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Report Writing An Industrial Accident Report

A report on the Fire Accident that Occurred on 15 March 2009 By The Safety Engineer Apple Motors Chennai 30 March 2009 The General Manager Apple Motors Mumbai Dear Sir Ref: your memo No. RM/ 71/C dated 16 March 2009 Sub: A report on the Fire Accident The following is a report on the fire accident that took place on 15 March 2009 at 11 p.m. It began with a short circuit at about 11 p.m. following which a fire broke out and spread widely. Within seconds, the fire became uncontrollable, burning and damaging several materials kept in the store room nearby. The news of the fire also spread but people stood stunned not knowing how to react. The mechanic on duty could not operate the fire extinguisher, either because of his ignorance or the extinguisher did not work. 1. The worst situation is of the watchman who was perhaps dozing off when the fire started. Though he was rushed to the hospital, his condition is acute. 2. Mr. N Karthick, the mechanic, was seriously injured and is now in the hospital though not in a critical condition. 3. The other employees on duty, Mr. J. Gopal, the Store Keeper, Mr. A. Ashok, the Store Clerk and Mr Vijay S., the night watchman were also slightly hurt. However, some first aid has been administered to them. As your memo expects my recommendations for averting similar accidents in the future, I am including the same for your kind perusal: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Temporary wiring and overloading of equipment should be avoided in the fire hazard area. Proper earthing should be installed to prevent electrical faults. Electrical installation should be periodically checked by competent persons. Smoking should be strictly prohibited because discarded cigarettes can cause fire. Gas cutting and welding operations should be avoided where high inflammable or combustible materials are stored.

6. Fire extinguishers should be installed and people taught how to operate them. 7. All live wires should be insulated with a non-conducting material in order to prevent short circuit. 8. Proper means of escape like exit doors, corridors, staircases etc should be provided to help people escape fire. All the facts stated above are true to my knowledge and belief.

S. Manesh Safety Engineer.

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