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PUK Monthly E-Newsletter June 2012

omentum is building with the Power Up Kenya

(PUK) project. Grants, technical designs, fundraising and marketing strategies, new membership, program development, video production, and report writing have been the happs of the project as of late. The current projected implementation date is anticipated to be July 2013, which will include phase 1 (internal wiring), and possibly phase 2 (PV system) depending on the funding status. On the topic of funding, the team is currently looking into 3 grants. The project lead, Matt Lashinsky, recently shot a short video with Angel Granados, which is now currently in post-production. A presentation, meant to elaborate on the inner workings and goals of the project, is also in the works (coming to a computer near you). The Kickstarter application is complete with launch only pending the release of the future-Hollywood-cinematographer made video. The TIES team has been putting in the hours to develop the Community Outreach program. This program will be the centerpiece to making the PUK project cutting edge, unique, innovative, and marketable to juicy grants and potential donors. Steal some time with Anthony Teresi or Duncan McClure to learn more about the program and how you can join the effort. Michelle Hoyt and Eric Young are bringing the structural design to life. Bruce Ferguson is the Neil Armstrong of the team with his efforts on commencing a mission of the 524 report. The team is growing! Becky Abarca has confidently taken on the Marketing Strategist role and has already shown great organization, ideas, and leadership. Ross Myers and Briana Noonan have joined the team to partner with Aryan Rahimzadeh in taking the PUK fundraising team to the next level. Recent Gatherings: The PUK team is beginning to establish a presence on the streets of downtown San Diego with the recent Thirsty Thursday event held on Thursday June 14th at Cremolose. With about 30 in attendance, the group held down the venue for 3 hrs to talk about the project, make new connections, and tap together a number of glasses in toasts to anticipated success.

Upcoming Meetings
6:00 PM June 20 - EC Meeting 6:30 PM June 21 - PUK Fundraising Team Meeting 6:00 PM June 26 PUK Team Meeting 6:00 PM June 28 Community Outreach
For more details, email Matt Lashinsky at for details

Pressing Matters: A single grant to potentially fund most of the project is at the forefront of priority; the team is looking for volunteers to help pursue this great opportunity. The team also needs writers for the ERM grant, report writers, event planners, marketing and graphic arts professionals, and innovative idea people for the community outreach program.

Power Up Kenya E-Newsletter June 2012

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