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DRIVE 913-03 ver B 26/09/2007

ETEL S.A. Switzerland Tel.+41 (0) 32 862 01 00

Brake resistor
A motor coupled with a load has a certain amount of energy. This energy is mainly kinetic when the load is moving or rotating. When the system brakes, the energy must be either stored or dissipated. It may be gravitational potential energy in addition to kinetic energy if the load movement is not horizontal (in case of a linear motor), or could be stored in a spring or in any outer system. In this case, the energy must be either stored or dissipated when the system is braking, and sometimes also when the system is at constant speed in descent direction. The DSB2P, DSC2P, DSCDP and DSC2V position controllers as well as the DSO-PWR power supply (used for the DSB2P rack format) and the DSO-PWS power supply (used for the DSC2P and DSCDP rack format) contain capacitors that are capable of storing a certain amount of energy. If the energy is too big, then a brake resistance is needed. In this application note, we consider three phase motors.


How big is the energy stored in my system?

In a standard direct drive application, the energy balance can be written like this:

E M = (E K + E P ) (ECo + E F ) Equation 1 1 24 1 24 4 3 4 3
System energy System losses



= = = = =

Total energy of motor/load minus the system losses [J] Kinetic energy of motor/load [J] Gravitational potential energy of motor/load [J] Energy lost in the motor copper (Ohm losses) [J] Energy lost by friction [J]

1. Torque motor case, standard configuration (EP term equal to zero):

EM = t 1 2 2 R (J M + J L ) M 3 I M M t d d M TF Equation 1a 2 22 3 4 3 14 4 1442443 144 2 4 4 4 2
Kinetic energy Copper losses Friction losses


JM = Rotor inertia [kgm2] JL = Load inertia [kgm2] M = Motor speed before deceleration [rad/s] IM = Motor current during deceleration [ARMS/phase] RM = Motor resistance [] terminal to terminal td = Time to decelerate [s] TF = Friction torque [Nm]

Note: A rotary axis may have in addition: Gravitational potential energy (in case of non-direct drive, if the load is non horizontal). Spring stored energy.

2. Linear motor case with gravitational potential energy:

EM = t v 1 2 2 R (mM + mL ) vM + (mM + mL ) g (hinitial h final ) 3 I M M t d d M FF Equ. 1b 14444 24444 3 4 4 2 22 3 2 3 14 4 1442443 4 4 144 44 2 Gravitational potential energy
Kinetic energy Copper losses Friction losses


mM = Motor mass [kg] moving part of motor only mL = Load mass [kg] vM = Motor speed before deceleration [m/s] g = Gravitational acceleration [m/s2] hinitial = Initial load altitude [m] hfinal = Final load altitude [m] IM = Motor current during deceleration [ARMS/phase] RM = Motor resistance [] terminal to terminal td = Time to decelerate [s] FF = Friction force [N]

Note: For a constant speed system (like a long stroke conveyor for example), all the terms of the equation 1b have the same meaning except for: vM = Motor speed (constant) during the travel [m/s] IM = Motor current during travel at constant speed [ARMS/phase] td = Time to travel [s]

Is a regenerative resistance needed?

If the condition here after (equation 2) is true, then a brake resistance is needed. For a n axes system plugged on the same power supply: (All negative EM terms are set to zero in order to have the worst case)

j =1



Maximal energy storable in the capacitors

1 2 2 C U MAX U Nom 2 144 2444 4 3

EM C UMAX UNom = = = =

Equation 2


Total energy of motor/load minus the system losses [J] Total capacitance seen from the BUS [F] (see table 1) Maximal allowed BUS voltage [V] (see table 1) Nominal BUS voltage [V] (see table 1)

How to determine the resistance value

For an n axes system plugged on the same power supply:



j =1

Equation 3


I Mj 3



= Brake resistance maximal value [] = Maximal allowed BUS voltage [V] (see table 1) = Motor back EMF less motor losses [V] (see here after) = Deceleration current in motor [ARMS/phase]

1. Torque motor case:

R U B = K u M I M M 3 Equation 3a 1 23 4 4 2 14 244 4 3 Back EMF
Phase voltage


Ku = Back EMF constant [V/(rad/s)] terminal to terminal

2. Linear motor case:

R U B = K u v M I M M 3 Equation 3b 123 2 14 244 4 3 Back EMF
Phase voltage


Ku = Back EMF constant [V/(m/s)] terminal to terminal

How to determine the resistance dissipated power

For an n axes system plugged on the same power supply: (All negative EM are set to zero)


j =1


1 2 2 C U MAX U HYS 2 Equation 4 t CYCLE

Where: PAV = Average power to be dissipated by the brake resistance [W] UHYS = Hysteresis point of power supply [V] (see table 1) tCYCLE = Longest (time between two consecutive decelerations) of the n axis system [s] When the time between two consecutive decelerations becomes very large, the average power is not a meaningful number. In this case, the peak power is the main concerned:



Equation 5

Where: PPK = Peak power dissipated by the regenerative resistance [W] RREGEN = Brake resistance value []

ETEL electronics specifications (table 1)

C Housed version DSB2P Rack version DSB2P Power supply (DSO-PWR) Housed version DSC2P / DSCDP Rack version DSC2P / DSCDP Power supply (DSO-PWS) DSC2V 2100F 300F 2250F 660F 165F 990F 450F Umax 385VDC 385VDC 385VDC 450VDC 450VDC 450VDC 750VDC Rinternal 3k3, 50W 3k3, 50W 40k, 12W 100k, 6W 22k, 15W 47k, 12W Unom 120-340VDC 24-340VDC 120-340VDC 120-400VDC 24-400VDC 120-400VDC 400-600VDC Uhys 365VDC 365VDC 365VDC 420VDC 420VDC 420VDC 650VDC

Note: In the case of a rack case including one power supply (DSO-PWR) and n DSB2P, C is calculated as follows:

C[ F ] = 2250 + n 300 Equation 6

Note: In the case of a rack case including one power supply (DSO-PWS) and n DSC2P or DSCDP, C is calculated as follows:

C[ F ] = 990 + n 165 Equation 7

Note: In the case of a rack case including one power supply (DSO-PWS) and n DSC2P or DSCDP, Rinternal is calculated as follows:

R int[] =

1 n 1 + 22k 100k

Equation 8

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