ST Bulletin June 23 2012

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Benjamin Yudin, Rabbi 3 Tammuz 5772 June 23, 2012 Andrew Markowitz, Assistant Rabbi
Erev Shabbat Candle-lighting: Early 7:05 / Zman 8:14 PM Mincha: Early 6:50 / Zman 8:19PM Daf Yomi Niddah 33: 7:45AM Shacharit 7:45/ 8:30/ 9:00AM Sof Zman Kriyas Shema: 9:11 AM Perek in the Park w/ Rabbi Markowitz 5:15PM The Sisterhood Rosh Chodesh shiur will take place this week at 6:15 PM in the home of Dossy Brandstatter, 5-20 Hazel Place. Rena Bacon will be speaking in memory of Bezalel Orlanski. Pre-Mincha Shiur w/ Rabbi Markowitz 7:20PM Mincha: 8:05PM Dvar Torah at Seudah Shlishit w/ Rabbi Dov Emerson Shabbos Ends: 9:27PM

Parsha: Artscroll: p820 The Living Torah: p740 Hertz: p638 / Haftorah: Artscroll: p1186 The Living Torah: p1197 Hertz: p649 This week we read Perek 4 of Pirkei Avos. Kiddush: Kiddush Upstairs: sponsored by Rena and Josh Bacon in honor of Bezalels marriage to Sarah Shoshana Marvin and by Judy and Nathan Rephan in honor of their grandson, Simon Engelsohns Bar Mitzvah, in appreciation of the warm and inclusive Congregation that is Shomrei Torah. Kiddush Young Couples: sponsored by the FISHWEICHER family in honor of Doctor Ori Rackovsky graduating from Mt. Sinai medical school and in honor of Dana (Fishweicher) Rackovsky graduating from Columbia and in honor of Doctor Renee Fishweicher receiving her doctorate in Physical Therapy. Also in honor of Moshe Fishweicher's 30th birthday and in honor of Moshe and Shauna Fishweicher' s 4th wedding anniversary as well as in honor of Emunah Feuerstein graduating with honors from pre school. Welcome to the proud grandparents Ruth and Isaac Reifer and Rabbi Israel Fishweicher " Seudah Shlishit: Sponsored by Alla Kavesh and Lina Fleyshmakher in commemoration of the yahrzeit of their father Alexander Ainbinder AH Mazal Tov to: Rena and Josh Bacon on Bezalels marriage to Sarah Shoshana Marvin. Welcome to Sarahs parents Rabbi Jonathan and Dr. Alison Marvin and to Rena and Joshs extended family who are joining them for sheva brachot this Shabbos. Barrett King on his marriage to Cecilia Blau Rabbi Shmuel Leifer on being honored, as a past President, by Agudath Israel of Staten Island Roger and Harriet Levitt on moving into their new home Judy and Nathan Rephan on the Bar Mitzvah of their grandson Simon Engelsohn Rabbi and Shevi Yudin on the upcoming Bat Mitzvah of their granddaughter Daniella, in Israel. Condolences to: Meyer Berkowitz and family on the passing of his wife Judy. The family will be sitting shiva at the Berkowitz home at 4-27 Philip th Street until Tuesday morning June 26 . Shacharit Minyan at 7:45AM, Mincha at 8:15PM. On Sunday, Shacharit will be at 8AM. Thank You to: Pearl and Milty Frank for donating Torah plaques to the 3 minyanim The Baal Kriah Upstairs J. Tamarov Young Couples- G. Bannett Refuah Shelaimah to: Faiga bas Yita Rivka, Bernice Grossman (Breina bat Leah), Tova Flancbaum (Tova Tziporah bat Pesya), Leah Goldman (Leah Golda bat Esther Frimmet), Evelyne Hait (Esther Frimmet bat Raizel), Ceil Heller (Tzivia Rivka bat Naomi Chedvah), Regina Klepfisz (Rivka bat Tzipporah Sima), Jeff Packard (Chayim Zelig ben Sarah Rivkah), Stuart Schochet (Shimon Yaakov HaKohen ben Chava Sheindel), Zvi Yerachmel ben Shaindel, Lola Weisfeld (Leah Devorah bat Priba Tziral), Talya bat Yehudit Shlomit & Avichai ben Rivka.
In Our Shul:

There will be a General Membership Meeting of Shomrei Torah on June 25 in the downstairs ballroom at 8:30PM. In addition to committee reports there will be an election for Officers and Board of Directors for 2012-2013. Torah Tuesday on Monday 6/25 is sponsored by Pearl and Milty Frank in commemoration of the yahrzeit of Eli Goldfischer AH, father of Pearl Frank. Torah Tuesday on Thursday 6/28 is sponsored by Honny and Mendy Aron in commemoration of the yahrzeit of Harry Aron AH, father of Mendy Aron. Oscar Walfish is welcoming visitors - 40-09 Paterson Street SCRIP is available for Fairway, Shoprite, Pathmark, Glatt Express, Best Glatt, Food Showcase, Petaks, Zaidies, Maadan, Dunkin Donuts, Staples, AMC Movies, Lands End, LL Bean, Lowes, Home Depot, I Tunes and more. SCRIP can be purchased on line If more information is required you can contact Milty Frank directly" at 201 796-8260 or at for immediate delivery.

Mishnayos Shiur for Boys in Grades 2-5 w/ Yossi Loewy every Shabbos 45 minutes before Mincha. Please note the following Simcha Kiddushim dates July 14, Sept 15, Oct 20, Nov !7, Dec 15, Jan 12, 2013, Feb 9, Mar 9, April 13, May 11, June 15 - Graduation Kiddush. To sponsor a Simcha Kiddush, please contact Alla Kavesh or Lina Fleyshmakher. The Men's Club annual Garage Sale will take place this year on July 15th. Merchandise may be dropped off starting 7/2 (place for drop off will be identified shortly). If you are interested in helping out with the sale, or set up, or the sale itself please contact Moshe Zharnest or Stuart Mentzel. Details will be forthcoming To sponsor a Seudah Shlishit please call Esther Silvestri at 201 741-5341 The business listings from the shul dinner have been loaded on the shuls website under the heading of "sponsors". Please patronize them and tell them that you are from Shomrei Torah. Additionally, the "Book of Honor" has been posted so that if anyone wants to see the actual journal that the honorees received, they can look there. Please remember not to park in the Mikvah spots when coming to the zman and 9:30PM maariv minyanim. When leaving shul after 9:30PM maariv please do not exit shul from back entrance.

In our Nursery School: Leah Sokoloff Nursery School introduces new extended care hours and fees! 7 am- 6:30 pm! Come see what we are about. Call Debbie or email for info. Now registering for Fall. Summer programs run from June 18-August 17. Our 7 week program is only $975, 9:30-2:30 pm daily
In Our Community:

Neil Zaffos will be participating in a fundraiser for the One Family Fund in an Olympic distance Triathlon in Philly on June 24. This organization helps victims & their families who have suffered from terror attacks in Israel. To make a contribution please goto: Valley Hospital has openings in the Pastoral Care Department for volunteers to visit Jewish patients. If you are interested, please call Joan Rimberg Goldfarb @ 201 791-6209 or Sheila Weinberg @ 201 797-0493. Yavneh Academy presents The Art of Feeding, a parenting workshop on developing healthy eating habits in children. The group will be facilitated by Dr. Sarah Roer, an eating disorder specialist, with the aim of helping children develop proper eating habits and health body images. Dates: July 2, 18, 25 and August 1, 10:30 -11:45 at Yavneh Academy. Cost is $200 for the series. For more information contact Registration is open for SAGE, The Summer Academy for Growth and Enrichment at Yavneh Academy. SAGE is open to the whole community for students in grades 2-8. Choose from classes in fine arts, fitness, writing, acting, web design, and much more! The first session runs Monday - Friday, August 20-24, 2012, the second runs Monday - Friday, August 27-31, 2012. For course offerings and registration, go to YIFL shiurim, Rabbi Frand, Thurs 9 pm Rabbi Reisman and Rabbi Schaffer shiurim will resume in the fall
SUN June 24 4 Tammuz MON June 25 5 Tammuz 4:15AM 9:11AM 5:45/ 6:30/ 7:45 AM 8:15PM 1:34PM 8:45/ 9:30PM TUES June 26 6 Tammuz 4:16AM 9:12AM 5:55/ 6:30/ 7:45AM 8:15PM 1:34PM 8:45/ 9:30PM WED June 27 7 Tammuz 4:16AM 9:12AM 5:55 /6:30 7:45 AM 8:15PM 1:34PM 8:45/ 9:30PM THURS June 28 8 Tammuz 4:17AM 9:12AM 5:45/ 6:30/ 7:45AM 8:15PM 1:34PM 8:45/ 9:30PM FRI June 29 9 Tammuz 4:17AM 9:13AM 5:55/ 6:30/ 7:45AM Candle-lighting: Early 7:05PM Zman 8:14PM Mincha Early 6:50PM Zman 8:19PM FRI 6/29 6:30 AM 7:30AM SHABBOS June 30 Parshas Chukat 10 Tammuz 4:18AM 9:13AM 7:45/ 8:30/ 9:00AM Mincha: 8:05 PM Shabbat Ends: 9:27PM


Earliest Tallis & Tephilin: 4:15AM SOF ZMAN K SHEMA: 9:11AM Shacharit Mincha: (Earliest) Maariv 6:30/ 7:00 8:00/ 9:00AM 2PM/ 8:15PM 8:45/ 9:30PM

MON 6/25 6:30AM S. ALTER 7:45AM 7:30PM DAF YOMI w/Zvi Loewy GEMORAH 7:30AM MONDAYS: 9-11AM: Torah Tuesday on Monday SHIURIM/ 7:30PM Ladies OTHER Tehillim 8-9PM Basics in Judaism w/ Rabbi Yudin


SUN 6/24

TUES 6/26 6:30AM 8:00PM w/Ely Lenik 7:30AM 9-11AM TORAH TUESDAY 8:15PM Womens shiur w/ Rabbi Markowitz

WED 6/27 6:30AM 7:30PM w/Ari Mayefsky 7:30AM 9-11AM : Torah Learning w/ Rabbis Yudin & Markowitz 8:45PM Mens shiur w/ Rabbi Markowitz 9:15PM: Rabbi Yudins Gemara Shiur

THURS 6/28 6:30AM 7:30PM w/ Rabbi Yaakov Langsner 7:30AM 9-11AM: Torah Tuesday on Thursday 9:15- 10PM Parsha Chumash and Rashi w/ Rabbi Yudin

SHABBOS 6/30 7:45 AM

Rabbi's Shiur: 7:20PM

Pachim KTanim from Rabbi Yudin:

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