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your journey starts here...

Adelaides Next Superstar is a singing competition for solo artists , vocal groups and bands. We have gathered together Adelaides !nest singers and vocal coaches to form part of the inaugral Adelaides next Superstar coaching panel.. A"er the orientation days, the heats, and the semi !nals, 12 talented acts will head to the Grand Final at the Adelaide Entertainment Centre on November 18th. There are big prizes up for grabs...and importantly all prizes are designed to kick start your musical journey...

Registrations for Adelaides Next Superstar open on Thursday 28th June, 2012. Orientation Days, Heats and the !nals will be held at The Gov, The Arkaba and the Adelaide Entertainment Centre during September, October and November. For the full list of events, you can click here. To register, you can click here. You will !nd full eligibility details here.

Our winners from each category, Adelaides Next Superstars,will be announced on the night of the Grand Final. Category winners receive a $20,000 recording package from Karisma Studios. Produced and mastered by Darren Mullan of Adelaide Recording Studios Also a video clip of one song. And tickets to the ARIAs, return #ights and accommodation. For more details on the prizes, please click here.

Our Coaches

Ria Loof
Ria Loof is known as an accomplished, entertaining soloist, band member and backing vocalist in Adelaide, with a voice that is impressive and captivating, full of soulful sensitivity. Ria has a performance / recording / teaching history that is rich in diversity and experience. She has worked in !elds diverse as theatre and in the festival world to vocals for Michael Buble, John Schumann, Amity Dry, Jay Hoad and numerous corporate bands including Adelaide's Motown Connection. Diva disco cabaret shows to playing solo at restaurants and pubs. Ria is always looking forward to the next chapter of her journey in the Arts ... the melodic story continues ...

James Musci
Educator, Songwriter, Performer Head of Music St Michaels College James has been involved in the local music scene for close to twenty years. His versatility as a performer and as an energetic front man have had him in constant demand. As a Head of Music in the secondary school sector, he is in daily contact with the needs of the next generation of music makers.

Our Coaches

Benjamin 'Beej' Hunter

Manager, Artist Developer, Songwriter, Producer, Music Publisher Director, tBo

Darren Mullan
Music Producer - Artist developer - Songwriter Director Adelaide Recording Studios Darren has performed for almost 30 years to audiences around Australia and overseas. With over 10 years experience as a successful songwriter and music producer, Darren's professional network reaches to the very top of the modern music industry.

Beej's 20 years of music industry experience spans songwriting and production, commercial and indie radio, !lm and TV development, and artist management and promotion. He is also a seasoned live performer and an award-winning design and advertising professional with a focus on branding.

Judging Criteria
To ensure that Adelaides next Superstar maintains a high level of integrity and a clear understanding by all contestants that audition and perform, we have outlined here the judging criteria - what the judges will be looking out for when appraising and critiquing contestants throughout the event. Star Quality Contestants will be judged on stage presence, performance and audience rapport. Originality Obviously 'sound-alikes' are not what the judges are looking for. Unique voices, songs and performances shine brightest to the modern music audience. Ability The contestants musical and vocal prowess (technical ability) is assessed and judged accordingly NOTE: Even if you choose to do a cover song your own interpretation of that song ie music arrangement or melody will be taken into account because it showcases your personality and ability to mix it up and take risks. Original music and lyrics are very welcome, as song writing abilities shows yet another side to your musicality.

Parents Information for Performers under 18

All performers are to be accompanied by a parent or guardian to all events. The events they are performing in, will guarantee free admission to both artist and parent/ guardian. A consent form must be completed prior to registration. This consent form is available on the website, Any extra-curricular activities, e.g. interviews and promotional activities etc, will only be done whilst in the presence of parent or guardian. The Director of Adelaides next superstar, Mr. Lui Di Costanzo, has successfully completed the Responding to abuse and neglect course which is a mandatory prerequisite for all school contact. For any further queries please email Mr Di Costanzo at (

Adelaides Next Superstar could be you. Register Now ...

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