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Summary of Article As the global environment evolved for businesses in past few years business functions of today needs

to be incorporated with the help of latest technology. Enterprise resource planning helps the business world of today by sharing knowledge in and outside organization. Success of planning depends on the factor associated with technical knowledge, effective management and the optimal implementation. Human capabilities of understanding when gather up with ERP it exerts success. The fact is that better knowledge management is done with the help of in cooperating it and by having better control of information and data. When we want to have successful implementation of project the main thing that is required to be is the effective share of knowledge. ERP when implemented definitely requires expertise of different people and people from different departments and knowledge plays the leading role in its implementation. When talking about the knowledge required in implementation of ERP we see that knowledge not only has to be from inside organization. It is from the team implementing it, the one working technically for system and the one who actually is the supplier. That means that smooth flow of the knowledge form ERP implementation team to and employee of department is required and success is the intersection of all. The article talks about two major area including Tactic knowledge and organizational memory. The challenge of tacit knowledge sharing is somewhat due to the fact that the process knowledge is having a particular path so that employees may be non-aware about the separate steps which are gone through in the process and have difculty communicating it clearly. While talking about organizational memory it basically is the history and standards of storage of knowledge of organization. Knowledge in todays has overpowering progresses in information technology like that design and execution of information systems in maintenance of organizational knowledge. In order to implement information system research we have to have a deep organizational knowledge. A branch of philosophy states that either knowledge is tactic or explicit. The first one is related to personal and is difficult to state. While the latter is clearly and openly stated. The classified view of knowledge includes Data, Information and Knowledge. Data is the raw facts which are processed to become information. Authenticated information by human observation is considered to be knowledge. In practice, what organizations in real manage under the name of knowledge management, is a mixture of knowledge, information and data. The hierarchical nature of knowledge is seen in knowledge management initiatives. Organizations aiming on data and information levels are more likely to
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choose approaches involving data warehouses statistical analysis and other similar tools while focus on knowledge level normally leads to initiatives like communities of practice. The understanding of this characteristic of knowledge as well as recognizing the tacit or explicitness of knowledge exist in in the minds of individuals or in the collective organizational memory act as a basis in determining the type of knowledge management strategies and initiatives for an organization. Enterprise system let companies to have a merging point and combined view of the organizational information by means of centralized databases and incorporated business procedures through different divisions and departments. It could be said that as the result of enterprise system implementation the organizational information and knowledge converges across different divisions and departments on an organization wide scope. IT experts need to know more about the business processes and business process experts need to increase their knowledge about the IT systems in place in their organization. However this junction on the organizational level tends to turn into deviation as we move down to the individual level. For example, an employee working in customer billing section will need to know more about the IT systems as well as other business areas such as production and accounting. Similarly, the IT experts need to know more about different subject areas to implement the need system and check the feedback. ERP team is the focus of activities in every ERP implementation project. This team is in charge of implementing enterprise system in multiple stages. It includes the identification of what is needed, what are the gaps and how to implement followed by the training of employees to work with it. Enterprise systems are used to increase the organizational efciency by having the smooth informational flow. The centralized systems help to maintain the flow of information. The other side of the picture shows that Knowledge management enterprises target at organizing the knowledge through organized knowledge warehouses of categorical knowledge thus creating flexibility. And the studies disapprove the fact that was to be believed earlier that organizations can go for only one of them. Knowledge management can assist the adopting companies and the consulting rms through different stages of the enterprise system life cycle. On a general view, enterprise system life cycle involves selecting, implementing and using the enterprise system. In selecting stage, knowledge management systems are used to select the most appropriate enterprise package for organization. The implementation stage includes the practicing and gets familiarization. In the using stage to get desired output data is entered in the software. Knowledge management systems that provide the correct and well-timed information for such
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issues seem to be a requirement for organization adopting these. In short all phases of the enterprise system life cycle it is difficult to depict tacit knowledge and it is difficult to be systematized using formal knowledge sources and the knowledge management techniques because it does not have a same moving pattern like process knowledge. Business processes are of two types. Canonical processes are which are the standard, official and recognized and noncanonical which are the informal processes during working. ERP knowledge is considered with two perspective stated above. Hence the ERP packages do not only cater for explicit knowledge but also for the tactic one. For the tactic knowledge communication and informal relationship between the source and the recipient of knowledge is important and should be timely bound. The transmission of explicit and tacit knowledge during enterprise system implementation process is divided into two phases. Implementation is basically the canonical process and best options related to it. While integration refers to refers to merging of old values and new values in an organization. And this is where organization gets a competitive advantage against its competitors. As the standard and explicit knowledge implementation is the same for them but tactic knowledge makes the difference that how well it is integrated and merged with the organizational culture. Tacit knowledge sharing is classied into different categories like knowledge sharing within the ERP team and among team members. After the knowledge is shared it is important that it is also retained. Hierarchy of team based structure also influences knowledge sharing. Those who are not new will have some difficulties. Organizational strategies also effect tactic knowledge sharing. So, what actually is being done, the processes in an organization and they are not just confined to a single person or just a team and not a learning of a single person so it is regarded as the organizational memory. So when ever implementation is done it is accordance with the organizational memory. And when implementation is needed to be done some managers find it hard to adjust as organizational memory becomes barrier to them. To sort out that problem ERP systems allow customization and it replaces the existing system whatever is related to it. It is concluded that the Tactic knowledge sharing implementers during enterprise system implementation is affected by team collaborations and atmosphere of the team and process knowledge sharing by the Influential core ERP and the consultants that are hired. Thus when ERP systems are used they give a competitive advantage regarding how well the knowledge is integrated. And how the hurdles are removed in order to remove the barriers of knowledge.
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