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Editshare Lightworks v11

ReadMe File


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28 May 2012


This version of Lightworks provides several new features as well as fixes for prior limitations. See the following sections: New in this Version Fixed Since Version Technical Support Information

New in this Version

The following features are new in this version: You can now view your system status, and upgrade from the Free version of Lightworks to Lightworks Pro using a code that activates your license. See "Upgrading to Lightworks Pro" on page 4. Lightworks now includes an automatic backup facility for edits, as well as the ability to restore backups. See "Automatic Backups" on page 7 and "Restoring from a Backup" on page 7. You can now drag in black at the start or end of a clip as a Replace or as an Insert. See "Dragging in Black" on page 9. You can now share projects and Media Spaces. See "Sharing Projects" on page 9. A number of changes have been made to Import and Export. See "Import and Export Changes" on page 15. Lightworks now ships physical keyboards customized for several languages. See "Customized Keyboards" on page 20. Bins have new functionality. See "New Bin Features" on page 20. You can now add titles using a native Lightworks title effect. See "Titles" on page 22. Drag-and-drop has new functionality. See "Drag-and-Drop" on page 24. The way you trim using the numeric keypad has changed. See "Trimming with the Numeric Keypad" on page 24. You can now click on any edge of a viewer and drag it to resize. The size of the viewer appears in the upper left corner while you drag it. You can now define a Mark Clip keyboard shortcut that adds marks at the head and tail of the current segment.


If you imported media using the Create Link option, you can now relink missing media using the Relink option in the bin menu or the clip menu. All subsystems have been redesigned to facilitate cross-platform functionality. Still image import has been improved. Media that is one frame in duration is now automatically extended to 60 seconds, enabling shots with speeds other than 100%. The following Matrox drivers are now supported: Retail drivers and, OEM drivers v5.5.0.40, v8.0.0.108 and

Upgrading to Lightworks Pro

You can now view your software status, and you can also upgrade your software to Lightworks Pro. Lightworks installs by default with the Free version (with the Shark appearing in gray). The license for Lightworks Pro is available for purchase from the Lightworks Shop at You can specify the number of activations, the number of concurrent (networked) users for each code, if any, and the duration of each code at the time of purchase. You can move a single-activation license from one system to another and you can detach a license from the network for a specified period of time. See "Moving a Single Activation License to Another System" on page 6 and "Detaching a Network License" on page 6.
NOTE: Your system must be connected to the Internet before you activate your license for Lightworks Pro. After you have activated the license, you san safely remove the Lightworks system from the Internet connection.

To view software status and activate a license, do the following.

TASK 1. Navigate to and upgrade your membership to

Full status.
You receive an activation code. 2. Start Lightworks.



In the bottom left corner of the work area, click on the Lightworks version number. The Software Status window opens.


Click Activate new license. The License Activation Code window opens.


Copy and paste or type the license activation code you obtained in Step 1, and then press Enter. An Activation Successful message opens. The version status updates from Free to Full, and the Shark appears in red. The remaining days on the license appears in red.


Close the Software Status window by clicking the Close box.


Moving a Single Activation License to Another System You can move a single activation license from one Lightworks system to another by doing the following.
TASK 1. Make sure both systems are connected to the same network, that you know the name of both computers, and that detaching licenses has been enabled in the Admin Control Centre ( see the Sentinel documentation). In the bottom left corner of the work area, click on the Lightworks version number. The Software Status window opens. 3. Click Detach license. You are prompted for the name of the computer you want to detach the license from (the Host computer). 4. Type the Host computer name and press Enter. You are prompted for the detached license duration. This is determined by the Administrator. 5. Type the number of days and press Enter.


Detaching a Network License If you have a network of Lightworks systems, you need to activate your license once on one Lightworks system (the Admin system) on the network. Thereafter any Lightworks systems on that network automatically use a network license if they find one available. When a user closes Lightworks, the network license automatically returns to the Admin system. You can detach a network license and remain licensed by doing the following.
TASK 1. 2. Make sure and that detaching licenses has been enabled in the Admin Control Centre ( see the Sentinel documentation). In the bottom left corner of the work area, click on the Lightworks version number. The Software Status window opens. 3. Click Detach a license. You are prompted for the name of the computer you want to detach the license from (the Host computer).



Type the Host computer name and press Enter. You are prompted for the detached license duration. This is determined by the Administrator.

5. 6.

Type the number of days and press Enter. To return a detached license, click Return a detached license.

Automatic Backups
In addition to the regular backups Lightworks makes, automatic backups called Milestones are created for edits after every ten edit operations (mods). The last ten milestones are stored for an edit. The milestones are stored in Lightworks\Projects\Pxxxxxxx\Milestones\Exxxxx\. The milestones are numbered from zero (0) through nine (9), but are not necessarily in chronological order. You can change the number of milestones stored or the number of edit operations per milestone by editing the Lightworks configuration file. Open C:\Program Files\Lightworks\Lightworks\config.dat and add the following lines below the line run_always 1:
milestones_per_edit #

mods_per_milestone # where # is the number you want, and then save the file. Both of these entries have a default of 10.
NOTE: If you increase them to a number over 10, you might notice a performance decrease.

Restoring from a Backup

In case of emergency, you can restore from an automatic backup. To do this, you need to copy a file from the backup folder to the project folder. If you have not deleted the backed-up edit from the project folder, you need to move the original file to another location before you copy in the backup file. To restore from an automatic backup, do the following.


TASK 1. Do the following to note the Cookie number for the edit you want to restore: a b Open Lightworks. Make sure the Cookie column displays in Bin List view by clicking the bin Cogs button and then selecting Columns > Custom > Customise, selecting Cookie, and clicking OK.

The bin displays the Cookie column.

c 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

Note the Cookie number for the edit you want to restore.

Browse to the backup location: Lightworks\Projects\Pxxxxxxx\Milestones\. Open the folder that has the same Cookie number as your edit. Open your project folder in Lightworks\Projects\Pxxxxxx and move the file that matches your backup file to another location for safekeeping. Copy the backup file (that ends in a number from 1-9) to your project folder in Lightworks\Projects\Pxxxxxx. Rename the filename extension to .ed5, for example, rename 123456.1 to 123456.ed5. NOTE: If you did not move the original file to another location, a message box opens when you try to rename the file saying that a file with the same name is already present. Move the original file as described in Step 4, and then try the renaming again.


Dragging in Black
The Drag-in-Black option is no longer in the Edit cogs menu. You can drag in black at the start or end of a clip as a Replace or as an Insert. To drag in black, do the following.
TASK 1. 2. To drag in black as a Replace, press the Ctrl key, unjoin the cut where you want the black, and trim. To drag in black as an Insert, press the Shift key, unjoin the cut where you want the black, and trim.

Sharing Projects
If you have two or more Lightworks systems, you can share Media Spaces and Project Spaces. See the following topics: "Mapping Network Drives" on page 9 "Managing Project Spaces" on page 10 "Creating a Project Space" on page 11 "Selecting the Shared Project Space" on page 12 "Creating Additional Rooms" on page 12 "Creating a User List" on page 13 "File Ownership" on page 14

Mapping Network Drives You need to map the network drives on the Lightworks systems you want to share. To map network drives, do the following.
TASK 1. 2. Open EditShare Connect on one Lightworks system. NOTE: You can also use the Windows drive-mapping facility. Map a drive for the projects to the P drive letter (P:\). NOTE: You can also create a folder of any name in which to put your projects.


3. 4.

Map a drive for the Media to the M drive letter (M:\). NOTE: You can also create a folder of any name in which to put your media. Repeat Steps 1-3 on the other Lightworks system. NOTE: Both machines must have the same drive letters mapped.

Managing Project Spaces You need to assign the network drives you created in "Mapping Network Drives" on page 9 to the Project Space and Media Space location on all Lightworks machines. To manage project spaces, do the following.
TASK 1. 2. Click the Cogs icon in the Projects Browser. Select Manage Project Spaces from the Project Options list. The Manage Project Spaces dialog box opens.

3. 4.

Click the Location list. The Set Root for Network Projects dialog box opens. Select the drive you created for the shared project (P:\) and click OK. A message box opens to remind you to use the same location for all systems.

5. 6. 7.

Click the Close box. Click the Default Material Location list. The Set Root for Network Projects dialog box opens. Select the drive you created for the shared media (M:\) and click OK. A message box opens to remind you to use the same location for all systems.



8. 9.

Click the Close box. Repeat this procedure for every Lightworks system you want to share.

Creating a Project Space You need to create a new Project Space. This is the folder where all the project files are kept. You need to do this only once on one of the Lightworks systems. After you create the Project Space, you can select it on all the other Lightworks machines. To create a new Project Space, do the following.
TASK 1. 2. Click the Cogs icon in the Projects Browser. Select Manage Project Spaces from the Project Options list. The Manage Project Spaces dialog box opens.


Click New Project Space.


Type a name for the Project Space, and then click Do It.



Selecting the Shared Project Space To select a Shared Project Space, do the following.
TASK 1. In the Projects Browser, click the Local Projects list.


Select the new Shared Project Space you created.


Create a new project as you normally do. See "Setting up a Project" on page 21.

Creating Additional Rooms You need to create additional rooms so multiple users can enter the same project. To create additional rooms, do the following.
TASK 1. In the Projects Browser, click the Shared Project Space you created.




Click New Room, and create a new room for each user. For details, see "Creating a New Room from the Projects Browser" on page 22. NOTE: If a room is occupied by another user, that room is unavailable to other users. An Occupied by User message displays in red. If you try to open an occupied room, a message appears saying the room is occupied.

Creating a User List You need to create a list of the computer names of the Lightworks systems that you want to connect to the shared environment. EditShare recommends renaming each computer to the name of its user. Instead of using a name like, for example, HP-Laptop, change the computer name to the users first name, for example, Max. You may use the computer name if you have reason not to use user names. Make sure the names are unique. To create a user list, do the following.
TASK 1. 2. Assemble the list of computers and names. To rename a computer, do the following: a b Right-click My Computer and select Properties. Click Advanced System Settings, and then click the Computer Name tab.



c d e 3. 4.

Click Change. Type the computer name you want, and then click OK, and OK again. Restart your system.

Open Notepad. Type each computer name, one per line, as shown in the following example: Max Edith Allan

5. 6.

Press Enter after the last name. Save the file in the Project Space folder, naming it userlist.dat. NOTE: Make sure .txt is not added to the end of the filename, for example, userlist.dat.txt.

File Ownership Consider the following about file ownership in Shared Projects: When you create a new edit or sequence in a Shared Project, you have ownership of it. This means that you have Read/Write access to it, and other users have only Read access to it. Other users can open the edit or sequence, play it, or make a copy of it, but they cannot make changes to the edit or sequence. After a user makes a copy of an edit or sequence, that user has Read/Write access to it. Any changes made to an edit or sequence are updated in all rooms of the Shared Project. In a Shared Project, a padlock icon appears on the right side of the edit viewer. Shots and subclips do not have specific ownership. They are available on a first come, first served basis. If user Max, for example, is already editing the database information of a shot or subclip, user Allan cannot make any changes to it until Max is finished. Bins are shared with all users in a Shared Project. If one user makes a bin permanent, other users can search and find it. Bins are updated in all rooms when any user makes a change, for example, by adding or removing shots from a bin. Creator/owners of an edit or sequence can give permission to other users.
NOTE: You can only give permission to other users. You cannot take permission from another user.

To give permission to another user, do the following.



TASK 1. As the creator/owner of an edit or sequence, click the padlock icon in the edit viewer. An Ownership dialog box opens. 2. 3. Click the User list and select a user name to transfer ownership to. The edit is automatically taken out of Rec mode. To set the ownership to anyone, select NONE from the User list.

Import and Export Changes

See the following sections: "Import and Export Formats" on page 15 "Export Dialog Box Changes" on page 16 "Select Files to Import Changes" on page 18 "Importing Stereoscopic Media" on page 19

Import and Export Formats The following new import and export formats and file types have been added:
Version Option XDCAM EX XDCAM HD XDCAM IMX AVCHD Main Concept codec Avid DNxHD 10 bit decode Avid DNxHD encode and decode HDV Blu-Ray AAF AVCIntra ProRes Import only. Export only. Free Pro Matrox codecs now disabled. Import only. Requires a separate codec license. Requires a separate codec license. Notes



Version Option .wmv .ts .m2t .mts .m2ts .m2v .mpg .asf .mp4 .pva .vob Free Pro Import only. Import only. Import only. Import only. Import only. Import only. Notes

Available for purchase from

Export Dialog Box Changes The following are new in the Export Dialog box:



Additional formats have been added.

Size and file type have been added. You can now specify whether the audio is embedded into the video file or separated out as WAV files.

You can now specify the aspect ratio for your exported file.

You can now specify the container for your exported file. Options differ depending on the format you choose.

You can now choose to display your exported file in fields or in frames.



You can now save your Export settings by clicking the Cogs icon and selecting Save settings as user preset.

NOTE: You can also delete your preferences in this dialog box.

The Picture, Sound, and Logs options have been removed.

Select Files to Import Changes The Select Files to Import dialog box now displays image thumbnails, Format, Frame Rate, Size and Date.

If a file cannot be imported, the relevant field displays in red, that is, if the frame rate does not match the project, the frame rate displays in red.



Importing Stereoscopic Media You can import stereoscopic media if it is named correctly. Lightworks imports pairs of files as a single synced file.
NOTE: For information about selecting stereoscopic 3D options, see "Selecting Stereoscopic 3D Options" on page 190.

To import stereoscopic media, do the following.

TASK 1. Make sure the pair of files you want to import has identical filenames with the exception of left or right in the same position in the filename. For example, a pair named clip001left.mxf and clip001right.mxf will import successfully. A pair named clip001left.mxf and rightclip001.mxf will not import successfully. 2. 3. Make sure the pair of files has identical durations. A pair with different durations will not import successfully. Do one of the following: 4. Select the pair of files in your Windows filesystem and drag them onto the Import tool. Search for the pair from within the Import tool.

Import the files. Lightworks syncs the pair into a single file named, for example, clip001L. The clip appears in the bin. The Tracks column displays V1 LR, which is evidence that Lightworks successfully synced the two cameras and created a V track from the pair of files.


Open the shot in the Timeline. A single V track appears that contains V1 L and V1 R.



Customized Keyboards
You can special order a regional keyboard that more closely matches your usual keyboard.

Keyboards for the following languages are available: English - United Kingdom English - United States French, German, Spanish Japanese Chinese (Hong Kong)

Chinese (Taiwan) When you import Lightworks Preferences, the keyboard template that matches your physical keyboard is imported.

New Bin Features

New features have been added for Bins and Bin views. To use the new bin features, do any of the following.
TASK Click the display icon in the upper right corner and select one of the following: Tiles List (List view now includes a thumbnail)

Play a tile by clicking the thumbnail picture and pressing Play on the Console. Move tiles from one bin to another by clicking the tile and dragging it. Add a tile to a minimized bin by right-left clicking it.



Edit a clip by double-clicking its thumbnail in List view. The thumbnail expands into a Source viewer. Select multiple clips by Shift-clicking or Ctrl-clicking them. In Tiles view, click the area between tiles and then drag around tiles to select them. Move selected clips by dragging them into another bin, the Edit viewer, or the Timeline. You can also drag selected clips onto the Edit tool, the Bin tool, or the Sync tool. The cursor changes to show you how many clips you are moving.

Copy selected clips by Ctrl-dragging them into another bin. The cursor changes to show you how many clips you are copying. Insert selected clips by Shift-dragging them into a viewer or the Timeline. Replace (overwrite) selected clips by dragging them into a viewer or the Timeline. To open a new bin with selected clips, drag the selected clips onto the Bin icon in the Toolbar. To open a new edit with selected clips, drag the selected clips onto the Edit icon in the Toolbar. Select additional options by clicking the Cogs icon and then doing any of the following: Sort the tiles by selecting Sort By > sort option. Align the tiles without re-sorting them by selecting Tidy. In Tiles view, change the tile size to Big or Small by selecting Tile size > size option. In List view, change the thumbnail size by selecting Thumb size > size option.



You can now add titles with the native Lightworks title effect.

After you type the text you want, you can adjust the following parameters of the title:. Font. You can select the typeface, bold, italic, size, and opacity (the last two can be keyframed.)



Face. You can choose one Flat color, a vertical gradient or sheen, and you can select two keyframeable colors

Position. You can select the X,Y position of the title as well as the leading. Both of these can be keyframed. You can also select an anchor point

Shadow. You can add or remove a shadow from the title, and change the color, offset, and softness, all of which can be keyframed.

Effects. You can decide how the title starts, with no effect, a fade in, or a typewriter effect, where each letter appears one after the other. You can also change the fade out.



You can now drag-and-drop in the following ways (in addition to existing functionality): If you select Drag/drop track sync from the Timeline cogs menu, when you drag-and-drop a clip on the Timeline, its audio moves with it. You can drag-and-drop an effect from the Effects dialog box to the clip on the Timeline or in an edit viewer where you want the effect. You can drag-and-drop a multi-track selection from one place in an edit to another if the section has been mark-and-parked.

NOTE: Dragging and dropping performs a Replace. If you press the Shift key while you drag and drop, it performs and Insert. The mouse pointer changes to show you which operation you are performing.

Trimming with the Numeric Keypad

Trimming numerically has changed. To trim using the numeric keypad, do the following.
TASK 1. To trim forward, do the following: a b Unjoin the cut. Press the plus sign (+) on the numeric keypad The Nudge Forwards dialog box opens.

Type the number of frames you want to trim, and then press Do It.




To trim backward, do the following: a b Unjoin the cut. Press the plus sign (+) on the numeric keypad The Nudge Backwards dialog box opens.

Type the number of frames you want to trim, and then press Do It.

Fixed Since Version

Lightworks v11 fixes a number of issues found in v10.0.4.1, a list of which can be found on the Lightworks web site at

Technical Support Information

For assistance beyond this document and that provided in your Lightworks documentation, if you have purchased a support agreement, contact EditShare Technical Support at Have the exact version number of your Lightworks implementation ready as well as your support agreement number. EditShare strongly recommends that you purchase a support agreement; if you do not have a support agreement, a per-incident rate is available for problems not covered by warranty. Otherwise you can seek support by visiting the forum at


Part No.: TP-00102-01 May 2012

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