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English Language Vocabulary for English Language(ESL) Students By Ihsan Chaudhary 0321-6651131/ihsanfsd@yahoo.

com Chapter 1:
( literary ) an ugly old woman elder / BrE eld(r) ; NAmE eldr / adj., noun 1 [ only before noun ] ( of people, especially two members of the same family ) older my elder brother his elder sister eld er ly / BrE eldli ; NAmE eldrli / 1 ( of people ) used as a polite word for old an elderly couple elderly relatives gen er ation / BrE denren ; NAmE denren / 1 [ C +sing./pl. v. ] all the people who were born at about the same time the younger/older generation My generation have grown up without the experience of a world war. I often wonder what future generations will make of our efforts. fresh-faced / BrE ; NAmE / having a young, healthy-looking face fresh-faced kids geri at ric / BrE deritrk ; NAmE deritrk / 1 geriatrics [ U ] the branch of medicine concerned with the diseases and care of old people 2 [ C ] ( informal , offensive ) an old person, especially one with poor physical or mental health I'm not a geriatric yet, you know! geri at ric adj. the geriatric ward (= in a hospital) a geriatric vehicle (= old and in bad condition) gnarled / BrE nld ; NAmE nrld / 2 ( of a person or part of the body ) bent and twisted because of age or illness gnarled hands in fant ile / BrE nfntal ; NAmE nfntal / 1 ( disapproving ) typical of a small child (and therefore not suitable for adults or older children) childish infantile jokes ju ven ile / BrE duvnal ; NAmE duvnl / adj., noun 2 ( disapproving ) silly and more typical of a child than an adult childish juvenile behaviour Don't be so juvenile! lad / BrE ld ; NAmE ld / 1 [ C ] ( old-fashioned or informal , BrE ) a boy or young man Things have changed since I was a lad. He's a nice lad. Hurry up, lad.


crone / BrE krn ; NAmE kron /

compare lass lass / BrE ls ; NAmE ls / ( also las sie / BrE lsi ; NAmE lsi / ) ( ScotE , NEngE ) a girl; a young woman compare lad , laddie lass / BrE ls ; NAmE ls / ( also las sie / BrE lsi ; NAmE lsi / ) ( ScotE , NEngE ) a girl; a young woman compare lad , laddie Oxford University Press, 2010 Oxford Advanced Learners Dictionary, 8th edition Me thu selah / BrE mjuzl ; NAmE mjuzl / used to describe a very old person I'm feeling older than Methuselah. From Methuselah, a man in the Bible who is supposed to have lived for 969 years. mid life / BrE mdlaf ; NAmE mdlaf / [U ] the middle part of your life when you are neither young nor old It is not difficult to take up a new career in midlife midlife stresses minor / BrE man(r) ; NAmE manr / adj., noun, verb 1 ( law ) a person who is under the age at which you legally become an adult and are responsible for your actions It is an offence to serve alcohol to minors. He was jailed for having sex with a minor. OAP / BrE e pi ; NAmE o / ( BrE , becoming old-fashioned ) the abbreviation for old-age pensioner adults 4.50, children and OAPs 3 old bat / BrE ; NAmE / ( BrE , informal , disapproving ) a silly or annoying old person Daft old bat. What's she keeping all that cash in the house for? old maid / BrE ; NAmE / ( old-fashioned , disapproving ) a woman who has never married and is now no longer young old dear / BrE ; NAmE / ( BrE , informal ) an old woman se nile / BrE sinal ; NAmE sinal / behaving in a confused or strange way, and unable to remember things, because you are old I think she's going senile . sen il ity / BrE snlti ; NAmE snlti / noun [ U ] an old man on the verge of senility tod dler / BrE tdl(r) ; NAmE tdlr / a child who has only recently learnt to walk tot / BrE tt ; NAmE tt / noun, verb

1 ( informal ) a very young child TV programmes for tiny tots under age / BrE ndred ; NAmE ndred / [ only before noun ] done by people who are too young by law underage drinking wun der kind / BrE wndknd ; NAmE wndrknd / ( pl. wunder kind er / BrE wndknd(r) ; NAmE wndrkndr / ) ( from German , sometimes

disapproving )
a person who is very successful at a young age

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