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The Weekly Newsletter of Tockington Manor School

22nd June 2012

Heartiest congratulations to our Year 8 pupils who are now moving on to their senior schools. For the first time ever none of the children needed to sit Common Entrance as a result of all their hard work throughout their time at TMS and especially in Year 8. They all gained places to their first choice schools as a result of either being awarded a scholarship or passing the schools own entrance exam. Name Nathan Adams Cesar Benito Tobias Burden Eleanor Clark Andres Gallego Jason Ingamells Mimi James Rebecca Moss Jessica Portch Simon Sheppard Angel Tse Thomas Underwood Daisy Williamson School Wycliffe College Returning to Spain QEH The Red Maids School Returned to Spain Monmouth School Clifton High School The Red Maids School Redland High School QEH Chase Academy QEH Clifton High School Gained Award Passed Entrance Exam Headmistress Scholarship Passed Entrance Exam Academic Scholarship Passed Assessment Passed Entrance Exam All Round Award Passed Entrance Exam Passed Entrance Exam Result Academic Scholarship & Sports Scholarship

Romeo et Juliette
On Thursday afternoon, directly after the exams were finished, Years 6, 7 and 8 were bussed through the driving rain to Haberdashers Monmouth School for Girls for a challenging performance of Romeo et Juliette in the sumptuous surroundings of their very own theatre. The performance was the French musical version of Shakespeares play with lines of the original as Shakespeare intended spoken to enhance the plot. The performance was inspiring, with girls from Year 4 to Year 12 singing complex songs in French. The lead part, played by Rhiannon Lewis and her counterpart, Fiona Osberedjo, who played Mercutio, were particularly well played with very good spoken French which even our EAL children from France felt convinced by. We were also treated to some beautiful, graceful ballet dancing and gymnastics which gave the performance some colour. In the interval, the children feasted on delicious cookies and squash and met Henry Thompson who was at TMS until he left in Year 8. This was an ambitious project which, I hope, inspired our children. Judith Case Head of English

Would parents of children in Years 6, 7 and 8 please remember to collect the necessary kit and clothing from school for your childs trip next week. Day children in Years 6, 7 and 8 should take home their sports equipment, e.g. tennis racquets, cricket bats, etc so that they are not left unattended in the changing rooms while the children are at camp. Boarders equipment will be locked away at school. Would parents please note that children going on Year 6 and Year 8 camps are not allowed to take any mobile phones or electrical goods with them.

Long Exeat
Long Exeat begins at 2.00 pm on Friday 29th June for children in the Upper School at the end of their camp and activity week (no evening activities). However, school will remain open because of our overseas boarders. Year 7 are expected to arrive back from France at approximately 4.00 pm.

2012 Tockington Manor School, Washingpool Hill Road, Tockington, Bristol, BS32 4NY.

The Weekly Newsletter of Tockington Manor School

22nd June 2012

The annual South-West Prep Schools Athletics Championships at Millfields international class venue reaped rewards for the excellent squad of athletes from Tockington Manor School on Friday 15th June. The outstanding performance was the win in the U12 boys 800m by Thornbury based Year 5 runner Max Curtis. He ran to an impressive victory, powering home from the final bend to finish ahead of Tockingtons Alexander Grocott who finished 4th despite being only 9 years old! Max now qualifies for the National Championships at the Alexander Stadium, Birmingham in July. Gerardo Torres, a Year 6 pupil, came 2nd in the U12 boys 1500m and may yet qualify for the nationals. Other notable performances included Nathan Adams reaching the final of the U14 boys 400m, Seren Clayton coming 4th in the U12 girls 800m and Eloi de Cosse Brissac coming 4th in the U13 shot putt after leading the competition before his final attempt. The following pupils also competed at the meeting: Tobias Burden, Mimi James, Oliver Harris, Andre Juilhard, Hugo Watts, Jack Brain and Lauren Clark.

Sapphire Ball Many thanks to those of you who have donated prizes for our auction and raffle. If you would like to donate something please hand it in to the office. Anita Williamson, FOTM Chairman

Boarding in Activity Week

During Activity Week (25-29 June) we invite the younger children to come and join us in the boarding house for an evening of activities and a taster night in the boarding house with their friends. If you would like your child to board, please let Mrs Dengel know, or sign up at the back lobby desk. Year 3 Monday night Year 5 Tuesday night Year 4 Wednesday night.

Swimming Success
Congratulations to Bellayia Lazarides who took part in the Severnside Tritons Swimming Gala yesterday. She swam in two races, coming third in the 50m backstroke and winning the 50m freestyle. Well done, Bellayia!

Match Tea
There will be match tea for everyone on Saturday 23rd June after the boys house cricket and the girls cricket tournament. Both of these start at 1.30 pm. Parents tea will be at 3.45 pm in the Common Room/Library with childrens tea in the Dining Room.

U13 Rounders Tournament

This was an excellent afternoon and all the matches were played with good spirit. The A tournament winners were Wycliffe and the B tournament winners were Tockington. Thanks to all involved. Mrs Wakeling

Lower School News

The Lower School will be celebrating the Olympics next week with a Quest for the Olympics drama workshop on Tuesday 26th June. On Thursday 28th June everyone in the Lower School will be spending the day at Bowood Adventure Playground. Would parents please note that all children will require two named towels for the swimming gala on Wednesday.

2012 Tockington Manor School, Washingpool Hill Road, Tockington, Bristol, BS32 4NY.

The Weekly Newsletter of Tockington Manor School

22nd June 2012

Swimming News
Congratulations to all our swimmers who took part in the Severnside Swimming Gala last Thursday. The competition, as always, was fierce with Beaudesert storming to victory. We, however, had our moments and new school records were set by the following pupils: Tobias Burden 1st place 18.01 backstroke (U13) Alex Grocott 1st place 25m crawl 19.71 (U9) Ellie Parker 1st place 50m free 44.97 (U9) Swimmers achieved a massive 95% personal best record, the best we have ever had! Analysing the results, it was pleasing to note that both the Under 9 Boys and Under 9 girls were runners-up in their age band with Ellie Parker and Alex Grocott challenging each other to new school records all afternoon. I would like to congratulate the Year 3 swimmers who show huge promise. Well done to Jessie and Bennie Sanzo, Jonathan Baguley, James Allen and Poppy Carter. The Under 13s came 3rd in their age band. Hopefully, with some outstanding Under 9 swimmers set to join the under 11s, their 4th position can be elevated next year. Sometimes though, an outstanding swim is not a 1st place and I would like to congratulate Simon Sheppard, Tobias Burden and Jess Portch for their outstanding swimming and superb leadership. They reduced their personal bests by magnificent amounts in all individual and relay races. Tobias eventually achieved the 1st place and new school record in backstroke he has yearned for, for many years. Well done! Mrs Hinchliffe

Oldbury Fun Run

There was a great Tockington turn out at the Oldbury Fun Run last Sunday. Congratulations to Alex Grocott who came third in his category and to Max Curtis who followed hot on his heels. The sun even came out to cheer them all on.

Politeness Award
Congratulations to the following children for being nominated for the Good Intention and Politeness Award this quarter. Poppy Carter, Larry Williamson, Hugo Watts, Hamish Gardner, Henry Allan-Jones, Harry Mather, Alex Ganfield and Amelia Dengel The worthy winner was Maria Garralda for her 'boundless enthusiasm and a deeply caring nature.

2012 Tockington Manor School, Washingpool Hill Road, Tockington, Bristol, BS32 4NY.

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