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Name: OMAGENE, Sheyi Student Number: 007710257 Email:

uk Scholarship: GFP, IGSS Program: MSC Start Date: Winter 2013 Thesis Supervisor: Dr Carson Leung B.Sc ND Information & Communication Technology Computer Science Presbyterian Univ. College Universal College Of Tech. Ghana Sept 2008 Dec 2010 Nigeria Sept 2005 Sept 2007


Odjesawha Gift, Sheyi Omagene: Organizational Effect of Human Resources Management System, NACOSS Week Universal College Of Technology, June 2007, 67-71 Sheyi Omagene, Derick Lamptey, Selorm Dakpey: Registration and School fees Management system for JSS. ICT Group 5 Departmental Presentation, March 2009, 10-15. Omagene Sheyi, Jane Riche: Effect of Computer Aided learning for Junior Secondary Student and Society: A Case Study of Junior Secondary School, Nigeria. ICTUSA Outreach, November 2009 Omagene Sheyi: Economic Decision Support System for Production Profit and Price Analysis: A Case Study of Cosmetics Industry, Nigeria. ICTUSA Workshop May 2010, 23-25 Omagene Sheyi: Factors Affecting Productive Efficiency with Production Administrative and Management System (PAMS): A Case Study of Bawocal Nigeria Limited. CGM Youth Entrepreneur Conference September 2011, 20-23

RESEARCH STATEMENT Businesses and Industries have collected operational data for years, and continue to accumulate ever-larger amounts of data at ever-increasing rates as transaction databases become more powerful, communication networks grow, and the flow of commerce expands.

With the Manufacturing sector as my primary target, due to my previous research in Decision Support System for production, profit and Price analysis, I primarily intend to further my research by employing data ware housing and mining techniques to support and enhance decision support services, analysis and making. Having these research questions in mind:

- What procedures can be employed or applied to enhancing decision support services? - How beneficial and to what measure will data warehousing and mining technology benefit the decision support activity of the organization? - What future trends and effect will this technology have on business as well as the organization and industry? - Can the use of a centralized data house/store and advance extraction of hidden predictive information from large databases solve the problem of timely decision making, evaluation and presentation? - How reliable will the system result? - How can database data and information be ensured integrity? - How can data/information from several databases in different department and sites/location be efficiently extracted and centralized?

The research will specifically address issues on the above questions and also on Information gathering, data capturing, data verification and validation, data transformation/processing/storage, Rule Induction and data visualization, data retrieval and presentation, knowledge processing and decision analysis.

Employing the Dimensional Modelling methodology, data extraction, selection, transformation and loading ETL process, online analytical processing (OLAP) techniques, I intend to develop three different data design model and prototype. This designed prototype will critically be analyzed, tested and compared.

The research will provide an efficient, reliable, consistent, better and advance strategies, timeliness in efficient economic data protesting, predictions and forecasting for decision support. The System Data mining tools will ensure reliable predictions of future trends and behaviors, allowing businesses to make proactive, knowledge-driven decisions from the information in the data warehouse. I am sure that the success of my research/findings with all necessary support will, no doubt, be beneficial to the body of knowledge, the University, the manufacturing sector as well as other sectors.


Award of Excellence Award Of Merit

Universal College of Technology, Nigeria2007 Information & Communication Tech. Undergraduate Student Association, Presbyterian Univ. College, Ghana 13th May 2010 International Student Association, Presbyterian Univ. College, Ghana 15th May 2010

Academic Excellence

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