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UPH- Dr. Jose G.

Tamayo Medical University

COLLEGE OF NURSING REACTION PAPER ABOUT DOMESTIC VIOLENCE Name: Godinez, Leo Patrick V M. In order for a family to function to its fullest, it must have a figure of authority that every member of the family will follow. Commonly, it is the father who assumes this role, but it can also be the mother or anyone in the brood for that matter. There are as many parenting styles of families as there are types of people. Some are authoritarian, some tolerant, some submissive, and unfortunately, there are some that are abusive. It is natural for us people to fight for what is rightfully ours and we will come at anything that threatens our sovereignty. The same thing goes with being the dominant figure in the family. If someone questions or is non-compliant to your authority, you will do everything to suppress that threat, and this sets the stage for domestic violence. Domestic violence is an act in which a family member is being terrorized by someone whom he shares a home withusually, the authoritative figure and most commonly by physical means. The film that our group has confided to see and reflect on was entitled Last House from the Left. It chronicles the experiences of a female teenager with danger and terror while she was on vacation with her parents. During the course of the film the female protagonist and her friend met a seemingly normal but mysterious teenage boy named Justin. Sometime later, while they are in Justins motel room smoking marijuana, it was revealed in the following scene that Justins father was actually an infamous, notorious criminal. It was here that Justins inner scar is slowly being unveiled: even when his father is violating his newfound friends, he just sat there statuesque, frozen by fear of his father. Justin wanted to stand up against his father but he was too afraid to do so. Like near the end of the film, he already got an upper hand on his father by pointing a gun at him but he cannot bring himself to pull the trigger because Justin trembles at his sight. The home must be a place of fortitude for those who live in it-- a place they can feel secure at, the place where they know they are safe. It is very unfortunate to say that the act of domestic violence is still a crisis that continues to plague many families in the world. It is in the home where the molding of character starts and it is the right of every person to be the best he/she can make him/herself be. The act of domestic violence robs this right to the people who fall as victims of it. The advocacy of the cause against domestic violence is one of noble intention because it not just saves people from the violence itself, but saves them their soul and the future they can make themselves have.

UPH- Dr. Jose G. Tamayo Medical University


UPH- Dr. Jose G. Tamayo Medical University

COLLEGE OF NURSING REACTION PAPER ABOUT DOMESTIC VIOLENCE Name: Lunas, Anna Carmela L. Domestic violence has been present in our world since time can tell. It is a widespread problem that a lot of people have been trying to eradicate, but still, for some reason, emerges as one of the top unsettled crises of all time. Men, women and children----- anyone can be a victim of domestic violence, and it exempts no one. A great deal of proposals and movements have already been done in order to fight and stop domestic violence, hoping to lessen the number of people being victimized, extending and creating awareness towards other people and uplifting the hopes of those unfortunate sufferers. Domestic violence creates fear and results into deep trauma for those who have been maltreated, to the extent that their normal functioning as an individual and as a member of the society has been greatly affected. This possibly why the movie industry also produces films that show immense violence and terror-----to create a wider sense of consciousness to other people; that inhumane treatment for beings of our kind is present in the world were living in today. And as stewards, it is our duty to reach out to those people, for the betterment of everyones welfare. And as part of our requirement, we were assigned to choose one film showing Domestic Violence and we picked the 2009-remake of The Last House on the Left. The movie in general was very thrilling and heart-pounding because of the morbid and unpredictable scenes. It will not scare you, but it may cause both your blood pressure and your lunch to rise at alarming rates. It has opened my eyes to the reality that some people can really cause others harm and even endanger not only their own lives but the lives of their families as well. Besides the fact that the film was really an emotional jackhammer, it was full of sequences of grimy violence which were cross-cut with hillbilly humor. It was repulsive, jarring, unnerving, and even sadistic. On my part, it was really a reaction to the violence around us. It shows how violence affects people. It blew away all the cliches of handling violence. Before that violence had been neat and tidy, it was made painful, protracted and shocking that it was made very human. The movie makes a plea for an end to all the senseless violence and inhuman cruelty that has become so much a part of the times in which we live --- This fact is already borne out by the number of parents who have taken their daughters to see the film. These parents regard this movie as a perfect deterrent to this type of behavior. Name: Mongcal, Joe Marie R.

UPH- Dr. Jose G. Tamayo Medical University

COLLEGE OF NURSING REACTION PAPER ABOUT DOMESTIC VIOLENCE Women and children are often in great danger in the place where they should be safest: within their families. For many, home is where they face a regime of terror and violence at the hands of somebody close to them somebody they should be able to trust. Those victimized suffer physically and psychologically. They are unable to make their own decisions, voice their own opinions or protect themselves and their children for fear of further repercussions. Their human rights are denied and their lives are stolen from them by the everpresent threat of violence. Domestic violence, also known as domestic abuse, spousal abuse, battering, family violence, and intimate partner violence (IPV), is broadly defined as a pattern of abusive behaviors by one or both partners in an intimate relationship such as marriage, dating, family, or cohabitation. Domestic violence, so defined, has many forms, including physical aggression or assault (hitting, kicking, biting, shoving, restraining, slapping, throwing objects), or threats thereof; sexual abuse; emotional abuse; controlling or domineering; intimidation; stalking; passive/covert abuse (e.g., neglect); and economic deprivation. Alcohol consumption and mental illness can be co-morbid with abuse, and present additional challenges in eliminating domestic violence. Awareness, perception, definition and documentation of domestic violence differ widely from country to country, and from era to era. Violence against women and girls continues to be a global epidemic that kills, tortures, and maims physically, psychologically, sexually and economically. It is one of the most pervasive of human rights violations, denying women and girls, equality, security, dignity, self-worth, and their right to enjoy fundamental freedoms. Violence against women is present in every country, cutting across boundaries of culture, class, education, income, ethnicity and age. Even though most societies proscribe violence against women, the reality is that violations against womens human rights are often sanctioned under the garb of cultural practices and norms, or through misinterpretation of religious tenets. Moreover, when the violation takes place within the home, as is very often the case, the abuse is effectively condoned by the tacit silence and the passivity displayed by the state and the law-enforcing machinery Domestic violence should not happen to anybody ever. But it does - and when it does, there is help. Maybe you have lived with abuse, maybe it happened just once; maybe you work or live next to someone who is being abused right now. Name: Palma, Charmaine J.

UPH- Dr. Jose G. Tamayo Medical University

COLLEGE OF NURSING REACTION PAPER ABOUT DOMESTIC VIOLENCE Domestic violence, no matter how benign it seems in the beginning, escalates to often unimaginable levels.Neighbors and relatives will often caution patience and even prayer to one suffering physical or mental abuse. Even children who witness beatings and harassment will beg the abused parent to bear with the suffering, for the sake of preserving family unity. But this is not right! Its not possible to preserve a family, if your love ones or worst your self is in danger.True domestic violence is criminal and has, fortunately rarely, resulted in tragic consequences. There are so many ways to escape from this act, you ask help. The Government has created the Domestic Violence Industry. The future is here as "Family Advocacy Centers" are springing up across the nation. So dont be afraid, act and speak! The Last House on the Left is a very impressing movie, I must say. It was full of disturbing violence, rape and murder. It made me hate the bad guys and also made me want to HURT the bad guys. The film emphasizes the fact that the violence dehumanizes not only the victims but the aggressors. It details both the initial acts of violation and the revenge that ensues as similarly de-humanizing and reprehensible. A stomach-churning violence, That reminds us that we were watching people commit horrifying acts of violence upon other, often innocent, people. It also suggests the incompetence of authorities is due to some ignorance and an inability to understand a world that seems increasingly more violent with each generation. It seems like the message of peace, love and cultural diversity will remained a lasting ideology.

UPH- Dr. Jose G. Tamayo Medical University

COLLEGE OF NURSING REACTION PAPER ABOUT DOMESTIC VIOLENCE Name: Reyes, Ericka Jane P. The movie is all about A pair of teenage girls are brutally raped and terrorized by a vicious gang of psychopaths, who subsequently find their cruelty returned tenfold when they seek sanctuary in the home of one of the victim's parents in this contemporary reworking of Wes Craven's controversial .Shortly after arriving at her family's secluded lake house, Mari Collingwood and her best friend are abducted by a sadistic prison escapee and his violent crew. Left for dead and nearly in shock after suffering unspeakable abuse at the hands of her captors, Mari realizes that her only hope for survival is to find her way back home. Unfortunately for Mari, her attackers have unwittingly arrived at her parents' home seeking shelter from the authorities. There, Mari's concerned parents, John and Emma, realize to their horror just what grim fate has done to their beloved daughter. Suppressing their rage in order to place the killers into a deadly trap, John and Emma quietly hatch a plan to make the three strangers suffer for their grisly transgressions the killers deserve this kind of trap. The killers are so brutal they dont have mercy for their victims. The parents had the right to revenge because their daughter was the victim. Domestic Violence is one of the common problems that Filipinos were suffering. Either here or in the other country or abroad, it is a major problem that can affect our mental, physical, emotional and social condition. Studies show that women and children are the most common victims of this problem. It is because they are not that physically strong to defend their selves. Domestic violence affects not only those who were abused, but witnesses, family members, co-workers and friends. Children who witness domestic violence are victims themselves and upon growing up it can lead them to a multitude of social and physical problems. Constant exposure to violence in the home teaches these children that violence is a normal way of life and places them at risk of becoming society's next generation of victims and abusers. While abused women are at higher risk of miscarriages, stillbirths, and infant deaths. Some women suffer anxiety disorders and panic attacks, chronic depression, eating disorders, dissociative states and strained family relationships, drug and alcohol dependence, sexual dysfunction, and poverty. Extreme cases can lead to suicide attempts and death either at their own hands or those of their abusers. Domestic violence is increasing now days because they used their power over those who are in lower class. The term they use is POWER TRIPPING? Why such people who are in upper class do such this thing may be because someone committed a mistake, May be thats the start of their argument that lead to a crime or domestic violence, but for me it is normal to do mistakes because nobody can do all things in a Right or good outcomes. I think to those people who are doing violence should pay for their mistake so that they will know their lesson.

UPH- Dr. Jose G. Tamayo Medical University

COLLEGE OF NURSING REACTION PAPER ABOUT DOMESTIC VIOLENCE Name: Ritualo, Philip Gerard A. Domestic violence is a serious issue. The violent attacks are usually by men towards women. This issue is not stereotypical to only one type of lifestyle. Domestic violence can occur whether the people involved are rich or poor. Religion is not a factor because domestic violence can occur whether the people are Christian or non-Christian, Muslim, Buddhist, or any other religion. Domestic abuse appears not only with violence, but it is very prevalent in psychological abuse.

Our group chose The Last House on the Left as our movie about domestic violence. It is about two young women who were physically, mentally and emotionally abused by a group of thugs particularly the two men. They used humiliation and degradation as a weapon. They made their victims feel as if they are worthless. They also left their victims in a state of helplessness and even killed one of them. Women are battered by those in which they thought that they could place their trust in. It is a very frightening fact that domestic abusers are always intimate with their victims, at one time or another.

Many women have lost their self esteem and believe all of the humiliating words that have they heard from the abuser. Domestic violence affects millions and millions of woman in the world. This problem is very widespread. The severity of this problem is over-whelming due to the fear in which has been instilled in the victims of domestic abuse. These fears conquer woman, and their ability to get out of the abusive relationship. I hope this problem is recognized and much to be done to correct this problem.

UPH- Dr. Jose G. Tamayo Medical University

COLLEGE OF NURSING REACTION PAPER ABOUT DOMESTIC VIOLENCE Name: Unida, Rezelle C. A pair of teenage girls are brutally raped and terrorized by a viscious gang of psychopaths, who subsequently find their crueltyreturned tenfold when they seek sanctuary in the home of one of the victimss parents. Shortly after ariving at her familys seclude lake house, Mari Collingwood and her best friend Paige are abducted by a sadistic prison escapee and his violent crew. Left for dead and nearly in shock after suffering unspaekable abuse at the hands of her captors, Mari realizes that her only hope of survival is to swim and find her way back home. Unfortunately, her attackers have unwittingly arrived at her parents home seeking shelters from the authorities. There, Mari concened parents realize to thir horror just what grim fate has befallen to their daughter. Suppressing their range in order to lure the killers into a deadly trap, John and Emma (Maris parents) hatch a planto make the tree criminals to suffer what they have done to their daughter. In this movie, I can say that there is really a domestic violation, like in the scene of raping the young girl, and killing some of the police officers. The leader of the criminal is trying to teach his son to become like him, but his son doesnt want to be likewise. He is teaching how to rape the girl but his son refuses to. And instead of being like his father, the son helped the family of the victim to conquer his father by giving the gun of his father to the father of the girl victim and tries to kill his own father. He doesnt refuse to give the gun because he also wants to be free to his fathers image of being a criminal. This movie also shows the love of the parents toward their daughter , because ejust like what is in the movie they do everything just to have the justice fotr thyeir daughter. The kill all the criminal and as the result they save their daugther from danger and there is no m ore criminals beyond their way.

UPH- Dr. Jose G. Tamayo Medical University

COLLEGE OF NURSING REACTION PAPER ABOUT DOMESTIC VIOLENCE Name: Valdez, Merry Lhou F. The movie The Last House on the Left is about violence and it is kinda disturbing for me to watch because the scenes are harsh the bad guys are did a lot of harm to the two teenagers especially to Mari, who had been raped in the movie. The movie also had scenes which are about vengeance. Rape is an act of violence and it is one of the leading causes of abuse of women and children. Victims of violence experience both short-term and long-lasting effects. Physical injuries can range from bruises, cuts, and burns to broken bones, stab wounds, miscarriages (in women), and death. Also, victims experience depression and other psychological distress, eating disorders, and alcohol and substance abuse problems, and they are more likely than other people to contemplate or attempt suicide. Children who witness violence experience depression and psychological distress and are more likely than other children to be physically violent.

UPH- Dr. Jose G. Tamayo Medical University

COLLEGE OF NURSING REACTION PAPER ABOUT DOMESTIC VIOLENCE Name: Vergara, Bernadeth U. The Last House on the Left is a 2009 American film directed by Dennis Iliadis and written by Carl Ellsworth and Adam Alleca. It is a remake of the 1972film of the same name, and stars Monica Potter, Tony Goldwyn, Garret Dillahunt, and Sara Paxton. The film follows the parents (Goldwyn and Potter) of Mari Collingwood (Paxton), who attempt to get revenge on a group of strangers, led by a man named Krug (Dillahunt), that have taken shelter at their home during a thunderstorm. The Collingwoods discover that the Krug and his group have shot their daughter and left her for dead. The film rights were picked up by Rogue Pictures in 2006, with the remake being the first film produced by Wes Craven's new production studio Midnight Pictures. Craven, who wrote and directed the 1972 original, was interested to see what kind of film could be produced on a large budget, as the limited funds in 1972 forced him to eliminate scenes he had wanted to film to tell a complete story. Alleca's original script included elements of the supernatural, which prompted the studio to reject it and bring in Ellsworth to perform a rewrite. One of the elements director Iliadis wanted to avoid with this film, given its graphic nature, was turning it into torture porn a sub-genre of horror popularized by the Saw franchise. For Craven and Iliadis, The Last House on the Left primarily illustrates how even the most normal of families can be driven to evil acts if pushed too far.The film was released on March 13, 2009, and took the top spot away from Watchmen with $5.6 million in weekend revenue. The Last House on the Leftwas met with mixed reviews from critics, with Dillahunt's performance often praised and the rape sequence criticized as being too realistic to handle. Audience opinion ranked the film at a "B" level, from a scale of "A to F"; the film would ultimately gross approximately $45 million worldwide. This movie is a re-make, or re-imagining as they are now labelling them, of the original 1972 horror masterpiece written and directed by Wes Craven and produced by Sean S. Cunningham (who would later make Friday the 13th). The story follows 17 year old Mari Collingwood and her friend Phyllis who, upon deciding to attend a concert for Mari's birthday, are captured by a gang who have just escaped from prison. The girls are raped, mutilated and murdered by the criminals in the woods (after their car breaks down). After this, the gang seeks refuge in the nearest house, the last house on the left, which just happens to be the home of Mari and her parents. Upon discovering what has happened the Collingwood's decide to exact their revenge.


UPH- Dr. Jose G. Tamayo Medical University

COLLEGE OF NURSING REACTION PAPER ABOUT DOMESTIC VIOLENCE Name: Viray, Jessica May C. First, what is DOMESTIC VIOLENCE? Domestic violence, also known as domestic abuse, spousal abuse, battering, family violence, and intimate partner violence (IPV), is broadly defined as a pattern of abusive behaviours by one or both partners in an intimate relationship such as marriage, dating, family, or cohabitation. Domestic violence, so defined, has many forms, including physical aggression or assault (hitting, kicking, biting, shoving, restraining, slapping, throwing objects), or threats thereof; sexual abuse; emotional abuse; controlling or domineering; intimidation; stalking; passive/covert abuse (e.g., neglect); and economic deprivation. Alcohol consumption and mental illness can be co-morbid with abuse, and present additional challenges in eliminating domestic violence. Awareness, perception, definition and documentation of domestic violence differ widely from country to country, and from era to era. Domestic violence and abuse isn't limited to obvious physical violence. Domestic violence can also mean endangerment, criminal coercion, kidnapping, unlawful imprisonment, trespassing, harassment, and stalking. According to the Merriam-Webster dictionary definition, domestic violence is: "the inflicting of physical injury by one family or household member on another; also: a repeated / habitual pattern of such behavior." And on the Movie, The Last house on the left, the pair of the teenage girls are brutally raped and terrorized by a vicious gang of psychopaths, who subsequently find their cruelty returned tenfold when they seek sanctuary in the home of one of the victim's parents. They both experienced a domestic violence: physically and sexually. The two girls suffer so much but unfortunately they died. As I watched the movie, I cant help but to get pity with what the girls had experienced because it all just started with the friendship that they are starting to build with Justine (Son of one of the gang) but unfortunately went out on the worst side. Maybe, Mari (one of the girl) wont be experiencing this if she just listens with her mother to go home and not spent overnight with her friend, Paige. It seems that the common reaction to The Last House on the Left was a knee jerk one. . I wont deny that, it is an incredibly abhorrent film. It hinges on humiliation and vengeance, which makes it like most other modern horror titles. Its focus on sexual assault, however, puts it in a different, more primal league. One thing Ive learned about the movie is that we should and we must listen to our parents and not to be stubborn in able not to be harm as what the girls have been through. And sometime, we should set limit on our new found friends, not that we dont trust them but we should also think first of our safety. 11

UPH- Dr. Jose G. Tamayo Medical University



UPH- Dr. Jose G. Tamayo Medical University




UPH- Dr. Jose G. Tamayo Medical University


Compilation of Reaction Papers As partial fulfillment of the requirements in Elective 1

Submitted to:

Maam Antonietta Rosemelinda C. Edra


Submitted by: N3A Group 3

Godinez, Leo Patrick V Lunas, Anna Carmela L. Mongcal, Joe Marie R. Palma, Charmaine J. Reyes, Ericka Jane P.


Ritualo, Philip Gerard A. Unida, Rezelle C. Valdez, Merry Lhou F. Vergara, Bernadeth U. Viray, Jessica May C.

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