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JOE (17) is in the common room and is getting a bottle of water from the vending machine. JOE is drinking a bottle of water, and puts the empty bottle in the bin and he then sits down on the sofa relaxing. JOE then realises that he needs the loo. He shows this by a sudden look on his face. JOE gets up and walks to the sixth form doors. INT: SIXTH FORM CORRIDOR DAYTIME JOE walks to the toilets. JOE enters the toilets. INT: SIXTH FORM COMMON ROOM DAYTIME JOE appears in the sixth form common room, with his belt undone (showing to the audience that he was about to go to the loo) JOE has a shocked look on his face and quickly does up his belt in embarrassed manner. JOE looks around and realises that he is back in the common room. JOE briskly walks towards the sixth form common doors. INT: SIXTH FORM COMMON ROOM DAYTIME JOE walks back towards the toilets and pushes on the doors only to realise that the doors are locked, (while doing this he has a confused facial expression). JOE turns around and looks around for the cleaner but nobody is there. JOE quickly walks to the exit of the sixth form common room. INT: SIXTH FORM COMMON ROOM ENTRANCE DAYTIME JOE exits the sixth form common room. INT: OUTSIDE AREA DAYTIME JOE briskly walks across the English block, JOE opens the door quickly. INT: SCHOOL CORRDIOR DAYTIME

HANNAH (17), LAUREN (17), GEOGIA(17) AND LEEYA (17) are talking in a semi-circle talking and giggling. JOE walks in and spots the girls and slightly blushes at HANNAHS presence. HANNAH gets eye contact with JOE (during eye contact JOE walks very slowly almost trance like) LAUREN, GEOGIA and LEEYA start giggling and eye the banana skin on the floor. JOE and HANNAH still holding eye contact. JOE steps on a banana skin and skids over, with a facial expression of shock and embarrassment. HANNAH, LAUREN, GEOGIA, LEEYA laugh. JOE gets up and walks away full of shame and humiliated. JOE goes towards the toilet and opens the door with a sigh of relief when the door opens. JOE enters the toilets. INT: SIXTH FORM COMMON ROOM DAYTIME JOE appears in the sixth form common room, with his belt undone again, JOE facial expression is full of shock and confusion and slightly angry. JOE quickly does up his belt and jogs towards the sixth form doors. INT: SIXTH FORM CORRIDOR DAYTIME JOE stops jogging and looks at the sixth form toilets with doubt and anger. JOE tiredly walks towards the toilets and pulls the handle but the door is still locked. JOE looks at the door for a couple of seconds (worried face expression) and runs off to look for another toilet, with a desperate (desperation is visible) look on his face. INT: SIXTH FORM ENTRANCE/EXIT DAYTIME JOE runs out the common room. INT: OUTSIDE AREA DAYTIME JOE runs across the outside area towards the school block, JOE stops and looks to the right, and sees the other door, JOE shakes his head in annoyance. JOE jogs over to the other door and pulls to open it, but the door is lock, JOE sighs. JOE runs to the other door. JOE opens the door and goes in.

INT: SCHOOL CORRIDOR DAYTIME JOE enters the school block and passes the girls again. HANNAH, LAUREN, GOEGIA AND LEEYA laugh at him as he passes. JOE avoids eye contact with the HANNAH. JOE runs down the corridor and turns left (perspiration is getting worse) and turns right. JOE stops and looks at the toilets with relief. JOE walks towards the toilet with triumph. CLEANING LADY appears and stops JOE from going to the toilet. The CLEANING LADY points to the yellow cleaning sign and uses her hands to push him away and then carries on cleaning with her back to him. Throughout this JOE protests. JOE says this in desperation (PLEASE LADY!) The CLEANING LADY turns to look at him (CANT YOU READ THE SIGN? CLEANING LADY IS CLEANING) JOE shows a pleading face expression with hands in begging position. (THESE ARE DESPERATE TIMES) CLEANING LADY (OK MAKE IT QUICK, I AM BUSY CLEANING LADY) JOE says this is grateful voice (THANK YOU THANK YOU) JOE enters the toilets and lets a sigh of relief. INT: SIXTH FORM COMMON ROOM DAYTIME

JOE appears in the common room with his belt undone. JOE opens his eyes and looks around him with pitiful/sad look on his face. JOE drops to his knees and shouts (holds the why for about 5 seconds) (WHY!?)

JOE gets up and does his belt up and wipes the sweat off with the back of his hand. He looks left then right then runs for the exit. INT: SIXTH FORM COMMON ROOM DAYTIME

JOE stops halfway in the corridor to looks at the toilet that is always locked. He shakes his head in disbelief. The toilet doors are open. He laughs and starts to walk towards the toilet. MR BROMELY appears

MR BROMELY points a coming here finger towards JOE. JOE goes up to him and looks down at him then points to the detention sign on the private study room door. JOE follows the MR BROMLY into the study room INT: SIXTH FORM PRIVATE STUDY ROOM DAYTIME

JOE sits down with desperation on his face. MR BROMLEY makes sure that he is seated then leaves. JOE looks at the clock. JOE gets up cautionly and walks to the door. JOE sticks his head out of the door and looks left to right to make sure that no body is there. When he is happy that no one is there is goes leaves the room, slightly crouching. JOE rolly pollies to the exit before exiting he looks left then right then exits. INT: SIXTH FORM ENTRANCE/EXIT DAYTIME

JOE runs out of the sixth form common room INT: OUTSIDE AREA DAYTIME

JOE runs across towards the school block INT: SCHOOL CORRIDOR DAYTIME

JOE runs fastly past the HANNNAH, LAUREN, GEOGIA and LEEYA paying no attention to them but all four GIRLS watch him as he runs down the corridor. JOE passes the CLEANING LADY and jumps over her yellow cleaning sign. JOE passes MR BROMLEY. JOE spots the CARETAKER who has the toilet keys to lock the toilets.

JOE (SHOUTS) (NOOOOOOOOOOOO) CARETAKER (LAUGHING ALMOST) (NOPE, SORRY SON, LOCK UP TIME, HOLD IT TO WHEN YOU GO HOME) After the CARETAKER vanishes/disappears CARETAKE disappears JOE picks them with says that the CARETAKER right in front of JOES eyes. As the the toilet keys are dropped to the floor. care and opens the toilet. JOE walks in.

Short while later JOE comes out of the toilet and throws his hands in the air and cheers with a triumph look on his face. INT: TELETUBBY LAND DAYTIME

The CARETAKES is standing in the middle of the field looking bewildered and suddenly realises that he needs the loo. He looks in his pocket for the toilet keys but realises they are not there. FADE OUT

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