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Planning science lessons

Those who know, do; those who understand, teach ~ Aristotle (384-322BC)


A science lesson plan presents your specific teaching and learning ideas. Lesson plan structures and content vary according to the type of lesson. There are key components that need to be incorporated in a full science lesson plan. As a beginning teacher, you will need to understand and use these components to consolidate your pedagogical thinking. These components include the intended lesson outcome or achievement standard, lesson duration, key scientific concept, health and safety requirements, the science activity, teaching strategies (including classroom management), resources, assessment, and evaluation. Each of these will be discussed in more detail here.

Intended lesson outcomes (achievement standards)

Although you will consider your students needs and interests, every lesson must have an intended outcome or achievement standard. There can be little justification for teaching a lesson if it does not have an achievement standard (e.g., outcome, framework, or essential learning, which were classified as aims and/or objectives in the 20th Century). The standard is derived from the presiding science curriculum. Using the curriculum standards justifies your teaching within an education system. Indeed, you have the support and backing of your education department when using the curriculum in the ways advocated. Ive shown this as intended lesson outcome as you may or may not produce evidence that all students attained this outcome or standard within your lesson. Undoubtedly, you will find the need to include supplementary science activities to assist those students who have not achieved the standard. An effective teacher will also provide for students who complete tasks early with extension activities related to the standard. As your teaching practices develop, you will be able to plan science lessons that cater effectively for individuals, including those requiring more assistance and gifted and talented students. As standards (outcomes) and assessments are inextricably linked, it is advisable to select one standard per lesson (unless you are combining it with another key learning area). If you have a class of thirty students then you will be assessing these students on one standard, therefore: 30 students x 1 standard = 30 assessments. I have seen lesson plans that incorporate three or four outcomes (standards). Imagine trying to assess 30 students x 4 standards (120 standards) in a 40-minute lesson! I hope you


Planning science lessons

will become a super teacher but I am yet to see any teacher successfully assess 120 standards in a 40-minute lesson. You need to be very selective with your intended outcome/standard. There may well be four standards that suit a particular lesson, nevertheless, your decision to select the most appropriate standard for a lesson will be based on this question: What standard do I want to assess in this lesson? When selecting an intended outcome (standard), you need to consider the range of student abilities with purposefully selected science activities. It may also be appropriate to assess only half the class on one standard for a particular lesson and then, focused on the same standard, the other half of the class in another lesson (which will be discussed later).

Lesson duration
Teachers are watchers of the clock. The school day has a broad schedule of times (start, recess, lunch, end) and further schedules of subject specificity (e.g., sport, art, drama, music). Hence, teachers plan lessons within designated timeframes. The broad school schedule can determine the length of lessons. For example, the duration between recess and lunch in a primary school may not be long enough to conduct certain lessons, while the morning periods may be reserved for particular subjects (e.g., English). You have two main questions to ask when planning the timing of your science lesson, that is: (1) When is the most effective time to teach this science lesson? (2) What will be the duration of this science lesson? There is considerable evidence that students are more mentally active during the morning. Indeed, most primary schools conduct sport, music and art during the afternoon, as students conceptual learning does not need to be as intense in these subject areas. Science can involve considerable intellectual interaction and teachers have to make pedagogical decisions to capitalise on the students prime learning time. Most schools conduct English classes in the morning and mathematics lessons tend to follow the English prime time. As the intensity of science lessons can vary, an astute teacher will plan science according to the intellectual demands of the lesson. For example, designing a mousetrap car or a balloon rocket may be thought as a playful scientific endeavour with group interaction. Engaging and exploring in these activities may be suitably timetabled in the afternoon. Students can explain the science concepts around these activities through diagrams, illustrations, and verbal discussions. Yet, a science lesson that involves more intense conceptual understandings (e.g., velocity) may need to be conducted earlier in the day to take advantage of students intellectual capacities. When considering English as a key subject, science can contribute significantly to English-language development. Hence, learning about the structure of a scientific report may be more suited to a morning session, where students focus on language and writing development. These are generally a teachers pedagogical choices, which need to be based around the schools timetable and the students needs. Certainly, teachers experiment in timetabling, and this should be one of your decisions when planning to teach science lessons. This will help you to determine the most beneficial scenarios for your class.


Hudsons guide for teaching primary science

Key scientific concepts

There is a body of scientific knowledge thats growing and developing. When you teach a science lesson in the primary school it is generally based on predetermined scientific knowledge. For instance, I was teaching about the human circulatory system to a Year 6 class. I drew upon the scientific body of knowledge available about the human heart as background knowledge for the lesson. Terminology such as aorta, ventricles, veins, and arteries were used to get across scientific concepts. Although I taught students about the four chambers (left and right atria, left and right ventricles) and the four types of values that regulate the blood flow through the heart, the key science concept I wanted to students to understand was: The heart is a pump.

Just as the heart is a pump for the body, key scientific concepts are at the heart of a well-designed science lesson plan. After deciding on the intended standard, ask yourself this question: What key scientific concept(s) do I want my students to understand at the end of the lesson? Selecting a key concept from the scientific body of knowledge gives further purpose to your lesson and students articulation of this concept (e.g., through discussions, labelled diagrams) can act as an indicator on whether your students are achieving the intended standard. Students may extend beyond this key scientific concept but at least you have a benchmark as an standard indicator. Here is another example of key scientific concepts around electricity for an upper primary class. Key scientific concepts: Low voltage direct current (DC) electricity is used to power many portable electrical devices. The most common source of DC electricity is the battery. Batteries have positive and negative polarities. Batteries contain cells with each cell generally producing 1.5 volts. Simple electrical circuits can be made using battery power. You will need to have background information around these key scientific concepts to ensure you are going to teach the topic with accuracy and confidence. Although lesson introductions can occur in many different ways, you may want to discuss this information with the students during a lesson introduction with relevant questioning, to illustrate: Key Concept Information: a) Working with low voltage electricity means there is no need to be concerned that you may be harmed. This is different to the high voltage electricity that is very dangerous and may be fatal, found in building power points, lights and other locations. D.C. electricity is normally obtained via batteries although occasionally it comes directly from a transformer which is plugged into a power point. Can you name some examples of devices that use DC electricity in the form of batteries? (remote controls, toys, mobile phones, torches, cars, trucks, boats).


Planning science lessons

b) A standard cell in a battery produces 1.5 volts. Typical AAA, AA, C, D type batteries contain a single cell which means they all provide 1.5 volts. Although they all put out 1.5 volts, the bigger batteries last longer whilst the smaller batteries take up less room. This means the designers of remote controls and other battery powered equipment have to consider how much power their device is going to use and how small the batteries can be to save space. Some batteries produce more than 1.5 volts (1.5V), which is achieved by adding cells in the battery. Some common batteries provide 3V, 6V, 9V and 12V. How many cells would each of these batteries contain? c) In many situations it is necessary to connect several batteries together in a special way to provide the voltage required for a particular application. When connecting two or more batteries together to increase the voltage, the positive terminal of one battery must be connected to the negative terminal of the next battery. Now for a torch light bulb to glow, electricity must be able to flow along an unbroken path, called a circuit, from the negative terminal of the battery to the positive terminal of the battery. Electricity will flow through materials called conductors that include most metals. However, insulators are materials that electricity cannot travel through, such as wood, plastic, and rubber. What do you think may be other good conductors or insulators?

You may have a student activity sheet that focuses on the key concepts around simple DC electrical circuits. Some of the questions on this activity sheet may include: Q1. What is the most common source of DC electricity for portable devices? Q2. Name six devices that use DC electricity. Q3. What is the voltage of a single cell in a battery? Q4. A typical car battery produces twelve volts. How many cells does it have? Q5. What is the name of the material that electricity can travel through and what are some examples? Q6. What does an insulator do and what are some examples of insulators? Q7. When batteries are joined together to produce a higher voltage, how must they be connected? Q8. What is the name of the path that electricity travels along? Q9. What do you think a switch does in a circuit? Q10. Many trucks use 24V for their electrical systems yet they use 12V batteries. Draw a simple circuit diagram showing the battery or batteries including polarities (negative / positive), a switch (key ignition) and the engine.

Now lets see how this key concept information may play out within the structure of a lesson (i.e., introduction, body, and conclusion).


Hudsons guide for teaching primary science

Example 6.1: Lesson plan structure with key concepts for an upper primary class Introduction: As we will be working with low voltage electricity, there is no need to be concerned that you may be harmed. This is different to high voltage electricity that is very dangerous and can be fatal, found in building power points, lights and other locations. D.C. electricity is normally obtained via batteries although occasionally it comes directly from a transformer which is plugged into a power point. Can you name some examples of devices that use D.C. electricity in the form of batteries? (Remote controls, toys, mobile phones, torches, radios up to larger equipment such as cars, trucks, boats, industrial) A standard cell in a battery produces 1.5 volts. Typical AAA, AA, C, D type batteries contain a single cell which means they all provide 1.5 volts. Although they all put out 1.5 volts, the bigger batteries last longer whilst the smaller batteries take up less room. This means the designers of remote controls and other battery powered equipment have to consider how much power their device is going to use and how small the batteries can be to save space. (Show Internet PowerPoint on different batteries, have real batteries in class) Some batteries produce more than 1.5 volts and this is achieved by having additional cells within the battery. Some common batteries provide 3V, 6V, 9V and 12V. How many cells would each of these batteries contain? In many situations it is necessary to connect several batteries together to provide the required voltage. When connecting two or more batteries together to increase the voltage, the positive terminal of one battery must be connected to the negative terminal of the next battery. For a light bulb to glow, electricity must be able to flow along an unbroken path, called a circuit, from the negative terminal of the battery to the positive terminal of the battery. Electricity will flow through materials called conductors that include most metals. Insulators are materials that electricity cannot travel through, such as wood, plastic, rubber. Explanation of task: We are going to form 5 groups to undertake an activity demonstrating a simple electrical circuit. Each group will have a light bulb which needs 6V to power it correctly. The D type batteries I will supply are 1.5V. How can we obtain the necessary voltage using the supplied batteries? (Connect 4 batteries in series). How must the batteries be connected together? Body of lesson: Ensure the batteries are inserted into the holder so the positive terminal of one battery is connected to the negative terminal of the next battery. Leave the skill-test wand about half way along the test circuit and you should see the lamp glowing. Starting at the negative terminal of the battery holder, can you trace the circuit the electricity is flowing through? When the wand is resting against the skill-test frame the lamp glows as the entire circuit consists of conductors. When the wand is lifted slightly so it doesnt have direct contact with the skill-test frame, the lamp goes out. Why? (Air between the wand and frame becomes an insulator). Taking turns, each student attempts to move wand from one end of skill-test frame to the other as fast as they can without making contact with the frame. Each time the student makes contact with the frame, the light comes on and the student has to stop and answer a question card before proceeding with the skill test. Another student times how long the skill test takes, including answering the question cards. Student with shortest time is winner. Conclusion: Consolidate key concepts around DC electricity. Devices require different voltages to power them. For the lamp to glow it was necessary to have a circuit. Electricity travels through conductors, not through insulators. Voltage may be increased by joining batteries together in series with positive terminal of one battery connected to the negative terminal of the next battery.


Planning science lessons

Selecting a science activity

Selecting a science activity or group of activities should be related directly to the achievement standard and key scientific concept(s). It will also provide the basis for assessment. You may find numerous activities that could suit the standard and associated key scientific concept. So, how do you decide on the most appropriate activity? You will need to consider the timeframe, health and safety issues, resources, and suitability of the activity. Students abilities, needs and interests must also enter this equation. Note I didnt include your own content knowledge, as it is assumed you will learn or revise the concepts prior to teaching them. After considering the science syllabus and support documents, commercial texts, the Internet, and other sources, you may now have many appropriate science lessons that could link to the standard (and assessment criteria). With such a choice, and assuming all these activities address the criteria, select the lesson you think would be highly engaging for the students. Science should be fun and hands on wherever possible! Keep the other lessons as back-ups or extensions or as a resource you may need if the students require further conceptual understandings or you can use them as workstation activities. That is, students move from one activity to the next (see Examples 6.2a and 6.2b). Example 6.2a: A selection of activities for rotational hands-on learning Workstation 1 Workstation 3 Objective: Students learn about a hurricane/cyclone Objective: Students will understand that a powerful and how and where they are formed. sound wave through the air is the cause of thunder. Materials: Computer with Internet access Materials: A sheet of paper (30 cm x 40cm) Instructions: Follow the prompts on this website and Instructions: Need to follow instructions in the in 101 investigate the links - http://www.fieldGreat Science Experiments: A step-by-step guide by N. Ardley. Workstation 2 Workstation 4 Objective: Students will understand that static Objective: Students observe and articulate the electricity is the cause of lightning. twirling motion created to form a tornado Materials: A metal tray with handle, polythene bin Materials: Empty jar, clear liquid soap, vinegar, liner and a metal spoon. water, food colouring. Instructions: Lay the bin liner out on a flat surface. Instructions: Fill jar 3/4s with water. Put a teaspoon Have metal spoon close and ready to use. Turn the of liquid soap into jar and add a teaspoon of vinegar. light out to make the room dark (or use storeroom). Tighten lid and shake jar to mix ingredients. Swirl jar Rub the tray across bin liner for about 30 secs. Dont in circular motion. Stop and look into the jar. Add touch tray, only the handle. Lift tray up and slowly food colouring for better effect. bring spoon up to it (about 1 cm). See Reference: Weather: Science Projects by C. Oxlade Workstation 5 Objective: Students observe cold air colliding with warm air, the water condenses and forms a fog. Materials: Beaker, hot water, strainer, ice cubes. Instructions: Fill up the beaker completely with hot water (safety observed). Leave for 1 minute. Pour out almost all the water. Leave one quarter of water in jar. Put strainer over the top of the jar. Place several ice cubes in the strainer. Watch what happens! Be patient! See


Hudsons guide for teaching primary science

Example 6.2b: A selection of activities for rotational hands-on learning

Activity 2 Activity 1 Make a rainbow Students observe how the light Make rain Students observe that a cloud forms bends when it enters the water and leaves the from water vapour. The vapour condenses and water. becomes heavy. Materials: Large Pyrex jar, hot water, a cover for Materials: Bright light, clear drinking glass, piece of white paper. the jar, an empty tin can filled with ice cubes Instructions: Pour hot water into jar. Cover the jar Instructions: Partially fill the glass with water. with the lid. Place empty tin can filled with ice on Place a glass of water near light beam. Place the top of jar lid. white paper under the light beam. Activity 3 Make lightning Students will observe that static electricity is lightning. The flash they will see jump is just like lightning Materials: Inflated balloons. Wool clothing - like a wool sweater - or a piece of real fur A metal surface like a filing cabinet or a metal doorknob (group 1 Metal bar, fork. Group 2 Dumbbell and pot). Instructions: Inflate balloons. Darken the room as much as possible. Rub the balloon(s) rapidly against a wool sweater or a piece or real fur about ten times or more. Move the balloon close to something metal.

Activity 6.1: Justifying your activity choices

Lets assume you have found seven or so activities for your Year 4 class around the topic Living things need each other and the environment. You have considered the various sub-topics and activities. You have already determined that the activities align with the Year 4 curriculum standard (e.g., see Year 4 Australian Curriculum: Science). However, you can only choose three activities that will fit with the rest of your program. Discuss the following questions in relation to the activities suggested: 1. What three activities would you choose? 2. Why did you select these activities? 3. What else would you need to know to make a better choice?


Planning science lessons

Example 6.3: Living things need each other and the environment
Topic Earth (60 mins) Activities for Year 4 Explore what is in the local environment. Local area walk identify Earths natural resources that can be used by people and other living things Draw diagrams to illustrate links (resource uses) then categorise Explain how using components of Earth may change the Earth Students record ideas about soil with partner (concept map) Groups collect soil samples from around school & examine on trays (add new ideas to concept map) Reflect on activity and suggest researchable questions about soil Brainstorm ways of finding answers then investigate questions Report results to class modify concept map. In pairs, investigate 3 soil types (sand, loam, clay) adding water to see how soil behaves record observations in a table, repeat and record with excess water Reflect and discuss how different properties of soil have different uses In groups discuss ideas create concept map of possible uses of soil by animals, plants or people. Discuss what they know about earthworms and brainstorm ideas for creating a wormery Set up wormery Record observations before worms have been added Add worms and food. Add food and water to wormery everyday After 7 and 14 days, record observations (layers, soil, food changes) Discuss observations about the needs of these earthworms and develop a list of researchable questions. Discuss ideas about plants need for sunlight, what happens with little sunlight? Brainstorm ways to investigate effect of sun on growth of plants Design and perform investigation in groups. Over next week record observations on investigation on worksheet Report results back to class Students write conclusive statement and reflect on results consider implications for people, animals, plants that live in places that only receive a few hours of sunlight. 1. Read the book One Bean Students place a few socked beans on wet paper towel in 2 glass jars Predict how they think it will grow (direction/ how fast) draw/ describe on worksheet. 2. Over the next week record observations on worksheet Measure the seedling each day recording in a table and graph. 3. Compare results to predictions In groups of 4, enter highest measurement of each student and create column graph to represent data As a class collect the tallest and shortest measurements from each group and graph as a class Find the range of the data discuss possibilities for the different heights. 1. Students observe a mini greenhouse predict effects on microclimate and growth of plants In groups discuss design for greenhouse and how to investigate its use Perform investigation using their seedling. 2. Over the next few days let air in, water plants, record observations Compare observations in greenhouse and open air. 3. Reflect on results and consider how using greenhouse changes microclimate & effect on plant growth Suggest changes that could improve investigation List advantages/ disadvantages found from growing plants in a greenhouse (PMI chart) would this be the same in different areas of Australia/ world?

Soil and its uses (90 mins)

Earthworms (90+ mins)

Effect of the sun on plant growth (90+ mins)

Growing a seedling (3 x 30 mins)

Greenhouses/ Terrarium (3 x 30 mins)

Health and safety requirements

There is no doubt that your students wellbeing must be your first priority in a school. I cant emphasise enough that teaching can only occur after you have considered your students health and safety. Every science lesson must take into account health and safety requirements. As each lesson is different, you will need to think about the specific health and safety requirements applicable to that particular lesson. Indeed, you will need to be a forward thinker on a students health and safety


Hudsons guide for teaching primary science

regardless of the subject area. For example, while on playground duty I would identify potential dangers and quickly address these with the students concerned. Use this type of predictive behaviour for conducting your science lessons. You will then need to manage potential health and safety hazards. Heres an outdoors science lesson experience When I had conducted bushwalking activities for students to investigate flora and fauna, I would ensure all students had food and drink, appropriate clothing including hats and covered footwear, and I would outline the procedures for the bushwalk (e.g., stay as a group, be with a partner, do not touch any creature, be wary of potential dangers themselves). I would carry in my backpack a mobile phone, torch, thermal sheet, and a basic first aid kit, which I knew how to use through a St Johns Ambulance First Aid course (or you could have a parent who knows how to use it and has attended such a course). Its important to know the site before taking students for an outdoor science activity. In this case, I explored the bushwalking area with my colleague (and friend) the weekend prior to the lesson. This helped me to identify potential hazards through first-hand experience. Finally, as a back-up plan, I discussed the area with a Parks and Wildlife ranger and notified him of our field trip details. Always remember your number one priority: No child should be hurt or placed in danger during the process of learning. There are potential hazards outside the classroom, there are also potential hazards inside the classroom, which must be identified. In its simplest form, you need to think about the basic steps of your science activity where you recognise potential hazards and state how you will manage these potential hazards. This doesnt need to be lengthy but it does need to show you have considered the students health and safety in your planning. This consideration is part of your duty of care and legal obligations. You will find many primary science lessons have few hazards, nevertheless, even seemingly innocuous aspects such as handling scissors, water spillage, or using magnifying glasses have potential danger. Other lessons may require protective gear such as goggles, gloves, or dust coats, and all science lessons should have students with covered footwear (unless there is a special case to be bare footed). I taught at one country school where many kids came to school without shoes! This didnt appear to present a problem as these little feet had toughened up walking on dirt roads, through bush tracks, or chasing cows across paddocks. Nevertheless, teaching science can involve using equipment and it doesnt take much to drop a piece of equipment, which tends to land at or on the feet. A pair of scissors can do damage. So I had students bring their shoes in their bags if they were not wearing them to school. Science lessons meant students had to put on their shoes first. Health and safety was party of my legal responsibility. Your lesson plan should include the identification and management of potential risks associated with the lesson. I always articulated these potential risks to the students after the lesson introduction which was just before they commenced the hands-on activity. I would monitor students health and safety during the lesson and act quickly if a student was not adhering to my instructions. You may find


Planning science lessons

students who disregard or forget about the health and safety instructions at times. Repeat offenders are suitably and respectfully managed, as I never beat around the bush when it came to ensuring the wellbeing of each and every student. Try Activity 6.1 to see how you would manage the health and safety aspects of a science lesson.

Activity 6.2: Health and safety management

Write the title of a science lesson: ________________________________ Now under the following three subheadings record in point form the basic procedures of students involvement in the science activity, potential and identifiable hazards (use predictive behaviour), and how you will manage these hazards.

Basic Procedures

Identifiable Hazards

Management of Hazards


Teaching strategies
After selecting an appropriate science activity with consideration of your students health and safety, you can enjoy designing the structure and form of your lesson. Never underestimate the power of an effective teaching strategy. If you select a teaching strategy purposefully, you will minimise classroom management problems, maximise student engagement, and capitalise on the teaching and learning environment. Each teaching strategy creates a new dimension for structuring your science lesson and provides considerable variety for students.


Hudsons guide for teaching primary science

A person may have outstanding content knowledge but may not know how to impart this knowledge, which can make it difficult for a learner to understand the concepts. As a teacher, the term pedagogical knowledge highlights the importance of your role to know how to teach, and teaching strategies provide a way to engage students in learning about a chosen topic. Teaching strategies are so crucial to an effective science lesson that a whole chapter has been dedicated to this topic. Apart from the suggested literature in Reading 6.1, teaching strategies will be discussed in a later chapter.

Reading 6.1: Effective teaching strategies

Here are some sources for considering effective science teaching strategies: Education Queensland (2002). Productive pedagogies classroom reflection manual. Brisbane: Queensland Government. Frangenheim, E. (2004). Reflections on classroom teaching strategies. Loganholme, QLD: Rodin Educational Publishing. Killen, R. (2003). Effective teaching strategies: Lessons from research and practice (4th ed.). Social Science Press: Wentworth Falls, NSW. NSW Department of Education and Training (2003). Quality teaching in NSW public schools. Sydney: Professional Support and Curriculum Directorate. Also search websites such as:

You need to select an activity that has suitable and manageable resources. These resources can include humans, renewable and non-renewable resources, environments, and the knowledge economy. Human resources can involve those with expertise on a particular topic. Renewable resources can include science equipment and other technologies that can be re-used. The word technology in its broadest sense means anything that has been constructed from raw materials. Hence, some technologies are renewable (e.g., whiteboard, desk, microscope) yet others may be non-renewable (e.g., most writing equipment such as whiteboard markers, pens). Environments are invaluable resources, as they present unique situations for students to learn about science. A classroom environment can be created to construct a real world experience. For example, study rocks and minerals would entail setting up the classroom with a good selection of rocks and minerals (and the use of other equipment e.g., magnifying glasses) for hands-on investigations. Environments beyond the classroom such as the school grounds, local community and other more distant locations can open opportunities for students explorations. Wetlands, farmlands, factories, rock pools, sand dunes and so forth provide first-hand contexts for investigations. These experiences are appreciated greatly by students if they are well organised and focused on their learning.


Planning science lessons

Resources incorporate library books, journals and magazines, computer programs and the Internet as part of the knowledge economy. It is ideal to have access to as many resources as possible; however a schools location and its situation (e.g., public, private, socio-economic) may impose limitations for accessing resources, such as broadband Internet connections. Without doubt, the Internet has the widest range of resources for schools, which is particularly useful for explaining key science concepts and interactivity with science at appropriate levels. For instance, Brainpop ( presents a broad selection of science topics with pictorial representations and explanations of the key science concepts. There are competing Internet programs that can be downloaded for scientific exploration (e.g., and show different ways to investigate astronomy). These resources can build students understandings though preference should be given to first-hand experiences wherever possible. There are two key factors for resource access, namely, budget and constructive alternatives. A large budget may allow students access to the latest science equipment and cut costs for involvement in field trips. Those with limited budgets (and that is generally most schools) will need to consider constructive alternatives. For example, I wanted to take my upper primary students on a rainforest excursion that was different to the coastal rainforest in my district. I had planned a three-day excursion but the cost of a bus and bus driver made the excursion too expensive for some students. I realised early in my career that having a bus licence to seat 25 students would come in handy. So, taking my class on rainforest excursions and camping for three days at places such as Mount Warning area became viable propositions, which agreed with parents and received considerable parental support. Other constructive alternatives may include assistance from the community. For instance, I wanted an overnight camp on the school grounds to view the evening sky. Purchasing a telescope was out of reach for my school but, fortunately, a community member offered a telescope and his services at the school for the evening. I learnt with the students! This shouldnt really come as a surprise, as I learn every time I investigate science with my students; although my learning is enhanced greatly when experts in specific fields are involved in educating my students.

Dont get assessment and evaluation confused. Heres a definition of assessment for education purposes and the next section will discuss evaluation.


Hudsons guide for teaching primary science

Assessment is the process of collecting, analysing, and recording information about a students progress that indicates the level of achieving predetermined syllabus standards. This definition is analysed in more detail in Chapter 10. In broad terms though, think of assessment as information about a students learning. Assessment, standards, key concepts, and the science activity are very closely related. Both the process and the product of students involvement in the science activity can be assessed. Your lesson plan needs to locate process and product inputs and outputs that can adequately determine a students learning achievements. Pinpointing a students achievements aligned with a standard will require evidence or indicators for verifying this attainment.

Fundamentally, assessment is about data collection while evaluation is about making a determination on the quality of the teaching and learning. Evaluation is an ongoing reflective judgement on the quality of teaching practices and the learning environment. Growth as a professional occurs through first-hand experiences followed by critical self reflection. After implementing a lesson, you need to reflect on your teaching and the learning environment. This reflection is then translated into an evaluation of the teaching and learning. You can evaluate any assessment you have conducted, particularly in terms of achieving the standard with evidence of students learning of the key science concepts. Evaluation can enter all aspects of students involvement in a science activity. A later chapter presents evaluation in far more detail. For example, even though a teacher considers health and safety before implementing a lesson, the teacher would always evaluate this aspect during the lesson and after the lesson. There may be a need to enforce safety procedures that were not considered in the planning. Experienced teachers comment on aspects of a science lessons health and safety such as: Id change the location of this activity next time because it was too long in the sun or I quickly realised that some kids were not wearing gloves, so I stopped the activity and made sure they put them on. These judgements help to advance the teachers practices for current and future work. Refer to Figure 6.1 to see the relationship between evaluation and other components of a lesson. There are a few aspects to note. First, you can assess students learning of the standards, key concepts, and their involvement in the activities. Second, you can evaluate students achievement of standards and key concepts in terms of the teaching and learning environment. Third, you can evaluate all the components of an activity including the health and safety, duration of the lesson, resources, and teaching strategies, which can also involve classroom management. Finally, you can evaluate the processes and products of an assessment linked to students zone of proximal development (ZPD). Figure 6.1 shows the connections for planning a science lesson. You can also discuss Activity 6.2 towards setting up your science lesson plan.


Planning science lessons

Figure 6.1: Planning a science lesson

Activity 6.3: Setting up your classroom lesson plan

You have just arrived at your new school and shown your new classroom. What steps would you take for teaching science? Also you should be noticing the connections between the science overviews and lesson planning. Science topics from the syllabus and schools policy Lesson timeframe and duration Intended outcome or achievement standard Health and safety issues and management of potential hazards Resources (e.g., support documents, texts, Internet sites, materials and equipment) Prior knowledge (students abilities, needs and interests) Content knowledge key scientific concepts Teaching strategies Classroom management Engaging hands-on science activity or activities Assessment considerations Evaluation questions


Science learning can be designed in many forms. The type of activities is limited by the age and stage of the group, curriculum standards, health and safety requirements, resources, and lesson appropriateness. Below are sample activities that I have facilitated in classrooms and with my preservice teachers. These activities target primary students in years 5 and 6, although it is easy to


Hudsons guide for teaching primary science

simplify and complicate the activities for lower or upper grades, respectively. These rotational activities are conducted with 2-4 students in each group. For preservice teachers, it takes about 10-15 minutes to complete an activity while discussing pedagogical possibilities before rotating to the next activity. In a primary classroom each activity can be converted into a full lesson. A Science and Society component that investigates historical and current developments of concepts can be included within many of these activities. For example, reading star maps may also entail investigating the development of astronomy (e.g., archaeoastronomy Stonehenge and early astronomers such as Plato, Copernicus, Galileo) and current astronomical developments (see NASA; Neil Armstrong walking on the moon, Hubble, Voyagers I & II, galaxies). Concise steps are provided to activities for investigation and critical analysis. You will note that a teaching approach also has been assigned to each activity. I would recommend having at least one computer connected to the Internet (ideally one computer per group allows for easier access to informative websites). If not, print out some details from a website for the groups. Activity 6.4 refers to the outline of science activities in Example 6.4.

Activity 6.4: Advancing your lesson plan

Refer to activities in Example 6.4 and discuss these points: 1. What teaching strategies would you use for some lessons? 2. How would you change/advance one of these activities? 3. Are there other class management strategies you would use for teaching a particular activity? 4. How would you translate one of these activities into a science lesson plan?

Example 6.4 outlines activities that are connected to the Australian Curriculum: Science (ACARA, 2011). You will note there is an achievement standard code associated with each activity. This code can be tracked back to the Australian Curriculum: Science document. Also you will note that there are different sciences (i.e., biological, earth and space, chemical, and physical). Example 6.4 presents different activities across these sciences for all primary grades, including the foundational level. The way you devise and conduct the lesson is reliant upon your own pedagogical creativity.


Planning science lessons

Example 6.4:Science activities linked to the Australian Curriculum: Science (ACARA, 2011) Strand Set 1 Set 2 Physical Foundation Level: Observe and record Year 1: Explore different ways to produce sciences the way different shaped objects such sound using familiar objects and actions such as balls, blocks and tubes move as striking, blowing, scraping and (ACSSU005). Use drawings to shaking (ACSSU020). Think about what if represent ideas (science inquiry: questions... such as blow across a bottle, into ACSIS233; p. 19) a bottle (science inquiry: ACSIS024; pp. 2122) Earth and Year 3: Model the relative sizes and Foundation Level: Investigate the wind and Space movement of the sun, Earth and moon how things move in the wind (ACSSU004; p. Sciences (ACSSU048). Communicate with 18) other students carrying out similar investigations (ACSIS060; pp. 27, 29) Physical Year 6 Science as a Human Year 4: exploring the forces of attraction and Sciences Endeavour. Investigate through the repulsion between magnets (ACSSU076; p. Internet power sources such as wind, 32). Devise a test to determine the strongest hydro, and solar and link to inventors magnet and how these are used (ACSHE099; p. 42) Physical Sciences Year 6: Recognise the need for a complete circuit to allow the flow of electricity (ACSSU097; p. 41). Test various insulators and conductors using a battery-bulb circuit Year 5: Explain how adaptations help survival (ACSSU043, p. 35). Use magnifying glasses to explore, identify and record creatures that camouflage; investigate Internet sources of creatures that use camouflage Year 5: Describe and list adaptations of living things suited for particular Australian environments (ACSSU043; p. 35) Year 2: Investigate the effects of mixing materials together (ACSSU031, p. 24). Discuss observations with predictions and draw findings (ACSIS214; p. 26) Year 6: Investigate the solubility of common materials (salt, sugar, flour, glue, sauce, oil) in water (ACSSU095; p. 40) Year 5: Classify materials as transparent, opaque or translucent (ACSSU080, p. 36)

Biological Sciences

Year 3: Identify, discuss, and illustrate characteristics of a creature (ACSSU044; p. 27)

Biological Sciences

Year 3: Use microscopes to investigate minibeasts then sketch and label features (ACSSU044; p. 27) Year 4: Investigate the flexibility of different materials (ACSSU074; p. 31). Work in groups to consider other questions to investigate regarding the properties of different materials (ACSIS065; p. 33) Year 2: Explore and record how different materials are used in the environment (ACSSU031, p. 24)

Chemical Sciences

Chemical Sciences


Hudsons guide for teaching primary science

Example 6.5 outlines a basic lesson plan structure around a Physical Sciences topic Building bridges. Theres introduction with a stimulus and body of the lesson where students are involved in hands-on experiences. You will note that the key concepts are a thread throughout the lesson, and lead to a purposeful conclusion around these concepts. Example 6.5: Basic lesson structure PHYSICAL SCIENCES Year 4

Building Bridges (50 minutes)

Achievement standard: Forces can be exerted on one object by another Key concepts: Materials used for making bridges need to be tested for compression and tension. Safety: Explain safe use of scissors and sun protection when held outside. Resources include: straws, paddle pop sticks, sticky tape. Sticky tape usage must be limited.

Teaching and learning activities

Introduction: (10mins) Teachers provide a stimulus on the topic about building bridges with a selection of introductory, hands-on activities (e.g., see Teachers question students on their prior knowledge and understanding of these concepts and then ensure clarity of new terms (e.g., bridges compression, tension). Body: (30mins) Students are provided with cooperative learning roles and interact with hands-on activities to construct a truss bridge ( Teachers monitor students thinking and progress and use higher-order thinking questioning throughout the hands-on task. Students continue making a truss bridge and write notes on their discussion, particularly when they test their bridge design for compression and tension. Conclusion: (5-10mins) The conclusion consolidates the key concepts about compression and tension. Students are asked to demonstrate these concepts (e.g., through discussion, diagram, practical demonstration, written statements). Assessment: Teachers listen to students articulation of key concepts (throughout the lesson and also in the conclusion). Work supplied by the students (i.e., written notes and bridge construction) will be assessed in terms of quality and understanding of key concepts. Evaluation: Students reflect upon their learning experiences and the learning environment. Teacher also reflects on the teaching practices for enhancing strategies in subsequent lessons. Extension: Students illustrate and label their products and write scientific statements about their bridges.

Activity 6.5: Reviewing ideas for setting up science lesson plans

Example 6.6 presents considerations for structuring a lesson. 1. Review and discuss Example 6.6 and critically analyse these considerations. What else would you include/exclude? 2. Look at the questions associated with Example 6.6. What questions would you ask? 3. What do you think the lessons are about? What could be the hands-on activities? Example 6.6: Setting up a science lesson plan


Planning science lessons

Pond Studies

Science: Biological Sciences Year: 1

Achievement standard: Living things have observable features. Organisation The students begin the lesson as a whole class. The activity will be conducted having the students in mixed ability groups of four. The lesson will conclude with a whole class discussion. Inclusivity Gender: The groups will consist of a mixture of males and females. Behaviour problems: Each student within the groups will be allocated a particular role to facilitate responsibility. The roles include the doer (collects things and conducts the activity), the talker (tells the class what happened when they performed the activity), the writer (writes down anything important in the activity) and the teller (tells the group what they are meant to be doing). Disability: The students with hearing impairments will be situated toward the teacher to ensure that they can see the teachers lips at all times during the lesson, especially when instructions are being given. ESL: Instructions will be delivered orally and the students will also be drawing diagrams to display ideas. Safety The safety precautions used for this particular lesson includes being: sensible around the water and with the equipment. aware of any allergies of the students careful of small creatures in case they bite: NO TOUCHING creatures Resources: Materials that will be used include: nets, plastic containers, pond worksheet, pens / pencils Introductory questions include: a) What is a pond? What is a habitat? Where would you find a pond? b) What types of animals live in ponds? c) What types of animals live around ponds?

Activity 6.6: Analysing science lesson plans

1. Analyse Example 6.7 and note the introduction relates to the students level with a stimulus around some familiarity (i.e., Three Little Pigs). 2. Decide what you would assess in Example 6.7. 3. What are the key scientific concepts for Examples 6.7 and 6.8? 4. Discuss Figure 6.1 and Activity 6.4.


Hudsons guide for teaching primary science

Example 6.7: Chemical Sciences for Year 2 Building Teaching strategies and actions materials INTRODUCTION Read the Three Little Pigs Gaining learner Ask questions about the materials used to build each interest, house. What did the pigs use to build their houses? Why establishing do you think the first two houses blew away? Which house conceptual basis. was most stable? Why? 5-10 mins Ask students to list the properties of each material (straw, sticks, bricks) and suggest why they were suitable for building or not. What are the properties of the materials that did not work? What about the materials that did? List in a table on the overhead transparency (OHT) three materials. Consider hard/soft, heavy/light. Introduce experiment by posing questions: What other EXPERIMENT materials might be good for building? How can we find Student inquiry out? and investigation Hand out playing cards and split class into five groups. Ask students to move to their groups. 20-25 mins Explain experiment what they will be doing generally. MODEL how to use the hair dryer. Outline group expectations: co-operative work, everyone has a go, discuss results, record on sheets. If early finished then ask students to work out how far it moved. During experiment, circulate through class monitoring behaviour and eliciting students understandings by asking questions: What have you noticed about the materials in each category? Why do you think you need to make sure the hair dryer is at the same place each time? Can you tell me something about the materials that you think may be good or bad for building? Call class back to whole group scenario Ask each group to identify which materials were in each category, record results on a chart, in the case of disagreements discuss why, ask students to give a reason for their choice. Create a table of properties of good building materials, use CONCLUSION questions to elicit responses: What do you notice about all Bringing the materials that are good? What do they have in together ideas, common? Would you say they are hard/soft, heavy/light? reinforcing key Do they move/bend? Did they pass the blow test? concepts and Use questions to guide discussion about why some intended materials are suitable for building and others are not: Why outcomes do you think this material was/was not suitable? What do you think are the best materials for building/why? If you 5-10 mins were going to build a house what would you use? Why?

Classroom management Sit on floor and listen to story Reflect on story, answer questions. Split into groups Observe teachers use of hair dryer

Do experiment in groups

Record results Discuss reasons why the materials are suitable or not for building Discuss results with whole class Provide reasons for choices regarding suitable and unsuitable materials


Planning science lessons

Assessment: Observe participation of group discussions. Observe appropriate behaviours. Ask questions to elicit understandings. Collect results sheets for marking (not summative) to gain awareness of each students understanding.
THREE LITTLE PIGS EXPERIMENT: Which materials are best for building? MATERIALS: 5 hair dryers 1 x container of 10 different materials 1 x metre ruler 5 x results sheets for the Pigs METHOD: 1. Teacher plugs in hair dryers and ensure all are on cold 2. Outline safety procedures 3. One by one take the materials out of the container and place them about 30 centimetres from the end of the hair dryer 4. Blow air for 10 seconds at the material; which materials moved, which didnt. 5. Place the material in a group: Good for building/ Bad for building 6. Pack away hair dryers and materials 7. Discuss results with the class
If you finish early, try measuring exactly how far each object moves to find out which materials are least suitable for building.

Example 6.8: Life in a drop of pond water - Year 5 Outcome: Upper primary students will demonstrate the ability to work scientifically by collecting a sample of local pond water and investigating, through their ability to mount a wet slide and correct use of a microscope, to identify and draw living animals. Standard: Students identify living things and account for observed similarities and differences. Resources: 10 microscopes, 10 small plastic containers, 10 pairs of plastic gloves (one glove per pair), 10 eye droppers, slides and cover slips for each group, powerpoint presentation, worksheet, observational checklist, website: Classroom Organisation Reflection and introduction: Students sit at their desks for discussion and instructions. Collection of samples: Students are paired up and the teacher leads the class to the pond while they observe a demonstration of collecting pond water. Microscope and wet slide instructions: Students sit at desks. Microscope use: Students in pairs, work at the microscopes placed on the benches around the classroom.


Hudsons guide for teaching primary science

Teacher Procedures/Student Activities Introduction: The lesson starts with a recap of what the students have already learnt. The students will be required to reflect upon their knowledge through answering the teachers questions. For example, What lives in ponds? and Why are ponds good for the environment? (5mins). After reflection, the teacher introduces the lesson that will be taking place that day. The teacher states that the students will be acting as field scientists and stresses the importance of investigation in science. The class and teacher collaborate to form a collective hypothesis. The teacher can start this process when he/she is telling the class what they are going to do during the activity, by asking them questions such as Do you think anything can live in a drop of water? and If so, what do you think might live in it? The teacher outlines the rules for the field trip (5 mins), which is on a neighbouring property to the school (all parental consent forms were supplied the day before). Safety procedures are ensured such as shoes, hats, and water wise behaviour. Body: The teacher leads the students the local pond and questions students about living and non-living things around the pond. Students record the interactions. The students observe a teacher demonstration of collecting pond water. All students carefully collect a water sample using an eye dropper. The teacher needs to ensure that students collect water near the vegetation. Once the samples have been collected, the students are taken back to class (15-20 mins). Back in the classroom, the teacher presents a power point to the students to remind them about how to use a microscope (e.g., and teach them how to mount a wet slide. The teacher also physically demonstrates this procedure. Students are made fully aware about the risks involved with handling glass and microscopes. The teacher briefly outlines the worksheet before students commence the activity (5 mins). While the students are working the teacher monitors the room, observing students work and asking questions such as How do you know if something is alive? The teacher gets each group to reflect on their hypothesis by asking: Did you think anything could live in a drop or water? and What did you discover? Students who cannot locate an animal in their water can move to share with another pair. Students record their findings on the worksheet with illustrations and written comments (15mins). Once students are finished, they must pack up their equipment. Conclusion: Students sit together on the classroom floor with their worksheets. Teacher asks questions about their findings. Students are also asked to make scientific statements about their findings: What is one thing that you know to be true now? Teacher asks other questions that will lead the students into the next science lesson, for example: What would you now write as a hypothesis about pond water? and What else would you like to know about animals in pond water? Extension activity for early finishers: Assessment: Two forms of formative assessment will be employed. First, an observational checklist will be used to determine students collaborative interaction, values and attitudes. Second, worksheets will be collected to provide evidence of students learning. Evaluation: The teacher will evaluate the benefits of going to the pond, any other safety hazards that may not have been considered, students use of the microscopes and handling of slides, and the appropriateness of worksheets.


Planning science lessons

Many students have difficulty in understanding density. Density is mass divided by volume (d=m/v). Get a cereal packet its mass might be say 750g. The cereal will be close to the top of the packet, which is how much volume it takes up inside the plastic bag. Now shake the packet. You will note that the cereal takes up less space, yet you still have 750g of cereal. So it is now more dense than what it was in the first place. If you used a machine and squashed the cereal it may take up only a very small space. It is now even more dense. So the same mass of cereal (750g) is in a much smaller space. Hence, it has the same mass in a smaller volume making it denser than originally observed. You can measure the density by taking the mass and dividing it by the volume. So you can see the smaller the volume the more dense it will be. Water has a density of 1 (e.g., d=m/v; d of water=1g/1mL therefore the density of water=1). Density is affected by temperature; hence boiling water (1000C) is slightly less dense than water at 00C. A few key concepts require further clarification within Example 6.9. Rocks are in three broad categories (i.e., igneous from the volcano, sedimentary layers of rocks deposited as a result of erosion, and metamorphic rocks that have undergone pressure). Erosion can be in four categories, namely, wind, water, wave, and glacial or ice. Constellations are groups of stars, which allows for easy identification (e.g., Leo the Lion or Orion are constellations). Soluble means being able to dissolve (e.g., salt will dissolve in water). However, if you have a bag of salt and a jug of water there will be too much salt to dissolve so there will be a point where it reaches saturation. Example 6.9: More science activities for the primary classroom Set 1 Set 2 Identify rocks and minerals, testing mineral Erosion: Explore, identify and record an outside hardness, and use streak plates to test the environment; Sketch and label erosion sites with colours of minerals concluding statements Identify constellations and stars using star Anemometer: Record wind speeds using different maps anemometers; Investigate scientists who have invented anemometers; Design and make an anemometer Investigate power sources such as wind, Magnetism: Devise a test to determine the strongest hydro, and solar magnet Test various insulators and conductors using Explore motion with push and pull activities a battery-bulb circuit Camouflage: Use magnifying glasses to Identify, discuss, and illustrate functions and features explore, identify and record; investigate of a creature Internet sources Measuring lung capacity: Hypothesise Use microscopes to investigate minibeasts then sketch measure and graph (e.g., age, height, pulse and label features rate); Use spirometers Solubility: Do a fair test with 2 sets of Determine the density of different liquids substances (1. various substances such as flour, salt; 2. types of sugars) Optics: Look at a newspaper with a variety Acid/Alkaline: Use a cabbage pH indicator on of concave and convex lenses and record household products; record the pH alongside a pH observations scale


Hudsons guide for teaching primary science

Activity Notes for Example 6.9

Earth and Space: Identifying rocks, testing mineral hardness (Process-Skills Approach) Identify rocks and minerals with the chart/book or investigate a website (e.g., Rockhounds at Feel the rocks and minerals and discuss texture, shape and colour Refer to Mohs Hardness Scale ( or to determine the hardness of minerals. Use the back of a kitchen tile (as a streak plate) to test the true colours of different minerals Design a chart for students to record their investigative data (e.g., texture, shape colour) What other lesson ideas could you include with minerals? Consider testing minerals with vinegar what do you think might happen to some minerals?

1. 2. 3.

4. 5. 6.

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.


Earth and Space: Reading star maps (Process-Skills Approach) Refer to a sky chart (e.g., and discuss some of the stars Locate the Southern Cross constellation Identify the two pointers to the Southern Cross (Alpha and Beta Centauri) Discuss other constellations on this chart Use the Internet to investigate these constellations (e.g., history, location in galaxy, distances, pictorial representations) Find the brightest stars on the map. What are their names? What constellations are they in? What makes these stars appear so bright? Look at this YouTube video of a star (our Sun!) and/or this shot from Hubble: Are there any planets on the sky chart? Where are they? Do they connect in a line somehow?

1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Physical Sciences: Power sources: wind, hydro, solar (Plus, Minus, Interesting - PMI) Connect solar panel as per instruction booklet How have solar panels been used? Brainstorm other ways solar panels can be used Discuss other forms of power (e.g., wind, hydro), particularly the PMI points for these forms of power Any other lesson ideas for power sources (e.g., constructing and testing a water wheel)?


Planning science lessons

1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Physical Sciences: Insulators and conductors using circuits (Bybees 5 Es) Engage: How can you troubleshoot to find globes or batteries that do not work using circuits? Test that bulbs and batteries work. Explore: Test objects around the room and determine if they are conductors or insulators Explain: Record your information in a table with the column headings Conductors and Insulators. Elaborate: Discuss why some objects may be conductors and others insulators. How else could you test conductors and insulators? How many different ways can you make a circuit? Evaluate: How could you use this information in real life? Biological Sciences: Camouflage (Discovery Approach) Discuss charts and pictures provided When is a creature well camouflaged? When and where have you seen such creatures? Can you say the names of these creatures? Use the magnifying glass to search for a creature that is camouflaged in a designated outside area. Good luck! If you find one do a quick sketch and/or make notes Back in classroom: Discuss the location of this creature. How does it compare with any of the other creatures on the charts? Pinpoint the reasons for the creatures camouflage.

1. 2. 3. 4.

1. 2. 3.

4. 5. 6.

Biological Sciences: Measuring lung capacity (Predict, Observe, Explain - POE) Discuss reasons for increased lung capacity What else may be associated with large lung capacity? Draw a graph (x axis on horizontal, and y as vertical) and record one variable on the x axis (e.g., age OR height OR amount of exercise each week OR amount of sleep OR pulse rate OR ) and place lung capacity on the y axis Predict: What do you think will happen? Draw it on the graph in a coloured pencil/pen. Observe: Use the Spirometer to test lung capacity. Explain: Record information on graph with another colour and discuss Chemical Sciences: Solubility (Fair Testing) Examine and describe the various types of sugars (e.g., refer to size of granules, smell, colour) Discuss and set up an experiment to test the solubility of these sugars Record your information in a table or represent it as a line graph What did you have to consider in order to make the experiment fair? What conclusions can you draw from this experiment? What else would you like to investigate with solubility?

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.


Hudsons guide for teaching primary science

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.

Physical Sciences: Optics using lenses (Discovery Approach) Look at the different types of lenses Record everything you can find out about these lenses What do you conclude? Have a look at the science and human endeavour link (i.e., people who have been instrumental in lens development) Design, make and test a telescope using the lenses and cardboard cylinder. Which ones are most effective? How would you construct a periscope using the lenses and mirrors? What other experiments would you like to try out? Earth and Space: Erosion (Discovery Approach) Discuss erosion. How does erosion occur? Where have you found erosion? Take 5 minutes (time yourself) to go outside and look for signs of erosion Sketch and label or write notes about any erosion noted outside Back in the classroom: Discuss how the erosion may have occurred outside. What were the effects of this erosion? How could this erosion be prevented? Design an experiment that shows the effects of water erosion. Also consider how you can minimise the erosion through human intervention.

1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Earth and Space: Weather anemometer (Discovery and Process Skills Approach) Discuss anemometers Take 5 minutes with your partner (time yourself) and test the wind speed in an open area Back in the classroom: Record your wind speed on the whiteboard. Discuss the differences and similarities Work in groups of four to design a homemade anemometer, make a list of materials required. How will you determine the wind speed? Review the Beaufort Wind Scale. Make the connection with Science and Society and people who have been responsible for developing weather instruments Physical Sciences: Magnetism (Fair Testing) Examine the different types of magnets Identify the differences and the possible usages of these magnets Devise a fair test to determine the strongest magnet Place the magnets in order of strength What is another way to test each magnets strength? Discuss other lessons that could be conducted using magnets Read about magnets and usage within society

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.


Planning science lessons

1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

6. 7. 8.

Physical Sciences: Motion (Science should be fun! Fair Testing) In small groups, take 5 minutes (time yourself) to play with the toy cars and track, observe how they move Use a stop watch to time how fast it takes the car to travel the course What happens to the speed of the car at different points on the track? Now use a ruler to measure the height at different points along the track Test the height of the track with the ramp provided (adjust the ramp to the height of the track you are measuring). Use your stop watch to record how long it takes the car to travel from beginning to the end of the ramp Test the speed of the car with different heights and record these measures on a graph What can slow the car down? Explore friction and other push and pull activities Biological Sciences: Identify and discuss functions of a creature (Discovery Approach) Examine and discuss the creatures on your table Illustrate and label the features of one creature Examine the features of this creature and discuss the possible functions of these features Go outside and find a creature (do not touch it, just observe and write a description of it and record what it does) Read about this creature and use the Internet to discover further information Biological Sciences: Mini-beasts and microscopes (Guided Discovery Approach) Refer to the sheet outlining how to use a microscope Place the slide under the microscope and describe what you see Sketch and label with further discussion What questions do you have about mini-beasts? What else would you like to investigate? Read about people who have had an influence on developing the microscope Chemical Sciences: pH scale (POE) Read and discuss acids and bases Refer to the pH scale and discuss Make sure you follow safety procedures (use goggles, protective clothing, and gloves) Place cabbage pH indicator into the ice cube container Predict: What do you think will happen when you put 5 mL of a household product in one ice cube container (Predict for each of the household products whether each is an acid or base) Observe: Put a different household product in each ice cube section Explain: Make a connection to the household usages of these materials What else would you like to investigate with acids and bases?

1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.


Hudsons guide for teaching primary science

1. 2. 3. 4.

Chemical Sciences: Density (POE) Discuss qualities of each liquid Predict what will happen if you pour 10mL of each liquid into the same tube Observe what happens when you pour each liquid into the tube Explain the situation.


Evaluating your plan before implementation can provide a way to constructively refine the plan towards more effective teaching. Generally, teachers work collaboratively; they understand the value of interdependence. Many form collegial groups or partnerships as discussion forums for advancing their teaching practices (e.g., troubleshooting issues and bouncing ideas off each other). Another teacher can act as a critical friend, someone who can provide an objective account. Discussing or showing your teaching plans to a valued critical friend can help you to advance your teaching ideas.

Australian Curriculum, Assessment and Reporting Authority (ACARA). (2011). The Australian Curriculum: Science. Canberra: ACARA. Retrieved from Commonwealth Bureau of Meteorology. (2004). Worksheet 16. Retrieved from Danish Wind Industry Association. (2003). Wind Speed Measurement: Anemometers. Retrieved from Groundwork. (2001). How to measure the weather. Retrieved from The Franklin Institute Online. (2002). The Wind: Our Fierce Friend. Retrieved from


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