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Certificate of Completion
recognizes that _______
has achieved over 2000
succesful surveys in her
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her chosen field of medicin
and has demonstra
excellent in patient
evaluation skills...

PreMed Prescription Rating

and Experience Program

Begin your journey into medicine with

valuable hands-on patient experience.’s PreMed Prescription Drug and Experience Program (PPREP)

offers students and health care professionals valuable hands-on patient experience while
allowing them to participate in a large scale multi-year study on side effects and efficacy
of common prescription medications.


Admission to medical school is highly competitive. Top medical schools are increas-
ingly looking beyond GPA and entrance examination scores to find applicants with excep-
tional research and volunteering activities, as well as leadership and social skills.'s PPREP offers a select group of pre-med students and others the
opportunity to distinguish themselves by working directly with prescription drug users to
evaluate the efficacy and side-effects of their medications.

PPREP participants will:

• Gain valuable hands-on patient experience
• Gain experience in statistical analysis
• Gain comprehensive knowledge of many prescription drugs currently on the market
• Participate in a large-scale study on the benefits and side effects of many common
prescription drugs

Upon successful completion of PPREP, participants will receive:

• A Certificate of Completion. How to Apply:
• A written performance evaluation and recommendation from RateADrug's Advisory
1. To apply online, visit:
Panel. Evaluations will focus on the participant’s patient relation skills, analysis of drug
ratings and suggestions or insights into long term monitoring methods for drug
efficacy and side-effects as shown on their blog or report. Participants will also be
2. To apply by postal mail: Print out the
evaluated on the quality and quantity of patient surveys. application and mail to,
• Top participants will have their reports and profiles published on the Post Office Box 1418, Fairfield, Iowa,
website. 52556
• The top participant will receive a $1,500 scholarship or a MacBook Air laptop computer.
This award will be granted no later than May 31st, 2009. 3. To apply by phone, call: 641-209-1761
x 102.
How PPREP Works
4. To apply via email, fill in the application
Each participant will be required to conduct a minimum of 200 patient surveys and attach to
within the first 90 days of acceptance into the program.

Surveys take approximately five minutes to complete and can be conducted at any
time convenient for the participant and patient, including weekends, evenings and holi-
days. Each participant will need a laptop computer on which to conduct surveys via the website.

Each participant will submit a statistical evaluation of a prescription drug or group

of drugs from their participant base.


The program is open to medical students, pre-med students, nurses and nursing
students, and students from other health-related fields and select alternative
medical programs, subject to PPREP approval.

Participants will be encouraged to maintain a blog about their findings and expe-
riences with PPREP. Blogs may be on a drug, disease or any topic relevant to the PPREP
project. Participants’ can link their blogs to’s survey pages to have
patients complete surveys online themselves.

Application and Admission

Participants will be selected based upon their academic background, experience,

extracurricular activities, and a short essay explaining why they want to participate in
PPREP and how they plan to implement the program.

Terms and Conditions

• Participants will need a laptop computer on which to conduct surveys.

• Participants will be asked to ensure that anyone participating in the survey has used
the prescription drug they rate within the preceding thirty-six months
• Participants will be encouraged to engage others, such as the directors of health
care agencies or facilities, to help in survey accumulations
• Participants will be required to conduct a minimum of 200 patient surveys within the
first 90 days of acceptance into the program.
• Participants will be required to submit a statistical evaluation report of a prescription
drug or group of drugs from their participant base
• Upon successful completion of the first 90 days, participants will receive a Certificate
of Completion and evaluation from’s Advisory Panel
• A $1,500 scholarship or MacBook Air will be awarded annually to the most
outstanding participant is an independent research organization. It is not affiliated with nor does

it accept advertising from any pharmaceutical companies.

For questions or comments, please contact

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PreMed Prescription Rating

and Experience Program

Welcome to’s PPREP Application process. We appreciate your

interest and look forward to processing your application. PPREP receives more applications
than available slots for the program; application does not guarantee acceptance.
All applications receive careful consideration and are kept strictly confidential. is an independent research organization. It is not affiliated with nor

does it accept advertising from any pharmaceutical companies.

Contact Information
First Name: Last Name:


City: State: Zip:

Email: Phone:

University or School:

Major: Degree: Graduating Year:


Currently Attending

Accepted for school year beginning: mm/dd/yy

Graduated: mm/dd/yy

Experience and Activities

Are you currently employed in the health care field?
Yes No

If, yes, pleae describe your activities:

Describe any particular field of medicine or area of practice that you wish to focus on:

Describe any relevant research, internship or work experience:

Describe any extracurricular activities:

Describe any special achievements:

If available, attach or include any testimonials, references or published works, etc.

Tell us why you want to participate in the PreMed Prescription Rating and Experience Program:

Describe your plans for collecting surveys

(e.g. set up a booth at a health fair, visit local nursing home, etc.):

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