___=____ i_ _I___&#39;}_|E9.lP: _!ii"b.. ____________ Q_>H___ _EiEq%i{iE Qgz ______w__.________________E____>_______________________&#39;_| n_____&#39;_ ________O_._____:______::m_________l________ : :_EU:=l &#39;F Hiiig853%? E3Es_FEg s&?igEwEil.L ___________________:__I______________92_ 92_&#39;_|_____I.__~ E_.____________&#39;_I B__ _____ itr4_| __ }92iI92 ___I____________ Q____ZJ __|__"_II: C_at____?_-rEFiiiI&#39;I.L _____ Q_;3HH___=_ Il&#39;__r.&_Ul. l____&#39;F _| _|l| l| -1 _F pFEiEi __m_:r I Eg*_<_? &_ti__%KL%B 7_ g_x__FEE&_tTi%B ?s?Fili |il zB _

_ _h_____H____ _____ _1__ hr Q _________ _= _g_5_ :21 W___H___=_____H __ E; E 92 _ " _|__2 .__ -_ l_ __. __ _|,__ 92_%92_ q__ __ ~h V_ _ _ _ n {__ _ _. ____&#39; &#39;__ : E{_aF_ MJ _v_<_i_&#39;zm__m_M_92aszm 1:1 __ ,_I _ _V_I3 hI,|h.&#39;E.si_E. I_F!__P I_F_,Ff__F____3 E __ _I I iFI&#39;IEa __l E,rn&.ls:i "&#39;Fs?9$ _, H _ __ ___E|___ _____________l______________:_i___u____ 7 1* AI F ___ 4 __rm________________ IF? Ifgs _E_ ____ ________1____ __f______ 7 g_=FEFgR Iiiqg V_ i_______:_____________!____._P|__&#39;___!________________ N" iwiuar_{rOiLi:sF _____ ____________ ______a EE ________ ______ BE g _s __ "3 giljll 8_ ___ __q_ __J___U fl g _*&#39;?F&#39;__grEE 1 __ ___92 E_ O_ __ _ids? __5 ___ EC ??? __.un H I ga_l__v_ >___ 5; -R _l& =1 M 1 8 21* rig !-F I= FV is 3N __i_|_ Q mi _wAH_ x _92L_ :___HE____u________ ?&#39;_3&#39;________F|_?m__F_ _&#39; tF mg _v___:____|m_ m__E__ S_|__. dig 5| I:E ail? E=3 _u __92 :05 :5,_ iiSE m__s_ i1,__ ___ 9&#39;3__? _nag. __ _ frW: _A__92____w* ____ _ 1 i 92 _ :_4_u 1-In 3 2? I5; Q _ =5 2: ES5 :3 _ ___ H_=___ &B Eng K _ ___ ___ g_,::_ E<_ mg _F_ in _______a_____q____:____ma_m________ |_ EsgE_i:lig_%N .__1h___ iR .E ____ _______L_E_________2____E____;___.__l_____ ________________ <__ __MW2_____g __~_ A L_ :x L gf E5 9_E 92___$:__z__F_ __r 7 _. I_ um _:___n________y____ _________ _________a egg ___ FF ______ ____&I_ ,M _ kin mi ______________________________________ __________a I7w 2_ EEH n=>3E_ _r_ |__ _ 4 ~ _ ____ _____W__|____ PE mi 25 _____ I ___ ____ _x_ <E E>3F _r ____<F Q5 q F lK ____Dk_____m___ _=_m:_H_N_W_k :0 T Q J Ky __ _J _____ _ P3 E1 _ ,F $35 Q 2% gr EQF gag EmZ_ up __U__f E 1__ LI E. a __ El 1 _aw Si ____ ii1 F| HH ______ ______i___ :_____ E_____ E:____>___H_H___ _E_____ k 1 lF x______ _ hmig . ;_<_ 1: g t :1 ________a_____ 5 1 if? *6. __&#39; . 3: tit ___________ H i5 EM __ _______________________________:______|l_l______ _M U=.<_=_ IIM2, *M _r<=__: N5____ _qh__;______M_ K; } Mi iH F H 92 _______l____ __ gig =&_!_ _ giE_ii i i, _i 5% ? E_ii E i_|9_E i$ _i Lr ILiz*W v Egiiiiwb} A it ____ ______ __________ =____ _H :1 ||1.__i!1 azni ________________________ __________ _____F_ _ :&_EE_ ggk Rs Eng ___ __E___ mi]? E_ _______ ___5__&s E__ 1_Iiiiiii_ ____ E1 E :-hi wit]? En #8 H8558 _ n giig E_____ _i _!_i =_____ g zE E_F _____ 0% 5 i _=&_i : a Li ___s_!_|H_ I ____ _ B____n E__ ___ E8; ._.g gig ___ E3 SE E H; n___w_________|_|______| f_i_S__i om FE _? E _ N 8 ___i H n iwBG_Hii% :_EEEW% __|_.E%_&#39;E:_=1liit!_ >___9

, a

&#39; 92 . _. I

"n - -..

4 F<92d&#39;i-*


Th hllcnsons Jlughnn uul

Asilhc NahumolNo|tl|Ana-la

I . f-P 4

.:"F 1.
=7".. :&#39; " -1-

lam In lovchnlauclolhlqnnl

92 $|ll|cIr Hgbcnlfand lowull

lie nailing lie HolyKamacl of Io: ll: lnclllng and Moorish Ancrkuqdc.

.- .& -

&#39;., $&#39;~ &#39; .,1 &#39;

__ ;_r 1!"

I Q n --4




&#39;--r&#39;.". 92- A ._ . 1&#39; : .926, l -3&#39;-&#39;-V =&#39; &#39;* Jv ___! * &#39;_ s92&#39;v -~

. .K..._ .._u..

_. 492 .. .

! P


~. . ~, -I PM


.,._&#39;_ _ ---&#39;-. ___

Tlhv llnnrinh
Al I I11-A --- -I.-_I&#39;l|- --1--||--A alt; -at-t.._ -u u|-_- IL-lb ";&#39;;.|g||Ian of the Iocrlalt Holy Tatnpla lgtanga at la la porar to makela! ant aatn-ea laa-a with the laalltaara the Pruphat lha of amt GrandB01}! the or Ioollah HolyTunpla of Ielaaca. &#39;.I"he Grand anlataat lhall ta to aaatat Grandlhalk in all attairaif tha ha liraa aaoomu;to Lara,Truth,Pa-4. heettoa: Jnatlea. it la known and and halora the nambara Lha of Ioorlah Holy Talnpla of Iclanca. AC! l. All IIQIIBII ara to ha ulmad andclvladprc-natty acoordllta thaclrcla lo &#39;I&#39;lll Truth. Paaea.Proldom and Love. anti iuatlea.Tricia!taouriioiy Tray raat, of banana on a Friday the Ilrat than was tormadta flesh and on afrldar tlvalira: unaa-nteuanad 6! aah and aacaadad on an1o&#39; Ina lather Goa allah, tor that canae Irtday la tha l-loly Dayfor all Ioala all .Ir_artba world. AC1 l. Lova, Tratll, Paaca.Iraatlum and Janka Iaat ha praclalmatl pracand ttaadby all Ialbara of tha Ioorlah Iloly Tamplaoflclaaea.llonaltbarhtopnl. ta danger aeenaaIalaaly or Illa brothor or atalar anyaouaton all that lay harm an at lta l|rot.l|ar alatar, Allah or iaealaa h Lina.

- . .&#39;m, _?___ ._

at Flvmp
ii i.--%"| ii riiii_ ii r

Thei Divine Constitution By-Laws and

m1-nae:-aaanautu an a aartaal a janhl I t, all hot that tl new nil-lqlrarr aat

AC1 I.--All Ilhara Irtrrl past than Holy and Dlvlltalava, andall Ianhtra moatobi! tha lava tha govaranaat, of

ara a part partial the goraralaattt. of an] Iaat lira. tho Ilia aouila y. 92 an I.-ni onmnuon of at HoorQ Bolyfaltplaallctaaealaaot toeanaa

bacaaaa a hmll Ioorlah Llaarlean, you

1r.&#39;.. ;,- :4. --_.

clalithalraattaaalttya Iar tad: &#39; paopla lthdr

=___ __ --W "14-%: :n.-- -._... =-~ -a lyatava iollarata llllaldl hlal tlli larlaltlatl-adahvali.

Oaleratl Paopla Ialll. Ilaat at a

any-alaataaartoarartlroathahnaad ohatttilhl Ill pvaranaat attla hat to


aaaIq&#39;aoIt:tIaaoI.aa4all Iaatpro:lalithalrt&#39;

tioyllraaadthaaatlnaallla awn-1-;;@me=-.=. _._

I-haaalvaraaarlatnatlllabta Prophattnldaanhh Qfllraya. Ila

tlalaaraaaata Ii ll llllaltltd
Ioath aatara acr 1.-a.llI auaaltldr aala I Iaral III-ll-llllntl

1 Il|laol&#39;latnea.tbn


of lnuntigatinn

amhcral Iurrsn

Hnitcb ltatclBepartmzntfiif Ifaljtife. . ..

Springfield, Illino1HEE N> &#39; ISHJIA I[UN CQNTAINED A 118.1942 UVCLAS "

Pr 5iliTE,_._,,; 1LBYs|r|E In C3

Director _ LI? Federal Bureau of Investigation

Washington, D. C.


Internal Securit1_
Dear Sir:

J_ if?

if " ""*92

In compliance with a request madeby the Chicago Field Divi-


Special Agen Springfield, Illinois, 28, dated January


sion in a teletype dated April 7, l942 to the Jackson and Springfield Field Divisions concerning the above captioned matter, this office is transmitting the Jack Field Division one copy of a report of

e -..: V

This report
for their assistance

is being

forwarded to the Jackson Field HA

an investigation of the above

in conducting

captioned organization, which is reported to be preaching to negroes and attempting to cause unrest and racial hatred among the negroes
in Hississippi. r

It is

believed by this office

the above

that possibly

there might be a
an the organiza-

File 55=305} inasmuch as it is noted that soee oi the policies and in both of these organizations are quite similar. Both .. of - ----..... these organizations are presently under investigation by the Spring. rp|?_" 92 Field &#39;~ field Division. teachings &#39;1 1.?

K/vi Very
A review
that the
Eastern Hbr1d

tion knownas "The/facific Movement of EasternWbrld&#39; Springfield the

connection between

captioned organization


truly yous,
in the latter case
copies of

Q ~.92

of the Springfield File

Division has

the last

two reports submitted in the case entitled "Pacific

Jackson Field

been furnished

Hovement ofthe

ny X

CO P.--


u 1

92. gt |. -


~92_- -, --a. H. caowt, 8 &#39;

6-&#39;*n&#39;- "9
_ &#39; "



Fons Ho. 1 -

C J!

IReport made at

-JACKSON, &#39; MISSISSIPPI 5-as-1.2 &#39;Z;;j3i


Period Report &#39; mode by

Character case of


JALE;;L@J !-





&#39;:&#39;: WT7 7"*7? &#39;1": &#39; &#39;77

. .,. u 7 : &#39; M

Synopsis facts: Infonnation of received that subjectorganization


is organizing a iocal chapteramong negroes the

and teaching them that the Japaneseare i i,,,hta war of liberation for the Asiatic recs,
of which r;ce neoroes are members; that the



.-. up



and that the negro Moorish!:.e..&#39;.bers in good

Japanesearmywill invade the United States l

with the Japanese will be

while others will be

standing,with the organization, who cooperate killed. Local uroup

treatedas brothers

&#39; &#39;
/a &#39;

in HoL.".es County, Mississippi, raided by

.St at e Grand Jury.

officersandseveral members indicted um C1 oy

~ P1976/ BF3._E/ _ " ReportSpecial. of A",ent deted

at Syrinbfield, l-2.8-2.2. of April 8 end ll U oneconversations had Iere

&#39; RE -1 Y0:

|,G&#39;53 Eh

-I. __
C :.,_ . ,2 ~.-1&#39; , as _

. II


V thathehad custody in &#39; &#39;1 &#39; Sherif

feet ,

with Sher l


in whichhe insistedthat he weea.lloor. Sheriff

and had started an ergumen

to rideonthebus thesection in jbvided ~

that _
iver f

had arrested been byhim 7 Inf e bus in the town of Beleoni. situation arised virtues! J hadby the M
~T --1

who this advised office

_v .

_: _,
I -1-J.


" i J -I___1:2,; -N} .. ->i_92 1 . 7em

Copies thif report of

1&#39;.-ii Ob ;"N 3&#39;


~J 3255/ ,

J &#39;
-,-,_ &#39;92

ii ;

coey Fit > is



"&#39;13-1-3 F -/ H J __


L; }:L[l__.!_5SKI , ILLINOIS1;


Interview was had with layer matter to State&#39;s Attorney he knew about the

JOHN H. IOORE, who CONHELLand that he call


he reHound that a


City, that from his colored b I&#39;/ name tha s thatIllinois;told M he ascertainedorganizing close he in he was member, knew and man by the of the a negroes
tell him all ole organization; office, and he gave him all the information related to Ag nt CORNELL; that in order to avoid duplication, he would go wife bring them to his office for mterview with agent, -




fice of

the EOORISH$CIEi ICE TEE-;PI..E id.E&#39;-QICA OF that at a later

took him to the home of ss 3&#39; J
him their fez and robe

&#39; &#39; by P

iiayor HOORE_ I Th
the name o


wife,colored, interviewed were in the ofOBERT &#39;


eke to

brother in




a ood chin oin, sub d&#39;ASII[ GTONshowed to that ect and sister his
and stated that the cost of joining would not amount to



very much

although He stated he

they did not state

what the amount would be. amounts to date:


has paid the following Fez

$ 3.80
.50 5.00 ,

Girdle Robe

Membership card

I75 each


Dues per month


He stated that he has paid the above amounts to subject ILSHINGTOHfor

robe and


and also
fez for __-H

for his wife

her. , -

with the exception


he has not yet

bought a

: F stated subject that told that him Japan 5 q 0/Italy s to take further States over; thatWASHINGTON happenand the United he first said it would in 1941, and when it did not happen then, he stated it was to be in September 2 194-1; that all who did not join this organization would be killed, but they July,they would not be molested but would be mademasters insteadif servants U joined, of . as they have alirays been in the past; that by joiningthis organization he would to Army because Italy K not have9000 fight in the and when the war wasand Japan would take them by truck ti and ous miles west over would bring them back; that

< 1

_ ii,

he also was given one of the books which subject TIASEINGTON called his Bible,
but *.-hen his -wife read some in this book, they discovered it was against the

Christian religion,

and he threw it in the stove and burned it up and notified

..- --1 mu

_ , ._ ~. .;.-..w-.. _l.-....._..

~ l__ -



-_ . ,.--.__92


except ALLA_, e od of the Hohammedans. the subject not to come to his house again

ganizatiommfurther advised thesubject there God that states is no

He added that he finally ordered and that he has not done so.

paper and ms

argued with him a

numberof times since

he quit the ore

than five
have been induced to

hiswife stated that they

negroes, other
become members of this

aresure there not are more

that the

or six other

than the immediate




people now know that

the subject

is obtaining

money from them by false


who they stated started join to gnsgant organization e

I tef

g had iigh



membership card and badge and received same, but have not paid anything more
and refused to do so because they did not have the money to spars; came to the conclusion that subject WASHINGTON was making a racket and they out of this


v I


matter as he did not work at any gainful occupation. They added that they could not see that they would receive any benefit from being a memberof this
organisation. They also advised that subject TULSHINGTON did not tell them that when the Japs took over this country that they would not be molested, lint he did say the resent war was a war between the white illld colored races and the colored race would finally win; t;;at he also told therr. they were not negross but Asiatics; that they will not have anything further to do with tnis organization, and they feel sure the subject is not having any success in obtaining




new members at
that he



and do
most ave



he has more than

rsn bed p





themmen car an

nished them by the subject, which are being maintained in the Springfield
in this case-

en e Astw


gee -



7 xi
&#39; s. - _. .&#39;- -, 4 ._ 1 . .

view with

in Sheri f lie the to directed accompany Sheriff Agent for intert s t ent conferred that with States Attorney CORNELLwho called to arrest the suojec and stated the Sheriff had his authority

subject &#39;.&#39;{ASHIiGTON to jail if it was bring him necessary case he refused to allow the Sheriff to examine his papers, etc.,

to do so or in pertaining
.-_ p

to instant organization; that in case the subject refused to turn over the list of his memuers and any literature he may have, he would cause a warrant to be issued for his arrest for obtaining money under false pretenses-


3heriff_acccnpanied Agenttheshackwhich to in
G in t e river bottoms north of L!

i ,



HASHINGTQKQ stated that he originally came from Jackson, Tennessee; he has spent the last two years in Chicago, Illinois, and while there be-

came aware

of the fact that the negroes are not, in fact,

parading in robes and _!&#39;6&1"&#39;l1&#39;l[. a fee and sras told

negroes; that he saw

that he could find


< *


out more about them

by going

to the

headquarters of


A ;..: .; ,[.r&#39;-_ - as

OF AHERICA, ehict, at that time, was located at 51%Q Indian: Avenue, Chicago; Illinois, and which was in charge of C. CURTHAN HEY; that he Joined the novemsnt and has been a field man for the organisation ever since; that he is called a minister by the organization and his success is measured by"thm nulber of new members he can convert to their belief-

S s iv

Pulaski, and Hounds, Illinois, and are all/the members hasobtained: he

He further

stated that

the following

are the

members at



F 792 r_
L _. 3..1I


He advised that the headquarters of his sect is now located at 408 "Heat Chicago Avenue, Chicago, Illinois, where full details concerning same may be obtained. He insisted that ne never made the statement that when the Japs took over this country, those who were members of instant organization would not be mlested. He asserted that he was a good American citizen and would fight for this country if needed. He advised
sion and that when

s --"*"

that he
he obtained

did not

have a supply of
he sent

literature in
in thier

his possesthe head-

a new member,

names to

quarters and
and collected receives as

the literature

was sent

to them, through
one cent

him; that he
of the

delivered same
money he

= 4 1&#39;

the fee; that he did not retain all must be sent into headquarters-

amount of

He presented Agent with two copies of the Constitution and to-laws of the Moorish Science Temple of America, one copy of the Koran questions br Moorish Americans and an old copy of the Holy Koran of the Moorish Science Ten-

ple of

America, which._are

being forwarded

to the

3.ll&#39;8B. lJ. with of copies


to him again that taking the money of the colored torney COHHELL had stated to him that he would consider
taining money
ther efforts

Sheriffmadvised subject WASHING-TCNrras ltin case that it reported people that State&#39;s
filing charges
would make

for obno fur-

1_ er"

under false
to obtain

pretenses. Subject
new members.


that he

Following is
Agent from interrogation:

the description

of subject

WASHINGTON as obtained


Age 53



Birthplace Jackson, ,1 ti.


,.I r

Weight 165


e !~_

Build Slender Complexion Bonn

.{ c

skin negro


5 &#39;
..1. 1

Hetionelity American
Race Colored

Marital statue
Relatives Sistere~

Brothels &#39;

T! <
~ _> 4... .-4---

If After reported St theWILLIAM the results n-. the completion of interview with s1;g_;-;,,1&#39;r thecommu, the subject, and Agent stoteo Attorney of

1 A .. it that ves igetion, wio stated tHt to Qt Jir-tu tkc~g;*U this case micht be connected in some way with whet was formerly known the Pacific Movement of the Ealtern as

World, which was promoted extensively in Pulaski and hlexender Counties, Illinois, but which was broken up by 0&#39;-&#39;:&#39;te.i:1in{_; izldictrnents cg-;;..I;ist the 03-5:..1".izcrS in the State Court for obtaining money under false pretenses and by jeans of the confidence gaaeg that in view of the feet that the subject has not made much progress to date in instant organization, he will not institute proceedinge against him
at this time, but if he State Court for obtaining should codinne, money by meene he will of the cause him to be indicted confidence gene. in the



1. Ire
2. One

copies of the constitution

of America. Koran Questions copy of

and by-lmrs of the Ioorish

for Hoorish Americans. .,_./

cience Temple

3. ne

of America.

copy of

the Holy

Koran of

the Moorish

Science Temple


&#39; &#39;2

A =,_._92. -.1-w

f P E



.- ,", ,___



tmnsvzmren nuns_
, &#39;- e4


_ &#39; i_ A
_ -


um mar moan: It especially and om-r. 1| desiredascertain 1: to en.rP&#39; >=-ganization in hostile to thebest interests theUnited States of Government
that when

it Chicago,Illinois: I111 make appropriate investigation at 408 lest Cbicago Avenue, EIcego, Illinois, concerning the Ieorish Science K I Temple of America. The individuals incharge appearbeknown as CUR! to O
in view of the fact that subject ILSBNGTOH stated to persons solicited has
will not be molested. &#39; V _ V V.


.- ~ _ es ~L -&#39;-__ ;92 -v-,w--- z we

the Jeps take overthis country, those who belong tothis organi-

--E;;n 92 f &#39; "I

~,_ ,9, - .| 1 _,1_ __ , &#39;-._*__ -. . -~. .._-1 1 773:3" L .!_ ziia " , .a_ -"an.-" :.-ran ..1

It is also requestedthat if possible, the connection of subject ILSHINGTGN with organization be obtained. this Q i 5

-_ 92. F?" w



Q -

-." &#39;.r

V .4-&#39; .
&#39; &#39;1!

"l - "g&-&#39; & , 4-_ ,, -5.;:. _ peee ,- r_&#39; ew. ~ ~. s- -&#39;_,;,&#39;_ - -. T;

e15? * 4"

*4n, . ._|. 1,3 . 1,-. 4&#39;1 *- P .

4 ,15._l_.__ , .= f 1-.$;= --=





2 w.



=iZL? V;

92e I&#39;J .

, I71



W- V _.


M001 !-ill American Prater

ALLAH the Father of the Universe.


the Father

Love, Truth, Peace, Freedom justice. and ALLAH

Protector, my Guide, and my Salvation by night and by

day, through His Holy Prophet, DREW ALI. Amen!.

Koran Questions
1. fho
2. Vt ho is ALLAH?
i_Him. N0.

for Moorish

of the

made you? ALLAH.

the Father

Universe. _ __. 3. Can we see

4 Where

i the heart.

is the

nearest place

we can

meet Him?


S, Vt h0 is Noble Drew Ali?

6. What 7. What

He is ALLA]-I&#39;S Prophet.
of Allah

is a Prophet? A
the flesh.

Prophet is a Thought a Prophet?

manifested in

is the duty of
wrath Of

To save nations


8. V92&#39;h0 is the

founder of

Drew Ali.

AMERICA? Noble founded? 1913 A. D.

9. What year was the MOORISH

10. 9292&#39;here? Newark, N. J.


11. Where was NOBLE DREW ALI of North Carolina. 1886.

born? In

the State -

12. V92&#39;hat nationality? Moorish-American. is his 13. 92&#39;92&#39;hat is _v0l.Il&#39; nationality? Moorish-American. 14. 9292&#39;h_92&#39; are we Moorish-Americans? Because
descendants of Morrocans and born in America.

we are

15. For what purpose was the Moorish ScienceTemple

of America Founded? For the uplifting manity. _

of fallen hu-

ili5%_ J _-F E&#39;E __?

36. 37.

What does the name Jesus mean? Jesus mews justiee. Did the A nge&#39;|to the Child that was called jeans g i92e &#39;
who are slaves to sm. _

a Holyname?Yes, it cannot used those but be by

What is an Angel? An Angel is a thought of
ALL.- 92I-I manifested in human flesh.

38. 39. -I-U.

Whatare Angelsusedfor? To

carry messages to

the four corners of the world, to ail nations. What is our Prophet to us? He is an Angel of ALLAH who sent to bring us the Everlasting Gospel


9292&#39;hat Everlasting Gospel? It is the is

Poweer that comes from ALLA}-l

a Saving
through our

. 92ncient Fathers, hy His Prophet


92his the 92&#39; &#39; Covenant of the Great GOD-ALLAH? at &#39;

be long upon the Earthlantl which the = Lord

G01.!-.-&#39;92l.l..-92Hgiven thee. hath
43. 44. 45. 46. 47. 48. 49. 50. 51.

Honorthy Father andthy Mother.that thy daysmay


At what age did Jesus begin to teach? At the age

of twelve.

9292&#39;here teach? did He

India, Africa

and Europe.

--E s Q t |.. <

How long did He teach? Eighteen years.

d Jesussay that wouldmake you tree?

S2 53 54.

Vfhat is TRL"l&#39;H? TRUTH

is Aught.


pass away. BREATH.

9292&#39;hat Aught is Aught? is

change? TRUTH


eannot change, or
HOLY is,

What other namedo we give to TRUTH?

_Allwe can say it

and everinore formed

Whathave to sayabout HOLYBREATH? you the

is Great. It IS good. It was, it
AMEN. of Eden. to be. In the Garden

At what placeon earthwasthe physical part of MAN

9292&#39;here of Eden?In theland Canaan, istheGarden of

in the City of Mecca. V92&#39;hat modern name for the Garden of Eden? is the




_ _ ..

,. e__ _.., ...,


liF EI 92

- --I

What did the Higher-self say to the Lower-aelt at one time when He met Him? Where are you going

.92.7 L 2

What was the answer that the Lower-self gave to the Higher-self? l am going to and {ro the earth seeking whom 1 may devour.

Has he nished
When was

His task of devouring? Yes.

declared out? When He nailed

His time

Jesus on theeross.
What are the last words Jesus uttered?
What did
to the Yes.

It is nished.
He had reference

He have

reference to?

end oi

Did Jesus say that He would return to conquer Him?

What is the name of the person into whom Jesus

was rst reincarnated? Prophet
the Conqueror.
Was Satan When was to be bound them? Satan of Satan was to be 1453


bound in part.

_ e
taken o ?

the head

By whom? By Mohammad. Name some of the marks that were put upon the MOORS oi Northwest, by the European nations in i774? Negro. Black, Colored and Ethiopia. Negro, a name given to a river in West Africa by
Moors. because to science What does it contains black water.

9292&#39;hat isby the word Black? Black meant

means death. the word colored mean?


Colored means

anything that
or dyed.

has been painted, stained, varnished Ethiopia means some-

What does Ethiopia mean?

thing divided.

Can a man be a Negro,

, No.

Black, Colored or Ethiopian?

and after

Why? Because
the likeness

man is made in the Image


of God.

What title does Satan give Himself?



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_ .g. -MAJ! .;._p|,&#39; H ___ ;_2 e

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__. _*_w, 1 *1 :_:.1H?r

*@qPs ~--*= -. -;

# .

___,_ works teachings an in India, Europe Africa. and Thole evmk


The enealogy Jesuswith eighteen of years of tht ." EntI,,_

ulLcI92-furred was yearsage. He , &#39;*thoselove and ofto These lessons __ - F -all before Jesus of who thirtydesire aboutl - Q.|-&#39;knowsecret 1 - ~ lyh teachings.
.Ie.arn love of to instead to hate.
J:-. Deer readers, not falxly ase t.h.ese"..l-:sson_=. do Ilse; ere peace lmppiness all those and for that lov&#39;e jesus. .;-&#39;Y 4,; _ Dear mothers, teachthese lessons your little ones, to that lhg may ;-..;


humanity.I ama prophet theservantworthy as and is oi youcanreceive pamphletexpense. ruwn thele-ielaclll this at The _&#39;_&#39
havenot been known

Dear by iathers. these lessons can house you set-your in_otiie: ~&#39;=;.&#3 and yourchildren learnto loveinstead to hate. l will of &#39;- &#39;~f&#39; 1* ,-!92s_!,9&#39;~ Thelessonsthis of pamphlet notfor are sale, butfor le Of&#39;.""-.3,"

&#39; 1" "" T inf -Z. .

&#39; these secrets. for the rsttime ages have and ll ! these secrets debeen

Palestineis becausethem thekeys world;.,;f hadappointed thethey from EgyptD1141 -s__i-;;_:,t_ these hy_Alla_hloosened outside secreu Mosletnl India, andira 5,1-_,-;&#39;; and ofbeck kept the and when time the
liveredtheof in handsthe Moslems ofAmerica. uthority All and
By the Prophet


ofpublishing of pamphlet this of1927.

6 &#39; t _:_;gt,- &# _,.,i &#39;

, -" f _-_:-t.&#39;_~_ -Z"-3; .

;__:4*:_ii,,i"< Q-_~


*1 * "__&#39;-__.&# 4] . _

"1., ._ _


&#39;7 "" " ._ _l..""-_, _-ti

The industrious oflthe Moslems northwut and louthwut ,- ". acts of __;_,___.5t&#39;riea. the Moabites,Hamathites, These are Canaanites, _WEI_&#39;/It -who _

i {l thisAlgiers, &#39; day Tunis Kloroceo, Tripoli, etc.


,1 _ &#39; the Pharoahsto in portion _1n of Egypt that settle of Egypt. leta
years their formed themselves kingdoms. These lci
t _

5_&#39; _riven Ioshua, received out theof Carma, of land by and permi, &#39;

_ . V _ r ,--


s $@ws

irq-:$_&#39;:.7-*_. """&#39;l 3-_ 7 -gs-v*1~|-_~-Q2-..&#3 _, . ._ ._&#39; . . . -_.&#39; A-: -.,;-_



-_, . ew&#39;l"92.-e -&#39; ft.-we-b~ " . J, . -&#39;4 ..

4-eat ;


4 _

rm-: mvmn tns iicrtonsp p

I I .. . 1. _. &#39; i,

_ll I

"Time never

THEcrtmrzonAND FALL aim or


&#39; began. a time wo come itwould uld when end. The thoughts ofyhllah cannot circumscribed. be No nite mint; um comprehend thing-Iin nite. All nite thingsare subject unto change.All nite thing: will . cease be because to there wasa time whentheywerenot. The bodies - _

was,when maniwas not." If life of manat an time

lgld pointofmen nite . come when will the . of view the tunethings,-and chan souls they t . are . e nite will the
of Allah." Crutive gave Fate
"Rut manhimself not the hotly, the soul;he is nor

Ewe P&#39;- to

function theplane things on of made manifest.&#39; Wh

function the planeof soul;gavehirn a bodyof on

to man, spirit-man to


" 3&#39;6 leraphrm,angels andye men! ye

WliydidCrativeFatefiveto i iii a body esh herni ht oi that intuition . ontheplane things aremade of that manifest? Hear, now,yecheruhim, -

spirit-mansoul that he might function the p a on

ha Hear, ye now,creeping ofearth, sh swim,Fate things ye that ye birds t_t --y.

:1-iear, ohprotoplastearth Plant now, and and and beas Il

-I 92 i t C

H34: of things they itthouzht iii--Allahkiire a Ai18.l 1; iniinite&#3

-. I

eoul i-

hSitir,ye that ye and ow, winds thnnclers blow, ye lightningsiolr-"

Hear. now. ye spiritsof the re of water. earth and air

Hear, now, oh everything is. or was,or ever-more be, for that will Iszindom speaks from out thehighest planeof l irit life I
begin and end.

easured time, the up by for things are that concerned with,t:izne,

ending daysto come. And is man.the spiribg so But manlike everyotherthought Allah.wasbut a need, aeetl of l
that held within itself the potencies Allah. of just
plant of earth holds dee with&#39; if &#39;

The thoughts are everlasting unto ofAllah, the ofthe past the never
as the seed of anv

especial plant.

Sospirit-main of Allah deep as se&#39;edheld within himself attributes the


l usethe attributes part ofevery ofmthat

of every part of Allah. Now, seedsare perfect. 3 !-B8. perfect as the louroe from which as
ch. -

they but are unfolded made come; they not . into life -manifest. The
planted a soilthathe might in grow. as unfold. does budunfold the to
Idtsasperfectasthemotheris ower .
. . Somantheseedmustbedeepl from Y


show the

The hu man seed that came forth

the heart of


Allah was full ordainedto be the Lord of the plane of soul. and of the planeof thingsmade manifest. So Allah, the husbandman everything of

andmanbecame livingsoul, hebecame Lordof all a and the oi the Hark, now, lei everycreature heir, planeof but theetherof the spiritplanevibrating so not fast, and in the
odors, the true sensations and the all of love manifest. "I -g-.-. &#39;

that threw this lecd the ofsoul; IPICC, is, forth humaninto soil it&#39;- l

rhythm of this planethe essence life are manifest;the perfumesand the oi

4 :1 EY l1 |l|I|l_ "

--:17 --w ?_ _ _








:3" r_&#39;
P -. _ -,1 A,... .*,

_0.1 I _ &#39;92 .-e-.-..-_ --7--THE lJI92 INL

-a--s_,--e.--no-no Q INBIKULJI . &#39; &#39;.

6. Now and Mary Elizabeth were marveling became &#39;_ clinch all Chi &#39;~
deliverance _ 7 ..-.....1i"|-m Tsis 1-mt li mid et1&#39;ln|:rn- n _lg_nngginl&#39;g: u-rean - ,-, -Lg IQ!.. --.., ... .. --- ----,-, -----_ ents ernsal1 ev ._ 8. Fromolden timesitwasordamedthatyoushou1dbewlthIl-

andin this_sacred betaught. school

9. Elihu and Salome took Mary and Ehabeth out to the grove nearby where theywerewontto teach.


thrice blessed, youarechosen for mothers longpromised of

be destroyed.

10. Elihu toMary Elizabeth: may laid and You


whichthetemple the perfect of manshallrut--0 temple that shall nevu


11- Who are ordainedto Iay a solid rock a sure foundationstoneon

deema milestone thejourney therace. in of 13 An agehadpassed; gateuntoanother the age ies openat the Immanuel, Allah in man. of

12. We measure by cycleages, thegate everywe time and to age

age todch time.This the of is preparation soul. kingdom age of the of

_ _ M _ _
And, these, your sons. will be the rst to tell the news, and

teachthegospel goodwill to men,and peace earth. of on > 15. A mightywork is theirs,for carnalmen want not the light; theylovethe dark, and when the light shines the dark theycomp _ in
bend it not. -

l 16. Wecallthese Revealersthelight, they sons of but mustlive lhelight before can they receive light. the -,of men. l 19 &#39;1" sL_... a&#39;|..,s __.| _..._ ___ -_._ L 4. t92__ -1. .|92&#39;l1__L n...___._.1_ _.. 10. s iun uncut nut. nu-an anu nun arc Unc, Uiit Luau Lllruugn Ulrdebased himself. . &#39; -&#39; -

love andholy and iml, make conscious naissions eon: them of their tothe ,
nal thoughts wordsand deeds, and man tore himselfaway from Allah.

&#39; vou teach sons. set souls rewith. I7. And must your and their on

storing harmony peace. and -

19. Teach thatthe Holy Breath wouldsnake them again, . one re


&#39;&#39; - _ -i

&#39;: the world that He has clothedHis sonin esh that man can eomprellen p

70 . -v

sf ..--

&#39;592&#39;lC7&#39;1f van. Bed BB5 H15 nan Imus s.,-..-. male . O&#39;|-when oven us-. an ; a- .1 n. v-92

21, The only savior the world is love;and Jesus, of Mary, a of eon
comes to manifest that love to men. &#39; &#39; .

_22. Now love cannotbe manifestuntil its way has prepared and naught can rend the rock end bring down loity hl .e_ ._ __ T, leys up. and thus preparethe way, but purity. . 2.3. But purity in life men do not comprehend; and I0, it, too, must

come esh. in * -.., _ , 24. And you, Elizabeth, blessed are because yoursis purity made esh,andhe shallpavethe wayfor love. -&#39; &#39; &#39;
25. This age will comprehend little of the but works of purity and -

registry madeof everythought is and wordand deed. I

26. And when the world

love; but not a word is lost, for in the book of Allah : rernan

&#39;&#39; ~ ., "

is ready to receive,lo, Allah will lend I


In 92|| &#39;

EE 0~

-e.-vi uinniqi

&#39; .10&#39;
, CI-IAPTBRV &#39;"

" &#39;

rue DlVINl:I. lNSIRPCTlON$ -f * W

After the Feut &#39;I&#39;lae Homeward.

Search for Him- H&#39;.i| Parenta Find


W&#39;ithThcntoNazaretb -Sylliaolic l.


joumeyirig towardLheir homes. &#39; - 2. F And they wereinSa.u1aria,andM:u&#39;y|aid: Whereilmy non?

to Galilee; but they had seenhim not. _ J 4. Then Joseph,Mary and son of Zebedeereturned and sought a throughall Jerusalem, could nd him not. but 5. And Mary asked the guards had they seen Jesus, little boy a

Thegreat Feast oithe Paschwasendedandthe azareneswere

No 19. He the boy. and 14, onehad seenwent amongtheir kindred who weredoctor But roundpressed of on their -way the every of hand the 3. And Josephsought

6. The replied:he in temple guards "Yes, the now is disputing with the doctors o the law.
7. And they wait in, and to-and him is the guardshad
&#39; harm bad overtaken

about twelve years old.

8. Apd Mary said: "Why, Jesus, why do you treat.your parent: thus? Lo, we have sought daysfor you. We feared two thatsome great
y ou." .

9. -And Jesussaid: "Do you not know that I

ather&#39;s ?" Work _

rnust be ibout

w and said: I trust that we meet again. &#39;

ll. And thenHe wentforthwithhisparents theirwayto on Nazareth; and whenthey reached their homeHe wrought with JosephI. u

0 the where are ofthoughts we up ; mind things made and where build fitttf.
. .

12. One dayas He wasbringing forth thetoolsfor worl:He said: 13. "These toolsremindmeof the ones handle the workshop we in

- . 14. We _nse square measure our lines,to straighten the to all out the crooked places the of way, and makethe eorners our O0llduct_ of
square .

15. We usethe oompass draw the circles to aroundour passions and desires keepthen;in the bounds righteousness. to of 16. Weusetheaxtocutawa thelcnotty,;

parts malce and the character syrnmetilical. - 18.

until itisayart. oieverypart.

l7. We usethe hammer driveborne truth, and pound in to the it

e usetheplane smooth rough, to the uneven surface joint, &#39; of I5andboard that goto buildthe temple thetruth, {or &#39;

&#39; -

The chisel. line, the plummet and the saw have all their Ines Wotlcshop the mind. of . &#39; &#39;

H}}_Andthen ladder this withits trinityof steps, faith,hope, and loye; weclimb to thedome purity life. .. up of in Q

nnacle which isspent the . .ofPerfected ofthat life to .huild Temple an , _ .

2_l. And on_the twelvestepladder, ascend we until we reachthe

Prion1,-nje not! PROPHET _f


. mom

M _&#39;

_ _

&#39; 92 *

Jewish Feast.

1. A royal prince India, of Revenue theSouth, met in was at

2. Ravarma a menof wealth, he wasjust,lad with 1&#39; was and hand Brahmic of priests sought wisdom thewest. in
Reva:-ma heard and was amazed.

what was,Hillel He Chief said: _ i 5. Wecallthis day from high, Hehas the star on for come bring to

3. when stood }eeus among Jewish and and the priests read spoke. _ ; 4. And when who was. whence oune, he asked Jesus from He and

&#39; . _ V

13.1 - .*
Psi : l

tomenlight, li-eh: life; lightm the ofmes: redeem a the at to up way and

_ ,

His ofIsrael. people

cies concerningabout wonders night Hewas Him; the ofthe when born; about visit theMagian the of priests. . .<&#39;~. _ 7. About way which the in He protectedthe lee.-n e-m=.*..h ofevil

6. And Hilleltold Ravannaabout child; the all the about Prophtr .

. sf

men, ight ypusm1,sna with*&#39;i:,; about to His inE how was * ,_;;-__,92._ He serving then * tun; father a carpenter azareth. as
themight and go honor suchone son Allah, -*1 &#39; a as of _. v" 9. And his with gorgeoushe train journeyed to}-Ya.-as-db u-id &#39;*&#39; time ofGalilee. &#39; " _"-&#39; 10. Hefound object his the of search engaged inbuilding dwelling forthe oi men. sons i _I _ _

8. Ravanna and to the ihnt-&#39;et!_i ." was entranced, know asked wayto E
IL And he rst Jesus climbing when saw He was uptwe_I&#39;er_Ie a . "

iadder, HecarriedHis and in hands a compass, andax. square , . 12.Rm-anna"A11 most son heeven I"~&#39;,:_ said: hail, favoredof , "A Te: 13. And the Rmranna a feast allthe at inn made for people of town; jesus His and and parentsthe were honored _*" "&#39;{g_L;,,-_, guests. 4 __ 1%. mrmin RsnranneguestJoseph :on For days was it in homeLB-7.*-. ~ J. T 1 mion he Way; sought the ofthe toleam secret wisdom eon, ofthe -but s it was too for i ail great him. &#39; &#39; &#39;

[ days parents Hie gaveconsent. *_

with they favor receivedJewish the boy.
cl here . 20. The Bnhmic

15. here could He learn wisdom "fe the of flighttakeI-Tm to the cut, W 1 nrahms. __ _ _&#39;_ *~ -&#39;~i 16. AndJesus longed go, He might , and _ many to that ieartr after

And heasked hemight thepatron letiltim. then that be 0!

iourney the sun; afterthe th?LE towardprovinces ssa, paeae. risingofO and days and many sand reached and the

17.Then, pmud Ravanm. his with heart. with mm. hamthe _

- 7 ~ &#39; { i-

_-- 1, I -,__ -i

" 18. The B:-ahmic were towelcome the priests glad home prince;_


19.And was as piip the of Jesus accepted in &#39;_&#39;emple 1 Iaglmnth; =f ,

Helearned and manielaw. the vedas the.
_ .. M

of the law.

wonciereri eiear at the oi -.2-.-.* -&#39;-",i s.;.~._ _ tothem &#39; ,__, &#39; _themeanilgqxl Child, oftenwereamazedhenHe explained and W _,__ Ir-;. 92. ;- f3-&#39;.&#39;92;5"~ &#39;.< i

.-5.&#39;-&#39;1&#39;;&#39; s. ||_ &#39;

|..-.~_qH unn-Ililll-ll &#39;** " """"***AJr-


. 7 &#39;~=i-- : " -___I_1

-n I I . -&#39;||.;,,_ - &#39;/, __ A, -Q &#39; e

1L ? krill! I Hit

n F

.._. ..,,.. ._ ?

_||1llIII_lBI_J I i .-riDi _i F bHLh5!kw_ Fi_|.r_&#39;

.-,1 A ,, --ail"

_ -o-,4-_ l&#39;_ .r,_. lit-l


u rnoitjrz-1E_1l1oLY _1i&#39;ROPHT"y if is y
&#39; inHissightasyours;oroftheBrahmic

ll. These courtesans thieves children and are of my Father Allah; , &#39; -.
their souls are inst as precious


&#39; 3,.

solved, menwholookat themwith scorn. you solved, menwholookat themwith scorn. you

12. Andthey working thename sums youhave are out life that

13. And some themhave of solved much harder thanyouhave _


14. Yes, aresinners, confess guiltwhile are they and their you guilty, areshrewd but enough have polished to cover your to a coat up andthese thieves, know youarepure heart life,that who that in md
youare betterfar thanthey,sundiorththatmmlrnowjultwhoyou I6. Thesinliesin the wish. anddeep withinyourheartyoulustfor them. and for fame,just-for your sel sh selves.
You who are none of these speak out.

IS. Suppose menscorn thecourtesans, drunlurds you who these

17. You covet other peoplewealth; look charming s you at forms,
in the desire, in theact. not

18. Deceit practice day, wish gold, honor you every and for for

21. AndJesus said, Theproof dayis all against this have accused. -

19. The who man covets thief, she lusts acmirtenn. isa and who is &#39; accusers theirheld peaee.&#39; :5=;___-_. 20. Nobody spoke, - the 22. The in heart notaccuse. vile heart want pure do The in who
_ _

to cover theirguilt withholysmoke pietyarenever up of loathing drunkards, and thieves courtesans. ,,,&#39; &#39; . Q_

of reputation be away, loud essor hefound could torn the pro would to
reveal hislust,deceit manyformsof secret in and sin.

23. loathingscorn 1nocke:;y, tineeled This and this is for the coat if ""*-

O .

24. Themanwhospends timein pulling his other weeds : people can notime pulling own, allthechoicest have in his and ower! life of _ &#39; anddie,andnothing remain darnal. will but thistle: and will be ehked 0
stalksof wheat were bent and broken down.

elds ripened and helooked saw bladestinny of grain, when he that of .

Z5. And Jesus spokeparable; said: a He "Behold farmer gr lt 1 ltd

_ _

26. Andwhen sent reapers hesaid:&#39;We die be his forth willnot 4 thestalks wheat have broken of that the blades. _;; " ,-~ = 28. Andaftermany hewent measure hisgrain, not "*days to up but
a kernel could he nd;
my gr ain "" .

&#39; _

~ 2?. Goiorlhand and the cut burn stalks broken with blades."""*-. ,_ -x l
Z9. And thenhe called harvesters saidto them: Where the and is &#39;

was to esus Auah _ u w 0 weuh . leftcar? sa to gar-nif v &#39;3&#39;the ectedinHises_1 oseh saved.ralqsr_. _ 31And &#39; - sight,_who be aw*_ IX will bladesdwho been rf have pe
i ." sav on he l-lis way. , _

.. 30. Theyanswered andsaid: W did accordingto your word; him e edup andburned. stalks the with broken blades, not a and we gather

._.__; ._. 32. And the accusers hungtheir heads shame; Jesus in and went" __ so

_i lli | EV iiE-__92_" !E !



_ e

FR0m_&#39;1l1j1H0LY&#39;1; _PoPn MA 811,

d call them p1"lB1lSdress up other men 0 21. And charge them to restrain the wra

&#39; . wher: theyfail te win I-1is_ fever by their prayersto buy

20 in garb: Ana! :2 fancy m by an 1-2

when men are afraid oi Allah and take Him for 1 lee, they e

sacri ce of animals or birds.

no middle man,no priest to intercede. -

Z2. When mansees Allahesonewith him,asFatherAllahheneed:

Andthenhelayshishands .A.1leh s hand. all is well. in owe and 24. Andthis is Allah. You are,each a priest,just for your one,
self; and sacri ceof blood Allah doesnot want.

23. He goes straight to Himandsays: MyFather Allah! up God, 25. Justgiveyourlife in sacri cial service theall of to He


Allah is pleased. &#39; 3 _ 26. ,l::s".:s thus aid had He stoodaside;the pe0ple weI"e .|A._ amazed, strove but among themselves. &#39; .- . 27. Some said: He is inspired Holy Bmhm"andothersslid: by


"Hekis and said: isobsessed; as 1 insane," others He He speaks devils &#39;. .


the soil, a generous soul , a seeker after truth, who loved the wor dither. 92-. &#39; 4.~.;~ 11.1. s Jesusspoke. and Jesus went with him and 111hi home abode.

P628. Jesus net..*92..*ne..,, was on , atiller But tzrried ...."H We guests .e . of

. ,

-r _ _

&#39; I A" &#39; V.

I -~ 92, .9-.. _

cwsrrenx1 &#39;;.;;"" f
sscmzn sooxs .~;- ____


in the wordsthat Jesusspoke. jt was Barato
tea-:1the veda , and Avesta 3 1.

who 1 V e priests Sone saw my wa Arabo Among h Buddhist t

nd the. wisdom of Guata

Q &#39; &#39; _ __
.&#39; _ -

. , ,, .r-T e J- I. ..~; , . . -l 3.1_

&#39; ?,ffi

tqtd Jewish Psalms prophets. and &#39; v l Together Jesus and Bat-ato the W T 92
&#39; &#39; man was not,andthenhew_asabito -hen

sibilities of mm. _ &#39; as they readand talkedaboutthe pus 3. And id Manis the marvelof the universe He is partof every-i Barata sa : &#39; thing,for hehasbeen living thingoneveryplaneo&#39;life. . ioi-mien &#39;" a i

then at last it reached the form of man.

form best suit or beast or man.

6 By universal all things law, tendupward a stateoi perfeetness. to worm, reptile, and then bird stud The protoplastevolved,becoming
&#39; &#39; So J &#39; edto itsgrowth. mind may immfest as worm, run B

S. Time u-as 9292 nltilt __ time, . ce &#39; m-..._ n&#39;F and then a 970 :21 the _

&#39; &#39; &#39; 7. Now, man himself IS mm d,land mind is here to gain perfection &#39; &#39; fr. manifest in- eshy form, and in the &#39; &#39; -.:e~~"-and mud is o_.e_e _ _
or bird



&#39; The time wille com

l92._.t-6.-- uaan In rum nexus -~-an is

ed wheneverything life will beevolv of &#39;


the state of perfect man.

Q forms lie" . of 1

n 7-

&#39;11to men in }&#39;. tfl. wt evolve higher he Z!&#39;!-S5,

._ _
r 92 5, 4 4 -

that min 10. And Jesus said &#39; Barata Arabo who told you this, &#39; d , manifest in esh oi beast or bird or creeping thing which is man, may

? Il 1 &#39;


--4 IQ

: 1

have told

THE nxvttui; txsrttoqrtonsW __

Baratasaid: From timewhich man;-emembers our priests not
us so, and so we know." _

and do

.12. And Jesus said:"Enlightened Arabo, youa routermmd are

manwouldknow,he must,hirnseli, whathe knows. be

worm ?

13. Mao believe others butthus never may what say, he knows. Ii 14. Do youremember, Arabo, when were you ape, btrd, or or!

not knowthat manknows naught beingtold? by

priests have told


15. Now, you if have better no proving your than the of plea that
16. Regardnot, then,what any man has said; let us

youso,you do

notlcnow; simply you guess.

esh gowithmind thelandof eshless and into things; mind

17. &#39;And backward through ages the mastermindscantrlee
selves:and thus they know.

19. Thatwhich begins have end. If man not,the will an wls

time will come when he will not exist.

e &#39; T tme n evruaswhenmanwasnot.

breathed forth, and stoodseven spiritsbeforeHis face. The Hebrews

all thesesevenspiritsElohim.

20. From Allah&#39;s record book we read: The Triune Allah own

21. And these theywho,in theirboundless are power, created every-

thing that is, or was. _ &#39; &#39;ts on 22._ These spinof the TriuneAllahmoved the iaoeof hound-92"

less space seven and others were every and other itsformof life. had
the substance their ether planes. of

23. Theseformsof life were but the thought Allah,clothedoi in,

of plant,of beast, man,of angel cherubirn. of and &#39;25. These planes withall their teeming thoughts Allahare never of

24. Mencallthese ether planes, planes protoplast, earth, the of of

seen by eyes of man esh; in th arecomposedsubstance too ne of for

for eshyto and zey eyes see, still constituteofthings. the soul 26. And with the eyes of soulall creators seethese ether

planes, its

and all the iorlns of life. -

all creatures think, and everycreature possessed is of &#39;, and in

measure, has the power to choose.

&#39; allof life everyplane of 27. Because forms on are thogslzts Alhh,

&#39; And in theirnativeplanes creatures supplied Z3. all are with nourishment from the ethers their planes. of _ &#39; Z9. And so it was with everylivingthinguntil the will became I sluggish and thenthe ethers the protoplast, earth,the plant, will, of the
the beast,the man, beganto vibrate very slow.
. 30.

The ethers became more dense, and all the creatures of these &#39; &#39; 1 And this ts what is called the ial of man-, but man fell not

garbs of esh,whichmencanlee; mil planeswere clothedwith coarser thusthe coarser manifest, whichmencallphysical, appured.
. 31.
the fall. .

alone protoplast, earth, plant beast for and and and were included all in

st,r;_ong,&#39;and oftheir inharmony so held ethers planes they the with Allah -A -lr ID _-2-" _ &#39; . l
-- -. A. &#39; u -I- Q , "I I 1- -~.-_ Q; Q

32. _&#39;_i he the cherubim not; theirwill werenever angels and tell



I5 : -13
FR021 THE Nd

and all 33 Non, when the ether reached the rate f atmosphere, o the the creatures oi these planes mustget their food irom atmosphere, val of the eon tct came. and then that wlueh the nite man called sorvi


34 The stronger the bodies the weaker ate oi manifests; hm: and
35 And now man,111 utter shamelessness, l&#39;l.l5 strikesdown and eats

became I. law

O 5

ts where the carnal oi tVOl&#39;|IlIlOIlits rise. had

the beasts beasts the consume plant,the plant thriveson the earth, the
the earth absorbs the protoplast

known,andthe greatwork of masteris minds to restore heritage the of

live upon the ethers of l&#39;l1S plane. natne

36 In yonder kingdom the soulthis carnal of evolution not is

_ -4

manto bringlnmback has to estate hehadlost,when again that he will

3? The thoughtsof Allah change not; the manifests life on of everyplane unfoldsmto perfection their kind; andasthe thoughtof of 38 And so an earthl5 neverplant; a beast bird, or creeping or thing ts neverflan, andmanis not,and cannot it beast, bird, or be. or
39 The time will comewhen all thesemanifestswill be absorbed,
-~ " 1

Allah can never ll: there ts not deathto any being of the nevusether: of the seven spmts of the Tnune Allah.
creeping thing


andmanandbeast plantandearthandprotoplast beredeemed. and will


Barata was amazed the wisdom of the Jewish sage was revei rt . &#39; 92 d, . .. . .I

unto hum

the answerof the Hebrew prophet,and he said:

41 Now, apatt, Vtd! wtsest theIndian of sages, of thetemple chief ta to of qrd hearda Kapavistu heard Bara speak Jesus theoriginof man,
42 Youpnests Kapavistu, mespeak; stand of hear we todayupon .

&#39;. -

a crest time Sn:ttrnea master was of ago soul born gave glorious who a _ light to manandnowa master stands thetemple Kapavistu. sagein of &#39; 43 TheHebrew prophet therising of wisdom, ed,He is star dei be-ngs usa knowledge thesecret to of things Allah;andall theworld of
will hear haswords and glorify his name. 44

_ ., . he speaks he the llVll"lgOracleof Allah. is &#39; d e_en-. 45 And all the pt-tests gave thanks,and praise the,Buddha p

Yon p nests temple of Kapovistu,"stay listen _ ; he stillpand when


&#39;~ "a r

JESUS "rescues common "me PEOPLEA spams- T AT

a holyday.andmany people the servant of caste, wereneartheplace. 2. And Jesus the hard clravm saw linesof toil on everybrow, in everyhand. Therewasno lookof joy in any face. Not oneof all the
group could think of anythingbut toil.

l t

1. in silent meditation satbeside owing Jesus a spring.It was

Have no ppiness life? Have nohappinesslife? you in you in

3. And esusspoke oneand said: Why areyon all so sad? to

1* In .,-



.- re-"

4. The

THE mums tusrnugrtons W


_ i
1 92 -, . - . -.1! .5;.-a

wecan cease toilandlaydown rest Buddha ! oi the our and in city 5. AndJesus heartwasstirred withpityandaim loveior ..__._
poortoilers, and He said: 6. "&#39;1 <>i1 makea person should not lad; men I
92 V-*0

We toil to live, andhope nothing but t . for else

mu rep


WC reel know and the aea &#39; oil meaning F the bless


-1 __ _
":~ &#39;

isheavenis for you?"

when toil. When they hope loveareback toil and of lledwith andpeace, thisisheaven. you joy and D0


8. Andnotfaraway, brother yourmetes boon, Jesus My it isnota said; and man, of thoughts are wrong: your heaven is place and
is not country be reached; is stateoi mtntii a to it a
9. Allah never made heavenfor man; Henever made a bell; we a &#39;
are creators and make our own.

far away, wemust and live

7. Themanreplied:"Oi heaven have we heard; when it I0 but it

somany before reach plume! lives we that


10. Now, cease seekfor heaven the sky; W5! 09111HP to in ! 51 windows your hearts, of and, like a oodof light, heaven a trill oome r and bringa bouudlessjoy; thenthe toil will be no crueltask." &#39; &#39; 11. The people wereamazed, gathered and close hearthisstrange to
young masterspeak. _ on about the heaven that men can make a eld; the soil was hard and poor.

I2. Imploring to tellthem Him more about Father the God,Allah

earth, about the boundless joy.

13.-And spake Jesus aparable;said: Acertain possessed5+ He man

14. By constant he scarcely toil could providefood to keep his

on his way,sawthispoormanandhis unfnutful eld. 16. He calledthe wearytoilerand said: My brother,knowyou not that just belowthe surfaceol your barren eld rich treasures lie

family from want. " -- da" a miner who could see beneaththe soil, in @511" lulu 92-llll. J

you trad upon a mine of gold and preciousstones. you needno longer till the soil for naught."
I9. i i " The man believed.

1?. plow You

P andsow reapin a scanty andday53" and Way, 533&#39;

18. This wealth not lies upon the surfaee the ground; if of but youwillbutdigaway: rocky the soil; delve and down deep theearth, into
nd the treasureshidden in my eld. rth he found a mine of gold."
"y &#39;miner surely knows, [he , IAnd wiii
t l

20 And thenhe dugawaytherockysoil,anddeep down the in r


21. And Jesus said: 3The sons menare toilinghard on desert of plains, and burningsands rockysoils, doingwhattheir fathers and are &#39; did not dreaming theycando alightelse. that
i can eoruhts -.

that,underneath the rocky

&#39;Behold -_ 22. a master and them comes, mu

of a hidden wealth;

soilof carnal things are treasures no man that


&#39; - nutin an heart richest - 23 the gems abound; he whowills that


. ll

Open_ u andnd ell. thedoor __ then ! e"

_-J1 12.
.1 ! rs n-

<15" _92 92

" &#39;" &#39;-"* ~&#39;o"-&#39;-"*=="e"=<*j~=-~: ~~ L.-.. _-V _

&#39; "-1 &#39;

&#39; _._ ~7

. .


~ r A 7;. &#39;. &#39;72s." "A 7+

.r. I

v_p-rm- *7.

f 21 &#39;

may tid wealth l&#39;es the that1 within


le : ltnowu 24 Andthenthepeopsaid "Make touathewaythatwe

newanother aide at 25. And Jesus ed up the way; the toilers ogen
the heart." .

CHAPTBRXIIIlife, and toil became a joy.





&#39; Allah. Jesus goesto the journeys.Elihu and Salome &#39; praise Helipolis is received a pupil. and as

1. Jesus ElihuandSalome Egypt. Tellsthesto with in

u-to twenty had His in named eve and years taught before mother their
sc oo.

upon coast; went once Zoan, the He at to home, Elihu Salome. of and "

2. AndJesus tameto Egyptland, all was and well." He tarried not

3. Andthere joywhen these was met three.Whm lasttheeon of Marysawthese sacred groves was babe. he a _- I _ ~ ~__ -

teacherwho had stirred the multitudesin many lands. &#39;

4. And taman now grown strong bufferingeregyldnd; by of a &#39;

5. AndJesus theaged told teachers about life;about all His His

9 i. | -

lands aboutthe meetings with the masters and.


"&#39;/joumeyings the in foreign &#39;

His kl d receptions by &#39; &#39; tithey lifted up 6. Elihu and Salome heardHis storywith deligh


vants in peace; wehave theglory Allah. go for seen of 7. Andwe have talked with Him, themessenger of love, andoi l
the covenant peace earth, of on goodwill to men.

theirto eyes heaven said: OurFather#G0d letnow aerand Allah, Thy


1 Fl l ! L &#39;

8. Through shall the Him all nationsthe of earth blessed, be thru Him, Immanuel. 9. And Jesus in Zoan days; then forth_ stayed many and went into the oithe that called city sun, men Helipolis, sought and admission s tothe
10. Thecouncil thebrotherhood of convened, Jesus and stood before
. &#39;

temple the sacred of brotherhood. and with power.

thehierophant;answeredquestions were He all that asked clearnus with

you here? wisdom wisdom gods. Why for Your isthe ofthe seek

ll. Thehierophant exclaimed: Rabboni therabbinate, come of why

of lifelwould walluiueveryhall
&#39; these I

it &#39;

&#39;n dom 1 the halls of men? said In &#39; wa , 12 . AndJesus &#39; every y

&#39; &#39; that any man hasgamed, of learningI wouldsit; the heights


13. What man suffered any has I would that may the meet, I know griefs, disappointmentssore the and the temptations brother of my man;
thatI may know how suocor in need. just to those
ret _ 15. The master said: Takethenthevowof sec brotherhood. And Icsus thevow secret took of brotherhood. , ~

would gain.

letme into dismal and your crypts; I _ 14. I pray you brothers, go t -92_would passthe hardesof your tests.


92&#39;0Q &#39; -e


THEDIVINE i _____ __*1 msriitftrlons W


16. Again, the masterspoke, laid: he gratest depths."



andwhen hadbeen He clothed proper in garbHe-stood again before the


1.7.1&#39;12; ledtheway in thefountain bathed; guide then and Jeans _ G-{AFTER XIV
theHarbinger, returns Hebron, asa hermit thewilds, to lives in


visits erusalern speaks the and to
where he abode for certain days.


had nished hisstudies theEgyptian all in schools returned I-lebrtm, he to

1.] rirnepass }o.&#39;:I:t1i92.e it to when sonZeeharras of and Fl...-.___..inhe_

2. Andthen sought wilderness made home David : he the and his in ave, where many years before was be instructed theEgyptian by sages. 3. Some people called theHermitoi E-ngedi; others him and said,
honey,nutsand fruits.

" 4. He_-clothed with himself skins the of beasts; ioodwas his earobs,
5. When John thirtyyears agehewent Jerusalem, was of into

in thegglfk place satin silence he seven days. -6. The common peopleandthepriests, scribes the an
came out in multitudesto see the silent hermit of the were boldenough ask to him who he was.
of all and said:

7. Butwhen silent wasdone, stoodforthin the his past he midst Behold Kinghas the come; prophets the told of
have looked tor Him. p 7A


Him; thewise

men lon

our 9. repare, prepare y King O Israel, to meet .

10. And that wasall he said,and thenhe disappeared, no one and

knew wherehe had gone.

heard storyof thehermitof thehills. the ,


Andthere grmtunrest wu through Jerusalem. aii The



reeard not. hbors who ere they. them &#39;
3! S0, youhm-e lwed anem, thepoorerymyoor streets and you

J IE1.Eaoitar oetg , iluu 16-E3 mi--. 22. You worship with and your Allah voice lip; hearts hr a Y , are-

You havedefrauded it-sends

and onxgold. bound the set our have upon people, tartoo 23. priests burdens grill
to they inease the earned ofthe bar; live uponhard wages poof. &#39;
of yourmarts trade. of
not the rightsof man.

ground; are tumors body the they but on the of state.

24. four law-yen, ecrib-.-:.=, eutnberera dxtors, are useless of the

25.They not, do spin, they toil neither they yet consume ts the pro

26. rulersedolterers, and regarding _Your are extol-tioners thieves,

27.And robbers ailing the hills; holy ply their in sacred the temple 28. Hear! Hear! people You of]emsaJetn_l torn Reform: {mm

you sold have to thieves; are the places for their in sacred net dens apart

shn2<!3k;uf;PregnreJone go. . Jerusalem our&#39;King" prepare to meet eafhim*&#39; 30. saidmore; the andvno He no he court left
the were 31 The &#39;ttodoctors thescribes allii rage. P-:13 hamInd &#39;Ifound &#39; - &#39; &#39; harm. 3. he&#39;
&#39; Cl-IAPTER XV ,

your ways will from and %eier evil or Allah turn you. oath:-0. sill tome,what of your and fame pus one and is all honor left your will in

keoughefor mten john,

92 92

-1;]. _

Divine ofJesus--Iesm the Ibiiniscry Got! Wildernele to for Seli-

Enmination, HeRemains Daft In Where Forty toThree _&#39;i&#39;empisaum -""- " laefhme Bgnrnl I on Cunpl john Begins the ot and Teaching .r _..; E

3. And Himselftalked;said: logter in with He He "My self strong; &#39;frtirty are mend. tocarnal by ties I down life. , __ __
ri ce men? for
4. Havethe I strength toovercome and givemnya wtmng liie ae-

_ to Hewent iitto must begin .Al&#39;ih, met: made and wilderness love manifest, now be he lAnd forth the to alone that might into inner and its He look His hem, note - worthiness. &#39; r__ . "-

1. The harbinger the ;the had introduced had paved way Loganbeen

J E *1

aproofmy the Tq"ii Iand "Ii._you Son Messiahship, will 6.of then i what say?" -And eame said. be the of
lah. command stones tobread." these totum ,

5.&#39; shall beforeface IWhen stand the of and demand met!; they 7. And said: isit demands It isno Jesus Who that e test} sign

thatthings. Allahbeeausehedoesamirgclnthedevilsenn oneiaSortof mighty

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