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Subsea Jumper & Spool Piece Metrology Ensure a First Time Fit with BlueView

Faster results...
Understanding the surrounding assets, seabed conditions, and potential obstacles reduces both risk and cost for subsea spool piece and jumper metrology. Traditional metrology methods gather accurate range and angular measurements, providing the results in a table as the final deliverable. In contrast, BlueViews BV5000 tool set delivers a full 3D as-built/as-found from which accurate measurements can be taken. The 3D as-built/as-found contain millions of measurable points, creating a visual model of the target structures and surrounding area. The fully interactive 3D models enable immediate visual assessment of the data for quality assurance.

Application Bulletin

The BV5000 provides a new 3D perspective for a better view of the target structure(s) and surrounding area. From stationary vantage points on the sea floor the BV5000 captures eye-level morphology for improved mapping of the entire work site.

A unique eye-level perspective provides unmatched side elevation detail to quickly validate angular geometries and identify potential obstacles.

Less steps...
Simultaneously survey multiple flanges, pipes, and structures without complex navigation, heading, or positioning data with the BV5000. The final deliverable is a high-resolution, fully rotational 3D point cloud for easy visualization of the entire work site. Easy to Interpret Information...high-resolution point clouds recreate the as-built/as found structure(s) with millions of acoustic measurement points Point-to-Point Measurements...point and click with your cursor anywhere in the point cloud for fast, easy measurements Easier Measurement Validation...millions of measurement points with an interactive 3D model enable immediate visual assessment of the data for quality assurance Uses Standard Terrestrial Laser Scan Software... standard .xyz file formats are compatible with most laser scanning post processing software
BV5000 acoustic scan data (colored areas)

Subsea jumpers and spool pieces are designed to accommodate complex geometries that take into account not only the metrology of the connection points but also topography of the site to avoid obstacles.

Terrestrial laser scan data (white area)

The image above is a high-resolution acoustic scan of the Auk North 4th well manifold taken with a BV5000 3D Mechanical Scanner. The individual scans were merged together to create this mosaic image of the entire subsea work site.

The BV5000s high-resolution acoustic scans can be combined with terrestrial laser scans. The image above shows a slice of the combined scans revealing the in-position details of a well manifold as positioned on the seafloor. The combined data provides unmatched geometry and range accuracy for jumper and spool piece metrology applications.

Making Impossible Jobs Possible

Reduce risk...
The centimeter level accuracy of the BV5000 combined with its unique range capabilities make for a powerful 3D mapping system. Using the BV5000s fully interactive 3D point clouds technicians can verify geometries and distances from multiple angles to validate their data with millions of measurment points. The BV5000 is an essential part of a complete underwater metrology system... Wealth of Useful Information...high-resolution point clouds that reveal seabed condition, surrounding assets, debris, obstacles, erosion conditions, and more all in an interactive 3D as-built/as-found model Covers Wide Areas & Large Structures Quickly... connect individual 3D scans to create mosaic images using common physical reference targets Aids Future Intervention Work...the final 3D asbuilt model provides baseline knowledge of the subsea installation and surrounding area to facilitate tieback, remediation, expansion, and more.

Compact, non-intrusive...
The BV5000s proprietary acoustic technology offers unique characteristics that make it perfect suited for subsea metrology applications: Water Clarity Independent...delivers unmatched range capacity and detail, independent of water clarity conditions and turbidity Easy To Use...operates with a laptop computer and does not require complex positioning or navigation inputs, uses standard terrestrial laser scanning software and physical targets to merge individual scans of large structures Flexible Deployment...modular component system that can easily be integrated on to an ROV or deployed on a portable, marine-grade tripod.

The BV5000 can easily be moved from one scanning position to another capturing critical data from multiple angles to ensure accuracy, and can complete a full 360 rotational scan in approximately 6 minutes.

Using a BV5000 for subsea jumper and spool piece metrology provides a unique 3D as-built/as-found of the target structures and surrounding area for unmatched visual assessment. The final deliverable, a fully interactive 3D as-built/as-found improves geometry and range accuracy to help ensure a critical first time fit.

Enhance the results of a BlueView BV5000 survey by combining it with terrestrial laser scan data of the target structures. The above images shows the result of combining a terrestrial laser scan with a highresolution BlueView acoustic scan. The resulting spool piece created for the Auk North 4th well manifold was a perfect first-time fit.

BlueView Technologies, Inc. 2151 N. Northlake Way, Suite 214 Seattle, WA 98103 (206)545-7260
Making Impossible Jobs Possible

Page 2 BlueView Technologies, Inc. Subsea Jumper & Spool Piece Metrology

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