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Unit 1 1. 2. State the linear property of Fourier Transform. An FM signal with 90 MHz carrier having a modulation index of 7.25 when modulated with a 10 kHz audio signal. Find the maximum frequency deviation. 3. If the power of unmodulated carrier of an AM transmitter is 10 kW. The power of the transmitter is found to be 11.8 kW when modulated. Find the modulation index. 4. 5. State the Carsons rule for determination of the bandwidth of FM signal. What is Image Frequency?


Draw the waveform and the spectrum if a 80 kHz carrier is amplitude modulated by a 10 kHz sine wave using DSB Full-carrier AM with modulation index of 0.5


Explain with neat sketch of the waveforms, the relation between Frequency Modulation and Phase Modulation.


A 90 MHz carrier is frequency modulated by an audio signal of maximum frequency 16 kHz. If the modulation index of the FM wave is 3, find the bandwidth of the FM signal using Carsons rule.


State the expression for Phase Modulated and Frequency Modulated signal with carrier frequency fc, modulated with a sinusoidal message signal m(t) = sin(2fmt). Draw a neat sketch of the both the signals along with the message signal.

Unit 2 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Define critical frequency. What is the characteristic impedance of a transmission line? Define reflection coefficient. For a 27 MHz transmitter of power 10 Watts, find the path loss for a distance of 900m. What is a White Gaussian Noise?


A coaxial transmission line with a distributed impedance of 100 nH/m and capacitance of 150 pF/m. If the line is terminated by a load of impedance 50, find the reflection coefficient and SWR.


Explain the concept of a distributed and lumped parameter model and hence derive an expression of the characteristic impedance for a transmission line.


Write short notes on the following; (i) Ground wave propagation, (ii) Space wave propagation, (iii) Sky wave propagation, (iv) Maximum Usable Frequency.


A transmitter and a receiver stations are located 300 km apart. The virtual height of the ionosphere is 200 km and its critical frequency fCR is 12 MHz. Neglecting the curvature of the earth, find the Maximum Usable Frequency between the stations.

Unit 3 1. 2. 3. State Nyquists Theorem. What is aliasing? If an analog signal is quantized to 512 levels, find the number of bits required to represent each sample.


4. 5.

Differentiate FSK and PSK. Define BER.

6. 7.

Define quantization noise. Derive an expression for the quantization noise power for a digital signal. A channel with AWG Noise of 2 W is used to transmit a digital data of 5 Mbps. If the available bandwidth is 500 kHz, find the minimum signal power required for error free communication using Shannons theorem.


Derive an expression for ASK and deduce the frequency spectrum of it. Estimate the minimum bandwidth required for an ASK.


Write short notes on TDM.

Unit 4 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. State the difference between LAN and WAN. Differentiate even parity and odd parity codes. What is ASCII codes? An 8 bit parallel interface of 1200 words/s is converted into a serial interface. find the bit rate. What is ISDN?

6. 7.

Draw and explain the functionalities provided by each layers in the OSI 7 layer architecture. Explain serial and parallel interface, with examples for each. Discuss the advantages and disadvantages for both.

8. 9.

Explain how error detection and correction could be achieved in a digital transmission. Draw the logical circuit for generating the even-parity bit for a 5 bit word. How many errors in a word could be detected?

Unit 5 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Define look angles. Define path loss. What is a geostationary orbit? Define multipath dispersion. What are its effects? Define numerical aperture.


A fiber with a propagation loss of 2 dB/km, is run from a city to another on a 300 km path. There are 30 connectors on the path connecting the fiber sections. Each of the connectors introduces a loss of 3 dB. If the required optical power output at the receiver is 3 W, find the power of the LASER source that should be used at the transmitter. (Ignore any other losses)

7. 8. 9.

Derive from the fundamentals, the necessary velocity to keep a satellite in a circular orbit. State and explain Keplers laws. A satellite is to be launched in a circular orbit such that it revolves around the

earth once for every 8

hours. Find the height of the required orbit if the mass of the earth M = 5.974x10 kg and mean radius is re= 6371 km. Assume the gravitational constant G = 6.673 x 10-11 Nm2/kg2


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