Implementation of Production Management System

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CHAPTER FOUR IMPLEMENTATION/RESULTS The system implementation involves the deployment of the system, the system testing and

the installation. This process or phase involves where the developed system will be put in place to be used in the case study. The system after construction was tested to ensure that there were no errors both logical and physical. The errors were fixed before the system was installed. To install the system there are some system specific requirements that needs to be in place before the system can work effectively and efficiently The system was constructed in modules. A functional class was created for all the major operations. This class carries the functional methods and variables. These classes were all implemented in the GUI forms to reduce the complexity and bulkiness of the code. This also aided reusability of the code. A general utility class object was created and this carried general method implemented and used by all other classes and object. The construction was done following the laid down design specification in the chapter three of the documentation. 1. Java was use as the API for the research development. This was because of the object oriented programming capability of Java. However, the Netbeans 7.0 was used because of its rapid development, to develop some aspect like the GUI of the program. However some of the code have to be developed manually. 2. The database or back end was developed using mysql. My sql was the best option considering it flexibility, ease to manage and maintain. Developing the database was enhanced and more rapid due to the EMS mysql manager that was employed. Some other reason for the selection of the API (Java) was its platform independent and cross platform functionality. The backend (Mysql) is very easy to install and deploy the system database. It is also free and open source. The reporting tool of mysql also motivated the choice and option

The system login interface as shown above was programmed to capture the system suer credentials to control access to the system. The user provide his username and password to the system and press or click the login button. This then search for the user credential from the database to validate the user. However this can only be done trice at a trial. For every attempt the login attempt is incremented by one. At the third time of trial and the credentials are still not correct then system then halts.

The interface above shows the system supplier registration and management interface. At new registration of a supplier. The registrant how is an employee enters carefully the details of the supplier in the different field and categories which include personal

information, bank details, other information, raw material supplied and others. However on the main tab the user can search for a supplier details by providing the search criteria and the search data. The customer, employee, user, department and other registration works and function the same way.

When the form is filled on the different tabs of the registration and the save registration button is clicked, the data and validated and ensured correctness. Once this is done the data are inserted into the database table assigned to it. The serial number of the record is generated automatically as this is an auto increment field in the database. The ID is then created using the get date and time algorithm and is then update in the database table and

- System Installation Requirement Hardware, Software, Human Requirement The software and hardware so important and is required for the system to work efficiently. For the software for the system to function effectively and efficiently, The systems minimum installation requirements must be ensured. They are as follows: - Windows Version: 98, 2000, 2003, Xp and above. Also supports all 32-bit windows operating systems. - Memory Capacity: Must have a minimum of 10MB of disk space for the installation and running of the software. - RAM Capacity: 128MB SIMM or DIMM memory or more. - Display System: CRT/LCD monitor with screen resolution of 1024 by 768 and color quality of 32bit. The implementation stage as stated earlier is the stage that involves the integration of the whole system, system delivery, system installation including several tests and quality testing, assurance and evaluation. First the network phase implementation was carried out. This involved the design and deployment of the system network architecture and configuration 4.0.1 Network Installation and Implementation From the design specification the network was planned and structured. The network floor plan was developed which was a major consideration in order not to have communication failure and inefficiency of the computer network. The network architecture employed is the traditional server and client technology using the star topology and a class C network addressing. Also the network deployed a TCP/IP address protocol. The network hardware components were installed in place and their necessary operating system and other utility

software were installed. Some of them are the driver utilities, firewalls and antivirus to ensure security and other application packages which will support office management. The switch, connecting devices and cables were installed and tested to ensure positive communication between clients and server. As said earlier the star topology was employed in the development of the network. The server will be located in a secure server room while the clients machine includes major offices like the managers, experts, Directors and departments distributed via a LAN network. 4.0.2 Database Installation and Implementation The system database will be installed in the server machine in the server room and to run on the network. The database server edition will be installed on database server machine and deployed on the system network. After the successful development of the network, the database was created and installed. This was done on two Machines. One, on the main database server and two, on the backup server. The relational database management software installed to manage the system database was my-sql server. This database server was selected due to its simplicity, security, flexibility, compatibility, functionality etcetera. The my-sql server software was installed in the server which will enable all clients to connect to it to access and manage data via the java my-sql connector 1.1.18 which serves as a gate way for the clients to connect to the systems server database. The my-sql connector was installed on the server alone as the system software will connect to the system database via the network server address and login credentials. After successful installation and administration of the DBMS on the server, the database created was installed as noted earlier and configured. 4.0.2 Systems Program Installation and Implementation All systems program modules developed were compiled, debugged and were tested. The modules were afterward integrated to produce the full working module of the projects software. The full software and other specification necessary were packaged following the packaging specification in chapter three. The software was installed and configured in the system application server machine. This application server hard drive will be mapped so as all client connected to the network automatically can access the system application installed software and run the software. All system and installation requirements for the machine as stated earlier in this chapter were strictly adhered to. The software is to be operated from clients machine and with the aid of the Java mysql connector installed on the application and database server the program or software from all clients machine can access the database on the server via the computer network. The software as designed and constructed will require

authentication before access is granted to the system and its database from server. All other supporting software (proxy softwares) were also installed and configured Part of the software implementation was elaborated in the system design phase of chapter three of this documentation. The software was developed with java programming language and employing the Object Oriented system development methodology. The system design interface was carefully design to suit he client or system users want and flexibility.

SYSTEM TESTING The system testing strategy involves the ordered laid out plan or procedure, analysed and broken down for testing the system during and after its development. The system testing involved processes, such as cross examination, inspections, evaluation, reviews. This was done at each stage of the system and software process development ranging from the system and user requirements definition to program development. The unit or component testing was the first primary testing carried out on the system - Component (unit) testing Thee component or unit testing is a test where individual components were tested to ensure that they operate correctly. This testing was carried out majorly as the system was being programmed. The several system components or units were tested independently and separately without and interaction or involvement with other unit of the system. The components involved started from the design phase of the system development. Details of other testing categories are explained below. - System Test After all modules were integrated to make up the main system, it was finally tested by system testers, penetration and security testers though all sub components or sub systems integrated to make up the system have been tested. This process was concerned with finding errors that result from unanticipated interactions between sub components and component interface problems. It was also was concerned with validating that the system to check if functional and non-functional requirements were met. The system holders were also involved at this stage of testing. This is to ensure functionality and completeness. - Acceptance Test This the final stage in the testing strategy. Before the system, after deployment was submitted for operational use it was tested by the system users. The system was tested with real organizations data supplied by the department and other data resources as shown in the systems use case diagram in chapter 3. The primary objective of the acceptance testing was

to reveal errors and omissions in the system requirement definition because the real data exercise the system in different ways from the test data. the testing was to ensure completeness, operation ability, error validation and verification objective and well as completeness. The system functional requirement and specification were considered greatly in this testing strategy. It also test to see if the users and stakeholders of the system can effectively operated the system without errors.

SYSTEM EVALUATION The primary aim of software quality assurance is to assure a conformance to the entire stated functional, performance and user or customers requirement. Also to ensure that a high and good standard was attained is another goal. This was also a reason for an exhaustive testing strategies. Some of the qualities evaluated against are: reliability, security, strength, adaptability (OS), memory usage, storage capability, database connection capability, program generated error report system, system halt error. A SQA plan was developed which contain certain activities and task to be followed so as to efficiently ensure quality and carry out SQA test and evaluation. These activities include: - Evaluate reviews and audit software processes, models and methodologies. - Process selection for work to be done and to make sure process conforms to organizations policy, internal software standards and external imposed standards. - Review software engineering activities to ensure and verify they comply with defined processes. - Audit test and review carried on every software module both in design and implementation phase. - Ensure design quality and conformance qualities are assured. - Ensure that software engineering activities and work conforms to the documented procedure. - Coordination of control and management of change. Analyze software metrics - Carries penetration and security test. - Compares software outputs with system, user and customers requirement. - Review and evaluate system User interfaces, functionality and performance requirements. Aside all these SQA activities other major factors considered when conducting the SQA was to attain the attributesof good software these includes: - Good structure and organization of the source program - Increasing software response time.

- Understandability of program code - High and good instructiveness. - Simplicity and security - Reliability, dependability, efficiency and usability.

4.3DOCUMENTATION The user manual which is going to be developed will contain only the informations of how to use the system and to ensure the smooth and efficient usage of the system. the documentation also will contain the system development processes, strategies and issues. The methodology, design concepts ans well as a not on every phase of the system development will be documented. It involves all the activities of the system starting from the problem definition and statements to project initiation, analysis, requirement documentation, information gathering and processing, data specifications, installation, implementation and maintenance issues and plans. The user manual will also be a part of he documentation but the user manual will only contain instructions on how the system software is going to be installed and operated. This is going to be a pictorial documentation. Right from the project start and initiation, documentations were made even till the delivery, implementation and closing of the project. Documentation is an activity that spans through the development of the system. The documentation also includes various diagrams in different chapters, the diagrams were reviewed to ensure that they comply and conform to the actual physical designs and implementations. The documentation was made as elaborate as possible to ensure that other system designers and developers could read it and get a very good understanding of the system and its functionality to aid for easy continuation and guide for future research. However following the system documentation a training will be arranged for the system users on the implementation of the system. this is going to b a two days intensive training and presentation. This will go a long way to get the users more equipped in the operation of the system, maintenance of the system and to ensure the adequate and expected functionality of he system. In order to properly use the system after installation the user has to be trained and provided with an appropriate document (user manual or user guide) in order to efficiently run the system without any form of stress. The training programme as planned, will be done a week after the installation of the system before it can be used completely.

The information ranges from logical usage of the system, user interfaces, databases, report handling and generation, monitoring the system, system administration, parts and functionality of the system and every other important information concerned with using the system effectively. The user manual also includes network, installation and implementation information and configuration issues.

Fig 4.1 Supplier Management Interface

Fig 4.1 System Login Interface

Fig 4.1 Raw Material Management Interface

Fig 4.1 Purchasing Management Interface

Fig 4.1 Order Management Interface

Fig 4.1 System Main Home Interface

Fig 4.1 System Inventory Management Interface

Fig 4.1 Search Human Management Interface

Employee management interface

Customer management interface

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