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Study on Dabur India Limited

Operating Arena Portfolio: Dabur operates in diverse FMCG categories. The company has been segregated under different divisions as per the nature of the products they handle. Family Products Division (FPD) Health Care Products Division (HCPD) Dabur Foods Dabur Auyurvedic Specialties limited (DASL) Pharmaceuticals

Products that fall under the various divisions are as follows: FPD Shampoo (Vatika Heena, Vatika anti dandruff) Hair Oil (Amla, Jasmine, Vatika, Anmol) Oral Care (lal dant manjan, Binaca brush, B.T. Powder) Dabur Honey Rose Water (Gulbari) HPCD Dabur Chywanaprash Pudina Hara Hajmola (Pills, Candy) FOODS Fruit juice (Real, Real Activ) Lemon juice (Lemoneez) Grounded Pastes (Hommade)

DASL deals with all the ayurvedic products of the company Dabur pharmaceuticals looks after OTC products. Segments they are in : Dabur deals in many product categories and each category deals in separate segments of the economy. Dabur Foods division has products mostly for the upper class and upper middle class economy segments. Similarly the Vatika range of shampoos and hair oil are also targeted at this segment. Hair oils like Dabur Amla and Anmol are for the middle class and lower middle class of the economy. The biggest brands of Dabur i.e. Dabur Chywanprash, Pudin Hara, Hajmola Tablets and Dabur Honey are the companies cash cows, these products have been attractively priced and are consumed by a range of customers from Upper Class to lower middle class segments of the economy.

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Supply Chain Logistics Stock Flow - Model they operate on between the Factory to the Outlet:


Mother Warehouse

C&F In Lucknow


Super Stockist






Retail ITC Ltd. Kolkata 2

Factory to Mother Warehouse: The goods flow from the factory to the mother warehouse, which is company owned with its own employees. The factory is situated at Ghaziabad and the mother warehouse is located at Ghaziabad and varansi. Mother Warehouse to C & F Agent: The stock in Lucknow C & F is received from the mother warehouse at varansi. The frequency of shipment is weekly. Physical Movement Road / Rail : All the stock movement that takes place between the Factory to the retailer is by road and means of transportation are Trucks from Factory to C & F to Stockist/Super Stockist. Further ahead the stock is usually moved in Vans/ Tempos etc. C & F to Stockist/ Super stockist The distinction between the super stockist and stockist here is that the former is for the rural markets i.e. below 20,000 population and the stockist is for the urban markets. The stockist of Dabur studied at Kanpur M/S U.V. Trading is both a stockist for specific markets of the city and a Super Stockist for rural markets near Kanpur. Stockist to Retailer In the urban markets the stock movement from the stockist to the retailer happens through two channels: The WD direct salesmen which service specified outlets on a predetermined route plan. The Wholesalers who buy from the stockist and sell in the retail.

In the rural markets there is another trade member in the channel the substockist, super stockist who is based out of an urban location handles a group of sub-stockist present in different rural markets to whom he supplies the stock. The sub-stockist further distributes the goods to the wholesalers and retailers in the markets through his salesmen and Dabur employees called as Interim Sales Representative (ISR) or pilot salesmen.

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Frequency of shipment The frequency of shipment is once a week from the C & F agent to the Stockist / Super Stockist. The stockist however maintains that a flexible ordering system is followed and he can procure additional stocks (provided its a truck load) by informing two days in advance.. Inventory they Hold at the various levels: The C &F agent is supposed to maintain a stock of 7 days at his godown as per the company norms. For the Stockist, Super Stockist it is 21 days. The inventory levels as per company norms for SWDs is 20 days but this increases to 60 days also during the peak seasons. For retailers it is 15 days. Cash Flow Mode of Payment from the Stockist/ Super Stockist to C&F or Company Payment terms for the same The C & F agent maintains 20-25 pre dated blank cheques from the stockist/super stockist. When the order is placed the invoice is made and goods are shipped, after 10 days of invoicing the goods the C & F agent presents the cheque to the bank. It was mentioned by the sales Officer that some of the stockists make payments through a Demand draft for which they get a 1.5 % discount on the invoice price. Security deposit maintained by the company Currently Dabur doesnt have any security deposit model. Distribution Strategy Focus on active or passive distribution: For the city of Kanpur there are 4 Dabur stockists dealing in FPD and HPCD division. For other divisions Dabur has separate stockist. Of the 4 stockist one of them is also a super stockist. Two stockist cater entirely to the wholesale market in Kanpur and the other two have both retail and SWDs. As per the SO of Dabur Mr Alok Gupta the turnovers from different channels are as follows:-

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Turnover (Lakhs) HCPD 3 20 15 6 FPD 12 40 35 19

No. Retail Outlets 900 1000 -

of SWDs

Turnovers Total as Super Turnover Stockist 15 30 60 60 25

U.V Trading MLKK LB Agency Shree ganesh

80 28 51

The Total Turnover of dabur in the Kanpur City is 1.6 crores and in Rural it is 15 lakhs. Kanpur city has an estimated 4500 retail outlets which means that the Market Throuughput of Dabur is around 42%. The super stockist at Dabur is servicing 22 rural markets at present thus having at total of 22 sub stockist. Distribution mechanism Dabur as mentioned earlier has different divisions and their stockist have FPD and HCPD division under them. For each division there is a basket of goods they offer and thus they have separate salesman representing those divisions of Dabur in the retail and wholesale. Classification of trade channel & how is it used The trade channel is common till the C & F agent point after which they have a separate channel for the Urban and Rural market. Rural markets as per company norms are those having population below 20,000. These markets are serviced by Super Stockist who in turn pass the stocks to a sub-stockist present in each rural market, therefore a super stockist has collection of rural markets been serviced by sub-stockist. These sub-stockist further distribute the stocks to the retail and wholesale channel through there salesmen. For urban markets there are stockist who services the retailers and wholesalers through the salesmen.

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Classification of Outlets & how is it used There are two kinds of classification that Dabur does for its outlets the first is based on Value of stocks they buy from the salesman per visit and the second is the classification based upon the kind products it keeps. As per the Value of stocks it buys from the salesman per visit the outlets are of 3 categories. i. ii. iii. Class A: These are outlets which buys stocks worth of Rs 1000/- or more on each visit of the salesman. Class B: These outlets but stocks between Rs 500/- to Rs 1000/- per visit. Class C: These outlets buy stocks below Rs 500/- per visit.

The second classification is in the based on the kind of products it sells i. ii. iii. iv. General Store (GS) Provisional Store (PS) Departmental store (DS) Chemist (C) Confectionary (CF) Others (OTH): These are pan shops, STD booths etc.


The classification of outlets is basically used for giving higher discounts to the outlets that buy more. The Display cycles that come are also as per the outlet classification for example a Class A or B Chemist store will be chosen for putting up the Display of Dabur Baby Oil. Even the payment for similar displays is different for different classes of outlets. Ready Stock / Order Booking The company has a system of Order booking wherein the salesman bring the order from the outlets and the next day a bajaj auto goes and delivers the stock on the route of 2-3 salesmen as per a route plan. Frequency of supply Both the retail and wholesale channel is serviced once a week by the Dabur salesmen but on a visit with the Dabur salesman it was found out that almost all the retailers also buy Dabur products from the wholesale channel on a monthly or fortnightly basis. Reason cited was that some products are cheaper in the wholesale as compared to the stockist. It is mainly because Dabur keeps coming with quantity purchase schemes and cash discounts on different products which the wholesalers use for buying in bulk and then keep selling the stock cheap after the scheme has stopped. Frequency of visit of Company official to stockist/Trade. Dabur has Sales Officers (SO) who are basically look after the urban markets and has to visit the route of each salesman atleast once in a month.

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Pricing and Trade margins ROI to the Distributor The ROIs been offered at by Dabur to its stockist and Super stockist are between 30-36% and for the Sub Stockist it is 24%. Effective trade margins at various levels: The Margins are offered at the invoice price across the trade channel are as follows:1) For the Urban Market Stockist 6% Wholesale Retailer 3% 10%

2) For the Rural Market Super Stockist Sub Stockist Wholesaler Retailer 3.26% 4% 3% 10%

The C & F agent do not get any margins on the stock they handle but get handling charges per CFC that comes to there Godown. The rates are as follows:For CFCs kept at the C & F godown for 1) 1 week: 0.20/- per CFC 2) 1 to 2 weeks: 0.40/- per CFC 3) Over 2 weeks: 0.50/- per CFC Pricing to key outlets, SWD channel and Key accounts: Dabur doesnt have any special price structure for different outlets or key accounts, however they offer cash discount based upon the amount of goods brought by the outlet. Value of Goods Brought Discount 1% 2%

1) Below Rs 500 2) Between Rs 501 to 2500 3) Rs 2501 and above

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The Wholesaler gets a cash discount of 3%. Hence the wholesaler is able to pass on a share of this discount to the end consumer, resulting in lower prices for the retailers than the stockist route. Credit terms prevailing along the entire Trade chain. As per the SO of dabur the company gives a credit period of 10 days to the Stockist, Which he can pass on to the trade. But the Stockist usually give a credit of 14-21 days. The stockist also sometimes reduce the discounts or scheme margins in order to extend credit. Infrastructure No of Distributors in the area of Study Exclusive or Multi Co There are four distributors in Kanpur for Daburs FPD and HCPD division. All these distributors are Multi Co Distributors. Dabur Foods, pharma and DASL have separate distributors. Distribution Costs as a % of turnover The WD of Dabur claims that his distribution costs are usually 1% of his turnover. A major reason for lower costs are the fact that all Dabur Stockist are Multi company distributors for companies with competitive or complementary products. The Stockist M/S Madan Lal Kapil Kumar studied for analyzing the distribution cost has also got the agency of Agrotech Ltd. and Nestle India. Therefore a major cost of redistribution is optimized. The Vans carries the stock of all the companies from the WD point to retail. Distribution Costs 1) DS salary : 3500 * 6= 21000/2) Supply Boy and Driver =4000/3) Petrol= 1500/4) Godown rent = 3000/5) Admin. Staff & other overheads=3000/6) interest on investment of 3 tempos (1.5 lakhs)= 1000/Total Distribution Costs: 33500/Turnover: 60 lakhs Distribution Cost as a % of Turnover= .56%

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Structure / Hierarchy / internal linkages of the field team The structure of the sales team at Dabur is as follows: Zonal Sales manager (ZSM) Regional Sales manager (RSM) Area Sales manager (ASM) Area Sales executive (ASE) Senior Sales Officer (Sr. SO) Sales Officer (SO) Interim Sales Representative (ISR) Dabur has SOs for each division and each SO looks after 5 to 6 stockist. Under each SO there are 1 to 2 ISRs for the rural markets. The Role of a SO includes coordinating the stock flow between the factory to the stockist, monitoring the salesmen and ISRs, enforce display guidelines, scheme checking, providing market information and information about competitor activity in the region. The Interim Sales representative (ISR) is a company employee and is the counterpart for SO in the rural or village market. ISR works with the salesmen of the sub-stockist in the village markets. The Salesmen has a profile of order capture, coverage, ensure merchandise visibility and other related activities relating to competition intelligence, influencing retailers and space management.

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Compensation package of the field force and the dominant model through which it is paid (Performance based incentive) The current salaries been paid by Dabur stockist is around Rs. 3500/- per month to its salesmen. This is a flat salary and the company doesnt reimburse it. Dabur has got a system of incentives which are brought out periodically. All the incentives that Dabur gives to its employees are based on targets for the different products, incentives are based on achieving targets of both 1) Volume of sales 2) Value of sales Based upon the kind of schemes that are coming in the next month and the sales trend of the past months the SO sets targets for the stockist in the coming month which are further broken down into targets for the salesmen based upon the potential of their routes. The targets are set for both the volume of the products SKU wise and the total value that is to be achieved from all categories put together. Based upon these there are slabs on which the DS earns incentives. The maximum incentive that a DS can earn is around 1500/- in a month. FOCUS BRANDS Dabur has a focus month for its slow moving brands, in this month special activities are taken up to promote that brand which includes: i. ii. iii. Attractive schemes (on purchase of 12 kgs of Hajmola candy 1 kg free) Special POSM Scratch Card for Retailers

The salesmen are given incentives on increasing coverage and volumes, for example for Hajmola Candy the incentives were as follows:i. Coverage: slabs were made for increasing coverage of Candy on the present route of the salesmen. The norm was minimum placement of 1kg candy at each outlet. % Increase a) 5% b) 10% c) 15% ii. Incentive Rs. 500/Rs. 750/Rs. 1200/-

Volumes: The next criteria for incentive is that of volumes, each salesman is given a minimum target based on the potential of his routes, on achieving above those targets there are slabs set as follows:-

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% Volume Achieved a) 5% b) 10% c) 15%

Incentive Rs. 500/Rs.1000/Rs.1500/-

Based upon the coverage achieved and volume growth the salesman gets a mean incentive of the two slabs he falls into. For example if he has achieved 5% coverage but 15% Volume growth he gets Rs. 500+1500/2= Rs. 1000/- as incentive. COMPOSIT SERVICE INDEX In order to increase its retail throughput Dabur has recently introduced the concept of CSI. The aim of CSI is two prong 1) To motivate the DS to perform better in the market 2) To appraise the WD on his yearly performance. This has been introduced in the month of august itself. As per it each DS is given a CSI DAYWISE SALES REGISTER (see appendix) to fill up. Based upon his market working the following parameters are calculated:1) Direct Coverage = No. of O/Ls covered/No. of O/Ls norm 2) Effective Coverage = No. of O/Ls billed/No. of O/Ls covered 3) Bill efficiency = No. of Bills made in this month/ (No. of O/Ls covered * Frequency) 4)% Credit width= No. of O/Ls credit given/No. of O/Ls to get credit as per norm 5) Lines Sold in this month= No. of lines sold in this month/( No. of Bills made in this month * Norm Per Outlet) The CSI is thus : (1*2*3*4*5) * 100 Based upon this the CSI of each individual DS comes based upon his scores there are slabs set and he will get an incentive over and above his salary. The annual appraisal of the WD is based upon a Consolidated CSI SALES REGISTER (see appendix) for each month. The CSI scores are as follows 1) > 50: Model Stockist 2) 40-50: Very Good 3) 30-40: Good 4) 20-30: Average 5) <20: Needs Improvement At the end of the CSI form there are action plans discussed agreed upon mutually for the coming year. The benefit of this CSI as per the SO is that

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1) The WDs know where they are standing in terms of Retail coverage and other parameters like credit extended, SKUs sold per outlets etc. 2) They can identify DS who are not performing, have better control on them as there working is reflected in the CSI sales register on a daily basis. 3) The WD can be given directions to improve his working.

Competitive Strategy Primary and secondary trade schemes that they operate. Dabur works heavily on trade schemes at the stockist point there is a notice board on which all the brands on which schemes are running are prominently displayed. The most frequent scheme that Dabur runs is that of offering 1 SKU free on purchase of certain number of SKUs of the same product. Some the schemes running for the retailers in the month of July-August are as follows:i. ii. Lal dant Manjan: On purchase of 1400 satchets of LDM 100 free Pudina Hara: On purchase of 16 bottles 1 bottle of same size free Dabur Chywanprash: 15% extra in 1 Kg packing ( consumer promo.) Dabur Vatika Hair Oil 24 cases +1 Free


Frequency at which these are operated Dabur relies very heavily on schemes, in every given month there are atleast 20-25 schemes running for different products, these schemes are for both the retail and the WDs. Consumer promotions According to the SO of Dabur, they do not offer much of schemes to the consumer as there have brands with very high consumer pull. It is very rarely that consumer promotions come into the market and if they come then the targets set are almost 1.5 times of the present volumes.

After Sales Support Stock replacement and the various levels of the supply chain Stock replacement guidelines are based on expiry date. The company follows a no questions asked policy on stock replacement either due to expiry or damages. Damaged stock is replaced with a similar product SKU.

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Define D& D and process adopted to clear them The term for D&D stock at Dabur is Damage & Leakage (D &L) they classify the damaged stocks as Alphabets A, B, C , D and E.

1. 2. 3. 4.

A is for leakage B is for Soiled /Un-saleable C is for expired stocks. D is for manufacturing or packing defects. 5. E is for any other defects. Any stock received from the customer as complaint or from the retailer beyond the expiry period is notified to the SO. The SO on his market visit inspects the D & D and makes a Goods Replacement Note (GRN). This note is also made for the goods that get damaged at the Stockist point. The GRN contains the details of the products along with the batch number, manufacturing date, quantity MRP and total value. The retailers hands over this note to the salesman who replaces the goods on the next delivery. All the goods brought back at the stockist point are noted down in a Replacement Goods Advice (RGA) which basically is a summary of the GRN. The monthly budget of D & D to SOs for his area is Rs. 1000/-

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Retail Survey In order to understand the distribution practices of Dabur a survey was conducted in the area of Kanpur, U.P. The survey was conducted at various levels of the trade, which included WD SWD Retailers Company officials In order to get a true representation of the market the sample size chosen in the case of retailers and SWDs was as follows: -

1. As per the SO of Dabur, the 4500 retail outlets been targeted by them for active
distribution and 350 SWDs. 2. A minimum of 1 % of the entire number of retail outlets and SWDs was chosen. 3. The survey of retailers was conducted in 5 markets, each market has different volume class outlets (Volume classes as per Dabur classification). S.No 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Market Naveen market Parade Gawal toil Ashok Nagar 80 Feet Road Main Market TOTAL Volume Class* A B B B,C B,C No. of Outlets 7 5 5 20 (7+13) 8 (3+5) 45

* The Volume class was determined by asking the retailer about his weekly purchases of Dabur products (as per Dabur classification) 4. The survey of SWDs was conducted in two wholesale markets of Kanpur. S.No 1. 2. Wholesale Market Naya ganj Ashok bagh TOTAL No. of SWDs 5 3 8

5. Three Dabur stockist were visited M/S U.V Trading, M/S Shree Ganesh Agency and M/S
Madan Lal Kapil kumar. 6. The Sales Officer (SO) of Dabur in Kanpur, Mr. Alok Gupta was interviewed.

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The Objectives of the survey were as follows: Availability of key brands in different Channels Study the Servicing Norms To find the Retail Throughput of Dabur Brand and SKU assortment Identify specific brand inputs and supports provided by Dabur Stock replacement mechanisms No. of days of inventory at retail and SWD level Stock freshness Behaviour of Salesmen Operation of Schemes Trade grievance redressal systems

The Methodology of the Survey was as follows:Sample survey of identified retailers / SWDs in different markets of kanpur Open ended questionnaire Average interview time of 10-15 mins Unaided and aided recall of Dabur products SKU wise that the retailer/SWD was stocking. Working with the Dabur salesmen on one of the routes. Findings

Out of the 45 retailers surveyed, 28 were found to be unserviced. This accounts to 37%
of Retail throughput. The 17 retailers serviced were also not having 100% retail thrust all of them were also buying from the SWDs. There was lot of price undercutting happening reasons can be attributed to the fact that a) All major brands have QPS, which benefits the SWDs most. b) Regular discounts offered to the SWDs are higher than the retail.

The Following was the Trends observed in the lead Brands

Lead Brand Amla Hair Oil Lal Dant Manjan Dabur Honey Chywanprash (Awelha) Pudin Hara Hajmola SKU's Available Lead SKU % Availability Retail Wholesale 77 100 57.8 100 62.2 75 37.8 51.1 62.2 Expiry Date 36 months 18 months 12 months

50,100,200,300,500 50ml 6,60,150,300 300 gms 50,100,250,500,1Kg 50gms 250,500,1 Kg Pearls, 10,30,60 ml Bottle, Satchet, Candy 1 Kg 10ml Bottle

50 18 months 37.5 36 months 87.5 18 months

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1) The stock of Amla Hair Oil found at SWDs was 12 months old. R eason citied was that Dabur Amla Hair Oil had a huge QPS running a year ago. The Stock found at the unserviced outlets was also 12 months old implying that it was brought by wholesale. In serviced outlets it was 3-4 months old. 2) Low availability of Chywanprash was due to the fact that it is a seasonal product with demands peaking up in the winters. 3) Pudin Hara was available at only 37% of the SWDs. Reason cited by them was that it is a medicine for which they are not licensed to sell. 4) The selling prices of the product were found to be below MRP in all the brands and they varied from one market to another. 5) All serviced outlets were procuring fast moving brands from the SWDs as they were offering higher margins then the stockist. 6) The visibility in terms of dispensing solutions, displays and FODs was found to be poor. Recommendations 1) DS productivity measurement: The NTD arm of ITC is currently incurring huge K4 costs. A major part of these costs are the assistance provided for salaries of the DSs and Supervisors. The accountability of the field staff is very low as there salaries are not tied up with the sales they achieve. In accordance with our TM & D practices it is essential that we set parameters for them so that we are able to analyses there performance on the field and motivate them to sell all the products in each SKU. Some of the parameters that can be used to measure the productivity of the DS are as follows:a) No. of Productive Outlets: There should be norms for classifying an outlet as productive. These can be based on number of productive calls made in a month and minimum number of lines sold. It is essential that for an outlet to have repeat purchases so as to be called productive outlets otherwise it becomes a serviced outlet. b) Total no. of lines sold: this parameter is important so that we are able to place all are products in all SKUs at the maximum possible number of outlets. These two parameters ensure our objectives of coverage and availability. For Supervisor the parameters should be: a) Growth in sales: A key responsibility of the supervisor should be to increase the share of retailers money in our brand. This will lead to growth in our sales. This ensures that the supervisor understands the buying patterns of the outlets, optimal quantities to be placed at each outlet. For this he will have to control the working of his DS and make him more accountable. b) Increase in coverage: The supervisor should be motivated to increase the coverage and plug in distribution gaps provided the outlets fall in our targeted outlets.

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c) Target setting: Based upon the potential of the supervisors area, brand inputs, schemes and displays etc coming in, a supervisor should be given targets which he will spilt DS wise based upon his knowledge of the DS capability, potential of his route etc. This will have to be monitored by the respective A.E. 2) Focus Weeks: With an array of products coming in and lots more expected to come in the near future, it is very difficult for a DS to make a sales call in which he does full justice to all the categories SKU wise. For this it is very essential that we have the concept of focus weeks in which each week of a month will be a focus week for 1 or 2 categories of products. In this week the DS will just make a sales pitch for the particular products. He shall be carrying other products also but that will be just for topping up. 3) Regular DS/ Supervisor Workshops: Right now we are coming out with large number of product categories all of which are put through the same channel. The major concern for me is the convenience DS who have traditionally being selling cigarettes, these DS find it very difficult to sell products like agarbattis, confectionary and matches. Part of the reason is that there knowledge about these product categories is limited which basically dilutes there sales call on these product categories. Hence it is important that regular DS training on the product categories be taken up. This should include some of the following things: Major players and there margins to the retailer. Benefits of our Brands vis--vis competitors. The kind of seasonality cycle the product category has. The buying pattern of the trade in this category. Inputs that can help the DS sell-in more effectively.

4) Buying up retail space: In order to increase the visibility and availability of our products in the grocery channels we can come with displays at prominent outlets by buying by the hot spots over there for a period of time along with which certain targets for selling in. The display cycles and brand inputs can be planned for foods just in the way ITC does it for cigarettes. Currently we have display cycles for KOI but they are at very few select outlets, but for products like Minto, Ashirvaad Atta and Salt we can have this activity planned at a larger scale.

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WD / Sales Officer Questionnaire

1. What is the Supply Chain Model at Dabur? 2. What is Frequency of shipment? Is it fixed or flexible? 3. What is mode of goods movement at each level? 4. What is the level of inventory at various levels? 5. What is the mode of payment between different trade members in the chain? Payment terms?

6. Any model of Security deposit that they work on, If so on what rationale?
7. Focus on active or passive distribution, Volume contributions through these modes? 8. How is the sales field force organized? One face representing the entire portfolio mix or division wise? 9. How is the trade channel classified? And How is it used? 10. How are the outlets classified? And How is it used? 11. Do you have any Key account strategy? 12. What is the manpower dedicated for catering to the needs of the specific channels? 13. Do you have a ready stock or order booking system? 14. What are the servicing norms for the various trade channel members? 15. What are the linkages of the SO with the DS? 16. frequency of visit of the company officials to the trade? 17. What is the ROI of the WD? 18. Effective trade margins at the various levels? 19. Do you have special pricing for key outlets, SWD channel and Key accounts? 20. What are the credit terms prevailing along the entire Trade chain? 21. What product visibility and dispensing solutions are used? 22. What is the frequency and Time span for which these product visibility activities are taken up? 23. What are the payment terms for them? 24. What proportion of outlets and provided with these inputs? 25. How many WDs are there in Kanpur?

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26. Are these WDs multi co or exclusive? 27. What is the strength of salesmen and field staff? 28. What are the delivery mechanisms? 29. What is the turnover of these WDs? 30. How many retailers and SWDs are directly serviced by the WDs 31. How much of this turnover is from Retail and SWDs? 32. What is the contribution of each division of Dabur in this turnover? 33. What is the structure / hierarchy / internal linkages of the field team?

34. What is the role profile of the different entities?

35. What is the compensation package of the field force? 36. Do you have any Performance based incentive? 37. What are the criterias or parameters for these incentives? 38. Do have concept of focus brands? 39. What is the frequency of these focus brands coming up? 40. What are the inputs given for these brands? 41. How are the targets set for these focus brands? 42. Are the DS incentivized on these focus brands? 43. What are the Primary and secondary trade schemes ? 44. Frequency at which these are operated? 45. Seasonal focus / festive focus if any? 46. Consumer promotions? 47. Processes of budget allocation to react to any competition activity, How centralised / decentralised is it, Hence the effective reaction time? 48. Stock replacement and the various levels of the supply chain? 49. Norms for replacement? 50. Definition of D& D and processes adopted to clear them? 51. What are the work documents and paper flow between C&F, Distributors, and Company? 52. Work documents and processes adopted at the field level 53. Process of information flow from the field 54. What are the control mechanisms at the field level?

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Retailer /SWD Questionnaire 1. What is the Portfolio of Dabur? 2. What the Segments they operating in? 3. Which are the Price Points they are operating in? 4. Which are there Lead Brands and Lead SKUs? 5. How often does Dabur Salesman visit you? 6. How many Salesmen visit you? 7. Do they carry ready stock or book order? 8. What is there mode of delivery? How fast is it? 9. Do any company officials visit you? What is there frequency of visit? 10. Do they maintain any records at your outlet? 11. What is the margin offered to you on Dabur products? 12. Do you buy from the SWDs also? How frequently? 13. What is the margin offered by the SWDs? 14. Are there any specific products that you buy from the SWDs? 15. What are the kinds of schemes that Dabur offers you? Are there any schemes for the consumers also? 16. Does Dabur provide you with Displays? What is there frequency? 17. What is time duration of these Displays? 18. What are the payment terms? Cash or Products? 19. What were the Brands for which Daburr provided you with displays in the recent months? 20. What are the Dispensing Solutions that Dabur provides you? 21. What is the credit period offered by Dabur?

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