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Redox Reactions

A redox reaction involves the reduction and oxidation of the reactants, thereby changing the oxidation numbers of atoms taking part in the chemical reaction, through an exchange of electrons. Examples of well-known redox reactions include the rusting of metal, the chemical reaction inside a battery, and combustion of hydrocarbons. The roaring fire shown to the left is an example of the rapid oxidization of the hydrocarbons making up the wood and the reduction of the Oxygen gas from the air. The, very rusty, Iron hammer to the bottom right is also being oxidized by the Oxygen in the air, but at a much slower rate than the burning wood.
Oxidation Number

Rules for determining oxidation numbers: 1. The oxidation number of a neutral element is zero. 2. Fluorine always has an oxidation number of -1 in compounds. 3. The elements of groups IA (e.g., Na, K), IIA (e.g., Mg, Ca), and IIIA (e.g., Al, Ga) always have positive oxidation numbers of +1, +2, and +3, respectively, in compounds. 4. Hydrogen has an oxidation number of +1 in all its compounds except in binary and ternary compounds where the only other atoms are metals or boron. 5. Oxygen has an oxidation number of -2 in compounds, except for some compounds when combined with F, to which rules 2-4 apply. Oxygen, as the peroxide ion (O22-), has an oxidation number of -1. 6. The elements of groups VA, VIA, and VIIA have oxidation numbers of -3, -2, and -1, respectively, when found in binary compounds with metals or hydrogen. Two processes exist which can change the oxidation number of an atom, namely Oxidation and Reduction. When a substance is oxidized its oxidation number increases, and when a substance is reduced its oxidation number decreases; oxidation and reduction are reverse processes of each other.

The change in the oxidation number of an atom is the result of an exchange of electrons with another substance, either a loss or a gain of electrons. Oxidation involves the loss of electrons by a substance while reduction involves a substance gaining electrons. A common mnemonic device which is useful in remembering this is the phrase, LEO the lion says GER,

Lose Electrons Oxidation Gain Electrons Reduction

Reduction / Oxidation reactions always occur in pairs such that when one substance is oxidized another substance is reduced. Oxidizing / Reducing agents Certain substances are more likely than others to be either oxidized or reduced due to how likely they are to give away or gain electrons. The chemical property which relates how likely a substance is to gain an electron is called its electronegativity. Since a completed octet of electrons in the outermost shell of an atom is most stable, highly electronegative atoms tend to gain electrons and become reduced while less-electronegative atoms tend to lose electrons and become oxidized.

Periodic Table showing the electronegativity of each element using the Pauling scale

Elements located on the left-most side of the periodic table have a high tendency to give up electrons to other atoms and be oxidized in order to

achieve a completed octet in their outermost shell. These, and other, substances which have a tendency to give up electrons are often referred to as reducing agents since, as they are oxidized, they reduce other substances in the process. Reducing agents are oxidized during a redox reaction. Substances which are strong reducing agents include the Alkali and AlkalineEarth elements (for example, Lithium, Sodium, Calcium, ) which are located in the first two columns of the periodic table. On the other side of the periodic table, located just to the left of the Nobel gasses, are a group of elements which have a high tendency to gain electrons from other substances and be reduced. The Halogens, for example Fluorine and Chlorine are strong oxidizing agents, as are the Chalcogens with Oxygen being a prime example. During redox reactions, these substances become reduced as they oxidize other substances and are known as oxidizing agents. Oxidizing agents are reduced during a redox reaction. Other, polyatomic, oxidizing and reducing agents exist in addition to pure elements. Common oxidizing substances include salts containing the Nitrate (NO3-), Chlorate (ClO3-), and Permanganate (MnO4-) ion; for example, KNO3, KClO3, and KMnO4. Ascorbic acid (also known as Vitamin C) as well as Hydrogen gas, Carbon Monoxide, and Hydrocarbons can act as a reducing agent in some reactions. Half Reactions Like any chemical reaction, a redox reaction must be balanced by mass, but additionally must also be balanced by charge so that the reaction obeys the laws of conservation of mass and charge. Because of this, Reduction and Oxidation reactions always occur in pairs; if one substance is oxidized, another substance must be reduced, and therefore charge is always conserved. A redox reaction can be broken up into two parts and analyzed separately, each called a half-reaction, one involving reduction and the other involving oxidation. Although individual half-reactions will contain free charge on either the reactant or product side, when a pair of balanced half-reactions are combined into a complete redox reaction it should contain no free charge since any electrons given up by the reducing agent will be gained by the oxidizing agent.

For example, Consider the redox reaction which takes place between Zinc metal and Hydrochloric acid.

Compare the oxidation numbers / states of the reactants to the products. Initially, the Zinc is in its elemental form and is defined to have an oxidization number of zero. On the products side of the reaction the Zinc is part of an ionic compound [Zinc(II) Chloride] and now has an oxidization number of +2. During the reaction, the Zinc atom lost two electrons and was oxidized to become the Zn+2 ion. Now look at the Hydrogen on the reactants side; initially the Hydrogens oxidization number was +1. On the products side, however, the Hydrogen is in its elemental form and has an oxidization number of zero. During the reaction, the Hydrogen was reduced. Clearly a redox reaction is taking place. Chlorines oxidization number did not change during the reaction; it is merely a spectator ion and is not involving in the redox process. With this new knowledge, we can write the ionic equation,

And we can infer the form of the two half-reactions to be,

In this case, the coefficients on the reactants / products were obtained from the coefficients from the full reaction, but this is not always the case since one might not know the full reaction to begin with, sometimes the coefficients must be altered to make sure both half-reactions are balanced by mass and charge. When the two half-reactions are combined, they should yield the full reaction and no longer contain any references to free electrons (they will cancel out since the same number of electrons will appear on both sides). In this reaction, the Zinc acts as the reducing agent, and is oxidized, and the Hydrogen ions act as the oxidizing agent, and are reduced. Redox Reactions in Aqueous Solution

Other, arguably more complex, redox reactions may also occur when the reactants are in aqueous solution where the water itself takes part in the reaction. When construction / balancing the half reactions, it may be necessary to assume (due to the fact that the reactants are dissolved in water) that excess Hydrogen (H+) or Hydroxide (OH-) ions are present; the reaction will precede either under acidic or alkaline conditions. In this case, the water itself, or the ions it breaks into, becomes one of the reactants in the redox reaction even though it may not be entirely obvious initially. For example, Consider the reaction between the Permanganate ion (MnO4-) and the Ferrous, Iron +2, ion (Fe+2) in, acidic, aqueous solution. In this case, the cation of the Permanganate compound and the anion of the Fe+2 compound are, unimportant, spectator ions. The Permanganate ion is a strong oxidizer and will act as the oxidizing agent in this case while the Fe+2 ion will act as the reducing agent. Since the Fe+2 ion is the reducing agent, it is oxidized in the process to become the Fe+3 ion.

As the Iron ion is oxidized, the Permanganate ion must be reduced. When the Permanganate ion is reduced it forms the Mn+2 ion and water. Now the fact that this reaction takes place in acidic conditions becomes important. The Oxygen from the Permanganate ion combine with the excess of H+ ions from acid solution to form water, leaving Mn+2 behind in slightly less-acidic solution.

These are the two half reactions which are balanced by mass. When these two reactions are combined in the right proportions such that the reaction is also balanced by charge we will have our complete redox reaction. For every 1 oxidization reaction of an Fe+2 ion, 1 electron is released. It takes 5 electrons (in combination with 8 Hydrogen ions) to reduce the Permanganate ion to Mn+2 and 4 water molecules. Therefore, the Ironoxidizing reaction must proceed at 5 times the rate as the Permanganate-

reducing reaction. Taking this into account when combining the two halfreactions we find that the complete redox reaction is,

Unless we knew the reaction took place in acidic aqueous solution, it might be surprising to see that water is produced from this reaction even though no Hydrogen atoms are contained within the two most obvious reactants, namely the Fe+2 and Permanganate ions.
Redox Demonstrations

Aluminums capacity to act as a strong reducing agent is excellently demonstrated during a thermite reaction where it is used to reduce another, less reactive, metal oxide. The Aluminum is oxidized in the process, leaving the metal reduced to its elemental state and liberating a great deal of energy in the process. Potassium Permanganates strong oxidizing nature is demonstrated in a reaction with glycerin. Shortly after the two substances are mixed, the Potassium Permanganate will automatically begin to rapidly oxidize / burn the glycerin in a very hot fire without even the need for external ignition. Reducing Flames
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The above video illustrates a flames ability to reduce an oxidized piece of metal; these flames are known as 'reducing flames'. In the above video, a

propane torch is used to heat a heavily-oxidized piece of Copper metal. Some of the propane fuel in the torchs flame is not fully combusted due to insufficient Oxygen flow into the torchs nozzle. The uncombusted fuel acts as the reducing agent for the Copper Oxide and one can see that, as the flame passes over a portion of the metal, bare (unoxidized) Copper becomes visible. When then flame is removed the hot Copper is again exposed to the Oxygen in the air and quickly oxidizes again, developing a black oxide layer. Flames which have excessive amounts of oxidizing gasses present will act to oxidize metal; such flames are known as 'oxidizing flames'.

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Illustration of a redox reaction

Redox (reduction-oxidation) reactions include all chemical reactions in which atoms have their oxidation state changed. This can be either a simple redox process, such as the oxidation of carbon to yield carbon dioxide (CO2) or the reduction of carbon by hydrogen to yield methane (CH4), or a complex process such as the oxidation of glucose (C6H12O6) in the human body through a series of complex electron transfer processes. Fundamentally, redox reactions are a family of reactions that are concerned with the transfer of electrons between species. The term comes from the two concepts of reduction and oxidation.[1] It can be explained in simple terms:

Oxidation is the loss of electrons or an increase in oxidation state by a molecule, atom, or ion. Reduction is the gain of electrons or a decrease in oxidation state by a molecule, atom, or ion.

Although oxidation reactions are commonly associated with the formation of oxides from oxygen molecules, these are only specific examples of a more general concept of reactions involving electron transfer. Redox reactions, or oxidation-reduction reactions, have a number of similarities to acid-base reactions. Like acid-base reactions, redox reactions are a matched set, that is, there cannot be an oxidation reaction without a reduction reaction happening simultaneously. The oxidation alone and the reduction alone are each called a half-reaction, because two half-reactions always occur together to form a whole reaction. When writing half-reactions, the gained or lost electrons are typically included explicitly in order that the half-reaction be balanced with respect to electric charge. Though sufficient for many purposes, these descriptions are not precisely correct. Oxidation and reduction properly refer to a change in oxidation state the actual transfer of electrons may never occur. Thus, oxidation is better defined as an increase in oxidation state, and reduction as a decrease in oxidation state. In practice, the transfer of electrons will always cause a change in oxidation state, but there are many reactions that are classed as "redox" even though no electron transfer occurs (such as those involving covalent bonds).

The two parts of a redox reaction

Rusting iron

A bonfire. Combustion consists of redox reactions involving free radicals.


1 Etymology 2 Oxidizing and reducing agents

o o

2.1 Oxidizers 2.2 Reducers

3 Standard electrode potentials (reduction potentials)

4 Examples of redox reactions

o o

4.1 Displacement reactions 4.2 Other examples

5 Redox reactions in industry 6 Redox reactions in biology

6.1 Redox cycling

7 Redox reactions in geology 8 Balancing redox reactions

o o

8.1 Acidic media 8.2 Basic media

9 Memory aids 10 See also 11 References 12 External links

"Redox" is a portmanteau of "reduction" and "oxidation." The word oxidation originally implied reaction with oxygen to form an oxide, since (di)oxygen was historically the first recognized oxidizing agent. Later, the term was expanded to encompass oxygen-like substances that accomplished parallel chemical reactions. Ultimately, the meaning was generalized to include all processes involving loss of electrons. The word reduction originally referred to the loss in weight upon heating a metallic ore such as a metal oxide to extract the metal. In other words, ore was "reduced" to metal.Lavoisier showed that this loss of weight was due to the loss of oxygen as a gas. Later, scientists realized that the metal atom gains electrons in this process. The meaning of reduction was then generalized to include all processes involving gain of electrons. Even though "reduction" seems counter-intuitive when speaking of the gain of electrons, it might help to think of reduction as the loss of oxygen, which is its historical development. The electrochemist John Bockris has used the words electronation and deelectronation to describe reduction and oxidation processes respectively when they occur at electrodes[2]. These words are analogous to protonation and deprotonation, but they have not been widely adopted by chemists. The term "hydrogenation" could be used instead of reduction. Hydrogen is a primary or defining reducing agent. But unlike oxidation, which has been generalized beyond its root element, hydrogenation has

maintained is specific connection to reactions which "add" hydrogen to another substance (i.e., the hydrogenation of unsaturated fats into saturated fats, R-CH=CH-R + H2 = R-CH2-CH2-R).


and reducing agents

In redox processes, the reductant transfers electrons to the oxidant. Thus, in the reaction, the reductant or reducing agent loses electrons and is oxidized, and the oxidant or oxidizing agent gains electrons and is reduced. The pair of an oxidizing and reducing agent that are involved in a particular reaction is called a redox pair. A redox couple is a reducing species and its corresponding oxidized form, e.g., Fe2+/Fe3+.

Substances that have the ability to oxidize other substances are said to be oxidative or oxidizing and are known as oxidizing agents, oxidants, or oxidizers. That is, the oxidant (oxidizing agent) removes electrons from another substance; i.e., it oxidizes other substances, and is thus itself reduced. And, because it "accepts" electrons, it is also called an electron acceptor. Oxidants are usually chemical substances with elements in high oxidation states (e.g., H2O2, MnO
4, CrO3, Cr2O2 7, OsO4), or else highly electronegative elements (O2, F2, Cl2, Br2) that can gain extra electrons by oxidizing

another substance.

Substances that have the ability to reduce other substances are said to be reductive or reducing and are known as reducing agents, reductants, or reducers. The reductant (reducing agent) transfers electrons to another substance; i.e., it reduces others, and is thus itself oxidized. And, because it "donates" electrons, it is also called an electron donor. Electron donors can also form charge transfer complexes with electron acceptors. Reductants in chemistry are very diverse. Electropositive elemental metals, such as lithium, sodium, magnesium, iron, zinc, and aluminium, are good reducing agents. These metals donate or give awayelectrons readily. Hydride transfer reagents, such as NaBH4 and LiAlH4, are widely used in organic chemistry,[3][4] primarily in the reduction of carbonyl compounds to alcohols. Another method of reduction involves the use of hydrogen gas (H2) with a palladium, platinum, or nickel catalyst. These catalytic reductions are used primarily in the reduction of carbon-carbon double or triple bonds.


electrode potentials (reduction potentials)

Each half-reaction has a standard electrode potential (E0cell), which is equal to the potential difference (or voltage) (E0cell) at equilibrium under standard conditions of an electrochemical cell in which

thecathode reaction is the half-reaction considered, and the anode is a standard hydrogen electrode where hydrogen is oxidized: H2 H+ + e-. The electrode potential of each half-reaction is also known as its reduction potential E0red, or potential when the half-reaction takes place at a cathode. The reduction potential is a measure of the tendency of the oxidizing agent to be reduced. Its value is zero for H+ + e H2 by definition, positive for oxidizing agents stronger than H+ (e.g., +2.866 V for F2) and negative for oxidizing agents which are weaker than H+ (e.g. 0.763 V for Zn2+).[5] For a redox reaction which takes place in a cell, the potential difference E0cell = E0cathode E0anode Historically, however, the potential of the reaction at the anode was sometimes expressed as an oxidation potential, E0ox = E0. The oxidation potential is a measure of the tendency of the reducing agent to be oxidized, but does not represent the physical potential at an electrode. With this notation, the cell voltage equation is written with a plus sign E0cell = E0cathode + E0ox (anode)


of redox reactions

A good example is the reaction between hydrogen and fluorine in which hydrogen is being oxidized and fluorine is being reduced: H2 + F2 2 HF We can write this overall reaction as two half-reactions: the oxidation reaction: H2 2 H+ + 2 e and the reduction reaction: F2 + 2 e 2 F Analyzing each half-reaction in isolation can often make the overall chemical process clearer. Because there is no net change in charge during a redox reaction, the number of electrons in excess in the oxidation reaction must equal the number consumed by the reduction reaction (as shown above). Elements, even in molecular form, always have an oxidation state of zero. In the first halfreaction, hydrogen is oxidized from an oxidation state of zero to an oxidation state of +1. In the second half-reaction, fluorine is reduced from an oxidation state of zero to an oxidation state of 1. When adding the reactions together the electrons are canceled:

H2 2 H + + 2 e

F2 + 2 e 2 F H2 + F2 2 H+ + 2 F
And the ions combine to form hydrogen fluoride: 2 H+ + 2 F 2 HF The overall reaction is: H2 + F2 2 HF



Redox occurs in single displacement reactions or substitution reactions. The redox component of these types of reactions is the change of oxidation state (charge) on certain atoms, not the actual exchange of atoms in the compounds. For example, in the reaction between iron and copper(II) sulfate solution: Fe + CuSO4 FeSO4 + Cu The ionic equation for this reaction is: Fe + Cu2+ Fe2+ + Cu As two half-equations, it is seen that the iron is oxidized: Fe Fe2+ + 2 e And the copper is reduced: Cu2+ + 2 e Cu



The oxidation of iron(II) to iron(III) by hydrogen peroxide in the presence of an acid:

Fe2+ Fe3+ + e H2O2 + 2 e 2 OH Overall equation: 2 Fe2+ + H2O2 + 2 H+ 2 Fe3+ + 2 H2O

The reduction of nitrate to nitrogen in the presence of an acid (denitrification):

2 NO3 + 10 e + 12 H N2 + 6 H2O

Iron rusting in pyrite cubes

Oxidation of elemental iron to iron(III) oxide by oxygen (commonly known as rusting, which is similar to tarnishing):

4 Fe + 3 O2 2 Fe2O3

The combustion of hydrocarbons, such as in an internal combustion engine, which produces water, carbon dioxide, some partially oxidized forms such as carbon monoxide, and heat energy. Complete oxidation of materials containing carbon produces carbon dioxide.

In organic chemistry, the stepwise oxidation of a hydrocarbon by oxygen produces water and, successively, an alcohol, an aldehyde or a ketone, a carboxylic acid, and then a peroxide.


reactions in

The primary process of reducing ore to produce metals is discussed in the article on Smelting.

Oxidation is used in a wide variety of industries such as in the production of cleaning products and oxidizing ammonia to produce nitric acid, which is used in mostfertilizers. Redox reactions are the foundation of electrochemical cells. The process of electroplating uses redox reactions to coat objects with a thin layer of a material, as in chromeplated automotive parts, silver plating cutlery, and gold-plated jewelry. The production of compact discs depends on a redox reaction, which coats the disc with a thin layer of metal film.[clarification needed]


reactions in


Top: ascorbic acid (reduced form of Vitamin C) Bottom: dehydroascorbic acid(oxidized form of Vitamin C)

Many important biological processes involve redox reactions. Cellular respiration, for instance, is the oxidation of glucose (C6H12O6) to CO2 and the reduction of oxygen to water. The summary equation for cell respiration is: C6H12O6 + 6 O2 6 CO2 + 6 H2O The process of cell respiration also depends heavily on the reduction of NAD+ to NADH and the reverse reaction (the oxidation of NADH to NAD+). Photosynthesis and Cellular respiration are complementary but photosynthesis is not the reverse of the redox reaction in cell respiration: 6 CO2 + 6 H2O + light energy C6H12O6 + 6 O2 Biological energy is frequently stored and released by means of redox reactions. Photosynthesis involve s the reduction of carbon dioxide into sugars and the oxidation of waterinto molecular oxygen. The reverse reaction, respiration, oxidizes sugars to produce carbon dioxide and water. As intermediate steps, the reduced carbon compounds are used to reduce nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide (NAD+), which then contributes to the creation of a proton gradient, which drives the synthesis

of adenosine triphosphate (ATP) and is maintained by the reduction of oxygen. In animal cells, mitochondria perform similar functions. See Membrane potential article. Free radical reactions are redox reactions that occur as a part of homeostasis and killing microorganisms, where an electron detaches from a molecule and then reattaches almost instantaneously. Free radicals are a part of redox molecules and can become harmful to the human body if they do not reattach to the redox molecule or an antioxidant. Unsatisfied free radicals can spur the mutation of cells they encounter and are thus causes of cancer. The term redox state is often used to describe the balance of NAD+/NADH and NADP+/NAD PH in a biological system such as a cell or organ. The redox state is reflected in the balance of several sets of metabolites (e.g., lactate and pyruvate, betahydroxybutyrate and acetoacetat e), whose interconversion is dependent on these ratios. An abnormal redox state can develop in a variety of deleterious

situations, such as hypoxia, shock, and sepsis. Redox signaling involves the control of cellular processes by redox processes. Redox proteins and their genes must be co-located for redox regulation according to the CoRR hypothesis for the function of DNA in mitochondria and chloroplasts.



A wide variety of aromatic compounds are enzymatically red uced to form free radicals that contain one more electron than their parent compounds. In general, the electron donor is any of a wide variety of flavoenzymes and their coenzymes. Once formed, these anion free radicals reduce molecular oxygen to superoxide, and regenerate the unchanged parent compound. The net reaction is the oxidation of the flavoenzyme's coenzymes and the reduction of molecular oxygen to form superoxide. This catalytic behavior has been described as futile cycle or redox cycling.

Examples of redox cyclinginducing molecules are the herbicide paraquat and other viologens and quinones suc h as menadione.[6]



in geology

A uranium mine, near Moab, Utah. Note alternating red and white/green sandstone. This corresponds to oxidized and reduced conditions in groundwater redox chemistry. The rock forms in oxidizing conditions, and is then "bleached" to the white/green state when a reducing fluid passes through the rock. The reduced fluid can also carry uranium-bearing minerals.

In geology, redox is important to both the formation of minerals, mobilization of minerals, and in some depositional environments. In general, the redox state of most rocks can be seen in the color of the rock. Red is

associated with oxidizing conditions of formation, and green is typically associated with reducing conditions. White can also be associated with reducing conditions. Famous examples of redox conditions affecting geological processes include uranium deposits and Moqui marbles.



Describing the overall electrochemical reaction for a redox process requires a balancing of the component half-reactions for oxidation and reduction. In general, for reactions in aqueous solution, this involves adding H+, OH, H2O, and electrons to compensate for the oxidation changes.



In acidic media, H+ ions and water are added to half reactions to balance the overall reaction. For example, when manganese(II) reacts with sodium bismuthate:

Unbalanced reaction: Mn2+(aq) + NaBiO3(s) Bi3+(aq) + MnO4 (aq) 4 H2O(l) + Mn2+(aq) MnO Oxidation: + 4(aq) + 8 H (aq) + 5 e 2 e + 6 H+ + BiO Reduction: 3+ 3(s) Bi (aq) + 3 H2O(l)

The reaction is balanced by scaling the two half-cell reactions to involve the same number of electrons (multiplying the oxidation reaction by the number of electrons in the reduction step and vice versa): 8 H2O(l) + 2 Mn2+(aq) 2 MnO
4(aq) + 16 H (aq) + 10 e

10 e + 30 H+ + 5 BiO
3(s) 5 Bi (aq) + 15 H2O(l)

Adding these two reactions eliminates the electrons terms and yields the balanced reaction: 14 H+(aq) + 2 Mn2+(aq) + 5 NaBiO3(s) 7 H2O(l) + 2 MnO
4(aq) + 5 Bi (aq) + 5 Na (aq)
3+ +


In basic media, OH ion s and water are added to half reactions to balance the overall reaction. For example, in the reaction between potas sium permanganate

and sodium sulfite:

Unbalanced reaction: KMnO4 + Na2SO3 + H2O MnO2 + Na2SO4 + KOH Reduction: 3 e + 2 H2O + MnO4 MnO2 + 4 OH Oxidation: 2 OH + SO32 SO42 + H2O + 2 e
Balancing the number of electrons in the two half-cell reactions gives: 6 e + 4 H2O + 2 MnO4 2 MnO2 + 8 OH 6 OH + 3 SO32 3 SO42 + 3 H2O + 6 e A d d i n g t h e s e t w o h a lf c e

ll r e a c ti o n s t o g e t h e r g iv e s t h e b a l a n c e d e q u a

ti o n : 2 KMnO4 + 3 Na2SO3 + H2O 2 MnO2 + 3 Na2SO4 + 2 KOH

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