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STEVEN KANE CURTIS (262) 391-2523 E-Portfolio

Passionate, detail-oriented and driven young professional entering a career in environmental advocacy. Through international experiences, demonstrated the ability to work in fast-paced environments, adapt and improvise to changing situations. Demonstrated qualities of a leader while at Penn State in roles such as President of Colleges Student Council. Knowledgeable in many environmental areas including air and water resources and coastal management with interest in: environmental advocacy; environmental policy; management and conservation; communicating an environmental cause.

Core Competencies
Possess a combined two-years of experience in environmental advocacy and leadership Active in organizing events to support environment, conservation and education Aware of present environmental issues and working knowledge of environmental policy Independent field work experience, air and water quality testing Proficient with Microsoft Office, Excel, MATLAB and other software productivity platforms Extensive experience in data analysis, GIS software to create maps Excel at public speaking, strong oral and written communication skills Passionate about the environment, making an impact

Job Seeker, Everywhere I Go 02/12-Present Entered the job market with a drive to integrate my passion for science, the environment and people. Attended professional conferences and job fairs to begin networking with industry leaders and recruiters. Constantly improving / changing cover letters, resume, e-Portfolio ( and LinkedIn Profile. Discovered desired career path and passion within the environmental field. - Honed ability to talk to decision makers, speak professionally and appropriately - Performed extensive internet research to learn about various companies, sectors of environmental field - Researched evolving environmental issues to ensure continued understanding of environmental policy - Improved written communication skills through numerous emails, cover letters, and writing samples - Learned important organizational skills to document jobs / companies to which I applied - Through experiences, gained confidence in myself and my ability to adapt to new situations NOAA Hollings Intern, American Samoa Department of Commerce 5/11-07/11 Selected as a National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) Hollings Scholar in national scholarship competition. Participated in summer internship in American Samoa, a small island in the South Pacific. Charged with identifying land-based sources of pollution affecting watershed and coral reef. Identified key stakeholders within village and government agencies to create a community-driven environment protection plan. - Gained understanding of EPA regulations and environmental policy as it relates to watershed protection and coastal management including Clean Water Act, Clean Air Act, Safe Drinking Water Act, NEPA, etc. - Performed research in difficult terrain and recommended environmental soil and erosion control practices - Prepared scientific report distributed to American Samoa Government agencies and presented findings that resulted in swift action by government officials in protecting watershed - Presented findings to leading scientists at NOAA headquarter; recognized as top performer among fellow interns. Volunteer, Clear Water Conservancy 08/10-12/11 Active volunteer with local nonprofit aiming to protect Central Pennsylvania Environment. Participated in local effort to protect watershed through clean-ups, community education, fundraising, farmers markets, etc.

Bachelor of Science in Environmental Meteorology Minor: Watershed and Water Resource Management The Pennsylvania State University, University Park, PA 16802 GPA: 3.83/4.00; Graduated December 2011

Served as instrumental leader within the College of Earth and Mineral Sciences and throughout Penn State. Gained experience in event planning; showcased passion to empower and motivate student body; learned valuable time management skills. Through leadership roles at Penn State, coordinated campus and town clean-ups with other ecofriendly organizations on campus. Met with city mayor, other stakeholders, to open opportunities for community to lessen impact on environment. Initiated compost station in student center, along with battery and cell-phone recycling. Awarded the Jay M. DeFinis Award for Outstanding Student Leadership.

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