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CRPF Public School, Rohini CIRCULAR Dear Parent,

26 April 2012

Indian Prime Minister Manmohan Singh paid tribute to Indian Mathematician Srinivasa Ramanujan (1887- 1920), on the occasion of 125th birth anniversary. He announced that his birthday - Dec. 22 - would henceforth be a National Mathematics Day and 2012 would be the National Mathematical Year. We at CRPF Public School will be celebrating this special year as Mathematics Year in collaboration with . We intend to hold following events in the School (as a part of inter-house events or otherwise):

One of the most exciting events conducted by Ganit Gurooz is the Mental Math Competition for students. This powerpoint based, timed mental math test requires students to compute numeric expressions and simplify algebraic expressions and equations mentally. MMC is the best test of speed and accuracy for students mental math abilities. Each test has 90 questions that have to be attempted in 60 minutes. Every student will get a certificate of participation. The First Round will be held tentatively in the month of September 2012. The examination fee is Rs. 100 per student. Students who will be selected for the inter-school round (to be held in November 2012) are not required to pay additionally. 2. INTERSCHOOL T-SHIRT DESIGNING COMPETITION (Class VIII - XII) Students love to wear T-shirts with slogans. Ganit Gurooz will provide a chance to up to 25 students to make their T-shirt design a reality. The material on the T-shirt design can be a problem, graffiti, a message, a quotation, an expression of feeling, a math concept or a mathematician. Ideally, this will be a summer project to be done during summer vacations. Top 10 designs will be selected (in July 2012) and will be submitted to Ganit Gurooz for the inter-school event. If a students design is chosen by panel of experts, it will be launch as a T-shirt with the Name of the student printed on it. Guidelines for this event will be intimated soon.

3. POSTER COMPETITION (Class VI - X) A Poster is a communication tool that depicts information visually. As students develop a poster on any topic, they learn various things about that topic. This will be a summer project to be done during summer vacations. This activity will appeal to students who are Right-brained or Creative. These students usually shy away from mathematics as they find it very procedural. Here is a chance for us to get them involved in loving mathematics. The size of the Poster will be a half pastel sheet. Best Poster from each class will be selected and the students will get prize and a certificate. Guidelines for this event will be intimated soon.

A maximum of 10 posters per school across all classes can be submitted for the interschool poster competition. All submissions will be displayed at a public exhibition for couple of days. During this time, online polling of votes will also be conducted. All participants will receive a Certificate of Participation and a mention on Ganit Gurooz website. Prizes will be given to the top 3 entries. Participation fee will be informed soon. 4. PARENT WORKSHOPS (Class VI - XII) Math education is highly influenced by parents as most of them pay special attention to their childs performance in mathematics. However, there are several parents who do not know how they can contribute to a better math education of their child. Ganit Gurooz plans to educate parents on the aspects that are of concern to them. Helping your child with Math is a series of interactive lectures delivered by experts. Separate sessions will be conducted for parents of primary, middle and senior school students. Some of the topics which will be covered during these lectures are: 1. Math Phobia: What can parents do? 3. Engaging children in math activities at home
Participation Fee and the date will be informed soon.

2. Why does your child not get a 100? 4. Handling the Math Stress

5. THIRD INTRA SCHOOL MATHEMATICS OLYMPIAD (Class VI - XII) The main objectives of the Olympiad is to arouse students interest and enthusiasm for mathematical problem solving, develop mathematical intuition, reasoning and logical thinking, as well as creative and critical thinking. The Olympiad will held in the month of November 2012. Other detail with Sample Papers and Last Year Papers is available at Schools Blog . This Olympiad is meant only for those students who have scored A Grade in Mathematics in their previous class.

6. SCHOOL MATH PROJECT A School Math Project is a serious task carried out by a team with members across different classes. It could involve either investigation of a mathematical concept, or building something that represent mathematics. It is a serious attempt at bringing math to life or diving deeper into the subject. Ganit Gurooz will provide a list of school projects. Schools will then select one project and build a team of students as per the guidelines provided. The team will be guided by 2 teachers from the school and a member of the Ganit Gurooz Editorial Board to complete the project. The projects will be screened by a panel of mathematicians to select the top 15 projects. Each team will then be invited to present its project to a panel of math teachers and mathematicians for a final evaluation. The awards to the top 3 school projects will be announced in the Ganit Gurooz National Conference on Quality of Math Education on December 22nd, 2012.

It is hoped that by offering such competitions and contests, we can challenge and inspire students to learn and enjoy Mathematics. Your help and support will not only make your child more successful in Mathematics but will instill good study habits that will last a lifetime. Please dont hesitate to contact me at 9891644454 or if you have any questions, suggestions or concerns during the year. Do visit for further details. Sincerely,

Amit Bajaj HOD (Mathematics) Please tick the events in which you think that your ward may be interested to take part. CONSENT SLIP I, ________________________ f/m of _________________________ studying in class __________ would like my ward to take part in the following Mathematical events to be held in session 2012-13.

Any Suggestion: ___________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ _________________ Parents Signature (With Date)

Please send this consent slip back duly signed latest by 1 May 2012 and submit it to the concern Maths Teacher. It will help us to make a proper planning in advance.

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