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Sustainability is a key attribute of high quality aid.

Sustainability is the continuation of benefits after major assistance from a donor has been completed. AusAIDs commitment to sustainable development includes a responsibility to integrate sustainability considerations throughout the programming cycle of the Philippines Provincial Roads Management Facility (PRMF). The benefits of PRMF stem from the governance and institutional reform process underway in participating provinces. The Facility supports five areas of government reform: 1. Road sector management and service delivery 2. Financial management and expenditure management 3. Internal audit and internal control 4. Procurement 5. Human resources management and development The benefits of PRMF to participating communities include long-term economic and social development for men, women and children. This will be achieved through the delivery of services for the rehabilitation and maintenance of provincial roads.

Key Terms
Sustainability is the continuation of benefits after major assistance from a donor has been completed. Benefits are the results of the program as defined in the PRMF monitoring & evaluation framework. Sustainability analysis is the identification of the issues, obstacles or constraints to achieving sustainable benefits. Sustainability strategy identifies the activities required to increase the likelihood of sustaining the benefits of PRMF. Managing sustainability is an ongoing process aimed at maximising the flow of sustainable benefits of the program. Sustainable organisation is one that has the continued support of its stakeholders.

1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

To implement and enforce all reform-related policies, laws and plans To increase stakeholder commitment to the reform program To empower staff members to implement the reform program To increase locally generated income available to the provincial government for the reforms To increased the sharing and use information and knowledge within the provincial government

How is the strategy being implemented?

PRMF helped each province to conduct a sustainability analysis and prepare a sustainability strategy. Over 300 provincial government staff members and senior managers analysed issues affecting sustainability in the reform areas. They examined and endorsed strategies for removing the main obstacles. There is effective local ownership and awareness of the strategies. PRMF has coordinated the response of its main programs to meet the objectives of provincial sustainability strategies. This includes programs for capacity development, performance incentives, knowledge management, communications, and monitoring and evaluation. PRMF supports activities for sustainability through its regular work planning and implementation mechanisms.

Sustainability Theory
The case for sustainability is built on thinking in four areas: Sustainable development, Corporate Social Responsibility, Stakeholder theory, and Accountability. Sustainable development represents the common societal goal of organisations. Top performing organisations are successful over the long term because of the way they maintain stakeholder relationships, manage their strategy, manage their people, promote learning in the organisation, and behave and are viewed in communities and societies. The continued support of their stakeholders makes them sustainable organisations.

What is the Sustainability Strategy?

A Sustainability Strategy is the plan of the provincial government to sustain the benefits of PRMF beyond 2014. It helps provinces to address issues and constraints to achieving reform objectives, and identifies ways of sustaining their use of government systems. A Sustainability Strategy is tailored to conditions in the province and integrated into its 5-year Provincial Works and Reform Program (PWRP).

How is progress being measured?

Progress made in the sustainability strategy is measured in the use of government systems by provincial governments. A strategy is tested as soon as the Facility Managing Contractors responsibilities for planning, procurement, financial management, capacity development, monitoring and evaluation, and quality assurance are transferred to a provincial government. The FMC is responsible for monitoring and reporting on progress being made in the sustainability strategy.

What are the objectives of the Strategy?

Each provincial strategy has its own set of objectives. The overarching objectives from the sustainability analysis include:

About PRMF
PRMF is a five- year (20092014), Php4.3 billion (A$100-million) development initiative of the Governments of the Philippines and Australia. Through PRMF, the Australian Government helps provincial governments to put in place the governance systems that will enable them to maintain their roads over time, while rehabilitating and maintaining a core road network in up to 10 provinces in Mindanao and the Visayas. PRMF aims to boost the local economy by improving road transport so that more people will have better access to rehabilitated and maintained road networks, economic activity and public infrastructure and services that will improve their livelihoods. Better roads will also improve access to jobs, health services and essential social and educational facilities in rural and regional areas. FOR MORE INFORMATION See or contact
OIBONE C. ENOBIO Communications Officer Philippines Provincial Road Management Facility (PRMF) Supported by Australian Aid Coffey International Development 19th Floor, Salcedo Towers, 169 H.V dela Costa St., Salcedo Village, Makati City, Philippines T (+63) (2) 753 1241 ext 108 F (+63) (2) 753 2150 M (+63) (917) 590 6941 Email: PRMF@

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