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President 3
Vice President 4
Secretary 4
1reasurer 4
Reporter 4
listorian 5
Parliamentarian 5
1."2.34%"& %5".6% 5
Planning Process 5
Project and Actiity Purpose 5
Project DeFnition 5
Resource IdentiFcation 5
1ask Assignment 5
Deadlines 6
lollow-up 6
Laluation 6
7/22$-'$*%)0',+,',$-% 6
Proessional Deelopment
Community Serice
Public Relations
1he Agenda 8
Minutes 8
13.#,34$9'3.:%1."0$*/.$-% 9
;<=)>1<=%8$.$4"9,$-% 10
lBLA-PBL Lmblem Ceremony 10
Chapter Installation 10
OFcer Installation 11
New Member Induction 13
1",9'%7:-'$4% 15
1he success o lBLA-PBL rests on the
shoulders o student members. loweer,
without the guidance o the local chapter
adiser,s,, no success would be possible.
1he adiser is instrumental in organizing and
stimulating chapter deelopment. 1hey gain
the support o the school administration and
community. 1he local chapter adiser should:
RBe knowledgeable about the history,
bylaws, and programs o the national
organization or actie operation o the local
RDirect, chaperone, and coordinate
superision o chapter actiities.
ROrganize the selection process or chapter
oFcers and proide oFcer training.
RLncourage ciic responsibility.
RAssist in the maintenance o necessary
chapter records.
RLstablish rules and guidelines that will help students lead themseles
while remaining consistent with school policies and state and national
Rlold regular chapter meetings and see that they are conducted in a
business-like manner.
RAssist members and oFcers in deeloping an annual program o
work, which includes a budget, calendar, and committee assignments.
RAssist members in planning, collecting, preparing, and arranging
materials to promote the chapter and its actiities.
RLnsure school administration, aculty, students, and the public are
inormed o chapter actiities and outstanding student achieements.
RBe knowledgeable o the guidelines or district,regional, state, and
national competitie eents and actiities and coordinate participation
at all leels.
ROersee Fnancial deelopment projects and superise the receipt,
recording, depositing, and expenditure o chapter unds.
R Include all members in a dynamic program o work and welcome
suggestions rom members.
R Conduct the business o the chapter in proper parliamentary
procedure and maintain complete, current records, and minutes.
R Lncourage indiidual and chapter participation in district,regional,
state, and national conerences.
\ell-qualiFed and dependable oFcers are
crucial to the growth o any lBLA chapter.
Lectie leaders will:
R Proide an enironment where all members
will grow proessionally.
R Keep members inormed about all actiities
o the organization.
1he Adiser Area` o the lBLA-PBL \eb
site ,!!!"#$%&'($%")*+, is a wonderul resource
and includes:
RStock Market Game Inormation
R Interactie Membership Madness and
Mania orms
RCopies o the Adiser Blasts rom the
National Center
R Llectronic Chapter Management
R Curriculum Integration Ideas and Lesson Plans
R Local Chapter Ideas and Project Samples
R Membership, Scholarship, and Grant Inormation and Award
R 1ips or Preparing or Competitie Lents
R Publications
All local chapter oFcers should:
t Be well-educated about lBLA-PBL and
understand its purpose, programs, and
opportunities aailable.
t Understand their clearly-stated goals
and description o responsibilities. 1his
will ensure that the person holding the
oFce knows the responsibilities o the
job. 1his also proides the basis or
ealuating the perormance o the oFcer
and establishes what is important in the
total organization so resources can be
organized accordingly.
t Plan all actiities and projects well in
adance and with complete adiser
t lelp the president delegate tasks among
all the oFcers.
t Run interesting, organized, and well-
planned meetings.
t lae established a well-unctioning
committee system.
t lae eectie communication with the
local chapter adiser.
t Be interested in participating in district,
regional, state, and national actiities and
t Meet at least once a month prior to the
regular chapter meeting-set a particular
date each month to meet.
t lae eectie communication with the
student members.
t Set goals at the start o each semester
both or the chapter through a program
o work and or the members through
a point system to measure their
achieement. '()('(*#(+,-./01,234156,
A short description o the duties o each oFcer ollows.
RPresides oer and conducts meetings according to accepted
parliamentary procedure by keeping members and discussion on track.
RAppoints committees and seres as an ex-oFcio member to each.
RCoordinates chapter actiities by keeping in close touch with the
other oFcers, the membership, and the adiser.
RReiews the program o work with the adiser and the oFcer team
on a monthly basis.
RCalls special meetings as needed.
RMaintains chapter correspondence by writing appropriate letters.
t Letters should be short and to the point.
t Letters must be ree o typographical and spelling errors-always
hae your adiser prooread anything beore it is sent out.
t 1hank you letters should be sent within one week o the eent.
t Letters also can be written to national, state, and municipal
goernments in support or legislation such as Perkins lunding,
request or recognition, and request or inormation.
RCoordinates chapter eorts by keeping in touch with oFcers,
members, and adisers.
RShows interest in the actiities o the other oFcers and inspires
them as well as the membership to better sere the chapter.
RLncourages public relations in your community by contacting
speakers or guests or chapter meetings. Be sure to hae the secretary
ollow up with thank you letters ollowing a presentation or guest
appearance at a chapter meeting or actiity.
RRepresents the chapter at special school eents, ciic clubs, and
other out-o-school organizations.
1he election o oFcers is a serious matter,
and qualiFcations should be the primary
consideration. Candidates who are willing
to accept a leadership role and work hard
preparing to perorm their duties will make
the most eectie leaders.
Most chapters hae Fe to seen oFcers.
1he two oFcers necessary or the proper
operation o the chapter are the president
and the secretary. Most chapters elect local
chapter oFcers in the spring o the year, but
the election may occur at the beginning o the
school year.
An adiser may want to consider haing oFcer candidates Fll out an
application orm rather than being nominated rom the noor. Lither
way is acceptable, but otentimes you get more serious candidates i
they hae to complete an application orm prior to running or a local
oFce. '()('(*#(+,2:6;<5,"==/>5?,$;;</>:1/.0,!"#$!%7@9,Once the
adiser has screened and approed the applications, candidates should
be notiFed that they hae met the qualiFcations or running or oFce.
In the next meeting, a slate o approed candidates can be presented
so the members know who is running or each oFce. lae each
candidate gie a 1-2 minute speech, and then hae the members ote.
Lither a hand ote, oice ote, or a ballot ote is acceptable. Reer to
your local chapter bylaws to see i they reer to election procedures.
RAssists the president in the discharge o
RPresides at meetings in the absence o the
president and is prepared to assume the duties
and responsibilities o the president i the
need should arise.
ROersees all committee work and the
management o assignments.
RSeres as an ex-oFcio member o chapter
RPrepares the Local Chapter Annual
Business Report.
RPrepares the program o work once it has
been approed by the local chapter adiser.
RPrepares and reads the minutes o each
meeting. '()('(*#(+,E/0F154,!"#$!%7A9
RPrepares the monthly chapter report and
submits it to the president, ice president, and
adiser. Keeps one copy or chapter records.
1his report helps the ice president prepare
the Local Chapter Annual Report at the
end o the year. '()('(*#(+,!.>:<,#G:;15?,
RProides the president with an agenda or
each meeting. '()('(*#(+,$B50H:,!"#$!%I9,
RCounts and records otes when taken.
RCoordinates and keeps track o the local
chapter point system.
RReads correspondence at local chapter
RPrepares correspondence or the chapter
t Make sure that letters are easy to read-
short sentences, three paragraphs, logical
sequence o ideas.
t Make sure that your letter sounds sincere,
riendly, and positie.
t Use chapter letterhead i you hae it.
t Prooread-always hae your local
chapter adiser prooread and approe
any correspondence beore it is sent.
RPrepares the chapter budget or the year.
t A budget is necessary in the operation o an lBLA chapter.
t 1here are two dierent areas o the budget: income and expenses.
RKeeps an accurate count and roster o the chapter membership.
R\rites receipts or all members when they pay their dues.
RReceies and acts as custodian o chapter unds.
RCollects all state and national dues and is responsible or their
disbursement by the appropriate deadlines.
RKeeps Fnancial records neat and current.
RPlans, with the assistance o the members and the adiser,
appropriate und-raising actiities.
Rlandles the chapter`s accounts receiable and accounts payable.
RLncourages eFcient money management.
RPrepares monthly Fnancial reports or each meeting. '()('(*#(+,
RDeelops media lists or chapter meetings.
RPlans public relations actiities or the chapter.
RGathers and classiFes chapter news. Sends chapter news and photos
or the lBLA-PBL national \eb site to
RPrepares new releases and articles or publication in school and
local newspapers and in state and national lBLA-PBL publications.
'()('(*#(+,2:6;<5,-?544,'5<5:454,'(#'JKL%7M9,Remember to
include the acts o your story.
RSubmits news releases when your chapter shows success at a
conerence or other eents.
RAssists with the planning and arranging o chapter exhibits,booths.
RPrepares a local chapter newsletter at least twice a year or members.
Rlelps the ice president with the Local Chapter Annual Business
RPrepares and updates the chapter \eb site.
Rliles paper and electronic clippings and
pictures o the chapter`s actiities in the
chapter Fles, and keeps all chapter Fles
updated on an ongoing basis.
RKeeps a chapter publicity and actiity
scrapbook, and prepares an electronic slide
show presentation or the end-o-the-year
meeting or awards banquet.
Rlelps the ice president with the Local
Chapter Annual Business Report.
RPrepares monthly bulletin boards with
chapter photos, minutes, and projects.
RAssists chapter members in understanding the basic purpose o
parliamentary procedure.
RIs prepared to adise the president and other chapter members on
parliamentary procedure.
Rlas reerence materials pertaining to parliamentary procedure
aailable or each meeting.
R\atches or signiFcant irregularities in parliamentary procedure and
calls them to the attention o the chair.
RLncourages participation in and prepares a team or the
parliamentary procedure competitie eent.
Successul businesses could not operate
without careul planning. 1hey must deelop
business plans that incorporate well-deFned
goals and objecties with the necessary
action steps and costs, they must then ollow
eectie operational plans to maintain
success. A successul lBLA chapter imitates
the successul business by taking the time
and eort to deelop a written plan o action.
1his plan becomes the chapter`s program o
work. 1he program o work consists o all the
actiities planned by the chapter`s standing
committees. Since members support what
they help create, each chapter member should
sere on at least one standing committee and
assist in the program o work deelopment.
Lstablishing an eectie program o work
requires planning. Planning actiities and the
achieement o goals requires thoughtul
consideration, time, and an orderly process.
1he ollowing steps are one approach
chapters can apply to their process.
Set long-and short-term goals or the
chapter with the local oFcers. Goals are
speciFc, realistic, and reminders o the
accomplishments that you isualize or the
oFcers and the chapter. Brainstorm what
your group wants to do.
t \hat is the mission o lBLA-PBL
t \hat are the expectations o the chapter
rom the perspectie o the members, the
oFcers, adiser, and supporters
\hat is the intended goal or outcome o the project or actiity \hat
do you want to achiee lor instance, i you want to do a und-raiser,
why are you doing that und-raiser 1he answer is not to raise unds.`
1he answer is to raise X amount o unds with X actiity.` Make your
goals speciFc and quantiy them where appropriate ,e.g. recruit ten
Proessional Diision members by Noember,.
Once you hae a goal, you need a project-a strategy-that will
accomplish it. Sit down with your group and brainstorm. Share, deFne,
and reFne your ideas. 1hink o ways you can meet your goal, no matter
how unlikely the ideas initially appear. During this brainstorming
session, do not try to discuss the workability o the indiidual ideas,
just get them all down. Later, you`ll pick which one,s, will work.
\hat resources do you hae aailable, or could you make aailable, to
help you with your project 1hese resources include people, money,
time, supplies, materials, and acilities. 1hink through your project
careully and make a list o all the things you hae and all the things
you will need. Ask questions like:
t \ho can help inside and outside the chapter
t Do you need any special acilities or supplies
t Can any o your supply, material, or acility needs be donated, or
must they be purchased
Break goals into smaller, manageable component tasks. Use these
questions to separate the tasks in your project:
t \hat jobs need to be done to meet the goal
t In what order do things need to happen
t \hat are the interim and Fnal deadlines or goal achieement
\rite down the tasks that need to be Fnished. Diide the larger ones
into seeral smaller pieces. Next, assign committees or indiiduals to
each task. Don`t leae any task unassigned, thinking you`ll get to them
later. 1here is no later` in planning.

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