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June 2012 Volume 7 #6 Volume 7 #6

Wading River Baptist Church

P.O. Box 438, 1635 Wading River-Manor Road, Wading River, NY 11792 (631) 929-3512; 929-6022

Wrong Again
Admittedly, its getting old. I am dismayed that this column must again be devoted to reproving the President of the United States and his administration for another misguidedno, evil is the wordpolicy decision. Nonetheless, as a pastor and shepherd of souls, I cannot let this abominable decision go without commenting on it from a biblical perspective. On May 9 of this year President Obama announced the conclusion of the evolution of his beliefs regarding homosexual marriage. In an interview with ABCs Good Morning America, he said, "I've just concluded that, for me personally, it is important for me to go ahead and affirm that I think same sex couples should be able to get married. The political overtones are obvious. This decision came a day before a major fundraising trip to the West Coast, in particular an event in Hollywood where he was facing potential donors who were withholding large amounts of money until he affirmed his beliefs that homosexual partners should enjoy full legal status as spouses. The immediate effect was successfulthose donors gave millions of dollars to his re-election effort. The Presidents decision was therefore a patently transparent example of crass political pandering. He should be ashamed. But this is also much more than that. Never before in American history has our Chief of State publicly disavowed the biblical and traditional understanding that marriage is a legal relationship between one man and one woman. Obamas decision, although taking some time to become public, was in process even before he took office. Lets briefly review the decisions which led up to this development. On July 2, 2008, then candidate Sen. Barack Obama announced that he opposed the ballot initiative, Proposition 8, amending the California State Constitution which defined marriage as between a man and a woman. He called the effort divisive and discriminatory. On June 2, 2010, the White House issued a memorandum that extended benefits to the same-sex partners of federal employees. The rationale was that to deny them benefits was to support systemic inequality which undermines the health, well-being, and security not just of our Federal workforce, but also of their families and communities. Then on December 22, 2010, he repealed the statute, in place since the Clinton administration, called Dont Ask, Dont Tell, the effect of which was to permit open homosexual behavior in the Armed Forces of the United States. Finally, in a brazen act of unconstitutional presumption, the President, through Attorney General Holder, announced on February 23, 2011, that he regarded the Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA) as unconstitutional, taking upon himself the responsibility that belongs exclusively to the Supreme Court. In so doing, the administration declared its intention not to enforce a law passed by both houses of Congress and signed into law by President Clinton, a clear violation of President Obamas oath of office. It hardly seems necessary to refute this position in a forum such as this, but I take nothing for granted. Too often today, the biblical teaching with regard to homosexuality is being set aside even in evangelical churchesespecially by our young people who have been indoctrinated with a false view of tolerance. There is an abundance of sociological evidence supporting the many benefits, especially to children, of a traditional family made up of a father and mother. Moreover, there is plenty of statistical evidence showing that homosexual partnerships are dysfunctional. This material is readily available, but since it is not my area of expertise, I do not intend to deal with it here. I turn, therefore, to the Word of God. This survey is necessarily very brief, but it is overwhelming. 1. God created the human race as males and females through which He expressed the fullness of His image. God created man in His own image, in the image of God He created him; male and female He created them (Gen 1:27). In other words, part of Gods intention in creating the human race was to reflect His own essential characterHis image. In looking at ourselves, therefore, we learn a great deal about who God is. However, that image, designed to be revealed through the human race, was not given completely to either the man or the woman, but is fully expressed in both through the marriage relationship. One man and one woman united as one flesh demonstrate both the masculine and feminine qualities apparent in Gods communicable attributes (the divine characteristics that we are able to reflect). Two men or two women fall far short of reflecting the divine image in the way God intended. Moreover, no person or group of persons has the right or authority to impose any change in Gods intentions upon their fellow human beings. 2. God established marriage between one man and one woman as the foundation of the family. God blessed them; and God said to them, Be fruitful and multiply, and fill the earth, and subdue it; . . . (Gen 1:28). Although procreation is not the only purpose of marriage, this verse shows clearly that it is one of the most important. It is obvious that two males and two females cannot conceive and bear children. Moreover, both biblically and sociologically, a two-male or twofemale parenting arrangement is dysfunctional. No woman can adequately fulfill a

fathers role in a family, and no man can sufficiently substitute for a mother. 3. No one is born a homosexual. God designed the process of human procreation such that it produces males and femalesnot homosexuals, bisexuals, or transvestites. In fact, anything other than pure maleness or pure femaleness is a perversion of Gods intentions. Sinful and rebellious human beings may be unwilling to acknowledge it, but homosexual behavior is learned. It is more often than not learned early in childhood, the result of deficient parentingthe lack of proper paternal or maternal affection or role models. The apparent increase in the number of practicing homosexuals since the 1960s sexual revolution points to another contributing cause: promiscuity. When young people have exhausted their experimentation with unbridled heterosexual lust, devoid of genuine love and commitment (premarital sex, group sex, pornography, prostitution, etc.), they find themselves sexually bored at best or disillusioned at worst. They then turn to other forms of sexuality seeking the temporary satisfaction that sensuous behavior offers. Homosexuality is usually the first recourse, and when theyre also bored with that, they move on to other forms of perversion such as bestiality. Finally, they realize that nothing is satisfying them, and so they seek to counterfeit Gods solution by turning to a homosexual marriage (domestic partnerships are not sufficient, they say). Such marriages are notoriously unstable. Although homosexual marriage may be the latest fad, it too will prove utterly unfulfilling. What happens when married homosexuals begin seeking divorces in large numbers? The media will probably ignore it. 4. In His Law, God expresses His strongest disapproval of the practice of homosexuality. In the Old Testament Law,

homosexuality is declared an abomination. You shall not lie with a male as one lies with a female; it is an abomination (Lev 18:22). If there is a man who lies with a male as those who lie with a woman, both of them have committed a detestable act; they shall surely be put to death. Their bloodguiltiness is upon them (Lev 20:13). Abomination is the strongest Hebrew word in Scripture used of that which displeases God and incurs His wrath. Under the Law, homosexuality was a capital offense. It is the sin, above all others, which sentenced Sodom and Gomorrah to destruction (Gen 19:4-11). It is important to note here (in response to the superficial arguments of those who defend homosexuality), that today, no one lives under the regime of the Old Testament legislation. However, it is also important to note that the Law continues to be a revelation of the righteousness of God, even though it does not legally regulate human behavior in the present age. 5. In the New Testament, God expresses His strongest disapproval of the practice of homosexuality. Or do you not know that the unrighteous will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived; neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor effeminate, nor homosexuals, . . . will inherit the kingdom of God (1 Cor 6:9). Yes, other behaviors that incur Gods wrath are included here, but effeminacy [referring to male prostitutes or transvestites] and homosexuality are mentioned in this list that excludes their practitioners from eternal life. No one can be a practicing homosexual and a Christian at the same time, and to say this is not homophobia, but defense of the truth. 6. Homosexuality is the evidence that God has given up on a society. A survey of history shows the growing prevalence of homosexuality in the waning days of the Greek and Roman Empires. Paul is

clear that when nations who, in the face of the evidence of creation, should know God and acknowledge Him as such, suppress the truth and engage in unrighteous behavior (Rom 1:18-23), He gives them up; and the evidence that He has given them up is the open pervasiveness, toleration, and approval of both homosexual and lesbian behavior. Therefore, God gave them over in the lusts of their hearts to impurity, so that their bodies would be dishonored among them. . . . For this reason, God gave them over to degrading passions; for their women exchanged the natural function for that which is unnatural, and in the same way also the men abandoned the natural function of the woman and burned in their desire toward one another, men with men committing indecent acts and receiving in their own persons the due penalty of their error (Rom 1:24, 26-27). The acceptance of homosexual marriage is just the latest piece of evidence indicating that America (and every other nation where such marriage is sanctioned) is doomed to eventual destruction. More could be said, but this must suffice to remind us that homosexuality is a uniquely serious sin in Gods sight and a solemn marker of a society whose corruption has crossed the line. As Christians, we not only cannot approve homosexual domestic partnerships or marriage, we must oppose them. It is a tragic shame when our President and other national officials embrace what God has forbidden. Let our prayer be that of Habakkuk: O Lord, I have heard the report about You and I fear. O Lord, revive Your work in the midst of the years, In the midst of the years make it known; In wrath remember mercy (Hab 3:2). Pastor Ron Glass

Pandolfinis Getting Acquainted with the Robinsons

Getting Acquainted is taking a different direction this month because the selection of willing candidates about which to write has become limited. Since Mike & Diane Pandolfinis objective in their visit with WRBC missionaries Marvin & Denise Robinson in Rochester, NY, was to get better acquainted with them, they agreed to share with us their recent experiences. Mike & Diane arrived in Buffalo, NY, on May 8th for a five-day missions trip. They arrived quite tired from a delayed flight followed by a few other traveling hang-ups, causing them to head to their hotel for a good nights rest. ginning with meeting the staff at the Rochester Mission Center. Diane hit it off with the Mission Centers secretary, Monica, who is originally from Southampton.

Missionary Marvin Robinson picked Mike & Diane up at the hotel the next morning with a full agenda planned, be-

Mid-morning on the first day, Mike & Diane witnessed the handouts of the food and clothing to the needy. Diane describes the event in her own words: We watched

as one by one the people trickled in at the Family Missions House; waiting patiently to pray together and to hear the Word spoken by Marvin, a preliminary step before getting their food packages and sorting through the four bins of clothes that were donated from various churches. This particular morning, a supermarketnamed Wexmansdelivered about 15 boxes of food that was divided and distributed among the families. Other donations of fresh fruit were made by local individuals; the fruit was also divided among those in need. Sadly, the center closed by 11:30 AM for that week, not reopening until the following week. Hopefully, this will change with more days of scheduled handouts. It was with a grateful attitude and humbleness that these needy individuals accepted the charity given to them. Even the children were well behaved and most grateful. As we talked to these people and got an occasional hug, it initiated a desire for me to put together a box full of clothes, some that I have made from material that seems to always miraculously fall into my hands.

To finish out the morning of the first day, Mike & Diane joined Denise as she was leading a ladys Bible study that meets twice a week at a place called Journey Hope. Another Bible study was scheduled for the afternoon at Fleming Point Elderly Living Facility, also led by Denise. In the meantime, Marvin insisted on taking them out for lunch, providing a time of intimate conversation and a special opportunity of getting acquainted. Later, as Marvin led a mens devotional at the Open Door Missions, Mike & Diane were beginning to understand the dedication the Robinsons have to their ministry.

As Marvin and Mike took a day to get better acquainted with a visit to the American side of Niagara Falls, Denise brought Diane to a nursing facility to experience Denises daily walk with those needing to hear the Word at the nursing home. Emotions ran deep and varied as Diane began to really appreciate Denises compassionate walk as she ministers. There was the dear 92-yearold woman, alone and needing the encouragement, which was very heart warming. But Diane also experienced some disturbing emotions at another nursing facility as described in her own words: While at the nursing home visiting and witnessing to the less fortunate, they all attentively listened and were asking for prayer. But one quiet and calm elderly man, when hearing the Lords name, became a bit disruptive. That was scary for me, because he did not want to hear about God. On another day, Marvin brought Mike to the Open Door Mission, a mission home that houses around 40 men that are in rehab for various reasons, such as drug and alcohol addiction. These men desperately need assistance in finding a job and a place to live. He met Raymond Santago, the gentleman that runs the home; in receiving a tour of the home from Raymond, Mike could see that Raymond ran the home in a most efficient and strict way. The rules are made quite clear and if the men do not abide by them, they are kindly escorted out the door. The men are offered drug therapy, as well as alcohol awareness and anger management instruction; as long as they progress, the men are permitted to stay. Marvin shared devotions, allowing a moment for Mike to share his testimony with the men. For Mike it was an emotionally sad visit to see so many men struggling. Summing things up, Diane again shares with us her thoughts on the visit: I could not get over the amount of attention Marvin & Denise give to those less fortunate. They put in a lot of time not only with the poor and less fortunate but with their neighbors, also with needs, some spiritual. We have seen them go beyond an 8-hour day in addressing the many different needs including physical healing, food, clothing, and, most importantly, spiritual life and growth. The Robinsons always carry their Bibles with them, prepared to share the Word whenever the need arises and desiring no recognition as they do Gods bidding.

Most outstanding is the love the Robinsons have for the people to whom they minister; they fulfill their ministry with such energy, never turning anyone away. I feel that we can hear their testimonies, see a PowerPoint presentation of their work, and pray for them without really knowing what is involved in missionary work. As we walked in their shoes for a few days, it was a wonderful learning experience; but it was also sadvery sadto see so many people in need. We thank God for giving us the opportunity to visit with Marvin & Denise Robinson. What an experience it was to witness how it really works out in the mission field. We were able to put ourselves right in the midst of serving. Poetry is a form of release when emotions are peaking; as the emotions ran high during this mission trip, so did the words in poetry to describe the Robinsons as follows:
God spoke to a couple about a missions call They listened to God and obeyed, never to fall. Oh, what a work they do for our Lord Never ceasing, awards someday will be their reward. The people they come from all around Some are homeless, some from this town. On Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays, too There is food to be given, a good meal is due. On a table nearby are nice warm clothes They pick what they need, oh how God knows. This man of God teaches the Bible to all who come Everyone listens, even the little ones. All who come are so very grateful God is good, the supplies are bountiful. While Marvin teaches in one side of town His wife, Denise, has Bible studies, so many around. We spent the day with those who are poor So grateful and sweet were they all. Thank you, Lord, for giving to us An opportunity to be involved with Your people, a plus.

Mikes requests after visiting in the mission field and experiencing the Robinsons ministry are very clear. The Robinsons need our prayers to sustain them as more and more people are seeking assistance. Their support level is at 80%; as we remain faithful in our financial support, we can pray that others will desire to partner financially with them. Both Marvin & Denise have physical issues, so we need to stand by them in prayer that God will bless the ministry and meet their needs. Joan Tyska

Missionaries of the Month Phil and Shelly Ormsby

The Child Evangelism Fellowship (CEF), the worlds largest evangelistic outreach to childrenfulfilling the Great Commission by reaching over 10 million children in over 175 countries with the message of the Gospel, is celebrating its 75th year in existence. In 1937, Jesse Irvin Overholtzer founded the CEF with a vision to evangelize boys and girls with the Gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ and to establish them in the local church for Christian living. CEF has 1,800 missionaries overseas, 700 fulltime workers, and an estimated 40,000 volunteers serving in the ministry. Prayer has always been the foundation of CEF ministry; to honor Gods gift of 75 years of successful ministry, during the week of May 15th18th, there were 75 consecutive hours of prayer, culminating with a corporate prayer meeting from 8:0010:00 AM each of those days at the international headquarters in Warrenton, Missouri. One of their prayers was for more laborers to be sent out into the harvest field to reach more children with the Gospel (Matthew 9:37-38). CEF needs more workers throughout the United States and in every country of the world. Among the massive number serving in CEF is our very own Phi Ormsby, Long Island Ministry Coordinator and Assistant Director of Child Evangelism Fellowship of the Greater New York City Area. Phil had the opportunity to participate in four Childrens Ministry Conferences; three of them as a teacher and the fourth as a representative of CEF of Long Island along with his family. On March 5th, Phil attended the Ignighting the Teachers Fire in Texas where he taught Why Take the Gospel to Where the Children Are? and How to Start a Bible Club. On April 3rd, Phil attended the Equip Conference on Long Island where he taught Leading a Child to Christ and Kids Reaching Kids. On April 9th, Phil attended CEF Annual Childrens Ministry Conference in Queens where he taught Summer Missions A Great Opportunity to Proclaim His Name to the Next Generation. From May 16th through the 21st, both Phil & Shelly and their three boys, Michael, Nathan, and David, represented CEF of Long Island, joining other CEF workers from all over the world for a week of encouragement and training. Shelly, on the other hand, attended a course in Brooklyn, April 16-26, to be certified for the Instructor of Teachers Level I. On completion, Shelly received her certification to teach CEFs Teaching Children Effectively Level 1. During this week, Phil held down the home front, covering for Shelly by homeschooling their sons: Michael, Nathan, and David. This is certainly a couple that is on fire for getting the Word to children everywhere, and they so deserve our support in prayer. Financially, they have been supplied with $1,000 of new monthly giving, bringing their support to 75% of their goal in monthly commitments. In addition, many people give special gifts that help provide their full support from month to month. They ask us to praise God for His faithfulness in meeting their needs. With their summer agenda just beginning, they have asked for prayer. First, for the many young people who work with CEF as summer interns (or missionaries) in the various Bible Clubs. They will be training these interns June 21-29. Second, Phil will be leading a team of people who run an all-day childrens program with about 100 kids at Hofstra University as part of a discipleship conference for Chinese families . Third, pray that they reach their goal of three different locations per day for a week to run their 5 Day Clubs that would run through the second week of August. These 5 Day Clubs consist of an exciting, fun-filled one and one-half hour held each day for five consecutive days! It would include dynamic Bible lessons, creative learning activities, inspiring missionary stories, meaningful songs, and lifechanging Scripture memorization. 5-Day Clubs are open to all boys and girls between the ages of five and twelve, regardless of religious background. Phil has suggested that there might be people in the church that would be interested in hosting a 5 Day Club. Their role would be to invite children, provide snacks, and mingle with parents. A description of a 5 Day Club can be found at Please keep this family in your prayers as they continue to serve locally. Joan Tyska

Month in Review
April 28, 2012 WRBCs missionaries from Nigeria, Peter & Bette Verkaik, arrived at Mike & Diane Pandolfinis Bed & Breakfast Saturday evening in time for dinner prepared by Diane, followed by a good nights rest before taking on their Lords Day agenda at the WRBC. April 29, 2012 That agenda began in the Fellowship Hall with a perfectly planned breakfast put together by our serving deaconess committee: Judy Ehmann, Mina Piraino, Maureen Glass, Jackie Hallstrom, and head deaconess, Sarah Chapman. As everyone enjoyed their second cup of coffee, Peter Verkaik delivered a PowerPoint presentation outlining their work in Nigeria through the Word of Life ministry ( there in Nigeria, and the programs that have been quite successful in bringing many to salvation. The Fulani Ministry (Muslim nomads) alone has yielded 756 salvation decisions out of the 2,202 individuals that the Word was shared with. In their evangelism outings, they have shared the Word with 6,439 people, with 2,501 professing Christ as their Savior and 141 committing their lives to the Lords work. There are 287 Bible clubs, 3 childrens camps, and many programs for leadership development and discipleship training. With limited time during the Sunday School hour, an invitation was extended to

Many questions surfaced concerning the Verkaiks living conditions, their ministry

meet at the Hallstroms at 6:00 PM for a more in-depth look at the Verkaiks life as missionaries. At the 11 oclock service, Peter Verkaik preached about the Apostle Paul and how he selected Paul as his mentor and source of inspiration for missions. About 25 people attended the evening meeting with the Verkaiks, eager to learn more about their lives in Nigeria. The enthusiasm was at an unusually high level as both Peter & Bette opened wide their hearts to reveal their choices and sacrifices made to bring the truth of the Word to these forgotten people of Nigeria. It would be very much understated that everyone, after listening to the Verkaiks, had a new appreciation for them and the perils they have experienced in order to bring the Gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ to those in Nigeria. May 3, 2012 was National Day of Prayer. Because of its date falling on a Thursday, the Wednesday night prayer meeting was postponed to coincide with the National Day of Prayer in order to be in unison with others who recognized the dire importance of joining together in prayer for our nation. The entire time was devoted to pray for our country to bring back this nation to One Nation Under God, the theme for this years observance. May 8, 2012 Mike & Diane Pandolfini spent five days with WRBC missionaries Marvin & Denise Robinson, enabling them to personally present them with a love gift that was collected from the congregation of WRBC. Mike & Diane found the visit quite moving (beyond their expectations!), so a special article describing their trip in detail is included in this issue of The Beacon. May 13, 2012 What a nice surprise it was to arrive at church Sunday morning, also Mothers Day, to see a fresh addition to the landscape of the church. A word of thanks to John Piraino for taking time from his busy schedule to plant some marigolds in time for Mothers Day and another welcomed rain a few days later. As always, Mothers Day honored the many mothers as well as grandmothers of the church, including two of our most cherished mothers, Maureen Glass & Cheryl Sunderland, as they sang a duet, The Way That He Loves. Vic Bellard continued his study Babylon, City of Man during the Sunday School hour, and Pastor Glass con-

tinued our study of Isaiah chapters 40-66 by preaching a sermon entitled Ritual or Righteousness? (Isaiah 58:1-14). A Mothers Day side note too precious not to share: Mothers Day took on a new and special meaning as Mrs. Mallard becomes the most caring and attentive mother of all to her eight newborn ducklings. Mr. & Mrs. Mallard choose to make their nest at the Tyskas pond, named Living Waters, located in their back yard. To everyones surprise, Mrs. Mallard was found showing off her little ducklings so proudly but protectively, deserving a heads up for Mothers Day. May 19, 2012 The local farmers were not the only ones sowing seeds as they planted their crops for the summer. WRBCs seniors sowed seeds of the spiritual kind as they shared an afternoon of fellowship at the bimonthly luncheon; this one entitled Sowing Seeds. The menu was designed around the products of a farmers sowing: fresh vegetables for dipping, lettuce for a salad, and a buffet of hot vegetable dishes, among other selections. The luncheon was highlighted with spiritual sowing by Mike Pandolfini as he led the devotions. Since mothers are special in the way they sow the seeds of nurturing in their children, Mike opted to turn the devotions into a storytelling time concerning one of the most revered mothers of all: Mary, the mother of Jesus. Mike read a story revealing Marys life according to the Scriptures, portraying what it must have been like to nurture the Son of God.

mention if prizes were given as she was decorated with seed packets to emphasize the theme. It is always a joy to see such imagination and creativity.

With the interest in costumes escalating, the next luncheontentatively scheduled for July 14thwill be about Saving America. Lets see how many can dress for the occasion in Red, White & Blue. Prizes will be given!!!!!

Also on the luncheons agenda was a follow up of a suggestion previously made to change the name of Senior Saints to something that would expand the age range and encourage younger seniors to participate. So the seniors voted by ballot that had been prepared with 22 suggested names, one of which was the current name (Senior Saints). Unanimously, Senior Saints was voted to remain as the accepted name. Another highlight to the luncheon, as always, was our very own Diane Pandolfini using her imagination to dress the part. But there was an added attraction at this luncheon as Debbie Bristoll arrived in costume for the occasion. Even Marcelle Ritzmann would have had an honorable

These senior luncheons are an opportunity for some of the young people to serve as they assist the volunteers in the kitchen. Also appreciated is Marie Caputo as she accompanies the seniors in their hymn singing. Most special at this luncheon was Sylvena Ingoglia and her homemade ice cream cake that she made as a surprise to share with all the seniors for dessert. Who knew that she could make such a scrumptious, sweet-tasting, and irresistible ice cream cake delight? Very humbly and gratefully I thank everyone that had a part in planning a special birthday surprise to honor my 70th birthday. A cake with 71 candles, flowers, a balloon, and a card with special contents were all part of a special moment to tuck away in my repository of treasured memories. May I continue to be worthy of such a gift from so many dear sisters and brothers in Christ. Looking forward to next month as we will be welcoming Ralph & Sandra Thompson and their children on The Lords Day, June 3rd. The Thompsons will be with us not only for the morning worship service (Ralph will be preaching), but also for a fellowship dinner afterwards in the Fellowship Hall. It will be at this time that they will share an update on their ministry in Mombasa, Kenya. Please mark your calendar and plan to attend. Joan Tyska

Humanism: Part 1
Confucius gave us a definition of humanism when he made the following statement: The measure of man is man. The word humanism has been used in many ways in the past, but I think this definition will serve us well as we address the popular movement that is known by that name. The Bible states that the measure of man is God and that we fall short of the mark (Rom. 3:23). Humanism has been with us ever since Eve bought into Satans lie in the Garden of Eden. And the serpent said to the woman, you surely shall not die! For God knows that in the day you eat from it your eyes will be opened, and you will be like God, knowing good from evil (Gen. 3:4-5). Gods infinite wisdom and truth were traded for a promise from the father of all lies (Jn. 8:44). Ever since then man has been trying to lift himself up by his own bootstraps. Even a casual glance at history will attest to mans dismal failure, yet like King Sisyphus he continues to roll this rock up to the peak of the mountain, only to see it rumble down to its base once more. All things are wearisome; Man is not able to tell it. The eye is not satisfied with seeing, nor is the ear filled with hearing. That which has been is that which shall be, and that which has been done is that which shall be done. So there is nothing new under the sun (Eccl. 1:8-9). Esau traded his birthright for some bread and a bowl of lentil stew. Humanists are ruled by their own appetites. In recent years, Charles Darwin gave humanists a focal point, a worldview, and a substitute for Gods revelation. Now man was free to do as he pleased, and without any sense of guilt. Men like John Calvin had been raining on his picnic long enough. Darwins theory of evolution allowed humanism to coagulate into the dominant faith of our age. Protagoras, who lived around the 5th century B.C., issued the following edict: Man is the measure of all things. Humanism has always been with us, but now it has become so common and so intrusive that it is like the air that we breathe. In a letter to Eckermann in 1828, Goethe penned the following words: The truth must be repeated again and again because error is being preached round about us. And not only by isolated individuals but by the majority. In the newspapers and encyclopedias, in the schools and universities, everywhere error is dominant, securely and comfortably ensconced in public opinion which is on its side. The visible church is supersaturated with humanism. Unfortunately, the leaders of the flock havent learned much from those that led the flock in the Lord Jesuss day. The Pharisees took pleasure in the adoration of men. They were supposed to be stewards of the truth. This should have humbled them, especially when they failed to recognize the truth when the Truth was in their midst. Now the Pharisees, who were lovers of money, were listening to all these things, and they were scoffing at him. And He said to them, You are those who justify yourselves in the sight of men, but God knows your hearts; for that which is highly esteemed among men is detestable in the sight of God (Lk. 16:14-15). They measured themselves by man. Thomas Huxley, who was one of the most aggressive promoters of Darwinism, was not motivated by science, but rather by his hatred of the church. Let me quote some of his comments on members of the Anglican Church. This taken from In the Minds of Men: Darwin and the New World Order by Ian T. Taylor. The motivating force that drove Huxley was his feeling of animosity toward the clergy, who at that time had far greater status than the scientist. Huxley found the hard facts of science to be an invincible weapon to be used against the pompous rhetoric of some of the authority figures in the Church of England. Years later, as he looked back over the battle for Darwinism, he said, My dear young manyou are not old enough to remember when men like Lyell and Murcheson were not considered fit to lick the dust off the boots of a curate. I should like to get my heel in their mouths and scr-r-unch it round. The Struggle Heats Up During the rise of Darwinism in the nineteenth century, some of the best scientists resisted Darwins theory on the basis of empirical observation and data. Men like Michael Faraday, James Maxwell, William Thomson, and Lord Kelvin rejected Darwins theory. Leaders in the church were quick to compromise by concocting ideas such as the day-age and gap theories. Men like Charles Kingsley confessed upon reading the Origen that he had long learnt to disbelieve the dogma of the permanence of the species. He and many others chose theistic evolution as an alternative to special creation. Thomas Huxley and Samuel Wilberforce held a debate on 30 June 1860 at the Oxford meeting of the British Association for the Advancement of Science. This debate was to resolve the conflict between revelation and reason. There wasnt any transcript of this debate, but secondhand reports of the event announced Huxley to be the winner. Public perception carried the day and the church slipped into a higher gear in their race toward apostasy. Newspapers, magazines, and journals refused to publish anything written by creationists. Creationists were forced to use tracts to disseminate their information. The modern humanist movement, which pretends to be objective and scientific, is actually a religious movement that is energized by its faith in Darwin. A number of prominent evolutionists have reluctantly admitted that adherence to evolution is based upon faith. Evolutionists Birch and Ehrlich stated the following: Our theory of evolution has becomeone which cannot be refuted by any possible observations. Every conceivable observation can be fitted into itNo one can think of ways in which to test it. Ideas, either without basis or based on a few laboratory experiments carried out in extremely simplified systems, have attained currency far beyond their validity. They have become part of an evolutionary dogma accepted by most of us as part of our training (L. C. Birch and P. Ehrlich, Nature, 22 April 1967). Colin Paterson, senior paleontologist at the British Museum of Natural History, declared before his peers at a meeting in 1981 that evolution was positively antiknowledge, saying that all my life I had been duped into taking evolution as revealed truth (Patterson 1981, p. 2). The odds against the right combination of elements joining together in the right order for the first living cell to appear from nonliving matter are so enormous that it can only be concluded to have been miraculous. Some, such as Nobel Prize winner Francis Crick, are fully aware of these odds; unable to accept the miraculous, he and others have turned to extraterrestrial sources for the beginning of life. Fred Hoyle also saw the impossible odds stacked against the possibility of life having been formed by chance. He also embraced panspermia (a theory holding that the seeds of life diffuse naturally through outer space) as a means of keeping his spark of faith in evolution burning. Bill Mallman

June Bible Quiz Questions

1) Where does the phrase, the Lords Day, appear in the New Testament? 2) Who built the ark of the covenant? 3) Which king led the northern kingdom of Israel into sin by allowing his evil wife to introduce Baal worship? 4) Who was killed after being thrown from a window by two or three eunuchs? 5) Of which of Hams descendants does Scripture declare to have been a mighty one in the earth and a mighty hunter before the LORD? Bonus: Where did John the Baptist baptize his followers? (Hint: there was much water there.) Felix Acerra

May Bible Quiz Answers

1) Mattaniah; changed by Nebuchadnezzar, the king of Babylon (2 Kings 24:17). 2) Matthias (Acts 1:23-26). 3) Nicodemus (John 3:1-3). 4) Nathanael (John 1:46). 5) Isaiahs son; his name literally means Speed the Spoil, Hasten the Booty (Isaiah 8:1-3). Bonus: The peace of God (Philippians 4:7). Congratulations to Mike Pandolfini, Dennis Tyska, and Virginia Sylvester (sister of Joan Tyska) for submitting all five correct answers plus the bonus to the May Bible Quiz!

The Anniversary Corner

June Patrick & Liz Hyland June 6th William & Elfriede Kirchberger June 15th Vic & Reeva Bellard June 21st Harold & Gerry Cosgrove June 24th Warren & Alice Teufel June 30th Mike & Diane Pandolfini 3rd

The Thompsons June 3rd

The Birthday Corner

June 1st Bob Hart June 17th Mike Pandolfini June 17th Nora Faustinorio June 24th Gerry Cosgrove June 25th Joane Abella June 27th Jim Perry June 29th Bonnie Heuzey June 30th Linea Piraino

June 2012
The Lords Day
Monday Tuesday


Thursday Friday 1

Saturday 2 9

3 9:45 AM Sunday School Babylon, City of Man (Dr. Vic Bellard)

11:00 AM Morning Worship Service (Fellowship dinner with the Thompsons immediately following service)

7:00 PM Prayer Meeting and Exposition of Psalm 111

7 8:30 AM Ladies Prayer Joan Tyska (727-5998)


9:45 AM Sunday School (Dr. Vic Bellard) 11:00 AM Morning Worship Service


12 7:00 PM Board of Deacons Meeting 19

13 7:00 PM Prayer Meeting and Exposition of Psalm 112 20

7:00 PM Prayer Meeting and Exposition of Psalm 113


8:30 AM Ladies Prayer



17 9:45 AM Sunday School (Dr. Vic Bellard)

11:00 AM Morning Worship Service 9:45 AM Sunday School (Dr. Vic Bellard) 11:00 AM Morning Worship Service



8:30 AM Ladies Prayer







7:00 PM Prayer Meeting and Exposition of Psalm 114

8:30 AM Ladies Prayer




PO Box 438 Wading River, NY 11792

Wading River Baptist Church

Our Purpose
1. To glorify God through sharing the good news of salvation by Gods sovereign grace through faith in His Son, the Lord Jesus Christ. 2. To nurture believers through a strong program of Christian education, youth ministries, and expository Biblical preaching. 3. To provide an opportunity for Biblical worship, service, and fellowship. 4. To extend our ministry throughout America and around the world through participation in home and foreign missions. WRBC is affiliated with the Conservative Baptist Association of America and the Conservative Baptist Mission to the Northeast.

For the Exaltation of God in All Things For the Proclamation of Faith in Christ For the Transformation of Gods People

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