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Computer is an electronic device which operating under the control of instructions stored it owns memory and used in almost every field even where it is most unexpected. That is why this age is called as the era of IT. And now we cannot imagine a world without computers. Computer has become very important in pur daily life because computer is : very much accurate. Save time. Fast . Multitasking. Reliable. It can do very big calculations in just a fraction of a second. It can store huge amount of data in it. Social networking. Searching for informations. Job search. E-banking. Finance. Gathering Informations

Without using a computer its hard to complete those tasks manually and much more time is required. We also get information on different aspects using internet on our computer. Thus, computer is important in our life! Its like our own Arms. Without arms how possibly can we write? So same goes to Computer.


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B y : Adbroslan

WHY COMPUTER IS IMPORTANT? 2012 The Timeline Of Invention Of Computer

Year 1936 1942 1944 1946 1948 1947/48 1951 1953 1954 1955 (in use 1959) Inventor Konrad Zuse John Atanasoff & Clifford Berry Howard Aiken & Grace Hopper John Presper Eckert & John W.Mauchly Frederic Williams & Tom Kilburn John Bardeen, Walter Brattain & William Shockley John Presper Eckert & John W.Mauchly International Business Machines John Backus & IBM Stanford Research Institute, Bank Of America And General Electric Jack Kilby & Robert Noyce Steve Russell & MIT Douglas Englebart Faggin,Hoff & Mazor Alan Shugart & IBM Robert Metcalfe & xerox Dan Bricklin & Bob Frankston Seymour Rubenstein & Rob Barnaby Microsoft Computer Z1 Computer ABC Computer Harvard Mark I Computer ENIAC 1 Computer Manchester Baby Computer & The Williams Tube The Transistor UNIVAC Computer IBM 701 EDPM Computer FORTRAN Computer Programming Language ERMA and MICR

1958 1962 1964 1969 1970 1971 1971 1973 1974/75 1976/77 1978 1979 1981

The Integrated Circuit Spacewar Computer Game Computer Mouse & Windows ARPAne Intel 1103 Computer Memory Intel 4004 Computer Microprocessor The "Floppy" Disk The Ethernet Computer Networking Scelbi & Mark-8 Altair & IBM 5100 Computers Apple I, II & TRS-80 & Commodore Pet Computers VisiCalc Spreadsheet Software WordStar Software MS-DOS Computer Operating System Apple Macintosh Computer Microsoft Windows

1984 1985 Source:


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B y : Adbroslan


Introduction to Information Technology learning module - Rafizah mohd hanifa, Ida aryanie bahruddin, Shamsul Mohamad, Mohd Ezree Abdullah.


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B y : Adbroslan

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