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ACRTe ache rInformationRe port

Pe riod:01/04/201130/03/2012

GENERALINFORMATION NameoftheSchool&ID:KaralaSKV1413078
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. Nam e in fu ll(In Block Le tte rs) Fath e r's/Hu sban d'sNam e Date ofBirth Q u alification O th e rQ u alification De sign ation S cale ofPay Date ofin itialAppoin tm e n t Date ofProm otion Re side n ialAddre ss C adre :Adm in istration /S pe cial Distan ce be twe e n place ofpostin gan d Re side n ce MEENASHARMA19965069 DEVENDERSHARMA 08/12/1961 P ostGraduation,M.ED T GT ENGLISH 930034800(4600) 08/08/1996 NotFilled 63V.P OJAUNT IDELHIDO Administrative 8

12. (a) Date ofPostin gin th e pre se n tS ch ool 01/07/2002 (b) In case th e stayisle ssth an 90days Nam e ofS ch oolswh e re e arlie rposte ddu rin g th e cu rre n tAcade m icS e ssion Un de rRe port

C lasse s S e ction S u bje ct tau gh t English VI B English VI B English IX C English X D English XIArts B Pe riodforwh ich classe stau gh t 12 12 12 12 12 No.ofS tu de n ts No.ofS tu de n ts appe are d Passe d 57 40 57 40 53 53 54 54 76 67 C u rre n tYe ar's 100 NA Re su lt No.of % Distin ction s 70.17% 3 70.17% 3 100% 0 100% 0 88.15% 9 De viation in re su lt(+)/() 0 0

C lass S u bje ctstau gh tin classe s Xth XII English NotApplicable Pre viou sYe ar's 100 NA


1. C URRIC ULARAC TIVITIES : (i) C lassRoom Te ach in g: (a) W h e th e rte rm wise syllabi waspre apare din th e be gin n in gofth e se ssion . (b) S yllabicove re d. (c) Portion sn ot cove re d,re ason sth e re of. (ii) Le sson Plan n in g: (a) W h e th e r5%Mode lle sson plan n in gin dicate din diary orn ot. (b) W h at%ofle ssson tau gh t we re followe dbyth e class. (c) W h e th e rAu diovisu alAids we re u se d?.




85% Yes




5. 6.

(d) W h e th e rAu diovisu alAids Yes pre pare d?. (iii) Hom e Assign m e n ts: (a) W h e th e rse parate n ote Yes book sforclasswork an d h om e pre pare d??. (b) Howm an yassign m e n tsin 5 an ave rage are give n pe r we e k ?. (c) W h atisth e syste m of regularly ch e ck in gth e n ote book s?. (d) W h e th e rth e followu pis Yes be in gdon e ?. (iv) C lassRoom Assign m e n t: C h e ck in gan dfollowu pof classroomassignmentisgivenregularly.checkingandfollowupdoneby assign m e n ts. studentsisdoneregularly. (v) Ide n tification ofTale n te d/W e ak e rstu de n ts: S te pstak e n toim prove th e onthebasisofunittestsandclasstestsboththecategoriesare twocate gorie s. identified,talentedstudentsareencouragedtodomorehardworktodo betterinfutureandweakersarepractisedmoreandmore (vi) S te pstak e n toim prove th e attendanceisdoneineveryperiod tru an cyin th e class(s): EVALUATIO N: (i) In vigilation . Yes (ii) Evalu ation ofclass Yes work /h om e assign m e n t. (iii) Evalu ation ofte st&Exam . Yes An swe rS h e e ts. MAINTENANC EO FREC O RDS : (i) C lassAtte n dan ce Re giste r. Yes (ii) Main te n an ce ofTe ach e r's Yes Diary. (iii) Pre paration ofRe port Yes Book s,Re su ltS h e e ts. (iv) An yoth e rre cord Ladlischemeandassistinexamination m ain tain e d. EDUC ATIO NALGUIDANC EPRO VIDEDTO : Th e pare n ts/stu de n tsfor parentteachermeetingisheldtodiscussprogressoftheirward fu rth e re n ce ofth e ir e du cation . PRO FES S IO NALGRO W TH: Book sRe ad. booksongrammerandEnglishliterature RELATIO NS HIPW ITH: Pare n ts. Good He adofth e In stitu tion . Good C olle agu e s. VeryGood S tu de n ts. Good (ii) C oC u rricu larActivitie s: C oC u rricu laractivitie s schoolfunctions,zonalfunctionsandYUVAclub u n de rtak e n (spe cify). S ports/NS S /S ch oolfu ction s. schoolfunctions W h atare th e ach ie ve m e n ts. appreciationbyhigherauthorities (iii) C om m u n ityse rvice : W ork fordon e com m u n ity. counsellingofstudentsisdoneregularly


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