BIOL240W Syllabus

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Spring 2012 Biology 240W: Function and Development of Organisms Lectures: MWF 10:10-11:00 a.m.

100 Thomas Building Biology 240W is a four-credit course with lecture and laboratory/recitation components. The goal of this course is to provide an understanding of the major unifying principles as they apply to the study of the function and development of organisms. In laboratory/recitation, you will practice the scientific method through experimental laboratory exercises and become proficient in the interpretation and presentation of your results through written and oral reports. Instructors: Dr. Michael Axtell (Jan. 9th - Mar. 2nd) 260N.Frear (put Bio 240W in the subject line) Office hours: M 3-4 pm, T 3-4 pm, F 3-4 pm Dr. John Waters (Mar. 12th Apr. 27th) 413 Mueller Laboratory (put Bio240W in the subject line) Office hours: TW 1:30-2:30 pm; R 9-10 am, 1:30-2:30 pm

Course Coordinator: Dr. Kimberlyn Nelson, 111C Mueller Lab, 863-6360, Office Hours: M 9-10 am, T 1-2 pm. For course logisticsquestions, email Dr. Nelson, (Put Bio240Wday in the subject line). For questions about coursecontent, see an instructor during office hours. Laboratory Coordinator: Dianne Burpee,, Room 115 Mueller Lab, 865-1714. Office Hours: By appointment. Required Course Materials:

Textbook and Mastering Biology access: Reece, Urry, Cain, Wasserman, Minorsky, Jackson. 2011. Campbell Biology, 9th

edition, Pearson/Benjamin Cummings. Readings should be completed before the relevant lectures.There are four options for these required materials. (1) If you took Biol110 in the fall and purchased the textbook (etext or printed) and a mastering biology access code, you will use your same code to enter the Mastering Biology class for Bio240W. Please visit and follow the directions for entering the new Mastering Biology course. (2) You can purchase a new printed version of Campbell Biology that contains the PSU access code for Mastering Biology. This package also includes a $10 rebate for the i>clicker. (ISBN: 1256403814) (3) You can purchase the etext version of Campbell Biology that includes the PSU access code for Mastering Biology. (ISBN1256406813; ~$98) (4) You can purchase just the PSU access code for Mastering Biology and obtain a copy of the textbook from another source (ISBN1256406821; ~$57) After you have your PSU access code for Mastering Biology, you will need to go on-line at join the class MBAXTELLSP2012. You must use your PSU Access Account ID, i.e. kxn4 (NOT your student ID number) as your student ID for Mastering Biology. Failure to properly format your Mastering Biology account will result in the loss of any points associated with an incorrect ID. Only points earned under your access account ID will be credited.

DigitalLab Access Coupon:Purchase this coupon at one of the cash registers at the Penn State Bookstore in the HUB-

Robeson Center. This coupon is non-refundable. During your first lab you need to submit this coupon to your TA with your printed name, signed name and section number on it. The lab manual will be accessed through your lecture section in ANGEL. Additional lab materials will be posted in your lab section of ANGEL. Note well: ANGEL is down for maintenance between 4 -6 a.m. daily during that time you cannot access any materials or submit assignments on ANGEL.

Active PSU Access Account: To access both lab and lecture materials via ANGEL it is essential that you have an active

Penn State Access Account and access to a computer. If you do not have your own computer, you can use one of the many computer labs located on campus. Your PSU Access Account ID is also necessary to receive credit for on-line homework.

Clickers:You are required to purchase an i>clickerremote for in-class participation. i>clicker is a responsesystem that allows

you to respond to questions posed during class, and your responses will be graded. In order to receive credit, you willneed to register your i>clicker remote online. After you have purchased your clicker, go to Complete the fields with yourfirst name, last name, student ID, and remote ID. Your student ID shouldbe your Access Account ID, i.e., the user name that forms the first partof your Penn State email address and that you would use to login toANGEL. DO NOT enter in your 9-digit student number. The remote ID is theseries of numbers and sometimes letters found on the bottom of the backof your i>clicker remote. i>clicker will be used every day inclass, and you are responsible for bringing your remote daily.

Pretest: You will be asked to take a pretest at the beginning of the semester via the etesting facility. There will be times

available between Jan 11th and Jan 18th. Attendance at the pretest will be recorded as part of your final grade for the course. The pretest will assess knowledge that we expect you to have obtained from previous courses and that we assume you have a working understanding when we design the course materials for Biology 240W. Course Format: Lectures: Lectures will begin at 10:10 a.m. The instructor will assume that you have some working knowledge of the material before coming to class (i.e., from textbook readings and on-line homework). In many cases the readings are more comprehensive than the material covered in the lecture but the additional information will help you to more fully understand the concepts that we cover in class. All topics discussed in class, on-line homework and/or posted on ANGEL, will be considered testable material. Please do not ask the Instructors what material you need to know. Unless told otherwise, you need to know it all. Regular class attendance is VERY IMPORTANT! This course stresses concepts and it is critical that you understand and synthesize the material; memorization alone will not be sufficient. Bring your questions to class and to your Instructors office hours (or make an appointment). Laboratory Policies: This part of the course begins the week of January 9thin either the Life Sciences Building with a discussion session. Section change requests if not available via eLion must be emailed to Dianne Burpee at, and they must be completed before 13 January 2012. Please include your 9-digit student ID with your request. Attendance in laboratories is mandatory; also, points will be deducted for tardiness (arriving after class has begun). The only legitimate excuses that allow you to receive an official makeup, which must be completed within one week of an absence, are described under Exams (below). You may miss one lab session without a legitimate excuse and notreceivenegative attendance points (see complete details on attendance and makeup policies found in the lab syllabus posted on ANGEL and provided by your TA on the first day of your own scheduled lab section). If you miss any lab session, you still are responsible for the material covered and for any assignment(s)given during that missed class, and especially for any assignments that may have been due at the time of your missed class even if you were not in attendance. o You MUST email your TA within 24 hours of your missed section about an absence from lab. o You should make every effort to attend another lab during the same week The schedule of lab times and rooms is posted on ANGEL in the lecture folder and it is your responsibility to find a time or times that work for you. You must ask the TA of the section if you can attend, and if the section is full you will need to try another section. o If you cannot make up your lab during the same week, you must schedule an individual appointment with your TA o If you miss more than three lab meetings, for any reason, you must speak with the course coordinator, Dr. Nelson, immediately after the 3rdmissed session. You will NOT be permitted to continually reschedule your missed lab meetings. You must attend the section that you have registered for on a regular basis or you will have points deducted from your final lab score. Most written assignments will be electronically submitted through a drop box in ANGEL and must be submitted before the beginning of your scheduled lab session on the date that the assignment is due to be considered on time. Further details about submitting assignments, grading policies and making up exercises for which you have a legitimate excuse will be found in the lab syllabus, the lab manual introduction file and discussed by your TA during the first meeting of your section the week of January 9th. Each student is responsible for reading and understanding all laboratory policies found in the lab syllabus and in the introduction file of the lab manual posted in ANGEL.

Note Well: If you have an evening exam in another course, you must make arrangements to take the conflict exam at another time because you will not be excused from a lab for the purposes of taking an evening exam in another course.

Teaching Assistants: The TAs are available to help you with laboratory material. Their office hours are held in the TA
Office in 615 Mueller Lab. TA office hours will be posted near the door and on the course web page in ANGEL. COURSE POLICIES AND REQUIREMENTS FOR BIOL 240W


You will be responsible for understanding all material presented during lecture and/or posted on the course website. During the time that classes are in session, you will have three lecture exams during the semester (140 pts. each). During the final exam period you will be given one final exam that consists of two parts: one lecture exam on new material (since the third

exam) (140 pts.) and a comprehensive final exam (196 pts.).The comprehensive final will cover mainly the material on the first three lecture exams and the two lectures prior to the start of Spring Break, but will have some questions covering material on the fourth lecture exam. Your lowest lecture exam score from the exams worth 140 points will be dropped; the final exam scored cannot be dropped. The first three lecture exams will be taken in the e-Testing center in Pollock Building ( Please watch the video on that web page to know what to expect when you take your exam. You must have your student ID with you to enter the testing facility. You must schedule your exam in advance through the eTesting website there is a link on the page titled information for students ( It is your responsibility to schedule your exam and to be present at the testing facility well before your scheduled time (there may be a line). If you begin the exam late, you will only have through the end of your scheduled time to complete it. If you forget to sign up for a time, you will receive a zero for that exam. Attendance at exams is mandatory; if you miss your scheduled time you must contact the course coordinator within 24 hours of missing the exam and preferably before the exam starts. The following are the only legitimate excuses for missing an exam: Illness A University sponsored event (with note from sponsor) Religious holiday recognized by PSU Death in the family (you must provide documentation with a date) If you miss an exam for any of the above reasons and provide your verification of absence, you will be given the opportunity to take the exam at etesting within 7 days of the exam. After that time, feedback to the class will be released and you will no longer be able to make up the exam. That exam will be considered your dropped exam score. Social functions (family reunions, weddings) are not legitimate excuses for missing an exam. If you are unsure about your excuse, ask the course instructor before your absence. As adults, it is your responsibility to provide reasonable verification; each situation is unique, and we can be flexible. If you have a family emergency, you may call the Assistance and Information Center 24 hour Family Emergency line at 814-863-2020. They will take the information and notify your instructors of your absence.

Final Exam: The final exam will be given at the time and place set by the University in its final exam schedule which will be
posted on eLion after February13th. You must have your PSU student ID number in order to correctly complete the University Testing Services (UTS) scantron form. Any test materials submitted without the proper ID number will have points deducted. Do not make plans to leave the University before you know the final exam date travel is not a legitimate reason for scheduling a conflict for the final exam (final exams run from 8 a.m. Monday, April30th through 8:50 p.m. Friday, May4th). Locations for the exam will be announced in class and posted on the web (please do not phone or email for exam locations!).

Conflict Final Exam:The fourth lecture exam and comprehensive final exam in the course are given during the official final

exam period during the week of April30th. If you have three or more finals within consecutive exam periods, or on the same day, or a direct conflict, you must file for a conflict exam. Students may file for conflict examinations through eLion between Monday, February 13th and Sunday, March 4th. No conflict exam requests will be accepted afterMarch 4th. Individual conflict final exams will not be arranged.Please do not make any travel plans until the final exam schedule is published on eLion.

On-line Homework via Mastering Biology: There will be assigned tutorials, activities and reading questions within the online Mastering Biology course. These assignments are selected to help you with difficult concepts but are in no way comprehensive of all the material presented within the chapter. Each chapter will have an assignment due date and you must complete the assignment by the due date to receive full credit. For the first half of the course, at any time before spring break you can complete a past plant biology assignment from Dr. Axtell and receive up to 50% of those points even though the due date has passed.For the second half of the course, at any time before finals week you can complete a past animal physiology assignment from Dr. Waters and receive up to 50% of those points even though the due date has passed. You can earn a maximum of 84 points for all on-line homework.

Clicker Questions:Most class days will include graded clicker questions (there may also be ungraded questions). You can
earn a maximum of 50 points from these questions (25 points per course half). There are no make ups for clicker questions you must be in class to receive these points and you must register your clicker online and have your clicker with you during each class. To receive credit for your clicker questions, you must have your Penn State username (e.g., abc123) entered as your clicker ID. Updated points will be posted at regular intervals. It is your responsibility to check that your points are being posted accurately. If there is a problem, you must let the instructor know immediately. Requests for an instructorvto check points will only be honored within a week after the final posting of clicker point totals for that half of the course.

Use of e-mail: E-mail is an effective way to handle brief communications, but it is not an effective means to communicate concepts, major ideas, or to discuss a student's performance in the course. Thus: E-mail should be used by students to: Point out any errors or oversights made by the Instructor during lectures. Set up an appointment to talk with yourInstructor if you cannot meet during regularly scheduled office hours. Ask questions about lecture material that can be answered in one to two brief sentences. E-mail should NOT be used by students to: Ask for explanations about concepts, ideas, theories, laws, processes, or any other information that requires more than a short explanation. Your Instructor can explain such things and answer major questions much better by talking with you in person. Please Note: You MUST use your PSU account and an appropriate subject line to communicate with any course personnel. You must include BIO240W in your subject line. Failure to do so may result in your email being missed or filtered to the Junk email mailbox. Academic Integrity/Academic Dishonesty:Professional behavior includes academic integrity. Academic dishonesty is not limited to simply cheating on an exam or assignment. The following is quoted directly from the "PSU Faculty Senate Policies for Students" regarding academic integrity and academic dishonesty: Academic integrity is the pursuit of scholarly activity in an open, honest and responsible manner. Academic integrity is a basic guiding principle for all academic activity at The Pennsylvania State University, and all members of the University community are expected to act in accordance with this principle. Consistent with this expectation, the University's Code of Conduct states that all students should act with personal integrity, respect other students' dignity, rights and property, and help create and maintain an environment in which all can succeed through the fruits of their efforts. Academic integrity includes a commitment by all members of the University community not to engage in or tolerate acts of falsification, misrepresentation or deception. Such acts of dishonesty violate the fundamental ethical principles of the University community and compromise the worth of work completed by others. Lying to gain an advantage over other students is also an academic integrity violation. Bringing another students clicker to class and using it on their behalf is considered ghosting and as such is a violation of the academic integrity code. All University and Departmental policies regarding academic integrity/academic dishonesty apply to this course and the students enrolled in this course. Refer to the following URL for further details on the academic integrity policies of the Eberly College of Science: Each student in this course is expected to work entirely on her/his own while taking any exam, to complete assignments on her/his own effort without the assistance of others unless directed otherwise by the instructor or teaching assistant, and to abide by University and College policies on academic integrity and academic dishonesty. If you have any questions about an assignment, please ask. Academic dishonesty either in lab or lecture will be sanctioned and can result in assignment of F by the course instructors or "XF" by Judicial Affairs as the final grade for the student. Students are responsible for ensuring that their work is consistent with Penn State's expectations about academic integrity. You will be turning in most of your written assignments electronically, through ANGEL, to give us a date and time stamp; this helps to ensure that we treat all students equally in meeting the deadlines for their assignments. Further details will be given in class and are found in the lab manual introduction file posted on ANGEL, along with the lab syllabus. Assignment of Final Grades: It is your responsibility to keep track of your grades on lab assignments. Exam grades will be sent to you by SI. Clicker question points will be posted periodically in ANGEL. Exams, on-line homework, and clickers (750 pts) count for 75% of your grade; the remaining 25% will come from laboratories (250 pts). Earning less than 60% of the lab points will result in a final grade of an F in the course, regardless of your lecture score. Final course grades will be assigned as follows (out of 1000 possible points* -- there are NO extra credit points available): A AB+ 930-1000 pts 900-929 pts 870-899 pts B BC+ 830-869 pts 800-829 pts 770-79 pts C D F 700-769 pts 600-699 pts less than 599 pts

Grade cutoffs may be adjusted to reflect the score distribution of the class. Individual exams are NOT curved. If the class mean is below 75% at the end of the semester, then grades will be assigned with the mean being a C. A final grade will only be changed if a calculation or entry error has been made.*In extraordinary circumstances, a final grade may
be based upon fewer than the total number of points available.

Disability: Qualified students with disabilities are encouraged by Penn State to participate in the University's programs and activities. Should you need any type of accommodation in any course because of a disability or have questions or concerns about the physical access, please contact the Office for Disability Services in 116 Boucke Building (863-1807). Please contact the course coordinator, Dr. Nelson, if you need accommodations for a disability. The Eberly College of Science Code of Mutual Respect and Cooperation" final.pdf embodies the values that we hope our faculty, staff, and students possess and will endorse to make The Eberly College of Science a place where every individual feels respected and valued, as well as challenged and rewarded. Copyright Issues and Classroom Note-Taking Services: Students who are enrolled in the course and who sell notes to either commercial note-taking services or to other students are advised to consult official University policies (for example, see Administrative Policy AD40 at: to learn about classroom notes, handouts, and other materials that are protected under the federal Copyright Act and under University policy. Students should consult such University policies in order to avoid violating copyright laws and University policy.

The syllabus is subject to change. The Instructors reserve the right to make changes to items on this syllabus,
including changes to the lecture and lab schedules, and lecture and lab topics and assignments.


Biology 240W Spring 2012 Lecture Schedule Lecture Title

Chapter Readings

9 Jan 11 Jan 13 Jan 16 Jan 18 Jan 20 Jan 23 Jan 25Jan 27Jan 30Jan 1 Feb
Wed and Thurs. 2/1 and 2/2

Overview of Syllabus and Course Policies;Plant Diversity I Plant Diversity I Plant Diversity II No ClassMartin Luther King Day Plant Diversity II Plant Responses I Plant Responses II Plant Nutrition I Plant Nutrition II Plant Nutrition III Review
EXAM 1 (Jan 9-Jan 30) e-Testing center. The exam will be offered from 8 a.m 11 p.m. on both days (except during scheduled class time on Wednesday) you will receive an email from the testing center and you must sign up in advance for a specific exam time

29 29 30

30 39 39 37 37 37

3 Feb 6 Feb 8 Feb 10 Feb 13 Feb 15 Feb 17 Feb 20 Feb 22Feb 24Feb 27Feb
Mon and Tues. 2/27 and 2/28

Plant structure and growth I

Plant structure and growth II Plant structure and growth III Plant transport I Plant transport II Plant reproduction I Plant reproduction II Plant reproduction III Plant breeding and biotechnology Photosynthesis I Review
EXAM 2 (Feb 3 - Feb 24) e-Testing center. The exam will be offered from 8 a.m 11 p.m. on both days (except during scheduled class time on Wednesday) you will receive an email from the testing center and you must sign up in advance for a specific exam time

35 35 35 36 36 38 38 38 38,20 10

29 Feb

Photosynthesis II (Questions on this material will be included on the comprehensive final exam)


2 Mar

Photosynthesis III (Questions on this material will be included on the comprehensive final exam) **Spring Break (March 5-9)** Lecture Title


12 Mar 14 Mar 16 Mar 19 Mar 21 Mar 23 Mar 26 Mar 28Mar 30 Mar 2 Apr
Mon. and Tues. 4/2 and 4/3

Reproduction I Reproduction II Animal Development I Animal Development II Circulation and Gas Exchange I Circulation and Gas Exchange II Circulation and Gas Exchange III Nutrition I Osmoregulation I Review
EXAM 3 (Mar 12 - Mar 30) e-Testing center. The exam will be offered from 8 a.m 11 p.m. on both days (except during scheduled class time on Monday) you will receive an email from the testing center and you must sign up in advance for a specific exam time

46 46 47 47 42 42 42 41 44

4Apr 6Apr 9Apr 11Apr 13Apr 16Apr 18Apr 20Apr 23Apr 25 Apr 27 Apr Week of 30April

Osmoregulation II Osmoregulation III Endocrine I Endocrine II Nervous System I Nervous System II Nervous System III Motor System I Motor System II Motor system III Wrap up and Review

44 44 45 45 48,49 48,49 48,49 50 50 50

Exam 4: covers4 April through 25April lectures and Comprehensive Final (including questions on photosynthesis lectures) Time and Location will be posted on eLion after 13 Feb do not make any travel plans before that date The instructors reserve the right to make changes. Please refer to the ANGEL webpage for updated information.

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