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Chapter Constitution and Bylaws 2011-2012

ARTICLE I NAME The name of the organization shall be The Supply at Yongsan International School of Seoul (YISS). ARTICLE II OBJECTIVES, AIMS, AND PURPOSES It shall be the purpose of The Supply at YISS to spread awareness about educational injustices and raise funds that will go towards providing educational opportunities for oppressed children internationally. The Supply Chapters are a group of individuals who believe that education has the power to transform impoverished communities and change lives. By providing educational opportunities for these children, they can realize their full human potential and become the supply in their own communities, enacting great change. The hope is not only to just raise funds, but also to inspire others to see education as a call to action ARTICLE III GENERAL MEMBERSHIP AND ELIGIBILITY CRITERIA Section A: Membership is open to any enrolled YISS student who: 1. Paid $10 dues per semester. 2. Attended at least 50% of all The Supply Education Group-sponsored events and meetings. This considers them to be in good standing. ARTICLE IV - GENERAL MEMBER VOTING Section A: First year, executive board member potentials must send applications. 1. The application must include: a. Why you are interested in this positions. b. What skill sets make you qualified for this position. *Be sure that before you send the applications that there is an application for each positions for your club/chapter. *Executive board member applications must be emailed to by AUGUST 12th. Section B: Second year, each member in good standing may vote for executive board member nominees. Each candidate will present a speech to the general body before voting takes place. The speech will include why he or she is qualified for the position and what goals the individual has for the chapter for the upcoming year. ARTICLE V - EXECUTIVE BOARD MEMBERS Section A: The Supply at YISS shall have President, Movement Coordinator, and Operations Coordinator. Section B: All officers must be members of The Supply at YISS. Section C: The term of office shall be 1 year from the point of initiation to the organization. Section D: Members interested in becoming an officer must meet the following academic

requirement: 2.0 cumulative GPA. Section E: Election and re-election of officers shall be held one time during the full academic school year. The person receiving majority vote will be elected or re-elected. Section F: Any vacancy, which may occur in an office, shall be filled by appointment by the President. ARTICLE VI - DUTIES OF EXECUTIVE BOARD DEFINED Section A: President 1. The President will be responsible for the club as a whole, leading all meetings and keeping contact with administration. 2. The President prepares and leads all meetings (board and general). 3. The President will keep all board members accountable with their given responsibilities and serve as a support to other board members if needed. 4. The President shall serve as information distributor and task assigner to the Board. 5. The President will serve as the liaison between The Supply Education Group Central office and The Supply YISS Chapter 6. The President, with approval of the Executive Board, will direct the budget. Section B: The Movement Coordinator 1. The Movement Coordinator shall assume the duties of the President should the office become vacant, or in the absence of the President. 2. The Movement Coordinator will serve as the support to the President. 3. The Movement Coordinator will be responsible for spreading awareness (setting up screenings, events, community service, etc.) 4. The Movement Coordinator must attend all meetings. Section C: Operations Coordinator 1. The Operations Coordinator will be responsible for all of the fundraising events. 2. The Operations Coordinator will keep a current record of all financial transactions and will be responsible for checking the accuracy of all bills and invoices and paying them correctly and on time. 3. The Operations Coordinator must attend all meetings. 4. The Operations Coordinator will send all money fundraised for The Supply Education Group to The Supply Education Group central (through check 277 Closter Dock Road Suite 4, Closter, NJ 07624). ARTICLE VII - OFFICER DUTIES AND ATTENDANCE TO CLUB SPONSORED EVENTS Section A: All officers must attend at least 75% of all club sponsored events and volunteering events, excluding mini fundraisers. Section B: All officers must provide the president a copy of their evaluation for the events they have attended. Section C: Missed event make-ups include participating in mini fundraisers. Section D: All officers unable to fulfill the quota will be subjected to removal from the Executive Board. ARTICLE VII - EXECUTIVE BOARD MEETINGS

Section A: All officers must attend 100% of board meetings. Section B: All officers will be excused for 2 meetings per month. Section C: All officers unable to fulfill the quote will be subjected to removal from the Executive Board. Section D: Board meeting will be held twice a month (before general meetings, respectively). Section E: The purpose of board meetings will be to plan the agenda for general meetings, events, fundraisers, community service, etc. ARTICLE VIII - GENERAL BODY MEETINGS Section A: General body meetings will meet two times per month. Section B: All officers must attend general body meetings. Section C: Movement coordinator must take attendance at every general body meeting.

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