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Its been a few great weeks for the Coyotes!

Welcome to the most current edition of the Wynchemna Post. Each year, we are honored with great students from around the world who come to Calgary, Canada to experience the Heart of the New West when they attend Wynchemna. Students get the opportunity to see the sights in Calgary, have a fun time playing sports, and camp in the Rocky Mountains while practicing and learning English and/or French. At the end of every course, our students write articles for the Wynchemna Post, our camp newspaper. We hope you enjoy reading about some of the greatest experiences we have had here, at Wynchemna. Enjoy!

Top 10 list of my favorite things!

by: Alena Demenok

1) Stampede. Stampede I like very much because I went on all rides. At the beginning of day it was raining but at the end of the day was really sunny and it was really good day. 2) Swimming pool. I liked the swimming pool very much because it is my favorite sport and after long day it was great. 3) Shopping mall. I like shopping because I can go alone and buy what I want!!! 4) Movie night. The movie night was awesome. I watched Cars 2 and I want to watch it in Russia to!!! 5) Hiking. We went to Horseshoe Canyon and that was fun because we went hiking. I have never been hiking before and I had fun there. 6) Museum. I liked the museum but I was there last year. This time around it was more fun. 7) Roller skating. It was my rst day at camp and I was not in a great mood but after skating I was. 8) Lessons. Lessons are very fun at wynchemna. The teachers are very good here. 9) Kayaking. I liked the Kayaking but I was afraid of all the open water. 10) Food.

By: Andrea Rios Montanez

I like Wynchemna because there are millions of incredible activities. I had so much fun at Wynchemna this summer, I met amazing teachers and made amazing new friends My favorite things to do are: Skating Climbing Kayaking Canoeing Playing Frisbee Playing soccer Playing baseball Playing basketball Going to the parks Going to the lake Seeing the city Going camping for one week The teachers are very funny and the people are very crazy and friendly. My teacher is Hanan. She is nice and help me. I love it because I am from Mexico and I have new friends from Taiwan, Russia, France, Germany and Mexico. The classes are very good because the teachers help you in English and make it very interesting. The building is amazing, and the rooms are very good. Inside of our rooms we have a kitchen, a table with chairs very nice bathrooms and a TV! The city, the places, and the camp Wynchemna are really awesome.

I love Wynchemna

Hey :)))))) Ni Hao !!!

By: Andy Kang
I at Wynchemna have 2 weeks 2 weeks, my favourite parts is at the night talk to our friends and talking to my roommate.And I have a lot friends in Wynchemna. Like: Santiago,AlanP,Victor,Mesha,Nicholas,Sebastian,. In Wynchemna, we have some funny thing to do. The first one is Stampede, because in the Stanmpede, have a lot funny thing to do. And the second one is the hiking. Because the hiking is very tired,we go back to room can sleep a long time!!! No.3 is the rock climbing. Because in the rock climbing,the water always 2.00$,is not dear!!! No.4 is swimming because I like to play water slied. No.5 is baseball.I dont know why.. I just thing is fun. No.6 is we made the contry food. Because I drink and eat the Taiwan food. No.7 is soccer. Because soccer is funny and tired. No.8 is the computer class. Because I LOVE computer.

This week,we went CAMPING.I really liked camp, because we went hiking,shopping in those 5 days,my favourite thing was going to the shopping mall because I bought an Ipod Nano and a Couch bag for my mother. I really enjoyed these 5 days. The first day, we went mountain biking, it was really fun.In the second day, we wnet to Banff for shopping. I bought some bears for my friends. In the third day, we went hiking.But I didnt like the rain. My favourite day was Friday!! Because we went to the shopping mall, and I bought an Ipod Nano and Couch bag and a Roots coat. But the Couch bag and Roots coat are for my mother,not for me,so I just bought an Ipod Nano for me,but its really great.I liked camping, because it was fun. And I want thank our teachers Hanan, Dustin, Anna, Nina, Cameron, Josh......They helped us have a fun week. In the 5 days, every day it was raining,I didnt like the rain,it helped us to be wet!!!

By: Artem Solomin
Id like to tell you about my list of favorite things at Wynchemna. The first thing was Stampede. 1) I liked stampede because there were a lot of roller coasters and I have never been on a roller coaster before. 2)The second thing was climbing the mountain. I enjoyed climbing because I saw new animals that I have never seen before, for example a chipmunk. 3)The third thing was lessons. I liked the lessons because during them I had a lot of fun , but at the same time I got to learn new things about the English language and about new friends. 4) The next thing I loved were the teachers. I liked the teachers here because they had a good sense of humor and were always joking around. 5)I also liked Drumheller. I liked it because I have always been interested in Dinosaurs and was reading many books about them. The museum there showed all the different types of dinosaurs and how long they lived. It was cool to learn more about it! 6)I liked the Stampede parade in Calgary. It was very, very interesting and I got to see Prince William and the Dutchess Kate. 7)I loved all the new people I met at this camp. Every single one of them were so nice and funny. It was great to meet people from all around the world and experience their culture. 8)I also enjoyed hiking in Banff National Park. It was really cool to see all the mountains and all the animals there. I love travelling to different places, so it was cool to see a national park in Canada and be able to hike through it. It was very long, but worth it! 9) I lost a lot of quarters but I love the idea of them! It was good because it gave me a chance to make my English better because I didnt want my money to be taken away. I thought it was a very smart idea because the other camps I have been too never did something like that before, so it was a good experience. 10) And the last thing was the bedrooms. They were very comfortable. My roommate was very cool, his name was Mauricio and he was from Texas but spoke spanish. We laughed all the time at night and he enjoyed soccer just as much as I did. It was cool to have a roommate from a different country. ---Id like to tell you about camping. I liked camping very much because it was very cool to sleep in the tent and in the forest. The next thing that I liked was nature , I saw beautiful scenery of Banff , wild animals for example : moose. My favorite thing was mountain biking . While camping we did a lot of things for example : mountain biking , shopping in the biggest mall in Canada , hiking in the mountains and swimming in the Lake Louise . These things were very , very cool and interesting . I visited Banff and I saw beautiful scenery . I was camping with my friends from different countries and with one teacher his name is Cameron . I liked time with Cameron because he has a very nice sense of humor And he always joked while camping . I had a nice time in the camping . Thank you Wynchemna for an amazing time here.

By:Benjamin Chen

Last week we go to camping in the mountains it was very interesting. We needed to build our tent and do many dicult things. First day we went to the mountains we saw many animals we saw the moose. Next we went to Ban and I buy a lot of things for my friend. And we went to hiking, it is very tiring . I very much like to camp but I just dont like the toilet because that toilet is just a hole and it is very scary and gross. But I love camping a lot. ---Wynchemna is great! Yesterday we went to the stampede I ate a lot of food and then went on crazy rides We had the international dinner and I made the it is good and we made the bubble tea. We went to rock climbing, and it was very scary but I climbed to the top! I made a good friend. His name is Victor and he is Harrys roommate. He is so funny and we play ghting games on the ipod and also cook every night. We do a lot of great things and I love it here. I am very happy in Canada and I want come next summer!

TOP 10 in wynchemna
by: Scott Chen
1) Roller skating: The roller skating was really fun. I havent been skating that fun before. I fall down a few times, but I thought that was cool. I skated with my friends and fall together; I thought that was really funny. The songs were good when we were skating, me and my friend ordered some songs too. I liked it and had good time in there. I hope everyone can try it once!! 2)Parade: The royalty was cool. There were a lot of people; we were so excited to see the royalty family. The shows were great, and I took a lot of photos. The family went by really fast, and I didnt see it so Im a little bit angry .But I still had a great time, it was really interesting!! 3) Stampede: The stampede was so big. It was really fun; I played a lot of things. There had many kinds of food and shows. Me and my friends spent a few money in the stampede; and it had a lot of cool stuff inside. I really liked it!! 4) Calgary great race: The day was very tired. We went a lot of place and walk a lot. We went with our breakfast group, and we did a lot of fun things to the strangers. We were all tired at the last. And I thought everyone sleep well at the night. 5) Kayaking: Kayaking was really fun. Because that was the rst time I do kayaking. It was such tired, but I had a great time. It was a easy sport; if you want to be better, you must practice a lot. 6) Soccer The indoor soccer area was good. It was so big inside; I dont really play soccer, but I had fun time in there. 7) Shopping I have a great time in shopping .I shopped with my friend, and we went to a lot of shops . I bought a cool jacket ,and I liked it . 8) Baseball: We played in a big area where we do kayaking. It was cool to play with people from another country. 9) Lessons: I love the way we do lessons, we can relax and learn things in the lessons. The teachers were friendly and nice!! 10) International supper: The supper was really fun .We cooked with people from different country , and I really liked it!!

It was the rst time I go camping. It wasnt very good, but it was fun. It rains a lot and everyone was wet, it was funny. The end of every day, we were all very tired. My favorite time in camp was horseback riding. It was the rst time I ride a horse along. The weather wasnt very good, but the view of Lake Louis was beautiful, and the feeling of riding a horse along was fresh. We did a lot of sport and activities. And all of the things were fun; I had a great time in the activities. It was the rst time I go camping. It wasnt very good, but it was fun. It rains a lot and everyone was wet, it was funny. The end of every day, we were all very tired. The food was really good. Everyday teachers spent a lot of time in cooking, and I liked the hotdogs. I had gone swimming in the lake, and the lake was really cold. I swam with my friends. The West Edmonton mall was really big. There was a lot of thing there, and I bought a lot of things. The camp was really good. I had a great time in there.

by: Nicole Huang
Yesterday I just went back from camping, it isnt my favorite activity, but its a very special experience. In camping, we set up our tent, we wash lots and lots of dishes, the water is cold as ice, I cant even move my nger and its cold up there, sometimes it starts to rain hail. This is the rst time I saw hail, its kind of cool, and it hurts a lot. I lose my candy in camp, but I met a nice teacher, his name is Cameron, he gave me a bag of his candy, even the candy is not stolen by him, he still give me his candy, Im really happy, and I love him. The last day in camp, we suppose to eat cereal with milk, but when those people who help from 6 a.m. to 7:30, had no milk to drink, its sooooooooo unfair, but I cant do anything with it, so . I went to Lake Louis by horse, its cool, but my horse is kind of stupid, it doesnt really understand what I want him to do. I told him to stop, he run; I told him to goes left, he goes write, his brain works really slow, I think. The lake is really beautiful, I cant explain that, its too pretty, its amazing, you really have to go and see that. In the forest, I saw some animal, the rst animal I saw in the forest is a deer, it is so cute, and its so close to us, its amazing. The second animal I saw its a squirrel, its running so fast to the tree, its cute. I went camping for ve day , its a cold and tired week, Im so happy that I can come back to Wynchemna, theres nice warm bed, and I can take shower whenever I want, its so nice. ----Hey mom, Im doing very good here, I have a lot of friends and they are all kind and friendly. I have a new friend, her name is Andrea, and shes from Mexico. Andrea is a very nice person, she is nice to everyone, and she is pretty, I really like her. I also want to introduce you to another friend of mine, his name is Oscar, and he is from Venezuela. He is really funny, but sometimes he gets crazy. And you know what? He has curly hair and its soooooo funny, me and my friends usually call him a baby lamb. I really enjoyed the great Calgary race, this day we went out with our breakfast groups downtown and had to ask strangers different questions. It was a very tiring day because we had to walk for ve hours, but in the end it was worth it. That day I got the student of the day award, I tried my hardest to ask as many strangers questions as I could. I am usually very shy in class so my teacher Anna, was very happy to see how outgoing I was that day. Anna is a nice teacher in the camp I think, she is my teacher and she is also my breakfast teacher, she is funny. The next day, Anna also gave Joseph an award from her. Anna loves Joseph. I really liked this day, I wish that everyday could do this, it was so fun. Next week we are going camping in the mountains, I am so excited about this, because I really want to sleep in a tent. The worst thing is we cant take shower for one week, how is that going to work?.. Its so disgusting. There is nothing I can do about it, so I will try not to smell, but I will be so busy doing activities that I wont have time to think about this. I really like Wynchemna, I met lots of new friends, really nice teachers, and did many cool activities Ive never done. I love it here.

Camping AT Wynchemna!
by: Elvis Yeh

Monday we went camping, it is very fun .We played lots of games .We rode bicycles, went hiking... but it is very cold on the mountain. I even saw snow. My tent group was made up of: Victor, Benjamin, Harry, Oliver, Arseniy, and myself .And we usually made a re during the evening and it was very warm. I also loved shopping. I bought lots of presents, but the shopping mall was too big so I couldnt shop at all the stores. I really like camping, the food was really good and I learned many things during my stay at camp.

By: Oliver Wang

The trip to Wynchemna was very fun, up to no we had did a lot of things, like skating ,rollerskating , and Canada sandpit, here is the new s paper reports from china news report, this summer if you are boring go to Wyncemna, is very fun, the rst day I came there I think that was a very bad idea to go there, there Is a lot of people you dont like, different country of the people, and in there you must speak English, if you speak a another language you will have to give quarter , so in that time I really want to go back home, and the people who come with me think this way too, the rst day I came was on July 3, and now is July 16, after 2 weeks I start to like here more. we went to skating a few weeks ago, I was very enjoy it, cause I dont skate a lot when I was in china, this is the rst time I skate, I didnt knew how to skate, after few minute I think I know a little bit, so it start to getting very fun, I did not fall down when I was skating, and then another thing that I like here is the food, I always think that Chinese food is the best, but now I change my mind the pasta, sang rich , hamburger, noodle are very good, I like them a lot. Up to now I lover this trip was wonderful.

Camping is not really fun, the rst day I came there I feel very cold, and I feel very happy cause I never get to camping before, after I get to there, every thing change, the rst here is suppose to be mountain biking, and we split up in to three groups, I was in the third groups, because the weather is so bad the rst two groups all go mountain biking, so that was not very good, but the next day are cool we went to horse back riding, in that day you can chose shopping or horse back riding, I chose house back ridding it was awesome, you can control it by your self, and is in the mountain, is a little bit scary but is very fun, and after a day, we went to hiking, I dont like that is raining and my coat get wet and is freezing, so we come back very soon, and the last day we went to the biggest mail in Canada, its very big and i shopping the all day, if I have time I will went to the water pool its very fun, in thats mall I bought a lot of thing for my self is cool, after that we all came back.


7/15/11 Dear Mom: I miss you so much, but I am having a very good time here in Calgary. I met Taiwanese,Russian, and most importantly Canadian people. We have done a lot of activities like: canoeing, soccer, hockey, rock climbing, volleyball, shopping, etc. I think I am improving my English but sometimes I speak Spanish and I need to give quarters. In 4 days we are going camping, and I am very excited! I already have a present for you. How is Gerardo? Tell him that I bought him a Lego gift. We made an International Supper and the Mexicans made tacos. The Taiwanese made Spicy Tofu, and the French made chocolate pie. All of the meals were delicious. I miss you but I am not moving back to mexico because I met a Canadian woman and we are in love. With love: SANTIAGO GG ---Camping was a very good experience, we slept there 4 days and those days will be unforgettable. We ate pasta, sandwiches, noodles, etc. We did mountain biking, hiking, shopping and horseback riding. The teachers were very good they gave us a lot of tips while camping. But I dont like that we slept in tents it was very cold and I didnt take a shower in 4 days! We made a re and we ate marshmallows. In my tent I was with NIKLAS, RAMOS, NIKITA and JEFFERY. The best thing of camping was WEST EDMONTON MALL because we bought a lot of things.

By: Juan Carlos Ortega Galvan

In camping my favorite activity is horseback riding .I did so many activities like the walk we walked 3 hours and when we come back we did it again for 3 hours more. I enjoy so many thinks like the bonre we didnt start the re Cameron usually cut the wood and josh created the re but the entire student used the bonre. One on my favorite teachers is Cameron he cut the wood, prepared the food and more things. He is not the only teacher I need to write about. Josh did so many thinks to create the re, help the students (all the teachers did that) and give information. It was cold in my tent! THE BEST MOMENT IN WYNCHEMNA At Wynchemna I had the best moment when we went to the stampede. The stampede is a big amusement park which has a lot of rides. In my apartment I have one roommate who is from Taiwan. Scott is a good person and is very friendly. In my rst day here I played road hockey, which is an interesting sport, however I enjoyed the roller-skating. They play great music and it is very funny. The other sport I like is the climbing because Im good at it. Yesterday, I went to the swimming pool, but the pool is very small. We got to eat the hot dogs and the hamburgers which were very good, but I have to say I enjoyed the international supper last week the best, because we cooked meals from other cultures. I got to taste things that I have never tried before, and it was great because all students were preparing the dishes. It gave me a chance to interact with other students and learn about different foods from different cultures. The best is coming and Im ready to see how is. Well, we need to complete the page. Other think how I like to this summer is the best moment I was in wynchemna thank for the entire gift to you and your parents give me thanks. ---Arriving to WYNCHEMNA - I liked the rst day because I met new people and made new friends. Canoeing - I liked canoeing because it was my rst time and it was so fun. Kayaking - I liked kayaking because it was my rst time and I get all wet because we had a water ght. Roller Skating - It was a good time they played good songs and everyone had FUN!! Rock Climbing - It was a good experience and we went two times the rst one was kind of boring because of the instructions and stuff, but the second one was fun and harder. International Supper - It was a great day because I learned how to make Taiwanese food. We went to the market and buy all kinds of stuff we needed. Casino Night - I liked casino night because I learned how to play different card games and won WYNCHEMNA money. The last 30 minutes we made an auction and won different kinds of stuff. Soccer Centre - It was a fun game because it was indoor and I never had been into a soccer centre indoors but I lost 11-1. Buying PS3 - We went to a shopping mall and buy all kinds of stuff but the best thing we bought was the ps3 we needed Josh to buy call of duty black ops then we went into the store were we bought the ps3 and showed the game to the guys that didnt want to sell us the game. Horseshoe Canyon - I liked the canyon because we went hiking and it was a little difcult but it was fun after the hiking we ate watermelon and had some water then we went into a museum and saw all these dinosaurs after that we went to a

by: Jack Wang
In the camp. I learned so many things .We make camp together. Every day, meal is what people want. Every day`s meal are all different. Sure, we always go far from our camps. Like yesterday we went to the biggest shopping mall of Calgary. I like it there very much. In here. I caught much beautiful picture. I love here. I love here. Not only here`s foods and drinks. But also heres every body ---Wynchemna top ve lists A very funny group .In here, much different countrys people go here to learn English and visit many different intereristing places. Then, lets go here to look why here is too funny. 5} you have much time is relaxing: Every day morning, after lunch, after dinner. This time all are your relax time. So we have much time to talk each other. 4} Soccer: Different countrys people play soccer together. What a funny game! It can let us know: In fact I am only is a vegetable bird. 3} Food: Every lunch we have different western food. In the supper. We some time have Chinese food. What a great group! 2} Drink: With food. Here have many different kinds of drinks. What fun 1} you can make much different friend: In here you can make much different countrys people. I like it how about you? ---This Monday we went camping it was exciting. during the camping we went mountain biking, horse back riding(but some people went to Banff and shopping),and go hiking. I like the horse back riding because Im glad to sit on the horse back it was cool and another thing that I like the horse back riding was I saw Lake Louis it was very beautiful and there also had a rainbow on the sky. And my favorite part of camping was sleeping in the tent Because it is my first time sleeping in the tent we ate sandwiches during the hiking it was very delicious I like it the most

by:Victor Ciri

LAST WEEK I WENT CAMPING IN THE FOREST!!!!!! The best part about camping was mountain biking because I swam in the freezing cold lake water! I like the marshmallows around the re. They were excellent. Lake Louise was beautiful. The blue water of the lake matched the blue of the sky. I found that sleeping on the ground inside my tent was a little uncomfortable, but I didnt mind. Horseback riding was long but we were surrounded by beautiful nature. I loved the water park in Edmonton. I was so happy riding all the water slides and swimming in the wave pool. It was AMAZING!!!!! WYNCHEMNA IS THE BEAST CAMP!!!! The teachers are patient and fun. They are the best teachers in the world!

By: Sherry Liu

Hi my name is Sherry. On July 18th, I left for camping with my favorite teacher Cameron. There we ate rice, beef, and pasta. They were all very good. I also went shopping. West Edmonton mall was the biggest mall I have ever been to. I liked camping. The food was awesome and I got to always eat with all my friends. I had so much fun but the weather was very cold. We went horseback riding. We were riding for a long time and Lake Louise was so beautiful. I had problems with my horse though; he was running too much. Finally I really enjoyed swimming in the lake. It was very good.

by: Leo Martinez

About a week ago we went camping for about ve days and it was a lot of fun. First we went biking to a lake. Going to the lake was beautiful. It was nice riding with all of the mountains around us. Then when we made it to the lake Cameron challenged us to go into the lake and when he said it was zero degrees he wasnt kidding. I swear if that water was any colder I wouldve been frozen in there. But I ended up lasting more than anyone else in the lake. But coming back wasnt so pleasant. It rained and hailed on us while we were riding back to the campgrounds, but it was a lot of fun. The next day I went horseback riding to Lake Louis and it was amazing. The day after that we went hiking to a glacier and we were so high up. Then the last day we went to West Edmonton and it was huge. I didnt even get through half of the mall. Camping was a ton of fun.

Hey mom and dad I miss you so much but Im having an awesome time here in Canada. Were doing so much here, its not like any other camp. We went to the Calgary Stampede just a couple of days ago which is kind of like the Grapevine Festival we have in Texas only ten times better. It was insane. I even got to go on the Slingshot that ride you always see peoples reactions on TV. The teachers are also awesome. When your around them you dont feel scared to talk to them, they feel like any other person or friend you would talk to. And classes arent boring paperwork. Were actually doing something interesting in every single class. Whether its writing down lyrics to a song, or having debates, or playing games its all extremely fun. Im also making so many new friends from all around the world. Two from France named Nicoulas and Victor, one from Russia named Phillip and so many more. Thank you so much mom and dad because of you Im having the time of my life here in Canada.

by: Egor Bakharev

I went camping in the mountains. We built tents with our groups. I went shopping in Banff, mountain climbing and hiking. We ate food at the camp. We had yummy marshmallows, pasta, and apple juice. After camping we went the West Edmonton Mall and I went swimming. It was amazing! There were many slides and waves in the pool. It was a great camping trip and I had a lot of fun. ----Dear mom and dad, I am really liking Wynchemna this summer. I really like stampede because I loved the rides. I had a lot of fun. I also liked baseball because I was really good at it. Swimming was one of my favorites because the water was very nice and I felt good after. I am learning English much better now. I have made some friends. Like Danil, Nikita and Misha and I speak with many people from different countries. Canada is a really warm place and I like it here very much. Love, Egor

By: Hector Contu Gonzalez

I like this camp because the activities for 1 week the rst activities is some cool but the second and third activists no very good but not bad and I dont like of camp is why not speak Spanish and the food spaghetti and beef every day in the lunch I like the wafes with nutela is the vest breakfast THANK YOU HANAN but, here the teaches are a great persons and funnies josh, Dustin and Cameron and Ana, Haman and Diana every teaches and I like go shopping the vest activities is in canoe I like this activity and the play the department is small but whatever wynchemna is not the best but is good the best is Bodwell is goooooooooooooood but wynchemna is little bit more cool and my favorites teacher is Dustin because is funny men teacher and women teacher is Hanan Thank you WYNCHEMNA is cool ---TOP 10 10) In the rst day: I think: is boring because my brother doesnt was here, but later I meet more fun people. 9) In the lessons: I dont like lessons but this lesson is more fun and you learn faster. 8) In the activities: is so fun, so interesting, in the rock climbing I got more experience to climb mountains is so easy. 7) In great Canadian race: Is so fun you are go faster, searching, take a picture of unknown people (so funny). 6) MUSEUM: So interesting and long but your culture is more interesting and you know more of dinosaurs. 5) MOVIE NIGHT: I watch pirates of carbine I watched 3 times one in subtitles in Spanish in Mxico City one in Spanish in Puebla and last one her in CANADA I like this movie. 4) KAYAKING: I like kayaking and so funny because the consoler Dustin is fault to kayaking and Daniel and Leo too. 3) CASINO NIGNT: I like because Leo sing and we have win a pen and we won much monies and my cousins won 1400 and we used 1000 (so funny) 2) WAVE POOL: I like so much because is so funny and we have going to the pool 1) Teacheeeersssss!!! the teachers has good persons and josh like playstation3 and black ops (zombies) this is good, and we understand ok no much but I understand is so good people and they teach good and I like the way every Teacher is .

Daily Wynchemna
by: Nicolas Bonnet

Friday 15th of July What happened in Wynchemna? You will be surprise about the choices of activities, most of the children who came back from this summer camp said that it have change their life, most of the activities has been calculated by professional and this is why every customer from this place has been seduced. Why your children want to go there? In our time these kids needs to find something more express their feelings and when they discover other same feeling, they decide to grow up, They finally children has declared John Stevenson the director attractive, they need to children who want to find the find something to wake up our of Daily Wynchemna.

A new way to have a best generation? 90% of the kid who want to go to summer camp is gone change future discover new invention and if your kid has been to summer camp it will be wrote on his file for university, and 99% of the kid who went to Wynchemna change your life. ----Saturday 23th of July Wynchemna camping: After two weeks of work really hard, the director said that its now to show the parents that students have to use English even if there is lot pupil who speaks the same language as them so they are going to camp in the mountain, And theyve made lot of activities. Activities: Even if it was raining they find a way to have some fun, and keep a good memory of this trip. Most of the things that they love was the view, in our time children doesnt make the difference between fiction and reality and dont have a clear vision of our future, but during this trip, the children were really enjoying the mountain. They say that they want come back. The wedding of fat mike: Today mike and his future wife are getting married. They are gone say I do. The two words will change their life.

Fun at Wynchemna!
by: Danil Andriianov

At Wynchemna it is the best place to learn English! We have had a great week and the most enjoyable thing that I like is STAMPEDE!!!!!!! I like Stampede very much! There were many roller-coasters. It was a great time! I rode almost all the rides .We ate fresh donuts and we won a lot of gifts. On the next day we went to Drumheller to see the dinosaurs in museum! It was awesome!!!!!!!!! The dinosaurs look very real! We had only 40 min. to see all of the museum, but we nished it! It was an awesome week! ---Wynchemna Camp!!! The camp was fantastic and fun!!! We were sleeping in tents and sleeping bags! Teachers always made for us breakfast, lunch and supper and always ate last but on the last day they ate st! Cameron and Josh cooked very very well! We went mountain biking to the lake and when we went back it was raining and snowing! We were camping for 4 days! I like this camp!

By: Daniel Alejandro Avila

Dear Parents,

Wynchemnas great were staying at SAIT and Im enjoying a lot of the trips we have. I never heard of Stampede in my life even though its the greatest outdoor show on Earth and when we went it was AMAZING. There was a huge and beautiful parade the rst day we went there and the second time we went it was incredible because of all the rides we went on and buying a pass for all the rides and it was a great decision because I wasted less money. I cant say the same about the day we went kayaking, I fell into the water twice and the rst time my sunglasses fell in the water and I couldnt save them but anyways I had fun. When we went ice skating it was also amazing. In my life, I had never gone skating on ice and when I went for the rst time it was great. At the beginning, it was kind of hard because I fell to the ice one time but then it was easy. There are a lot of people from different countries. There are Russians, Taiwanese, MEXICANS, Chinese, Texans, Colombians and Germans etc. I have met a lot of people from MEXICO and theyre with whom I spend my free time here at Wymchemna. I also enjoyed when we went to the malls because of the things I bought and the second time we went to a mall we went to see a movie and I was one of the only ones who chose Larry Crowne as the movie they were going to see. It was a good movie, kind of funny, it was okay. The classes are excellent because the teachers share their experiences with us. Another great time I had was when we participated in the Great Calgarian Race. We went all through the downtown of the beautiful city of Calgary meeting strangers, asking them to do weird things. I had a lot of fun. I hope that in one or two years I can go to Wynchemna in Vancouver.

Dear whoever is reading again.

by: Sunny Kao
I went camping last week. It was my rst time camping. I thought it was very fun, but very tiring. My favorite activity during camping is horseback riding around Lake Louise. The lake was very beautiful. It was blue and green. But my legs were kind of like jello when I got off the horse. My horse was kind of stupid cause it kept on running the wrong way and I had to keep on steering it to the right way. Ive also roasted marshmallows around the camp re. Ive always wanted to try that. I used to poke the marshmallows on chopsticks and roast them by the stove pretending it was the camp reit tasted the same but I prefer roasting them by the real camp re because it is more fun than roasting it by the stove. Yesterday we went shopping in West Edmonton Mall. I bought really cheap roots bags for only 2 dollars. I also went tp the water park for 1 and a half hour. I only went on 3 rides but I still enjoyed it very much. But me and Shelly had to run and rush around to buy our things because the mall was too big and we dont have enough time. My tent group was the raccoons. There are 3 Mexicans and 3 Taiwanese (including myself) in my tent. Someone wet their sleeping bag so there is a smell in the tent for the whole week. I think camping would be more fun if it had not been raining for the whole week. It was all muddy and wetit kind of sucks because I didnt get to go mountain biking cause it is raining too hard. P.S: my favorite teacher is Cameron, Josh, Hainan, Nina, Anna, and Deanna (all the teachers..)

----Dear whoever is reading, I am in a summer camp in Wynchemna now. I am having a great time here. The activities here are all really fun. We went to Village Square with all the water slides. We went roller skating, ice skating, indoor soccer, canoeing, and kayaking. My favorite activity is rock climbing. I have climbed to the top 2 times. It was really a cool activity to do. The lessons are very interesting we learn about cool stuff like the masons, the illuminatis and subliminal messages. We also did brochures. We also went to the stampede parade. The parade was very interesting and had lots to see. It was a pity that I only saw the duchess for about a second. But it didnt really matter to me because I went mainly to see the parade not the prince or the duchess. The stampede itself is also very fun, I bought the ride pass and went on so many rides that I almost threw up. I also had very good food there like cotton candy and cheese fries (which is really expensive). The food here is very delicious. Especially the wafes ^_^ We are going camping next weeks and I really look forward to horseback riding. Sincerely, Sunny Kao

By: Elaine Tsai

my name is Elaine this time is my rst time coming to wynchemna I want to say thank you to my mom and my dad for paying the money and letting me come to Wynchemna to learn more English . Wynchemna is very fun because you learn things you didnt learn before. First day I came to Wynchemna I was nervous about making friends at Wynchemna and what the teachers would be like and a week ago I made a lot of friends and they are all from different country like Russia, Mexico, Grammy, China, Italy . When I go back to Taiwan Im going to miss all of my friends and the teachers. At Wynchemna we go ice skating, swimming, kayaking, stampede. Ice skating was very fun. I didnt know how to skate so I kept fell down but it was fun and the swimming was fun too because there were waves and water slides I went to play water slides many times and I always went with my friend. Kayaking is very funny because im all wet. And the last thing that I want to tell you is that I love wynchemna.

This was my first time camping I was a little scared about the bears and the moose because I think they will eat people. Going camping is very fun because you will learn something you never learned before . like making up the tent I never made up tents before because I never went camping before so that was fun. Sleeping in the tent is very fun is because you can sleep with students from different countries and you can talk to your friends if you are cold you can squish with your friend or sleep together. And cooking is very fun too. In camping it is very cold every night and I have to wear many clothes at night. My favorite part of camping is going shopping at Banff because Banff have many thing is Taiwan doesnt have but it is very expensive. Banff has many shops and I bought a backpack on the top is written I love Banff and beside Banff , it says Canada so I love this backpack.

by: Eric Shen

n the last week we went to camping, and I went with my teachers, classmates

and my friends. We need to made many things, like food, tent. And rst day we ate hamburger, rice with chicken, and many other things. And we played biking, swimming , and horse bake riding. And sometimes we had nothing to do so we played card. Also we saw many animals like bear, moose, at the last day, we went to the biggest mall.

And in this ve day camping trip, I learn many things, like horse bake riding, I
can control my horse to stop or right, left, and we washed the dishes after breakfast, lunch, and dinner, and there view was very beautiful.

And we just have one day can play with other people, and I think we sleep in the
tent is very comfortable. So I like to sleep in the tent, but we had a big trouble it was the weather change was so big, morning was clod, noon was hot, night was very cold. And this country things is very expensive, one coke was 90NT$. So I dont drink a lot of drink. AND IN THIS CAMPING I AM VERY HAPPY!!!

Something Fun
by: Eunice Lin

I come to Wynchemna for almost two weeks, and I have lots of fun in here. First, international supper was awesome. We make fried rice. It is a little bit hard, because we need to cook the rice, but here is not Taiwan the thing that we cook the rice is worst. The rice was not cooked. We think lots of idea to that them cooked. But it does not work. Finally the machine works we are so happy. We put hams and eggs inside the fried rice, it looks bad, but it taste very good. Nicole and I help very many. Second, stampede is a great parade. There are many cowboys and cowgirls. The rides are so fun, I like them very much, but some are too scary so I did not go on. If you go to Canada you must go to stampede. And the donut , it is very tiny, cute, and it taste very good. Third, Canadian race when I heard this I think oh my god we are going to running. But it is not , we have a list, on the list we need to do many things , like ask a stranger where is the park, dance with him/her, tell them to draw your picture on the t-shirt lots of cool stuff , but it is a little bit wired to talk to stranger at rst time . We do not know who is the winner , but I think our team is the winner, because everyone do it great job. I have so much fun in Wynchemna, I know how to play lots of sports, the most important thing is I have lots of friends, and they are from different country. We are going to camping, I am really excited, but we cannot take a shower like ve day, it was terrible!!!!

My favorite thing in wynchemna XD

By: Harry Kao

We have to do a lot of thing in wynchemna ,but my favorite sport is basketball!!Because teacher teach us a lot of thing about basketball ; and we play basketball game. And my second favorite sport is swim. We can jump on the ball and fell down in to the water. That big ball is my favorite!!! I like water slied ,too. In wynchemna I have a lot of different countrys friends. Like Sebastian from Mexico, Victor from France~~. I like Canadas ever thing. Because my friends are funny, and I like to do sports like basketball,baseball and Frisbee all are fun!!!!!!!!! We are going to camping next week. Im very exciting. But I cant take a shower so I am very sad, but maybe we can see a bear.

by: Michael Hector Becerra Garci In Wynchemna do many things like going to museums or hike also knows many people from different countries and continents such as Asia and Europe. I had a great trip coming this ye met many people 10) Stampede My favorite place in this camp is stampede that is very large and can have a great day! 9) Soccer I like soccer because is very good sport and is funny 8) Kayaking Kayaking is great fun that most people fell 7) Climbing This sport is very tired and scared 6) Shopping Shopping is very interesting and exciting because you can buy whatever you want and spend time with your friends 5) Movie Night Movie night is funny because went to a mall and went to the movies 4) Great a Canada Race The Great A Canada Race is tired because I walking for all downtown 3) Museum We went to see dinosaurs 2) Skating It was easy 1) Lessons The teachers talk with us!!!!!!!

By: Jack Ni

Hi Mom, Dad thank you for let me come to wynchemna I have a lot of fun here I like Wynchemna because the teachers here are friendly and the food here is delicious And the room is very comfortable, their breakfast was very good I enjoy every breakfast because it was very delicious . And the bedroom is very comfortable and my roommate is a friendly and nice boy. Hes from Mexico and I really enjoy sleeping in the same room as him And I can also relax in Wynchemna and have fun here. And, in Wynchemna I love all of their parts and I love to swim and volleyball, dinosaurs museum , and we have BBQ it was very good And I like all of the sports because its really interesting And the last thing is: I enjoy and have fun in the camp in wynchemna

by: Jeffery Chen

Camping is fun. My Favorite moment is mountain biking. We go to horse bike riding, BANFF and mountain biking
I like shopping too, because I bought a lots of things for my mom. We see the moose and the deer. We eat pasta it is very good.

The top ten thing I enjoyed so far at wynchemna are, 1. stem ped Becmuse I ride all the rides. because I like to throw the ball 3.dinosour muziam because there are many dinosaur inside 4.roller skatting because my roller skatting is well skatting because it is very cold because I like to catch the ball 7.volley ball because I like to hit the ball 8.hiking because when we get to the top,its amazing! 9.swim because I like the water slide because i like to see movie

by: Jessica Cinthya Gonzalez

Dear my mom and dad: Im happy because I know several people was not what I expected but it's fun to miss them a lot I love you and I will buy many things here long but it is very hot afternoon is very quiet here is very different from the streets are Mexico clean and not much trafc and this is pretty important to me that this is an unforgettable adventure of Canak I fell today and it was fun but nothing happened to me not to talk separate with other people but I do not like much I get bored that much English but not good I have to Im just to sea and my mo we love and want to go to Vancouver to be together so I hope will be more fun than right now. At rst I liked a lot and makes me angry but I control myself right now and I want to say that no foul language teachers do not want to have hope problems send me the results of my examination to enter high school or do not go to la salle. Tell my brother I miss him a lot to take care and as much vegetables jaa to behave well and not go out at night for his safety when he returns we will always go to the movies. And I love you so much and I need you are careful.

By: Jesus Guerrero

Hello family, In the weeks that have passed in Wynchemna, I went to the Stampede and went on all the rides like the zipper! In this summer camp I did a lot of things, like swimming. Yesterday, we went to Drumheller which they should have called Dinosaur town because there is a lot of dinosaurs and a museum of dinosaurs. Next week, we are going camping for 5 days. In my rst week I went ice skating, played hockey, and shopping. Im so excited to go camping next week. Stampede In the stampede there are a lot of games like zipper, skyscraper, polar express. You have to try them every game in there is cool and you cant wait until it is open. Ice skating

Pretty cool sport that at rst is hard but then you are trying until you know how to skate it is pretty funny. When you fall it is harder to know if you are learning because you keep falling but you are trying and trying and eventually you get it.

Camping in Wynchemna;D
by: Joanna Yu
Last week, we went camping on a high, gorgeous mountain, It is the third time that Ive gone camping(; I <3 the marshmallow in the camp, shopping in Banff, brushing teeth, and washing my hair!(Thanks Anna& Hanan for helping me wash my hair;*) I <3 my tent and my roommate(: I <3 washing dishes(; I <3 the feeling when Anna & Hanan putting hot water on my hair(: I <3 the food in the camp(;(even though the food portions were little) I <3 how we always chat in the tent when its time to sleep(: I <3 last day we went to West Edmonton Mall;D It is the biggest mall in Canada!!! We only have 4 hours to go shopping): But still we bought lots of stuff:> I <3 camping;)))

Yo, Im Joanna Yu(; Ive came to Wynchemna before and I gotta tell you that Wynchemna Rocks!!! That me tell you how fun, cool, and fantastic Wynchemna was(: In winter, we do tubing, cross country skiing, skateboarding, etc. We went to see an Ice Hockey game, it was the rst time that I saw an Ice Hockey game;) But now in summer, its denitely different Our activities have been soccer, basketball, kayaking, etc. We went to Stampede(; Stampede was soooo much fun! The morning of Stampede, it rained and we were all WET); But after 12 oclock, the sun came out ;))) So I played lots of rides, like Roller Coaster, Pirate boat, etc. We played all day long ehhh;D I luv Stampede;* Never forget that day(: We also went to the Parade, but we didnt see the Prince and the Princess;((( But I bought Starbucks;DDD Wynchemnas food is delicious too(; We eat wafes, cereal, eggs, fruit, lots and lots of choice. Eventually we eat lunch in cafeteria , we got pasta, lasagna, rice, bread, chicken, beef, etc. Sometimes when were outside then we eat outside at a restaurant(; Supper, we eat outside everyday, we went to a Chinese restaurant, Old Spaghetti Factory, ate in the mall, etc. We get lesson every morning, I luv lessons cuz the teachers are fun and adorable;))) Hanan is my teacher she is nice. The things that I like most, are my DORM and SHOPPING;*** I like the way that we live with ppl from different countries.(Sometimes;P) Because we can make friends from different countries:>And we can chat with each other every night(: Shopping! I bought clothes, perfume, glasses, etc;*** Now you know a bunch of things in Wynchemna, will you come and join us?

Camping - Cameron is great.

by: Joseph Huang Last week we went to camping in the forest it is very cold at the mountain. I went mountain biking and when we went to the lake it rained so we quickly came back to the tent. After the rain the hail came down and hit me, but it didnt hurt, it was nice. I ate pasta,rice and cheerios,but I like cheerios the most. I went to Banff and west Edmonton mall. At Banff I buy many things for my family but at west Edmonton mall I didnt buy anything. I went to the mall with Andy, Jack, Benjamin and it is so fun when I went shopping with Benjamin. I saw a moose and a bird,this is the rst time I saw the moose in Canada. I went camping ve days and I dont want to go camping again only because there is no shower! Everything else was so much fun though! 1.Food I like Wynchemnas breakfast and supper,I dont like lunch because I dont like pasta. 2.Soccer I like soccer because the teachers will help us and I goal 1 point. 3.Stampede I went to stampede and I thought it was fun because Nicole helped me to win many things. 4.Ice Skating I like ice skating because this is my rst time doing this activity. 5.swimming I always like swimming and here is better then Taiwanese swimming pools. 6.rock climbing I went rock climbing two times in Wynchemna so now I can climb very high. 7.roller skating I like roller skating because I already know how to play this so I can play with everybody. 8.hiking We went to climb the mountain I think it is fun because this is the rst time I climbed the mountain. 9. basketball In Taiwan I play basketball everyday so I like it so much. 10.lesson I like the lessons in Dustins class because we see funny videos so I like it. My teachers Hanan and Nina are nice too.

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