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I, 1. willing 2.competitor 3. sectors 4. improved 5.for 6. organizations 7.competitiveness 8.working 9. overtime 10.advertising II. 11.economics 12.compete 13.promotion 14.

competior III. 16.b.develop 17.A 18.B 19.D 20.A 21.C 22.C

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Post bi qua in thoi

Nguyn vn bi haitma dE thj 1.5 17 Bai 1 dien tu i think we need to..take on. . .more staff,we have receied many new order for the christmas time 2.long term. unemployment. . . . .waits for thoes skill are outdated fore your job. .offers . . .. .you should find some imformation about the company and the job you are applying 4.levis is a very famous.brand . . , ,. . .in the fashi world 5.the company a model. .employer . . . . .and take good care of the people employed in it factories 6.the new factory has. .provied . . . . .opportunities of emplowment for local people 7.employer are interested. .in . . . . . .practical skill like word processing and fluency in languages 8.out quality is good and price are. competitive. . . . . . 9.we can't complete. . . with. . Their product

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Hnh ny c thu nh. Click vo thanh ny xem hnh gc. Kch thc hnh l 963x722

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.

qualifications suitable price domestic mistakes flexible rivals

8. deliver 9. competitive 10. stressful II. 1. Consumers 2. K nhn c decision

Hnh ny c thu nh. Click vo thanh ny xem hnh gc. Kch thc hnh l 972x729

4. K nhn c nhng d l safety 5. Pollution III. 16. wish 17. form

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18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25.

dealt plenty lack method devide According to created replaced

K ng khoai *** !!! Bn no c p n khc th up cho c nh tham kho nh

Update bi c 33 K nng ting anh 1.5 khoa D 7/6

Family History
In an age when technology is developing faster than ever before, many people are being attracted to the idea of looking back into the past. One way they can do this is by investigating their own family history. They can try to find out more about where their families came from and what they did, This is now a fastgrowing hobby, especially in countries with a fairly short history, like Australia and the United States. It is one thing to spend some time going through a book on family history and to take the decision to investigate your own family's past. It is quite another to carry out the research work successfully. It is easy to set about it in a disorganized way and cause yourself many problems which could have been avoided with a little forward planning. If your own family stories tell you that you are connected with a famous character , whether hero or criminal , do not let this idea take over your research. Just treat it as an interesting possibility. A simple system forcollecting and storing your information will be adequate to start with; a more complex one may only get in yourway. The most important thing, though, is to get started. Who knows what you might find?

Thank bn nguyen thi huyen ng gp thi

i ng nh kho Work is s s pl y or rest (n ture) Niss n nd Volksw gen compete in the c r business (m nuf cture) y l b i -F How to make moneys from internet new operation On the Internet since 99 , the Swedish newsp per ftonbl det cl ims to h ve been Europes first m jor internet newsp per Wh ts more, in n re ch r cterized by fin nci l losses, it h s m de sm ll profit for the p st four years. But this ye r, things m y be different Despite huge viewing figures, ftonbl dets internet oper tions will m ke loss as advertising income, which accounts for 85 percent of its revenue, slows sharply. Now, along with other newspaper sites, Aftonbladet is looking at how to charge for its services without losing re ders who h ve come to reg rd free ccess s right he present business model is just not efficient, especi lly when the dvertising is f lling, expl ins K lle Jungkvist, editor-in-chief of Aftonbladet New Media. Sweden is among the most advanced internet markets in the world with internet penetration rates of about 58 percent. This is the highest in the EU, according to Net Figures, the UK statistics group.

Yet high numbers of viewers have not been enough for advertisers who are doubtful about online marketing dotcom adverts have almost disappeared. Charging provides a much-needed new source of revenue. But how to persuade people to pay for something that until now has been free? a) Aftonbladet has been available on the Internet for more than 6 years. b) It has made a loss each year. c) This year it will make a profit. d) It is looking at ways of charging readers for access. e) Its editor is happy with the present situation.

4 Ting Anh 1.5 khoa A Work is as. As play or rest. (nature) Nissan and Volkswagen compete in the car business. (manufacture) y l bi T-F How to make moneys from internet new operation On the Internet since 1994, the Swedish newspaper Aftonbladet claims to have been Europes first major internet newspaper. Whats more, in an area characterized by financial losses, it has made a small profit for the past four years. But this year, things may be different. Despite huge viewing figures, Aftonbladets internet operations will make a loss as advertising income, which accounts for 85 percent of its revenue, slows sharply. Now, along with other newspaper sites, Aftonbladet is looking at how to charge for its services without losing readers who have come to regard free access as a right. The present business model is just not efficient, especially when the advertising is falling, explains Kalle Jungkvist, editor-in-chief of Aftonbladet New Media. Sweden is among the most advanced internet markets in the world with internet penetration rates of about 58 percent. This is the highest in the EU, according to Net Figures, the UK statistics group. Yet high numbers of viewers have not been enough for advertisers who are doubtful about online marketing dotcom adverts have almost disappeared. Charging provides a much-needed new source of revenue. But how to persuade people to pay for something that until now has been free? a) Aftonbladet has been available on the Internet for more than 6 years. b) It has made a loss each year. c) This year it will make a profit. d) It is looking at ways of charging readers for access. e) Its editor is happy with the present situation.

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